HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1986 Januaryr� u ENE15LD :\'EL'VS Sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, Inc. January, 1986 Funded by the Tompkins County United Way ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL WINTER PROGRAMS 1986 Afterschool Recreation Program The Afterschool Recreation Program is to begin February 10, 1986 and we are expanding to offer gymnastics classes on Mondays. We are asking all children participating in this program on Mondays to realize the gym activity for Monday will be gymnastics with a tentative schedule of: 2:00 - 2:30 5 & 6 & 7 years old 2:30 - 3:15 7 & 8 & 9 years old 3:15 - 4:00 10 & 11 years old 4:00 - 5:00 11 and up (some modification may be made on ability and size of class) - Your child may just participate in this activity buy you must be responsible for transportation. Shelby Tedesco will teach these sessions. The Town of Enfield received a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts administered by the Tompkins County Decentralization Program. This money is being used to provide art lessons to participants in the afterschool program on • Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:15. Patty Potter will conduct the first two sessions and will include work with clay and pastels (chalk). These lessons are made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts administered bZ the Tompkins County Decentralization Program. This is the first time Enfield has received such an award and we hope to have evidence of the benefits of our accomplishment at our annual recital. The Enfield Parent Teacher Organization has reorganized into a PTA and intends to continue to offer programs for ten weeks on Wednesdays. More details are available through the school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the program will continue as in past semesters. We hope to offer a special science program for those interested students. Details will be .sent home with students from school. Sonja Schreiber (272-9343) who has been helping out in the program is the parent contact for this activity. Ms. Diane DeAugistine, 1st grade teacher at Enfield, continues as our Director. Our thanks to them both. Gymnastics: with Gail Schlussel, Wednesdays for preschoolers and young children. 5:00 to 5:30 ages 3 to 4 5:30 to 6:00 ages 5 to 6 Dance Movement: Gail Schlussel, Wednesdays 6:00 to 6:45 ages 7 to 9 -Jazz dance and gymnastics combinations 6:45 to 7:30 ages 10 and up -Jazz dance and gymnastics combinations Janet Bronson is the parent contact for the above two classes (277-1352). a LJ EN-2 Guitar Lessons: 1/2 hour private or semi -private lessons We do have openings. Lessons are on Tuesdays with Christopher Burruto. Although we have to charge for this program, special consideration will be given if your child is interested. Please call Mary Cole, the parent contact, at 273-8261 to register. Piano Lessons: 1/2 hour private lessons Tuesdays Fred Meads is the teacher and on Wednesdays and Thursdays Connie Stirling. There are openings. To register call Alice Linton, 272-3919. Basketball: We are looking for more adults. Kenny Smith can be contacted at 273-1689 for more information. Volleyball continues on Thursdays from 7:45 to 9:15. New participants are always welcome. Slimnastics: Janet Bronson is offering a slimnastics program at the school Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 independent of the Enfield Community Council. She uses the Nancy Strong Method and can be contacted at 277-9352. Donations: To help insure the future of our programs, we ask for a $2.00 donation for youth programs and a $5.00 donation for adult programs. This donation is for the whole semester. We do not turn anyone away who cannot pay. • Parent -Toddler Group: An Enfield Community Council sponsored Parent -Toddler Group will begin February 11, 1986 at Marnie Kirchgessner's, 191 Enfield Main Road, 8:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This is a get acquainted meeting to discuss the needs and wants of the group. All parents of young children are invited. Call 272-2241 during the day for more information. Enfield Youth Grou�: Come on teens. Come check out the Enfield Youth Group. Last year we had a big spaghetti dinner, went camping, went to movies, had car washes, etc. We can do almost anything! -- It's up to you teens! -- So bring lots of