HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1997 spring summer• nfield Community Currents 1997 Summi The Enfield Community Council Encourages You to Become Involved in Your Community Joseph Schehr, president of the program to new heights. We have Let me return briefly to the ECC, .shares some thoughts on just completed an enrichment way point idea. We need new or community involvement. program, a model for future renewed direction in several areas, growth, run by a student intern such as teen programing, drug Pilots, as they take off, focus from Ithaca College. The ECC prevention and GED programing, their instruments on the horizon currently sponsors a Dessie Jacobs Please add your ideas to this list and called the "way point." You fly fine softball team open to 4th-6th grade offer help as you are able. Below until you reach that point. Then you girls and our summer camp is a coupon that will start this must re -focus, locate a new wav planning is underway. Finally, we process. Please use it. Let's help Point, and readjust your instruments have recently made a presentation our kids find their way point. to fly again with confidence. to the United Way, sharing our hopes and dreams with them, Submitted by Joseph Schehr, We are at a turning point in requesting funding for our President Enfield Community America and here in Enfield. We programs. Council are approaching the end of a • millennium, and have, at times an u overpoweringly negative picture pL-- about us. The Enfield Community ................................................................. Council is dedicated to create a Yes, I want to help my community! positive attitude and reality for the young people, for all in our ]. I believe we need programming in (please list your ideas for : community. We need to refocus consideration): our priorities and set a new way point. We need to remind our kids - and ourselves- of the importance of where we come from. We have to teach our children our history, our mythology, our culture- with 2. 1 can help in: passion, with wit, with rigor, and by Plannine doing that, we will create the Supervision possibility of that civic virtue that ties thinking individuals to their 3. Time available (Fall 1997) communities. Please return coupon to: At this time I'm happy to say Enfield Community Council that we are moving ahead. Parents are now operating the after school 182 Enfield Main Road • program, vigorously moving the :Ithaca, New York 14850 ...............................................................: • Spring & Summer 1997 ENFIELD COMMUNITY CORRECTION! COUNCIL The The Enfield Community Council invites you to "Send a Kid to come to its meetings which are held on the 3rd Camp" Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the Enfield checks should be Community Building. All are welcome to attend! sent to: ea* o ECC Send a Kid to Camp President: Joseph Schehr 273-3350 c/o Seneca Computer Vice President: Marnie Kirchgessner 272-2241 Services 6295 Strong Road Secretary: Alicia Febo 277-0942 Trumansburg, NY 14886 Treasurer: Jane Murphy The Enfield Community Currents Newsletter This newsletter is published three times per year and is mailed out to 850 Enfield residents. If you have news of interest to the Enfield community, either of general interest or of community service nature, please write to the address below. The opinions presented in this newsletter are of those who submit items and do not necessarily reflect the opinion Of the editor, Elise Skalwold, nor members of the Enfield Community Council. PLEASE NOTEI If you are not on the Enfield Community Currents mailing list, or you know someone who is not on it, or if your name is misspelled, or your address is wrong, Phase let us know by mailing us a Post card with your name and address on it We would like all Enfield residents to receive our newsletter. Send It to: Enfield Community Council,lne. Enfield Community Currents 182 Enfield Main Road Mhaca, New York 148M Spring 3 Summer 1997 ' T OJ WNS) 0 Tr w TH EA"&\ It is said that the Town of Enfield New Enfield's oldest surviving building is headquarters in Enfield, where it York was named after Enfield Connecticut the old grammar school, dating from 1590. manufactures over 2 1 billion LEGO bricks because a great number of the first settlers It has been a market town since 1303 when and DUPLO preschool blocks each year.(8) originated from Connecticut. It is said that the first market charter was granted, with Last, but not most certainly not least, the Town of Enfield Connecticut was named the cobbled market square. Besides comes the town of Enfield, New York It after Enfield England because this area consumer goods industries, there are was the Deacon's great, great, great reminded the settlers of thew English home. engineering plants together with the well- Grandson David (1790, Enfield, CT -1863, The name Enfield has been used for many known royal small arms factory that Hector, NY) that first resided in Enfield, years. The origin of the name is Saxon and produced the Enfield series of rifles. The New York. David married Anna Chase, means "the forest clearing belonging to town boasts of places called Gentleman's daughter of Simeon and Mable (Allen) Eana".(1) It was spelled Enefelde(2) in the Row, Manor House - Forty Hall, public Chase, at Enfield, CT, December 15, 1810. Doomsday Book which belonged to the gardens of Capel Manor, home of the Anna was born at Enfield, CT Jan. 17, ruling King of England of 1066, King country's leading horticultural college, and 1794, and died at Hector Feb 21, 1861. William I. Myddelton House, full of exotic plants David and Anna Bolyen are buried in the There is no definite proof as to why collected by the renown botanist EA North Settlement Cemetery, Odessa, New Enfield, New York was named as such, Bowles It has theatres, cinemas and sports York. Records state that they settled in although one reference was found in the facilities, which include the home of 1814 at Newbury, NY, and they were living book 'The Town of Catharine"(3) to the Saracens rugby club The town supports at Enfield, NY in 1821, and in Hector in naming of Enfield. Supposedly David pubs called The Robin Hood, The King and 1831 David, Sr., and three sisters and their Boleyn-Bolyen-Bullen, the family name Tinker and a few more husbands accompanied him and several changed through out the years, came from When Deacon Samuel Bullen first families from Enfield, Connecticut to Enfield, Connecticut came to America he started out in Enfield, N.Y. The Boylen ancestors in England bore Medfield, Massachusetts It was the • the name of Bullen As they became Deacons Grandson David (1694-1756) 1. Book of London's Villages The prominent and wealthy, and married into that first resided in Enfield Connecticut illustrated London News Tony Aldous. nobility, they changed the name to Boleyn. Town of Enfield Connecticut is a 1980. The family left England because of political suburb located in Hartford County, 2 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia persecutions Records indicate that Deacon eighteen miles north of Hartford and eight 1994, 1995 Compton's New Media, Inc. Samuel Sullen (1620-1691)(4) was the first miles south of Springfield Massachusetts. It 3 The History of the town of Catharine of the family in America, spelled his name includes the industrial subdivisions of Schuyler county, N Y Mary Louise Boleyn in England and when in America, Thompsonville and Hazardville. Enfield Catlin Cleaver. 