HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-12-TB-FINALTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses July 12, 2016 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town's website and clerk's board. ATTENDANCE: PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas 1" Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler 2'd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Board members- John Hertzler, Michael Boggs Acting Highway Superintendent - Dave Reynolds Town Planner - Darby Kiley Town Attorney - Mariette Geldenhuys Town Deputy Clerk- Sarah Koski ABSENT: Board Member Rich Goldman OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Duddleston Phil Antweiler Tara Masters Roxanne Marino Glynis Hart John Starter Craig Webster CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2016-124: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for the July 12, 2016 with the following changes: move the Approval of Claims to earlier in the agenda, and Ms. Zahler requested the addition of an Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of real property. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Antweiler asked, in jest, if the Town Board could pass a law to require rainfall (there has been an ongoing drought). REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (None) TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2016-125: BUDGET MODIFICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the following budget modifications: A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A1440.4 I Engineer CE Increase $360 Falls Road possible water district work A1990.4 I Contingency Account I Decrease $360 Unforeseen expense, contingency account balance after this budget modification is $11,640 Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas Ms. Zahler Mr. Hertzler Mr. Boggs Mr. Goldman Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS aye aye aye aye absent Seconded: Ms. Zahler RESOLUTION 2016-126: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves payment of claims #359-409 in the amount of $69,944.66. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 Seconded: Mr. Boggs OLD BUSINESS: MRB CONTRACT APPROVAL FOR WATER DISTRICT 3 RESUBMISSION OF FUNDING APPLICATION RESOLUTION 2016-127: MRB CONTRACT APPROVAL FOR WATER DISTRICT 3 RESUBMISSION OF FUNDING APPLICATION RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the contract with MRB dated June 21, 2016 titled "Proposal for Report Update for Town of Ulysses Water District #3 Report" which will seek state or federal funding to remediate the chlorination byproducts in the municipal drinking water system. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Hertzler Discussion: Mr. Boggs asked what the cost of this project update will be. Ms. Thomas said the project will be billed hourly and the project cost will be capped at $4,000. Ms. Zahler mentioned that the Water District 3 (WD#3) income survey came back with the average income lower than expected for residents of WD#3. That means that the Town may qualify for state and/or federal funding to help remediate the ongoing water quality issues in WD#3. Ms. Thomas stated that the Department of Health was willing to let the Town try alternatives to the proposed expensive aerator such as tank height and fire hydrant flushing. Ms. Thomas stated that it may be possible to roll the existing WD#3 debt into a grant, which would reduce the operation and maintenance fee for WD#3 residents. Mr. Hertzler noted that the draft MRB report states that the water travels "several miles" — but he would like the report going forward to specify how many miles the water does travel. Ms Thomas agreed to forward the suggestion. Mr. Boggs was concerned that the existing WD#3 loan is a 0% interest loan and that the WD#3 users may start paying interest if the current loan is rolled into a new grant or loan. Ms. Marino, former Town Supervisor, explained that the original loan was structured with a 2% increase each year (increasing principal, no interest) under the assumption that as the water district grows, more users would connect and help share the debt burden. Mr. Hertzler and Mr. Boggs pointed out that the existing proposal from MRB does not mention applying for both grants and low interest loans. Ms. Thomas stated that if the Board approves this resolution, it will be under the condition that MRB will change the proposal wording to state that the Town will apply for both grants and low interest loans, and that they will submit a funding proposal to New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC). Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 POTENTIAL LAND ACQUISITION SEQR RESOLUTION 2016-128: POTENTIAL LAND ACOUISITION SEOR WHEREAS, the action under consideration is the acquisition of land, designated as Tax Parcel Numbers 7.-6- 1.1, 11.-2-8.2, and 11.