HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1986 summer• ENFIELD NEWS Sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, Inc. June, 1986 Funded by the Tompkins County United Way Enfield Communitv Council Summer Recreational Program This year Enfield will be offering a 6 week summer camp permitted and regulated by the Tompkins County Health Department. Regulations mandated by the Health Depart- ment require the camp program be more structured than in past years. Planning is continuing to make this the best program ever offered. Summer camp will begin TUESDAY, July 8 and run until Friday, August 15. Pre -registration is strongly advised because regulations require adult counselor - camper ratios. Therefore, some group sizes may have to be limited. (Due to limited funds for staff) Campers will be accepted on the basis of first registered - first considered. Registration forms are ATTACHED TO THE LAST PAGE of this Newsletter. Registration will also be held at the Enfield School on Monday, July 7 from 9:00 to 10:00 (no camp). Registra- tion forms will also be available at locations within the community. Nancy DeSarro has been hired to be Camp Director and will complement our new format. Elizabeth Saggese is returning to direct our preschool group. We will also offer sections for: Kindergarteners and lst graders 2nd and 3rd graders 4th graders and up Additionally a parent cooperative toddler group will meet if there is interest. • We are currently developing camp activities around weekly themes and suggestions are welcome. We hope to have a dinner program again this year. Contact any member of the Community Council for more information. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! The Community Council is desperately seeking a water safety instructor to direct this summer's swim program. There will not be a swim program at the Fireman's Pond if we do not locate a water safety instructor soon. If interested in the position and qualified, contact Carol Barriere 277-3843 as soon as possible. Details regarding this aspect of the summer program are awaiting the hiring of appropriate staff. Information will not be available until the first week of Day Camp. If your child does not attend Day Camp you can contact Carol Barriers for more information, but please wait until July 7 to call. Thank you! Summer Community Council Programs are available because of funding from the New York State Division for Youth and the Tompkins County United Way. No child will be turned away for inability to contribute but new state regulations are making it more difficult to maintain a balanced budget on the modest donation requested ($6). For this reason we are asking support from the community, especially families of children who are currently participating and who have participated in the past with fund- raising. On Saturday, August 2, we will have an auction at the Grange. Please donate those items you have never used but are too good to discard. Items you did not sell at your last garage sale would be great. We'll pick up if you call Helen Jackson at 272-8624 or Theresa Manheim at 272-6344. If you find it hard to part with your possessions, we'll accept baked goods, plant cuttings or estra shrubs • such as lilacs or perennials. Please, if you want to see community programs continue, we need your contributions and attendance at this vital fundraiser. So much work is done by so many volunteers we often forget to say thank you. This Newsletter we would like to acknowledge Wayne Snyder and Hester Covert without • whose cooperation and ever ready assistance we could not function. Wayne and Hester are responsible for keeping the school in the great physical shape that we are so proud of. The programs we offer do not make their jobs easier. In fact, they often interfere with what they are trying to accomplish: For the extra effort they make for us and the children of this community we want to say thank you! Be nice to them, they have earned it! Enfield Community Council Fund Raisers We were sorry to have omitted the report on the Enfield Community Council Harvest Festival and Talent Show held last fall in our last newsletter. We would like to thank the Enfield Valley Grange for the use of the building and all the groups, organizations and individuals who participated and helped out, for making the Harvest Festival and Talent Show a success. We especially would like to thank the Enfield Senior Citizens for their donation of the lovely quilt for our raffle. The total profit from the Festival and Talent Show was $535.06. All proceeds go toward the Youth Programs in Enfield. The following were the winners of the raffles: Quilt - Alice Larsen, New York Telephone Pillow - Edith Rogers, Applegate Road