HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1989 Fall Enfield NewsENFIELD NEWS • FALL '89 SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC FUNDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY UNITED WAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS UNITED WA of Tompkins Count Publication of our fall newsletter was delayed as we awaited information about the Enfield school gym. As you are probably aware, the school opened on time but work was not completed on the gym. School officials hope that work will be completed shortly and we are tenatively planning a start date for Volleyball Monday, 10/16/89. Brenda Smith will be responsible for the program this year. All com- munity residents are welcome. We are very interested in offering a slimnastics program. If you would like to conduct such a class, please contact M. Kirchgessner at 272-2241 or Dianne Lovelace, Administrative Coordinator at 272-4229. Our Enrichment Program will begin 10/10 with a science program conducted by the Science Center. All children in the community are welcome tc ittend. The times are: • SeS,Sion #1 -- grades 1,2,3------------2:30 �o 3:�O SeSSion #2 -- grades 4 S 5 - --3:45 to 4:15 Enrollment is limited, so return the enclosed form as soon as possible. Due to delays in the gym availability, our gymnastics instructor, Rob Groff, had to make other arrangements for his schedule. We are looking for a gymnastics instructor. A notice will be sent home through the school about this program. If you are interested and your child does not attend Enfield; Contact Dianne Lovelace, after 10/22/89 for current information at 272-4229. As part of our Enrichment Program, Joe Salzano will be returning with a series of musical programs for the community. He will be featu- ring vocalist David Kent as well as other suprises. The dates are 10/24/89; 11/28/89 and 12/19/89 at 2:30 in the Resource Room of Enfield School. These activities are available to the Community because of a decentralization grant, funds from the United Way and the Town of Enfield. If you have suggestions for other enrichment programs please con- tact any member of the Community Council or attend a meeting during the school year. 0 -2- • Open meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Enfield School. To be added to our mailing list, call Helen Smith at 273-1689. Everyone is welcome! MUSIC INSTRUCTION: The Enfield Community Council wants to continue it's subsidized music instructions. If interested, return the following form to M. Kirchgessner at 191 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. We will contact you to schedule lessons. Lessons are held at Enfield School. Please include the type of instruction you are interested in. Do not send money at this time. I (or state other relationship) of name of parent name of child do agree to pay $5.00 per half hour music lesson in advance of said lessons. I understand that the Enfield Community Council subsidizes these lessons in accordance with their policy and such subsidy comes from private fund raising efforts. Further, I acknowledge the Community Council is not in a financial position to provide full cost of these lessons and does not receive any state or town money to do so. Child's Name Age Address Phone Signed • Dated Date & Time of Lesson: Teacher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERSCHOOL ENRICHMENT SCIENCE PROGRAM: Name Parents Name Address Age Birthdate Home Phone Doctor Allergies, Etc. I give my Council Program • responsible for our part. Program Grade Emergency Phone Doctors Phone # child permission to participate in the Enfield Community I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not any accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on Donation $ Signature of Parent or Guardian exle AFTER SCHOOL DAY CARE A limited number of openings are still available in our Day Care Program. To enroll your child; contact Sonja Schreiber, Afterschool Program Director, for registration forms. Additionally, a non-refund- able registration fee of $20.00 is now required. The rate is $4.50 per day and remains the best day care bargain in the Ithaca School System. Parental observations are always welcome and the program is eli- gible to receive funds from the Department of Social Services. This program operates daily from 2 pm to 5:30 pm and on school conference and early dismissal days. PRESCHOOL Where are our preschoolers? The Town has offered space in the new Community Building (the old fire house) with a temporary occupancy permit. Now we need parents and children who are interested! We held several meetings this summer without much participation, to determine hours of operation, etc. What are your needs? In the past this program operated as a parent cooperative. A teacher was hired with funds from the United Way and parental contributions. • We would like to see this program start againj if only with a small number of children. (6) Please contact Rosemary Pellegrino at 272-0190, if interested. In the past, the only requirement was that the child be potty trained. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD In January we would like to republish our Community Bulletin Board with a listing of local businesses. Let's make everyone aware of local businesses so we can all support them. Please send your cards to Enfield News, 8 M. Kirchgessner, 191 Enfield Main Road., Ithaca, NY 14850. As the Town moves toward a permanent occupancy permit for the "new" Community Building (the old fire house) the Enfield Community Council would like to collect all of its equipment, etc. from past programs to potentially utilize in programs there. We understand, there is photographic equipment as well as wood working tools out there. If you have any information about this or other equipment, please call M. Kirchgessner at 272-2241 or D. Lovelace at 272-4229. • Additionally, if you have talents you would like to share (or would like to be paid to share) PLEASE call any member of the Community Council. WE WOULD LIKE TO USE YOU! ffm • Pursuant to our bylaws the Enfield Community Council's Annual meeting is January 1990. Rhonda Connors (273-8268) has agreed to chair our nomination committee this year. If you are interested in running for an office or helping in any way, please call Rhonda. The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield, and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs, the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, The New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and Your Donations. We are also looking for someone to represent the Town of Enfield on the United Way Board of Directors. M. Kirchgessner has represented Enfield for almost 10 years. The meetings are generally the 3rd Monday of the month from noon to 1:30 and some committee work is required. Call Marnie (272-2241) for complete job description, if interested. • UNITED WAY United Way volunteers are working year round all over Tompkins County: teams of some 40 volunteers have met with the 24 agencies and 13 town councils to hear their needs; this spring more volunteers began organizing and conducting a campaign to try to meet these needs. On June 26, Dr. Eduardo Marti, Campaign Chairman, announced the goal of $1,393,000 and this year's slogan of "A BETTER WAY THE UNITED WAY". This goal includes $72,000 in new dollars for increasing and emerging needs. A county -wide campaign will go into full gear on September 26 at the Kick -Off Luncheon, when the featured speaker will be Alfred E. Kahn, Professor of Economics at Cornell University. Elsie Puhalka graciously offered to assist with soliciting this year. So if you receive a call, visit or letter from her; please re- spond generously. The United Way has been very responsive to our needs locally and provided special emergency assistance to pay for the increased cost of transportation to our summer program. "A BETTER WAY THE UNITED WAY" is an apt slogan. • -5- • FOOD PANTRY The Enfield Baptist Church continues to sponsor it's every other Thursday Food Program. The program is now called a pantry, but will operate similarly to the past. The Pantry is open from 4 to 5 pm every other Thursday. Food packed by volunteers and primarily sup- plied by the Southern Tier Food Bank can be picked up by those in need during the hours of operation. The next date of operation is 10/12/89. Donations to this program are encouraged because an admin- istrative fee must be paid for food picked up from Southern Tier. ELECTION DAY On November 7 (Election Day) offices of Town Supervisor, two Town Councilpersons, Highway Superintendent, Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace will be decided. The Republicans will be running incumbents Etta Gray (town Supervisor), Robert Linton & Larry Lanning (town Councilpersons). These individuals are being challenged by Democratic candidates; former town Councilperson Robert Seoffield for Town Supervisor and Donald Lovelace for Town Councilperson. Both parties endorsed incumbent Highway Supervisor David Miller and Town Clerk, Jean Scoffield. Justice of Peace candidates are Dale Townley, Reoublican and Ann Rider, Democrat. Races for County Representatives • are Dan Winch and Jim Mason, who are uncontested. Remember to register and vote: THE ENFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY INVITES ALL TOWNS PEOPLE TO AN OPEN HOUSE ON OCTOBER 15, 1989 NOON TILL 4 pm Refreshments vill be served and ve look forward to seeing you all there! ENFIELD BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SC,4s is now: S • dROGER RUMSEY pSj 182 SHEFFIELD ROAD l 273-8457 PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK Q:fl • 1] SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT Although our attendance figures were down this year, according to participants, this was our best received day camp program. We have verbal commitments from about 90% of our staff to return next year. That's a real accomplishment! It is the Council's assessment that the field trips were a real Positive addition to our program format and we are committed to trying to prioritize funds for that purpose. We returned