HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1988 fallNF15L Sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, Inc. September, 1988 Funded by the Tompkins County United Way ZffP7= D COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESCHOOL We are in the process of starting up our preschool again. At this time, we are still looking for a space for our preschool. If anyone has any suggestions or offers please call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. The E.C.C. Preschool is a parent cooperative for children 2 1/2 - 5 years old. If you are interested in more information please call the above number. aTFIELD DAY CARE REFERRAL As the Enfield Referral Aide for the Day Care and Child Development Council of Tumpkins County, 1 can help you if you are looking for day care, or if you are interested in doing day care. Please call Carol Barriere at 277-3843- The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to • orsmnize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield, and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United clay, The New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and vour Donations. Enfield Community Council meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month. Everyone is invited to attend. If you would like to be added to our mailing list for meeting notices, call Barb Williams at 272-2614. If you or your organization would like to have an article or advertisement in the next Enfield Newsletter, please call Carol at 277-3643, with the name and address of a contact person. The contact person will be sent a reminder and deadline date for submission to the next newsletter. Please call as soon as possible so you won't be left out. Bell's Convenience Food Terry & Teresa Manheim 614 Elmira Rd. 272-0661 • Gasoline, Propane, Firewood, Groceries and Fastfoods Mobile DJ Service 331 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 Daniel E. Thomas Roy L. Barriere e011111111e 3v`N812'Y 277-3843 ECC NEWS ( CONT.) FROM THE SUPERVISOR'S DESKS • At our September meeting, the Town Board voted to accept the Old Firehouse from the Fire Company for one dollar. Many uses have been proposed for the building. We are In the process of having a consulting engineer assess the building for bringing it up to code and to determine the costs involved. Applying for Grant money and fund raising are options to accomplish the project. Any assistance (in any form) will be greatly appreciated. Our Town Historian, C. Morey (Jack) Hubbell has informed the Town Board that he does not want to serve another term. His Term ends December 19bb, so we are looking for someone to replace Jack as Historian in 19a9. Anyone interested, please contact me (273-u4b2 or 272-1713) or Jack. Election Inspectors are needed! In June, we raised the pay schedule for election inspectors to the following: Election Day $65.UU Primary Day 40.UU Registration Day 30.UU The Board of Elections trains the inspectors. If you are interested, please contact the Town Clerk Jean Scofield, 2y3-o3oi, the Board of Elections, 274-5522, or the Republican or Democrat Chairman. Even if you are an Independent, contact someone, Independent registered voters can be accepted to work as inspectors. BABYSITTIN G LIST • NAME Laurie Davenport AGE 17 ADDRESS 769 Van Dorn Rd. PHONE 273-6677 Wayde Whittaker is Sandy Creek Trailer Pk. 273-0467 Lori Barriere 13 Sandy Creek Txmilor Pk. 273-04b7 Shannon May 16 34 Halseyville Rd. 273-b1U4 Erika Wurtser 15 235b Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7b34 Sylvia McFall 15 55 Porter Hill Rd. 272-0644 Mary Ellen Jackson 14 Stack Rd., Mecklenburg 387-964b Pecca Bock 14 109 Porter Hill Rd. 272-3669 Jennifer Hubbell 16 134 Hubbell Dr. 273-b47u Dena Simmons to Sandy Creek Trailor Pk. 273-4405 Cindy Theis 15 396 Applegate Rd. 387-5918 Jennifer Vicedomini 14 142 S. Applegate Rd. 272-2461 To be added, removed, or have changes made on this list call Carol 277-3643 Dear Friends and Neighbors, The Enfield Community Council, Inc. will be sponsoring their 14th Annual Enfield Harvest Festival. It will be from 9:U0 AM to 6:UU PM at the Enfield Grange on Saturday, October 15, 19db. If you or your group are interested in having a booth, please call Sandra Trutt at 273-4bb4 to reserve a space. Mark the date on your calendar. Come and join in on the fun. There will be some- thing there for everyone. The beautiful hand quilted quilt, made by the Senior Citizens, is a prize of its own to see. Remember the Harvest Festival helps to sponsor the many community activities for children, adults and families. ly IN Awlo .I �N F IELD HARvF.ST' F*F:SrivAL- SATVCRDAY OCTOBER if .01 9 too .. 