Pillow - Marian VandeVelde, North Tioga Street ECC Preschool Balloon Afghan - Gladys Willis, Enfield Itain Road Winners of Talent Show: 1st - Anna Pollock 2nd - Jennifer Birnbaum 3rd - Teddy Davenport and Megan Barber • The Enfield Community Council held a Square Dance on Saturday, April 26 at the Enfield Valley Grange. We hope everyone had a great time. We would like to thank ttv Enfield Youth Group for providing the refreshments and we would also like to thank Mary Linton for donating her time in calling the square dance. She made the square dancing fun for beginners and experienced alike. We hope to have more dances in the future, if there is enough interest. • Teresa Manheim manned the cotton candy machine at the Enfield PTA Fun Fair and brought in $75 for the youth programs. Thanks Teresa! ECC Preschool The ECC Preschool is now accepting applications for the 1986-87 school year. The preschool is a parent cooperative that is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:00 at the Enfield Fire Station for children 2 1/2 (must be potty trained) to 5 years. Elizabeth Saggese is our teacher. For more information, call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. Enfield Day Care Ieferral Aide I am the Day Care Referral Aide thru the Day Care Council of Tompkins County, Inc. If you would like to register with the Day Care Council to provide Day Care in Enfield or if you need Day Care, call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. -2- TEEN BABYSITTING LIST a • Marlo Capoccia, 568 Enfield Center Road, age 14 272-3466 • Laurie Davenport, 169 VanDorn Road, age 13 273-8877 Wayde Whittaker, 2068 Mecklenburg Road, age 15 273-0467 Debiy Theim, 396 Applegate Road, age 15 387-5918 Kelly Bailey, 2290 Mecklenburg Road, age 14 273-5396 Ann Jackson, Enfield Center Road, age 15 272-8624 If you would like to be added to the list, please call Carol Barriers 277-3843. ENFIELD YOUTH G1411111 Teens - would you like to join a group that gets together to go camping, to go to the movies and to go on bike trips; to play softball, basketball, volleyball, etc.; to make tacos and desserts and to plan fun and exciting activities? The Enfield Youth Group will be getting together soon to have a watermelon party to welcome new members into the group. Some activities already planned are a teen picnic at Taughannock Park on July 22 and a trip to the Auburn Correctional Facility on July 23. We are also planning a Mary Kay Cosmetic Demonstration. If you are interested in any of these activities or would like more information, call the Enfield Youth Group leader Joanne Smith at 272-4328 or Carol Barriers at 277-3843. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks Thanks to everybody who supported the garage sale weekend. We heard it was successful. Let's do it again next year! If you have any items you do not want to put away for next year, please consider donating them to the Community Council Auction to be held August 2. Thanks also to the busy Senior Citizens who are working on their quilt to be donated to the Harvest Festival. Look for tickets on sale later this summer. -3- Early Churches in the Town of Enfield • 1817 - The Baptist Church was the first church in Enfield. Their first minister was John Lewis. It had the first church bell in Enfield in 1870. The church was moved across the road from where it stands now in 1881. 1821 - The Christian Church was built on the property of Judah Baker, now the Harold Laue farm. Their first minister was Ezra Chase. In 1938 the building was purchased by Mr. Frazer and he used the wood to build cottages and dock on Cayuga Lake. 1831 - The Presbyterian Church was erected near the Cemetary in Enfield Center. In 1936 the church was disbanded and moved onto the corner of Enfield Main and Enfield Center Road. The building then was owned by John Hortman. It was used as a funeral home, store, meeting and -dance hall. Most recently owned by the Newhart family and used as a grocery store and their home. 1835 - The Methodist Episcapol Church was first erected at Bostwick Corners where the Naomi Calkins residence is now. The first pastor was Joseph Pearsall. In March of 1876 the building was moved to Enfield Center where it now stands. It is now the United Methodist Church. 1844 - The Kennedys Corners Methodist Episcapol Church was formed and building erected in 1848. Elias Lanning was the first minister. In October 1917 the church burned. The people of the church raised enough money and erected a new church free from debt. This was dedicated in December of 1918. The church was closed in 1978 and is now a private residence. Thank you to Harold Laue and Jack Hubbell for the information on these • churches. Jack Hubbell, our Town Historian, would like to know the oldest existing house still standing in the Town of Enfield. Call Jack at 273-6470. 