1945 took the old form of Bullen was named and incorporated by the 4. Ancestors of Christoper James King No reference to the exact location of Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1683 Fifteenth Generation. URL where Deacon Bullen came from in England and annexed to Connecticut in 1749. The http://www2 palladiumnet.com/Family was found. To make the story more town is 33 8 square miles with a population Gather . ges/Robert-N-King/ interesting we will say he came from Enfield of approximately 46,010 5 Enfield, England URL. England. Enfield England is located at the The first Schoolmaster was voted in http.//www,enfieid.gov.uk/index.htm southeastem fringe of the royal hunting the year of 1702; the schoolhouse was built 6. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc 1997 forest, Enfield Chase.(5) The eastern part of in 1708.(7) The towns first Meetinghouse 7. The Challenge of Change Three the borough lies on the low ground of the was built in 1706. The first church meeting Centuries of Enfield, Connecticut History. Lea Valley This places the Town of Enfield house was established in 1693. The Ruth Bridge Enfield Historical Society, nine miles from the Bishopsgate entrance to Connecticut government took the town to 1977. the city of London. It covers 30 square miles court in 1684 because they had no 8. Lego News -Volume 6. URL- of industry, housing, and the population of "minister", by law all settling communities http.//www,cris.com/—Zjohnson/legopage/ 260,0W is that of a small city. There were were to support a church. The Shaker Ivolume6.html in 1980 twenty-three farms and twenty-four religion entered the town in 1792, by 1917 I Submitted by Sue Thompson. Enfield Town miles of public footpaths in the town. Two the last of this religionist community left Hrsronan main traffic arteries, the radial A10 The town approved an industrial park in (Cambridge) road and North Circular and 1971. With this came the Lego River Lea are major transporation routes Manufacturing company. This company "6g.s. • which run through the town.(6) employs over 1,300 people, at its 203-acre + u 0 Spring & Summer 1997 Enfield Valley Grange #295 Later this year the grange will be honoring its The Grange is a family oriented organization. We have long time members. There are nine with twenty five programs for the young and elderly and for the in between. years, six with fifty years, one with sixty years, two Any one over the age of five years can join. If we can get with sixty five years, and one with seventy years of enough young people to join we would like to start a Junior continuous membership. This adds up to a total of Grange. If enough young people are interested, we can get the State Youth Directors, along with the Youth 785 years- that's a lot of years! Ambassadors, to come and explain all the activities you can Once again the Grange will be selling ice cream at get involved with. the firemen's car show on August 3rd. Also, we will be The Grange meets on the second Tuesday of each having our annual election night supper again this year month at 8:00. We invite everyone to stop in and visit and We have rented the Grange quite a few times already this find out what the Grange is all about. Unfortunately, there year to various people and organizations for suppers, are only two Granges left in Tompkins County, and we want breakfasts, receptions, and family get-togethers. The to keep ours going This is the only Grange Hall left in the proceeds from all these go in to our building maintenance county. In case you are interested, this grange was fund. Last year we put in new windows downstairs and chartered back in 1875- That was one hundred and twenty hope to do the same upstairs; plus the exterior of the seven years ago' building needs painting or new siding. As always, we are looking for new active members Submitted by Roger W Hubbell, Grange Master A LETTER FROM REPRESENTATIVE 1 ANIEL M. W.. INCH Dear Enfield Residents, This is the time of year that we all seem to be patri- otic and have community cel- ebrations and events. It al- ways reaffirms my feelings of being proud to be an American and how we enjoy many liberties that are in our national constitution. The residents in Enfield this year attained another ma- jor area in which they can exercise a vote— at the Ithaca City School District. Now for the first time Enfield citizens all have equal voice in voting for or against their proposed school budget. Those in the Newfield and Trumansburg school district have had this opportunity for a long time. Now you need to find a candidate for the school board to represent more of the rural perspec- tive. Hopefully, by next fall, we all should enjoy having 911 for emergency services. Watch the newspapers for informa- tion about timing and the at- tributes of the system. It has been a long time coming; how- ever, I think the enhancements will be worth the wait and the frustration. Enjoy the summer patriotic activities. PIease support your local community organizations that put on these events, and above all, take time to reflect on the joys of being Ameri- can and having the ability to exercise your vote, enjoy many freedoms, and being able to have a voice in our government. Sincerely, Daniel M. Winch District 8 Representative Enfield/Newfield Address: 310 Burdge Hill Road Newfield, NY 14867 Phone: 564-7813 Submitted by Daniel M. Winch t L u 0 The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company The Fire Company has recently purchasesd with the help of the Ladies Auxiliary, 15 grave markers and a few dozen flags. These markers and flags will be put into place by Memorial Day. We hope to have, within the next two years, enough markers for all Fire Company members who have passed