HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 1985 SeptemberE NFIEL D NEWS Sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, Inc. September, 1985 Enfield Community Council, Inc. is an incorporated non-profit organization for all Enfield Residents. Our purpose is to support or directly sponsor recreational, cultural, and instructional activities right here in the community for all ages. We are always in need of volunteers for our programs and fundraisers and all ideas and suggestions are welcome. Meetings are open to everyone. Please call Carol at 277-3843 for any information. Enfield Community Council Fall Programs 1985 AFTERSCHOOL J'CREATIOH PROG�itj The E.C. ., together w the Enfield Parent Teacher Organization, is in the process of expanding our afterschool recreation program from 2-5 p.m. at Enfield School. There will be more information coming soon. If anyone would like to volunteer their services or offer suggestions, they are moat welcome. We ARE in need of helpers for the afterechool program. Call Carol Barriers 277-3843 for more information. SOCCER There seems to be a growing interest in soccer this year. If anyone is interested in forming a soccer program or joining one, please call 277-3843. YOUTH PROGRAMS: (Pre -registration required) GYMNASTICS: Due to the large enrollment last semester 1n the 3-4 and 5-6 year old groups, we are now offering gymnastics for those ages on 2 nights. The classes will be limited in size, so please call early to register. - Gymnastics: Tuesdays (starts October 8) Teacher: Shelby Tedcsco. Shelby taught Dance Class for us the last 2 semesters and 1s now taking over a major part of our Gymnastics Program. She trained at the Dance Arta Center of Bristol, CT in Ballet, Acrobatics, Jazz and Tap Dance for 8 years,at Gymnastics School for Girls, West Hartford, CT for 3 years, and at Gymnastics Unlimited, Plainville, CT for 6 years. Shelby has been teaching since her junior year in high school. Currently, Shelby is a Junior at Cornell majoring in City and Racial Planning. Classes are as follows: 4:00 - 4:30 ages 8-9 5:30 - 6:00 ages 5-7 4:30 - 5:00 ages 10-11 6:00 - 7:00 ages I1 and up 5:00 - 5:30 ages 3-4 To register for classes, please call Carol Barriers at 277-3843. Gymnastics: Wednesdays (starts October 9) Teacher: Gail Schlussel. Gail has danced for 13 years. She has performed and choreographed dances for school productions in Jericho, NY, For 5 years she competed in and instructed gymnastics, She was involved in aerobics at SUNY at Binghamton and Ithaca Fitness and taught Slimnastics in Jericho. Currently, Gail is a senior at Cornell in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. She is planning to continue her education and go on to Law School. Classes are as follows: 5:00 - 5:30 ages 3-4 5:30 - 6:00 ages 5-6 To register for classes, please call Carol Barriers at 277-3843. • .1 DANCE: This semester we are expanding our dance program. We will be offering a wide variety of dances to help meet the interests of our boys and girls. Please call early to register for classes. Dance: Wednesdays (starts October 9) Teacher: Gail Schlussel (same as Wednesday gymnastics) 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dance - Jazz age 7-10 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Dance - Jazz age 11 and up Dance: Thursdays (starts October 3) Teacher: Lori Elkind. Lori has danced for 15 years. She studied at the Maywood School of Dance and Coupe Dance Studio in Spring Valley, NY in ballet, points, tap, and jazz. She danced professionally in the Nutcracker Suite for 3 consecutive years during high school along with doing several other performances. She has taught aerobics at Sport-o-rams Health Club, Currently, Lori is a Junior at Cornell majoring in apparel design and business management. Classes are as follows: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Dance Movement age 4-6 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Introduction to Ballet age 7-10 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Ballet age 11 and up MUSIC: Piano: 1/2 hour private lessons Tuesday: Teacher: Fred Meads. Please call Alice Linton 272-3919 to register. Wednesday, Thursday: Teacher: Connie Stirling. Please call Helen Jackson 272-8624 to register. • Guitar: 1/2 hour private lessons Tuesday: Teacher: Christopher Burruto. Christopher, an English and Anthro- pology major, is a recent graduate from Albany State and is currently working as a substitute teacher. He has been playing guitar for 7 years and during that time has played with various Rochester based jazz and rock groups. Please call Carol Barriers 277-3843 to register. **** Important Note **** It is very important to pre -register this year. Class size and interest determines what classes will be held. If there are any questions or problems about a class, please call Carol at 277-3843. ADULT PROGRAMS: (pre -registration is helpful) Basketball: (Mondays 7:30 - 9:00) Starts October 7. Leader: Brian Durfee Call Brian at 273-3013 