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~��aa Enfield Community Currents
Winter 2002 FREE
Community Contacts
The Town Board:
Jean Owens, Town Supervisor
Greg Stevenson, Deputy Sprvsr.
Ron Switzer, Counciperson
Mark Roach, Councilperson
Pat Gumaer, Councilperson
Town Officials
Tompkins County Youth
Board Member Needed!!!
Enfield has one seat on the Tompkins County Youth Board. This
273-5682 group meets the fourth Monday of every month from 5:30 to 7:30
256-2764 p.m. The group sets priorities and distributes funds for youth
2734362 programs county wide. It is very important for Enfield to fill this
272-5245 seat. Please contact Jean Owens, Town Supervisor, if you are
Alice lane, Town Clerk
Diann McFall, Deputy Town Clerk
lane Murphy, Justice
Betty Poole, Justice
David Miller, Hwy. Superintendent
Ron McFall, Dep. Hwy. Super.
Sue Thompson, Town Historian
Enfield Community Council:
Rob Ainslie, President
Carol Givin, Vice President
Teresa Robinson, Treasurer
Vera Howe -Strait, Secretary
Kim Albrecht, Currents Editor
Town Phone Numbers:
Town Hall
Highway Department
Town Court
Recreation Partnership
Wish List
♦ New or slightly used
$100 donatiou to buy
youth lacrosse
helmets (140 needed)
$40 donation to buy
safety goggles for girls lacrosse (60 needed)
$10 donation to buy team jerseys (200 needed)
o e
273-8256 Your contributions support recreational activities for youth in our
272-6490 community. Donations (checks payable to the Ithaca Youth Bureau)
273-0363 can be mailed to the Ithaca Youth Bureau, attention Liz Vance, I
James L. Gibbs Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850. For more information call
LL- at 273-8364.
0 Page 1
Senior News
We, the Enfield Senior Citizens, have had a great year. We have
gone out to eat at several restaurants, one a month, and we
carpool to all. There have been several trips. We again donated a
quilt to the Enfield Community Council for their annual Harvest
Festival, and I must say it was beautiful. The main worker on it
was Judy Owens with co-workers Sally Grover, Jessie Smithers,
Alice Laue, and Nellie McEver. We also had our annual picnic at
Taughannock North Point.
We now have several new members from Tntmansburg Seniors.
We are always looking for new members. If you are 55 years of
age and willing to make a one dollar donation, you're in! For more
information, contact Ana Kastenhuber at 277-0489.
Thanks to all who contributed to the year 2002. We are looking
forward to a great and prosperous year in 2003!
From Our Churches
from Pa=MikeCor iem
Agape Bible Chumh
We extend an open welcome to join with us on Sundays:
8:30am ...... one hour service with a more traditional appeal.
9:45am ...... extended worship service with a more charismatic
appeal. (Nursery care available for newborn to 3 year olds and
childrens' church for ages 4 to 12 years in the 2nd service only.)
Youth Ministry takes place two evenings per month. Mid -week
Bible studies, prayer for the sick, and home fellowship meetings
vary weekly. Thursday prayer meetings at 7pm.
Our ministry brings together people from Cornell University,
Ithaca College, and throughout the Tompkins / Seneca County
area to seek the Lord and His word, and grow in a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. Call us at 273-7419 for more
information about times of various meetings. If you have a need
you would like us to pray about, contact us, or email us at
agapechurch@juno.com. We also invite you to watch our Time/
Warner cable T.V. program: 'God is Greater' on channel 13: Sunday
at 4:00pm; Wednesday at 7pm; and Saturdayat 6pm.
We also invite you to special area meetings with Pastor Bill
Johnson, from Redding California. These meetings are a joint
effort of Agape Bible Church and First Assembly of God, on
Bostwick Road. Pastor Johnson has brought renewal and healing
to many as the Lord works through him. These meetings will
be held at First Assembly of God, 197 Bostwick Road, Ithaca on
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Dec 8 - 10 at 7pm.
1p 't
Opeoa Jan, 7 th at the
New commaidly 1Jagltug.
0 pm to 8:30 pm Tue,
We Will learn to use products by the
professlormis who created them.
Creative writing, sticker art, paper
plectug, heritage ideas and more.
This Is the place for good conversation,
laughter and learning. As In the gulping
bees of old.