0 -4- Enfield Fire Department • For those Town residents that have become accustomed to listening to fire and rescue calls on their scanners, better make sure their scanners are capable of receiving UHF frequencys. By 1987 Tompkins County Emergency Control, from which all of Enfield's calls are dispatched from, will be operating on a new UHF band. Presently all of Tompkins County, including the City of Ithaca, operate on a 2 channel VHF low band. It is not uncommon to have 3 or 4 calls going at the same time. Needless to say, we have outgrown the present 2 channel system. The new UHF band has over 30 channels in which to operate from. The old VHF low band will still be used for the initial call due to the number of personal alert minitors and monitors in the county. For example if Enfield had a house fire the call would be transmitted "Enfield fire monitors you have a reported house; they would give the address and the name. This would be transmitted on the present VHF band just like it has been, but after that all communications will be done on the new UHF band. The new system we believe is a good and very needed system, however just like any- thing else if you want something good you have to pay for it. The county is paying the majority of the cost but the individual officer's radios are the responsibility of each fire department. We presently have 5 officer radios, the new radios are approximately $2,500.00 each. If we are to keep the same number of radios it will cost the fire department $12,500,00 to switch over to the new system. At the last newsletter writting we were awaiting the arrival of a new fire truck. The truck was delivered on schedule and we are very pleased with it. We are asking residents of the Town that do not have their house numbers dis- played on their mailbox to do so. These numbers should be at least 3 inch reflective numbers and should be on both sides of the mailbox, visible from either direction. If your mailbox is not in front of your house or is grouped together with other mailboxes, it should be displayed on a post in front of your house near the road in • the same manner as above. This will help us find your home and eliminate any unneeded delays. If you live on VanDorns Road, Applegate Road or Enfield Center Road, make sure you know whether you're on the North, South, East or West side as VanDorns and Applegate Roads are numbered both ways off Mecklenburg Road and Enfield Center Road is numbered both ways off of Route 327. Make sure when requesting emergency services that you so state South Applegate, North Applegate, etc. as this has become a real serious problem. Although the actual method of financing is still in question, plans for a new fire station are continuing. The present fire station constructed in 1948 with an addition in the early 70's has become very cramped due to the size of new fire trucks. Door heights and widths coupled with the lack of expansion room, due to property lines, septic systems, wells and parking space have been the stumbling block to any plans for additions or renovations to the present building. We feel that it is in the best interest of all parties involved that a new station be constructed with ample space and room for future expansion if needed. Total calls from January 1 - May 31, 1986 are running a little bit above average at 60 calls. These include 27 Rescue calls, 9 Investigation and miscellaneous, 4 Car Fires, 3 Chimney, 1 Grass, 7 Mutual aid to Trumansburg, 4 Mutual aid to Newfield, 2 Mutual aid to Mecklenburg, 1 Mutual aid to Ithaca and 2 Motor Vehicle accidents. Dennis G. Hubbell Fire Chief • -5- The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company is mounting a membership drive. Always in need of able bodied members willing to help provide the community with fire and emergency services, as regulations and technology advance, the need for more volunteers to provide the necessary coverage to Enfield and the surrounding area . on a mutual aid basis becomes more demanding. Few of us have time to spare with todays hectic lifestyle, but if you feel you would like to share part of yourself with the community for the satisfaction of knowing you helped a neighbor in a time of need, contact the fire company to see how you might fit in. Your degree of involvement is limited only by your enthuasiam and desire. Fill in the application below and drip it off at the fire station any Thursday night and meet some of our members. or mail it to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 and one of our officers will call you. If you would like further information, phone the Enfield Fire Station at the number listed