HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 1994 winter Enfield Community CurrentsWinter 1994 Quarterly Publication 5poneored by the Enfield Community Council _^------------------- ^------------------- -------------------- The Enfield Community Council will hold its annual meeting Feb. 7, 1994. Rosemary Pelligrino wants to wore( on special projects this year and has chaired the nomination committee. (We wouldn't let her 'retire' unless she found a replacement!) The slate to be presented is; Fredi Shapiro -President Dave Owens -Vice President Marnie Kirchgessner-Treasurer Jessica Connors -Secretary Open meetings are being held the 2nd Monday of March, May, July, September, October, November at the Enfield Community Building. We are looking for parent/participant laisons for all our programs. The officers have often taken flack from community members over decisions made in good faith. We want these people to take responsibility for decisions in specific areas. The Enfield Preschool is alive and well. Enrollment is up but a few openings still exist. The preschool is held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at the Enfield Community Building. Cathy DelSignore is the director and can be reached at 387-6756 if you have questions. Because of the increase in enrollment we must hold fast to the requirement that the child must be potty trained. Cathy is being able • assisted by Laura Owens. Follow-up: Enfield Harvest Festival 1993 Although the attendance seemed down this year. the community council experienced another financially successful event. The auction and festival, including the quilt raffle netted over $2.500 to benefit the Enfield Community Council Programs. We will be setting a date for this years event and we are currently looking for a coordinator to begin the planning process. We will be utilizing the same policy on solicited merchandise as last year. We thank all the wonderful volunteers who helped in so many ways. Lee Lewis of Elmira Won the 1993 Quilt. * EDITORS NOTE I want to thank all who contributed to the news letter this past year. Due to the amount of information that has to be processed, I am requesting that all the contributors will mail a type written article, in a manila Envelope (not folded), by the next deadline APRIL 7, 1994. To the address below; Enfield Community Currents c/o Jessica Connors 1029 Bostwick Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 **If your submission is not received prior to the deadline we cannot promise publication in that issue. Thank you. 40 L ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL • We are offering two programs for your child(ren) to participate in. The first is Karate with Shihan Olen Lane to be held WEDNESDAYS from the end of school until 3:15 in the gym. The cost is $25 for a six -week session, payable in advance. It will be held January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, and 16. We hope to continue to offer six - week sessions through the end of the school year. The second program is Basketball with the Ithaca Youth Bureau to be held THURSDAYS from the end of school until 4:00 in the gym. There is no charge for this eight -week session. This program will be held January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, March 3 and 10. You must pre -register your child for these programs by sending the form below into the school (with payment for Karate). Your child should report to the hallway outside the gym on Wednesday and/or Thursday. You, or a designated adult, must pickup the child at the end of the program. You have the option of sending your child to the Afterschool program for a cost of $7 per day. This program runs until 5:30 and you must register with Linda Hubbell, the Director when you pickup your child the first day. There is a $25 annual registration fee for this program, pro -rated monthly (meaning the registration fee will be $15 if you begin in January). it would be a good idea to send in a note with your child on the first day for Amy Ruta, the school secretary, telling her that your child is staying after school for the program/s. •---------------------------- DETACH ------------------------------- CHECK ONE OR BOTH: ------ KARATE... Wednesdays $25 per 6-week session Make check payable to ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL ------ BASKETBALL ... Thursdays Child's name Grade Address Parent's name & Daytime