HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1999 fall wintermm E�CK\d Co M,om GUCre�ta om Etdi°\d po eo* o ,}66} �� �acXaonvdle•HBWnested � LtinnBe ger�ice R NUN�n p'Ci�N O%GPIa ie ase p ND \a85U tiba�%^ No y63 26 i0t\5199 V\ lautso��pe, Ne'�'' Yoh neecs t�eeE�fea COO u0itY COa160�PM e cs axe we,I e En5\e�d h°f each n�°" Eri(�eld tiesld M°achy °\ggUildm& end. COOO Oa Invited SO ate COOje an • 'FaitMinter 1999 'NEWS FOR YOUTH $$$$$$$$$$ HEY MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!I! $$$$$$$$$ -Need some extra ca$h for the holidays? -Enjoy working with younger children? Why not get certified and referred by the `SUPERSITTER'S PROGRAM'? It's absolutely free and transportation is provided. The classes are being offered at Boynton M.S., from 3:30-4:30 PM on four consecutive Tuesdays 10/19, 10126, 11/2, and 1119 -Don't worry if you can't make these dates, the same program will be offered at Dewitt Middle School on 11/16, 11/23, 11/30, & 12/7. Call Shannon to find out more 272-2292 X-229. Fall/Winter 19" � Have You or Someone You Know Been Affected By A Violent Crime? If you have been impacted by physical assault, robbery, elder abuse, DWI crash, elder property crime, or homicide; free and confidential help is available. The Ithaca Rape Crisis Program of Tompkins County offers assistance to the victims, their family and friends. Service includes; supportive counseling, advocacy, accompaniment to legal and medical appointments, information and referral and emotional support. They can also help you with NYS Crime Victims Board Compensation Claims Program. NYS of- fers compensation to innocent victims for certain un-reimbursed expenses causally related to their victimization. For assistance call Crime Victims Assistance Program at 277-1670. submitted by: The Tompkins County Youth Bureau. z7 2 0 i €afield Community Current Z" Fa1NNintar 198>l �A FREE Currents Voll£CC) pas rr¢ws to sHaTe' The Enfield Community t+t+ittl C°trboth needed FauWriter t9s`J Newsletter three .� {af)¢W CO111� chehr and Alicia Febo ENFIELD SOWN OFFICIALS ublished officers. Joe S vacancy on the Enfleldowo This newsletter is i ailed out to The ECC has all new nted to fill a Virginia for two year, times per year and ism has been aPP° Virginia Beach, TC3 this past Town C1zrk, Alice LaDun" McFall from Dep°tY town Clerk D 950 Enfield residents Board. d forward fn offer a Alicia has relocated cla received her RN g-I Iam. 3-BPni ou have news of interest to the to resign r BSN l VtllunteeIs steppe resident, Hours Tuesday if y unity, either of gen- ig the q m Enfield comet ser- to earn he tic Fns Jack Kulp w treasurer, and Vera Wed. and Thor 4 p ,rill interest or of community the order Four enthusiastic ECC new P in FCC lease write to f the spring) Cato Givin the no Poole nature, p serve in the officer Positions who Patti eipate FCC Justice' Betty vice below or contact one o vice-president, i id s Randolf Warden address All have Children whose k }usnce fficers. this Albrecht the ne \v secretary b parents s u e Ron Updike ECC o esented i reflect S rat ht the ne this involvement y hole Community, Highway SUP' Sup Ron McFa11 The opinions PT who submit Everyone has Highway nor rob IS a €Teat benefit the at the FCC P ramming, DePUty BOARD newsletter are of those editor, p ,ramming always rtunities starting THE TOWN Owens items and do noofthesanly volunteer opPo Halves Festival r Jean the opinions Enfield Commu- New volunteers are There are out at the much Town Supervll Stevenson of the gills to offer le helping volunteers are m Supen'ts°I Greg members different hour Pfo ects, for examp One Youth pep. h Scbehr Wily Council if y hour p 1 kitchen. Also, s/E"rich CQmmumty Fisher NOTE. you are not on with one- n the Councilman