to the production format introduced by Marian Wilcox with an "original script" written by the campers under the supervision of Jessica Conners. The usually quiet Gretchen Kirchgessner wrote most of the dialogue. Campers designed the set and developed props. The cast included: PLAIN -BELLIED SNEETCHES Barbara Connors Frank Jager Amanda Kirchgessner Gretchen Kirchgessner Amy Krauss Charley Morgan Val Moyer Jessica Myers Rachel Tanksley Simon Tanksley STAR -BELLIED SNEETCHES Grant Bostwick Brandee Connors Tony Feniello Joe Massa Danny Morgan Kaitlin Myers Shayla Myers The production was drafted by Drew Krauss and Denise Wells. The original music and lyrics were written by Lauri Robinson. The Pre K also performed songs they learned. Our thanks to all the Day Camp Staff: Director: Mary -Ann Burgess-Puhalka COUNSELORS Rhonda Connors Anne Cooke Anne -Marie Jackson Andrew Krauss Lauri Robinson Sonja Schreiber Judy Switzer Denise Wells for all of their cooperation: COUNSELORS -IN -TRAINING Brandon Carlisle Jessica Connors Jack Rumsey Marty Schreiber Paul Steel We also want to thank the firemen for the generous use of their pond for our swimming program this year. This program was also well received when the weather cooperated! Erica Dolgoff and Michelle LeGrand were exceptionally delightful to work with. -7- ENFIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL Saturday, October 21, 1989 10-10 AUCTION, Friday, October 20, 1989 - 7:30 pm Enfield community members - the Community Council needs your IDEA : on interesting activities at the festival DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS: to be donated for the cake wheel CRAFTS AND SPECIALTIES: that you would like to personally sell DONATIONS: antiques and other usable merchandise for the annual auction on Friday Oct. 20th at 7:30 PM VOLUNTEER SPIRIT: to help the Community Council put on a great festival For further information on the specifics of the festival- contact: Rhonda Connors at 273-8268 to secure a booth to sell your crafts. Brenda Smith at 272-5826 (after 5 PM) to volunteer for one of the above mentioned needs. ***For auction donations - we will pick up every Saturday AM until the auction, just call 272-5826. To secure space at the Harvest Festival, please return this form with a $5.00 deposit. The deposit will be returned the day of the event. The Council requests 10% of your gross made the day of the event. Tables are available from 10 am to 5:30 pm - 10/21/89. WSM Address: Phone Organization (if any) Activity Planned Space Needed Deposit enclosed Waived TO: Brenda Smith - Harvey Hill Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 0 Tables are limited! Please plan on bringing your own. • r1 L_J ik , COMMUNITY CELEBRATION! FIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL iday, October 20, 1989 7:30 till ? The 'old" Fire Hall Auction of new and used merchandise Saturday, October 21 -- 10 am till 10 pm at the Enfield Grange and Old Fire Hall COME SEE DEMONSTRATIONS AND CRAFTS ---- many new activities planned! HAVE LUNCH ! The Community Council has made a variety of chicken dishes to be sampled from noon until .......... (chicken provided by the Enfield Chicken Farm) GREET YOUR NEIGHBORS! Lots of Activities - including A Petting Zoo SDOnsored by the P:nfield Tigers 4-Her's WIN A CARE OR AN AFGHAN ! Provided by the Enfield Senior Citizens Raffle Tickets now available from members of the Community Council DANCE TO THE TUNES OF THE BRAIN MILES BAND! 6pm to 10 pm at the Old Fire Hall Brian is formerly of Brain Idol's and performs a broad range of material. Our own Neil Massa plays keyboard. Bring the entire family. Adults $2.00. Children under 12 $1.00. Weather permitting, we'll open the doors and dance outside. A GOOD TIME IS GUARANTEED! LET'S MARE A DATE FOR THE FESTIVAL! sn ENFIELD SENIOR CITIZENS The Enfield Senior Citizens Unit meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Grange Hall for a dish to share luncheon at 12:30. Edith Belknap was honored by the Senior Citizens' Council for her outstanding service to our unit as Tour Coordinator. For our first trip of the season, June 21 --- was visiting a bakery and on to the Grand Canyon of the East. We had dinner at "The Lodge on the Green in Painted Post." On Tuesday, August 8th, we met at Newharts Buck Hill Lodge. A good crowd and a good meal. On Wednesday, August 23rd we traveled to Beck's Grove, a place 10 miles from Rome, NY. We went on a Swartout-Ferris bus under the guidance of Edith Belknap. We left the Grange at 9 am and returned at 7 pm. A beautiful wooded area. Had a terrific meal. Lots of enter- tainment. Dancing, bingo, horseshoes, golf, shuffleboard. Nice prizes. Our next meeting was held on Tuesday, September 12, at the Grange. Roger Brown & Helena Schaber, Co -Presidents. • UPDATE ON ENFIELD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FORUM On July 24, 1989 the Town of Enfield and the Tompkins County Youth Bureau sponsored a Community Youth Development Forum in Enfield. The purpose was to get together to discuss the needs of the youth in our community, what