HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 2000 April• ENFIELD COMMUNITY �- CURRENTS Welcome: April -July, 2000 P•1 Summer camp is nearly upon us. Town Officers: Be sure to fill out and return the p, 2 application forms as soon as possible. They're in the center -fold, Editorial Policy: p. 3 along with information regarding the camp. Just grab the pages and 3 4 ' give them a good tug. pp. Under the camp materials are the Churches: calendars. You can also pull them pp. 4-7 out; they make good reminders Grange: when posted on the refrigerator. pp, 7-8 No doubt, some of you will notice that this newsletter is following Sports: 8 closely on the heels of the previous P. one; the Enfield Community Council • school News: has changed the release dates of the pp. 8-10 newsletter to fit major Enfield activities such as the summer camp Shannon's Youth: pp. 10-11 and harvest festival more closely. Please see the editorial policy and 12 Non -Contributors: information for the new dates and p. p. deadlines. Businesses: As always, if you have news or pp. 12-14 announcements of interested to the Aerobics: Enfield community, please feel free p. 14 to write and submit the article. If Centerfold: you'd like to list your business, contact a member of the ECC. camp forms Businesses have a separate and calendars section now. If you'd like to patronize local businesses, check it out. 0 9 THE TOWN BOARD: Town Supervisor: Jean Owens Phone: 273.5682 Dep. Supervisor/ Councilman: Greg Stevenson Phone: 273.2439 Councilman: Joseph Schrer Phone: 273.3350 Councilman: Mark Roach Phone: 273.4362 Councilman: Bob Holly Phone: 272.5075 TOWN PHONE NUMBERS: Town Hall: 273.8256 Highway Dept.: 272.6490 Town Court: 273.0360 ENFIELD TOWN OFFICIALS: Town Clerk: Alice Laue Phone: 272.1690 Deputy Town Clerk: Diann McFall Justice: Betty Poole 2 Justice: Jane Murphy Highway Supt.: Ron Updike Phone: 387.9812 Deputy Highway Supt.: Ron McFall Phone: 272.7993 Town Historian: Sue Thompson Phone: 272.6412 ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL: President: David Albrecht Phone: 272.4736 Vice President: Rob Ainsley Phone: 273.2258 Treasurer: Carol Givin Phone: 273.7434 Secretary: Vera Howe - Strait Phone: 273.1413 Currents Editor: Marla Perkins EDITORIAL POLICY AND CURRENTS INFORMATION: • 0 C This newsletter is published three times per year (April, August, December) and is mailed to 822 Enfield residents. The news- letter comes out on the 15tb of the publication months. The deadline for contributions is the 1st of the publication month. If you have news of interest to the Enfield community, either of general interest or of community service nature, that you'd like to print in Currents, send it to a member of the Enfield Community Council. The opinions presented in this newsletter are those of the persons or groups that submit items and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor or members of the ECC. Currents welcomes contributions from all Enfield town residents regarding events and services available to Enfield town residents. All ECC programming, including this newsletter, is made possible in part through funding by the United Way of Tompkins County. io A UnHM Wny PMkJp fang AgOMY HISTORIAN'S REPORT By Sue Thompson In Buffalo, New York, on May 20, 1901, the Pan American Exposition opened. It was a dedication day of the Great Six Month's Festival —a World's Fair. The whole Exposition was a compact yet complete presentation of Twentieth Century civilization of the western world. In 1899, construction began on 350 acres of land owned by the Rumsey family (part of the Enfield Rumsey family?). When completed, the exposition ground, with 3 • 0 r] their irregular lakes, (lowering shrubs, and rare trees, became the most picturesque of Buffalo's famous park system. In September, while visiting the Exposition, US President William McKinley fell to the bullet of an assassin. The "Ithaca Democrat Newspaper" reported on November 7 in an Enfield Country news article that at the end of October, 1901, Mr. Frank Noble of Enfield visited the Pan American Exposition. What a trip that must have beenl Do you suppose he wrote about his trip in a diary or made a scrapbook of the memorabilia he collected? If you would like to know more about the Exposition, check out this web site and book: http://www.buffalo.ed u/ UBT/featuresIb.html 4 America: Buffalo Pan- American Exposition (Arcadia, 1998). CHURCHES Amazing Grace Fellowship By Robert