ideas! We meet at Enfield School Tuesday nights 7:00-9:00 p.m. Let's make 1986 an exciting, action packed year for the Enfield Youth Group. Call Joann Smith at 272-4328 for more information. Enfield Community Council Preschool: The Preschool meets Tuesdays and ' hursdays from 8:30 to 11:00 at the Enfield Fire Station. Our teacher is Elizabeth Saggese and the children range in age from 2 1/2 to 5. We are a parent co-operative and at this time there are no openings. For more information or to be put on a waiting list, call Carol Barriers 277-3843. Enfield DaV Care Referral Aide: I am the Day Care Referral Aide thru the Day Care Council of Tompkins County, Inc. If you would like to register with the Day Care Council to provide Day Care in Enfield, please call Carol Barriers at 277-3843. If you need Day Care, I have a list of names of people who provide Day Care. -2- 0 EN - 3 Enfield Community Council Fund Raiser: As a non-profit organization we have an opportunity to make $1.00 for every $300.00 worth of tapes we turn in to the 'i OPS TAPE -SAVER PROGRAM. Please save your cash register tapes from TOPS and turn them in to any of the officers of the Enfield Community Council by May 30th. Or just call and we'll make arrangements to pick them up. This fund raiser will be used to help with the printing costs of your Enfield News Letter. Thanks for your help. Teen Babysittinq List: The following is a list of teenagers who babysit in the Enfield area: P'arlo Capoccia, 568 Enfield Center Road 272-3466, age 14 Laurie Davenport, 169 VanDorn Road 273-8877, age 13 Wayde Whittaker, 2068 Mecklenburg Road 273-0467, age 16 These were the only calls I received from teens. If you would like to be added to the list, please call, Carol Barriere, 277-3843. ***SPRING TONIC IN YOUR MOLASSES BOTTLE*** (A Nutritious Sweetner) . Molasses has been around since the indians introduced it to Christopher \ Columbus. Why do we know so little about a "National Treasure"? It was considered such a necessity to colonists that it was decreed by our founding fathers that to each person, a maintenance of 320 quarts of molasses to each family per year. They believed it purifies your blood and flushes winter starches out of the system. Also they might have used a bit in making home brew!?: If colonial people could use all that much - that's almost a quart a day, it seems like we could use this nutritious liquid to our benefit. So, get your recipe books out and enjoy. They used a mixture of sulpher and molasses for a spring tonic; anybody know the recipe? Ordinary molasses has a high source of minerals and vitamins - rich in iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins E and B. "DID YOU KNOW" -Enfield is six miles square - a (total of 85 miles of public roads. -Route 327 is the shortest route in mileage on the New York State map. -We have no zoning Laws. -This is the first year the Town of Enfield has been split for election of county representation. -This is the first time a woman has been elected Town Supervisor in Enfield. -There were 44 known new births 1n the town in 1985. -3- 0 EN-4 ENFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Election Results for 1986 Chief Denny Hubbell (7th consecutive year) 1st Asst. Chief Larry Stilwell 2nd Asst. Chief Art Covert Captain Roger Lauper 1st Lieut. Marty Schreiber 2nd Lieut. Wayne Snyder Rescue Captain Terry Manheim Fire Police Captain Charlie Sheffield Fire Investigation Captain George Palmer President Dominic Seamon (12th consecutive year) Vice -President Jake Smithers Treasurer Brad Connors Financial Secretary Bill Eisenhardt Recording Secretary Charlie Sheffield 4 Year Board of Director - George Palmer Annual Report TOTAL CALLS for 1985 was 112. There were 52 fire calls, 43 personal related rescue calls and 17 motor vehicle accidents. A total of 7,157 manhours were spent within the fire department. That's an average of 250 hours per man. Awards were • given to the top three members for hours spent in the fire department. They were in order Jim Whittaker, Marty Schreiber and Wayne Snyder. An award was also presented to Larry Stilwell as he completed 20 years of consecutive service to the fire department and became a Life Member of the Enfield Val. Fire Company. Greg Kirchgessner, Larry Stilwell, George Palmer, Roy Barriers and Wayne Snyder recently completed the E.M.T. refresher course at TC-3. However, they