HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter enfield April-June-20221 Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2022 April-June Free Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. -John Lennon Hello Enfielders, Spring has arrived! Yippee! I am stoked for being outside and being able to garden, visit, and be warm without looking like the marshmallow man! Please take this wonderful weather to reconnect with friends, family, and neighbors. Take a road trip to see friends you haven’t seen in years! I have regrets because I just lost someone who I let contact slip with. Take the time! Enjoy, Live, Love, and Be Kind! Stay safe, Cortney Bailey This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Lisa Monroe, Vice President 379-0844 Lm.monroe@yahoo.com Ann Rider, Secretary 277-3478 daylilyann10@yahoo.com Vera Howe-Strait, Treasurer 273-1413 Carla Trenchard, Debbie Teeter 280-1495 Colleen McKenzie; Programs cms326@gmail.com Cassandra Hinkle hinklecass@gmail.com Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What’s Inside… From the Editor 1 Newsletter Alert 1 Messages from ECC 1 Town Historian 2 Library at the Center 2 Enfield Food Pantry 3 Ways to help the Center 3 Enfield After School Program 4 ECC Summer Camp 4 Blood Drive 5 Area Churches 5 Grown Up Gala 5 Fools Fun Day 5 EVFC 6 ECC Membership Form 7 Summer Camp News/Form 8–11 Happenings at The Center 11 Get Your Picture Taken 11 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 12 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in December for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you’d like to see included. Vendors needed for the Rhubarb Festival. Please contact Colleen (cms316@gmail.com) for more information. Important Links section: our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCC, ECC webpage http://www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org/ for late breaking updates — who knows, maybe by the time the newsletter goes out we’ll have a clue what is possible? Building photos and rental policies: http:// www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org/ecc-building-rental/ Newsletter Alert Received more than one newsletter, have an address correction, or want to receive it via email? Please send an email to dlteeter58@gmail.com. Receiving your newsletter via email saves us printing and postage. Past newsletters are available on our website (www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org). Volunteers needed The Enfield Community Council is always in need of volunteers! Contact a board mem- ber (top left) to join us. We have Library hours to fill, events to plan, ideas needed, and so much more! We want to partner with the Town, Enfield Fire Company, Grange, Sen- iors, and more in fun events like Trunk or Treat, Deck the Halls, and more. To do this, we need volunteers for an event, cleaning, planning, fundraising. We have also included the membership form on page 7. Simply fill out and send to Enfield Community Council (162 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca NY 14850). 2 Enfield History – Sue Thompson, Enfield Historian, historian@townofenfield.org Have you ever heard of “flour sack dresses”? By the 1920’s flour/sugar/feed sacks were printed in gingham checked or striped patterns. These flour sacks were used to make household items, clothing, quilts and toys. I am looking for family stories in the use of these sacks. I would also be interesting in viewing an actual sack, or clothing/quilt. I am working on a history display but do not have local stories of the use of theses sacks. (historian@townofenfield.org or 607-272-6412). While entering 1940 Federal Census data in the History Forge project of Tompkins County for Enfield (https:// thehistorycenter.net/HistoryForge) I was noticing the different occupations recorded for residents of the Town. Below are just a few of the people and occupations. If you have additional information on any of the residents I would love to hear from you. If you want to do some of your own research, Family Search and Ancestry are two website you can find the 1940 Cen- sus. On April 1, the 1950 Federal Census will be released and viewable on both these websites. One of the first occupations I noticed was Pocketbook Manufacturing. France Newhart, Sophia Wilkins, Arthur and Pauline Wright, Andrew Palmer, and Viola McCray were all listed as working at Pocketbook Manufacturing. The jobs were listed as leather cutter and sewing operator. R. Appel opened the “pocketbook factory” in 1934 in Ithaca. The company produced handbags for customers throughout the United States and Canada for 25 years until its closure in 1959. At its peak production, R. Appel, Inc. manufactured nearly 1,800 handbags a day. Helen Stanton worked as a seamstress at the City Hospital. The City Hospital at that time was located on South Quarry Street in Ithaca and called the Ithaca Memorial Hospital. There