in the white pages of your telephone directory. Any Thursday evening - we hope to hear from you. The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company would like to clarify the use of the water supply pond behind the firehouse for swimming. Insurance regulations prohibit the use of the pond by nonmembers with the exception of the Enfield Community Council Swimming Program which carries a special insurance rider to cover any mishap. The pond is adequately posted to that effect and is patrolled on a regular basis by the menb ership and local police agencies. We appreciate the communities assistance in seeing that these regulations are adhered to and ask that you save us and your- selves the embarassment of having to be asked to leave for tresspassing and un- authorized use. • Thank you, Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Application for Probationary Membership - ENFIELD VOL FIRE CO. - Date: Name: ............ ................ .................... ...... _. Address: .._... ... ... Age: ........... ..... - _ Occupation:...... Proposed by: _...... _ ............... Co. proposed by: .... _....... _................__.....__.__._...._.._........_...._,.._.. ........._ . Date submitted: .. .. ........ . .. ... ................. ... Voted on: _........ .......... ........ ....... SocialSecurity No . ...................................... _..__. ..........._ _....._. .. PhoneNo. _ - ------ - ____..__........ _.......... __.... ._ • -6- Enfield Senior Citizens Senior are you lonely or blue? Don't be. • Join the Enfield Seniors ; J for a dish to pass luncheon the second Wednesday of the month at the Grange Hall. You may meet some friend that you haven't seen in a long time and meet new friends. February we had a speaker on income tax. March we played a quiz game on Tompkins County. April had a slide show on old cars. May had a visit with peoples back from Florida. We have two trips planned for this summer: July 23 - Boat ride on Skaneateles Lake and lunch at Kiebs. August 24 - Lunch and a show at Wine Creek Playhouse in Oswego. Enfield Valley Grange In May a successful garage sale was held. Proceeds to be used toward a roof and furnace. A Pamona Fun Night was held June 4th with a dish to share supper. "Joe" Lockwood was the speaker. A Juvenile Grange for Enfield? Do we have interested young people up to age 14? June loth at the regular meeting a memorial service will be held for deceased members of the year. • A picnic is being planned for August. Helena Schaber, Secretary Enfield Ladies Auxillary The Annual Firemens Carnival is fast approaching. Once again this year the Ladies Auxillary is having their famous cake wheel. It will run on Friday night, June 27 and Saturday, June 28. We are in need of donations of cakes. In the past, your responsiveness has been great. If you would like to donate a cake, please either bring it to the cake wheel booth located under the food tent or call one of the following numbers for pick up. Joan Eisenhart - 272-0827 Rhonda Connors - 273-8268 Pam Whittaker - 273-0467 after 6:00 p.m. We are also raffling off a Goldstar microwave oven. Tickets are available from any Auxillary member or will be sold at the sound booth all during the carnival. Drawing for prizes will be June 28 at 10:00 p.m. We will also be having the delightful Kiddie Parade on Thursday evening, June 26, 1986 at 7:00 to kick off the carvinal weekend. Bring your children dressed in costume for fun and prizes. Line up will be at 6:45 in front of the school. We are sorry to report that this year we are unable to offer the Community Birthday Calendars. Unfortunately, the reason is lack of community support of our efforts. We hope to be able to offer it at some time in the future. -7- J • ENFIELD TOWd AND COUNTRY 4-H CLUB Our club has been involved with several things in the past few months. We participated in the Spring Garden Fair and also planted our own garden out at 4-H acres. Several of our members are involved in an ongoing entomology project. We are planning cooking, sewing, and arts and crafts projects in the future. September is traditionally the start of a new 4-H year. We would like to invite anyone who is interested in becoming a member to be a guest at one of our meetings and become a member in September. For more information, please contact Wilma Brown at 272-5554. BUCK HILL BUCCANEERS 4-H CLUB We are currently working on a 4-H Project Quilt to be raffled at the 4-H acres youth fair to be held July 16-19. Tickets will be available from members the first of July or at the fair. We meet the second Thursday of every month. Our club has been gearing up for the fair with projects and animals. For any information on our club or the quilt, please contact Linda Gunning at 273-1588. ENFIELD MOTO PARK Hare Scrambles Sunday, September 28. Moto Cross - November 2. Races start at 12:00 noon. Food available. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts provides a fun and rewarding program for young girls and adults. We now have a new level: Daisies designed for dindergartners aged 5. Brownie Scouts serve grades 1-3; Junior Girl Scouts grades 4-6; Cadettes, grades 7-9 and Senior Scouts grades 10-12. We will provide training for leaders on September 23 and September 30 and already have a Fall campout planned for October 11-13. Watch for information flyers that come home from school. Join the fun! Questions? Call Kathy Holmes at the Girl Scout office 273-6666 or Barb Kathan 273-4034. -6- ENFIELD SCHOOL PTA Our annual Fun Fair held in May was a great success this year thanks to the Enfield community. A special thanks goes to the individual parents and school staff who worked so hard to organize and prepare for this special event. The money raised will be used primarily for the after school program next year. Have a happy summer and we'll see you in the fall! From the Town Supervisor June 1986 -- one quarter of my term of office has already passed! Instead of using this space to tell you about the day-to-day town business that has been done in these six months, it seems more fitting that you be asked what you want done in the next year and a half. Many people have mentioned to me that they would like Enfield to have a clean-up week as do our neighboring towns... A clean-up week during which people can have items taken away that are too large for regular trash collection. This certainly is something that can be planned so I would like to hear from the community on this matter, or any other matter as well. Please call me at home, 273-0462, after 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and anytime on the weekends. Your opinions should be the foundations of the actions taken by the Town Board. Let us hear from you... Call, write, or come to a Town Board meeting held thefirst Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Supervisor Gray Our Dog Ennumerators have started their count. This year the Town will be divided north - south. Sue Carpenter will work the NORTH side of Enfield and Jennifer Russell will have the SOUTH side of town. Let's give them our full cooperation with their task. The Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Corp. is taking applications for the Weatherization Program. The program is designed to help low-income homeowners and renters to weatherproof their homes. Materials and labor are provided FREE to families that qualify. Anyone interested in applying should contact: E.O.C. of Tompkins County 318 North Albany Street • Ithaca, Yaw York 14850 or call 273-8816 - ask for "Weather" • Building and Fire Code Enforcement In January, 1986 Greg Kirchgessner was appointed fire and building code enforcement officer for the Town of Enfield. As the "Egg Man" about town he has discovered most of his customers do not know about the II.Y.S. Building Code Enforcement law that passed in 1984 and effects new construction, remodeling, renovation and conversion projects. This law applies to the Town of Enfield even though it has no zoning. To avoid needless delays in obtaining a building permit you are required to have approval from the health department that your septic system is adequate, proof of insurance coverage by the individual or firm completing the work and a work plan to be approved by the building inspector. Greg can be reached at 272-2241. The best time to call is between 7 and 9 in the evening. Staff for the Enfield News - June, 1986 Helen Jackson, 272-8624 Alice Linton, 272-3919 Theresa Manheim, 272-6344 ".LL E • • Jr Qwtetb (Cburlbez Enfield United Methodist Church Summer time for Enfield United Methodist Church is going to be a busy one. The youth group just came back from Casowasco Camp, the United Methodist Camp at Moravia and enjoyed it enough to plan a camping trip for July. We invite all youth in the community to join in our youth activities. If interested, call Kathy Niemi, 387-6024. The women's group just had a delightful Mother and Daughter banquet and are looking forward to having a Yard Sale at Florence Laue's, June 28th and a bake sale at Willowood Campgrounds July 4th at 10:00 a.m. and also one for Labor Day week -end. The newly formed men's fellowship is looking forward to various activities including an auction and chicken barbeque, September 27th at the church. Our church is getting a summer "spruce -up" job on June 21st. All are invited to come help clean God's house and enjoy a lunch meal and fellowship. It is a busy summer, one to look forward to as we rejoice in the love we have for