are still awaiting their test results. Other members attending TC-3 at the present time to become certified Emergency Medical Technicians are Terry Manheim, Roger Laue, Larry Lanning, Marty Schreiber, Jim Whittaker and Chris Westerburg. If all these members pass their basic and refresher courses we will have 12 certified E.M.T.'s. In early February the fire department hopes to take delivery of a new fire truck. The truck is a 1985 Ford F-8000, powered by a 210 horsepower Catepillar diesel. It is equipped with a 250 gallon per minute pump and a 1,250 gallon tank. The truck is being built by Saulsbury Fire Equipment of Tully, !law York. The fire department also purchased in late August a 1967 American LaFrance custom pumper. This truck new would sell for over $100,000.00. The fire department bought it and the members totally refurbished it for under $20,000.00. The truck was placed in service in November. A great effort by the members and a great savings to the taxpayer. The project at present is the refurbishing and construction of a 1968 Army Truck into a grass and brush fire -fighting vehicle. This project should be completed before spring arrives. -4- EN-5 This past summer construction of a 30' x 40' storage building was completed behind the fire station. The building was erected on funds raised at the carnival. This building was needed to temporarily house seasonal used equipment until a decision can be made on construction of a new fire station or renovating and add- ing on to the present one. This summer also saw the completion of step one of our planned hydrant system from the pond. A 6 inch water main pipe was laid from the pond behind the fire station to a hydrant just north of the storage building. The work was done by Ralph Carpenter, Jr. This hydrant will assure us of a reliable water source year round. BOYSCOUTS OF AMERICA: PACK 50 OF ENFIELD Thanks to the sponsorship of the Enfield PTO last September, PACK 50 established three Dens. DEN #1: Bonnie Turesik, Den Leader Lanny Clark, Assistant Den Leader With 8 Cub Scouts participating. DEN 62: Jim Housworth, Den Leader With 8 Cub Scouts participating. DEN 63: George May, Den Leader With 5 Wobelos participating, The PACK program for October centered around pirates and November's program encum- passed Presidents of the United States. In December the PACK participated in the annual Bowl-A-Ree, a fund raiser to support the unit program. During January the Dens are building their soap box derby cars and will compete against each other at the PACK meeting on January 28th. If you would like to join PACK 50, or would like more information, call Teresa Manheim, our Committee Chairman, at 387-6765. George May Cubmaster for PACK 50 Enfield News Staff: Call us with news, ads, articles, suggestions, complaints, etc. Helen Jackson (272-8624), Alice Linton (272-3919), Teresa Manheim (387-6765). � J AJJ -5- • L_J SENIOR CITIZENS All Enfield Seniors over 55 are invited to attend a dish to pass luncheon the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Grange Hall, 12:30 P.M. In September we had a speaker on crime prevention, in October our speaker told about weatherizing your home, in November our speaker was on drugs and your prescrip- tions and in December we had a very nice Christmas party. In February we are having a speaker from R.S.V.P. to speak on income taxes. The Seniors are working on a quilt and also on the trips for next Summer. BUCK HILL BUCCANEERS 4-H CLUB We're still meeting on the 1st Thursday of every month for our monthly meetings. In December we had our Christmas Party at Judy and Jimmy Clarks with a sledding party, hot chocolate, goodies and gifts. Our club had been doing forestry and outdoor cooking on Saturday mornings from August till December. We're going to resume these when the weather breaks. Right now we're doing sewing on Wednesday nights and working on demonstrations on Saturday mornings. We have 17 very active members. Some of our members are also involved in Program Development Committees. As you can see, we're a very active group. ENFIELD SCHOOL PTA In November we held a lasagna dinner to raise money for our after school program, Thanks go to all who helped with this. EN -6 BOY SCOUTS - TROOP 50 There are 12 boys in the troop working on different skills to earn their awards and badges. The boys are now finding sponsors for their bowl-a-thon that