HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober-December-Community-Newsletter-20201 Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2020 October-December Free Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. John Maxwell Hello Enfielders, I hope everyone is well and safe. As I am sure most of you assume, the 2020 ECC Harvest Festival is cancelled due to Covid restrictions. Instead we will be having a drive thru chicken BBQ. See page three for further information. We hope to see you there! Reserve dinners (or halves) to 607-279-4702 by September 18th. Please do not call or text between 9pm and 7am. These last months (most of 2020) have been trying for all. Racial tensions, Covid, Covid related financial difficulties, and stressors all over the place. As we enter the winter months (and less sunshine) please be aware of depression and anxiety in yourself and other. I am not joking here; be aware. The symptoms of depression can slowly creep in without anyone really being aware. A few of the symptoms are a change in sleep pattern, change of appetite, trouble concentrating, persistent sadness, physical pain, anger and irritability, fatigue, reckless behavior, withdrawing from friends and family, excessive guilt, feelings of worthlessness, muscle tension, feeling restless or on edge, and excessive worrying. New York has NY Project Hope to help those of us struggling with depression. The number is 844 -863-9314. It is confidential, anonymous, and free. The website is nyprojecthope.org. Please stay safe and keep an eye on your friends, family and neighbors. With winter on it’s way please be safe. Help out each other where you can. Covid makes things harder. We have all been visiting by staying outside and apart, but that won’t be an option soon as the cold wind and snow blows. Pick up that phone and call. Your voice may just be what they need (or you need)! Stay safe, Cortney Bailey This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Lisa Monroe, Vice President 379-0844 Lm.monroe@yahoo.com Ann Rider, Secretary 277-3478 daylilyann10@yahoo.com Carla Trenchard, Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What’s Inside… From the Editor 1 Message from ECC 1 Town Historian 2 Advertising 2 ECC Harvest Festival Info 3 Enfield Valley Grange 4 EVFC 4 Area Churches: 5 Enfield Food Pantry 5 Town Historian 6 Bicentenial Update 6 Blood Drive 7 Calendar of Events 8 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in Decemberfor publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you’d like to see included. Enfield Community Council Seeks New Members The Enfield Community Council is prepping for a new year and a busy one. We would like to add to our board and find Enfield people to help us with our new projects. Tell us the type of things you can help with, and we will gratefully find a place for you. Our major focus is the youth of our community. We want to build a new building to give them a *center*. Talk to your friends, search your thoughts. Contact Ann @ 227- 1891 or Cortney @ 279-4702, if you can help in any way. Enfield Community Council 168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11 Ithaca NY 14850 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY The Enfield Community Council thanks the United Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support of the Council's outreach programs, including this newsletter. Calendar of Events October November 3– Election Night Dinner at the Grange (carry out only) 17– Red Cross Blood Drive at the Enfield Volunteer Fire Department December Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 1 pm. Enfield Community Council (ECC): TBA on the Town Website Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church; meetings include a dish -to-pass luncheon ECC is looking for volunteers! With the added issues caused by Covid we are looking for creative ways to keep our community active and en- gaged! Please contact one of our board members listed on page one with ideas or to volunteer! See our web site for further information: www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org.  Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: May, July, September, etc.) 7LPH1:30 until 6:30 PM. :alk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, September 15th Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there’s always room for more! 7 2 Dougherty Outdoor Care Snow plowing, Lawn mowing, Brush clean -up, and other services available upon request! Bill Dougherty Cell: 607279-2109 Home: 607-2720877 166 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 The Winning Recipe. Sue Thompson Enfield Town Historian – historian@townofenfield.org After checking through the index of nine Enfield cookbooks the families which submitted the most recipes were: Laue (108, 45 were Florence Laue), Smith (64), Kastenhuber (52, 48 were Ana Kastenhuber), Lucelia Weatherby (44), Teeter (36). In May 1984 a Tasters Choice supper was held at the Enfield Methodist Church. It was advertised that all recipes used would be published. The Cookbook was published and called “Our Daily Bread”. Lucelia Weatherby shared one of her recipes called “Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares”. Peanut Butter Whole Wheat Bread was one of the interesting sounding recipes submitted by Florence Laue. Perhaps the Peanut Soup submitted by Millicent Carpenter in the 1973 Ithaca Journal would be a great compliment to the cookies and bread. Millicent was a contestant in many baking con- tests locally and State wide through the Enfield Valley Grange. She only shared 5 of her recipes in these cookbooks none of which matched her winning Chocolate Cake, Pecan Pie or Cranberry Recipe. Anyone want to share these reci- pes? Peanut Soup: 1 medium onion, finely chopped, 2 tablespoons vegetable