JpSy PLEASE unity Current at a booth oT for Superinte"dart ithe spring ed to Councilman Ga n l ovetace the E"field Community know someone tunes Band Fests, encourag Co is InanDo list or y is recut as chap, Teen artrcutarly marling It or, tf your name is and Family Events, and Seniors ate P tunes for bussing our address parents never any cost to chap, (raving had PHONE NUMBERS who is not on mail- Building Clean-upis chaperoned. Trips to the misspelled. or your us know by Park, wrong> please out name help chaperone events There aare ice skate al Cass the many _ mg us a post card Nio la like all fission to the events toutmgs oing 8256 and address We have included Town Hall 2'l3 6490 address to receive our chaperones and to the Science Centel fie events, y°u ,bghway Qept' 27- Enfield Burnett park Zoo, volunteered for sly 'r?3-03b3 newsletter Enfield Community Town CoUR' "ith children and admimsttative skills Send it to'. munity Cufur- individuals that have st Jean Owens field Con le with special skills to sThank you to those volunteers that have councilItBox 21q Jacksonville, ?cop teciated.too_ 5682 rents are greatly aPP C activities! Additional ?hone H2'13 NY Ig854 d facilitate EC s welcome to come Duel ththe Enf Enfield Fnday 1-4 PM help, P.M. Monday- ,Uri1 Cau►'�' r of the public is alway month at 6 welcome to give ..1 Any member Monday of every Dad and is w -��� t"-Mib ���"' s held the 2nd ain R eetings which are meeting Building at 182 Enfrebl min€ ou to come to its m Community d {°r grog volunteer. pM m the Enfield Community active ECC munity Council invites y s Come see what Input into current or hope - t treasurer and The Enfield C"Imnday of each month at 6 members, Murphy, Pas s looking for new mumtyl Jane field on the 2nd m your Com submitted by_ T1re ECC is also a the ECC is doing Albrecht Budding d ,am what president Dave it s all about an o632 Vice President' }ark Kulp Z73 '[,,,surer. Carol Givm Vera Howe -Brian Seaetary'� 26 3 E apt �ra9rar1 r1IPNlnter t999�tmte-r gC� at the Enfield -�IB�iT ,ram the after school PfOn involving other aftet onsonng nfreld School s no longer sp several PTesentationt the E Tovrder The ECC B vote of anv Pa7ent at 1g9g12000 p School. The ECC facilitated care pTovrderYMCA was selected as the school day car vote, to °gram. volunteer that wI bed care pT d active ECC after school day Surer an of the aft Murphy, past trea Isuhmitted by Jane Se belong Citizens and a Enfield belong t° our b'the fun we Fg1101inter t999 ven chat-lioe and 9pp numbers tial phone fromn eontlthe glocking the a Bell Atlantic will block any rest hee haven chat calls to free, to make out- 900 numbers [or refTx and 890 3100. 233-p resentative at Just call their re- ri 2 service otta btjjng Problem} option fete phone number Selectl. ovlcomp entt o 3 lPhone features) cures) seniors that n all of of the for participating would like 1O thank all roue at Howard Trumansburg g „Murder will ew from to this year saw had so far Grove and and gd1 Eisenhardt was cave decks Saulsgtver a HuTseheads, the In AP°l ve went tO ,00d, Larry Buffet n' I very b the CountryIthaca (of ust Johnson it was we went to the fvtanhattan for lunch. A 8ih a that In May we went ongilly Bob Jacks August t venfY In June went to Geneva and very vA10able. In July we Castle m G u cruise. Belhurst the Keuka Mard luncheon pooled to the Pack nth Inc m11k State bet of October °n ?rcurc at Bauer triP possibly SePtem t the age of 55. 