Lovelace P.O. Box 208 1891 Trumansburg Rd., Ulysses Square Jacksonville, NY 14854 607.387.3509 (office) 607.275.9121 (home) Amazing Grace Fellowship is an independent, Full -Gospel church where our motto is, "We grow people." It is our desire to create an environment where individuals can mature spiritually and emotionally as we each discover God's plan for our lives and what we can contribute to this world we live in. It is our desire to have dynamic, contemporary worship and relevant messages to meet the needs of the people. Come join us. J Regular services: 9:15a.m., Sundays: Sunday School 10:OOa.m., Sundays: Worship Service 6:OOp.m., Sundays: Youth Program 7:OOp.m., Tuesdays: Home Meetings (for adults) Upcoming events: Just 4 YOUth 2000 main event at the Trumansburg Fairgrounds, July 6-8; included are on -site camping, daily activities (competitive and non-competitive), contemporary rock music, and dynamic guest speaker Carol Kornacki. If you would like more information, please call the Reverend Robert Lovelace at 275.9121. Enfield United Methodist Church By Scott Mosely 7 W. Enfield Center Rd. Pastor Scott Mosely 607.564.9076 (home) 0 Regular services: 10:00a.m., Sundays: Sunday School 11:00a.m., Sundays: Worship Service 6:30p.m., Sundays: Youth Group 7:00p.m., Wednesdays: Choir Practice at Florence and Harold Laue's House Upcoming events: 7:00p.m., Thursdays: Lenten Bible Study (until Easter) 7:O0p.m., April 20: Maundy Thursday Service (Last Supper) 7:O0a.m., April 23: Easter Sunrise Service, a joint service with the Enfield Baptist Church. it will take place behind the Baptist church, up on the hill. A continental breakfast at the Enfield United Methodist Church will follow the service. 11:00a.m., April 23: Easter Service (no Sunday School) 6:30p.m., May 11: 5 LJ Mother's Day Meal (more details available later; contact Pastor Mosely) 4:30p.m.-whenever, May 20: Smorgasbord to send children to summer camp Agape Bible Church By Mike Corriero We welcome you to join with us Sunday mornings at 9:30a.m. for our worship service. Nursery is available during the entire service for children ages 0-3 years. Our Junior Church and Teen programs are forages 4-12 and 13- 19, respectively, and meet following our praise and worship time. Teaching and prayer ministry take place in the sanctuary and is for adults and anyone who desires to receive this ministry. Our fellowship brings people together from all parts of the Tompkins and Seneca 6 County areas, including Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Watkins Glen. Our message is a life - changing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Callus at 273 7419 for more information about mid -week Bible studies, prayer meetings, and fellowship groups. We also invite you to watch our Time -Warner cable TV program, "God is Greater," on channel 78, Fridays at 6:OOp.m. and Wednesdays at 8:OOp.m. It also airs on channel 13 on Sundays at S:OOp.m. "Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually." Psalm 105:4 GRANGE NEWS By Roger Hubbell, Grange Master The Enfield Valley Grange, 295, is probably the oldest organization, excluding the churches, in the Town of Enfield. It started and was chartered by the National Grange back in 1875. Later this year, we will be celebrating our 125 years with a dinner and awards ceremony honoring those members who have 25, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, or 75 years of continual membership in our grange. This year, we are holding numerous fund-raising events for new siding on our grange building. Upcoming fund-raisers are April 29: Pancake breakfast at grange hall May 6: Smorgasbord dinner at the grange hall. There will be other fund raisers throughout the summer and fall, so keep watch for these events. The grange is always looking for new members. We meet the 2^a Tuesday of each month at 8:OOp.m. Everyone is welcome. Come and find out what the grange is all about and what it has to offer. We have many family programs. We have lots of literature explaining all of the programs and benefits available to you. Our grange is one of the two left in this county, and our building is the last grange hall left in the county. We do not want to lose it. That is why it is important to us to keep and expand our membership. Also, if you'd like to contribute to the preservation of this grange hall, please send your tax-deductible contribution to Enfield Valley Grange 11295 c/o Roger Hubbell, Grange Master 