were teachers listed, Pearl Niverson (Krums Cor- ners School); Florence Bullivant (Trumansburg School for 44 years); Mary Freese (VanDorn’s School); Warena Ramsey (Bostwick, VanDorn, Woodard, Millers Corner, Enfield Center and Enfield Elementary Schools, taught for 40 years); Martha Bock (Woodward School taught for 33 years). Paul Nelson worked at a Chicken Hatchery (we will place him at Babcock’s (1935 Krums Corners). Abram Moore, Junk Dealer. Clair Entriken and Albert Stone, Bakery. Blacksmith - Clarence Fitchpatrick, Enfield Center and Otto Newman, Cornell University. Hall Bailey, Caretaker State Park – Robert H. Treman State Park? Lawrence and Arelen Fitchpatrick, Clifford and Doris Voorheis working at “adding machine” manufacture. Allen - Wales produced and sold adding machines, Ithaca. The Company became National Cash Register (NCR) in 1943. Ern- est Buteux, built Hillendale Golf Course (Applegate Road) in 1930’s. Lyman Cockerill, Minister Baptist Church. Merchant Retail Stores – Carl Newhart, Enfield Center Newhart’s Store; Charles Phillips, Miller’s Corner (Mecklenburg, Enfield Main) Gas Station; William Jones, Enfield Center Red and White Store. Holland Cretsen, Foreman Civilian Conserva- tion Corps (CCC) Camp, 1933 Robert H. Treman State Park, Enfield. Kryle Burlew, Barber Enfield Center. Nora Dodd, Practical Nurse, Dodd Nursing Home opened in 1951 and closed in 1971, Ithaca. I ran across this article in the Ithaca Journal, September 2, 1924. I found it interesting the variety of names attend- ing the Rumsey Reunion, a good research project to see how all these people were connected: The third annual reun- ion of the descendants of the Jonathan Rumsey family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fittchpatrick at Enfield Center last Saturday with about 50 present from Odessa, Dryden, and Ithaca. A bountiful dinner was served at noon and the day was spent with games and visiting. Mrs. Fred Bock read a history of the family and officers elected for another year were: President, L.D. Rumsey; vice-president, Mrs. Sherman Ervay; secretary, Mrs. Ida Carpenter; treasurer, Sherman Ervay; historian, Mrs. Fred Bock; committee on entertainment, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. John My- ers and Mrs. Fred Bock. The next reunion will be held at the home of Mrs. E.P. Perez at Shadow Lawn on Cayuga Lake. ENFIELD HAS A LIBRARY— in our Enfield Community Center, and it’s coming together beautifully. Thanks to the gen- erosity of Enfield residents and the Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library, with help from the Danby Community Library, we now have over 1200 books for all ages. And, thanks to the carpentry skills of Woody McKenzie, funding from the Enfield Town Board, and donations of shelves from Cortney Bailey, we have places to put them. There are two laptop computers for community use, and WIFI for access to the internet. Comfortable room, great books, we’re ready for readers! We know you’re out there. Borrowers, browsers, opinionated readers, critics, and new volunteers are all welcome. What are you reading? What would you like to read? What do you insist we must all read? Interested in a book group? Interested in leading a book group? Story hour? We’ll be starting story hour this summer. Questions, suggestions, complaints? Send to enfield.community.library@gmail.com The library is open Sunday 1-4 PM, Tuesday and Thursday 4-7 PM, and Saturday 9 AM-noon. Come visit! 3 . THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER The weekly sermon is posted on our website at: thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com as well as information about our ministry. The Enfield Food Pantry is a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Enfield Center. Food security in our community has been a mission of the Church for more than 200 years. We are the largest food pantry in New York State’s Southern Tier region. The Pantry is one of the charter member agencies of the Food Bank of the Southern Tier – named the 2017 Food Bank of the Year by Second Harvest Feeding America. We are dedicated to helping those who are food insecure, building and sustaining a hunger -free local community. We are now distributing approximately 1.5 million pounds of food annually. The average number of families served this quarter were 450 -475 weekly. We continue to receive two tractor trailer loads of food from the Food Bank twice a week. Volunteers pick up res- cued food from local businesses three to four days a week. Presently, as part of the Restaurant Resiliency Program we have received 200 meals weekly from local restaurants. We will have had 11 weeks of meal deliveries by the end of this month when the program will close. Gadabout continues to transport Enfield residents to and from the pantry on Mondays. This service is provided free of charge to those riding Gadabout. Call Gadabout for a ride to the pantry at 607 -273-1878. The