-2-11 west of Salo Drive, which acquisition will only be undertaken if funding is available through grant funding from New York State and fund balance from the Town of Ulysses, and WHEREAS, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ulysses Town Board is acting as lead agency in this uncoordinated environmental review with respect to a land acquisition; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, on July 12, 2016, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Parts 1, 2 and 3 prepared by Town staff, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ulysses Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance for the reasons set forth in the Environmental Assessment Form Parts 2 and 3 referenced above, in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 RESOLUTION REGARDING TOMPKINS RESIDENTIAL ENERGY SCORE PROGRAM AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Introduction and discussion: Ms. Kiley reminded the Board of the Tompkins Residential Energy Scoring presentation in May. Ms. Kiley has since met with the program team to discuss changes to the program as it was initially proposed. Mr. Hertzler asked if language was added to include a navigator to help people find the right home energy programs. Ms. Kiley said that a list of programs to help low and moderate income homeowners improve the energy efficiency of their homes was added. The navigator position was discussed and may be added at a later date. Ms. Kiley explained that the program is a voluntary concept to have residents' homes tested and scored for home energy use. There were concerns that energy scores might affect home values and the team went back and forth with Tompkins County Assessment to address this issue. There were also concerns about privacy and the language was adjusted to address that. Ms. Kiley explained that the resolution before the board is to move forward to the next phase of the project. RESOLUTION 2016-129: RESOLUTION REGARDING TOMPKINS RESIDENTIAL ENERGY SCORE PROGRAM AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses needs additional tools that go beyond what exists in Local Law #I of 2007 and WHEREAS according to the March 2016 Tompkins County Energy Roadmap, in order to meet the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% by the year 2050, the community will need to achieve at least a 35% reduction in energy use in existing buildings through retrofits and upgrades; and WHEREAS the NYS Reforming the Energy Vision initiative has a goal of helping consumers make better and more informed energy choices; and WHEREAS a residential energy score program would provide residents with numerous benefits, including the ability to better understand and reduce energy-related living costs and greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS a project team, composed of representatives of the Towns of Caroline, Danby, Ithaca, Ulysses and the City of Ithaca, with consultation from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County and the Tompkins County Planning Department, was formed in 2013 to work on a residential energy score project; and WHEREAS the Town of Ithaca, working on behalf of the project team, submitted and was awarded grant funding from NYSERDA's Cleaner, Greener Communities program, and contracted with subject matter experts Performance Systems Development to develop deliverables for the project; and WHEREAS the original project proposal was to develop and adopt a local law or ordinance to require a home energy rating to be disclosed at the time of listing for sale, however due to pubic feedback and the lack of incontestable legal authority to enact such a law, the project team opted to develop a voluntary program and phased implementation plan; and WHEREAS extensive public outreach guided the creation of the first draft report of the program and implementation plan, completed on February 24, 2016. The second draft was informed by more than 250 comments collected from additional public outreach, and was presented to the governing boards of the five partner municipalities between May 23 and June 15, 2016, with a comment period ending on June 17, 2016, and comments on the second draft were incorporated into a final report, titled "Tompkins Residential Energy Score Program and Implementation Plan;" and WHEREAS the grant contract with NYSERDA requires the project team to present the final report to the governing boards of each of the five partner municipalities for consideration of adoption, including a formal vote; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses endorses the Tompkins Residential Energy Score Program and Implementation Plan, dated July 6, 2016. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler nay Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 3-1 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 NEW BUSINESS: CANCELLING THE AUGUST 23, 2016 MEETING RESOLUTION 2016-130: CANCELLING THE AUGUST 23, 2016 MEETING RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board cancels the regularly scheduled second meeting of the month on August 23, 2016. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 AUTHORIZING TOWN HALL SIDEWALK GRANT APPLICATION RESOLUTION 2016-131: AUTHORIZING TOWN HALL SIDEWALK GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Hall is a building with fine architectural features but the exterior of the building lacks a good sidewalk, signage, landscaping, or separation between vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and WHEREAS the extreme level of pavement does not allow for any penetration of stormwater into the ground adding to the runoff and sedimentation and contamination of Trumansburg Creek which runs into Cayuga Lake, part of the Erie Canalway and a source of drinking water for many. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes the Town Supervisor to apply for a grant to reduce stormwater runoff, separate pedestrian and vehicle traffic in front of Town Hall, beautify the entrance of the building and provide signage to help easily locate the Town Hall. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Discussion: Mr. Boggs asked if Mr. John Ullberg would be involved and Ms. Thomas stated that Mr. Ullberg is very interested in the project and will be involved in the planning. Mr. Hertzler asked what sort of grant this is, and Ms. Wright stated that is a tourism grant that covers 75% of the cost of the project. Ms. Thomas stated that there is some funding set aside in a Town Hall capital fund to help with the match and that the timing of this project is critical as there is ongoing sidewalk repair in the village so that the cost for the project will be lower if it happens concurrently with the other sidewalk projects. Ms. Boggs clarified that this resolution is just to authorize the grant application and not the actual project; that the Board will review the project at a later date if funding is secured. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 I71/111al17u110#21.1W4117u17711,111►K3WDoWW.10 RESOLUTION 2016-132: REAFFIRMING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses is applying for a grant to acquire land for protection and recreation, and WHEREAS the Ulysses Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2009 states • Consider the implementation of land conservation efforts to protect the character of the community (Objective 2.6, Action B.) • It is important for the Town to preserve and protect its existing parks and natural areas for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. In addition, the Town should look for opportunities to create new parks and natural areas. (Page 45) • Investigate and implement various mechanisms to protect and preserve environmentally sensitive areas such as steep slopes, wetlands, Unique Natural Areas, mature forests and important wildlife habitats in all Land Use areas.(page 19, Obj. 1. 1, Action B) • Protect wetlands as defined by the US Army Corp of Engineers and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Establish appropriate buffer zones around the perimeter of all wetlands and prohibit development within this buffer.(pg 20, Obj 1.2, Action C) 0 Establish regulations to limit development in and near floodplains..(pg 20, Obj 1.2, Action D) WHEREAS the Ulysses Comprehensive Plan survey results were that 82% of respondents felt Opportunities for outdoor recreation were important or very important and 90% of respondents felt preserving open and green space were important or very important, and WHEREAS in the Village of Trumansburg's Comprehensive Plan adopted on February 11, 2008, one of the six major sections in their 20 -year vision states green space throughout the Village is preserved and maintained to provide residents with the opportunity to connect with nature (pg 8 of the Ulysses Comprehensive Plan) and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board reaffirms the Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2009. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 Seconded: Mr. Boggs AUTHORIZING SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL AGREEMENT RESOLUTION 2016-133: AUTHORIZING SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS the existing Snow and Ice Agreement with Tompkins County has worked well in the past for reimbursement of expenses, and WHEREAS the Highway Superintendent recommends the extension of the existing Agreement Now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the Snow and Ice Agreement with Tompkins County extending the agreement through September 30, 2019. Moved: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 Seconded: Mr. Hertzler Ms. Zahler asked Mr. Reynolds if there is increased funding available from the state for the 2017 CHIPS program. Mr. Reynolds said that he has received a letter from the state about the CHIPS program and he will be reviewing it with Ms. Wright, but his impression is that there will be increased state funding for the coming year. INCREASE IN PAY FOR HIGHWAY EMPLOYEE Discussion: Mr. Reynolds explained that Scott Stewart, who is with the Highway department, has obtained his CDL license, and in fact passed the driver's test on his first try. By obtaining his CDL license, he is entitled to a promotion from Laborer to Motor Vehicle Operator. RESOLUTION 2016-134: INCREASE IN PAY FOR HIGHWAY EMPLOYEE WHEREAS the Highway Superintendent has requested an increase in pay for a Highway Department employee after working a probationary period of time and acquiring a CDL license, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes an increase in pay of $0.50 an hour to $17.50 per hour for Scott Stewart. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 Seconded: Mr. Boggs PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Ms. Marino had a question about the MRB report and application. She asked if the Town Board will have a chance to see and review the revised application before it is submitted. Ms. Zahler stated that the Town Supervisor will indeed have a chance to review the application. MONTHLY BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2016-135: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 6/28 BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes of the 6/28 Public Hearing and 6/28 Regular Town Board meeting with the following change: to remove Mr. Hertzler's name from the "present" section of attendance as he was unable to attend the meeting and hearing. Moved: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman absent Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 7/12/16 Seconded: Ms. Zahler EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Thomas made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:55pm for the purpose of discussing possible acquisition of real estate where a public discussion may affect the price or terms. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. Ms. Zahler moved to end Executive Session at 9:40pm, seconded by Mr. Boggs; the motion was passed unanimously and the regular Town Board meeting resumed. ADJOURN: Mr. Hertzler moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler and the motion passed unanimously. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING BOARD / ZONING OFFICER HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TOWN CLERK CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISOR DEPUTY SUPERVISOR / BOOKKEEPER TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- submitted by Ms. Kiley Planning Board July 5 — The PB continued to review a sketch plan for a 484 kW photovoltaic system on Jacksonville Rd, south of the solar project currently under construction. The board requested a third party consultant review the glare study. The PB reviewed and approved a two -lot subdivision on Perry City Road in the Conservation District. The PB wishes to notify the Town Board that they would like to revisit the solar local law, focusing on the possible expansion of solar across the town, the impacts on neighbors, and site conditions that should be factored into the review process. Board of Zoning Appeals No June meeting Grants Residential Energy Score Project — the final report for this project is on the July 12th agenda for Town Board endorsement. Zoning Updates Grant — The steering committee received the first draft of one section of the consultant's work. Other Meetings/Issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) — 6/23: Members discussed grant proposals. Water Resources Council (WRC) — 6/20: the WRC heard a presentation on the county's proposed natural green infrastructure program. Planning Advisory Board (PAB) — 6/22: the PAB heard about (1) a green energy incentives report to the County IDA where they are determining how to provide tax abatements for projects where buildings achieve energy efficiencies greater than what is required by energy code; and (2) the housing needs assessment, which is meant to be a model that can be changed as new information is received. The report will be available soon but one important take away is that the county is deficient about 7,000 households based on the employment numbers. In -commuters are interested in living in the county but cannot find the right type and price of housing. ITCTC — 6/21: The council approved the 2017-2021 Transportation Improvement Program. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT — Submitted by Mr. Reynolds The Highway Department has been busy mowing roadsides, sweeping intersections of loose stones, helping the Town of Ithaca and the Town of Enfield with their highway projects. The highway department is preparing to oil and stone the lower part of Agard Rd., Houghton Rd., Garrett Rd., Wilkins Rd., Vanliew Rd., part of Colegrove Rd., and part of Curry Road. Seneca Rd. has been paved and the shoulders have been completed. Mr. Reynolds will notify the Town Clerk of their upcoming roadwork schedule so that the public can be notified through the website and listsery messages. TOWN CLERK- submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES issued: # Sporting licenses 1 1 Disabled parking permits 14 Dog licenses and renewals 54 Marriage licenses 3 Plumbing permits 2 Address assignments 0 FINANCIAL REPORT: $3441.00 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $1329.49 stays in the town $2111.51 goes to the state CLERK's OFFICE TASKS: • Salo Drive property: o Worked on grant o Helped organize tour /information table • Summer youth employee: o Orientation, job training, delegation of tasks • Routine tasks: o Notarized documents for citizens o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail o Answered inquiries on various topics o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Kept website current o Sent listsery mssgs. to keep residents updated. (And received more requests to be added to list) RECORDS MANAGEMENT: • Organized several RM tasks for high school summer employee- will include a lot of scanning and organizing of electronic repository • Worked on update of 2002 Rec Management Policy & Procedures • Worked on inventory of town records • Trial scan of several building plans to facilitate easier access easier and free up space in rec room • Attended TSSERR meeting in Ithaca; learned about Laserfiche updates from Laserfiche representatives WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Posted water bills • Coordinated applications/contractors with Water District Operator for new plumbing permits • Updated reports for TTHM running averages and water usage CONFERENCES: Carissa attended NY Assoc. of Tax Receivers and Collectors (NYSATRC) June 12-15 in Lake Placid NY. Sessions attended: • Association business meeting • Escrow accounts overview • School funding/taxes • Leadership success & personal mission statement • Hot topics in NYS tax collection/tax law (led by AOT attorney) • Updates from the Dept. of Taxation & Finance • FOIL & open government laws Also spent time networking