will take place in February. The money they raise will go toward camping equip- ment. The Troop is now under leadership of Lee Griffin and Roger Hubbard. These men will be leaving this next month after many years of working with the boys. We appreciate their time and energy. These boys need a leader if this Troop is to continue. If anyone is interested in being a scout leader, please call Donna Laue at 272-8035. BROWNIE TROOP A Brownie Troop will be starting soon. If you didn't sign up earlier in the school year, phone Teresa Hanheim at 387-6765. AMATEUR ASTRONOMY CLUB A club organizational meeting of all interested in amateur astronomy will be held in February at the Enfield School. This meeting will be to gauge interest and enthusiasm for formation of an ongoing club, and if warranted, set meeting times and dates along with other business. Please call Scott Anderson (272-2059) for exact time and date of this first We were able to sponsor both roller meeting. skating and ice skating trips this fall, along with a cartooning class. An �' irs after school science class is now being planned also. The Annual Fun Fair is scheduled irR for Sunday, May 18. Mark your calendars 1 now! EN - 7 NEW AND FUN THINGS TO DO Enfield Home Bureau: Lure Arcangeli would like to start a group in our community. If interested, call her at 272-1333. Beginners Crocheting. Knitting 6 Cross -Stitch Class: The Enfield Community Council will be setting up this new class if we have enough interested parties. For more information please call Teresa Manheim at 387-6765. Enfield Coupon Club: Anyone interested in a group to trade coupons, forms, and qualifiers call Teresa Manheim at 387-6765 or drop a post card to her at R.D.#l, liken Road, Box 318, Trumansburg, New York 14886. MONEY SAVERS ------------------------------------------ The Enfield Area has several gifted artists and crafts persons. The Enfield Community Council would like to sponsor some of these activities for adults if there is enough interest. Please respond by returning the following form to ECC, 191 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Name Phone Address I would like to see the Enfield Community Council sponsor the following activities: _Art Classes Craft Classes (specifically _ —Parent Training -'--Speakers on the following topics TC3 Classes _Dance Lessons —Cooking Other I would be willing to contribute $ towards this activity. (Programs would be free whenever possible.) The best time for this type of activity for me is -7- EN - d FROM THE TOWN SUPERVISOR As my term begins, please accept my thanks for this opportunity to serve Enfield with our elected and appointed officials. We welcome your input. Come to a Town Board meeting; let us hear your concerns. Town Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Town Hall. Elected Officials: Councilman Roger Lope Councilman Robert Scofield Councilman Larry Lanning Councilman Robert Linton Town Clerk Shirley Holcomb Highway Superintendent Carlton Thall Town Justice Robert Bock Town Justice Jake Smithers County Board Rep. - Enfield Dist. 4'1 Daniel Winch County Board Rep. - Enfield Dist. #2 James Mason Appointed Officials: Fire 6 Building Code Inspector Edward Hughes Fire S Building Code Inspector Gregory Kirchgessner Election Custodian James Bailey Election Custodian Martin Schreiber Town Historian M. Clyde Hubbell Town Attorney Shirley Egan Health and Happiness in 1986, • Etta Cray, Town Supervisor IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT: In 1985 the State of New York passed a new State Law changing the date for assessment administration in the State. On December 3, 1985, Tompkins County's Charter and Code was amended to conform with these new dates. The keydates for residents of Enfield are as follows: March 1 -- All applications for exemptions such as a Senior Citizen or agriculture exemption must be filed. This is a change from May 1. Third Tuesday in May -- Grievance Day for the County Board of Assessment Review (Local advisory boards will meet during the week prior to this day). If you have any questions regarding the affect of this change on you, contact the Tompkins County Assessment Department. ***** In December, 1985 the Enfield Town Board moved to create a fire district in the Town of Enfield. Once established, the Town Board must appoint Fire Commissioners within ten days. For this reason, the Iown Board is accepting resumes from anyone who is interested in such a position. Questions should be directed to Roger Laos at 272-8035. Please send resumes to Enfield Town Hall, 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. * Needed -- TOWN OF EYF IELll DOG ENNDPD:RATOR * * For details call: Etta Gray 272-0462 * r' * Shirley Holcomb 273-7259 -8- 0 EN - 9 DISTRICT 8 BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Hello. 