Food Pantry raises dona- tions to cover the service. TO HELP PROVIDE FOOD take your cans and bottles to Ithacan at 614 Elmira Rd. and donate them for the Enfield Food Pantry. Every .06 buys one pound of food for the pantry to distribute. That is one can or bottle buys one pound of food. IF YOU NEED FOOD: A list of available foods at the pantry is provided on the website. (availability varies). You may come to the pantry one time a week, either on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. If you need food, please know that you will be welcomed at our pantry. We are here to help. Every Saturday HOURS 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Every Sunday HOURS 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Every Monday HOURS 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Ways you can help! There are many ways to help the Enfield Community Council Inc continue and expand 46 (yes 46) years of serving the Enfield community! Amazon Smiles– This is so easy. Go to Amazon Smiles and pick Enfield Community Council Inc Enfield NY as your charity. When you shop on Amazon, make sure you shop on Amazon Smiles. The prices are the same! Amazon will send ECC a small percent of each purchase quarterly. Volunteer– We are always in need of volunteers. These programs and activities only happen because of all the wonderful people who volunteer! (cbailey525@yahoo.com) Donate– Monetary donations of any size are always welcome. They are also tax deductible! Send to ECC 162 Enfield Main Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 Members– Become a member. Membership forms are available electronically or at the Center! Membership form on page 7, or at http//www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org/ecc -membership/ Ideas– We are always looking for program and event input. Your idea might be something others would really enjoy! Contact Colleen McKenzie; Program Director (cms326@gmail.com with ideas. 4 Spring Faire & Rhubarb Festival Saturday, May 21, 11 am to 3 pm at the Enfield Community Center, 162 Enfield Main Road Celebrate the arrival of spring at the Enfield Spring Faire & Rhubarb Festival! There will be many different deli- cious rhubarb treats to sample - sampling tickets are ten for $5, each ticket gets you a sample. You'll also be able to buy portions of your favorites! There will also be rhubarb and rhubarb plants to buy, fun and games for everyone, rhubarb cooking demos, a plant sale, and an arts and crafts fair. There will also be a pulled pork dinner featuring rhubarb or traditional BBQ sauce. There is still room for individuals and groups who want to be rhubarb food sampling and selling vendors and rhubarb and/or rhubarb plant vendors. Contact Debbie Teeter for more information, 280 -1495, dlteeter58@gmail.com There is also still room for vendors for the arts and crafts fair: contact Colleen McKenzie pg/email. Support our New Community Center Want a painless way to support us? Return your 5 cans to IthaCan Bottle Return, 614 Elmira Rd, Ithaca, NY during their normal business hours (M-F 9AM-6PM & Sat from 9AM-4PM) and say that you want the return money to go to the Enfield Community Council. They will save the money for us and we will pick it up from them every 3 months. They pay 6 every day for your cans. Give us even more $ by taking your cans back on their 7 day which they have about once a month. Watch for it on their Facebook page. ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE #295 On Friday, April 1st we are planning on having a Chicken and Biscuit dinner with a vegetable, salad and dessert. We will be serving from 4:00-6:00pm at the grange hall. Eat in or carry out. We are hosting our Craft Club again this year. The second Sunday of each month at 1:00pm. At our April meeting we will be working on an Easter project and all supplies will be provided. We would love to have you come join us. Come and have fun, see what we're all about! We are planning a community wide Easter Egg Hunt at the grange hall on Saturday, April 16th from 2-3pm for children ag- es 10 and under. We are hoping for a nice warm day! On Friday, May 6th we are planning a Spaghetti Dinner with sauce and homemade meatballs with tossed salad, garlic bread and a dessert. We will be serving from 4:00-6:00pm at the grange hall. Eat in or carry out. On Saturday, May 14th from 9:00-2:00 we are planning on having a yard sale. We are in the process of cleaning out our collections of household goods, building materials etc. We would love to have you join us, if you would like a table for your sale, please give me a call and we'll have a table ready for you at no charge. Please contact Carol at 607-272-2144 before April 23rd. We are looking for new members, if you think you may be interested in learning more about the grange and what we do in our community, please feel free to join us. Our meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. If you or anyone you know are looking to host an event and looking for space to rent, our rates are very reasona- ble. Please contact Sandra Trutt at 607-273-4884 for more details. We look forward to seeing you soon! Carol Baker, President Enfield Valley Grange #295 5 Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Road 607-273-7419/www.agape- ithaca.org Pastor Mike Corriero Pastor Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non- denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our Purpose  To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest.  