301 W. Enfield Center Road Ithaca, NY 14850 COMMUNITY BASKETBALL By David Albrecht Basketball ends on Friday, June 23rd. It will resume in the fall. ENFIELD SCHOOL NEWS AND YEAR TWO OF THE 21 ST CENTURY COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER GRANT By Mary Cole This is our second full year with the federal grant awarded to Enfield Elementary, BJM Elementary, and DeWitt Middle Schools. It will last one more year. The grant provided additional funding for Enfield's homework club. Third graders attended two days/week with 4th and 5ch graders participating four days/week from 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. The 13 children received bus - rides home afterwards. Enrichment has progressed throughout the school year. We have offered quilting, porcelain flower making, crafts, fly- fishing, winter garden science, board games, etc. Participants in this program also received bus -rides home. This year, we were able to expand our basketball program. Girls and boys practiced two days/week. There were also games between the elementary schools in the district. Parental support for this program and another new program, chorus, was great. Parents of 3rd, 4"', and 5th graders dropped off their children two days/ week at 7:15a.m. so that the children could participate before school. On superintendent's conference days in October and March, Enfield students (38 and 60, respectively), along with BJM students, went to Stewart Park and the Ithaca Youth Bureau for day -long activities, food, • and fun. In March, 51h graders from Enfield and BJM went to DeWitt for the day to become acquainted with the middle school they will attend in the fall. Starting in December, 1999, and continuing into May, 2000, six 511, grade students from both Enfield and BJM have gotten together on Friday afternoons to be part of the Urban - Rural Adventure Club. Each session lasted three weeks, with new students each time. The groups worked on activities to build trust and cooperation among the children and participated in recreational activities such as ice-skating, swimming, and watching movies. Supper and transportation home were also part of this activity. In May, there will be a reunion for the children at the Cayuga Nature Center. In the fall at Dewitt, we hope at there will be many "Hi, how are you?"'s and smiles among the children involved in this group. Enfield School and the Enfield Community Council worked together on the grant this year to provide basketball uniforms for the students and to set up a better system of communication to enhance collaboration between the groups. If you have any questions about the grant or the school, please call Mary Cole at 274.6838. SHANNON's NEWS FOR YOUTH By Shannon McSurely, Enfield Youth Program Manager If you would like more information about any of the events listed here, would like to register for an event, or would like to be on Shannon McSurely's mailing list 9 to receive monthly calendars, call her at 272.2292, ext. 229. If she's not available when you call, leave your name, age, address, and telephone number on her voice mail. If you lose your calendar, you can look at a copy in the show- case at the Community Building on Main St. in Enfield, on the Rural Youth Services bulletin board in the DeWitt lunch room, or at the Valley Korners Grocers on the corner of Rt. 79 and Rt. 327. Upcoming events: Prime Time Youth Leadership Conference This conference will take place on May 6 in Lansing. We are looking for some 40 Enfield students who are currently in 7th, 8th, or 901 grades to spend the day learning how to be leaders in society. Transportation is available. Anyone interested in being invited or who would like more information should contact Shannon McSurely. Mechanical Maintenance Workshop Enfield's own all-star mechanic, Marty Schreiber, will lead a workshop on the basics of car care on Saturday, May 13, at the Youth Bureau from 1:00-3:00p.m. Transportation is available. Limited space —please register by May 6. Counselor -In -Training (CPI') Summer Program This provides an opportunity for young teens (13-1 S years old) to receive training and work with counselors during the summer. sA ire The combination of workshops and hands- on experience provide an excellent background for young people hoping to become counselors when they are 16. Participants receive a small stipend. There will be an information meeting some time in early June, and there will be interviews soon after. The dates will be available by the 2nd week of May, so call after that for details. 