to register. Slimnastics: (Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:00) Starts October 9. Leader: Gail Schlussel Call Debbie Ketchum at 272-0627 to register. Dancercise: (Thursdays 7:00 - 7:45) Starts October 3. Leader: Lori Elkind Call Debbie Ketchum at 272-0627 to register. Volleyball: (Thursdays 7:45 - 9:15) Starts October 3. Leader: Melinda Durfee Call Melinda at 273-3013 to register. CPR: Time and place not set yet. Call Carol 277-3843 for more information. Donations: To help insure the future of our programs, we ask for a $2.00 donation for youth programs and a $5.00 donation for adult programs. This donation is for the whole semester. We do not turn anyone away who cannot pay. -2- THE ENFIELD YOUTH GROUP The Enfield Youth Group is still going strong.' We have a faithful group of 10-15 teens who met all through the summer and will continue meeting during the school year.. Early in the summer, we cleaned the Enfield Grange Hall, and, so far, we have had two car washes and a spaghetti dinner to raise money for activities. We have gone camping and to the movies, and plan to have an overnight soon and to rent some movies on some nights. We are kicking around lots of ideas and are always open to more. We'd like to thank everyone who has helped us out so far, especially Carol Barriere, our parents, the Enfield Community Council, the Firemen, the Grange, etc... Thanx! Any teens interested in joining the Enfield Youth Group can contact Joanne Smith, 294 Enfield Main Road, 272-4328. ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESCHOOL The Preschool meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:00 at the Enfield Fire Station. Our teacher is Elizabeth Saggese and the children range in age from 2 1/2 to 5. We are a parent co-operative and at this time there are no openings. For more information or to be put on a waiting list, call Carol Barriere 277-3843, PARENT -TODDLER GROUP The Community Council would like to reestablish a parent -toddler play group in Enfield. This group would meet one day a week (probably Tuesday 9 to 11). The location could be at the home of one of the members or might rotate between members. If interested in joining or for more information call Mamie Kirchgessner at 272-2241. ENFIELD DAY CARE REFERRAL AIDE I am the Day Care Referral Aide thru the Day Care Council of Tompkins County, Inc. If you would like to register with the Day Care Council to provide Day Care in Enfield, please call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. If you need Day Care, I have a list of names of people who provide Day Care. TEEN BABYSITTING LIST I am in the process of reorganizing our teen babysitting list. If you would like your name back on the list or your name added, call Carol at 277-3843. ENFIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL We are in need of donations of homemade chili, soup, cakes, hot dogs and hot dog rolls, and apple cider for the Festival Saturday, October S. Please call Carol Barriere 277-3843 if you can be of help. If any group or individual is interested in setting up a booth at the Festival, call Alice Linton at 272-3919. Any volunteers are welcome to help out at the Festival. If interested, call the above numbers. Thank you so much! f�mc_'fi'tvr Talenl- Show SaT oct S '1 P. M En rrc.l d Gran3r_ 1�vc1 itonS I"Vurs,Sep7. J4 'ip.m. 01*n -to Ases &?o i9 n For ma'tlon F Re-31ST(`aTion A')3-- 6y% - E.C.C. PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR POSITION The position for E.C.C. Program Co-ordinator will be opening up in January. The following is a brief description of duties. A more detailed list is available. If you are interested in the position or want more information, please call Teresa Manheim at 387-6765 or Harris Kirchgessner at 272-2241. Qualifications - The person must have experience with problems and needs of modern youth. Must have knowledge of the organization and operation of the Community Council; also knowledge of facilities and services which can be utilized to aid youth. Ability to present data, reports, and recommendations clearly and concisely in written form; ability to plan and organize work; resourcefulness and integrity. Distinguishing Features of the Class - The work involves the responsibilities for planning, organizing and supervising recreation programs. Within area of responsibility employee must participate in planning, promoting and publicizing program activities in cooperation with the Council board. INFORMATION MEETING AND NEW OFFICERS The Enfield Community Council will be having an information meeting for anyone interested in a part of the E.C.C., knowing more about it, or meeting the people involved. The meeting will be held sometime in November. If you would like to attend, call Carol 277-3843. Election of officers will be in January - we will be needing people to fill positions, if anyone would be interested. ENFIELD SENIORS June 28 - The Enfield Seniors had a very successful pie sale at the Firemen's • Fair. The proceeds from