1 plan one more You can join a fall trip. ore people join. {ved for the to have m but we suryd a little warm w,e shall do µtwo ve hald d a and with God's help r W e have had a hrteat season, Kaster+tiN l whole group the The M A l want to thank '(OUT Trip CoordtttatoHarvest Vest", for again next )eat donation to the uilters: Seniors Thanks go t° the following Q e.S. re: 6k, , c$luuuxr ECC auction. qua VaW c5 ydn y3ta 4 opt fed e 1 (add ask for Your per° es ne option and quickly aAo antblock 233 bets Yoal An operaTell t e operator You' ers) and 900 Hain numberdlstartre, numb48 hours. pho.ne avjll xlrlm I blocked within 2 A01,1999 Youth Bureau Tompkins County 2p W State Street 3est Ithaca, NY 14950 Color me 25 Fa111M11°rer 1999 I Fa111W1�r� 1999 f STNAL _{' Lp HA VEST eld on r NFIE R estival will be Enfield ! E the air and annual Harvest F M The will add October 23 f amclons ch,cken any alstaavailable as Gall is in the Saturday, their cook their a tlist class Businesses m Firemen uimmings to GLange dining room l donated good all the eaten in the ce again generous eck out the item - all or have COm There crafts ve on e ch will be Ithaca community Silent Aucne at 3 PNt menage sale. Ices for oure5 a ru er 12_ and an pu 1 s cbid akebwheel,eforetahildQ ng prop for ndg p g ball for for sale, unique ping nil drop a P ters wins a Pnze Vile ll have will fly Overheadchild who re g tea 4 Rich �eP° registered, Every a ain crea child reg s have once . g ear's quilt is a' 9 P201 ip ating A9encY Enfield Sc .0'ra flied off at izen 4 P b TSt le done in white, variation on the log cabe Sty all day at the autiful quilt to available at lit and dark Raffle ncke5.Ti kets are also av Council en alaol�l each or om sl f gank and Commto . BuyItY several Talley K The win Breed not {ve Present Lui g this be utiful double nemberhave a better chanee ds children and so you estFestival go ONVa, it this worthy quilt. the Hary e out a member of Pine from Com , lease every All P rams in Enfield. omet I to please Building> the been prThere is sure to be s eld at the Comm d TakeanRd g9 in R o cause. The Festival i eh l82 Enfield Mnto Rt. 32 i the family and the range, turn t.10 s 9 Fire housethe bhnlctl% West to ile. Nr oae-haif m Ann Rider Submitted by -- e r Fall/Winter 1999 Ifhere's a Ilew cat iq town!! It's white with multi -colored ribbons on It. It's name is Route 20 and it hangs out between the school and the town barns It comes on a regular basis most days a week and all of us can take advantage of it It's T-Cat, our new transit service! It leaves downtown (Green St parking garage )at 630 AM It leaves the town barns at 7 AM arriving in Ithaca (at Green St parking garage) at 7 30 AM It again leaves the town barns at 8 AM to arrive in Ithaca at 8 30 AM It leaves Ithaca (at Green St. parking garage) at 12 noon It leaves the town barns at 12 30 PM It leaves Ithaca at 5 00 PM It leaves the town barns at 5 30 PM It leaves Ithaca at 6:00 PM It leaves the town barns at 6.30 PM Cost: A multi -zone one way ticket is $1 50/person; youths age 5-17 are $1 00, children under 5 are free If accompanied by an adult There are 1 /2 fare tickets for senior citizens and people with disabilities (show your Medicare card, Senior Citizens Council card, or T-Cat disability card). Monthly passes for $40 let you ride unlimited times during the calendar month Annual passes for $440 give you even greater savings So remember- you can leave the car at home and take the new cat in town' For additional information or your comments call Nancy Oltz at 277-9388, ex. 300. PRESS RELEASE FailtWinter 1999 Information and Referral Service telephone i't607) 272-9331 ==1110 W Screca St, Suite 300, Ithaca, NY 148504187 office (607) 273-8686 fax (607) 273-3002 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 9, 1999 Contact Dorothy Pallandino, Program Assistant Human Services Coalition, Phone 273-8686, fax 273-3002 "DIRECTORY NOW AVAILABLE" Information & Referral Service(I&R), a program of the Human Services Coalition, is proud to announce that the 20th