HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-08 AGENDA . t�� RE @ULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 5 ,. 1545 e 1 . Call the Meeting To order . 2 . Minuties of the last regular meeting April i0 , i978 3 . Communications . 4 . a . Town Board-» ( Privilege of the floor ) ' b . Public c . County Rep 5 . Committee Reports a . Highway = Wilbur==Roberts . yLegiovet b . West Danby Water Dist .-Todd. == ' cam , c . Insurance Todd==l n'Cfiack AJ G /ay,/d . Refuse collection & Disposal =yRoberts »Todd :.� k e . Youth Program & Community Council _ . f . Zoning & Planning= • k�ARoberts 7 / g . Fire-�rWilbur =» Murinchack h . Cemetaries - -Roberts —Todd I . j . k . _ 6 . 01d Business . a . Highway Superintendant b . Appeales Board Chairman c . Planning Board. Chairman" d . Zoning Officer e . Highway Radios ✓ f . What About those drapes we need ? ? ? g . Remember next Board meeting we must decide on what to dolor Floyd Dorn I ( the committee ) h . Danby Zoning Orciance i . Cable T . V . . J . Furance for Town Hall/ k . LA Rue Road" . 7 . New Business a . Resolution on Anticipation note for Town Hall • b . Resolution to advertise for bids on Town Highway Barn . " c . Town Highway Truck q/ 4 d. . Transportation Commiss on report 13 DPT I . & A G_ %( a /,, :ir P75_ . 0 - i / . r. �H )44-1-ef 7) , . ; 8 . Reading of the Bil s -»=Generals=H ghway= Water Dist . 9 . Supervisors Reports . _ 10 . 0ther Business . ii AJOURNMENT -= �/� /� �i^ _,� �v`'Ay /� r x'..44; �- vie r UU / TOWN OF DANBY REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 8 , 1978 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at the Danby Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road , Town of Danby , County of Tompkins and State of New York on May 8 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Dorothy Roberts Councilman James Murinchack Juetice Milton Todd Others present : Moses Peter , Carol Shepardson , Gordon Roberts , Alberta Wilbur , Jimmie Miller , Roy & Mary Casterline , Edward Slights , Francis . Carrier , Judson Leonard , Frank Haskins , Donald Wright , Jr . , Donald Wright Sr . , Ernest Cole , Dorothy Smith , Roy Hornbrook , Bill Shippos A motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting of the board held April 10 , 1978 . The motion was seconded by Councilman James Murinchack and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . A letter from Attorney Bill Seldin concerning maintaining a portion of LaRue Road where clients of his are buying property . 2 . Agendas of the April 10 , April 24 , and Na y 8 , meetings of The Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 3 . A summary of the minutes of the April 12 , 1978 meeting of the Tompkins County Planning Board . 4 . A copy of a letter sent to Mr . D ' Ambrose and Mr . Friedman from Gordon Roberts concerning the use of their provate airplane landing field . 5 . A letter from the New York Telephone Company concerning the introduction of timed message rate service . 6 . A letter from the Tompkins County Division of Assessment concerning the local board of assessment review to be held June 7 , 1978 at the Danby Town Hall between 1 : 00 P . M . and 8 : 00 P . M . 7 . A letter from the Tompkins County Personnel Department concerning the 1978 program for economically disadvantaged youth . ® 8 . Minutes of the meeting of the Town of Danby Planning Board. held April 19 , 1978 . PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : • Mary Oltz , town clerk asked for the board ' s authorization for her to attend the Cornell school for Town Clerk ' s . Also she asked for authorization to purchase drapes for the Clerk ' s Office and the Justices ' office . James Murinchack made the motion that the clerk be be authorized to attend the clerk ' s school on June 5th and 6th . The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Bill Shippos asked about a parking area for cars at the proposed new West Danby Park . After discussion the board stated that they would have to see plans for the park before making any comments . Mr . Wright asked about a speed zone in West Danby . Mr . Paul Frank read a statement concerned with the speed of traffic on Route 34 /96 . The West Danby people would like to have signs installed making West Danby a speed zone area . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 8 , 1978 Page 2 Privilege of the floor continued. : Moses Peter protested the new assessment on property owners in the Town of Danby . E rie J . Miller , Danby ' s Representative on the Tompkins County Board of Representatives stated that the towns share of the sale tax has increased . The mortgage tax has been received . The hospital is now 75% completed and tours of the hospital can be arranged . There will be a public hearing concerning SEGRA in the meeting room of the Board of Representatives on June 12 , 1978 at 9 : 00 A . M . COMMITTEE REPORTS : H ighway Committee - Telephone cable crossing under town roads is a problem . ' The bridge problem at the Speech Clinic was discussed . The Speech Clinic people will purchase the suitable pipe if the town will install it . The problem seems to be resolved . The environ- mental people have stopped the highway crew from working on Station Road. because of the disturbance of the creeks . West Danby Water District - All fine . Refuse Collection & Disposal - Nothing to report . Youth - There has been a complaint about the West Danby proposed park project . No provisions have been made for a parking lot and cars will be parking along the road . Zoning and Planning - No report . Fire - The foremen are working to raise money for a rescue truck . Some people living on Coddington Road feel that the Brooktondale fire district could serve them better than Danby could . There will be a meeting to discuss this and try and get the matter resolved . Cemetaries - Mowing hasn ' t started yet . O LD BUSINESS : H ighway Superintendant ' s report - Nothing to add to what has already been brought up . Appeals Board Chairman - Absent . P lanning Board Chairman - Ernest Cole asked for an official town map . P lans are being made to improve Shadey Corners , The Towns of Newfield. and Ithaca are working on this