with other collectors & receivers. (Always valuable.) CITIZEN COMMENTS/1NOUIRIES: Comment/in uir Answer/reerral Property tax exemptions Referred to TC Assessment Address assignment for camping on vacant lot In discussion w/Tom & Darby Liquid manurespreading issues Referred to Ms. Zahler (Deputy Supervisor) Map of Trumansburg/Ulysses Referred to TC History Center CODE OFFICER- Submitted by Mr. Myers For the month of June, 2016: 8 building permits issued, 2 for new houses Projects totaling $428,106 Permit fees $1,645 1 certificate of occupancy issued 1 certificate of compliance issued SUPERVISOR REPORT - Town of Ulysses Supervisor Report 5/10/16 to 7/11/16 Water Districts WD3 • Write quarterly report to DoH and notification to residents in WD3. Follow-up with info requested by DoH. • Meet with resident outside WD3 about feasibility of connecting to WD3 as an outside user. • TTHM removal contract for application for funding • Meet with MRB on possible staged solution to TTHMs • Investigate fire pressure requirements • Push along income survey. Falls Road • Meet with Falls Road residents about how to create a water district. Ag Committee • Liaison to Ag Committee • Guidance on request for Right -to -Farm local law. • Complaint about manure spreading. Energy • CCA — community choice aggregation for electricity — hear presentation from MEGA on how CCAs work. o Member of the TCCOG Task Force on CCAs. • County Energy Roadmap — initiate a TCCOG group working on how to achieve the energy roadmap goals outlined in the County's plan. • Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) — what they are and why they matter. Parks and Recreation Prepare for and write grant to purchase land on Salo Drive for parkland and recreation. Organize open house for residents to see land and hear more about acquisition of land. Meet with residents at Farmer's Market to answer questions about land. Take residents on tour of land. Zoning update • Help prepare for zoning update meeting in Jacksonville, attend meeting, answer questions. • Act as communication bridge between Zoning Steering Committee and Ag Committee. • Coordinate how to gather input from boards and committees interested in zoning update. Other Read through recommendations from consultants on ag lands, comment. Meetings: o Court Shared services (5/11, 5/25, 7/6) o Ag Committee (5/11, 5/26, 6/23) o Tompkins County Realtors Lunch (5/18) o CCA Task Force (5/20) o Meet with Falls Road residents (5/24) o Meet with resident asking to be an outside user of water in WD3 (5/24) o Town Board meeting (5/24, ) o County Legislature (6/1) o Zoning Update Steering Committee (6/2, 7/7) o Jacksonville Community meeting about zoning update (6/6) o TCCOG (6/23) o Salo Drive tour (6/25) o Taughannock Farm Dock proposal (6/25) o Dept of Health (7/6) • Town Hall — o follow efforts to make the Town Hall more energy efficient and to balance the heating/cooling system. o Meet with Clerks' office about records retention, vouchering, recordkeeping, etc. o Work with staff on possible grant application for sidewalk work in front of Town Hall. • Budget — careful review of operating statement; review of financial impact on budget from changes in personnel in 2016. Review detail of specific fund lines. • UNAs — request County Legislature remove parcel of land from auction because it is undeveloped and in a UNA. • Trails grant — answer questions for website programmer as site is developed. • New vehicle — paperwork and pick up of new hybrid for zoning and code enforcement. • TCCOG — work with co -Chair on agendas and content. Chair 2 meetings. • Code enforcement — review updates to local law. Prepare for Public Hearing, conduct PH, • Personnel — shared employee intermunicipal agreement — follow through o Medicare questions for retirees • Meeting agendas — topics include code enforcement, land acquisition, personnel issues, planning board alternate, snow and ice agreement, comp plan readoption, MRB contract, pay raise, sidewalk grant authorization for in front of Town Hall. Resident communications o Resident wants ban on outside cats o Taughannock Park — proposed doc (many residents have concerns) ■ Complaints about park closure over Memorial Day (5) o Crosswalk in Tburg — concerns about traffic not stopping, request for crossing buddies to be reinstalled (3). o Sidewalk - along Rt 96 and complaint about South St. sidewalk o House breakin o Stormwater concern o Consolidation with Village o Request from scout to work on Jacksonville cemetery. o Solar array glare o Manure spreading complaint (3) o Fish kill in a pond o Complaint about neighbors Posted land signs o Renter being forced to remove garden Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: • Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. • Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. • Monthly review of county actions. • Daily check-in with Town Hall staff. • Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics. • Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. • Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, • Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. • Review county actions. IST DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- submitted by Ms. Zahler Exxon Mobil Negotiations • Followed up on status of proposal sent 6/16, as authorized in Town Board resolution 2016-116 on 6/14/16. • An agreement is being developed on their end for Town review. Regular phone updates are