Anniversary Edition of the Tompkins County Human .Services Resource Directory is now available The Directory has been compiled from I&R's computerized database and includes descriptions of programs, eligibility requirements, contact people, phone and fax numbers, and when available, e-mail and web site addresses The new Directory is $20, plus $3 50 shipping and handling Call 273-8686 for more information HsctpubktewsleB pr 9 When you need help finding help 9 A UNITED WAY AGENCY 23 ea��tK'i / �47V°* �r+� of the �'L P1r �C�y�Ru der the Vera W�skilo probram vc t tt e Po\gTbe stars of the Fnfie\d The supe E�(\e\a Schorr staV me booth transU�°`�f for YMCPt° aacs to is w o ve a1s ake f ar 5 n5e o1 corn The muO'ty me obey` ore ye?,VS . prob12, and to I" COO a nd'Na", to nc in the Probram a wa co �\ for ah\\dren mt° rest f In retummb rested in vo\aa ccta sOVOLd era at 2.}3.OX3. m b-j way IS te be ell a\P me� v"\thoOe c it dren rP\ wou\d like baokste ate s P` u t b\e, heir share \t with ,throb they lay \terns• od for Y° , to 6t in;O b¢, 1f any fts ind rec\ated. re, bat fmd „o a hips that may one has anyp0rioutdoor P we\\ -used a Of cT wou dbe bamil epti �e a t discuss parba\ sc \f there \ease con budbets, P Word perf {\e nd pant then b° tear enter., ur _ orb d5pve \is Yrc subnuss on, us r to creatrole Yp°tace aptwO to Y wboy,indow f°r • b(ezks or DOS 1 d of Nyalc ter. t Leo in the ��y\M` O boy, and en et f\\e name ordpa as y {le'°':' save a aianb\e aa4 , the fr\e n SON yr'i to the down ? ch on sa ca b c\ick a Y simi\err type . then click txt or is not a\ready the{eater and the eessaa ( rhFe ruarY at bo-aeh 2��0 it LdVe oltaneXicanw`on do is°sc edu\a d \boen\ow \Sendsubm\ss `WOWI (�aAl, � urb Ra. \504 Mekten \050 \tbaca, tSY or see me at 22 the F.CC meeUnbs I F�as. you kno�+ whar to do R�GRpM �D� Wjntet �' No�y`S P oVSW PRE SNpN YkinB{Otwatdto F�Rb'NS saoh\et P\ease neta\\ input and t\Est PARS bat easds, e< ,ps aOw oWNdoo tmV\Contest, P°P uP t5 and CNwS nets and tis ndONN stars tissue Pape' boto frames w mab tetn8etntOe ornaments o\ a 9 is beeswax °t oP e of amu'a\s � seedpud Pe oP'ups i P t mache • Pape • scu\Py m8 �Cwe\ty makc • batikih a\ artist \eadl \by Sdk i otksboP �Sdk sUeen atCE O P°ttery s''OtkshoP faityta\e the shoe . t Qdcama�vock iNon ,P�aC nd ceg`pna\ co attemPe tuo. tUFtP l K FD OOCOO{NO e each ek. we p1A ac\c \earn about Vote su net heathy' ht Pot \uck din a have a Friday nt& a 0 Fall/Winter 1999 Enfield Cemetery Committee I A spring clean-up was planned for May 8th ( rain date May 15th) for Rolfe and/or Presbyterian Cemeteries The work, done by Enfield teenagers, included raking, branch removal and general clean-up. The Enfield Cemetery Committee thanks everyone involved in organizing this clean-up. We particularly want to thank the teenagers who did the work. The Enfield Cemetery Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the community building. Everyone who is interested in cemetery preservation, renovation or maintenance is welcome to attend. If you are interested please call Peggy Hubbell at 273-7470 17)'" ('�Jf a(i49 Chairman Enfield Cemetery Committee PLANT SCIENCE PROJECT IDEAS a wild edible/usefulimedicinal plant identification ,r start a vegetable/Flower/herb garden start a native plant garden 'a build a greenhouse RECRUITING IDEAS FeIllWinter 19991 -$,Identify Enfielders at Dewitt and ASC with the help of staff/students �LLunch room table survey ,�iBuild/get changeable sign for community center or use ES's for coming attractions <4contact bus garage for available list of Enfield students at Dewitt �r Get a blurb in the Dewitt news letter What are your ideas? Would/can you help? Students, parents, all community residentsM Contact Shannon at 272.2292 X-229 20 9 0 FaN'Ninter1999 