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Sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, Inc. September, 1986
Funded by the Tompkins County United Way
Enfield Communit,, Council Programs for Fall, 1986
Afterschool Programs
This year the Enfield Community Council is cosponsoring the afterschool program
with the Enfield PTA beginning Tuesday, October 6. On 3 days a week, Tuesdays, Wednes-
days, and Thursdays for 10 weeks children in grades 3 to 5 can remain afterschool to
participate in an afterschool program including art, science, remedial help, games,
sports, cooking, needlework, music and gymnastics. More specific details will be
available through the school shortly. Mr. Michael Cook, a 3rd grade teacher at Enfield
will be the Director this year. We have lost Ms. DeAugistine to another part time job.
We'll all miss her but we're sure she'll stop in to say "hello". Joe Salzano from
summer camp has agreed to come and work with both the afterschool program and teens.
He hopes to start interest in a performing troop! If you are interested, be sure to
attend the teen pizza -discussion party on Tuesday, September 30.
Shelby Tedesco is returning to do gymnastics for us on Tuesdays starting at 3:00.
3:00 to 3:45 9, 10, 11 year olds
3:45 to 4:30 12, 13 year olds
• 4:30 to 5:00 6, 7, 8 year olds
5:00 to 5:30 3, 4, 5 year olds
5:30 to 6:30 14 and older
Parent contacts for gymnastics and afterschool program will be Sonja Schreiber (272-9343)
and Rhonda Connors (273-8268) who will be working for us again this year.
Amy Janower will be working with art classes on Tuesdays and assisting Shelby with
"Spotting" in the gymnastics class.
Music Lessons
Connie Stirling is returning to offer piano lessons as well as Leslie Bongo Smith.
Both would like new students. If you would like to register your child, Alice Linton,
272-3919 is the parent contact. Both teachers are in the process of establishing
schedules for the fall, so call now.
We are in the process of recruiting a guitar teacher, so call Pam Whittaker at
273-0467 if interested. Joe Salzano is qualified to teach percussion, clarinet and
saxaphone. Please call Karnie Rirchge�sner at 272-2241 if there is interest and we'll
try to coordinate lessons. I
Enfield Youth Croup
Starting September 30, there will be exciting programs planned every week for
Enfield youth 11 years old and up. Come to the Enfield School at 7 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 30 to discover the details and eat pizza! Lots of new kids, new ideas, new
fun! Bring a friend!
Some planned events: Halloween Party and Dance (sponsored with Women's Auxilliary)
Ropes Program at Cayuga Nature Center
Cross Country Skiing -- Movies -- Bowling -- Ice Skating
Cultural Programs -- Tournaments (ping pong, foose ball, pool)
Crafts, etc.
Lisa Yaple will conduct a slimnastic's program at the Enfield School Wednesdays
and Fridays from 8 to 9. She is employed by Nancy Strong and utilizes that method.
She can be contacted at 564-7272 for more details.
The results of the canvas from our last newsletter revealed members of our com-
munity were interested in programs for adults in cake decorating, flower arrangement,
landscaping, art, upholstering, cooking and TC3 classes in bookkeeping, etc. as well
as speakers on kids, gardens and house maintenance. We would like to offer some of
these topics next semester. These programs would have to be self-supporting because
we receive no funding for them.
We are looking for volunteers willing to take responsibility for adult programs.
The Community Council receives no outside funding for these programs and we have not
been able to obtain sufficient contributions from participants to continue to - ay
activity leaders for volleyball, aerobics or basketball for adults. If you would
consider this respoiisibility, contact Marnie Kirchgessner at 272-2241,
Also, any Senior Citizens who would like to volunteer their special talents in
woodworking, cooking, needlework, arts, crafts or would work with students one• on one
in the afterschool program please call hfarnie at 272-2241.
Lost and Found from Summer Program
If your child lost any items of clothing (for example one pink shoe!) at Zither
the summer day camp or the wim program, we have some unclaimed items that we [11
donate to a rummage sale if not claimed by December, 1986. Please call Caro. at
277-3843 if your child lost anything!