away. Over the years the fire company has recieved numerous memorial donations. These donations are used to purchace specialized equipment, such as our most recent purchase, the semi -automatic defibrillator. This particular purchase uis comprised of donations which were recieved from the past two years along with a grant the Fire Company received from Prudential Insurance. We hope to create, in the very near future a Memorial Book for public display. This book will indicate who the donation was made in memory of and what piece of equipment was purchased. In January 1948, the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company was chartered. A committee has been formed and plans are in the works for many events during the year 1998 for the 50 year commoration. Plans are underway to include extra fundraisers to help support those events. The chicken barbecues we had this winter were a success and we thank all who were able to support us. Our next major fund raiser is the Carnival. Yes, you read it right, the Carnival. It's back and we hope better-than-everl The dates have been set for the 25th- 28th of June. Wednesday night we will start off with a ride matinee from 6-10 PM, which is a pay -one -price ($8) for unlimited rides. We'll also offer a dinner special. Thursday night we will offer a Kiddie's Parade. Friday night we will have a chicken barbecue, starting around 5PM, with fireworks starting around 9PM. Saterday the ride matinee will run from 12-5PM, again, pay -one -price, followed by another barbecue. As in the past, Wheelock Rides, Inc. will provide the rides and concessions. Also, we understand that the weather is supposed to be excellent, therefore, mark your calendars for the 4-day spectacular! In addition, see any of the members of the Fire Company for advance ride tickets - Big discounts offeredl While your calendar is out, don't forget our 7th annual Car Show, which will be held on the 3rd of August. Not to mention the famous "Enduckie Derby." Aside from these fundraisers, other activities that have happened or are planned: a 8 of our Explorers successfully completed CPR training. = 6 of our members successfully completed Continuing Medical Training (CME) for recertification with the Spring Sr Summer 1997 defibrillator. Our first "Adopt -a -Highway" clean-up was in April which covers Route 327 from Route 79 to Trumbles Comers Road. => Defensive Driving Course is planned for June. In closing, we would like to welcome our two newest members of the fire company: Jim Varriccheo and Scott Prutsman. If you too would like to become a member and donate your time and skills to the community, call either Rich (273-9464) or Roy (277- 3843), or simply stop by at the fire house any Thursday evening- we would be glad to have you! The Enfield Fire Company • Chief: Richard Neno • Deputy Chief: Greg Stevensen • 1st Asst. Chief: Greg Stilwell • 2nd Asst Chief. Ray Hubbard • Captain: Wayne Snyder • Lieutenant: Larry Lanning • Fire Invest Capt: Art Covert • Fire Police Capt: Gary Laue • President: Roy Barriers • Vice President Bill Eisenhardt • Secretary: Tanya Snyder • Treasurer: Judy Nano • Financial Secretary.: Wayde Whittaker • Board of Directors: Art Covert, Denny Hubbell, Dominic Seamon, Larry Stilwell. Submitted by Rich Neno, chief and Roy aamere, President. Spring Si Summer 1997 COHE AND JOIN THE • ENFIELD WSfOPMAL SMEM 0 Ladies Auxillary of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company The next meeting of the _ — -- Enfield Historical Society will be With about 10 active 11 be accepted. Please drop them off at June 18th at 8:30 PM in the Enfield members, we have been helping the I the carnival grounds or call a Community Building. The speaker firemen with the barbecues that l member for pickup. As the will be Leslie Phelps who be Were held in February, March and iFiremen's and Auxiliary's speaking on genealogy. We April. Some of our members i, manpower will be short, anyone welcome you to this meeting and participated in a CPR course with ill who could volunteer an hour or you also are invited to become a the firemen in April. We will �. more to help at the carnival member of the Enfield Historical host the County Auxiliary would be greatly appreciated Society (EHS). Annual dues are $5 meeting May 21st. for an individual and $7 for a As always, we are looking family. The Enfield Historical We are busy planning fort for new members and you no longer Society holds its regular meetings the up -coming Carnival on June C have to be related to a fireman to the third Wednesday in the even 25th-28th. Along with making the join the Auxiliary. If you would like numbered months (February, food and serving at the barbecues,more information, call Hester April ) we will run the cake wheel. We are Covert. Submitted by Doris L. asking the residents of Enfield for 1997 Officers Rothermich, president of the Enfield donations of cakes for Friday the', Historical Society. 171-5930 27th and Saterday 28th. Please', President: Hester Covert 277-4235 place the cakes on sturdy cardbol Vice President: Marge Slater 273-4641 Red Cross Baby-sitting and cover with plastic wrap. If you l Secretary Holly Covert 564-0094 prefer, other baked goods will also Treasurer. Pam Whittaker 273-0467 Classes Submitted by Linda Stilwell As a parent of a current ., future baby-sitter, you can Nominations Wanted! encourage your son or daughter to become better prepared for a job by �� For Service to Youth Award taking a Red Cross Baby-sitting course! This nine hour course is a The purpose of the Tompkins Nomination fors can be ll dynamic, interactive, activity based County Youth Service Award Program, obtained from the Tompkin's County'( program which provides the is to recognize and honor those who, Youth Bureau, just call 274-5310. participants with numerous "hands- make positive changes in the lives of Recognize the outstanding individuals on" learning experiences. The children, youth, and families and/or the, in your community. Tompkins County Chapter is conditions that affect them in offering two three day baby-sitting ;Tompkins County. Each month the', Tompkins County Youth Bureau classes in June: (Tompkins County Youth Board{ Celebrates its 20th Anniversary! chooses an individual from the inominations they receive. Volunteers 1997 is the Youth Bureau's June 25,26, & 27 l or paid staff can be nominated, the 120th Anniversary and we are planning 9AM-Noon or 1 4PM each day ,Youth Board hopes that by recognizing to celebrate and hope you will join ll the value of those who make changes in ficant, but often quiet ways, the The cost per child is $25. Advance