HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1990 fall• ENFIELD NEWS FALL 1990 SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC FUNDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY UNITED WAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS The Community Council has had an extremely busy Summer and Fall with lots of new activities to report. UNITED WAY of Tompkins County As most of you are aware, the Enfield School opened two days late due to renovations to the building. Again this year use of the gym has been delayed until October. The Community Council was able to pull together a day program for those children whose parents needed supervision for them on those two days. Helen Jackson, Cathy Delsignorie, Kay Woolney and Joel Switzer put together such a creative, fun filled two days all those participating were ready to come back to the Community building! This was an excellent display of cooperation between the school system, the Town of Enfield and the Community Council and a great example of the "can do" attitude of Enfield. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • The Enfield Community Council Day Care Program has begun again with extremely limited space at Enfield because of the construction/ renovations. (As has the rest of the Enfield School Staff). Our staff has no place for storage and the staff has to bring and take supplies and equipment for activities daily. Dianne Lovelace is the Director and is to be congratulated for the smooth operation of the program. In an effort to keep the cost of the program down, one staff member was cut but Kaye Wollney, Tammy Doolittle and Tanya Snyder all returned. Rhonda Connors will be returning for our Enrichment Program with a special crafts project. The fee for day care has increased to $25/week with a $25 registration fee. Our program remains the most economical with the best staff/ child ratio that we are aware of. A limited number of openings are available. Contact Dianne Lovelace for more information at 272-4229. Parental observations are always welcome and the program is eligible to receive funds from the Department of Social Service This program operates daily from 2 pm to 5:30 pm and on school conference and early dismissal days. s _2_ • MUHICIPLE YOUTH SERYICE PROJECT • The Town of Enfield and Tompkins County through the Tompkins County Youth Bureau have given the Enfield Community Council $15,560 to work with teenagers to renovate and enchance the Community Building for increased community programming use. The funding provides for a Project Supervisor/Facility Manager (Greg Kirchgessner), a Construction Consultant (Brad Connors) and Activity Leaders (Roy Barriers and Matt Steel). What we need now are youth interested in learning basic building trades to be paid S9/hour. Any intested youths should contact M. Kirchgessner for an application. A meeting was held 9/17/90 with representatives of all know current and potential users to discuss a "wish list" of building modifications. Etta Gray and Onalee Mente represented the Town Board. The results were very productive. Brad Connors will be meeting with Greg and Roy to draw a plan for presentation to the Town Board and the Building Codes enforcer Roger Rumsey. The Community Council is very excited about sponsoring this project as we see many good things coming from it. ROLES FON "a Ust OP SR[ @IELD COMMUNITY BUILDING *IF YOU OPEN IT, CLOSE IT *IF YOU TURN IT ON, TURN IT OFF *IF YOU UNLOCK IT, LOCK IT OF *IF YOU BREAK IT, ADMIT IT *IF YOU CAN'T fix IT, CALL IN SOMEONE WHO CAN *IF YOU BORROW IT, RETURN IT *IF YOU VALUE IT, TAKE CARE OF IT *IF YOU MAKE A MESS, CLEAN IT UP *IF YOU MOVE IT, PUT IT BACK *IF IT BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE AND YOU WANT TO USE IT, GET PERMISSION *IF YOU DON'T KNOW NOW TO OPERATE IT, LEAVE IT ALONE *IF IT'S NOT BROKE, DON'T TRY TO FIX IT *IF IT WILL BRIGHTEN SOMEONE'S DAY ... SAY IT!!!!! the Enfield Town Board has adapted a polity of NO SMOKING AND !R COMSUMPTION OP ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON TBE PREMISES. If You hVi-9 food in, take food vane how. _E -3- • SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT The good news is the participants loved the program! The bad news is the program cost more than we planned! The number of children enrolled far exceeded last years numbers; more than twice as many children consistently attended and interestingly donations did not increase correspondingly. Working on a tight budget, conceling the "free" lunch component of the program and half the staff riding the bus made for some interesting times, but we survived! But not without the President, Marnie Kirchgessner vowing no summer program if Enfield School is not available next year. Ms. Kirchgessner has been known to utter these vows before but we think she means this! In spite of the difficulties on August 10 at the Grange and on August 13 at the Altervative Community School, the Enfield Hall of Fame performed with a guest appearance of Mickey Mouse. A dish -to -pass for