sale, part went to the Grange to help pay for the new stoves, also part to the Senior Citizens Council. July 10 at 12:30 p.m. - 45 Seniors enjoyed a ham dinner. We had lots of baked beans, salads and several different kinds of desserts. After a short business meeting, Mrs. Millicent Carpenter showed slides from Dewitt Historical Society. The slides were about Enfield's people. Very interesting. August 13 at 12:30 p.m. - 52 Seniors enjoyed a picnic at Newharts Lodge. Good foods and Good Friends. "Thanks" to Carl and Fran Newhart for the use of their Lodge and food they supplied. August 16 at 10:15 a.m. - 32 Seniors left for Springside Inn in Auburn. We had a delicious dinner, also saw a delightful show "Guys and Dolls". September 11 - Meeting and dish to pass dinner. September 14 - Trip to Owego to take a train ride. The quilt is finished and the Seniors are selling tickets along with area businesses. It will be raffled off at the Enfield Harvest Festival on October 5. The proceeds from the quilt will go to the Community Council. The quilt has been on display in Kays Fabric Shop window on The Commons. We wish our "Snow Birds" a safe journey to the sunny south. Have a good winter and hurry back in the spring. All persons over 55 years old are cordially invited to join with us at all meetings and trips. ENFIELD MOTO PARK Enfield Moto Park had a race September 8 and there will be the last one of the season on November 3. Sometime in October there will be a Hare Scrambler at the track. Watch for notice of date. -4- • • ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE #295 David Henderson, an active member of our Grange, died August 29, 1985, after a short illness. We will miss David, and sincere sympathy is extended to his family. Grangers have participated in an unusual number of activities in recent weeks. At the Trumansburg Fair an exhibit was arranged by Eva Krayniak, David Owens, Raymond and Millicent Carpenter. The theme being "Potatoes". We were given third prize. In August we enjoyed a picnic at Mabel Rumsey's. The annual election of officers was held in Augu Master - Overseer - Lecturer - Steward - Assistant Steward - Lady Assistant Steward - Chaplain - Treasurer - Secretary - Gatekeeper - Ceres - Pamona - Flora - Executive Comm. 3 years - Andrew Krayniak Robert Carpenter Eva Krayniak Harold Laue Roger Brown Florence Laue Mabel Rumsey Leah Carpenter Helena Schaber David Owens Frances LaBombard Beverley Brown Warena Ramsey Raymond Carpenter Installation of the officers -elect will be held share meal will precede the meeting. All officers are urged to attend. In an exhibit at the State Fair the original floor plans of the Grange hall, drawn by Charles Dodd (Nora's husband) built in 1925 was featured. Also on display was a rural free delivery mail box - made by George Laos (Harold and Ernest's father). Grange members participated in pref air preparations and the program was coordinated by Millicent Carpenter, assisted by Warena Ramsey and Raymond Carpenter. They also helped at the State Grange Ox Roast. The State Fair exhibit will be displayed at the Enfield Harvest Festival in October. An Election Day evening meal is being planned. We urge everyone to attend. Helena Schaber, Secretary ENFIELD SCHOOL Classes started at Enfield on September 4 with several additions to the staff: Kindergarten, Ms. Janet Giewont; Grade 4-5, Ms. Deborah Manning; Resource Room, Ms. Jennifer Shields; Speech, Ms. Nancy DeSarro; ''.Nurse Teacher, Ms. Barbara Armstrong. The Parent Teacher Organization has plans to work with the Community Council to sponsor additional after school programs this year. If you have ideas or suggestions, please call one of our co -presidents, Diane Aramini at 277-3732 or Dorna Virgo at 387-5991. Our meetings are held on a Tuesday evening each month and anyone interested in the school is welcome to attend. As always, we need volunteers in lots of different areas. Call the school at 274-2221 to sign up. -5- E ENFIELD AREA CHURCHES Bible Baptist Church - Schools Bible Baptist Church is ready for fall. School has been in session since August 26. With pupils' fall birthdays to plan for, science field trips are coordinated with the big day. We will take advantage of our prize location, in the "heart of the Finger Lakes". (The church is located at 329 Connecticut Hill Road, Tompkins County #136, just east of Black Oak Road.) The church schedule includes: Sunday School on Sunday at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; preaching services at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; a fellowship dish -to -pass supper Thursday at 5:00 p.m. and midweek prayer meeting at 6:00 p.m. Thursday. An important program is the Bible Study hour at 6:30 p.m. Mondays in Ithaca, at the G.I.A.C. building. On Saturday evenings young people meet at 7:00 p.m. Usually once each month, the third Friday evening, Teenagers attend a regional Teenage rally with other young people. We leave for this meeting about 6 p.m. -- phone the church for details