Eiji tELt7 S N Vues- meet the second eet- Enfield Senior Citizens Enfle;d Grange. e and month at the This day of the. '00 Dish to. pass a$A'00 ayear• other ing at 12 ' bership is oeet and visit with make join us, me chance tom friends and could be a rediscover old Seniors and neW one. (a d, president ( (;ay;nfa � ball O Family volley - ht spons°re d will be a family volley There Community Council by the Enfield School on at the Enfield 30 PM• Mondav nights from 7:00 to 9b an adult. Children must be accompanied Y please contact piana Anderson at 274 2221 for more information. 10 Fa1VW�� r g989 rti AMAZING GRACE i'', FELLO`NSHIP 18g1 Trumansburg Rd. Ulysses Square � I Jacksonville, NY , I Rev. Robert N_ Lovelace 391-3509 2"15-9121 Sunday School 915 AM Worship Service: 10 AM Jufor YOUth lY°uth pr°gram) st 6-7 30 PM n 7-9 PM at the {tally March 26 School Trumansburg Elementary with Doug Dement Youth Director from Syracuse. Rally April 160 q-q PM at the Trumansburg Elementary School ichael Chore. Founder of ,vtthe N gra Just for YOUth Just for wuths mam event July 7rn thru 90 at the Trumansburg Scho°I There will Elementary be darly acnvrues. September' Ben Strong, Youth Pastor and leader of Prayer Group CATAPULTED into the spotlrght t° the end pu KY School when a boy opened frre on the gathering. 18 )Fall/Winter 1999 Enfield Churches AGAPE BIBLE THE ENFIELD FIRST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Mike Corriero.� Pastor Jack Osbum 264 S. Applegate Rd. Enfield Main Road 273-7419 , 277-6301 We welcome you to come and join us. Worship Service is Sundays at 9:30 AM ENFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Enfield Center Road Pastor Scott Mosely 1989 West Danby Road 564-9076 Worship Service Sunday 10 AM Youth Group Sunday 6:30 PM Choir Practice Wed. 7 PM Maunday Thursday Service April 1, 1999 at 7 PM Adult Sunday School: 9-10 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10 AM Kid's Church 10 AM Teen Group. 6-8 PM Wednesday Praise&Worship 7 pM Wednesday Bible Study 730 PM Saturday Young Adults Fellowship 7 PM ! I Fall/Winter 1999 ; Enfield Ladies Firemen's Auxiliary We have been busy helping the Fire Department with their fund raisers and memorials. We make salads, bake beans, rolls, etc. and serve the food. There are barbecues the 2nd Sunday of each month noon till... Please contact Hester Covert for more Information Our Officers are: President: Hester Covert Vice President. Carol Barriere Secretary: Jeanette Hubbard Treasurer: Helena Williams Chaplain: Fern Ferris Sunshine/Conductress: Pam Whittaker Historian: Linda Stillwell 277-4235 11 V,IUWinter 1999 WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE YOUTH PROGRAM 111 GREETINGS ENFIELD 1j1 new lob and I feel SO lucky to have my ram in our town My family and I recently e band My name is Shannon McSurely managing the Youth Prog time dream. MY d to get became `Enfielders' when Weste" 11e andl his adulthood imm� trying aud are spent his childhood on with our nea d f iiendlygfolks that back - We e are all excited surrounding natural beauty totally appreciating and welcome us exploring waterfalls, hiking continue to help 1 am looking forward to an adventurous year, wool and other making cool ornaments from bees, c canoeing, the gorges, survrvai and life Skills, camping natural materials, learning ostly I look to etting Cooperative moon and star watchmo { and tons e and the families that reside ino[h s scenictown to know the young pe P To get on MY making; list or to contact me at Cornell o o Extension of Tomp County please call 272, -11 be disguised,Pe to meet Pots of you at the f arvest Festival 12 C.,, FaI1IWinter 19991 Human Servn;ae 9�Inbrmafi�rvice •HeCauncil NEWSRELEASE Date: August 17, 1999 