11 Shannon thanks those of you who pursue common sense and do what you know to be right. The Enfield Community Council and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County sponsor the Enfield Youth Program. NON - CONTRIBUTORS Unfortunately, not everyone the editor contacted about deadlines contributed an article about their organizations. The following is a list of people/ organizations from whom/which there is no information at this time: Eric Rumsey, Cemetery Committee; Dorothy Pallandino, United Way; Jack Osburn, Enfield Baptist Church; Pam Whitaker, Ladies' Firemen's Auxiliary; Diana Anderson, Community Volleyball; Vera Howe -Strait, After -School Program; Nancy Oltz, T-CAT; Denny Hubbell, Enfield Fire Co.; Jean Owens, Town Supervisor; Joseph Schehr, Councilman; Seniors (the editor is uncertain of and has been, to date, unable to discover the name and contact information of the person in charge of the seniors' group; if you know about this, please contact a member of the ECC). ENFIELD BUSINESSES Agate Lamp Therapeutic Massage Marla Perkins, MA, LMT 273 Black Oak Rd. 273.5664 PI Talcl_ll_llpo yahoo. C0111 12 • Applegate Tree Farm Phil and Mary White 348 S. Applegate Rd. 273.3155 Cascadilla Tree Care John Friedeborn, Karen Anderson 877 Bostwick Rd. 272.5447 CCB, Inc. Brenda Watkins, Manager Construction and Property Management Enfield Main Rd., P.O. Box 547 277.0332 Dan's Fuel Service, Inc. Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Gasoline, Diesel Fuel Same day service Dan Achilles 2102 Mecklenburg Rd. 272.0679 DL Achilles Trucking Dan Achilles 2102 Mecklenburg Rd. 272.0679 ET Discount Railroad Ties Earl Tuttle 216'/z Elmira Rd. 277.7444 Facial Enhancements Brenda Watkins Enfield Main Rd., P.O. Box 547 256.0364 www.cnygifts.com/ facial.htm H & H Auto Sales Ken and Randy Hoover 644 Enfield Falls Rd. 277.5253 Hillendale Golf Course Darleen 218 N. Applegate Rd. 273.2363 Johnny's Wholesale, Inc. John Nino 56 S. Applegate Rd 272.6261 Lambchop Hill Ceramics Jim and Mary Linten 19 Shudaben Rd. 277.3998 0 Night Owl Construction Building, Remodeling, Sheds, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Papering, Baths, Kitchens, Electrical, Plumbing No job too small Stephen L. Givin 139 E. Enfield Ctr. Rd. 273.7434 saivin(aaol.com Pellegrino's Saab Service Nicholas 2282 Enfield Main Rd. 272.8259 Plumbing and Heating Repairs Jack Kulp 228 S. Applegate Rd. 273.2632 Shadetree Auto John Grady 1047 Teeter Rd. 277.5959 Valley Korners Grocers Dan and Diane Achilles 2102 Mecklenburg Rd. 273.6015 i3 AEROBICS By Annemiek Haralson A certified aerobics instructor leads classes at the Enfield school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:45p.m.- 7:45p.m. The price depends on how many people sign up per session. If you'd like more information, call Iody Boronkay at 272.6712 or Annemiek Haralson at 273.0419. 14 • Dates: Wednesday, July 5 -Friday, August 11: Time: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Ages: 4-13. There is a counselor in training program for 14 and 15 year olds. Breakfast/Lunch:Provided free of charge by the Tompkins County EOC program, campers can also bring their own lunches Cost for six weeks of camp: 1 Child-$75.00 ; Second child-$35.00; More than two children - $130.00 total. All fees must be sent with registration. Before Camp Day Care: 7:30-9:00 a.m. 1 child-$2.50 per day/$75.00 for six weeks extra children-$1.50 each child per day/$45.00 for six weeks *****All children who will be attending before camp MUST be signed up the previous week, there will be no more day -today drop -ins because we are unable to coordinate the staffing.****** After Camp: 2:00-5:30 p.m. 1 child-$6.00 per day/$180.00 for six weeks extra children- $4.00 per child per day/$120.00 for six weeks *****All children who will be attending after camp MUST be signed up the previous week, there will be no more day-to-day drop -ins because we are unable to coordinate the staffing.****** What should my child bring to camp? They should bring a swim suit, towel and shoes that are appropriate for sports and, walks in the woods. They also need a filled plastic water bottle. It is also a good idea to send an extra change of clothes for the younger children. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. We discourage electronic devices such as walkmen, gameboys, etc. Questions??? Call Tonia Clate at home: 767-0178 (anytime) cell phone 227-0773 (evenings) Please makes checks payable to E.C.C. Completed applications and fees should be returned to Enfield Elementary School or mail it to: Tonia Clate. 809 Johnson Street Elmira, New York 14901 ######################################################################## IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! Camp applications are accepted on a first come first serve basis for Enfield residents. Only complete applications which include payment and the Summer Food Service Program Financial Information Sheet will be accepted. The information on this sheet is confidential and is sent to the Tompkins County EOC Program.. The only parts that need to be completed are Items1, 2, and 3. It is okay to write "not eligible" if your child does not receive free or reduced lunch at school. This • information is gathered for the camp as a whole. All children will be given breakfast and lunch regardless of the information on the form., ######################################################################## Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Application Child's Name Birthdate Age_ Grade Completed_ Address Enfield resident? yes no Parents/Guardians Relation to camper • Home Phone Work Phone Emergency Contacts (If parents are unavailable) in case of illness or injury: Name Relation Home# Work# 1. 2. List those authorized to pick up this child: Name Relation Home# Work# 1. List anyone not authorized to pick up this child: Name Relation As required by the Tompkins County Health Department, we cannot accept applications without the last dates of the following immunizations: DPT Tetanus_ Polio Measles Mumps_ Rubella_ Medical Information Concerns we should know about Allergies List Medications (asthma, seizures, bee stings, diabetes, etc.) • Family Physician Phone# My child is allowed to swim: yes no My child has permission to go on field trips: yes no I hereby give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Community Council Summer Camp program. I understand that the ECC is not responsible for any accidents or injuries unless there is negligence on their part. Parent/Guardian Date My child will be using before camp care during the first week of camp.(extra cost) _My child will be using after camp care during the first week of camp.(extra cost) _My child will only be at camp between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. the first week of camp. 40 i Atichtneta A -I SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM IIIGG18IIM FORM FOR CAMPS AND E=LLFD Srm ' PART 1 Child's Name: _ y,st rust ni.t. • PART 2A - HOUSEHOLDS NOW GETMG FOOD STAMPS, AFDC OR FDPIR BENEFITS: Complete this part and sign the statement in Part 3 - DO NOT complete Part 2B- Food nor too wsc AFDC desfiessea twhc FDPR rortm. weer PART 2B - ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS: If you did not complete Part 2A, complete this part and sign the statement in Part 3. NAMES ==RENT INCOMEMMQUENCY No. of itanobld Fps oar west Wdhm Chu Soppon. Nyram eras pier, ranays ben Jr 2 Molds msfoos . Md. Drumose) Alooeor I aso,vlml, or sq tslee, b� SPrr. Dsv d Ch W.) Jab 1 Saud Srtry PART 2C - FOSTER C'Em : Complete ibis part and sign the statement in Part 3. If this is a foster child check here [ ] and write the child's income and how often it is received here: S / PART 3 - SIGNATURE: An adult household member must sign the statement before it be approved. PENALTMS FOR MISREPRFSENrATION: I ceruy that all of the above ioformatiw is [stir and correct sad that the food camp. AFDC. or FDPIR number is cacao or that all 'meanie is feporfed. I tmdanaad that this infoemMian is being gives, for the receipt of Fedenl funds: that insumtion officials may verify the information an the natemcot and to= the deliberate murapfecoudw of use information may, subject me to prmeattim under applicable State and Federal laws. Signature or adult: Social security nlnnber Printed scone or adult: • uate sirnen Nome teleohnne Waft tedenhone Home address us, cone PART 4 - RACLU-ETENIC IDENTITY: You are not required to answer this question. 1 1 WWw m. of xis,o. CM m 1 I IIsrk. a of Xapsna a,ne I 1 auaaai I t w,.s. m hrific Weeder I I Arerrao ladiaa er AIaY.a Noun Soren s of dK Wrrrl Zicneol Lnr Am ro s WL unless tlr on ss-s bee cony. A<DC. or FDPM werer u prnrr, yen .mu rsloee ,or .sal cranny —.,of are lnesedd rinmYr ..ever Cu court r r uduurm W. elm heneaolC reenter actor to mum.n Cot col Peura ..1 ....any oo M . Ploereree of .earl wmy rrrhs, as a ."