1986 is upon us and time seems to pass quickly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the voters that cast ballots in November in the Board of Reps District 8 race. Marnie Kirchgessner took the majority in Enfield - which would be expected. However, with the combined totals from Newfield and Enfield I was the declared winner. With the election passed, I hope that you do realize that I will represent all of District 8 in Enfield and Newfield. 1986 will be a very interesting year for the Board of Representatives. We will be facing a major loss of funding, due to Federal Revenue Sharing Fund cutbacks. The landfill/solid waste disposal system in Tompkins County will also be in the forefront of our minds. Of course other major issues will surface. I am looking forward to working with your new Town Supervisor, Etta Gray and the Town Board. It is my intention to attend as many Enfield Town Board meetings as possible. I wish to have as much input from the constituents as possible. You can usually contact me at home evenings at 564-7813. May 1986 be as healthful and prosperous to you. Daniel M. Winch District 8 Board of Reps The Department of Social Services will be showing a slide show and tape of all of their services just prior to the March 1st Food Distribution at the Baptist Church in Enfield Center. The time will be at 3:30 p.m, with the food distribution • to start at 4:00 p.m. Please make a special effort to come see this presentation of services and meet Commissioner Mary Pat Dolan. Historic Ithaca has established a Rural Preservation Company that provides free technical advice to anyone attempting to rehabilitate or restore old housing. Additionally they are attempting to survey the area for possible establishment of a Rural Preservation District by documenting the number of old dilapidated and deteriorating properties in the Town of Enfield. Call Don Carrol at 273-6633, Historic Ithaca, with questions. 0 EN - 10 AP.EA CHURCHES Aaape Bible Church The Women's Missionary Society is compiling a cookbook of recipes of members and friends of the church and invites anyone who would care to, contribute a favorite recipe. The book will go to press April 1. Funds from the cookbook sale will support the church missionaries and help furnish the church kitchen. Contact Helen Smith if you have a question 273-1689. Services of the week: Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Wed. 7:00 p.m. Enfield Baptist Church "This is the roof, this is the steeple; look inside, and see all the people..." The people of the Enfield Baptist Church welcome everyone to join us! Join us for worship -- a lively, friendly time for remembering what's most important in life. A time for catching up with friends. A time to experience God's love in the smiles and understanding of other people. Worship is at 11:00. Children worship with their parents for the first part of the service, and then go to special classes of their own. We especially have a lot of younger children now -- others would be most welcome! Do you remember getting a special dress or hat for Easter? Don't be "all dressed up with nowhere to go"! Join us in our Lent and Easter worship. This may not be New Orleans, but we'll have a special "Mardi Gras" celebration, with a pancake supper and party to kick off Lent on Tuesday, February 11, from 5:00-7:00 at the • Grange Hall. (Come for pancakes, sausage, and eggs for $3.50, or just join us for the Mardi Gras party afterwards.) And, of course, we'll have special services for Easter -- following an Easter Egg hunt with light refreshments at 10:00. Do you ever wish you could get help with real life problems? Coping with (God bless them!) teenagers? Now to say "yes" to your children -- how to encourage them, comfort them, support them? And how to say "no" with love? How to convey values about sex and other moral issues? How to help them learn to make good decisions for themselves? All parents are invited