The Ist Tuesday of every month
there is a $10.00 charge for the
Supplies we will be using at the
workshop. The 3 rd Tuesday of the
month Is family night Eight years old
or older accompanied by an adult
family member or guardian. The
supplies will be S 7.00per person.
For Information on what type of photos to
bring or any other questions you may have,
pease all Lois at
272-324 1
Tidbits Enfield School News
Men's Basketball:
Friday evenings from 6:00.9:00 p.m. at the
Enfield Elementary School Gymnasium.
Ages 18 and older. For further information,
contact David Albrecht at 387-9340.
Grange News
It's the time of year for Pancake Breakfasts. The Grange will
again host pancake breakfasts the first Saturday of the month.
Breakfasts will be:
♦ January 41,
♦ February 11
♦ March 1°
♦ April51
The Grange serves pancakes, sausage, hashbrowns, eggs,
applesauce, orange juice, and coffee/tea. We use these funds to
pay for maintenance and repairs to the Grange Hall, one of
Enfield's historic treasures.
Did you know you could rent the Grange Hall for an event such
as a party, shower, wedding, or family reunion? You have the
choice of renting the entire building or just the top or ground
floor. There is also use of the kitchen. Call Roger Hubbell at 273-
6999 for reservations.
The Grange sponsored a talk and slide presentation on The
History of Connecticut Hill, with over 35 individuals attending.
It was a terrific evening.
The Grange needs new members. Call any Grange member for
more information.
From: 1. Farline Cart, Principal, Enfield Elementary
Our school year got off to a terrific start! The Back to School
night in September was well attended by parents/caregivers and
students eager to return to school for a new year of celebrating
learning successes. I met many parents and caregivers that first
evening and look forward to meeting more and more folks as the
year progresses.
What a pleasure it is for me to be at the exciting Enfield Elemen-
tary School. Indeed, each day I am reminded that in all of it's
endeavors, Enfield Shines! Students and staff work together to
make new and richer opportunities for learning. I have rarely seen
a school as committed to celebrating teaming as this school.
When you enter the Enfield Elementary School you can feel the
pride and energy this school promotes. Parents and caregivers,
we consider you our partners as we all work together to provide a
rich learning experience for all students. Enfield Elementary
School continues to grow in numbers of students who attend our
school; we now have 286 students and we're still growing!
At the beginning of the school year I announced to everyone that
I believe in an "Open Door" policy. Since that time, many parents,
students, and staff have come to my door for assistance or just to
say "Hi." It is my ongoing pleasure to meet each one of you and
to assist, when I can, or just to pass the time of day. So, please
continue to use my open door as an invitation to visit, or find out
answers to any questions you might have. Soon the PTA will be
announcing an opportunity to come eat a little pizza, and talk with
me about all the great things that continue to happen at Enfield
Elementary School. I look forward to seeing you on that evening
and any other time you choose to visit your school.
As the year continues to move onward, I am excited about the fact
that at Enfield Elementary, we view "I earning as an Adventure"
with each day another learning opportunity. We invite you all to
work with us in partnership as we help each student prepare for
success in the real world. Again, we thank you for "loaning" us
your wonderful children. We promise to do our very best to keep
them safe and help develop their gifts and talents.
By the way, we can always use volunteers and people willing to
substitute for staff when they are absent. If you are interested in
either position, please contact Amy Ruta at the school office. We
thank you for your continued support!
Page 3
Notes from an Ithaca City School District Board Member
My name is Nancy Pringle and I am currently serving on the
Board of Education for the Ithaca City School District As part of
my Board duties I serve as the Board of Education liaison to
Enfield Elementary School. Following my first Site -Based Council
meeting at Enfield I received a note from Mary Cole, Enfield's
Family Liaison, asking if I would be willing to write a few notes for
your newsletter. Communication with all constituents of the
District is important to me as a Board member and I write not on
behalf of the board of education but as one member interested in
keeping community members informed.
At the beginning of the school year the Board of Education
developed four goals that would guide our board deliberations in
this school year. The goals are as follows:
- As part of a long-term effort, the Board will focus on enhancing
student achievement in accord with the District's Mission. Our
immediate objective is to support all students with programs that
eliminate race and class as a predictor of performance. Assuming
progress on that issue, the next objective is to stretch the talents
of all youngsters toward and even beyond mastery levels of
- Wide community support for education is critical to our mission.
In view of this, the Board of education will strive to increase the
community's involvement with the District.
- The Board will continue to develop more effective evaluations
for instructional programs, for the Board of Education's activities,
and for the work of the Superintendent of Schools.