oi/l, ¾ cup peanut butter , 3 cups chicken broth, salt and pepper to taste. Cook onion in oil until soft and golden brown lower heat blend in peanut butter add chicken broth slowly stirring constantly until mixture is smooth. Bring to a boil, season, lower heat and simmer 10 minutes garnish with croutons. Serves four or five. In 1990 Mary Cole and Darlene Armstrong gathered together recipes from the school community and published an Enfield Elementary School Cookbook. Debbie Teeter representing the family submitted a recipe for “Internet Cookies”. Glenda Smith submitted 25 recipes for this book. Among them an interesting recipe for Halloween Makeup: 1 table- spoon shortening, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, food coloring. Blend shortening and cornstarch in small bowl. Use as basic white makeup. Blend desired food coloring into basic makeup to achieve desired effect. The First Baptist Church Cookbook Committee – Ana Kastenhuber, Rhonda Connors, Jane Conroy and Debbie Boynton published a cookbook in 1994. Ana submitted 48 recipes for this cookbook one being Mock Applepie. In October 1977 The Enfield Harvest Festival held its first Sample Luncheon directed by Helen Jackson. The Lunch- eon reportedly served 50 favorite dishes. The food was put out on tables and you could go by and sample them for between 5 and 25 cents. Along with the food you could pick up the recipe for the dish you tried. Eventually all the reci- pes were reportedly published as a cookbook. The Enfield Historian collection only as a copy of the 1983 recipe book. Does anyone have other years? I believe the luncheon was last served in 1983. To view these cookbooks you may find them at our Enfield Town Web Site under Archival Documents: http:// townofenfield.org/documents-public-laserfische/ I have added a copy of the complete index of the cookbooks on this site. If you have trouble viewing these let me know and I can send you copies through your e-mail. Let me know if you have a cookbook to share that we don’t have in our collection: To Your House with Blessings – Agape Bible Church – 1986; Enfield Elementary School Cookbook – 1990; What's Cooking in Kennedys Corners 1956; First Baptist Church - Enfield, New York - Give Us This Day 1994; Parish Cooks of the Enfield Larger Parish and Friends 1938; Enfield United Methodist Church "Our Daily Bread" 1984; Enfield Commemorative Cookbook Town of Enfield 1996; Anniversary Enfield Grange 100 years cookbook 1975; Sampler Luncheon Harvest Festival 1983. Would you like to advertise in our newsletter? Please contact Cortney Bailey At cbailey525@yahoo.com or 607-279-4702. 3 . The 46th Annual INSTEAD: Chicken BBQ at 11 am September 26th, 2020 $10 full dinner Enf ield Volunteer Fire Department Chicken, roll, salt potatoes, cole slaw & dessert! $6 chicken half only Drive thru will be at the former Living Waters Church at 162 Enfield Main Road (next to the old highway department building). Call ahead to reserve your dinner or chicken! 607-279-4702 between 7am and 9pm by September 18th. We will have 100 dinners more than reserved! 6 Harvest Festival Quilts The tradition of the annual Enfield Harvest Festival began on October 18, 1975 and so did the quilt raffles. This quilting tra- dition has carried on through out the years. Please contact Sue Thompson – historian@townofenfield.org. if you have information on missing quilt information listed below. I am looking for types of quilts made, who made them and who won the quilt. 1976 October 23 1977 October 15 1978 1979 1981 Dresden Plate. Won by Carol Baker. 1982 October 16. Dresden Plate. Quilt by Senior Citizens Senior Citizens 1985 October 5 - Rose Wreath. Quilt by Senior Citizens Senior Citizens 1987 Dresden Plate. Won by Jim Reeves. 1988 Trip Around the World. Won by Nina Linton 1989 October 21 - Lap Robe. Won by Calvin Rothermich. 1992 October 23 - Rail Fence. Quilt by Senior Citizens Senior Citizens 1994 1995 1996 Commemorative Quilt 1997 October 18 – Quilt by Enfield Senior Citizens. 1998 October 17 1999 October 23 – Log Cabin Variation. Donated by Enfield Senior Citizens. 2001 October 13 2002 October 12 - Log Cabin Variation. Donated by Enfield Senior Citizens. 2003 October 13 - Shades of Blue. Donated by Enfield Senior Citizens. 2004 September 25 - Patchwork. Donated by Enfield Senior Citizens. 2005 September – Patchwork. Donated by Enfield Senior Citizens. 2006 September 23 – Amish Design 2007, September 15 - Peaceful Time. Donated quilt top by Debbie Caffrey, Kathy Carman . 2008, September 20 - Pattern "Box Tie". Donated by Sylvia Strauss. 2009, September 19 - Pretty Maids. Donated by Peggy Hill. 2011, September 17 - Walk in the Park. 2012, The Ohio Star. 2013, October 5 Dragonfly’s in Garden. Quilt by Enfield Community Members. 2014, October 4 Around the World . Quilt by Enfield Community Members. 2015 October 15 - Quilt As You Go. Quilt by JoAnn Huddle and Bronwyn Mohlke. 2016, October 1 Autumn Colors Sampler. Quilt by Enfield Community Members 2017 September 23 - Quilt As You Go 2018 September 22 – Donated by Deena Rambaum Town of Enfield Bicentennial Celebration - 200 Years - March 16, 1821 – March 16, 2021 The 200th Bicentennial of the Town of Enfield will be celebrated in 2021. To prepare for this event we will be planning this event during 2020. Ann Rider and Sue Thompson, Town Historian will be co -chairman of the events. We are hav- ing monthly planning meetings during 2020 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, through “Zoom”. If you would like to join this committee, please e-mail Ann at: daylilyann10@yahoo.com to be put on the notification list. Notifications, meeting minutes, and historical articles on this Bicentennial event can be found on: Enfield Community Council website – http://www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org; Community Council on Facebook; Enfield Web site www.townofenfield.org We are also having a logo contest. All Enfield residents, old and young are encouraged to participate in creating a logo that represents our community and can be applied to a T-shirt. During this uncertain time, let your creative juices flow and come up with a design that represents our Town and its history. Ellie Hobbie has agreed to be the Chairman of this project. Send her a copy of your idea by November 1 at: ehobbie7@gmail.com and a panel of judges will make the final selection. 