To worship the Lord and seek his face.  To share His love, and build up and equip God's people.  To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70- minute service, with a short time of worship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Morning Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship. Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church 1869 Trumansburg Rd, PO Box 244 Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296 www.jcumc.com Geri Judd, Pastor We welcome visitors and invite you to join us for services at 9am Sundays. Sunday School runs concurrently. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER 174 Enfield Main Rd. 607-273-5682 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER The weekly sermon is posted on our website at: thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com as well as information about our ministry We sponsor the Enfield Food Distribution, our local food pantry. West Hill Community Church 3049 Van Dorn Corners Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 607-387-4282 Web: www.whcchurch.com Email: whcchurch@aol.com Pastor Bill Lower Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: May, July, September, etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. Mecklenburg United Methodist Church 6063 Turnpike Rd., PO Box 66 Mecklenburg, NY 14863 Sundays at 9:30 with lots of music Susan Wissick, Pastor Grown Up Gala Enfield Community Council will be holding a super relaxing ADULT only fundraiser. On July 30th, 2022 we will be having a Grown Up Gala for adults. Many of us have no opportuni- ty to dress up and dance (or just hang out with other adults). On July 30th, 2022 (save the date) we will enjoy a DJ, appetizers, snacks, and mini des- serts and a chance to dress up. I have already heard my husband bemoaning the dress up, but he will do it for me. So bring your signifi- cant other or come with a group of friends to christen the new floor in the Great Room with an evening of dancing and relaxing. Sadly, we will not provide alcoholic bever- ages, but feel free to bring a bottle of wine to enjoy. We ask you have a designated driver, or ask us to arrange you a ride. We will be look- ing into adult libations for the future. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be included in the ticket price. And while we are working out the details, please keep in mind that this is for a great cause. The Community Center (which houses free wi-fi, a library, teen programs, community events, and more) is in need of (always) maintenance and repair year round. All funds raised during the event will go directly to maintaining the building. Another item coming up (next year) will be a Casino Night. If you know how to organize one of those, let us know! Fools Day Fun Join us from 6pm to 8pm for Family Bingo at the Community Center! Fun times for the family! Enjoy some time to- gether as a family winning fun prizes! 6 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company News * Spring 2022 Fire Chief: enfieldvfc.chief@gmail.com * President: enfieldvfc.president@gmail.com Secretary: enfieldvfc.secretary@gmail.com 172 Enfield Main Road * Ithaca, New York 14850 * 607-272-8757 Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram facebook.com/ENFIELDVFC * Instagram.com/enfieldvfc Fire and EMS calls in 2022 January: 35 Total Calls: Rescue 24, MVA 2, Lifting Assistance 1, Carbon Monoxide 1, Other 6 February: 20 Total Calls: Rescue 13, MVA 2, Extrication 1, Carbon Monoxide 1, Other 3 Is there a Fire in YOU? We meet every Thursday night at our Fire Station & are actively recruiting new Firefighters and EMS Providers! We offer FREE training & cool sweatshirts. Serve, grow, and learn right here in Enfield! We train in Fire & Rescue Skills every Thursday at 7:00 pm. Our General Membership Meeting is the 1st Thursday of the month a t 7:30 pm. We partner with New York State’s Office of Fire Prevention and Control to sponsor YOUR training in Fire, Emergency Medical Response, Fire Police & Emergency Management. We have an active Junior Firefighter program for youth who are 14 or older and meeting their academic goals. Call our Station @ 607-272-8757 for an application or send email to enfieldvfc.chief@gmail.com to volunteer! Visit Enfield Fire Station to check out our Fire and EMS response vehicles, take pictures, and to discuss local