HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-14 TOWN OF DANBY • TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 14 , 1979 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at the Danby Town Hall , 1830 Danby Toad , Town of Danby , County of Tompkins and State of New York on May 14 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright II Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Councilman Robert Snedden Justice Milton Todd 4 Others present : Roy Hornbrook , Edward Slights , Bradley Corbitt , Edward Roberts , Ernest Cole , Frank Haskins , Donald Wright , Mr . & Mrs . Shippos , Fred Thayer , Frank Muzzy , Van Billings . • An error was noted on page 5 paragraph 1 of the April minutes of the regular Town Board Meeting . Reference was made to the EOC representative . It should have been EMC representative . Justice Milton Todd made the motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting of the Town Board with the correction as noted above . Councilperson Dorothy Roberts seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . A letter from Ceracche Television discussing the extension of cable television facilities along Route 34/96 in West Danby . 2 . A notice of the May 23 , 1979 meeting of the Tompkins County Municipal Officials Association . 3 . A letter from Gwen Cukierski concerning window coverings for the windows in the meeting room of the Danby Town Hall . Biding specifications inclosed . 4 . A letter from the Human Services Coalition in response to a request by the Danby Town Board to research a proposal present - ed by the Repair and Maintenance Program of Area Congregations Together . 5 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives April 30th meeting . 6 . A letter from R . A . M . P . concerning loan program for rural home - owners . 7 . A letter from Frank Ligouri concerning application to the Department of HUD under the Community Development Program for a program to make available low- interest loans for low- income rural home owners . 8 . A letter from the Town of Dryden concerning the dog control • laws . 9 . A letter from New York State Association of Towns concerning highway maintanence . 10 . A memorandum from the County of Tompkins Division of assessment concerning review of McManus Property . 11 . A letter from the New York State Energy Office concerning master plan and report . 12 . A letter from Cargill Salt notifying the town of increase in the price of Cargill Salt products . 13 . A letter from the New York State Audit and Control concerning a code of ethics for the Town of Danby . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 14 , 1979 Page 2 Communications continued : 14 . The Assembly of the State of New York sent a memorandum to local officials concerning the Revenue Sharing Program . 15 . Minutes of the meeting of the Town of Danby Board of Zoning Appeals held April 12 , 1979 . PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Fred Thayer represented the senior citizens and asked for publicity for a trip to be made the 23rd of May . The expense for the trip to be paid from Revenue Sharing Funds . B ill Shippos asked about cable T . V . in West Danby . • Donald Wright asked about flags for the cemetaries . The flags are available in the Clerk ' s Office . Edward Roberts discussed the Pond Program opening day ceremonies to be held June 23rd . with a rain date of June 24th from 1 : 00 P . M . to 8 : 00 P . M . He asked the town for gravel for the horse shoe pits . COMMITTEE REPORTS : H ighway - The bridge has been moved to the Speech Clinic . Supervisor A . Francis Wright made the motion that the highway committee make any necessary agreement with the Speech Clinic people for the bridge installation . The motion was seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The railing on the Gunderman Road bridge has been installed . The tour of the town roads has been completed by the Town Board . W est Danby Water District - All fine . Insurance - The rate for compensation insurance has increased . A letter of explaination was read by Milton Todd from the insurance company . The town has no choice but to pay this . Refuse collection and Disposal - No report . Youth Program - There was no further report than the one given by Edward Roberts . The land leased by the town for the West Danby Park is being used in part by the owner for a garden . After discussion it was decided that this was no`tillegal . A new chairman of the West Danby Park Committee is needed . Zoning and Planning - After discussion , Councilman Robert Snedden moved a resolution that the Town Board ask the Tompkins County Planning Commission to apply for a rural Community Development Block Grant • Title 1 HUD and to request the support of the program to make available low interest rate loans for low- income rural home owners for repairs or rehabilitation and related community activities . The motion was seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur . RESOLUTION #9 REQUEST THE TOMPKINS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION APPLY FOR A RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TITLE 1 FUNDS AND REQUEST SUPPORT OF A PROGRAM OF LOW INTEREST RATE LOANS Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye Snedden - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 14 , 1979 Page 3 Committee reports continued : Fire - Nothing to report Cemetaries - They will all be mowed by Memorial day . OLD BUSINESS : Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the highway superintendent be authorized to attend the school at Cornell on the 4th , 5th and 6th of June . The motion was seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The license for the highway radios has been received . Appeals Board Chairman - The Vice Chairman reported on the two cases heard before the board in April . Planning Board Chairman - Beginning in June the Danby Area News will have summaries of the revisions of the zoning law section by section . This will be followed by discussion meetings both in Danby and West Danby . No dates for these meetings have been set yet . Zoning Officer - Written report submitted . Five permits were issued in April . Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to approve the participation of the Town of Danby in the Tompkins County Dog Control Contract with the SPCA and authorize the payment of $ 1 , 000 . 00 fee for 1979 . The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . RESOLUTION # 10 APPROVE THE PARTICIPATION OF THE TOWN OF DANBY IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY DOG CONTROL CONTRACT WITH THE SPCA. AND APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF THE $ 1 , 000 . 00 FEE FOR 1979 . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye Snedden - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . There was no meeting . held in West Danby concerning the Cable TV matter . After this meeting is held a report will be given . The appointment of an EMC representative was discussed . Council - person Dorothy Roberts made the motion that this matter be tabled for one month . The motion was seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . NEW BUSINESS : The amount budgeted for the 1979 New York State Retirement fund payment was $ 8 , 820 . 00 . The bill is for $ 8 , 892 . 00 . Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to transfer $ 72 . 00 from the contingency fund account A1990 . 4 to the State Retirement fund account A9010 . 8 to make the necessary funds available to pay the bill . The motion was seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden . RESOLUTION # 11 TRANSFER $ 72 . 00 FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT A1990 . 4 TO NEW YORK STATE RETIREMENT FUND ACCOUNT A9010 . 8 AND PAY THE BILL . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 14 , 1979 Page 4 New Business continued : Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye . . Snedden - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Councilperson Dorothy Roberts moved a resolution to authorize the Danby Senior Citizens to take a sight - seeing tour of Rochester and vicinity . The funds have been budgeted from the Revenue Sharing Funds . The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd . RESOLUTION # 12 AUTHORIZED THE USE OF FUNDS FROM THE REVENUE SHARING BUDGET BEt . USED TO PAY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TRIP TO ROCHESTER AND VICINITY AS BUDGETED . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye Snedden - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The board discussed the necessity of transferring funds to the insurance account to make the necessary funds available to pay the compensation insurance bill . There has been an increase in the amount of the bill over last year . Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to transfer $ 949 . 00 from the contingency fund account A1990 : 4 to the Insurance Account A9040 . 8 to make funds available to pay the compensation insurance . The motion was seconded by Councilman Robert Snedden . RESOLUTION # 13 TRANSFER $ 949 . 00 FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT A1990 . 4 TO THE INSURANCE ACCOUNT A9040 . 8 TO MAKE THE NECESSARY FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PAY THE WORKMEN ' S COMPEN - SATION INSURANCE . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye Snedden - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The State Mandate on Energy Conservation meeting to be held at TC3 on May 16th was discussed . The zoning officer will attend this meeting . After a short recess to executive session the meeting was again opened to the public . Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the Town of Danby advertise for bids for window coverings for the Town Hall meeting room per the specifications drawn up by Gwen Cukierski . Bids to be opened June 11th at 7 : 30 P . M . immediately preceding the regular meeting . The motion was seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 14 , 1979 Page 5 New Business continued : General Fund Warrant #5 in the amount of $ 10 , 612 . 90 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Robert Snedden and seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Supervisor A . Francis Wright made the motion that the clerk have the highway phone in the Town Hall disconnected . The motion was seconded • by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The clerk will also look into the cost of a jack in the meeting room so that a phone would be available for election business . Highway Fund Warrant #5 in the amount of $ 5150 . 93 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . West Danby Water District warrant #5 in the amount of $ 333 . 80 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The motion to approve the Supervisor ' s reports was made by Council - man Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . Justice Milton Todd made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 40 P . M . The motion was seconded by Supervisor A . Francis Wright and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Respectfully submitted , Mary 04 , 4erk