Summer Camp Recap
The Summer Program ended with a production of the "Wizard of Oz" to a full house
at Enfield School August 14. Over 110 children were registered with an ave-age
attendance of 80 throujjiout the entire summer: our summer staff was the greatest.
Special thanks to Rhona Connors, Molly Snyder and Dolly Clark who were essential to
the program being successful and worked for a pitance! Jodi Clark and Wendy Cole
volunteered all summer long and did a great job. Without these dedicated individuals
we would have had problems complying with Health Department regulations that were
imposed on municipal camps for the first time this year. Regulations by the Health
Department will prohibit use of the fireman's pond next year so no swim program is
being planned. A similar fate could face the summer camp without the continued
support of the community and "volunteers" such as Rhonda, Molly, Dolly, Jodi and
Wendy. We all owe them our special thanks.
Wanted! Wanted! Wanted!
Many members of the Enfield Community have talents that we would like to utilize
in our community programming. We would like to establish a directory so we can
contact you if your skills and talents could be utilized in our programs. Also if
you have administrative skills, typing, bookkeeping or just an interest in children
we may be able -to use you!
Return to Marnie Kirchgessner,
Please Print:
Any Special Degrees
191 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone No.
Times Available
The Enfield Community Council's Auction was a success. Thank you to everybody who
contributed and volunteered their time.
The Enfield Community Council sponsored Preschool is off to a great start this year.
We are planning trips to an apple orchard, hospital and fire department. A speaker from
the SPCA is also expected.
If you are interested in a copy of the Teen Babvsittinj List or would like to have
your name placed on it, please contact Carol Barriere at 277-3843. Carol is also the
Day Care Referral Aide for Enfield and has a list of names of people who provide Day
Notes from the Town Historian
1. Since requesting information from the public (in the last issue of the Enfield
News) about the oldest home in Enfield, little has been forth coming. I'm sure that some
of you readers have an opinion ???
2. If you have a house number, please see that it is displayed in a spot clearly
visible from the highway and use when requesting services. The display of the number
would certainly aid emergency personnel in locating your home if the need should arise.
If you don't have a number or don't know what it is - PLEASE - contact the Town Clerk.
She can direct you to the person responsible.
3. I plan to be at the Harvest Festival as usual.
Jack Hubbell
Town Historian
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary
The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary wishes to thank the community for their support in
donating cakes for our cake wheel during the carnival.
We are having a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, October 18th from 5 p.m, to 7 p.m.
at the Enfield Fire Station. Adults: $3.75, Children (6-12): $2.50, 5 years and under:
free. We hope to see everybody there.
Our new officers for 1987 are: President: Denise Simmons; Vice -President: Pam
Whittaker; Secretary: Linda Hubbell; Treasurer: Nan Lanning; Conductress: Sonja
Schreiber; Chaplain: Fern Ferris; Sunshine Fund: Ginny Townsend; Historian: Rhonda
If you are in in joining the Auxiliary, contact Linda Hubbell, 272-5034,
for more information,
News from Enfield Valley Grange
In August we had a picnic at Mabel Rumseys. It was well attended.
We welcome six new members: Paul Thorp, Jennifer Russell, George and Julia Holmes,
Jerry and Patricia Lilly.
This year one of our members, Hazel Rumsey Updike, now residing in New York City,
will be honored for her seventy-five years of membership in Enfield Valley Grange. She
is to be congratulated! She joined July 11, 1911.
Enfield Senior Citizens
The Seniors have finished the quilt. We are now selling raffle tickets on the
quilt. The winner will be picked on October 4th.
The Seniors will meet October 10 at the Grange Hall for lunch and slide show of
School Days. You may also sign up for the trip to Letchworth Park on October 15 at
this time. November meeting is on the 12th. We will have a Thanksgiving Dinner. The
Senior Council will be doing a Survey after the dinner. December meeting is a Christmas
#At A p
Buck Hill Buccaneers 4-H Club
We are now starting our fall projects. They include forestry and cooking. We
meet the second Thursday of every month. If you would like further information,
please contact Linda Gunning at 273-1588.