opportunities in the Fire & Rescue Service! Due to the ongoing COVID Pandemic, we are arranging station tours on an individual/small group basis. Our Line Officers for 2022: Fire Chief Greg Stevenson, Deputy Chief Jamie Stevens, 1st Assistant Chief Tony Carlisle, 2nd Assistant Chief Bailey Stevens, Captain Zachary Snyder, Safety Officer Larry Stilwell, EMS Director Ellen Mary Woods, and Fir e Police Director Rodney Ike Our Staff Officers for 2022 are: President Dennis Hubbell, Vice President Alan Teeter, Board Members Larry Stilwell, Denise Hubbell, Rodney Ike, and Anthony Podufalski. Our Treasurer is Debbie Teeter and our Fire Company Secretary is Ellen Mary Woods. Congratulations to Fire Captain Zac Snyder who recently began training for his new role as a Fire Officer and completed part one of his Fire Officer training with State Fire Instructor Joe Lisi. Thank you to Safety Officer Larry Stilwell, Vice President Alan Teeter, and President Denny Hubbell for their diligence in keeping our parking lot clear and ready for Emergency Response during this Winter’s Snowstorms! Enfield Fire Company recently trained on Occupational Safety and Health with State Fire Instructor Tom Pirko. We also recentl y trained on ventilation during Structure Fires, as well as triage during Multiple Casualty Incidents (MCIs). Enfield Fire Company currently has two Stop the Bleed Trainers, please reach out to us if you would like this life -saving civilian training for your organization! In 2022 Enfield Fire Company looks forward to hosting CPR training for the Enfield Community. Stay tuned for upcoming dates! 7 Enfield Community Council APPLICATION Please type or print in black ink (Revised February 2019) If you are interested in serving as a member please complete this form; attach additional sheets if neces- sary. You may be called for an interview and you may wish to attend a meeting of the Enfield Community Council if you have not yet done so. Please contact the Cortney Bailey at 279-4702 or by e-mail: cbai- ley525@yahoo.com if you have any questions. Name Date of application _______ Address (residence) ______________________________ Street City Zip Code Telephone (home) (work) (mobile) Email address Length of residence in Enfield Why are you interested in this being a member of the Enfield Community Council? What particular strengths would you bring to this organization? Experience and community affiliations Recommended by References: (1) —————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————— name, address, and telephone number (2) ————————————————————————————————————————— -————————————————————————————————————————————- name, address, and telephone number Signature ___________________________________________________________ 8 Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp July 5, 2022 to August 12, 2022 The Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp offers a camp program which will enhance the children’s growth, well-being, and social development by incorporating one or more of the following components into all camp activities and projects: educational and/or recreational objectives, physical fitness and cultural studies including art and music. The Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp serves children ages 4–13 and will be held at the Enfield Com- munity Center, 162 Enfield Main Rd with the following programs and activities: Sports Science Day themes Cooking Library for reading Arts & crafts Swimming at State parks Literacy activities Creek exploration Field trips An Outdoor Education program A chance to make new friends & strengthen existing friendships Breakfast & lunch provided by the ICSD EVERY Friday is ALL Camp field trips. For some trips we may return later than camp hours 6 Week Program Cost: Enfield Residents: $950.00 Non-Residents: $1250 *This payment guarantees space for your child(ren) for before and/or after camp care regardless the number of days per week using that service. Fee needs to be paid by the first day of camp The Community Council is offering a prepay reduced rate for the BASE FEE ONLY; the reduction of $15.00/ child is applicable if you pay by May 31, 2022 The Enfield Community Council strives to provide activities that are free or low cost. It is our goal that no one is turned away because of the inability to pay. Please contact the Camp Director if there are any issues regarding income and/or ability to pay. Summer Camp Applications Are available at the Enfield Elementary School office, the Enfield Town Clerk’s Office, and at the Enfield Elementary School Age Program (weekdays 2:00 - 5:30 pm) and thru the Town of Enfield website: townofenfield.org. You may also photocopy a blank application. Are accepted on a first come, first serve basis; Enfield residents are given preference. Are due by June 15th to ensure a space for your child(ren) at camp. Must be completely filled out and include all payments to be accepted. (Any