HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-BOH-1935 DOM. OE Ulm mamas 'N ITT OF ITWQA, N.T. tt REGt1IM MEETING SAM a. 1935 .2 . PRZSM &.--- Oormi.ssioners--tatterson,Liver:aore, MoCormiok.,Parker,VanPelt I nape ct or-- bWt Health Officer--"Oe Dairy- lAspe ct or--Kolar i&ilk 'T nape ct or--Bake r Dr.--Hauenstein Alderman----Conpbell Vice-Chairmaan Patterson presided in the absence of Mayor Smith who was making an inspection of arterial j highways through the City with State, District Engineer Pinsk. On 'motion of Commissioner Livermore,Ddotor McCormick was requested to convey to Commissioner Carey the Boardis regrets that he is ill and unable to attend the meeting- also to extend the Board's best wishes for his prompt and ial recovery. Minutes Minutes of the preceding :meeting 'were duly approved. Reports The,usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of 07. 50; the Venereal Clinic 0+.00; from the sale of Milk Licenses $92.00. The Board discussed the apparent steady . increase in known cases of Tuberculosis, as shown by the Health report. No definite agreement was reached as to the rtason, for such increase; some thought it was due to better reporting but all agreed that it was not a definite indication that the disease was increasing. It was also agreed that the next few years would probably tell the story and also show what effect the present depression will have on public health. The 'su wary of bacterilogical examinations of milk made -during 193 ,as reported W 'Dr. Homer, showed much better quality of milk than in 1933. Mo Hauenstein reported that the :milk a inati-ons for Decerber wore :vatip-» factory and that the publicity caused by the Boards a previous discussion of its exe-nination of chocolate milk evidently had beneficial results because the examinations made last month of this product showed considerable improvement. Mayor Smith arrived but requested Oommi.ssiover Patterson to continue as Chairman. Hi.lk Dr. Genung reported that he had rece vod; Bottle authorization frog State Department of Health far Capes the continued use of "Plug Caps" in lieu of caps covering the pouring lip of :milk bottles, beyond the present restricted date of January 1, 1935* The Clerk read the letter authorizing such extension. Dy Commissioner ,Liveri_1ore: seconded by Cori. VanPelt: RESOLVED: that the Health Officer notify all deaa,erw,tha,t the Board of Health hereby extends the time for the use of "Plug Caps" to July 1, 1935 for the purpose of permitting the dealers to use up their present supply and that positively no further extension will be allowed after July 11 1935- Carried t Audit It was roved, seconded and carried that the bills audited and a-pproved by the Finance Co-2--Attee be and the sw-ie are hereby approved for payment. It was :coved, seconded and carried that Vice-Chairman Patterson be re-elected as Vioe-Cnair:aan of the Board to act in the absence of the H-'ayor during 1935- On ::lotion resting adjourned. f .1� / City Clerk 2 BOARD OF HEALTH PRO CITY OF -ITHACA, X.-Yo, , W" DEETINGITA_ 1,1�1.x'35' P&It" PRE BENT-- Say or Smith Commissioners--.-Livermore,'Patterson,VanP ilt,. McCormick, Parker Al derman--Robl e Inspectors--Baker,Kolar Dr. County Lab.—Hauenstein Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting duly aptroved. Melton Alderman Noble reported on tie`?felt on case Case The Clerk also read a report thereon filed by Attorney Powers. The substance of the:. reports indicated that as soon as briefs were filed by each Attorney, the Court would render a deofsion;and" than if the decision was adverse to Mr. Melton, his Attorney would probably file an appeal which would further 4eley definite disposition of the case. Reports The usual monthly reports were 'r4d'.an(: ordered filed; the Visiting Nurse colli,:6ted 2.75; the Venereal Clinic $1.00 and from i:ilk I;j c,0nses 12.00. Milk Dr. Baker reported a record for exoellent milk examinations of producers for the past month which was --cibnfirmed by Dr. Hauenstein'a report on dealerIs samples. Audit By Comissiover Patterson- seconded by 00M.11c0orm ckr, RESOLVED: that the bills audited and approved by the Finance Committee be and the some hereby- are approved for payment. Carried Annual The Health-Offioer° filed and riwde-i*sious Report corment*s on his annual report for the year 1934 Health whichwas reviewed and considered by the Board O f fi oer members. Theme being no further business the meeting adjourned, �1 i`ty' C�lie rk j f 9--101 GA0 3 'G, 1 REGULAR MEETING BCH 12� 195_ �_P.I . PRESENT--Mayor Smith Commi ssioners---Livermore,patter soil,VanPelt,Parker Health Officer---Genung Inspectors- Kolar,Baker,::.. . . .." Director--Hauenstein. Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting duly approved. Rgports The usual monthly reports, read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $2. 50 and from the sale of Milk Licenses $13.00. Audit By, Coxmissioner Patterson: seconded by Com. Parker: RESOLVED:that the bills audited and approved by the Finance Committee be and the same are hereby approved for payment. Carried On motion meeting adjourned. BOARD OF HEA Z4 OCEED NGS City of Ithaca,NtY. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. ""' :.11•. '' APRIL 91 1935 { ' PRESENT--Mayor 8mith Commissioners---Livermore,Patterson,VanPelt,)[aCormick,Carey Heth Officerr--Genung Inspectors---Baker,Kolar County Lab Dr.-- Hauenstein Aldermen--Campbell Sewer Inspector--Woodford,. Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. eports The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $2.00 and Venereal Clinic $1.50. Sale of Dr. Hauenstein reported that apparently there ah000late was no provision in the Sanitary Code covering the ilk sale of chocolate milk and buttermilk. On motion the matter was referred to the Milk Committee to make a recom-aendation. Audit By. Oommissioner Patterson: seconded by Cam. McCormick: RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same are hereby approved for payment. Carried 'On motion meeting adjourned. Acting Secretary ti .w"�11 _ BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEDDINGS CITY OF t • REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. may lc- :LM PRESENT.-Mayor Smith Comai.ssinners-;Uveftore,ftti a n,Dr.Parker County Lab. Dr. -Dr' Hauenstein Dairy & Meat Inspector--Dr, Kolar Bacteriologist--Dr. Baker Sewer Inspector--Woodford. Minutes The Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Hancock St. 14r, Arthur Brenan appeared before the Board in regard to complaint4 that have been received regarding the premises owned by him on Hancock Streets. none of which are connected with the sanitary sewer' or City water system. During the discussion it developed that one of the properties was vacant blit that one was being occupied by a family on public welfare relief. It was moved seconded and carried that if the Welfare Department is maintaining a family on these premises, that the Board of Health respeetft-Ily regtiests that this family be removed to other more suitable quarters. Due to the absence of Dr. Genung it was agreed that further consideration of the abatement of the nuisances complained of, be postponed until the next meeting. Monthly The Clerk read the usual monthly reports Reports which were received and ordered filed, The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $4.050 and the Venereal Clinic $1.00. Dr, Baker reportod milk counts were unusually good for the past mon }aiid Dr, Hauenstein also reported .that his ni;Lk examination's were very good.. He also reported that t,4q ate Department had informed him that Regula x,;02 of �....► Chapter III of the Sanitary Code adequatelVof 3overe the requirement and restrictions off! the a chocolate milk and buttermilk. Milk Mr. William Luce presented a petition Bottle signed by most of the milk dealers whoroi4 ,t , Caps requested the Board to extend from July lst to Jaauary lst.1936 the period in which the plug �Vq of 'milk bottle caps might legally be used. Their petition gave many reasons for this roque&t ..*iieh they claimed had been granted in most of the othoi nearby Cities. It was movod,secondod and carried that the date, heretofore set by the Board as July lst fortiAo limit in which the use of �.'p3.ixg.. caps for mi k�'kit" tIc�s could be legally used be advanced to Augury 1i193E ` in order to give the fioard members ample tine for proper consideration of this petition; and that copies of .the petition be circulated among the absgnt mgmbeTs so that final decision and action may be taken at the next regular mooting. 3 Audit MOVED by Commissioner Pattorson:seeonded by Com.Livermore RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby arc approved for payment. r Carried On motion meeting adjourned. City Clerk. L: .k BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P:M. JUNE 11, 1935 PRESENT---Mayor Smith Commissioners--Livermore.McCormick,Patterson Health Officer--Genung Inspector---Kolar County Lab. Dr.