6: 00 w A'f'ff�A� s CAgf � �o oD o?v ly N fiat vt a Qvtl'f /:00 -{;�J. C�oNf i wRR Music Sy tS ? RE 3TiYA1.. %OCA7mD iT NftLD GRANOF- ON Rom. S2� o F 79 W. PRoCEbbs BENEFIT F-NFi&LO YoWrP PROS RA MS PROGRAMS FOR ELEMENTARY -SCHOOL -AGED CHILDREN This Fall we have several opportunities for children to enjoy activities which will also help their development. All programs are scheduled to take place at the Enfield Elementary School. The programs planned are: --Group Musical Activities --Group Gymnastics Lessons --After-school Enrichment Program ENROLL NOW! Mail form below to: 337 DuBois Rd., Ithaca, NY --After-school Child Care Program 14850 Group Musical Activities, led by local musician Joe Salzano, will be available one afternoon per week. Due to grant funding, this program is free of charge. Gymnastics lessons will be available one or two days per week, depending upon interest expressed and instructor availability. It has been suggested that these be scheduled at 5:00 PM, to allow families whose children do not attend Enfield School better access. If you'd like your child(ren) to attend, let us know if this is a good time for you. The After -school Enrichment Program will run for ten weeks, Monday - Thursday, beginning on October 17. This program gives children in grades K-5 a chance to participate in Arts and Crafts, Science, Sports, Cooking, Sewing and other projects, as well as extra library and computer use time, • and the opportunity to play board games, or in the playground after school. To keep supervision adequate, we must limit enrollment in this program. We have some funding for this program through United Way of Tompkins County and government sources, however, parent's contributions are also very necessary to offer the program to as many children as would like to participate. Please contribute generously if you enroll your child in this program. Current plans are to operate Monday -Thursday from 2:00-5:00 PM-- however, if contributions are not up to planned levels, we may have to shorten our hours of operation. The After -school Child Care Program is currently operating Monday through Friday, 2:00-5:30 PM. There is a $20.00 per week per child fee for this pro- gram (some scholarships are available through outside sources). Spaces are still available, although enrollment is limited. Children enrolled in this program participate in the Enrichment Program-- THERE IS NO NEED TO RE -REGISTER YOUR CHILD if s/he is already in this program. We can not accomodate part - weeks in the Child Care Program; i.e., you may not sign your children) up for just Fridays. For more info, call: Sonja Schreiber, After -school Programs Director 272-9343 Krys Cail, Administrative Coordinator, 273-2865 You may enroll in the Enrichment Program with the form below. For other programs, please call, so we can schedule convenient times. Enfield Community Council Program Registration-- After -school Enrichment Child's name Parent's name Address • Age Birthdate Grade Home phone Emergency phone Donation enclosed I give my child permission to participate in this program, Date Parent or Guardian signature BCC NBWS (CONT) AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH. Pastor Mike Corriero 277-6574 Morning Worship - lItUO AM Sunday School - 10i00 AM Children's Church during Morning Worship in Fellowship Hall Family Evening Service 7100 PM Wed. evening Bible Study 77OU PM Nursery available at all services. At the beginning of the Bible Study on Wed. evenings, there is a short time for Individuals to ask questions on Bible related topics and daily living. Some recent subjects were "Loss of loved ones and salvation", "Beliefs of Christians and Jews and the hereafter", and the differences in beliefs of various faiths. Community Visitation has begun on Thursday evenings or as time permits. The pastor is always available for hospital or other purposeful callings. The Agape Fellowhip is anxious to let people know about our Church activities and invite you to come and visit any of our Services if you do not have a regular church home. Larry Ahlborn, concert pianist and gospel singer will be here on Tues. Oct. 11 at 7:30 PM. All are welcome. A free will offering is taken for Larry's ministry. United Way • �� 0 of Tompkins County UNITED wnx CAMPAIGN, ' 3e This newsletter, as well as many Enfield Community Council activities, as well as many County -wide human services, are made possible through the generosity and caring of your neighbors who give the United Way. If you have not been approached by a campaign worker at your workplace this year, or, if you are retired or work at your home, please take the time to call 65 273-23, and find out how to make'a pledge. Every little bit helps-- and you'll feel better to know that you have done your part to make this a caring community. Make a difference-- the United Way! 0