to a study group at the Pastor's house (858 Bostwick Rd.) for a time of Bible study, support, fellowship, and discussion, Monday evenings at 7:30. And don't forget the Food Distribution, our joint project with the Enfield ;iethodist Church, Saturday afternoons at 4:00. Anyone who can use a little extra food help is welcome to participate. The church is people. People who are imperfect, but forgiven. People who are trying to serve God. People who want to serve one another and our other Enfield neighbors. If we can help you in any way, please give us a call. Rev. Cynthia Ikuta 273-4696 -10- • EM - 11 Enfield United Methodist Church Enfield United Methodist Church has begun a year full of hope and promise in good things from God. We are excited about our growth in attendance at our worship services at 11:00 A.M. Sundays. We have begun an interesting Adult Bible Class following the church service in addition to our Sunday School for grades K-6 at 10:00 A.M. We want to extend an invitation to all people to join us if you do not have a church home. Also if you need transportation please call Pastor Judy White and let her know. (607-546-7856). We are planning a Covered Dish Dinner after the morning worship on February 23rd at :loon, followed by an old fashioned hymn sing. Everyone is invited to join us to share in God's love in fellowship. There will be a white elephant sale at our next United Methodist Women's meeting Thursday, February 20th at Helena Schaber's, 7:30. The UMW are also planning a Roast Beef/Oyster Supper at Enfield Grange, May loth. Looking toward the Lent and Easter season, we will be having a Good Friday Service at 7:00 P.M. and a special Easter Service, Easter Sunday, March 30, at 11:00 A.M. We hope to make our church a place of fellowship so you can say: "I walked into the chapel a stranger. I shared song, prayers and feelings with those around me. And when I walked out, I was among friends! Anne Joyce Davidson. • "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20. Come, we would love having you be a part of our fellowship in Christ. Rev. Judy D. White, Pastor + * • • • • • s • • s • • • • • • s CLASSIFIEDS * * • x • ,t e a • • + • • • + POSITIONS WANTED: Two hard working 12 year old girls. Working together at any job such as, house cleaning, shoveling snow, yard work, babysitting and other odd jobs. For more information call Mary -Ellen Jackson at 272-8624 or Jessica Connors at 273-8268. Call on weekdays after 4:00. Enfield family wants caregiver to come to their home; 4 days a week; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Salary negotiable. If interested call 272-5826. Let's try a communitv aaraxe sale. Everybody do their own garage sale on May 17. This would bring more people to the area if they knew there were several garage sales in Enfield. For further advertising you must do your own. If you have any items that do not sell, we would appreciate them donated for the Enfield Community Council summer auction. -11- C 0 -J Jon Hammond EN - 1' Kyle Adams L, Mery Hammond Heating & Plumbing 1700 Trumansburg Rd. Ithaca, N.Y. 14B5O 277-3154 Red Jacket Water Pumps Lifetime warranty against corrosion on submersible pumps and a 5 yr. warranty on motor. Deep well and shallow well have a 5 yr. warranty on motor. Bude rus Cast Iron Boilers L.P.gas, Nat.gas, Coal, Wood and Oil Buderus water heaters to go along with our boiler or yours. Riello oil or gas replacement burners with damper inside to stop heat loss. State Water Heaters L.P.gas, Nat.gas, Electric Bard Hot Air Furnaces oil B gas Delta Faucets -Ai r Jet All Fuel Chimneys Side Wall Power Uenters Kohler Plumbing Products Liberty Sump Pumps We Do All Kinds Of Plumbing Installations and Repairs Furnace Cleanings & Repairs _' 24 Hour Service We will open up the shop to help you. MI BfUCE FELLOWS 11 r �M NAM a'I o � S Katy Tuttom Applegate Road 273-8070 • HONEY Larry Saulagiver 464 Enfield Center Road 272-2135 STAN RUMSEY Precision Machining 6 Mfg. 1514 Mecklenburg Road 272-4447 ENFIELD BUSINESS DIRECTORY C.KCu.L.RIIONi,000 //# p49c ........ tv 9. 00 lit P.,e ........ 