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Enfield Community Currents
Autumn 2000 FREE
Around Town
Mobile Home Owners Get Opportunity
to Buy New Homes
by lean Owens
Do you live in an old mobile home that needs repair? Do
you own your own land? What if you learned that the
Town of Enfield had a program that could help you replace
your old mobile home with a nice, new factory -built
modular home? If you answered 'yes' to the first two
questions, and the third question sounded like an
interesting idea, you might want to look into the Enfield
Mobile Home Replacement Project.
In the fail of 1999, the Town received a $400,000 award
from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development which will enable about 17 or 18 families to
replace mobile homes with factory -built modular homes.
Families will be required to get a mortgage for the majority
of the financing, but the grant will provide assistance to
make the mortgage payments low enough to be affordable.
Participating families can receive 20% to 30% of the
purchase price, and some funds for closing costs, in the
form of a diminishing loan. A portion of the assistance
received from the program is forgiven every year for ten
years following the placement of the new home. After ten
years, the loan is completely forgiven. Program assistance
has to be repaid only if the family sells the home within the
ten year period following its purchase.
Applicants must be interested in getting a first mortgage
through a local lender and participating in home purchase
education and counseling, which is provided free of charge
by Better Housing for Tompkins County Inc., a non-profit
agency that is assisting the Town in providing this
program. Income limits also apply. Household size
income must be at or below:
5 $43,900.00
6 $47,150.00
7 $50,400.00
$40,650 00
8 $53,650.00
To find out more, or to receive an application, Enfield
residents should call Jeanna Hale at Better Housing
forTompkins County, 273-2187. All interested in the
program should attend the Mobile Home Replacement
Program Workshop on Wednesday, August 16th at the
Enfield Community Bldg.
Enfield Community Garage Sale
August26-27, 2000
Everyone wishing to have a yard/garage sale, or even have
some things that you want to mark free, call Jean Owens,
the Town Supervisor or Alice Laue the Town Clerk at
273-8256, We will make a list of all those having items for
sale or giveaway. The list and a map of the Town of Enfield
will be made available to all those treasure seekers. We
will also advertise in the
Harvest Festival!
The annual Harvest Festival will take place on Saturday,
October 14th from 10:00-4:30 at the Enfield Grange and
Community Building. There will be a chicken barbecue,
cake wheel, ping -pang drop, quilt raffle, kids games, silent
auction, and vendors. Raffle tickets are available from
several community members. Anyone who wants to
volunteer to help out should contact Ann Rider at 277.3478.
Enfield Food Distribution
Food is available to all Enfield residents in need. The food
distribution program is sponsored by the Enfield Baptist
Church The Town of Enfield provides space at the Enfield
Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, and many
Enfielders and church members volunteer their time to
make it work. Distributions are held every other Tuesday
from 3:00-6 30pm.
The Food Distribution Program also sponsors the
gathering of Christmas gifts for Enfield children. While
sidewalk sales and summer clearance sales are going on,
keep your eyes open for gifts We distributed to over 150
kids of all ages. Contact Jean Owens at 273-5682 to make
arrangements. Thanks for caring,
Fire Company News
by Greg Stevenson
Recently, residents of Enfield may have heard the Enfield
Volunteer Fire Company's fire siren echo throughout the
valley. The Siren has been here for years, but hasn't been
used, mostly due to our reliance on and use of `modern
technology'.... pagers. Members carry individual pagers
that transmit alert tones on the 46.12 MHz frequency, and
those pagers notify them of incidents requiring their
assistance. Unfortunately, this spring saw the county's
aging emergency paging system fail twice, once for over
16 hours. Without this system in place and functioning
properly, and without a secondary means of notifying
members of alarms, the town is at great risk. The
interim solution is to re -activate the siren. Until the
county replaces at least portions of the emergency
communications system, the siren will likely become a
more familiar sound to Enfielders.
