HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 1994 Fall Enfield Community Currents•
Enfield Community Fall 1994
Published three times annually. Editor Jessica Connors
In to the Streets
Volunteers Team
up with Local
October 1, 1994
Under the
supervision of Greg
Kirchgessner, four Cornell
students, Bethany Godsoe,
Andrea Madringrano, Mike
Jauad and Eric Shih from
the Into the the Streets
program joined local
volunteers Debbie Boynton
and Martha Criss to spruce
up the community building.
The volunteers painted,
scrubed replaced lights and
cleaned freezers in the food
storage area. These youth
are excellent examples of a
revitalization of community
service. They willingly
engaged in all the chores
no matter how dirty, with
wonderful smiles and great
attitudes. They even
offered to return. Working
together it seemed like they
accomplished a lot and
appeared to be a good
experience for all. Hats Off
to all!!
The Enfield Harvest Festival will take
place the last weekend in October. The
celebration will start off on Friday night
with an auction, both new and old items
will be on the black. Saturday the Harvest
Festival will kick off at 10-00 am with
something far the entire family!! For
more details takes look at the flyer
A,; terschool and
Enrichment program
There are still openings for
children in the afterschool daycare
program at Enfield School. The
program runs from 2-5:30pm M-F.
The enrichment program
will be starting soon there will be
three programs offered; Eye on Art
will promote children to use thier
imagination using a wick range
techniques Mr. Israel will lead this
program. Sandra Corriero will be
working with drama and puppets.
The class will focus on learning to
write skits, make puppet characters
and vocal work Richard Pardiciem
will be running a sports program
focusing on different sports each
season. The first unit will be
Preschool News
The preschool at the Enfield
Community Building will be starting on
9112194. It will held on MWF mornings
from 9-12noon. Cathy DelSignore is the
director and is assisted by Laura
Owens. The only requirement is that
your child MUST be, potty trained. If
you have any questions you can contact
Cathy at 387-6756.
Enfield Youth Program
We are once again starting up a
program for youth ages I 1-18. The first
phase will only include Dewitt middle
school students. The ECC in cooperation
with the Ithaca Youth Bureau will run the
Enfield Adventure Program. This
activity will take 12 middle schoolers and
do various activities in the surrounding
areas. Activities can include camping,
auto repair, arts&crafts, canoeing and
We are hoping to start the drop -in
center by the end of October, we will be
recruiting at all area schools in the next
few weeks. Jessica Connors will be the
Youth Worker in Enfield.
of Tompkins County
sfij� G
The summer camp program was a success. We
served a total of 138 children through the five week
session. The average attendance was 85-100. Thanks
to all the wonderful dedicated staff under the direction
of Linda Hubbell. All contributed to a positive
experience for both the children and staff.
The quilt is ready to be raffled off!! So buy your
tickets fast. The tickets are available at the local
convenience stores and various community members.
We would really appriciate any volunteers from the
community to help with the Harvest Festival. A lot of work goes
into the planning and the event itself. If you are interested
contact Fredi Shapiro, 277-6360.
• We at the Enfield Community Council are always looking for
people who enjoy working with children. We often have openings for
staff members in out Afterschool, teen, preschool and summer camp
programs. There is an almost constant need for substitutes when
regular staff cannot work.
We are also seeking individuals willing to teach in our
Enrichment Program. If you have talent in areas such as Dance,
Music, Drama, Gymnastics, Languages or any other subject and are
willing to share it with the youth of Enfield, please call
Marnie at 272-2241.
Enfield Community Council Is an equal opportunity employer.
Editors Note.
The newsletter is always looking for ways to improve and new
features to add. Since it is only a quarterly publication, it is very important
we most the communication needs of our community. We have set the
next deadline for JANUARY 6, 1995 If you have anything to submit, any
comments or would like to volunteer to assist on the publication, please
notify me in writing; 1029 Bostwick Road, Ithaca NY 14850.
Jessica Connors
The Enfield Community Council is pleased to offer Karate
instruction with SHIHAN OLEN LANE on Tuesdays from 2:00 pm
until 3:30 pm in the Enfield School gym.
The fee for each six -week session is $30.00 per child. You must
pick up your child at 3:30 or make arrangements with the
Afterschool Program to keep your child until 5:30. To do that you
may call Linda Hubbell at 272-5034 or send in the registration form
that was included in the Opening of School Newsletter mailed home
in August. The part-time fee for Afterschool is $7.00 per day.