--Hauenstein MinutesTheThe Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Reports The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collec- tions of $5.90. Milk Dr. Genung read a letter from the Child s Bottle Study Club endorsing the use of. tbe covered type Cape cap for milk bottles. The Commissioners present agreed that to take action on the question of requiring the covered type milk bottle caps, would be unwise at this time due to the small number of members of the Board being present. It was therefore moved, seconded and carried that the date to which the plugged type milk bottle caps might be -used be advanced from August let to October let, 1935, and that this matter be made a special order of business for the next regular meeting and 9.11 members of the Board notified to that effect in the call for such meeting. Audit By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Com.Livermore: RESOLVED: that the bills audited and approved `. by the Auditing Committee be- and the same are hereby approved for payment_. Cerried. On motion meeting adjourned. (( City Clerk BOARD •OF HEALTH-' REGULM MEETING 4 P.M. JULY 9. 1935 PRESENT-Comipissioners--Livermore,Patterson,VanPelt ' Health. Officer--Genung Due to the flood disaster no quorum. Those present approved audit and received usual monthly reports which were ordered filed.. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $5.75 { On motion meeting adjourned. jityClerk i BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDIN0S CITY -OF ITHACA, N.Y. SPECIAL+ MEETING 11:30 A.M. Jt3 I="` 1935 PRESENT--Mayor Smith Commissioners--Patterson,McCormiek,VanPelt,Perker Health Officer--Genung Mayor smith reported that he had called the Board together to discuss the health situation as result of the recent flood. He stated that of the 1,500 cellars estimated to have had flood water, there remained at the present 300 that were still flooded$ and because of this fact he had urged Mr. Pinsk of the State Department of Public Works to continue to keep fully opened the gates at the north end of the Lake so that this-level would sooner reach a more normal elevation and thus relieve the flooded cellars and improve health conditions as quickly as possible. He asked the Board members to suggest some "DO'S" and"DONTRO for the benefit of the flood sufferers and also asked if any disinfectant could be distributed for use by the general public who would not understand the handling of such chemical. After some discussion the Board agreed on the following suggestions: As soon as the dllar is pumped out or again runs dry, remove all articles that have been effected by flood water to fresh air and sunshine. Cellar windows Olothing, furniture etc. , can be was76ed off with emonia water. A should be opened up and #ale=dehlfir cored out as qui akl—y as possible. Air and sunshine are the best agents to use generally, the use of disinfectant is discouraged because of their.ohemical reaction. For example, chloride of lime might be alright on dirt or concrete cellar bottoms but this chemical will attack metal, clothing etc. ,and should be used with care. Unslaoked lime as is used by the City glean-up orews is probably the best and safest, but care should be exercised in the use of this material as concentrated amounts produce considerable heat and might set fire to imflamable material. Foul odors may be disagreeable for a day or two but are not injurious to health. Empty and drain all stagmant water from discarded uteneils from gutters ete. ,to prevent mosquito breeding. Keep children out of gutters, surface water, pools and cellar water as all such water is no doubt pollvited with sewage. For the same reason do not swim in the Lake or Creeks until the same are declared safe. Typhoid is contracted through the mouth and careful attention to cleanliness and the use of only pure food and water is therefore essential. Any person desiring to be inoculated against typhoid should apply to their own Physician or to the health office at #101 N.Cayuga St. , at .the corner of State St. There being 'no further business the meeting on motion adjourned. (11 ,`City Clerk 71 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF 1THA , N. Y. REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 13, 1935 4 P. M. PRESENT--Mayor Smith Commissioners--MoOormick, lean Pelt, Patterson Parker, Livermore Health Officer--Genung Inpseetors--Baker, Kolar Director--Hauenstein Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly f approved. Pigs A lady who lives in the vicinity of 325 Elm Street complained to the Board regarding occupants of that premises who, she claimed, kept about twenty pigs. Health Officer Genung reported that the party complained of was Mr. Sincebaugh and that he had already discussed the matter with Mr. Sincebaugh who had agreed to remove the pigs after the County Fair was over.. I Commenting further along this line, Health Officer Genung reported that Mr. Bowloby on Floral Avenue also harbored many pigs and that in his opinion there should be a city ordinance prohibiting anyone from keeping live pigs or hags within the city: 11 ata. . It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Board of Health recommend to the Common Council that an