signiInformation about special events will be coming soon..... registration is required. For more community at large can appreciate and information call Joan at 273-1900, 1 support the collective efforts that are Submitted by Janis Johnson ext. 13. big made on behalf of children in our community. Spring & Summer 1997 The Enfield Planning Board The Enfield Planning • What is site plan review? the county's annual growth rate of Board of the Town of Enfield has 0.8%. From 1990 to the present, been busy since the beginning of the Site plan review requires that Enfield's population has still increased year finishing the draft of a certain development projects be and presently has one of the highest proposed Site Plan Review Law. A submitted for review by a municipal growth rates in Tompkins County. board normally a town planning Site Plan Review Law has been board. In New York State, site plan The Enfield planning Board discussed within the town since review usually applies only to large meets the 2nd Wednesday of each 1989. In 1990 a public hearing was scale development, such as shopping month and we are always happy to held by the planning board and malls or apartment complexes. Our answer any questions as well as hear much opposition to the proposed proposed law applies only to the your comments. We currently have a law, as written, was heard At that following activities: full board which consists of the time the town attorney could not following members: recommend the proposed Site Plan I Construction of any large (10,000 Review document to the town square feet or more) commercial or Michelle Humphries, Chair board, and so the issue was put industrial use or structure. 184 Weatherby Road 2 Construction of three or more Trumansburg, NY 14886 aside. In the fall of 1995 the town dwelling units on one parcel of 387-7846 board requested that the planning land. board revisit the law and prepare a 3 Expansion by 5,000 square feet or Gene Endres, Secretary new draft. more of any non-agricultural use or 635 Iradell Road structure. Trumansburg, NY 14886 On April 9th of this year a 4 Grading or filling of one acre or 387-6480 public hearing was held for the more for non-agricultural uses. • purpose of soliciting public input on Exemption: land use activity that Virginia Bryant a revised draft of a Site Plan Review occurs in the course of normal Iradell Road agricultural or timbering activity. Trumansburg. NY 14886 Law. Quite surprisingly only a total 387-9376 of 13 residents attended the hearing, . What is the purpose of this law? a majority of them voicing an Richard Chase opposition to the law. All concerns The purpose of this law is to 767 Hayts Road were heard by town board members protect the health, safety and public Ithaca. NY 14850 who were also in attendance. welfare of the residents of the town by 277-6137 assuring a balance between At the Mav 7th town board development activity and its impact on Micheal Williams meeting the board discussed putting the residents and environment of 36 Porter Hill Road Enfield. Ithaca, NY 14850 a Site Plan Review Law on the 272-2614 November ballots and letting the • Why should Enfield have a Site residents decide if it is adopted or Plan Review process? Calvin Rothernich not. The legalities of this are being 319 Fish Road looked into and hopefully a decision The Town of Enfield Ithaca, NY 14850 will finally be made at the next town government became interested in site 272-5930 board meeting on Wednesday June 4, plan review because of the potential for 1997. high population growth and Ann Chaffee development activity in Enfield in the 343 Fish Road Here are the most commonly future. Between 1980 and 1990 (when Ithaca, NY 14850 asked questions regarding Site Plan this was first introduced), the 272-6460 Review: population of the town increased at an Submitted by Michelle Humphries, president of • annual rate of 2.8%, much higher than the Enfield Planning Board Spring & Summer 1997• • May has been a busy month for the Enfield Seniors. They had a table set up at the Sunrise Fair at the Enfield school and sold handicrafts, jellies, books, cakes, plants, and handmade items. On the 22nd they went the Unit Annual luncheon at the Ramada Inn. All the county units were there and awards were given. The Seniors voted `yes" on whether to make a quilt for the Harvest Festival and on May 23rd they had their first planning meeting to determine the design, colors, and size. This quilt is to be raffled off for the ECC at the Festival. They have plans to take a trip to the Elmira Clementine Center to see the Philadelphia Mummers- a musical with gorgeous costumes Plans are in the works to have The Enfield Senior Citizens a cake sale in the foyer of K-Mart and endeavor. Policewoman Kathy Torres also plans are being made for an will come to talk to the Seniors further annual picnic to be held possibly in The Senior Citizens have July- been picking up new members at their An important undertaking: monthly luncheons It's always a nice that the Seniors have recently been ( event with wonderful food brought by investigating becoming involved members- delicious salads, pies, with is Triad. This is a 3-way effort veggies, main dishes, ice cream- come among a sheriff, the police in the and join us! The Enfield Senior county and the Senior Citizens who Citizens hold meetings on the 2nd agree to work together to reduce the Tuesday of each month in the Enfield criminal victimization of older citizens Grange at 12 noon and a dish -to -pass and enhance the delivery of law at 12:30 PM All Seniors (over 55 enforcement services to this years old) are welcome to come and population. Triad provides the join us opportunity for the exchange of information between law enforcement Officers and senior citizens. It focuses on reducing unwarranted fear of crime • Virginia Mead, president. and improving the quality of life for • Della Snyder, secretary. seniors This program is now starting t Francis LaBombard, treasurer. up in Tompkins County and Seniors from the county units met with heads of Submitted by Virginia Mead, president law enforcement to talk about this Historyof r Ithaca ' he•.I With the help of the Joint Youth Commission and t Learning Web, Club Ithaca is back again for Summer '971 For those of you not familiar with Club Ithaca, it was started in the summer of '93 by Scott and Sue Hamilton, owner's of Ide's Lanes. They began the Club in response to the lack of alcohol and smoke -free social opportunities for youths ages I 1-15. Once again, the Hamilton have generously donated their facility, Ide's Lanes. It will be closed to the general public and open