This spring, the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company began
an annual fund drive, centered around a newsletter
mailed to each household within the town. As our past
carnivals and car shows have become somewhat
unprofitable while remaining very labor intensive, we
chose this 'new' approach. The direct -mail concept
allows us to deliver an annual newsletter to every Enfield
household, in addition to the fundraising effort. While
this year's effort is not quite complete, we have had a
wonderful response from the community and appear to
be close to the halfway point in our drive to purchase a
life-saving Thermal Imaging Camera for use right here at
home! We expect to have it here and in service shortly
after the 2001 fund drive is completed.., or about this time
next year.
Many thanks to the generous donors who have made
their 2000 contribution. If you haven't contributed yet
this year, it isn't too late... we would love to hear from
you! Please look for the 2001 newsletter and fund -drive
information in your mailbox in February 2001. Again,
many thanks to our generous community.. we couldn't do
it without your support!
For my friends in Enfield Center... I
truly enjoyed my visit this summer. It
was wonderful spending time with the
Linton, my aunt Hilda Hubbell who
will soon be 96 years old, and with my
cousin. I grew up in Enfield and I will
always call it home. —Thelma G. Dodd
From Our Churches
Enfield Baptist Church News
from Jean Owens and Rhonda Connors
Enfield Baptist Church
174 Enfield Main Rd
Pastor Jack Osburn (387.9001)
Worship, Sunday at 10:00am (info. 277.6301)
Kid's Church, Sunday at 10:00am (info. 273-8268)
Teen Group, Sunday at 6:00pm (info. 277.2129)
Praise and Bible Study, Wednesday at 7:00pm
The Australian Outback came to Enfield during Vacation
Bible School this July 24-28th. It was a wonderful time for
over 90 kids from our community!!!
Jam For the Lamb also happened during July at the
Trumansburg Fairgrounds with two stages going with
bands and groups from all over the state. Check out our
website at www.jamforthelamb.org, Plan to join us for Jam
For the Lamb 2001 at the Trumansburg Fairgrounds July
14, 2001. The church is getting ready to break ground.
Watch the hill marked with the cross just north of the Town
Hall in Enfield Center. Everyone is welcome! Call the
church and request a copy of our newsletter!
Agape Bible Church
from Pastor Mike Corriero
We welcome you to join with us!
Sunday Worship at 9:30am -- for celebration praise and
worship, teaching and prayer ministry.
Sunday School for ages 3 through 12, and bi- weekly
ministry to teens follows our worship. (Nursery care is
available from newborn to 3 years)
Mid -week Bible studies and fellowship meeting are
announced in our bulletin, and vary monthly.
Our ministry brings together people from Cornell
University, Ithaca College, and residents throughout the
Tompkins County / Seneca County area. We provide an
atmosphere of caring. Our message is a life
changing personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who
loves us. Call us at 273-7419 for more information about
Bible studies and fellowship groups.
We also invite you to watch our Time/ Warner cable T.V
program: 'God is Greater' on channel 13: Sunday at 5:00pm;
and on channel 78Wednesday at 8pm; or Friday at 6pm
Youth News
Enfield School Site Base Council
from Mary Cole
Enfield Youth Programs
from Shannon McSurely
Hello Enfielders! I hope you are all enjoying your summer
vacation. I have been getting to know many new young
people at the Enfield Community Day Camp. During the
summer, my job changes to directing the Counselor
-In-Training program at camp. We have had a good time
so far, gaining valuable job experience through working at
camp, various training sessions, and working together on
community service projects. I would like to officially thank
the 13'CIT's' for their dedication and seriousness with
which they take on their special role at camp: THANK
LUKE R., MIKE PARKS!!!!!!! It has been a pleasure to work
with all of you.
I have started planning some exciting programs for the fall.
The Monday Maker/bakers program will resume
beginning September 18th at the community building from
4-6:30pm (remember, a school bus can drop you off from
Dewitt). 1 will be scheduling transportation to a fall
hunter's safety course (any interested young hunters please
call me!)... we are already scheduled for a van -load of kids
to Earth Arts on October 6th and 9th from 11:00-2:00
(register asap!). I am hoping for a Saturday Archery
program this fall, and a 3 week Earn -a -bike class at Recycle
Ithaca's Bicycles and MORE!!! I look forward to resuming
our regular programming. Please note: pre -registration is
becoming more important as these programs all have
limited space and are gaining in popularity. So look for my
colorful, monthly Calendar of Events on that first week of
school. It will be SO good to see you! Have fun and get off
the couch!!!