phone Name of person/s allowed to pickup child 0 3 • • Enfield Youth Group The Youth Group will continue with its drop -in center on Wednesdays 3:30-6:OOpm. Come play Basketball, Pool, Air Hockey, ping pong, or watch a movie, play computer games, listen to music, or even get help with homework. Teen Babysitting List This is a list of teens intrested in babysitting. I£ you would like your name added to this list please call Carol Barriere 277-3843. Name Address Amy Houser 17 VanDorn Rd Heather Taylor 214 Enfield Ctr. Rd Erin Blake 188 S. Applegate Rd Tricia Warren 4 S. Applegate Rd Pam Monroe 2068 Mecklenburg Rd #80 Heather Carmen 2068 Mecklenburg Rd #16 Roni King 2068 Mecklenburg Rd #87 Amanda Nagle 172 Sheffield Rd Kate Kaproth 465 Sheffield Rd Alisha Hubbell 2015 Meckenburg Rd Nicole Pellegrino 282 Enfield Main Rd Holly Morais 565 Black Oak Rd James Clark 2200 Mecklenburg Rd Scott Turesik 138 Applegate Rd Aaron Barriere 331 Enfield Main Rd Gretchen Kirchgessner 191 Enfield Main Rd Phone Age 273-1010 12 277-4030 14 273-6883 12 277-5211 15 273-2665 13 277-9428 11 272-9236 13 272-0774 13 272-2029 14 277-2381 11 272-0190 11 275-9706 14 273-6355 17 273-4637 17 277-3843 14 272-2241 13 Congratulations! To Dave Bock an Enfield resident and Math teacher at Ithaca High School. Recently, he recieved the Edyth May Sliffe Award for distinguished mathematics teaching. If you would like to be added to The Enfield Community Currents mailing list or have a change in address please fill out the bottom portion and return it to ; Seneca Computer Services 6295 Strong Rd Trumansburg NY 14886 Please add/change my address for the Enfield mailing list. Name Address 1-+ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER 174 Enfield Main Rd. Rev. Mike Krembs • Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Church School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise Service 6:30 p.m. Sunday evenings - 1st and 3rd week Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays led by Matthew Steel Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. Thursdays The Enfield Baptist and Methodists joined together in song for the Christmas celebrations. The joined choir sang at two candlelight services, one held at the Methodist Church on the evening of December 20th, and the other service Christmas Eve night at the Baptist Church with 100-150 in attendance at each of the services. The combined choir sang at Tompkins Community Hospital in an effort to share the joy of the season and make the holidays a little brighter for some. Sisters In The Son is a singing trio composed of three young adults, two from the Baptist Church and one from the Agape Church. They have recently formed and work hard at presenting their witness during various area church services in song and concert. They are an inspiration to youth in our area teaching that fun can be had through worship and fellowship and music. The youth group is very active. Call 273-8268 and ask for Jessica to find out more about meetings. Before Christmas many had fun at a semi -formal dance and something is happening most every week. A fun, safe time for the youth of our community. Plans atbeing made for Vacation Bible School 1994. Four young adults spent a few days in New York City, trying to minister to the homeless. They handed out blankets and toiletries • to the homeless and learned who these people were. After their experience they learned ::hat poverty really looked and felt like and recognized that it could happen to anyone. Please join us in worship. The Baptist Church also has a bunch of singles who are in the midst of organizing a monthly or bi-weekly fellowship. If you are out of high school and are intrested in being part of a group for support, friendship, fellowship and fun contact Bobbie Jo Dekay at 277-4705. FOR IMMEDIATF RFI F&K The Child Sexual Abuse Project provides information on and referrals to support groups for women and men who are adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Partners and friends of survivors are welcome to call as well. CSAP also maintains a reference and lending library which includes books, videos, articles, tapes and newsletters by, for and about adult survivors. For more information, you can call the Child Sexual Abuse Project at 607-277-3203. 