guests, friends and parents of participants was enjoyed on the loth and the Senior Citizens were entertained and thanked for their support on the 13th. All of the staff should be thanked, for inspite of the many difficulties they did go the "extra" mile that was needed. This year's program was also enhanced by the offering of the Ithaca School District of a Chapter I educational support program in reading, math and writing as well as weekly field trips. It is the Community Council's intention to include these aspects next year at ENFIELD. ---------------------------------------------------- DEADLINES! DEADLINES! DEADLINES! Administration of Community Council Programs continues to be a primarily volunteer effort including the writing and publication of this newsletter. Cathy Delsignorie has and does try to call all community groups to send news items to Marnie Kirchgessner but please call Cathy at 387-6756 with a contact person and phone number if we are not reaching your group. This newsletter is published three times a year to primarily inform the community about Community Council activities and programs. Mark your calendars: Articles for publication should be to Marnie by the 1st week of January; June and September. We will try to call to remind you if we have a number. Thanks for your cooperation. ACE TRANSITION GRANT AWARDED The Town of Enfield has been awarded a grant of $10,000 by the Ithaca School system for ACE Transition Programming. These funds are being given to the Community Council for ACE Programming. Carol Barriers and Judy Switzer have been hired to co -direct this program and work with families, children and the school. Carol and Judy will be meeting with school staff to discuss how the program will be conducted and will be available at Enfield's Open House to answer questions. The focus of this program is to reach kids at risk of dropping out at an early age. The current focus is fourth • and fifth graders, but a portion of the funds are being utilized to offer support services for families to be able to participate and general programming. Thrusday's after school will be "ACE" day starting in October. If interested, call Carol at 277-3843. -4- THE UNITED WAY • United Way volunteers are working year round all over Tompkins County: teams of some 40 volunteers have met with the 24 agencies and 13 town councils to hear their needs; this spring more volunteers began organizing and conducting a campaign to try to meet these needs. Scott Heyman, Campaign Chairman, announced the goal of $1,482,000 and this year's slogan of "UNITED WAY, IT BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN ALL OF US". This goal includes $86,000 in new dollars for increasing and emerging needs. Marnie Rirchgessner graciously offered to assist with soliciting this year. So if you receive a call, visit or letter from her; please respond generously. The United Way has been very responsive to our needs locally and provided special emergency assistance to pay for the increased cost of transportation to our summer program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SENIOR CITIZENS The Senior Citizens group has enjoyed the summer meetings and trips. Our August meeting was held at Newhart's Lodge. Also in August we were entertained by the Day Campers at West Hill School and were served a bountiful luncheon by the Community Council. Everybody is looking forward to the bus trip and boat ride which is being planned by Edith Belknap for October to the 1000 Islands. We have participated in showing the Quilt to be raffled at the • Fall Harvest Festival. Still pending are plans for a quilt for next year's Festival. All Enfield Senior Citizens are invited to attend monthly dish - to -pass luncheon meetings; the second Tuesday of the month at the Grange. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to ogranize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs, the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, The New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, The New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, fundraising, fees and your donations. ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL - ANNUAL MEETING Pursuant to our bylaws the Enfield Community Council's Annual meeting is January 1991. Rhonda Connors (273-8268 has again agreed to chair our nomination committee. If you are interested in running for an office or helping in any way, please call Rhonda. • -5- • GREETINGS FROM THE ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE #295 As usual we have been very busy. In July we served the Finger Lakes Kennel Club a banquet at the Trumansburg Fair Grounds. In August our booth at the fair took third place. That gives us some- thing to shoot for -- FIRST. Also in August a plaque was put on the handicapped ramp in memory of Louis San Soucie. Election of officers took place at our August meeting and at the September meeting Phillip Stanard, Master of the Covert Grange, and a team of Covert Grange members installed our new officers for the next year. We