Kozy Krafters Home Bureau Unit
our group got off to a fine start this year. We completed many craft projects
including weaving an egg basket, stenciling, sewing a cross stitch tote and a picnic
basket. Lots of exciting projects are already planned for next year. For information
on joining, please contact Lura Arcangeli at 272-1333 or Wannetta McIlroy at 273-5296.
Enfield School PTA
The PTA meets monthly to coordinate activities between parents and teachers. We
also raise money for special items and programs as the need arises. This year we are
holding a Lasagna Dinner on Wednesday, November 5 at the school. Tickets will be
available by contacting the school at 274-2221.
Enfield Moto Park
Hare Scrambles will be held on September 28. The last event of the season will
be moto cross on November 2.
First Baptist Church of Enfield
Every autumn brings the excitement of a new school year, and a new program year
for the church. We welcome you to our worship, to our fellowship, and to our educational
This year's Christian Education program begins this morning with a joint program
for primary and secondary youth and adults. Our church education year will be divided
into five terms:
September through Thanksgiving (November 23)
Advent and Christmas (November 30 - December 21)
New Year's (starting December 28) until Lent (March 1)
Lent and Easter (March 8 through April 19), and
Easter until Pentecost (April 26 - June 7).
• Children up to (and including) 4th grade will be taught by Jessica Connors for
the first two terms (until Christmas) and youth 5th grade and up will be led by Jean
Owens in a youth choir. Once each month, generally on the last Sunday of the month,
the younger children will be sharing with the adults what they learn. In September,
the theme is Christian Living, and the specific topics will be prayer, giving and
helpfulness. In October, we will study the story of Joseph; in November, the celebra-
tion and history of Thanksgiving; and December, the traditions of Christmas. An adult
study group also meets weekly; please talk with the minister if you are interested in
joining it.
With the busy-ness of our daily lives and the demands of family and community,
it's often difficult to find a moment's peace. As you plan your activities for the
coming year, we invite you to make time for yourself, your spirtual life, and your
relationship with God. You'll find the time well worth the investment!
Rev. Cynthia N. Ikuta, 273-4696, minister
Bible Be tiet Churc Schools, 329 Connecticut Hill Road, 607-272-3779 6 272-9416
Bible Baptist Church has Sunday School sessions at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every Sunday,
and preaching services at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Continuing our emphasis on study of the
Bible, there is a study hour Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Greater Ithaca Activities
Center. On Thursday beginning at 5 and at 6 p.m. there is fellowship, study and prayer.
Every school day there is Monday, Tuesday, etc. school; featuring individualized
This fall also college level Bible courses are being offered by extension, with
• credit available through Liberty International Bible Center of Lynchburg, Virginia,
and also Peniel School of the Prophets and Seminary in Canton, Ohio. This is college
credit by extension, or for certificate (the certificate may qualify those who are
called to preach to obtain a license (locally)). Michael G. Amberge, Pastor
Agape Church
The church is being supplied by various pastors from the area while the search is
on for a full time pastor.
There will be a children's Halloween Party on October 25, all children welcome.
The Women's Missionary Society will have a White Elephant and bake sale table at the
Enfield Harvest Festival.
The cookbook project continues. Our cookbooks are available from the members.
Thank you to all who have already supported the sale of these books.
Church services of the week: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday evening, Bible study
For more information, contact Helen Smith at 273-1689.
From the Town Supervisor
The 1987 Enfield budget is being prepared. The services needed and demanded by
the community must be provided in a manner that is fair to all concerned. Budget is
more than arithmetic -- basic philosphies are involved. Replacing equipment and build-
ing maintenance are expensive but delaying such items is usually more costly. I feel
replacements and maintenance have been too long ignored. Salary is another knotty
problem. I feel that anyone elected to office should not have that salary increased
during their term. When I campaigned for Supervisor the salary was $3,825. Just days
before the election it was changed to $4,500. I could not change 1986 but I am pro-
posing that my second year be at $3,825... a small savings but in line with M
philosophy. The budget has provided for a Bookkeeper to the Supervisor so $3,825 is
adequate for the remaining duties of Supervisor.