0 J TOWN OF ENFIELD - SUPERVISOR JEAN OWENS The Town Board is very proud to be Dresenting Certificates of Appreciation to over 175 volunteers who have given their time to help out in Enfield. The volunteer effort allows all of us to live in a safer, healthier community. People served in many ways including working with youth, food distribution, fire protection, rescue emergency calls, serving on a Town committee or board, and much more. I'm sure we missed some of the individuals we want to honor so I offer our thanks to you for making Enfield a better place to live. It was great news to hear that Enfield has been awarded $400,000. through HUD for housing improvements within the Town. The money is a direct grant to the low income homeowner for such things as roof repair, water and septic problems and other basic structural needs. Those who have previously applied are being considered first for the grant money and will be contacted by Better Housing of Tompkins County. The homeowner will be responsible for collecting the required documentation to receive grant money. If you want to apply, please call Better Housing at 273-2187 to receive an application. For information call Better Housing or myself at 272-6490 Tues. and Weds. at the Town Hall. The Town is looking for an election custodian i:'zose ,Job responsibities Include the set up of voting machines.If you have experience or are interested, please call 273-8256 and leave a message and your call will be returned. • ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION Any resident who has trouble putting food on their table is welcome to come to the Food Distribution. If your household income falls below the following guidelines, and you are in need of food, bring your utility bill with your proof of address on it, and come to the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Rd. on the 1st and 3rd Weds. from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. If you are having a food emergency, call 273-5682 for help. Don't go hungry. The distribution is presently handing out enough food for over 250 meals a day in the 7bwn. Yes. That's 250 per day. Times are tough. That's 120,000 lbs. of food handed out last year. is C 185% Federal Po, rerty Guidelines • • 9 MOueehold Size 1 I �I 2 3 4 I 5 67 e Fat eau add'1 ?erson add BARBARA A. ECKSTROM Av l 12,599 17.002 21,405 25,90e 30,211 34,614 39.017 43.420 +405 Month 1 1.050 1,617 I 1.7e� z.1s1 z.s1e 2,eee 3.252 J,619 -351 TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SOLID WASTE DIVISION 122 Commercial Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone (607) 273-6632 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division 273-6632/5700 Meek 243 327 412 497 Se1 666 751 $35 -05 SOLID WASTE MANAGER DATE: December 28, 1993 What to Do With Leftover 1993 Trash Tags Any Tompkins County citizen that has 1993 trash tags as of January 1 st, 1994 may request a refund for the cost of 1993 tags from their haulers. Haulers are required by law to honor all such requests as long as they are received within ninety (90) days of the tag's expiration date, or by March 31 st, 1994. For further information on this matter, or for a copy of the law, contact the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division at 273-6632 or 273-5700. TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS • 0 BARBARA A. ECKSTROM SOLID WASTE DIVISION 122 Commercial Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone (607) 273-6632 PRESS RELEASE SOLID WASTE MANAGER For Release: Immediately DATE: January 3, 1994 CONTACT: Barbara Eckstrom Solid Waste Manager 273-6632/5700 1994 Waste Disposal and Collection Fees The 1994 Tompkins County Transfer Facility disposal fees have been set as follows: $105.00 per ton (or 5.25c per pound) $1.85 per garbage bag (up to 10 bags) $4.50 per drum (up to 5 drums) The Transfer Facility hours are: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) All vehicles entering the Transfer Facility must have a valid permit. All haulers must have a Solid Waste Hauler's License. Vehicle permits and hauler licenses are available at the Solid Waste Division located at 122 Commercial Avenue, behind Wickes Lumber. A current vehicle registration must be presented in order to obtain a permit. County residents are encouraged to pick up information on Transfer Facility guidelines and haulers fees (see attached) at the Solid Waste Division office or at the Transfer Facility. For further information, call the Tompkins County Solid Waste Division at 273-6632. A t, Recycled Paper 1994 