01g.00 Full pa. .. #_;5.00 Phone 3 3 7 - 67Gs 11 EN - 13 ♦+++i+*+#+++i*♦i+ii Wind idat i y� IYr��r�0n 1rV. w_ + . -�..ta i ♦y T f + i ♦ + + i B.D. IS. 129 UJ l Ea<.W Rd. Newfield. N.Y. 14e67 ♦ RMIS - PROMOTIONS - SALES Bob Wfl.", PW- 607-273,52% + HONEY Nancy purater 272-7634 CHARLES HUBBELL General Contractor Harvey Hill Road 272-6808 POOLS FILLED for all your water hauling needs J.T. Smith 273-1689 ENFIELD GUN SHOP Sim Manheim Tcumbulls Corners Road 273-7648 LOYLVLEE BEAUTY SALON Helen Jackson Enfield Center 272-9624 EN -14 IP)Yldy's-ropieaJ '-I i�sk fP&Pe--fSufoies� Sob Er.FiN Id MafnSllwIto_ ."19199Q3 (-.I 0 0 m -} i We now have a complete line of salt water fish and supplies. We have p ul c N over 200 varieties of tropical fish to choose from at everyday low prices,, ' C Take advantipp of our co-ylate apuarium set u's (Special) m a p" 10 gal, complete silt up $ 23.99 0 gal. complete set up $107.99 ,0 Bal, complete set up $159.9� Includes stand 6 full flor. hood _ v 1 �� 35 gal, hez set up $229. 19 e 33 c BBOZEN FOODS - Brine Shrimp, Krill, Plankton, Beefhart � I I ` e GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE -B 3 j The- (Acme. of Care Cond1tio ned-"Or"O-I Sti l ©UO,{ity Cyva.ro_n7te.d_Ntalthy �� MUNN'S MRKET 273 -2945 GPEm 9 DOS S fim M 8 P .I L :car. :r • • 0 LN -15 The Television Clinic Box 180 607-272-2059 Enfield Main Rd. (across from the fire station) General Practice All Makes & Models Serviced House calls by appointment walk-ins anytime Scott Anderson J 2Z2-1333 SOVAN ARCANGGELZ LW N n • ENFIELD BUSINESS DMECTOV ENFIEIII TOWN CLEHR WILLOWWOOD CAMPSITES, LTD. Shirley Holcomb Family Campsites 28 Rockwell Road Mon, Tuea 6 Thurs 5:30-9p.m. 272-6087 Sat. 9 - 5 TROPICAL FISH 6 SUPPLIES MR. M. AUTO SERVICES: Paint, Enfield Main Road BodyWork 6 Collision Repair M, T, W : 5-9 p.m. M, Marty Schreiber Sat. + Sung 11-5 272-9343 Andy Kraft 272-7903 NAN'S BEAUTY SHOP BILL LANDON 1567 Mecklenburg Road Masonry 6 Remolding Nan Lanning 1891 Mecklenburg Road 272-2414 272-3374 KUMO'S COUNTRY RESTAURANT 0 Rock 6 Roll Country Disco Mecklenburg Road 277-1800 LOUIE SAN SOUCIE HILLENDALE GOLF COURSE Welding Applegate 4 Podunk Road Hayts Road 387-9268 273-2363 EAGLE ELECTRONICS SERVICE RALPH CARPENTER, JR TV 6 FM TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS Bulldozer Work Rodolfo A. Strobelt 139 Applegate Road 332 Aiken Road 277-4864 387-6414 SANDY CREEK MOBILE HOMES CARES BY LINDA 2068 Mecklenburg Road Linda Stilwell Ithaca, N.Y. 14650 Enfield Main Road 273-1623 277-0764 MARYANNE'S UPHOLSTERY THE PRINCESS SHOPPE Enfield Center Ceramics and Wedding Service Ithaca, N.Y. Halseyvill Ed., Ithaca, N.Y. 272-1710 273-4884 AUTO Willis JOHNNY'S WHOLESALE SERVICE Doug Willis 56 So. Applegate Road Rotberminh Road 272-6261 TOHN NENO 272-2072 Best Wishes For a Successful New Year 01 EN - 15 L r r elis �rr FIT 79 MECKLENBURG ROAD (607) 277-I e00 �/ ITHACA, NY 14850 r rgo r It ♦ �r� r�r•7rIf 9P t� yrfy IV ♦t SUN 1 MON 1 rue 1 WE* 1 rHu 1 FAI SAT The Sweetheart Dance is on 14 February this year,that's a Friday with Slow & Easy .I(My � playing. As last year weer hoping for lots of couples. Cover is $2 singles and $3 (1 AV wi for couples(male, female only). Drinks will be buy one regular price get second one a,A PAIEIVO.f' at half price, so bring your favorite lady to this big party. We have had many re- cw""T"Y +swe quest for a KUMA Club Card. This card would include addmission to all shows, bands, 6lrftia n7 Parr' and other activities at Kumas without any other charge. It would also include a big C/y �� anc th b bi the a Kuma once a year party on us, a free bottle of champagne on a mein ers r ay, shirt, and discount on parties, receptions, banquets. Cyst approx.5125 a year. ???? Mardi-Sres % D� 3 t�......'+- 3 cWuY y w.xl„ g,,.. s d'�'" //Ne.J�-P++✓ -P...L P-A.ye,- qrY °"� ry1..,. Ku"A a of-p,Es S Fps M S1.i its to be e out Seen you'll (� r/�gypp O EVERY 6rovr.d l+e5 Awtf level, � ® l.<, zu•P i.scd, j R�t.M�s °ay Ausie wswfl' s D T E 9 p E s B3�RLEs// ye.2 r NIGHT•al.c--VaIofines A q >r s aetheerTV14 ;rls -rAl,(^5n.1 oM SqU� g..g, e..�i..c:. �,,,,.�c..la �, D>Y� r • cl./+M p•9� IW AV Y COQ#TRr SAND qo+ /AM fwejAf Cl M cdat UNAsYON Llnc°it%.a Ct .t ME a S14OL')$?---_---- k �T BgN1 J RYRwr lfi c/ALr 8\Tt1+d6Y c S T /� W, 17 8 !9 Roy.a Z Ovti F .21 r .2 n y,f�"�,,,,.. , «� ,� BurS�rs 1 ,1w R x✓"' NE AV Y v y �D FNtc �Ri yti LA it T15T c A i ti L Bit 11.vn s pS NGrw _ 9Pw, _ RZ P;tchcr5 ,r,R .t f Kamp'! c %s g/rJly rr2 j �� a 8 C' s r M1 N �\a n e Orr °� S�eN/S 11 Q �rf i15H tRY 4-1 a T �,y��/ RR y 94N N O 9 1i rO; 4P 91, W11EN IT COMES -TO CA14C114eWAM YNE ONEJ WHEN 1T COMES TO BANQUETS, ItECEPTIOH5,PAATIESJTH1!(k %<UKRS