problem . Danby properties can be included in the Ag District . Zoning - A written report was submitted . May should be a busy month as several zoning cases are to be brought before the justice . Radios for the highway department were discussed . The Newfield has . gone to bid for radios and a repeater . The cost will be divided • between the two towns , Danby and Newfield and the Newfield school d istrict . The matter was discussed at length . A meeting must be held with the Newfield Town Board , the Newfield School Board and the Town of Danby . Justice Milton Todd will set a date for this meeting . Councilman James Murinchack stated that Mr . Taylor will have specifi - cations for the drapes for the meeting room of the town hall in time to go to bid at the June meeting . Drapes for the clerk ' s office and justices ' office were discussed . Councilman James Murinchack made the motion that the clerk be authorized to purchase drapes for the two offices the price not to exceed $ 354 . 00 . Justice Milton Todd seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of four ayes . There was one abstaining vote . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 8 , 1978 Page 3 0ld Business continued : A public hearing was held on the administration section of the Danby Zoning Ordinance . The town board accepts the recommendations of the planning on this section excepting the part concerned with violations . This section will be sent back to the Planning Board for clarification . T . V . Cable - Councilman James Murinchack recommended that the proposed franchise be sent back to ATC with the recomendation that the rate be drgped to $ 6 . 50 per month for subscribers instead of the $ 7 . 00 per month that they have proposed . This matter will be turned back to committee to negotiate with ATC . Judson Leonard who is presently chairman of the committee will not do this . A motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur that the matter of the T . V . Cable franchise be tabled until next month . The motion was seconded by Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . A petition signed by 94 of the people who are presently subscribers of the T . V . Cable service was presented to the board . These people do not want to go along with the proposed franchise as outlined by ATC . Supervisor A . Francis Wright moved a resolution to thank Judson Leonard for his many hours of work as committee chairman of the Cable T . V . committee . The motion . was seconded by Councilman James Murinchack . RESOLUTION #16 THANK YOU JUDSON LEONARD FOR YOUR WORK ON THE CABLE T . V . FRANCHISE COMMITTEE . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Murinchack- aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . It was decided that the town board will meet with ATC and work out a suitable solution . If this takes more than one meeting a new committee will be chosen . The matter of a furnace for the town hall to be used for auxiliary heat was discussed at length . Councilman James Murinchack looked into this matter and found that if the furnace is installed the price will go up for the remaining electric heat used in the building . People have signed an agreement to purchase property on LaRue Road contingent upon obtaining a committment from the Town of Danby to maintain this road . Their lawyer has asked the board to consider this matter . After a lengthy discussion the town board stated that as no money has been budgeted for this , nothing can be done at this time . The supervisor will dictate a letter to the town clerk in answer . NEW BUSINESS : A resolution was moved by Justice Milton Todd to renew the Bond Anticipation Note in the amount of $ 5 , 000 . 00 for the purchase of property and renovation of the Town Hall . The motion was seconded by Councilman James Murinchack . RESOLUTION # 17 RENEW BOND ANTICIPATION . NOTE IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 5 , 000 . 00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND RENOVATION OF THE TOWN HALL Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Murinchack - aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 8 , 1978 Page 4- New Business continued : Councilman Ralph Wilbur moved a resolution to get specifications and advertise for bids for a new roof for the town barns . The motion was seconded by Justice Milton Todd . RESOLUTION #18 DRAW UP SPECIFICATIONS FOR A ROOF FOR THE TOWN BARNS AND ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THIS ROOF . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye • Murinchack - aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye • Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The purchase of a new 4-wheel drive truck equiped to plow snow was discussed . The proce of such a truck would be $ 65 , 000 . 00 . The money is available . Possibly $ 25 , 000 . 00 could be used from Revenue Sharing funds and thebalance could be financed . Justice Milton Todd moved. a resolution to draw up specifications and advertise for bids for the truck . The motion was seconded by Councilman Dorothy Roberts . RESOLUTION # 19 DRAW UP SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW 4- WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK AND ADVERTISE FOR BIDS . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Murinchack - aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of four ayes . There was one abstaining vote . Supervisor A . Francis Wright reported that he attended the organ- izational meeting of the County Transportation Commission . The first problem to be considered will be the Octopus at the West end of Ithaca . The route 13 corridor will be taken up later . An appointment to the Board of Assessment Review was discussed . This Board will be at the Town Hall on June 7 , 1978 between 100P . M . and 8 : 00 P . M . to consider grievances . Supervisor A . Francis Wright , Councilman Ralph Wilbur and Walter Sczepanski will sit on this Board . A special meeting of the Danby Town Board will be held May 17th at the Town Hall to name the unnamed roads in the town . The request of Mrs . & Mrs . Frank and others from West Danby to have a speed limit set on Route 34 /96 . After discussion