HAULER DISPOSAL AND COLLECTION FEES Hauler Tag Weight Tag C /st Breakdown Tags Cost Monthly Estimated'. Estimated• e Color Per Tag Disposal Collection Admin. Sales Tx TOTAL per per Sheet Collection Total Cost Total Cost ilbs) Per Tag Per Tap_ Per Tag Per Tag Per Tag Sheet of Tags Cost Per Month Per Pound City of lavender 20 $1.05 $0,95 0 0 $2.00 6 $12.00 0 $8.67 $0.10 Ithaca green 35 $1.84 $1.41 0 0 $3.25 6 $19.50 0 $14.07 $0.09 Superior red, 20 $1.05 allied $0.11 $0.09 $1.25 10 $12,60 $6.00 $13.42 $0.15 white, Separately & blue Trumarraburg Way. 20 $1.05 Village $0.11 $0.09 $1.25 10 $12.50 $3.75 $9.17 tad whit, L t:ue Taxes $0.11 Where Available City Hell, Tope, Wegman,, P&C, Pali e, Green Star Coop, Cornell Campus Store, Triangle Book Store, Agway Film Stan Enedd:Valby Corner Store, Dooby: Pwo Market, Benjamin's One Slop; hheu:Blg AI's, Judd Fells Paint L Hardware, Reynold'' Variety, Womb Home.; Groton/ Md.an:MeLsan Trading Post, Jones Pharmacy, Five i Dime; erooklendale:TNT Market; L..Ing:Shur Save, A&P; Dryd.nl Freevlll.:Perkwood Village, Park -It Mn4st, Blight Day i..undry; Vema: Varns Inn; Tr oinamburg:Sure Save, Hatton's Pharmacy. Nice L Easy, PLC; Newfield: Covered Bridge Market, Jkn Ray'e, Sunny's F,..vill. Vill.g. 20 $1.05 Village 0 0 $1.05 10 $10.50 $4.66 a $9.21 $0.11 Village Clerk's office preen T..ee Dryden Village 20 $1.05 $1.28 0 $0A9 $2.52 10 $25.17 0 $10.91 $0.13 Hill Drug Store blue Collins coral 20 $1.05 allied $0.07 $0.09 $1.21 12 _ $14.50 $8.00 $13.24 $0.15 Collins otros.Bymail Separately Cayuga red 15 $0.79 Village $0.21 0 $1.00 12 $12.00 $6.86 $11.18 $0.17 Village Clerk's office, Convenience Food Heights 6 $0.32 Taxes $0.10 0 $0,42 12 $5.00 $6.86 • $8.67 $0.33 Stave(both In the 'Village Gteanl 13oug'8 purple 15 $0.79 Billed 0 $0.06 $0.85 12 $10.24 $8.00 $11.69 $0.18 Doug's office. Groton western Auto yellow 25 $1.31 Separately 0 $0.11 $1.42 12 $16.98 $8.00 $14.14 $0.13 By mail Apgar blue 20 $1.05 Billed $0.11 $0.09 $1,25 12 $15.00 $11.00 $16.42 $0.19 Apgar office pink 35 $1.84 Separately $0.11 $0.16 $2.10 12 $25.25 $11.00 $20.11 $0.13 • - Calculated from municipal garbage collection and administration budgets for an average household. • • - Estimated total costs Include collection, disposal, etc., based on using ONE trashtag every week. 40 • • 9 1994 Tompkins County Transfer Facility Information Transfer Facility Hours Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) Closed Sunday Nsposal Fees $105.00 per ton (5.25C per pound) $1.85 per bag (up to 10 bags) $4.50 per drum (up to 5 drums) Jsing the Transfer Facility Transfer facility use is permitted only when weigh attendant is on duty. All vehicles must stop at gate. All loads must be securely covered. Collecting and salvaging materials is permitted only with approval of Transfer Facility Supervisor. Tompkins County reserves the right to inspect all vehicles containing solid waste which enter the Transfer Facility. Only residents and licensed haulers of Tompkins County and the Town of Spencer may use the Transfer Facility. solid Waste Licenses and Permits Waste disposal haulers shall be licensed with the Tompkins County Solid Waste Division. Permits are required to use the Transfer Facility. Applications are available only at the Solid Waste Division offices on 122 Commercial Ave.. Ithaca. Permits may be obtained Monday - Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and must be filled out by the person to whom the vehicle is registered, To obtain a permit, you will need your current vehicle registration. If your vehicle is not registered in Tompkins County, or Town of Spencer, proof of residency is required. Businesses must provide either the federal ID number or the owner's social security number. Once issued, permits must be affixed to the left side of the vehicle (not on windshield). The annual fees for permits are as follows: residential $5.00 for each vehicle other S 15.00 for the first vehicle, $5.00 for each additional Permits and licenses may be revoked for non-payment of County solid waste fees or failure to abide by the regulations governing disposal at the Transfer Facility. 