exclusively to local youth ages 11-15 The demand for alternative programing has proven substantial, over 1000 students participated in Club Ithaca this past summer with an average of 125 students attending per night Ten high school juniors and seniors have been officially hired as apprentices through the Learning Web, and will be actively involved in the operation and formatting of the programming. All youth participants will be asked to stay until the end of each party so that parents will know about their whereabouts. A $4 donation fee will be requested to partially defray the expenses. The goal of this program is to provide local youth with a social alternative and place in which they can feel safe and have fun. Submitted by the Learning Web F04 5000-C SL;M' Sr.,rn.r.bt F4.04 Every Wednesday night from June 25th to August 27th, Club Ithaca will be featured from 7-1 OPM at Ide's Bowling Lanes in Judd Falls Plaza in Ithaca! Club Ithaca is a social alternative for ages I 1-15 and features: GREAT MUSIC,UNLIMITED BOWLING, POOL TABLES, VIDEO GAMES, FOOSE BALL, PRIZES, FREE SODA, SNACKS AND MOREL A $4 donation (not for profit) is requested. For more information, call Isle Polonko at the Learning Web at 275-0122. Submitted by the Learning Web. Club Ithaca is brought to you by the Learning Web (a non profit youth service organization), the Joint Youth Commission, and Ide's Bowling . Cosponsored by the Dryden Youth Commission. Comell Cooperatrw Extension of7binpimns;r County and the Ithaca City Youth Bureaus YES • Program. Spring & Summer 1997 • Ll 11 ENFIELD'S CHURCHES In ENFIELD UNITED - - was appointed Assistant Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH In the early days, church services were nd held in homes aschools. The Methodist Church of Enfield was recognized w a separate charge in 1835. The church was built at Bostwick Canters the same year. In 1876, the church building was moved to Enfield Center. The church was raised up for a large basement to make room for Sunday School. Since 1876. the church has stood on this spot, a place of meeting for the worship of God and activities related to His work in the community. This building has been used for generations of the local people, and continues to be available to town people in need today. In 1960, the outside walls were repaired with concrete, and in the comerstone was found a copper box Htstory of the church was replaced and again sealed and returned to its finding place. Over the vears changes have been made such as bringing eleancrty into the budding, a central heating system installed and drilling a well to furnish water to the kitchen and bathroom. In the sanctuary, panelling was installed on the walls, remodelling of the alter area, covering the pew cushions and pulpit chaos, and carpeting the full area. Recently our entrance was made accessible to the handicapped new viml siding was msulled, the basement was repainted, we purchased new tables and chairs, and at present time the vesubule its getting a new look. In 1972. the flood caused extensive damage to the basemen. As a result, the walls and floors on the lower level were rebuilt The sanctuary has a beautiful mural, "The Good Shepherd," painted in 1975, by Mr Marton Mack. Praise God for the life of the church and what nl mearms tothe community Our church is open to all who wish to come and worship with us Pastor Earl Andrews Enfield Center Road 273-3919 Sunday School LOAM Worship Services Sunday I IAM Choir Practice Wed. 7PM Submitted by the Methodist Church AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH In December 1980, Rev. Kenneth Hoover, along with about 40 people, began to gather together with a desire to begin another Bible believing church in Enfield. Services began at the Feld Community Cane, and the church was mined Agape Bible Church. The congregation began to grow Ralph Lovelace membership was established. A constitution was adopted in 1992, and w the work grew to over 100 attend= they began meeting at the annex building of the Hilleite Golf course. John and Helen Smith donated some acreage on Applegate Road to the climb, where Agape Bible Church now exists. A number of vent' devoted people worked together to put up the original building In July of 1983, Agape Bible Church held its first service on the property on Applegate Road en with the east end of the building still opand unfrmhed. In the following years. foie additions have amal been built onto the ongbuilding, along with finish new sh to the outside and inside. Attendance has gone over 200 at several Sunday morning services. A second parking lot was d installed in 19% anwe are about to go to two Sunday morning services in June to accommodate the growth. The Chureh's uuand mstry has reached out to both the Cornell a Ithaca College campuses, Alpha House, the Lewis Gusset Center in Lansing, Titus Towers and Ellis Hollow senior chin"s homes and people came to Agape from all the surrounding villages and towns. We've often held joint services together with other churches in the area and we log to sce that continue and grow. We one a vm special, earnest and sincere thanks to those who sel[lessh, devoted themselves to begin the work. donate theun propem and much time , build the building and pray during limes of difficulty and blessing. Pastor Mike Corriero 264 South Applegate Road 273-7419 8:30-IOAM Worship and Teaching Sunday School, ages 5-10, follows worship, begins at 9.15 10:30AM-12.30PM Worship and Teaching Children's church, ages 5-10, follows worship. We will be having special tent meetings from July 26th through August 3rd on the church property. Call us fin more information about this and Bible studies, fellowship and youth groups. We also invite you to watch our Thne/Wamer cable TV. program: -God is Greater' on s channel 13, Tuesdays at 6,05PM and Saturday at 4PM or channel 57, Sunday 5:05pm. Submitted by Mike Comero. Pastor THE ENFIELD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH As Enfield was pan of the Town of ses Ulysuntil March 16. 1821. the church for a few vears, was called the First Ulvsses Church. On April 5. 