Classes in the first session will run October 4, 11, 16, 25,
November 1 and S. We expect another six -week session to begin the
following Tuesday and continue throughout the school year.
Children should wear comfortable, loose -fitting clothing.
If you would like to enroll your child, please send the
registration form below, with payment of $30.00, to the school,
"Attention Afterschool." Please make checks payable to "Enfield
Community Council."
---------------------------- DETACH --------------------------------
Child' s name Grade
Parent(s) name
Daytime telephone
Alternate name & telephone (in case you cannot be reached):
Enfield Mother looking for dayeare for 3 year old from 6:30am-
4.30pm, M-F. 7Wo additional after school. please call Roberta
Drake 277-6283 it interested.
The Small Business Project (SBP) at Tompkins Cortland
Community College provides workshops, individual consultations, and
support to potential and current entrepreneurs in Tompkins and Cortland
• Counties. The SBP was created for individuals who have an idea for a
small business venture but because of socioeconomic constraints are
unable to pursue their ideas. Candidates who have limited financial
resources or are receiving social support are given first consideration. SBP
encourages women, minorities, displaced workers, people with disabilities,
and rural entrepreneurs to apply. For more information contact Valerie
Kennedy, Coordinator of the Small Business Project, Tompkins Cortland
Community College, 170 North Street, P.O. box139, Dryden, NY 13053-
0139 Telephone 607-844-8211 ext.4299.
September, 1994
Dear Neighbor:
I know this looks like just another appeal for money - hard-earned
money that keeps getting more scarce in these hard times. However,
this is an appeal for a donation to the United Way of Tompkins
County. Your contribution to United Way does so very much to help
meet the needs of members of our community.
As a business owner, I am bombarded with requests for donations for
causes that appear to be worthy. However, I do not have the time
nor the resources to check up on these groups to be sure that they
do in fact spend my contribution appropriately. I know from
personal experience that United Way tracks its funding dollars to
• ensure that your donation goes to the programs directly, rather
than toward "administrative expenses" or salaries for people not
directly connected to the programs themselves.
My own personal involvement with United Way is through the Enfield
Community Council which provides programming for local youth. We
run a Preschool, an Afterschool Daycare, an Afterschool Enrichment,
a Teen, and an Adult Education program. United Way is one of our
primary fund sources. The volunteer work that we do for Enfield
residents would be diminished without financial help from United
Would you please consider a donation? Any amount, regardless of
size will help us in our efforts to create responsible, stable
adults of the youth of Enfield. Please fill out the enclosed pledge
card and mail it directly to the United Way in the addressed
Thank you. Please accept my apologies if you already contribute to
United way through your employer.
I(Z f e �� ednM
Rose Pellegrino
• United Way Fund Chair
Friday October 28 0 6:30 PM
Featuring many NEW ITEMS from local merchants plus:
Antiques Furniture Appliances
Tools Collectibles Toys
Anything & Everything
Auctioneer: Bruce Lott
Auction will be held at Enfield Community Building (Rt. 327, 1
mile south of Rt. 79). Contact Carol Barriere at 277-3843 for
more information.
�? �'•' Saturday October 29
ld:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Chicken Barbe—e
provided by the Enfield Fire Company
Festival will be held at Enfield Grange and Community Building
Come have a fun time - take a chance on a beautiful quilt made by
the Enfield Senior Citizens
Crafts Pumpkin Contest Hay Rides
Games Baked Goods Haunted House
Enfield History Fire Truck Rides Apple Cider
Cake Wheel Blood Pressure Clinic Ping Pong Drop
Proceeds will benefit the Enfield Youth Proarams
• JEAN OWENS - 273-8256
- HUD Grant progresses. 24 low income home owners are receiving assistance through this
federal program. The work is being completed with great results.
- Second HUD Grant request has been submitted. We should hear around mid- October
if we will receive another grant.
- Junk Car Law. A public hearing was held on August 25th. September 7 has been set as
the Board meeting to determine if the law is adopted. Copies
are available at the Town Clerk/Supervisors office.
- Enfield Senior Housing Unit. I'm searching for a site in conjunction with Better
Housing to get the project off the ground.
- Records Inventory Clerk begins work. The Town has begun indentifying what records
we have which is the first phase of developing a records
management system with proper storage of the records.
- Enfield seeks identity. Responding to a letter I sent to the Postmaster General
addressing the concerns Enfield residents have brought to
my attention(because of four different postal districts
serving the Town) the Ithaca post office is discussing
how we may better be served as a comity.