our Lord and for each other. May all enjoy God's blessings this beautiful time of year. Pastor Judy D. White Enfield Baptist to Offer Vacation Bible School Worship, education, community service, and fun together continue to be important to all of us. Do join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 -- or better, come at 10:30 for coffee and fellowship! Our services are friendly and informal. Sunday School is also held at 11:00, so bring your children, too! As summer approaches, we are all looking forward to summer activities as well as rest. This year, the Enfield Baptist Church will hold a Vacation Bible School from 9:30 - 12:00 noon the week of August 18 to 22. There will be Bible study, music, games, crafts, and FUN! All children aged 3 years through 6th grade are welcome to attend. Donations of $3 per child for educational materials will be accepted from those who can afford it. If we can serve you in any way, please let us know. r�i Rev. Cynthia Ikuta 273-4696 ij a l -10- Bible Baptist Church - Schools isBibleBaptist Church ends its Christian school days each June with a big SPLASH! Registration is already in process for the next school year. Of course, Sunday School continues through the summer. The schedule includes: Each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and each Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. Teenagers go once a month on Friday evening to a special gathering. Also this year plans include participation in a camping program. Phone the church for information about any of these programs. Regular morning worship is at 10 on Sunday and in the evening at 6 p.m. Thursday is prayer meeting at 6 p.m. The church holds a Bible Study hour at GIAC each Tuesday in Ithaca, at 6 p.m. Phone 272-3779 or 272-9416 for information or rides. Michael G. Amberge Pastor Agape Bible Church The Women's Missionary Society is looking forward to arrival of the church cookbooks mid -July. Books will be available from members, at the church, at Sandycreek Park Office, and at the Harvest Festival. Services of the week: • Sunday morning worship 11:00 - Evening service 7:00 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting - bible study Vacation Bible School and Western Round -up dates to be announced soon. Kenneth Hoover, Pastor Ralph Lovelace, Associate Pastor is -11- L • Ll P1l ENFIELD BUSINESS DIRECTORY MR. M. AUTO SERVICES: Paint, Body Work & Collision Repair Marty Schreiber 272-9343 NAN'S BEAUTY SHOP 1567 Mecklenburg Road Nan Lanning 272-2414 EAGLE ELECTRONICS SERVICE TV & FM TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS Rudolfo A. Strobelt 332 Aiken Road 387-6414 D A Y C A R E 4,. Days Weekends, Evenings _ Reasonable Rates JANET FISH g 65 Rothermich Road 273-8355 a• � 4 14. 14: CAKES BY LINDA Linda Stilwell Enfield Main Road 277-0764 THE PRINCESS SHOPPE Ceramics and Wedding Service Haulseyville Road, Ithaca NY 273-4884 RALPH CARPENTER, JR. Bulldozer Work 139 Applegate Road 277-4864 LOVE -LEE -tea ?otos �jelen ji-affChon Fnjield denier 272-8624 40 r KDAYS m - 5:30 pm BY: Hammond Adams plegate Road , N.Y. 14850 72-1B22 HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day COME PLAY WITH US TEN MINUTES FROM ITHACA g �414i41t11t7141►=r1tr141g1t11rn4141t�1414 KEYSTONE PRE -CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SEEPAGE PITS pT WATER RESERVOIRS BEST. BOXES 1 JOHNNY'S WHOLESALE SERVIC WNOEESAKE.DISTRIBUTORS -RETAR 56 SOUTH APPLEGATE ROAD ITHACA.NEW YORK 14850 HOURS: 8 5 Weekdays. PHONE 8.12 Saturday (607) 27j-6261 MARYANNE'S UPHOLSTERY Enfield Center Ithaca, N.Y. 272-1710 AUTO REPAIR Doug Willis Rothermich Road 272-2072 BILL LANDON Masonry & Remolding 1891 Mecklenburg Road 272-3374 KUMA'S NIGHT CLUB Live Entertainment Mecklenburg Road Bob Oliver 277-1800 THANK YOU ENFIELD BUSINESSES FOR MAKING THIS NEWS LETTER HAPPEN:: i • The Television Clinic Box 180 607-272-2059 Enfield Main Rd. (across from the fire station) General Practice All Makes & Models Serviced House calls by appointment walk-ins anytime Scott Anderson •222m1333 TORN ARCRN6ELZ �. . . . . .` .,.,.,.,. r r:AL ,:,',:,., .. 1 Go14� Prclal F'INO 9 f TOWN & COUNTRY ANTIQUES • 277 Enfield Main Road Ithaca NY 14850 4 272-2569 }; CHARLES HUBBELL }, General Contractor ;,,-: Harvey Hill Road I, 272-6808 ENFIELD GUN SHOP Jim Manheim Trumbulls Corners Road 273-7648 HONEY Larry Saulsgiver 464 Enfield Center 272.2135 ea 4............♦♦.... Y yi }4-%0eK + 'tf? + 218 Applegate Road, South Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: (607) 273-2363 .Y' PRO SHOP DRIVING RANGE -1 FOOD & SPIRITS ♦ • vf' PARTY HOUSE tiy;l � Road Syr HONEY Nancy Wurster 2356 Mecklenburg Road 272-7634 • Cl OPEN TO THE PUBLIC I�+FeZZZ y MARY NOVICKAS � * LPGA PROFESSIONAL + v T ENFIELD AUTO REPAIRS Don Monroe 273-8919 • (.'