- The Board will refine the "educational continuum" approach to
constructing a budget, working to enhance community involve-
ment in the process.
For the next four board meetings, we will be reserving agenda time
for reports on progress being made on each of the above goals.
Plans are underway to telecast all board meetings on public
access television for those who are unable to attend board
meetings. Also, over the next several months, Dr. Judy Pastel,
Superintendent of Schools will be meeting with various groups of
parents, teachers, support staff, and community leaders in the
District to discuss and refine the educational continuum. This
information will then be used in the development of the 2003-2004
Ithaca City School District Budget, which will be presented to the
Board March I 1".
I encourage you to think about how you might get involved in
discussion and action around these goals. Community involve-
ment and input from all stakeholders (i.e. parents, teachers,
support staff, administrators, community and religious leaders,
and taxpayers) is crucial as we strive to create an educational
environment that promotes the success of all children in the
Ithaca City School District. Please feel free to call me at 273-6516,
email me nnrinele@ithaca.edu or invite me to attend any meeting
in which you might be involved — your thoughts/opinionshileas
are important to good decision -making in the months ahead.
Youth News
Enfield School Age Program
This has been a very busy year, thus far. We have been doing
monthly themes. In September we read, did activities and learned
about dinosaurs. In October the theme was medieval times. In
November we just finished a pirates and sailing ships theme. The
children made sailing ships out of plastic butter tubs and experi-
mented with bouyancy and how to remedy the non -floating
ships! The adult staff and children made a 6-foot boat that is
suspended from the cafeteria ceiling. It looks wonderful with the
Our staff is quite enthusiastic about all the activities and all have
hidden talents and interests that are being tapped into. We are
excited about the knitting class being taught by Abbie Juett,
which will be continued in the new year with Mary Beth Bunge.
Any community member who would like to volunteer time or has a
talent/interest that you would like to share with us, please
contact Vera Strait at 273-1413. We offer enrichment classes
throughout the school year.
Historian's Scrapbook
by Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian
The year was 1878. The President of the United States was
Rutherford B. Hayes. There was a yellow fever epidemic spread-
ing rapidly throughout the United States. Here in the Town of
Enfield, The Town Supervisor was Leroy Vankirk. There was a
post office located in Enfield Center and three important docu-
ments were being written. The first was a diary written by Jared T.
Newman. At the time of the writing Jared was 23 years old He
was bom in 1855 to Isaac Hammon Newman and Cornelia A.
Treman. Jared was educated at Ithaca Academy, Comell Univer-
sity, and Albany Law School. He became a lawyer with Newman
and McLachlan and Newman and Blood. He married Jane E.
Williams and they raised 4 children. According to his diary, while
Jared was going to school he traveled back and forth to the family
farm here in Enfield...
January 28, 1878 — I went home for various reasons. While there I
took the opportunity to attend a party at Mr. Jackson's. I enjoyed
myself more than at any other time. The principal means of
amusement was dancing.
On Friday the 8' (February) I went home again to attend a
sociable at Wm. Millers. It rained so that the attendance was
very small. Uncle Jared King from Michigan with Aunt Adriana
were at our house and I enjoyed the visit home very much. On
the night of the 12" Ellen (Jared's sister) and I attended a special
gathering at Mr. Hungerford's. One o'clock Friday morning I was
awakened by the messenger who apprised me of the terrible
accident by which Cousin Gideon (son of Samuel Newman of
Enfield) lost his life. I went to Brown's office and with the
exception of an hour each at breakfast and dinner I remained with
him until he died. (Cousin Gideon died from an accident while
sledding down South Aurora Street in Ithaca).
Friday the 191(April) I went home. Saturday I plowed along the
roadside and was surprised to see Ames and Wife Kelley, Volkman
and Wife Mitchell, Haight and Wife Hicks, Wife Eiddings, Wife
Mills, Wife Clements and another gentlemen with no other
conveyance than an open wagon in which two only could ride.
May 191- On Saturday the 1111 walked home in the morning for
the purpose of helping to plant five acres of com. It was very
cold day for this season of the year, and an occasional snowflake
made it still more dreary.
July 7th- On the night of the 3rd Nina, Ellen and I went to the
festival in the basement of the Methodist Church in the Centre. I
was on a committee, as usual, and was too busy to have an extra
good time. Friday we drew in 6 loads of hay, closing up the first 9
acres and Saturday I worked in the potatoes.