ordinance be adopted prohibiting the keeping of live pigs or hogs within the city limits. Weed Grass Ordinance A petition was received from property owners in the neighborhood -ot*,'- fork and Tioga. Streets complaining of the high weeds and grass that have been allowed to aocwaulate j in the lot at that corner and requesting the Board to notify the oder to have this lot mowed. The Clerk was requested to call the owner's attention' j to the city ordinance requiring owners to keep lots properly mowed. The Clerk was also requested to ask the local newspapers to run a story concerning the city ordinaxce requiring owners to keep their lots free of weeds and high grass Monthly Report The usual monthly reports were re- ceived, read and orders filed. The visiting nurse reported collection in the amount of three dollars and fifty cents. The Health Officer called attention to the fact that during the previous month there were twenty-one more births than deaths. He also pointed out that in spite of the fact that Ithaca experienced a serious flood during July, there were only three cases of communicable diseases re- ported during the month. The general health of the community and the condition of the Milk and the water supply were particularly good considering conditions. Dr. Baker reported that he had investigated a complaint regarding the sale of bootleg milk and has apparently located the source of the supply and that after warning the offenders, the sale of this milk stopped. BOARD 'OF HEAWN PROCEED MS CITY OF ITHACA, N. Y. REGULAR MEETING -2- AUGUST ill f935 4 P. M. Swimming Dr. Riley, County Health Officer, rep�lr that he found more or less polution in three different samples of lake front water butPa #fid out that because no previous samples had e�sX. , , .4n taken he had no basis for comparison and fore doubted very much if the purety of the lake front water was any better before the flood the it showed as a result of these samples. .le pointed out that under the circumstances, he had no power or right to publicly announce that the lake front was safe for swimming. The Board agreed that the city could not guarantee .the purety of the lake for swimming and that all these facts should be made public with the distinct understanding that anyone -bathing in lake at Stewart P ark did so, as has always been the case, at their own risk. Audit Resolution by Commissioner Patterson seconded by McCormick: RESOLVED: that the bills audited and approved by the Finance Committee be end the same are hereby approved for payment. Oarr i ed Milk Bottle Caps The resolution by Livermore: seconded by McCormick: RESOLVED; that the Board hereby extends to January 1,' 1936 permission to use plug type milk bottle caps. Carried On motion meeting adjourned. Secretary - I HOARD OrRZAL �I�Y"010271,'te, REGULAR PET I NG 4 P.H. SEPTEMBER 10,L 19,U PRESENT---Mayor Smith Oommiseioners--Livermore,Patterson,VatReZt,HcCormick Health Officer•-Genung Inspector--Kolar flounty Lab. Dr.--Hauenstein HIKUTES 'Minutes of the preceding meeting duly approved. Helton Qommtesioner Patterson reported that the Helton •.� Case property nuisance finally had been eliminated by the demolition of the buildingend therefore only the cellar remained to be filled to complete the job. Dr.Crum f e By Ooramissioner Livermore:seconded by Oom.VanPelt: . Bill RESOLVED that the bill of Dr. Oruro for 410.00 for delinquency examination of Julia Husar be referred back to the Family Welfare Society; it being understood that if they do not honor the bill, then the same is to be paid from an appropriatb fund of this Board. . Carried. . Hogs The Health Officer reported he had received additional complaints in regard to permitting hogs to be left in the City. It was reported that an ordinance was being prepared for Council action. Reports The usual monthly reports were read and filed; the V'iaiting Nurse reporting collections of $2.00 and from the sale of vaccine virus 01.10:. The Health Officer stated that one case of typhoid had been reported during September but no others had been discovered and that the s6urce of the infection had not been found. The milk and other conditions were reported good. Audi-t By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Cors. Livermore: RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Ooa.,iittee be and the some are approved for payment. Carried I On motion meeting ad'ourned. 1 .1 E:Llat thews, i Secretary 1.0 BOARD off HEALTH PRQGtEEDIHGS CITT O 2Ti1AOA, 'N.Y. REGULAR MEZT1XQ 4 p.m. Oct? 1935 PP,wSENT--Oommissioners-Patterson, Livermore, VanPelt, McCormick, Parker Health Officer-Genung Inspectors--Woodford, Kolar, Baker Director Co. Lab.