1817. a meeting of Baptist brethren was held at the home of Judah Baker Elder John Lewis was chosen moderator Later meetings were held and people were voted into membership. The church held its first covenant mating July 5th. 1817 and John Lewis was invited to become the first pastor In May 1830 the name of the church was changed to the First Baptist Church of Enfield In 1842. a comfortable house of worship was completed in Enfield Center The first church bell in the Town of Enfield was hung in the belfry in April 1870. The parsonage was erected in 1877 and in 1881 the church was moved across the road and rebuilt where it new stands In 1827 the Enfield Baptist and Methodist churches began holding united services, mating 6 months of the veer in each church until 19% Since then, separate services en have beheld each church having its own pastor The sheds for protection of horses and camages. which stood across the road and also north of the church, were removed in 1942. The parsonage was sold in 1947. In 1954. some ofmi the money from this sale was used to modcze the church. A new ceding, hardwood floor. electricity and oil furnace improved the appearance and made the church more comfortable. The present enrollment is 72 and over 50 youth and teens are in attendance. We have an outstanding youth and adult program. We wish to thank the Lord and Enfield residents for their support We have seen many blessings, received comfort and guidance through the trials, and look forward to the future Pastor Jack Osborn Enfield Main Road 277-6301 Worship Service 10,45AM Sunday Sunday School 9 30AM classes pre-k through adult. Youth Group 7PM Sunday ages 13-19 Midweek Praise and Worship/Adult Bible Study 7PM Wednesday Vacation Bible School 1997 "Circle of Friends" July 14th-18th 6PM-8.30PM Ages 3-12 grade. Experied from written history prowded by the First Baptist Church Spring & Summer 1997 J • 9 ENFIELD SCHOOL BASED SHARED DECISION MAKING COUNCIL 1996-97 ,To the Enfield School Staff and all' • the Enfield Community, • As part of the Ithaca City, 'School District, we at Enfield have a! • Site Based Shared Decision Making Council. We are a group of 13 • individuals who represent various, components of the Enfield community: parents, teachers, school staff, and • community members. Our prime purpose as defined by the NYS • Department of Education is to improve' school and student performance. • Over the past 3 years we have met as a Council every few weeks. We: $180 for 5th grade field trips to;. Jim Walker study agriculture. Paraprofessional: $300 for 5th graders field trip top Mary Cole, parent liaison Upper Canada Village. Service Worker: $1070 for Performing Arts Day' Anne Robbins, school nurse (1/2 day) and 2 assemblies. Principal: $90 for busing to Ithaca Festival, Nan Brown our 5th graders will sing. S50 funding for Pre-K luncheon $50 funding for Pre-K ice cream , Submitted by Atnre Robbuo, member social. $500 for 2nd graders' program with Cayuga Nature Center. $70 for 4th grade field trip , transportation to Eight Square School. $275 for 4th grade field trip to Bement Billings Farmstead. $108.50 for garden project,, reference materials. $100 to Principal's discretionary fund. have allocated over $12,000.00 for We are currently recruiting new school projects ranging from computer' members for next school year to begin equipment to field trips to garden tools. in June 1997 if possible. We have All decisions made by this council must openings in the categories of parents, be made by consensus,which means that teachers, staff, community member, everyone must agree or at least be able i and service worker. If you are to live with, all decisions made. As you! interested in learning more about the might imagine, it takes some time to site based council, please call our iron out 13 different points of school secretary at 274-2335. view .... and we are always learning... In March 1997, the Enfield The Enfield SBSDM Council School Site Based Shared Decision consists of the following individuals: Making Council (SBSDMC) allocated the following funds: Parents: Beth Cannon • $135 for 1st grade field trip to the I Meg Cole Post Office, Airport, and John Hart Sapsucker Woods. Lisa Lane • $60 for 1st grade field trip to the! Debbie Teeter Stevenson Forest Preserve. Teachers: • S800 to reinstate a Conflict I Ann Fox, librarian Management program at Enfield I Laurie Keegan, Music teacher School. I Daisy Sweet, 2nd grade • $120 CD Roms for the school Nancy Zobel, support teacher library. I Community Members: Staff Wish List Below is a list of items that i our staff is "wishing" for — their classrooms. If you have anything you would like to donate, please call the school at 274-2221. Polaroid camera Polaroid film Easels and paper for them Bookshelves Collection of nails with large heads Scrap bits of wood Preemie size baby clothes Butterfly clips Magic markers Masking tape Scotch tape Jigsaw puzzles Maps(world & USA) 6 String Guitars- any condition Large Chairs A couch =1 Study carrels �/ 4 Spring & Summer 1997 ENFIELD ROAD AHEAD] THE MNELb LEHUR UPKfi f 0TWOMA, j SUMMER CAMP Enfield Elementary School, the Microsoft Corporation and the Cayuga Nature Center are combining forces to offer a summer camp experience for Enfield Students who love gardening, computers and Nature Center activities The Enfield experience will focus on both gardening and computers Students will learn about plant growth and care in the gardens and will take what they have learned into the computer lab where they will work with digital cameras, scanners, slide shows, the Internet and other computer technologies One goal (it the camp is to involve the students in I recording data about plant growth for use 1 in the fall. Small groups of 12 students will work with two camp councillor who are %killed at computers and garden learning This part of the camp runs from 8:30-11:30 and is available free to Enfield students on a first come first placed basis -There is limited space still available. Limited bussing is also available if you wish further information, please call Enfield School at 274-2267 Submitted br AlanCole, parent Larson ENFIELD RECREATION PARTNERSHIP WITH THE ITHACA YOUTH BUREAU Remember! Enfield is a member of the Ithaca Youth Bureau Recreation Partnership. As Enfield residents, you can pay membership rates! Call the Ithaca Youth Bureau at 273-8364 for dates, times and fees. Be sure to mention that you are an Enfield resident so you get the lower membership rates! • The Enfield Lending Library is once again returning to the Community Building on Tuesdays this summer so children may take out books. The schedule is as follows: July 8,15, 22, 29, August 5 Final returns on August 12th Daisy Sweet and Mary Cole will be at the Community Center from 1-3 PM on these days. This year we will also have a box of paperback books suitable for adults to take out too!! Submitted by Mari Cole, parent liaison Activity Leaders Needed for Summer Camp Positions ECC Summer Camp July 7- August 15 Monday -Friday 9 AM- 2 PM at the Enfield Community Building 182 Enfield Main Road Enfield, NY 14850 General Requirements: To provide