services are provided, what services are needed, and what can be done locally to address these needs and what should be done at a county level to address these needs. Two of the major areas of concern that came out of our forum and most of the other forums in Tompkins County was lack of communication and transportation. At the forum, it was also discussed to set-up a Youth Commission in Enfield. Most municipalities in Tompkins County are finding that a Youth Commission is vital in getting together the different youth organizations to see what services are provided already, what can be done together, and how to provide services that are needed. Tompkins County Youth Bureau is in the process of putting to- gether the information from the various youth forums to help formulate the Comprehensive Youth Services Plan, which will set the guidelines for county youth programs for the next three years. • -10- Locally, we can start by setting up a Youth Commission and deciding 40 what steps we want to take in our community to further develop and coordinate our Youth Programs. We can really do alot if we all get to- gether and work together! We already have some excited youths who are interested in setting up a Youth Commission. In fact, Enfield had the most youths attending our youth forum than any other municipality. We should be really proud of our youth! What would be great; is if we had an adult and a youth representative from each of the various youth programs in Enfield to be on the Commission. Just think of the ideas and communication! Let's get together and develop some great community spirit! If you are interested in the Youth Commission or would like more information, please call me at 277-3843. Senior Citizens and adults without children are welcome as well ---you have good ideas, too! Carol Barriere - Enfield representative, Tompkins County Youth Board. ***ATTENTION ENFIELD ORGANIZATIONS*** It would be great to have a listing of all the different organi- zations in Enfield --youth and non -youth alike; for people interested in getting involved in different activities. We have lots of new people in Enfield who may be interested in knowing whats going on. If each organization could call me with a contact person and phone number we could put the list in the next newsletter and post it at various spots in the community. Lets start better communication: Please call Carol at 277-3843. Thanks so much! FAMILY DAY CARE RESOURCE AIDE In all areas of Tompkins County, the Day Care and Child Development Council has established a network of family day care Resource Aides. If you are in need of day care, if you would like to provide day care, of if you need information about community resources, you can contact the Resource Aide in your community. The following are the Resource Aides in Enfield, Newfield and Trumansburg. Enfield ---------- Carol Barriere--------------- 277-3843 Newfield---------- Darlene Fish ----------------- 564-3454 Trumansburg ------ Marcia Dimick---------------- 387-8131 OR CALL Day Care Council -- 609 W. Clinton St., Ithaca -- 273-0259 • LOOKING FOR CHILD CARE? INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CHILD CARE PROVIDER? FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL COUNSELORS AT THE DAY CARE AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, INC., 273-0259. -11- 0 TEEN BABYSITTING LIST • It is time to update our babysitting list. If you are interested in being on this list please call - Carol Barriere at 277-3843. GREETINGS FROM THE ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE At the regular meeting of E.V.G., on August 8th, officers for next year were elected. Installation of officers will be September 11, at 8 pm, preceded by a dish -to -share supper at 7 pm. Thanks to Roger Hubbell, the first floor of the Grange Hall has taken on a new look. Roger has painted all of the rooms on the first floor. We are planning a bake sale at Willowood on Saturday, September 16th. Willowood will be having specail music that weekend. Let's hope for good weather for both the special music and the bake sale. We hope all of you have had a good summer and are looking forward to fall -- which is upon us. Leah Carpenter - 387-6001. AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH You are very welcome to attend Agape Bible Church - 264 S. Apple- gate Road in Enfield. We are a non -denominational, spirit -filled, Christian church. Services are: 10 am Sunday School (for all ages) 11 am Sunday morning worship (junior church is provided for ages 3-11 years. 7 pm Sunday Evening Worship 7 pm Wednesdays (Mid -week Bible Study (also with Bible teaching or Children's Christian Video, and snack provided for children 3-11 years) Starting September we will resume our monthly Teen meetings (ages 12-19 years) with fun, food, games, Bible instruction and Christian Teen Videos. Throughout the year, we will be having guest Evangelists, Bible teachers, healing Ministries and music Ministries. WE LIFT UP THE NAME OF THE LARD JESUS CHRIST AND TEACH HIS WORD • PLEASE COME'. our Panne is 277-6574