are looking forward to participating in the Harvest Festival that is coming up in October. Raffle tickets for a quilt that Sarah Carpenter is making for the Grange are available and we will be selling them at the Harvest Festival. The drawing for the quilt will be at our Election Night Supper -- November 6th. We will be serving our usual -- GOOD FOOD from 4:30 pm on. We are always looking for new members. If you are interested, contact any Grange member. There is never a dull minute. Wishing all of you a good Fall and Holiday Season. Respectfully yours, Leah Carpenter Master -- Again , • PRESCHOOL The Preschool Program began 9/19/90 under the Direction of Jody Clark. Cathy Delsignorie is the Pre-K aide this year. We are lucky to have them both. Parents who contacted us were primarily interested in a 2 day program so it was decided to operate Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:05 to 12:00 so as not to conflict with Pre-K at Enfield. If registration warrants expansion, we can also offer Mondays. This is a fee program but the fee is minimal due to a subsidy from The United Way. Currently the fee is $30/month or $4/day. If you are interested in registering or want to observe just bring your child to the program as we have openings. A registration form is included in this newsletter. ENRICHMENT Enrichment Programming will begin after the Harvest Festival. We hope to offer dance/gymnastics lessons again; as well as instructional music. Information will be advertised in the Pennysaver and specifics and registration forms will be available at the Harvest Festival. The format may change yet again because of limited space at the school until the new wing opens in January. 11 —b— E • HARVEST FESTIVAL Many volunteer hours are going into making this year's Harvest Festival a success. Rhonda Connors, Chair, has marshalled a small army of volunteers to provide many new and exciting events. Our list of craftspersons is the largest ever and our events include the addition of a magic show at 1:00 and a ping pong drop at 3:00 in addition to our luncheon and quilt raffle which was once again made and donated by the Enfield Senior Citizrns. The quilt is on display, alternating between valley Corner and Pardner's Market and tickets are available there at a bargain price of 25C each or 5 for $1.00. Members of the Community Council also have tickets. So don't miss your chance to win! ENFIELD FOOD PANTRY The Enfield Food Pantry continues to operate every other Monday from 4 to 5pm at the Enfield Center Baptist Church on Rte. 327 (in front of the new fire station). September 17, 1990 is the next date of operation. Recently, with the gas /oil crisis the food pantry provided 170 grocery bags of food to needy Enfield families. Most of this food is "purchased from the Southern Tier Food Bank" so donations are always welcome. The County government provides a very small portion of total funds required to meet our local food needs. A tremendous effort is put out by the volunteers who assist with this effort. The Town Board has assisted this community effort by allowing space for frozen prod- ucts in the Community Building and hauling refuse. Another way Enfield works together for the good of the community! BROWNIES L. <"hp Nlyurper Mr 113 In a JMs[[mnla[by ml\ In [ID. 0"uMtCgn MR[M Ymvpr ll. tW. WI 1 c"+nwae" Wq.r 1 eqy, LIg1[t1Y ON"n I IW vXltln e.Xn< i WID mtn 111 wrc.I Wunnumw.nMM tl"Wlp mn[W 1 1 < Noq"C nutt IJMIon"1 Soh "I". %ur ronlX ary mAt ».Vq pnxEn "q wt. C[enn nunn M fu , Mel a qnl !M MVMY <oC +Me w .annb 9hN n xhp an mgregnnn in0 xobnn 9[iatt[ • [nm ium n a c. 9 URI ptYl Sake n Oeennrn i!Oven A'O ]q m[wum vnuU6 W.irn civics CORNMEAL COOKIE$ ]d <4"rtminq ]'6cf gM 1 K9 1 In < IroJ. x< I IW »F[M grEX IN [ID W[ 1IID vLbin Ll<[mmNa"n0[un Henn[ oVn [0 ]:% Mn Wrmm�q anJ .unit n nye ponl Ma wg W W., .., i X[ 0t y,Nint[t anJ ie v t Omo En Irym i mn an on i'yeam J." q oen Sake ...I IS m -.—.1 I.qn [Iv 1n . 1.. ] imen <JJan A sign seen at a local store and an "elect Matt McHugh" sign seen locally lead us to believe the Enfield Community should be advised our local Congressman is currently Amory "Amos' Houghton. Both Enfield and Newfield are in the 34th Congressional District not the 28th (Matt McHugh's). Mr. Houghton is up for reelection this year and facing Joe Leahy, a retired civil engineer from Valois. What district Enfield will be in after reapportionment due to our most recent census is anyone's guess! Other political races include Governor, State Comptroller, Assemblymen, County Judge and, of course, Sheriff. -7— . rons>Kns caurvry SOMMERr DROP-OFF CENTER OPENING IN TOWN n wNoce evr olw®aN The Tompkins County solid waste Management Divi9loA a%gj$ the opening of a Recycling Drop-off Center at the E�i181 Building on ate. 327 d (�(��l���` November 3, 1$N old fire Vry C� 3;00 o�etarin ,ho�ge) r Q inni 1+1� be s �����V�tla 9 efforts�. �Pervlsed •days, frpm g;00y1 t0 d9slst you with G am to lks6ropolrc�n<eri NO. 