If you are not already on my mailing list or you know of a
child that could benefit from the Enfield Youth Program
please call my voice mail and leave your name and
address!... 272-4833 x229
Enfield Summer Camp
from Toma Clale
We had a great time at summer camp this year. There were
104 campers! We had the Laugholympics, Water Day, a
book fair, an all -day trip to Taughannock Park, and many
field trips. Our many visitors included John Simon, Ithaca
Karate, and Tin Can Fantasy Factory. We had a fantastic
book program thanks to a grant through the Family
Reading Partnership which provided us with a lending
library and a book store The campers were able to buy
books by earning book bucks.
We look forward to a great summer next year'
The new school year is fast approaching. This year will be
the final year of our 21st Century Community Learning
Center Grant from the federal government Over the past
two years we have offered enrichment activities such u
quilting, board games, basketball, choir, crafts, cooking, fly
fishing, etc. We have also offered homework club and
exchanges with Beverly J. Martin Elementary School in
Ithaca. This summer the Enfield School and the Enfield
Community Council collaborated to offer the Garden
Technology Program to the Enfield Summer Camp at the
school for 4 weeks and to other elementary students in the
district for one week in the afternoon. Our thanks to
instructors Tom Nicholson, and Arnold Bradshaw, and to
Carol Given, Tonal Clate and Shannon McSurely for their
The Enfield School Site Base Council is seeking parents of
Enfield students to sit on the council. The council meets
every three weeks during the school year for two hours. If
you'd like more information, please call me at 274-6838.
Enfield AfterSchool Program
from Vera Howe -Strait
Summer vacation is nearly at it's end and I'm looking
forward to a wonderful year with Enfield's children. This
year's registration process is as follows: all those returning
to the program, and those interested in joining, need to fill
out forms and submit an updated medical form at the Open
House on Sept. 5 at 6:30 in the Enfield School cafeteria
Space will be limited this year.
The AfterSchool Program is looking for staff members to
work weekdays from 6:30-7:30am (before -school care) and
2-00-5:30pm. Anyone interested, please contact the YMCA
at 257-0101 or leave a message for me at Enfield Elementary
at 274-2221.
If you would like to share an interest or hobby with the
children, we would love to have you We will also be
seeking your donations of supplies or materials,
recyclables, or clothing.
Enfield Seniors
by Roy Wollney
The Enfield Seniors meet on the second Tuesday of every
month at the Enfield Grange at 11:30. members bring a
dish -to -pass for the luncheon.
Each year, under the direction of Mary Lehmann, the
women make a quilt to be raffled off at the Enfield
Harvest Festival. This year's quilt is almost finished and
raffle tickets will be available soon.
At the Countywide Seniors Council annual dinner
meeting at the Clarion Hotel in May, Roger Hubbell was
presented with a certificate of recognition for his
contributions to seniors in Enfield.
Ana Kastenhuber, our travel coordinator, organized trips
this year to Turning Stone and Beck's Grove, and
the annual picnic held at Taughannock Park in June. Ana,
along with Mary Eckert and Sally Grover, have put
together an attractive book of recipes, contributed mostly
by seniors. It also contains an "In Memoriam' to Helena
Schaber with a picture of her. Approximately 150 books
have been sold so far. (To order a copy, contact Ana at
277-0489 or Sally Grover at 277-6336).
Historian's Scrap Book
. by Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian
New in
from Sherry Ann Conlin
and Tim Odell
We are proud to announce the opening of one of the
newest Bed and Breakfast accommodations in the
Tompkins County area. Applegate House is located at 272
North Applegate Road. We enjoy sharing our peaceful
home and property nestled in the beauty of'Enffeld
Country'. We look forward to catering to local families as
well as tourists. Please don't hesitate to call us with any
questions at 272-6519
from Kim Albrecht
Have you considered purchasing or
adopting a horse for yourself or a
child but have nowhere to put it? Do
you have an elderly or retiring horse you
want to board somewhere to free up space on your own
property? There is now boarding space available right in
Enfield at Hilltop Boarding Stables. Located on Hines
Road, the property offers beautiful hilltop pastures and
roomy stalls. For more information call me at 272-4736.