instruction and fun for different grade levels from kindergarten through 5th grade. Must have knowledge and methods of group organization. We have staff positions open for interested people who have experience working with children in the following areas: ♦ Performing Drama and Music: Develops and conducts everyday group activities. Plan during the six weeks of camp an end of camp drama/music event. ♦ Science and Mature: Develop and conduct group activities pertaining to science and nature; including hands on projects. ♦ Arts and Crafts: Develop and conduct daily arts and crafts projects. ♦ Camp Aquatics Instructor: Develop and conduct daily swim lessons. Must have certification in CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding or WSI. This person will work form 10 AM to 2 PM. • Lifeguard: Perform lifeguard duties Must have certification in CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding and Water Front Module. This person will work from 10 AM to 2 PM. If you are interested, please call Linda Hubbell at 272-5034 Spring & Summer 1997 ENFIELD TOWN OFFICIALS Justice: Betty Poole • Justice: Randolf Warden Town Clerk: Alice Laue Hours: Tuesdays 8-1 lam, 3-8pm Wednesdays and Thursdays 4-7pm Highway Superintendent: Ron Updike THE TOWN BOARD Town Supervisor: Bill Mather Deputy Supervisor. Garry Achilles Councilman: Lanny Clark Councilman: Gary Fisher Councilman: Don Lovelace PHONE NUMBERS Town Hall: 273-8256 Highway Department: 272-6490 Town Court: 273-0363 Enfield Community Council Summer Camp Summer morning, $75 for 6 weeks; Camp will be 2nd child: $1.25 per morning. held at the $45 for 6 weeks. E n f i e l d 2-5:30PM: $6 per afternoon, Community Building July 7- I $180 for 6 weeks; 2nd child: August 15, 1997. Children ages' $4 per afternoon, $120 for 6 31/2 (must be potty trained) to weeks. 15 years old may attend. Last Parents must check with years program was so the Enfield School to determine successful we will have to limit if the Chapter 1 summer school registration- first registered, first will drop children off at our served; residents of Enfield get program. priority. -• Lunch and snack will be The cost of camp 9 AM- provided if the camp qualifies Special Thanks go out to `.: 2PM is $10 per week for one through the EOC Summer Art Howser and his team , child or $50 if paid by June 20, Feeding Program. of volunteers for folding, - 1997. $5 per week for each additional child up to a maximum Please see that your _` stapling and labeling the • of $100. children are dressed for outdoor Enfield Community °- activities- sneakers, swimsuit, Currents and so helping to - Those families who think towels, etc. get this newsletter ready to they may be eligible for a Activities planned will send out. -_ scholarship must complete the include sports, science and, = scholarship form which is nature projects, arts and crafts,' attached to this newsletter. For theater and music, swim camp to receive free snack and lessons, field trips, and the. lunch, every family needs to fill Enfield School Traveling Library - out the summer food service form. If there are any questions Please fill out the that you would like to keep registration form and information, confidential, you can leave them sheets which are included in this Please Note blank. Those families receiving ` newsletter and return them to the DSS should check with your school, attention Linda Hubbell, j Lauren Stanforth is the Ithaca caseworker about sending your or you may mail them to: Journal's reporter for the Enfield . child/ren to summer camp and:, area. If you have a news Rem that childcare. Linda Hubbell might be of interest to the Ithaca 152 Hubbell Drive Journal concerning Enfield, you We will offer before camp Ithaca, New York 14850 can reach her at 274-9246 or by child Care and after camp child: writing her care of the Ithaca care: If you have any questions, Journal, 123 West State Street, Please call Linda at 272-5034. Ithaca, NY 14850. • 7:30-9AM: $2.50 per subnutled by Linde Hubbell. ECC SL31MER CAMP REGISTRATION CHILDS NANIF $,%J%fER C.kMP: Juh 7, 199' • August 15. 199' 9:00-2:00 $10.00 per wk. $50.00 if paid by 6120/97 2nd child $5.00 per wk BEFORE CAMP CHILDCARE' 7:30-9:M $2.50 per moming/$75.00 for 6 wks (2nd child') $1.50 per morning/$45.00 for 6 wks AFTER CAMP CH[ LDCARE' 2:M-5:10 $6 00 per atiemoon/$150.00 for 6 weeks (2nd child') $4.00 per afremoon''$120.00 for 6 weeks PLEASE RETURN MTTH YOUR REGISTRATION FORM CHECKS CAN BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL APPLIC RECEIPT .AMOUNT DATE ENFIELD CONIlVI Mn COUNCIL SUMMER DAY CAMP REGISTRATION CH IDS NAME BIRTHDATE AGE ADDRESS GRADE COMPLETED PARENTS/GUARDIANS HOME PHONE WORKPHONE EMERGENCY CONTACTS(IF PARENTS ARE UNAVAILABLE) IN CASE OF ILLNESS OR INJURY NAME RELATION HOME # WORK d 11 21 LIST THOSE AUTHORIZED TO PICKUP THIS CHILD: NAME RELATION HOME # WORK # LIST ANYONE W1 AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP THIS CHILD: NAW RELATION AS REQU RED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, WE CANNOT ACCEPT REGISTRATIONS WITHOUT THE LAST DATES OF THE FOLLOWING ILA UPMATIONS: DPT TETANUS POLIO MEASLES MUMPS __ RUBELLA MEDICAL INFORMATION: Concems we should lmow about LIST ALLERGIES LIST MEDICATIONS asthma,uizmvs bee stings diabetes,etc FAMILY PHYS[CAN PHONE # MY CHILD 3 ALLOWED TO SWAT YES NO MY CAD HAS PERMISSION TO 00 ON FIELD TRIPS: YES NO IHEARBY GIVEMY CHILD PPIWIISSION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ECC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES UINI SS THERE IS NEGLIGENCE ON THEIR PART. • PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM ELIGIBUM FORM FOR CAMPS AND ENROLLED SITES Aaackin= -r- PART 1 • Child's Name iAa Fiat M.I. PART 2A - HOUSEHOLDS NOW GETTING FOOD STAMPS, AFDC OR FDPIR BENEFTIS: Complete this part and sign the statement in PaR 3 - DO NOT complete Part 2B. Fad map an veer. AFDC d" ilkwNe rsler. FDM i endfWENG bee; PART 2B - ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS: If you did not complete Part 2A, complete this part and sip the statement in Part 3. NAMES CURRENT INa AtEMQUENCY Nos at Nowshm sump ham meet Malfs. CWM - I Payson hm P,,Ww Flap hat Job 2 Mewba (hnw"m ohim Daum um) AMMW list I r a2 oaw lamas Spoun. Dgmdm Chid" Job 1 meat Sway 1. 