'P1MkMin CLFA4 rm man Ory a> � aUp. amrp «0" books , �GREEN AND BROWN GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS: •u*gl.0UngawoW M,Me "q°"'d Gwr SMI METAL FOOD CANS: • mst be dnaao Caan and naaeraq d Dote�ble • no Pain «:rLmadeana «arnaP :arty CORRUGATED CARDBOARD: ' "kw bs Haan. noerrq ana N WeCes no agertnan n. s n. ftW be Waed loon in ncrtl M • ee Cony, Crack. Pisa, wood eo:a «born wa 0" Pew. wvediq PLASTIC BEVERAGE AND DETERGENT BOTTLES; • mlk kebe, Cker one wear Fqe, dy.gere, enemwo, abrlo planer and Daaoe bolas • dnn M««gny. ranova s and pour sPob: nNen, a possible _ • ne voVm"olaPe siaue Mulowne bp, Were 114194. yYaaarn. wRifte ae«moor al was 44 &0c000 , .,rr. T l Sept dnSe�x 14140� s 8 PM. uA6ma is 88n. ENFI ELD G rVNs4 !fie B•7!' EnF-k1j 4"1 WA% a. 77aigh"r NURSERY SCHOOL 126UanD rn Rd Ifhaca,,NY a�a-6648 I1 Cluldru� - � adol+s 'f/ w zn to asmvn nzt icac, in :n:a :ar:l w v.L2 how ro i.gin xrh ehe am_ -ran GANGHI -7- i60n 27DROP-OFF CENTER OPENING IN TOWN The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division announces the opening of a Recycling Drop —Off Center at the Enfield Community Building on Rte. 327 (the old fire house). Beginning Saturday, November 3, 1990 operating hours will be Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The site will be supervised to assist you with your recycling efforts. Materials accepted at the Omp•Off Center include: NEWSPAPER: • placs bMa in dmp•all laps • ra megaaras. Turk mat down 9mcsfy Sachs, pWlla bap. Sam or parr boom CLEAR, GREEN AND BROWN GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS: • Man ew4 mnova>W pro pMtle raps and our spode: pan in drop-allara by W 1.c vlor • W Oran orwroow plan. tea, Wr Was. ayual w damp plan. caranft Diana W Pon" METAL FOOD CANS: • miss be drsO Wan and fanned, a Pnaba • no pairs or wow cans a soap mural CORRUGATED CARDBOARD: • must be chant naaaro4 and In paeM M Wpsr than 4 a. x 4 R • nay be paewb bna m rwtc&V bin • no car", cradar. Man, Wand ban or boxas wish pbossy papw nvwlap PLASTIC BEVERAGE AND DETERGENT BOTTLES: • mik pan. dew and wasp lops, dst@M@M shampM. fabric sonnw and winch Wars • eras awoeghy, nnsys A:s pro pour apmM: begm a posnas _ • no yoWKV%Wps UMss mWWM hA4 pane begs. alynweanr. anihMaa or molar oil has Fire It EOC-0 ove Y Al !1 Sept 25- laliaos, of a pap. Seyt X yaAWas i 80M. ENFIEI0GayeNag37'/ EnPie1J Ca+ 1 Apia% a 71eigk4wr • is r:,'� ., _r•". NURSERY SCHOOL 126VanDorn Rd lihacaMY a�a 664s ':f u an :o attain -eat 7aaer v v c rant_ u urtt2 haw ro 'xgin :nch ehe an ..'.ren" GANDHI -d- • E ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL AUCTION Friday October 19 6:30 PM • Antiques Furniture Appliances • New Items Collectibles Toys • Books Anything and Everything Auctioneer: Bruce Lott Auction will be held at Enfleld Community Building (Rt. 327 off Rt. 79). We are still look- ing for good usable donations. Call Brenda Smith 272-5826 for pickup. AND HARVEST FESTIVAL Saturday October 20 11 an-4pn LUNCHEON: 12 PM Chicken caccitori Spaghetti Scalloped potatoes and ham not Dogs, not Sausage and Hamburgers Homemade pies Festival will be held at Enfield Grange and Community Building (Rt. 327 off Rt. 79) Come have a fun time - take a chance on a beautiful quilt made by Enfield Senior Citizens and - even try your hand at milking a cow!! • Crafts Quilt Raffle Hay Rides • Gates Pumpkin Contest Haunted House • Enfield History Baked Goods Apple Cider • Cake Walk Fire Truck Rides Finger printing for children • Blood Pressure Clinic Ping Pong Drop @3 pm Magic Show @I pm MUCH MORE Proceeds Benefit Enfield Youth Proerams. 0 ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESCHOOL APPLICATION Child's Name Nickname Birthdate Parent's (Guardians') Name Address Telephone Names of other Children in home Age School Attending Emergency numbers, if you cannot be reached Doctor Name Name ADDITIONAL NOTES about the child which would be of help to the teacher, including any allergies and disabilities: Do you have any hobbies, skills, or interests that you would be willing to bring into the program and share with the children (i.e. woodworking, sewing, plant propagation, international cooking, crafts)??? Mother Father At least one member of each family is expected tp participate on one or more of the preschool's committees (Fund Raising Organizer, Telephone Committee, Special Events Organizer, Fail and Spring Clean Up Organizer, or Executive Committee members which consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). Which committee(s) do you prefer? Committee choices will be made at the first meeting. Parents Agreement: I agree to enroll my child in the Enfield Community Council Preschool for the year . I understand the tutition is to be paid on a monthly basis. 1 also agree to assume my share of the responsibilities of assisting the teacher, if needed, providing snack for the children in the preschool, or serving on one of the organization committees and participating in fundraising. There will be occassional meetings that are very important for parents to attend to help make decisions that affect the preschool. Name Date Date received by Vice President