People like to collect newspaper articles of local events. The town Historians Collection has a scrapbook full of interesting
events all evolving around its town citizens. It is amazing what one can leam by reading these simple
articles especially when conducting genealogy research. These articles almost always list not only the immediate people
involved but also the close family members and even sometimes the distant family members.
Weddings - Miss Thelma Grinnell Dodd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grinnell Dodd of Enfield Center and Richard
Reynolds Strait of Coming were married Feb. 14,1941. "Surprise Their Friends", Not even letting their intimate friends
know of their intentions, Linn Ferguson of Ithaca and Miss Anna Curry, daughter of ex -Sheriff Grant Curry, of Enfield
were married in Ithaca last evening, November 10, 1910.
Deaths - Miss Martha Russell, 72 died today, Feb 13, 1946 at the home of her niece Mrs. Raymond Carpenter in the town
of Enfield She also leaves behind two sisters, Mrs Sarah Fish and Mrs. Jennie Jackson of Tnrmansburg.
Wedding anniversary's - Mrs. And Mrs. Clifford Leonard of Enfield will quietly celebrate their golden anniversary,
Tuesday, Nov. 22,1949. Mrs. Leonard, the former Miss Cora E. McConnell, daughter of the late William and Mary
McConnell and Clifford Leonard, son of the late Eugene B. and Ella Leonard of Mecklenburg, were married Nov. 22,
1899 at the home of the bride's parents in Elmira.
Buths - To Ralph and Blanch Sansoucie Lovelace of Trumansburg RD 1, a daughter, Aug. 4,1957. To Charles and Joan
Purdy Sheffield, Ithaca, RD 5, a daughter, Oct. 31,1958.
We canlearn about the World Wars - Edmund Georgia enlisted in the U.S. Navy November 22, 1917 Captain
David Robb is located at Camp Hospital No 28 Nevers, France, entered the service in August 1917. Private First Class
Historian's Scrap Book, continued
Community Contacts
Joseph Brabic, son of Mr. And Mrs. Anthony Brabic of
Enfield Center, has been missing in action in Germany
since Feb. 26, 1945, Technician Fourth Grade Reynold J.
• i King has been posthumously awarded the Distinguished
Service Cross, son of Olen A. King, Enfield, was cited for
'extraordinary heroism in action on the morning of
August. 15, 1944.
Community/Family Events - Fourth of July Party -
Monday Even'g, July 4th,1881, Wortman Hall, Enfield
Centre, Music by Nobel's Full Orchestra. Committee of
Invitation - William Barber, William Wright, Samuel curry,
Lewis VanMarter. Social Hop at Wortman's Hall Enfield
Center, Friday Evening November 13,1885. Music by
Williams Bros' full orchestra. Bill for Dancing 50 cents.
Russell Family holds reunion Sept. 2, 1915. The Russell
reunion was held Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Russell in Enfield. There were thirty-two present.
The last page of the scrapbook goes on to tell us that within
the town of Enfield there was a Rolison District and Nobles
District - Miss Leona Lanning married Dec. 21,1933 to
Walter Knapp. That town residents always enjoy a good
party — Mr. And Mrs. Frank Rothermich were surprised
Sunday Sept 23,1936 by their friends and relatives with
dinner, games, and music, and that Thanksgiving was truly
a thankful day when Miss Elizabeth C. Bock and Lloyd D.
Rumsey both Enfield were married at Voclock
Thanksgiving night at the Baptist parsonage in Enfield
Center by Rev. Edgar Peterson.
The Town Board
Jean Owens, Town Supervisor
Greg Stevenson, Dep. Supervisor/Cnal.