remaining balances due from 2021 must be paid before a 2022 application can be accepted.) Should be mailed with payment to: Enfield Community Council: 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 Checks or money orders payable to Enfield Community Council; no cash payments accepted Notes: If you currently receive temporary assistance or need help with the cost of camp, you may be eligible for assis- tance through DSS for the Summer Day Camp. Please follow the steps below to apply for assistance and secure space for your child in our summer day camp program: 1. If you don't have an open case with DSS please call them to complete an eligibility pre -screening. Contact Carrie Baylor at 274-5221, Robin Collins at 274-5237 or main desk at 274-5612. 2 .If you already have an open case please contact your caseworker. 3. If you are deemed eligible you should complete the DSS application. DSS staff can help. Your Child should bring daily: Swimsuit Towel Shoes appropriate for sports & walks in the woods Filled water bottle and Extra Change of Clothes 9 Could You Help Send an Enfield Youth to Camp? Over 70% of our campers come from local low-income families. We try not to turn away any child who wants to par- ticipate in our programs. We have gotten many more requests for help in paying for our summer camp so the Enfield Community Council is starting a scholarship fund to meet this need in our community. The 6 -week camp season base fee is $950.00 per child; that’s $158.00 a week. Your donation of $950.00 will allow 1 camper to: Participate in arts, science, sports, outdoor education and craft ac- tivities. Opportunities for hiking, creek exploration, playground time Have a healthy breakfast, hot lunches, and snacks. Make new friends, play outdoors, have fun and be safe The Enfield Community Council is a 501 C -3 not for profit organ- ization - Your donations are tax-deductible. Please make checks/money orders payable to Enfield Community Council, 162 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850. Please note “Camper Scholarship” in the memo line Thank you for your support of the Enfield youth, Vera Howe-Strait  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   ____ I would like to donate $ ________to go towards _____(# of youth) camp fee. ____ I would like to donate an   additional $______ to go towards the camp fee for an additional Enfield youth. Your name and ad   dress:__________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________ 4. You should submit a completed registration form to DSS that indicates which day camp you are interested in for your child(ren). 5. You must also submit enrollment packets to the Child Development Council – one that is pre-filled by Enfield Summer Day Camp (Vera Howe-Strait) and a short family enrollment packet. Those packets are available through Vera Howe-Strait. Original signatures from you and Vera are required on the enrollment packets. 6. After the DSS application is completed and the registration information is processed an authorization for payment will be issued to you that indicates the amount of assistance that you will receive and the parent share due, if any. To officially register your child, complete the steps above and present your completed program registration form and authorized payments to Enfield Community Council Summer Camp and/or Vera Howe -Strait. Going through this process takes time. Please start as early as possible, say by April/May, to give yourself an adequate amount of time to complete all the necessary steps and secure spaces in camp. The ECC Summer Camp will work with you to ensure that those spaces are secured. For Older Youth There is a Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program for teens 14-15 year old interested in summer employment/ opportuni- ties to work with youth and gain work experience. Contact Vera Howe -Strait for more information. QUESTIONS? Contact Vera Howe-Strait: 280-2317 or by email, howestraitv@gmail.com 10 Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Application July 5, 2022–August 12, 2022 Child's Name: ______________________________________________ Birth date:___________ Grade Completed:________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Enfield Resident: ___ Non -Resident:___ Ethnicity: ___ Hispanic ___ Non -Hispanic Race: __Black/African American __American Indian __Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander __Asian __White __Prefer Not to State Home #: ________________ Work #: ______________ Cell #: _____________ Email OPTIONAL(FYI on camp and future programs thru ECC): ____________________ Emergency Contacts: Name: Relationship: Home #: Work #: 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________ Persons authorized to pick up child, in addition to parents/guardian: 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ Persons NOT authorized to pick up child: 