11 -;ompost ana Kecyciing ie following items are accepted at the Transfer Facility at no charge (if separated from rash): • • Zomposting - leaves, yard waste, and Christmas trees ecycling • vehicle batteries • scrap metal • select appliances • plastic beverage containers • metal food cans • aluminum foil • corrugated cardboard • newspaper brown, green and clear glass bottles and jars r mixed paper (including junk mail and glossy magazines) For more information, call 273-6632 Solid Waste Office Building and Transfer Facility Location Solid waste Division commercial Avenue ' • Q Newfield To Spencer Ithaca 3nby Hiitview Road Transfer FaciTty Notes of Interest from the Town Historian • With some urging, a community member organized and held a reunion of the pupils who attended the one/two room schools here in Enfield. Participation was greater than expected. It is hoped the event may become an annual affair. The Enfield Historical Society is meeting regularly. Several speakers have provided some insight into the meaning of the word history. The Commemorative Committee is still wrestling Kith the upcoming events for the 1996 celebration. The Historian's activities have been continuations of ongoing projects. These include but are not limited to: the monitoring of local publications for articles on Enfield people, places and things to be included in the annual scrapbook, an appearance at the "Harvest Festival" with material for general viewing by interested persons, acquisition of information and materials for inclusion in the Historian's Collection (a list follows). #1: From Rosa Spivey 140 Biotech bldg. ( Cornell University ) a - a quantity of papers related to the gene gun b - a quantity of expendables used with the gene gun #2. - From Chauncey Ellison ( 1504 North Hancock St. Arlington VA 22201 1 a - photographs of his stay in Enfield ( 1925 ) #3. - From Doris Austin ( 1016 North Tioga St. Ithaca, NY 14850 ) a,- five pages of Hine genealogy ( on loan ) b - eight photographs ( on loan ) #4 - From Jennie Stevenson via Marilyn Smith ( Interlaken. NY 14847 ) a - a quantity of material to look over and copy if desired • #5. - From the late Helen Smith and John Smith ( 228 South Applegate Rd. Ithaca. NY 14850 ) a - two pages handwritten notes on May Savercool b - two photographs 2356 Mecklenburg Rd. c - book " Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction" d - book " Manual State of New York 1863 " e - mothers club photograph 1965 f - list of possible mothers club members g - newspaper clipping of mothers club h - four photographs of barn on South Van Dorn Rd. i - one bulletin M.E. Church June 6th 1993 j - 1960-61 phone book k - one 1963-64 phone book 1 - " Who's Who in America " 1924-25 m - one photograph of Harry Willis n - one photograph of 4-H recognition Sunday 1949 0 - packet eighteen postcards of Enfield Glen p - Tompkins County Grange Eightieth Anniversary q - booklet " New York State Parks 1929 " r - 100th Anniversary Cookbook Enfield Grange s - Kennedy's Corners Cookbook 1956 t - drawing of Applegate Tavern drawn by Martha Chacona u - Hillendale advertisement 0 12 v " Enfield News " 1980 • w - Helen Smith notebook x -1941 Calendar T.A. Schaber #6. - From Bill Drew via Sue Thompson ( 487 Enfield Center Rd, East 1 a - two photographs concerning M.E. Church #7. - From Glenn Hubbell ( 1308 Mecklenburg Rd. ) a - Feb, 6th 1957 issue of " The Tattler " #8, - From Pat Dougherty ( 330 Sheffield Rd. ) a - Dougherty 1993 news letter #9. - From Etta Gray ( 1511 Mecklenburg Rd. ) a - " New York History " on loan b - " Before Cayuga " on loan #10, - From Diana Barber ( Lansing Historical Society 1 a - book " Youthful Thoughts 1844-48 " #11. - From Edward Wolf ( 1691 Taughannock Blvd.. ) a - the gene gun #12, - From Wilfred & Charlotte Drew ( Sheffield Rd. ) a - one photograph of 4-H club at camp 1946 b - newspaper clipping 150th birthday Baptist Church #13. - From the Enfield Elementary School ( 20 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - I992-93 year book • b - 1993-94 school, directory #14. - From Wilma Fisher ( 398 Harvey Hill Rd. 1 a - a quantity of newspaper clippings on loan #15. - From Hilda Amberge ( 631 Black Oak Rd. ) a - " Hilltop News letter " b - list of students #11 Bostwick c - list of students #9 Rollison #16. From Blanch Stout ( 86 Black Oak Rd. ) a - " Growing up in Enfield " b =' School days at district #11 " #17. - From Denise Landon ( 124 Hubbell Dr. ) a - Three photographs blizzard of March 1993 b - five photographs of flooding in State Parks #18. - From Ella Miller ( 600 Trumbulls Comers Rd. ) a - the loan of twelve photographs #19, - From Joan Sheffield ( 248 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - the loan of