Joseph Schrer, Councilman
Mark Roach, Councilman
Bob Holly, Councilman
Town Officials:
Alice Lane, Town Clerk 272.1690
Diann McFall, Deputy Town Clerk
Betty Poole, Justice
Jane Murphy, Justice
Ron Updike, Highway Superintendent 387-9812
Ron McFall, Dep. Highway Superintendent 272-7993
Sue Thompson, Town Historian 272.6412
Enfield Community Council
David Albrecht, President
Rob Ainslie, Vice President
Carol Givin, Treasurer
Vera Howe -Strait, Secretary
Kim Albrecht, Currents Editor
Town Phone Numbers:
Town Hall
Highway Department
Town Court
of Events
August 19
125th anniversary of the Grange
November 7
Enfield Food Distribution
August 26-27
Community Garage Sale
November 13
Community Council Meeting ® 6:00
August 29
Enfield Food Distribution
November 14
Enfield Seniors' Meeting ® 11:30
November 15
Town Board Meeting ® 6:30
September 5
Enfield School Open House ® 6:30
November 21
Enfield Food Distribution
September 11
Community Council Meeting ® 6:00
September 12
Enfield Food Distribution
December 1
Deadline for submitting newsletter items
Enfield Seniors' Meeting ® 11:30
December 5
Enfield Food Distribution
September 13
Town Board Meeting ® 6:30
December 11
Community Council Meeting® 6:00
September 16
Planning Forum
December 12
Enfield Seniors' Meeting ® 11:30
September 20
Planning Forum
December 13
Town Board Meeting ® 6:30
September 26
Enfield Food Distribution
December 19
Enfield Food Distribution
October 6
Earth Arts Youth Program ® 11:30
October 9
Earth Arts Youth Program ® 11:30
Community Council Meeting ® 6:00
October 10
Enfield Food Distribution
Enfield Seniors' Meeting ® 11 30
October 11
Town Board Meeting ® 6:30
October 14
Harvest Festival
October 24
Enfield Food Distribution
Enfield Businesses
Agate Lamp Therapeutic Massage
Marla Perkins, MA, LMT
273 Black Oak Road
Applegate Bed & Breakfast
Sherry Ann Conlin and Tim Odell, Proprietors
272 North Applegate Road
Applegate Tree Farm
Phil and Mary White
348 South Applegate Road
Cascadilla Tree Care
John Friedeborn and Karen Anderson
877 Bostwick Road
CCB, Inc.
Brenda Watkins, Manager
Construction and Property Management
Enfield Main Road, PO Box 547
Dan's Fuel Service, Inc.
Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Gasoline, Diesel Fuel
Same day service
Dan Achilles
2102 Mecklenburg Road
ET Discount Railroad Ties
Earl Tuttle
216 Elmira Road
Facial Enhancements
Brenda Watkins
Enfield Main Road, PO Box 547
www.cnygifts.com/ facial. him
H&H Auto Sales
Ken and Randy Hoover
644 Enfield Falls Road
Hillendale Golf Course
218 North Applegate Road
Hilltop Boarding Stables
Kim Albrecht
361 Hines Road
Johnny's Wholesale, Inc.
John Nino
56 South Applegate Road
Lambchop Hill Ceramics
Jim and Mary Linten
19 Shudaben Road
Night Owl Construction
Building, remodeling, sheds, decks, roofing, siding,
papering, baths, kitchens, electrical, plumbing
No job too small
Stephen L. Givin
139 East Enfield Center Road
Pellegrino's Saab Service
Nicholas Pellegrino
2282 Enfield Main Road
Plumbing & Heating Repair
Jack Kulp
228 South Applegate Road
Shadetree Auto
John Grady
1047 Teeter Road
Valley Korners Grocers
Dan and Diane Achilles
2102 Mecklenburg Road
Currents Information
This newsletter is published 3 times per year: April, August,
and December. The deadline for contributions is the first
day of the publication month and should be mailed to the
editor, Kim Albrecht, at PO Box 214, Jacksonville, NY 14854
prior to this date.
This publication welcomes contributions from all Enfield
town residents regarding events and services available to
Enfield town residents.
All Enfield Community Council programming, including
this newsletter, is made possible in part through funding by
the United Way of Tompkins County.