5 Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Road 607-273-7419/www.agape-ithaca.org Pastor Mike Corriero Pastor Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non-denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our Purpose To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest. To worship the Lord and seek his face. To share His love, and build up and equip God's people. To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute service, with a short time of worship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Morning Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship, and opportunity for body ministry and testimony. Nursery and Children's Church are provided during the 10:00 am service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER 174 Enfield Main Rd. 607-273-5682 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER The weekly sermon is posted on our website at: thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com as well as information about our ministry We sponsor the Enfield Food Distribution, our local food pantry. West Hill Community Church 3049 Van Dorn Corners Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 607-387-4282 Web: www.whcchurch.com Email: whcchurch@aol.com Pastor Bill Lower ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION The ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION BELIEVES IN THE POWER OF FOOD We are broadening our focus. We continue to be an emergency food source but we are moving from a charity model to one of empowerment and food security. Our vision includes nutrition education to build healthy bodies. Provision of a space, gardening skills and tools for community gardens. A kitchen to teach food preparation and provision of hot meals. Meeting people where they are at. We strive to avoid the signs, symbols, and procedures that contribute to the stigma often experienced by people attending food programs in charitable organizations, and to positively communicate our respect for all participants through respectful procedures. We invite community involvement. We believe that people are healthiest and happiest when they are making their own choices, meeting their own needs, and contributing to their com-munities Volunteers and donations are always welcome. Please call 607-273- Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296/www.jcumc.com Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor We welcome visitors and invite you to join us at any time. The church is located on Route 96 in Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. Worship & Meetings: Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year- round (Sunday School & Nursery concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm 4 Enfield Valley Grange #295 We hope you are all enjoying your summer despite the current pandemic. We have been able to return to having some fund raisers. Our fish fry dinners have returned and we would like to thank you for your support. We have been having carry-out service only and this has worked very well. Our most recent fish fry, we held a 50/50 drawing, congratulation to Lisa on being our winner! Watch for upcoming dinners in September and October. We are currently planning our annual Election Night dinner for Tuesday, November 3rd. Again we are planning on carry-out only, with a menu of turkey, dressing, mashed potato, gravy, peas, cranberry jell, roll, apple pie at $12.00 each. Dinner will be served at 4:30pm. We would appreciate ordering in advance,by calling before Tuesday, November 2 607 -272-2144. We have updated our placemats and hope to be able to use them once we can have inside events. We would like to thank our local businesses who have supported us this way. Please support our local businesses! We would like to thank our “Power Grangers” for all their hard work this year in making our grange building beautiful. We are looking for new members, if you think you may be interested in learning more about the grange and what we do in our community, please feel free to join us. Our meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm. If you or anyone you know are looking to host an event and looking for space to rent, please contact Sandra Trutt at 273-4884. Our rates are very reasonable. Stay well and safe, Carol Baker, Master, Enfield Valley Grange #295 The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Gregory Kirchgessner Memorial Scholarship Fund The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC) Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide financial sup- port to residents of the Town of Enfield pursuing high education. Any Town of Enfield resident pursuing an Associates or Bachelors degree in Emergency Service (Fire, Law Enforcement, Medical, etc.) is eligible to apply. To receive an application contact the Fire Station at 272-8757. Completed applications are due no later than Octo- ber 15th (postmarked if submitted by mail). Recipients will be notified in early December and will publicly be awarded and honored at the annual EVFC Banquet on the second Saturday in December. Completed applications will be reviewed and weighted by a committee of the EVFC. The decision of the review committee is final, pending approval of the membership.