- Town Budget for 1995• The Town Board will be discussing the budget at the October
Board meeting and adopying the finalized budget at the November
meeting. The tentative budget I am presenting includes a 2%
increase. I was proud that we were able to trim 3% off the
budget during the last two years but we are faced this year
with a choice of an increase or possibly cutting some service.
Town Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month
at 6:30 p.m. at the Enfield Community Building.
A letter of graditude:
Zn fiefd(Community Counei[,=SummET#'Loyzam,
jjj p / ' VVE woa d Lii2E to tlp2ank th/e ejouneif foz inviting t& /
fn iELppd �EnioT Citizens to t&ET/ End of lalnmEItP to
o/�9 Eamf and
`TE TE1/ZmEnt3.. Euviyo/�ne enjoyed it l7E(T�,�/�/�mpG.Cl2/.� (C q LOt /of /�
{2iatavzE1 wvte ta%2en✓gg tl2E SEniozl. 'VVE Look i4oEwaTd of
EVETy year. o�{gain, ifiiank you vETy much. l
Ua ,�&2ydez
znfizd cSenioz CitizEn3, iza.
located at 374 Enfield Main Rd.
• 277-6301
Rev. Michael Kremem
bs - Pastor
All are welcome to join us for any or all of our activities.
Sunday School Sunday 9:45 a.m.
*Worship Sunday 1G:45 a.m.
Bible Study Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Choir Practice Thursday 6:3G p.m.
Youth Group Time varies ( call 273-8268 )
*child care provided
The summer months have been extremely busy ones including Vacation Bible School,
three special Christian music concerts held at the church, Creation and Kingdom
Bound 0-4 day long outdoor music/worship camping experiences), many youth activities,
a dinner and other fund raising events working towards the planned T. Roger Brown
Fellowship Hall, baptisms in the church baptismal, an outdoor baptism, etc. We
are looking ahead to the upcoming season.
The choir invites anyone to join us. In the next few weeks we will be getting
together another exciting Christmas Eve celebration for our Candlelight Service.
It is a camunity event with members of other church choirs joining us. All who enjoy
singing are welcome.
Although our church is American Baptist in name, those in our church family
come from many Christian backgrounds. We are continuing to learn how to respect
and understand each others beliefs and practices.
Please join us!
located at 182 Enfield Main Rd.
277-0266 or 273-5682
Located at the Enfield Community Building in Enfield Center, the distribution
serves baked goods and produce on the first Monday of each month at 3:30-5:GG p.m.
On the third Monday product from the food bank is distributed from 3:3C-5:GOp.m.
About 25 volunteers provide their labor and vehicles.
All Enfield residents in need are welcome.
If you are out of food, crane to the Camunity Building on Saturdays between
9:GGa.m. and 3:00 p.m. for emergency service.
Each year, the food distribution provides gifts for kids who might not other
wise receive any for Christmas. Last year that amounted to over 120 children.
Between now and December 10, if you are able, please consider buying an extra
toy, game„ etc., for a needy child. You can drop it off at the Camunity Building
Saturdays 9:00 - 3:00. You have our thanks.
On October 9th at 12:30pm there will be a land dedication
ceremony, where the Baptist church will be moved in the future. This is
a piece of land just north of the church that the JacksorVWillis family
donated. This will be where the T. Roger Brown hall will be
constructed. Please join us in blessing this land.
Child's Name
• Nickname Birthdate
Parent's (Guardians') Name
`lames of other Children in home Age School Attending
Emergency numbers, if you cannot be reached
ADDITIONAL NOTES about the child which would be of help to the teacher, including any
allergies and disabilities:
Do you have any hobbies, skills, or interests that you would be willing to bring into the
program and share with the children (i.e. woodworking, sewing, plant propagation,
• international cooking, crafts)???
At least one member of each family is expected tp participate on one or more of the
preschool's committees (Fund Raising Organizer, Telephone Committee, Special Events
Organizer, Fall and Spring Clean Up Organizer, or Executive Committee members which
consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). Which committee(s) do you
prefer? Committee choices will be made at the first meeting.
Parents Agreement-
t agree to enroll my child in the Enfield Community Council Preschool for the year
. I understand the tutition is to be paid on a monthly basis. I also
agree to assume my share of the responsibilities of assisting the teacher, if needed, providing
snack for the children in the preschool, or serving on one of the organization committees and
participating in fundraising. There will be occassional meetings that are very important for
parents to attend to help make decisions that affect the preschool.
Date received