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Contact: Dorothy Palladino HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING eFORIU umbrella agency Pro and planners,sPonsors this The Human Services Coalition, acting n exchange of ideas for local health and human serviceoPro for an ope monthly forum to provide theOpportunity p p rt and speakers are featured and all and Information. A variety Of are urged who are interested in human services and its efficient debvery to attend. ear have been work force ed Same of the topics featured thus far this usage speakers have incl R Rick development and emergency sheltCounty executive director, James Brown, United Way of TompkinsTompkins County Erb, Tompkins County administrator and Ken tvins, _ Chamber of Commerce president September 8, The next Planning Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, P rative Reports will it, the effects of The from 8 45 to Forum a.m. and will be held at CornellCoolie and Extension, I Willow Avenue Repo local mgam'z"' developed to be used by welfare reform on health care and the National W elfaMlMonitoring Advocacy Partnership, a survey andS to it elacs Ca11the 12 7a8686 for If (mOle Info cma on policies 100 West Seneca Saeel. S10e SM. anace, New York 14850-41Ja phone. (607) 273-a686' FAx' 1601) 213-3002' E-meN mtd3®c°n1eu edu Intormatron 8 Retenal Assrstance (607) 272-9331 17 Cl �kntat 1969 �pyna,,.,_ EwSRtkEASF N pate. Augusk 18, 1vs t;grston pal\IWtntet ��9 (untuntuninntuntuntue Sun(uniuntuntuntun efreefreeSree fonfunfunfp° eetreetreeireetree6 IN EN D. p1E1- ¢efreefr PD�R5kNtN treBURU OUtfNGS GROUP 15 pOR�1NG• tunfun(un & fith GR canoeing. treefree(reeSreetree fith TtON Dd- s outdoors 1ikW AFTtllt to PT(EN CPYOUtH e domgdtrng O�'T 1ik how, � Every Thursday a .VT HP ver`' 9 you wank Weekly activity middle scfiooss to Ace , a nature 10 oc If yp° to Ptck P kids t the rePare could vouanet ebPinb Fo�duledceat acuvuy iba, Wes(onses,ve decful hil rng• ,isteIAll oukdooc witb quick this won this ing y°artmbp to un s� etn ghttca POckobej8f4th5 SO come firs se It 'Nas a11b8uessnwhO�. ASE contact. Nancy cce will pome posscboUunUs °n eserved on 'eve tV%i Ple OKeSo this is ayfitde FOR iMMkp1ATL Task FO be begrn thz, spaces aTe.vaiting to 2292 x229,,,es on. Calf Homeless ¢ring %I, the kkousmg aOt edtembec The mecca City Hall. pv, As SUM el nears end, m0nkSePteMbet 1, kg9A at lth oded updates Sa s rn the tuce e pa pepartu e°t e its meetinb Wednesday. \l fea m en " et , resu at to a m on Roont The meennghousrng Provtd°thee suPP°ctrves held Conference na1 and Pectnan tf and Center sxa °fianb 20611 oor and admrmstrarcve o be nsaw Samardan wilt a1s shelter, tca n program tfie Ca\1 from � ices a by ih n e ka\ Sec`' track b• laus for tacilitated of S Wefface reform and P k Force is rovtders, pcobcams °vet the suMmec se h as emergency Housing 'As an less and d consists of hum that occnned \loin¢ suc basic m issues d other disc es C °alciton awls interested tiynoa ao Opp" rtunity used T e SeMc oifte uansP° vtdmgan kluman elected programs. r year pro' arties ate volunxeers andcMentax foodxed P so s s times Pe Atl rnteres 6 shelas'The commttkee meet e Ptanncng g68 for networkM, io d lFobmu e miormatron, call :v,�na encourabed t° ark aeso.at3a 100 Weyl5eneca FPX\60 .11 a90.Nam 27293'! ca dWxV ,cy ed d3� Suee,. 3002' �� t e t86n&Retertal pysstance t6071 PnnO 6071 6 pha, lnim^�aM 16 NICIIT OWL => CONSTRUCTION M Wit m Stephen L Gwm (601) 273-7434 E,m -I sgwin@ao Lcom The above ad is a 2 column inch ad @ $13.00 This is an example of a one column inch ad @ $7 00 0 If you have a business in Tompkin County, please consider placing an ad in our news letter Call Earl at 272-6390 for into and additional pricing THANKS 14 15 FaIlryYinter 1999