1. __________________________________2. __________________________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Mandatory updated immunization record is needed: DPT Tetanus Polio Measles Varicella (chicken pox) Mumps Rubella Haemophilus Influenza type B Hepatitis b Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________________ Medical conditions/Restrictions, or special needs: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following YES NO My child has permission to fully participate in the Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp My child has permission to go on field trips using bus transportation My child has permission to swim on site and on field trips at State parks or lakes 11 I give permission for the trip leader and/or other emergency care personnel to administer first aid or medical treatment in the event of an emergency involving my child I give permission for my child's photo to be taken during activities for documentation and/or publicity purposes I give permission for my child to carry and use sunscreen and allow camp staff to assist when asked by my child and/or my child is unable to do so him/herself I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or injuries unless there is negligence on their part. *Please list any friends your child hopes to be in a group with; we will do our best to honor that since COVID guidelines have us in consistent staff:camper pods all summer ________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________Date:________ Programs at the Enfield Community Center Ongoing Activities: Enfield Café 9 am till 11 am 4/23, 5/14 & 6/4 Coffee, tea and a variety of baked goods Harvest Festival Quilt Making: Sundays at 1:30 pm First Friday Family Fun!: 6 to 8 pm on the 1st Friday of the month. April 1st, 6 to 8 pm Join us for our inaugural First Friday Family Fun! This month we will be having family BINGO!! We play for prizes and fun only. Beverages, popcorn and other snacks will be available for purchase. All proceeds go right back to purchasing supplies for future First Friday activities. Rhubarb Festival May 21st 2022 11 am till 3 pm SAVE THE DATE!! Grown Up Gala!! July, 30th 2022 7 to 10 pm Need a fun and fancy night out? We hear you! Grown up Gala is in the planning stages. A night of dancing to a D.J, noshing on hors d'oeuvres, and more TBD! Get Your Picture Taken… Get Your Family’s Picture Taken... Get Your Group’s Picture Taken in your favorite local place and share it with our community. The Enfield Community Council is sponsoring “Spirit of Tompkins” in Enfield. It is portraits of individuals and groups in their homes, work, farms or other meaningful places. Participants chose their own place to be photographed. Each participant is asked to provide a short explanation of why they chose that place. This is a collaboration of the Discovery Trail, the Town of Ithaca (as part of celebrating their 200 th birthday last year) and the Photographer/Project Director Robyn Wishna, an Enfield resident. It’s not just photos of peo- ple but a collection of stories about a shared place. The photos and stories aim to remind us of the connections between people and their places living in this unique County. Go to their web site spiritoftompkins.org and find additional infor- mation. Go the top of the site and sign up to have your picture taken. Add your story to the Spirit of Tompkins. The 2022 Harvest Festival Quilt 7 of us are meeting on Saturdays at 1:30 in our new Community Building to create this year’s quilt. A long -time quilter in our community, Brownwyn Molke, suggested that we do the Disappearing Nine Patch. I tried a few sample blocks and we got very excited about the pattern. Linda Vanederyn, who grew up in Enfield and is the owner of Quilter’s Corners, generously donated the fabric for our quilt. We have so many blocks left over from last year’s quilt that we are going to make a bed throw out of the remaining blocks so, this year, when you buy a quilt ticket, you will get 2 chances to win a quilt. We hope to get our queen size quilt top ready for viewing by the Rhubarb Festival in May and then get it quilted during the summer. Feel free to drop around on Saturday to join the quilting bee. 12 Enfield Community Council 162 Enfield Main Road Ithaca NY 14850 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY The Enfield Community Council thanks the United Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support of the Council's outreach programs, including this newsletter. Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 1 pm. (On Hold) Enfield Community Council (ECC): Fourth Thursday of the month at Enfield Community Center Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Enfield Community Center; meetings include a dish -to-pass luncheon Please check with your group to ensure times and locations have not changed! Want to save some trees? Get this Newsletter by e-mail! Send your email to Debbie Teeter, dlteeter58@gmail.com