planned. Village of Trumansburg • The water project is on track. The fire hydrants along Falls Rd are operational and were used, with plenty of pressure, to help Fire Dept extinguish the fire in Falls Rd home. • Water treatment plant is somewhat behind schedule but moving forward. MRB as project manager will work with contractors to meet performance targets. • Village Board approved share service agreement to provide health benefits for shared Code Officer; support letter for Town grants to acquire Habitat property off Salo Drive and Town Hall beautification. • Village is in final stages of getting new fire truck on replacement schedule with reserve funds and received a significant federal grant for air pack replacements with the help of Sen. Gillibrand's office. • They will be advertising for replacement for Michele Mitran as Village Historian. Zoning Update Steering Committee • Meeting held July 7 th to review approach to new zoning proposal for Ag District. Committee will review concepts and preliminary draft on 7/25 to create a draft to circulate for feedback. Youth Commission • 2017 budget process underway. The Commission has invited local programs to apply for funding for services during the 2017 calendar year. They will be prepared to recommend a package of programs with funding levels after their meeting on September 6 th , so that the Supervisor can include those requests in the Town's preliminary budget. Summer jobs program underway- The program uses funds allocated by the Town and County to recruit, screen, hire and supervise around 18 local teens who are placed in various organizations, camps, & businesses, as well as the Town and Village offices. The Village's Recreation Programs are underway. The Village is talking with the Youth Commission and Rec Director about a part-time year round Rec Coordinator position to improve coordination of local recreation programs and to increase the Commission's role in oversight of recreation programs. The United Way approved funding for Recreation Program ($3,500) and for the Youth Services ($5,500) Sustainability & Conservation • Met with Roxanne Marino re: plans for the committee to focus on solar law and guidelines and zoning. Historian • Michele Mitrani, the Village Historian who has worked closely with John Wertis, Sr, our Town Historian is stepping down after a wonderfully active tenure. Kudos and thanks to Michele! • John Wertis Sr is working closely with the County's Bicentennial Planning group and will be tapping members of the Town Board and community to organize local events in 2017. Health Consortium Next meeting will be July 25 th Will be organizing a meeting with Excellus Blue Cross and Blue Shield representative to explain and compare costs and benefits in our current plans compared with the Consortium's Platinum and high deductible plans. EMS Updates • Working with Michelle Wright to prepare a brief overview of revenues from first 18 months of ambulance billing for transports. • Will schedule a review of proposed fee increases, which have been approved by Village and Hector. 2nd DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- submitted by Ms. Wright 2nd Deputy Supervisor & Bookkeeper Report for time period of June 14 -July 7 2016 Submitted on 7/7/2016 by Michelle E. Wright Deputy Supervisor • Capacity building with EFC intern o Oversight on two projects conducted by Anthony ■ Highway asset management database ■ Town resident mailing database TAP Sidewalk Grant Project o Continued communications with Fisher and Village regarding project • Water District 3 o Continued work with Liz on a variety of aspects of this project o Communications regarding income survey Ag committee o Meeting Attendance o Minute taking and drafting o Communications with committee members • Grant work o Assistance with a variety of aspects of grant submission o General administrative tasks o Web page up -keep • Work with Sarah on approaching problem solving with solar panel saving agreement Bookkeeper • Audit o Continued work with follow up questions • AUD adjusted report o Communications with NYSOSC regarding adjustments made to the AUD o An adjust AUD report was sent as an attachment to all Town Board members o Full report of minor changes available upon request ■ Most of these changes had to do with the import from Williamson not categorizing certain accounting codes correctly. I have followed up with Williamson asking if this issue can be brought to their programmers in order to avoid this in the future. • Personnel o On -boarding of youth employees for the summer ■ Orientation/training for student employees ■ Capacity building with creation of special journal for Youth Program Coordinator to autonomously track Youth PS line based on hours worked. o Work with Mariette on MOU for shared employee o Retiree Medicare enrollment • Meeting with MedEx reviewing the first year of billing • Regular duties o Payroll ■ Processing and accounting o Banking o Water district accounting o NYSLRS (retirement system) ■ Annual payment calculation ■ Monthly reporting o Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers ■ Vouchered expenses ■ Health Insurance ■ Other regular payments MR. BOGGS: Mr Boggs has been doing more water district legwork, including testing, and will have more to report at the next meeting. MR. GOLDMAN: absent MR. HERTZLER: Environmental management council will meet on Thursday. Respectfully submitted by Sarah Koski on 7/14/16. 15