three photographs of school district #6 11 #20. - From Millicent Carpenter ( 3489 Jacksonville Rd. ) a - monthly report card of Asa Rumsey 1922 b - water wagon pen . #21, - From the Enfield Elementary School ( 20 Enfield Main Rd, ) a - one damaged painting of the school #22. - From Harold Laue ( 82 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - two record books for district #4 1831 to 1955 b - two photographs ( dist. #4 and dist. #6 ) #23, - From Nellie McEver ( 102 Podunk Rd. ) a - three photographs of Tubbs dist. #1 on loan #24, - From Miriam Viet ( Maple Ave. West Danby, NY ) a - program Enfield Senior Class #25, - From Barbara McIntyre ( 89 Shaffer Rd, Newfield. NY ) a - registration of attendance Aug, 1st 1930 to July 31st 1931 dist. #6 #26, - From David Heilbroner ( Chilmark, MA ) a - autographed book " Death Benefit " #27, - From Mildred Updike ( Coven Rd. Interlaken, NY ) a - two photographs of "Wes " Rolfe b - newspaper clipping of store in Enfield Center #28. - From Wade Whittaker ( 363 Hines Rd.) a - two photographs of barn at 367 Hines Rd, on loan #29, - From Juanita Wojtanik ( Newfield, NY ) a - two photographs of Millers Corners school and pupils • #30. - From Charlotte Ballard ( 136 Seven Mile Dr. Ithaca, NY ) a -one photograph Enfield Valley Grange members 100 year celebration #31. - From Doris Willett ( 328 Pierce Ave. Endwell. NY ) a - two scrapbooks on loan THE DRESSING ROOM CONTACT: PAT ATKINS. 257-7764 RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER -'B, 199-- THE DRESSING ROOM is a nonprofit organsration formed to provide clothing and selection assistance for job seekers who do not have suitable clothing for various job situations. THE DRESSING ROOM will open in Ithaca on November e. 199--. On November 1, , 7 and 4 THE DRESSING ROOM volunteers will accept donations of clean pressed clothing. All clothing must be hangers. No mass clothing wadded in bags will be accepted. For information as to time and place call 257-7774. THE DRESSING ROOM is sponsored by the Business and Professional Women of Ithaca, Displaced Homemakers Center. Ithaca Board of Realtors, the Leaoue of Women Voters of Tompkins County, Women's Community Building, Zonta, BOCES, and TCZ. 14 ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE #295 All members by the passing of • his wife BEVERLY very activein all over the years. of the Enfield Valley Grange were deeply saddened two of our long time members, T. ROGER BROWN and BROWN. Besides being long time members, they were Grange doing's and held many offices in the Grange They will be sorely missed. Dbring the past year the Grange had three (3) very successful Fund raising events, the Spring Festival, the Ice Cream concession at the Fireman's Car Show, and the Election nite supper. The funds raised went into our Building Maintenance Fund. Many thanks to all who supported us at these events. As of now we plan on having the same Fund Raisers in 1994. They are still in the planning stage 8nd the dates have not been set yet. In the past year we have gained five (5) new members due to the efforts of ANA KASTENHUBER. Many thanks ANA. We are still looking for more members. We are fighting for survival, you may not no it but the Enfield Valley Grange #295 is only one (1) out of three(3) left in exitence in Tomkins County. If we do not keep gaining new members we face the danger of non-exitence in a few years. We do not want that to happen, as the Grange is an important part of the community. The GRANGE has programs for everyone, in all age groups, from the youngsters to the Senior Citizens. If interested we meet on the second(2) Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM. or contact the following officers: Roger Hubbell at 273-6999, Ana Kastenhuber at 277-0489, Harold & Florence at 273-7453, Robert & Lea Carpenter at 387-6001, Russell Carpenter at 387-3392. • Roger W. Hubbell, Master For those of you who own or are interested in racing remote control cars we are pleased to notify you of an indoor track located in Enfield at same location and ran by the same owner as Jerry's Archery. The track is located on Applegate Road. Contact Jerry Achilles for more information, 0277-0940. Aerobics classes for adults and children: Instructor: Karen Butler of Ithaca Fitness Center Time: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 to 9:00 pm Place: Enfield Elementary School Gym f.Q.so Cost: $2xweo/class. 