the motion was made by Justice Milton Todd to have the supervisor look into this and get the advise of the attorney as to the procedure . to be followed . Councilman Ralph Wilbur seconded the motin which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Councilman James Murinchack read his resignation as councilman to be affective immediately . Supervisor A . Francis Wright moved a resolution to accept Mr . Murinchack ' s resignation and stated that he appreciated the imput in the town board in the short time he was a member . Appreciate time and effort given as a member of the BZA and as chairman of the BZA . The motion was seconded by Councilman Dorothy Roberts . RESOLUTION # 20 THANK YOU JAMES MURINCHACK FOR YOUR SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF DANBY Town Board. Meeting Minutes - May 8 , 1978 Page 5 New . Business Continued : Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . A letter from the Democratic Committee Chairman of Danby was read . The committee asked that Sandy Roberts be considered to serve as ® councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Councilman James Murinchack . Also a letter was read from the Republican Committee Chairman of Danby asking that Robert Snedden be considered to serve as councilman to fill the vacancy . Councilman Dorothy Roberts made the motion that Robert Snedden be appointed to serve as councilman until December 31 , 1978 , to fill the vacancy due to James Murinchack ' s resignation . The motion was seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote ofour ayes and no noes . This office to be filled by the next general election in November . G eneral Fund Warrant # 5 in the amount of $ 975 . 71 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Councilman James Murinchack and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . H ighway Fund Warrant # 5 in the amount of $ 8054 . 17 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . W est Danby Water District Warrant # 5 in the amount of $ 86 . 91 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by Councilman Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The Supervisor ' s reports were approved as presented . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by by Councilman Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . Supervisor A . Francis Wright made the motion to adjourn the meeting as there was no further business to be brought before the board . The motion was seconded by Justice milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 30 P . M . Respectfully submitted , v% Mary O tz , cl k • RESOLUTION # 16 THANK YOU JUDSON LEONARD FOR YOUR WORK ON THE CABLE T . V . FRANCHISE COMMITTEE . WHEREAS , the regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held on May 8 , 1978 , at the Danby Town Hall , Town of Danby , County of Tompkins and State of New York , and WHEREAS , Judson Leonard worked many hours with the cable company and at public meetings to get a satisfactory Cable T . V . franchise drawn up for the Town of Danby , and WHEREAS , his service was for the good of the community with no thought of personal reimbursement , now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby recognizes Judson Leonard7s service to the town and thanks him for his work on the Cable T . V . franchise . Moved by : Supervisor A . Francis Wright . Seconded by : Councilman James Murinchack . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye Wilbur - aye Murinchack -- aye Roberts - aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Adopted May 8 , 1978 STATE OF NEW YORK ) • COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) ., s I the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Danby , a municipal . corporation of the County of Tompkins , State of New York , do hereby CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Town and recorded in the minutes of a meeting of said Board duly held May 8 , 1978 and not subsequently rainded or modified . IN WITNESS THEREOF , I have hereunto subscribed my name as Clerk of the Town of Denby this 23rd day of May , 1978 . %'fCc e. ! 7 6a* 1 Lary 41 i , cleric r . RESOLUTION # 20 THANK YOU JAMES MURINCHACK FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF DANBY . WHEREAS , the regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held May 8 , 1978 , at the Danby Town Hall , Town of Danby , Tompkins County , • New York , and WHEREAS , Councilman James Murinchack submitted his resignation as Councilman of the Town of Danby to the Town Board at this regular meeting dieto the fact that he and his family will be moving out of New York State , and WHEREAS , James Murinchack has served the town as a member of the Danby Community Council for many years ; as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals and as Chairman of the Danby Board of Zoning Appeals from February 1976 to December 31 , 1977 working with the Planning Board to revise the Danby Zoning Ordinance and as Town Councilman from January 1 , 1978 to the , present time , and WHEREAS , the decisions and other business of these boards are time consuming and often very difficult and James Murinchack has served the town well , now therefore BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts , with regret , James Murinchack ' s resignation as Councilman of the Town of Danby and thanks him for his many services to the town . Moved by : Supervisor A . Francis Wright . Seconded by : Councilman Dorothy Roberts . Roll Call Vote : Wright - aye ® Wilbur - aye Roberts aye Todd - aye Carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . Adopted May 8 , 1978 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) ss : I the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Danby , a municipal corporation of the County of Tompkins , State of New York , do hereby CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete co of a resolution duly adopted by the Town and recorded in the minutes of a meeting of said Board duly held May 8 , 1978 and not subsequently rescinded or modified . IN WITNESS THEREOF , I have hereunto subscribed my Clerk of the Town of Danby this 23rd day of May 1978 . name . as ; ;r* ;Mary, tz , erk 1 , , , ! !