Friday the 11 (November) I went home and had the pleasure of
seeing my folks at home and many other friends. My object in
going home was to attend the election and use my influence for
the success of the Republican ticket or rather of Republican
Meanwhile while Jared was busy with his life, the Baptist Church
in Enfield Center was holding their monthly Covenant meetings...
On February 81 the covenant formed a committee to select a
singing book for the use of the church, made up of Harisson
Laming, William Gould, the pastor and J. Harworth. On April 27th
a special meeting was held for the purpose of sending two or
more Brethren to sit with the Ovid Brethren in council to ordain
Brother A.G. Brown to the work of the Gospel minister. May 101
the pastor made a proposition to the church in regard to repairing
the house of worship. July 12°i Elder Dusenbury was invited to
supply the pulpit until the church secured a Pastor. In November
the Church held its regular monthly convent meeting with Elder
Dusenbery presiding.
Perhaps also during this time Jared and any of the members of the
Baptist church might of met up with Inez Courtney, who at the
time of her diary writings was 19 years old...
January 12th- Went to town after a pair of shoes. (cost $1.50).
April 8th- Stayed at Uncle Jake's all day. The old horse bit Aunt
Sina's ear. Windy. May 6th- Commenced my school. 7 scholars.
Board with Elvin P. Unpleasant. May 28th- Taught all day.
Went fishing and after wintergreens with Elvin and Em. July
22nd- Taught all day. Went into Mr. Yales. Heard a bagpipe.
Milder. July 27th- Ma and I went down town. Got me a dress
($3.00). Showery. November 16th- Went to Prayer meeting at the
schoolhouse. Went up to the depot. Elmer came on the train.
Walked up town with me. Cloudy. November 28th- Went down
town in the morning. Thanksgiving. Snowed in afternoon.
December 25th- Went to Methodist Christmas tree. Got mother a
dress. Went to services in forenoon. Cold.
A Touch of Country B&B
Howard and Joyce Dixson
119 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Agate Lamp Therapeutic
Marla Perkins, MA, LMT
273 Black Oak Road
Applegate Bed & Breakfast
Sherry Arm Conlin and Tim Odell,
272 North Applegate Road
Applegate Tree Farm
Phil and Mary White
348 South Applegate Road
CCB, Inc.
Brenda Watkins, Manager
Construction and Property Man-
Enfield Main Road, PO Box 547
Cascadilla Tree Care
John Friedebom and Karen
877 Bostwick Road
Enfield Auto Used Cars
Owners Don & Carolyn Monroe
386 Enfield Main Road
273-8919 or 272-5733
ET Discount Railroad Ties
Earl Tuttle
216 Elmira Road
Facial Enhancements
Brenda Watkins
Enfield Main Road, PO Box 547
H&H Auto Sales
Ken and Randy Hoover
644 Enfield Falls Road
Hillendale Golf Course
218 North Applegate Road
Jackson Accounting & Tax
Bookkeeping, payroll, income tax
160 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Johnny's Wholesale, Inc.
John Nino
56 South Applegate Road
Night Owl Construction
Stephen L. Givin
139 East Enfield Center Road
Pellegrino's Saab Service
Nicholas Pellegrino
2282 Enfield Main Road
Plumbing & Heating Repair
Jack Kulp
228 South Applegate Road
Rainbow Sewing Lessons
Specializing in kids ages 7 & up
Theresa Robinson, Owner/
570 Bostwick Road #157
Ithaca, NY 14850
Sandy Creek Manufactured
The Vandemarks
2068 Mecklenburg Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
273-1623 or 273-6855
Fax 277-5066
Shadetree Auto
John Grady
1047 Teeter Road
Dan's Fuel Service, Inc.
Valley Korners Grocers
Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Gasoline,
Kimberly's Daycare
Dan and Diane Achilles
Diesel 2102 Mecklenburg Road
166 Enfield Main Road
2102 Mecklenburg Road
Email- KielyJai@cs.com
Dougherty Outdoor Care
- " c ; All Enfield Community
Snow Plowing & Lawn Mowing
Lambchop Hill Ceramics
s `' r Coundlprogramming
William Dougherty, Jr.
Jim and Mary Linton
jr-; i including this newsletter, is
166 Enfield Main Road
19 Shudaben Road
`;' _ made possible in part through
': ''xaL r funding by the United Way of
Tompkins County.
Paze 6