-any. Ma if. col turret .taco u es,. p Wos or on lMwrrn a es,. ire eel to rult eaurbdC lose R aamrc fh. moor Coos sr M. eon, r aurrm uaa.. ho aryreea Teo seuol � oo a auy to cuss r drufy see emraeW rater r urryl,rr em eery r .wi(y M mrnrr d tbrreom arW r M asr.rr Theo wnfaaer elfaru cosy M umr ae. rrvre Pmrnm mu.o. welt, od arrrremao er col rerM OIYeOmr 000lo)srs se MW W RA{. eWpraa . foes W. A , or ram ofree to O6emYM a.nnl ew(uYrn for r or tYJ .err. AFDC. or FDPR grebe, esromar to Son gbyr rerr.Y alF r Caamm ar ewrrn el hemfnr rs...r er d kos, tlr aarremsor pwuor y w emw.b aces r FY.. r err d rear. ra.r TDB ortw ry .rrl. s o pu e. rmunYn of bw(Y. rrm.ner err.. Y MI unto if rsr,a a,bnao,s u nlor,r. The Sur. Fend jR9 F/ejnr (er ChrlaM rr Y YYd eppleeWlJ F.erren. If yr eeW.. eel )m er .lryera Ye eYrl /Yer.mNlee ayeW. aeWY of rR. eider. a.. awd CrVra. era, eta. or dasdAq, auo aaeudurry r. AJmranrr. Fend and Ce vtor Son+ee. U.S. Dg nlms of Arnurlun. 3101 Nrt Coror Dore. AW . VA 29@. For Sponsor Use Only: Food Men fAFDC/FDPIR household czaegoneaby eligible free [ ] Yes ( ] No MONTHLY INCOME CONVERSION: WEEKLY X 4.33. EVERY 2 WEEKS X 2.15, TWICE A MONTH X 2 Total family income' Family size: Eligible: NOT Eligible: Daertnfnmg official: Stgnstrare: Date AmChmem A-2 ELIGIBILITY FORM FOR CAMPS AND ENROLLED STIES INSTRUCTIONS • Please complete the Summer Food Service Program Eligibility Form for Camps and Enrolled Site using the inscmioos below Sip the form and teams it to the grodatiag orgmtah®. Call the sponsor if you used help: PART I - PARTICIPANT'S INFORMATION: All HOUSEHOLDS COMPLETE THIS PART. (1) Print the maxis of your own housebold's child. PART 2A - HOUSEHOLDS GETTENG FOOD STAMPS OR AID TO FAum.tFS WITH DEPENDENT CEIELM N (AMC) OR FOOD DIST'RrOUTION PROGRAM ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS (FDPIR) RENEFLTS: COMPLETE THIS PART and PART 3. (I) Liu your eurrmt food stamp cans: number or your AFDC or FDPIR identifsotioo number for the Parti iPatu. Do nor complete Past 2B. (2) An adult household member most sip the uatemem in PART 3. PART 23 - ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS COMPLETE THIS PART and PART 3. (1) Write the names of everyone in you household. (2) Write the amount and the frequency of income (.a, weekly, every two weeks, twice a month, or monthly) received last month for each household member. This income is the amount before Hass on anything else is takm out, sod where it ceme from, web as earnings, welfare, Pemsiom, and other moccut (refer to examples below for types of income to report). If my amount last month was; metric or ins than usual, wore rust peram's usual income. (3) An adult household mamba must sip and give his/her social security number in PART 3. PART 2C - FOSTER CHD.D: COMPLETE THIS PART and PART 3. (1) Wrist: the fester child's mouthly 'personal us' income. Write '0' is the foster child does not get -personal use' immune, (2) A foster parent or other official representing the child most sign the form. PART 3 - SIGNATURE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ALL HOUSEHOLDS COMPLETE THIS PART. (1) All eligibility forms must have the signature of an adult household member, (2) The adult household member who signs the statement must include his/her social security number. If he/she does not have a social security number, write 'uone' or something else to show that he/she does not have a social security number. If you listed a food sump. AFDC, or FDFM number, a social security number is not oceded. PART d - RACIAL/ETHNIC IDENTITY: COMPLETE THE RACIAUETHNIC IDENTITY QUESTION IF YOU WISH. • You are not required to answer this question to get meal benefits. However, this information will help t utwe that everyone is treated fairly. F�rmncs fmm Enmimvment wagNaaLnes/vp+ Strike bettefts usemploytaon compensation Worker's eompau'oon Net itseome from scl(ewmd business w face We14re/Child Surwvnr/AUim Public assistance payawra, Welfare paynttatts Ahmonyichild support paymsems 0 INCOME TO REPORT Pennm,tfaeoretne Sneial Secu.ry Pmsimrer Supplemental Security Income Rear men utcome -man s paymetm Social security Other Income/Self<melevmem Disability bemefcs Cash vmhdrawn from savings Weeestldt..dends Income from--otastsl investments Regular contributions from persons not living in the household Net Wyaltesh,uwmes/ oct rental tncomc A" Other income