. Mecklenburg Road • 0 ENFIELD BUSINESS DIRECTORY Circulation: 1,000 1/4 page . . , , $ 9.00 1/2 page . . . . $18.00 Full Page. . . . $35.00 TO PLACE AN AD C CLII: Teresa Manheim 272-6344 or Helen Jackson 272-8624 I" 8 an Nvole Welding and M-eohanioal 600►traoting +++++++++++++++++++ + THE WATER WAGON + ' SWJAJMO JN • J10LOIN PEES + + PUMPINOSJER JANk,Cf + T + JOHN T. SMITH + + APPLEGATE ROAD 1 ITHACA, N.Y. + + a73-1699 + I A� A r Sandy Creek Mobile Home Park & Sales, Inc. SINGLE. DOUBLE AND MODULAR HOMES 12 14 2428' W1DES THE VAN DE MARKS SEVEN MILES WEST OF ITHACA ON AT 19 W 2068 MECKLENBURG RO ITHACA NY 14850 2,1360103 667-272-6067 The New Willow OD Recreational Area o FFE n I; Box 583 Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 New Swimming Pool i Facilities �I 300 Seat Lodge Campsites with Ice Cream Dairy Bar Elect. & Water & Sewer _ New Laundromat X/C Skiing Night & Day Hookups in Winter Entertainment I' Have Your Family Outing Here Company Meetings Weddings & Catered Receptions Clam Bakes & Barbeques Company Picnics Small Group or Large for Any Occasion d Year round Campsites -For R. V.'s y We Can Accommodate You Whether You Stay 2 Days. 2 Weeks, 2 Months or Season - Get Your Seasonal Sites Now _ Seniors Welcome with your Mobile Home TROPICAL FISH AND PET SUPPLIESAstand nfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York2 7 2 - 7 9 0 3SPECIAL rTakeY'S SALE tune btu June 28.th any Van,ietiee o6 bish 2 E 3/$1.00e of our complete aquarium set upsmplete set up $ 23.99 mplete set up $110.99 Includmplete set up $169.99 & fulex set up $229.99 flor. FROZEN FOODS: Brine Shrimp, Krill, Plankton, Beefhart GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE The Home of Care Conditioned Tropical Fish MON., TUES., WED., 5 P.M. to 9 p.m. QUALITY-GAURANTEED HEALTHY SAT. & SUN. - 11 a.m.-5 p.m. • CLOSED Thurs & Friday. 3,5 TH NNU A L FIELD ys SPONSORED BY THE E'NFiEL b VoL. FIRE DEPT. E N F I E L b MILLERS CORNERS RTES 74 + 3z7 T+1 TN TH J'UNE A�Jb28 TRURSDAy THE 24TH — KiDDiE PARADE '7:Ob PM. FRiVAy THE 2'1TH - U41CKEN BAR-BQ SPM. SATURMY THE i$110 — HOSE RACE% START 9:OO A.M. SPEciAL. RIDE ►nATiwEE Z-5"PM. 04icKE N 'BAR-8A SPM. F,REYgoRKs LADICS ALL)(. RAFFLE - MICROWAVE OVEN FIREMEN RAFrLE -TiCKeT3 - 4$# CASE+ PRIZES BUY AWANCE SALE �bE Tic cTS AT tpuslQcsscs OR,t�E:S �'OR 3,©O) FOLLOW T#4E 0 sKyurE TO WHEELOCK RIDES C-1 ENFIELD CoMMUNI'ry COUNCIL EN1=IELD GRANGE HALL SATURtDA y AUGUST a No '7P. M. RUCTIONEtPS — WAYNE4 CARPCNrCR Boa HOWARD i v EE_DE+b s DONP►TIoNS OF NELO 0 USED +Tt , RLSO t,uoULD BE PPPRECrATI✓©. P�-EA'SE NO CLOTH )NGr- I F YOU VJ©ULD LIKE YOUR 17EMS PI CKM UP Fl .EASe CALL 27d:I-ZZql oR 217 - 3 V q REt'ReS+mENT5 By �w;~- ELD (°RArJ&E MEMREPS 7�4 E RUCTION 15 TO BEtUE�',•r njE yoUTF • COUNCIL PROGRAMS E • Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Program Registration ::ame Parents .lame Address Age Birthdate Home Phone Emergency Phone Person to Contact if Camp is Closed Early Interests Grade Confidential ::edical History (As required by Public Health Law Part 225) Doctors and Phone immunization dates for: Jiptheria Measles `lump s Poliomyelitis Rubella Tentanus Phone Has ,your child ever had or currently suffer from: (If yes, please give date and any pertainent information needed to provide adequately for your child) Yes/Ao amebiasis anthrax botulism brucellosis central nervous system infections (bacterial or non-bacterial) chancroid chicken pox cholera diphtheria gonorrhea (genito-urinary, opthalmia, other) granuloma inguinale hepatitis (infectious (A) serum (B) hls toplasmosis (new case) hospital -associated infections (including diarrhea, conjunctivitis of newborn) infectious mononucleosis leprosy leptospirosis lympnogranuloma venereum malaria Yea/No measles mumps plague Poliomyelitis psittacosis rabies relapsing fever reyes snydrome Rocky `fountain spotted fever rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) salmonellosis shigellosis smallpox streptococcal sore throat including scarlet fever syphilis tetanus trichinosis tuberculosis tularemia typhoid whooping cough yellow fever Is your child currently under treatment for any medical condition or require any medication: If yes, please provide details. List any allergies, etc. I give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Community Council Program. I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on their part. -Donation $ Signature of Parent or Guardian The Enfield Community Council Summer Program is partially funded by the ::ew • York State Division for Youth, matched by money from the Town of Enfield .and the Jnited Way. The balance of the cost of this program must be raised but no child rill be turned away for inability to pay.