--Hauenstein In the absence of Mayor Smith, Vice-Chairman" terem presided. Reports Health Officer Genung read the usual monthly--,reports which were received and ordered filed. The siting NiWas reported collection in the amount of .00; and the Venereal Clinic 03.00.ulmsn 'PrtS'�o h /elly on Property It was reported that the building on the *0440P property at last was demolished and removed and the ground properly cleaned and graded. Audit Moved by Commissioner McCormick; seconded by Commissioner VanPelt: RESOLVED: that the bills audited. and approved,lbyF the Finance Committee be and the same are hereby approved for payment. Employee' s Examination The Clerk reported that the Board of Public works had favorably considered a suggestion of Attorney Stephens to have all laborers in that department take a physical examination as a matter of record in case of a subsequent injury re Bult- ing in eward of Workmen' s Compensation. He elm re- ported that the Commissioners had requested this Board to authorize the Health Officer to make such examination for the Board of Public works. RESOLUTION: By Commissioner Livermore; sec=44. by Commissioner VanPelt: WHEREAS: the Board of Public Works has requested ex- •--.i amination of its employees by the Health pf l6erl and WHEREAS: this Board is without information es to the number of employees involved and the character of the examination required,. now therefore RESOLVED: that the Health Officer be requested to co- operate with the Board of Public Works in determining j to what extent such examinations are required, and re- port beck to this Board. Motion Carried. On motion meeting adjourned. City Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH PROCE DINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. November 12, 1935. PRESENT--Commissioners--Livermore,Va.nPelt,Patterson, Casey, Parker, McCormick. Health Officer--Genung Inspector--Kolar Dr. Hauenstein,Dr. Co. LAbora.tory In the absence of Mayor Smith, Vice Chairman Patterson presided. The usual monthly reports were received and ordered filed. The Visitin . Nurse reported collections of $2.00 and Venereal clinic 3.00. All reports were satisfactory and there being no further business the meeting on m ion adjourned. w City Cler BOABn OF EULTH PROCEEDINGS. - i.�w� CITY OF I2". N.Y. REGLTLI�B_ MEETING P.Y. D$CZM= 10. 1 3 PRESMM6-1(ayor with Commissioners-Livermore,Patterson,McCormick,Parker Health Officer-Genung Inspector--Kolar Director—Hauenstein Alderman-Noble The Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and d4y7approved. The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $4,00.. It was moved,seconded and carried that the bills audited and approved by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Mayor Smith stated that as this was his last meeting with this Board, he wished at this time to express to the members his real appreciation for their earnest efforts in behalf of the people of Ithaca in safeguarding and protecting the public health ; he thanked them for their cooperation and wished them continued success in. their public -health work. On motion meeting adjourned. i • J.E.liatthews, i -- City Clerk 12 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA. N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. JANUARY 14, 1936 PRESENT--Mayor Myers Commissioners--Livermore,Patterson,Parker,McCormiok Aldermen--Bishop,Hoover,Vail , Attorney--Powers Health Officer--Genung Inspectors--Baker,Kolar County Lab. Dr.--Hauenstein Clerk--Matthews MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Reports The usual monthly reports were presented,read and ordered filed.- The following collections were reported: Milk Licenses . . . . $71.00 Fees Visiting Nurse 5. 50 Fees Veneral Clinic 23.50 Commenting on his report, Dr. Baker noted a marked improvement in the quality of the local milk supply since 1930. He considered that the installing of improved refrigerating equipment by dairy establishments has had most to ,do with reducing the bacteria count in the milk supply. AUDIT By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Com. Livermore: RESOLVED, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same gereby are approved for payment. Carried The Mayor appointed the following standing committees of the Board of Health for the year 1936: NUISANCES AND COMPLAINTS Parker, Livermore, Smiley FOOD STUFFS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, WATER AND ICE Patterson, MoCormick, Carey INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES McCormick, Parker, Smiley RECORDS AND STATISTICS Livermore, Parker, Patterson RULES REGULATIONS AND SANITARY CODE Smiley, Carey, Livermore FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Carey, McCormick, Patterson On motion meeting adjourned. .Q GEO.A.BLEAN, Acting Secretary