3 / S / S 2. S / S / $ / S / 3. S / S / S / $ / S / S / S / S / s. s / s / s / s / S / S / 7. S , s r $ / S / a, s r s / s / s / PART 2C - FOSTER CHILD: Complete this part and sipn the statement in Part 3. If this is a foster child check here ( ] and write the child's income and how often it is received here: $ PART 3 - SIGNATURE: An aduk household member most sips the mtement before it can be approved. • PENALTIES FOR haStEMESENTATION. I cadty them aD of the above Wermutian is ant and emct and dot the food sump. AFDC. or FDPIR mtmbc is tamct or dw all Pllaome s repotted. I nadauad thu dus mfotmmm s bang puce for the n=Ppt of FedaW ftmds: dw mmdmdhn ofr=a4 tiny Ksify the mtotmsieo m the Sntemtm ad dW the ddibaam : , of the mformsim may subject me to peoteeation mode applicable Stare wad Federal laws. Signature of adult: Printed name of adult: Sochi ax:tu ty---- Lame spaa name tempacan work telepaoee Name WaH9 vP asr PART 4 - RACIAIJEI'HNIC IDENTITY: You are not required to ansvpc this question. I I whoa, a of Rhea¢ Dairen I I alaea. not of aepas Once I I nbpai 11 Ala r Pmdao Sitar I) Aerial b&= r AJabe Nod" Semen 9 of do Jiaal SeaaW larb Am ■lam dot, mho as ptspr's tad cep. AFDC. r FDM aaev a pegad. Tau set nude da seal maey nnhw of as heunmu mambw slag do zoamon r a ed'asa da da beuatl nolb" moma to talem 6m a Fee/ a dal moray mmbr. Pwaana of a Baal amity naabw is an nmedanry, bra If a sow msry ohw is a p vidd ar as edeaea is a nab dot as tat bnamm saber span da aae:m dew sot am aa. /e aaan oaaat be 1w - '. Tbe mal m-- 0 somber may he sad a ib as bounhw Mum a ensue m edam se gory dr aaaaen of etwada mood a da mom m. Tbem gtwfmOOe saws any he scum. ON deaopb pagan n.saa. asim ad iga - ad sin nods aaeetg es11 3 adman's ba a. aemsmra lad mop. AFDC. r FDF0t ofaa w ft l mwr set 6 ha now of tad sm p. AFDC. or FDFR bawft aonap do Saw at;Isa mom amen a dssenno da ma of baefa an w l ad cbeck" am dm®da smeared by as homemm madw a pass an aam of mom nm "L Than dJm say tmb e a has r Manias of bmdkL atiiaanho Chas. r WO rags r emn.a ifaamdaa is rPmsi Ss gamer Fad sweet Pfor OWa i m anal appaomey papm it ym bun an ym a aeya W bm dowasod qam bean W aa. aabr. adeal age. aa. 49. Or dtrMb, s,a msdab or Adaemm. Fad ad Commow fewie. U.L Depaaas of Apxdwr- 3101 Pak Cown Dave. Aloada. VA 22302. For Sponsor Use Only: Food slmp/AFDC/F M Mumebo►d rawe(WWft divble Ire: I 1 Ya 1 1 No MONTHLY INCOME CONVERSION: WEEKLY X 4.33. EVERY 2 WEEKS X 2.13. TWICE A MONTH X 2 Toni family is o : Family sin • Elite. NOT ElipVe: Delano of official: Siplakc Due: A=Cbment ELIGIBILITY FORM FOR CAMPS AND ENROLLED SITES INSTRUCTIONS • Please complete the Smmw Food Sets= Progesm Eligibility Form for Camps sod Enrolled Sites using the instroe = below. Sip the form and return it to the sponsoring owmivtion. Call the sponsor if you treed help: PART I - PARTICIPANT'S B60RMA77ON: All HOUSEHOLDS COMPLETE THU PART. (1)Prim the mac of your own bamhold's child. PART 2A - HOUSEHOLDS GETTHIG FOOD STAMPS OR AID TO FAMELMS WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN (AFDC) OR FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS (PDPDt) BENEFi1S: COMPLETE THE PART and PART 3. (1) List your taueemt food stamp ease number or your AFDC or FDPUL idectifica ion number for the participant. Do not complete Part 2B. (2) An adult household member most sip the statement to PART 3. PART 2B - ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS: COMPLETE THIS PART and PART 3. (1) write the names of everyone in your bousebold. (2) write the amount and the frcquenry of Inmrrc (i.e., weekly. every two weeks, twice a month. or monthly) received last mwth for each household member. This' n the amount before taxes or anything date a talm an. M§ where it came from sueb as eaeainp, welfare. Pensions. and ember meome (refer to aampl s below for types of income to report). If any amount Imt monp was move or less than usual. write than pmm's usual inenme. (3) An adult household member mart sip and pve his/ber social securay comber in PART 3. PART 2C - POSTER CHE D: COMPLETE THIS PART and PART 3. (1) write the costa cbild's monhly 'penoml use• income. write 00' is the faster child does not get •personal use* imeome. (2) A taster paten or other official representing the e6)ld mutt sip the form. • PART 3 - SIGNATURE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ALL HOUSEHOLDS COMPLETE THIS PART. (1) All eligibility forms must have the sipam: of an adult household member (2) The Wait bousebold member who signs the sr—t tmmst include his/ber social security camber. If beisb . does cot have a social severity cumber. wmime 'nooe' or something else to show that be/sbe does not bave a social security number. Ifyou listed a food stamp. AFDC. or FDPDt camber, a social comity number is not needed. PART 4 - RACIAL/ETEMC IDENTITIY: COMPLETE THE RACIAL/ETHNIC IDENTITY QUESTION IF YOU WISH. Youare not required to a m= this question to gem meal bendim. However, this information will help ensue that everyone is seared fairly. �3 f'PT'�f' Uaempioymmt mmpmsacm worker's commpesnadm Not income from sdfowaad business or firm welfare/Chnd Support/Al mcm Public antsona payer wethn payment; AWOMAdN support wystteno DICOME TO REPORT Swam Plasmas suppkmnw SOCOrybmw -- _ _ _]otimem ismme Veteran's paymems Soul nxotry Dsabdxy beadim Cash whhdrawn Gam =viV howesawkima Income 6om essteslam w 6vasmeos Retailer tmnt3atiswt tom Panama not living in the Net myahies/amton/ sat meml mcome Amy other it == Enfield Community Council 1997 Summer Camp Scholarship Application • Parent or Guardian making request: Address: Phone: Home: Work: Child # 1: Child U 2: Child /13: Are you a single parent family ❑ Two parent family ❑ Number in household: Adults Children The Enfield Summer Program is one of the least expensive programs offered in the County. There are -limited scholarships available, please indicate the amount of funds you need. Families must contact the Department of Social Service (prior to applying for financial assistance from the Enfield Community Council) to determine if you are eligible for childcare/camp subsidies. Are you requesting a ❑ Full Scholarship ❑ Partial Scholarship of $ ➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢ Are you currently receiving low income subsidies from DSS? ❑ YES ❑ NO Are you currently receiving Transitional Support from DSS? ❑ YES ❑ NO • Are you currently receiving ADC from DSS? ❑ YES ❑NO Are you eligible for free school lunches? ❑ YES ❑ NO Are you eligible for reduced priced school lunches? ❑ YES ❑ NO Do both parents support the child(ren) financially? ❑ YES ❑NO Have you applied to the Department of Social Services for camp fee assistance? If yes, When? What was the outcome? Describe the circumstances that contribute to your need for financial assistance for summer camp fees. I hereby certify that all of the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Parents Signature: Date: 0 (Use back of this form if you need additiotal information)