Philosophy also plays a part in two other matters now being considered by the Town
Board. It has been proposed that the terms of Town Clerk and Highway Superintendent
be changed. The term of Town Clerk to be extended to 4 years and the position of
Highway Superintendent be changed from an elected office to an appointed position. I
OPPOSE BOTH CONCEPTS! Two years is a reasonable elected term and I feel it should
remain that way. (Both changes are subject to mandatory referendum.) There are many
facets to these matters. Please give it some thought and express your opinions to the
Town Board.
Progress Report: Enfield's application to establish a Fire District is being re-
submitt to New York State Comptroller. If it is approved, the Town will need some
practical and responsible people to comprise a Board of Fire Commissioners (UNPAID).
Anyone that is interested can get further details from an available handbook and from
Fire Commissioners serving in other communities. Please let me hear from you. 273-0462
after 5:00 Mon. - Fri. and anytime on weekends.
Supervisor Gray
• Building Permits
Remember although there is no zoning in Enfield, you must obtain a building
permit to build, remodel or convert property in Enfield. This includes moving a
trailer on to a lot even if it was previously occupied. Call Creg Kirchgessner,
Building Code Enforcement Officer, if you have any questions 272-2241. Applications
can be obtained from the Town Clerk, Shirley Holcomb, 421 Enfield Main Road..
Town Clerk Hours
The hours of our Town Clerk, Shirley Holcomb are Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 to
9:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 to 12:00. She may be called at 273-7259.
One-to-one Program
Be a Big Brother or Big Sister in the Ithaca Youth Bureau's One -to -One Pro dram.
One -to -One will match you with a child or teenager who needs your friendship an� will
give you training and support. Volunteers are especially needed for teens and rural
kids. Call 273-8364 and ask for One-to-one.
Foster Care
On Thursday night, October 23, 1986, the Tompkins County Department of Social
Services and Family and Children's Services Interim Families Program will sponsor a
community meeting on foster care in the Enfield School. The meeting will begin at 7:00
The aim of the meeting will be to present the needs of some of our young people
and their families to the community, to begin to build a network of recruiters who can
assist us in enlisting families who wish to become foster families, and to notify the
community of our need for stable, committed adults who can provide temporary care for
• Tompkins County children outside their own homes.
There are two agencies in the county involved in foster care placement. The
Tompkins County Department of Social Services must provide foster care for those who
qualify from birth to age 18. Interim families of Family and Children's Services is
a small, essentially voluntary placement program for adolescents and is generally
short-term in nature.
Both programs rely on the community for ideas, concern and support, as well as
for the provision of homes.
To those of you who are interested in any of these areas: please join us on
October 23.
_zing the glory of autumn into our souls
"e peace of Cod to our hearts
bow our heads in reverent grace
r the blessings this season brings.
Staff for the Enfield News - September, 1986:
Helen Jackson, 272-8624 & Alice Linton, 272-3919
• We are sorry, but the Business Directory was not included in this issue for
various reasons.
• E N F I E L D H A R V E S T F E S T I V A L
October 4, 1986 from 11 to 4 p.m. at the Enfield Grange, Route 327 in Enfield
Come see the 1864 CIVIL 14AR living history exhibit and demonstrations. Represented
will be the 148th Company E Volunteer Infantry.
Come join us for lunch at the Sampler Luncheon sponsored by the Enfield Baptist
Church. There will also be baked goods (including those beautiful cupcakes),
hot pretzels and cotton candy.
Take a look around and see the crafts, displays, petting zoo and more. Take a
chance on the beautiful, hand quilted, Senior Citizens quilt along with several
pillows. Feeling tired from all that looking and walking? Spend a few minutes
on the hayride. Before you leave for home, be sure to take your chance on
the cake wheel (we really need your cake donations - please call Carol at
• Hope to see you all there!
A T T•E N T I 0 N T E E N A G E R S
Bring in the ghosts and goblins at the Halloween Dance at the Enfield School
Friday, October 31st from 9:00 - 11:30 p.m. Music, refreshments and surprises.
$1.50 admission. Wear a costume and get in for $1.00.
Bring all your friends fora real good time.
Sponsored by: Enfield Community Council and Enfield Ladies Auxiliary.
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