0 15 • • Enfield Firemen s Ladies Auxiliary New Officers President- Hester S. Covert Vice President- Dena Simmons Treasurer- Pam Whittaker Secretary- Holly Covert Conductress- Marge Slater Chaplain- Linda Stilwell Sunshine- Lora Barriere As a Christmas gift, the auxiliary gave the fire company eight banquet tables. The auxiliary would like to thank the firemen and the community for making our bake sales a great success. We hosted a childrens Christmas party December 11th with a proffessional Santa from Lodi, NY. We all enjoyed the party and the holiday goodies. The auxiliary will be hosting two county auxiliary meetings this year, May 25 and September 28. 1994 at 7:3U in the fire station. On April 9th from 10-4 we will be hosting a central Auxiliary meeting of which Pam Whittaker, (our treasurer) is president. Enfield Senior Citizens The senior citizens meet the end Tuesday at the Grange. Noon is the business meeting with a dish to pass lunch at 12:30. Current Officers are: President-- Etta Gray Secretary- Della Snyder Treasurer- France LaBUmbard Travel Coordinator- Ana kastennuber Election of new officers will be in the Spring. The seniors welcome anyone intrested in joining. THey are already working on a quilt to benefit Enfields youth for raffel at the Harvest Festival. Self Defense Classes for beginning Self -Defense are being taught by volunteer Paul k::rayniak 3:00-4.00pm Tuesdays and Saturdays at the Enfield Community Building. • MY LOVE TO LENFSE LLi BY Beverly Brrown During my last days of this 7993 Christmas Season, I have felt God with me always. My son Bret said an amazing thing to me when he telephoned me at the hospital from Virginia. He said, "I can feel God's presence there in your room right now." And it was truey He was therel Friends in my church have meant so much to me. Their visits to the hospital have been a big support. I'm really enthused about the T. Roger Brown Fellowship Hall which will provide more space on the back of the church. The need for meeting space is something Roger and I have discussed often. I had such a good time at the Christmas Bazaar which was held to raise funds for the Fellowship Hall. I visited with Enfielders and former Enfielders (once an Enfielder always an Enfielder) while Bridgette shopped around the Grange and Community Buildings. Roger was always so much better than I am at telling stories and expressing feelings. I wish I had his way with words. Although I am really not ready to leave my family, my church and friends, I know I will be happy with the Lord, with Roger, Dad and others who have gone before. . I've tried to enjoy every day with my little grandaughter Kelsey while I lived with Bridgette and Gordie in Hammonds - port these last few months. They have spoiled me and I have loved it. They planned a beautiful'Celebration of Life" for me on my birthday in October. It was such a wonderful day with so many good friends and family. Since I've been in the hospital, Bridgette, my sisters and other kind people have taken turns staying with me at night so I've never had to be without a loved one during the long dark hours. I can never thank people enough for their cards, visits and flowers. My hospital room has always had a fresh supply of plants and flowers from my mother, friends and relatives. You have all made this a truly blessed Christmas for me. 0 • 0 0 }. .oP .M ,v, lz. v. ems. E .a Iri Gear Enfield Community, d ! I Have you heard about SchoolBased Shared Derision kMa •ina? What lilt?Is It? it, means decisions about our schools will be made by a team of Parents, Community Members, Teachers, & School Staff. rd What kind of decisions will this team make? Possible decision makino areas shall include, *(Gasedor, Boardc•rEdutaL,ondeusioi - implementation of curriculum - implementation of allocated budget - class/grade configuration - student assessment - extra -curricular programs - living/assignments - staff development - parent communication - reporting of student progress The Enfield School Site Based Shared Decision Making Team will be formed by late Spring of 1994. An evening informational meeting will be held on Thursday, February 3, 1994 at either the Enfield School Library or at the Community Building. Please watch and listen for more information about this meeting from the following places: Enfield Elementary School (274-2221) Ithaca Journal ._ Tri-Village Pennysaver Corner Stores in Enfield Local Radio Stations