or a ride. We will have visiting missionaries from time to time. We have missionaries preaching from the tropics to Alaska and the Hudson Bay area too. We always welcome visitors and prospective new members. If you need a ride to any of our services, or if you wish more information, please phone: 607-272-3779 or 272-9416. Michael G. Amberge, Pastor Agape Bible Church • The church now has a full time youth director. John Cartin from Alpine is heading up the Youth Ministry from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m, every Saturday. They are planning many exciting events for the future. All are invited to attend, ages 11 to 25 years. For more information you may call 272-9110 and ask for Greg Bennett who is John's assistant. Special events coming this fall: 3rd Annual Western Round -up Day featuring: 3 singing groups, clowns, balloons for the kids, games, petting zoo, horseback riding, "greased pole" contest, mule team and draft horses and plenty of good food. We're looking forward to a great day starting with our 11:00 a.m. Worship and the activities to follow. Come and join us! October 26 the youth are sponsoring a community Halloween Party starting at 6:00 p.m, at the church. Games, hayride and refreshments. All are invited. October 27 the Thomas family will be here for the 11:00 a.m. service sharing the Word of God and special music by the whole family. Watch the Journal Religious Briefs for coming special events, one of which will be Pastor John Yates, formerly from this area, who is a well known chalk artist. The Annual Harvest Dinner at Agape Church will be at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 23. This is a complete Turkey Dinner open to all who wish to come. There is no charge. Pastor Kenneth Hoover 272-9110 Assoc. Pastor Ralph Lovelace 273-2320 -6- • Enfield Baotist Church "Make new friends, but keep the old - one is silver and the other is gold." The Enfield Baptist Church is a place for old friends - people with deep roots in Enfield, spanning the generations - and new - people who have just moved here or are looking for a church home. Worship is the heart of our life together, and our worship keeps the traditions of the past with modern informality and friendliness. Come for a visit - you'll see that fellowship is a part of our service. Children and Youth are welcome, too: Sunday School is at 10:00; we're studying the story of Moses, the most important story of The Old Testament. Our Youth Fellow- ship activities begin on September 22 and continue throughout the school year. Welcome! The Enfield Food Distribution, co -sponsored with the Enfield Methodist Church, has moved to the Baptist Church. Anyone who can use this food should come to the church Thursdays at 4:00. Donations of 250 are requested to cover transportation expenses. If you are interested in any of our programs, or if we can help you in any way, please call the pastor at 273-4696. Rev, Cynthia Ikuta Enfield United Methodist Church The Enfield United Methodist Church wants to extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to come and join our fellowship. We believe that Jesus is Lord of • our lives and God is Love. We wish to serve Christ by loving each other and giving God the Glory, Our time for gathering together in His Name is spent in singing, praying, praising and sharing God's word. Our service is 11:00 a.m. on Sundays with Sunday School at 10:00. Transportation will be provided if needed. This fall we are planning to have once -a -month fellowship suppers followed by special musical programs, These will be announced at a later date. We are also enjoying a Bible Study Thursday nights at 7:00. "We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name." Come and fellowship with us. Rev, Judy White, Pastor 546-7856 ENFIELD LADIES AUXILIARY NEWS Hey all you kids out there ages 10 years to 16 years old. The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a Halloween Hayride and Dance Saturday, October 26, 1985. Hayride 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Donation $1.00 Dance 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Donation $1.50 So get all your friends and come on over to the Enfield Firehouse for a night full of fun. Refreshments will be available. New Officers for 1986: President, Denise Simmons; Vice President, Pam Whittaker; Secretary, Linda Hubbell; Treasurer, Nancy Lanning; Conductress, Joan Eisenhardt; Chaplain, Fern Ferris; Sunshine, Rhonda Connors, For those people who have ordered Community Calendars for 1986 and haven't sent your payment to us, please do. Thank you. _7_ P EARLY HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF ENFIELD GOVERNMENT On March 16, 1821 the Town of Enfield came into existence. Thirty-six lots from the military tract were taken from Ulysses Township (#22) to form the Town of Enfield. At the time, Ulysses Township was a part of Tompkins County. Prior to that it was shuffled between Albany (1772), Tryon - later renamed Montgomery (1779-1791), Tioga (1791-1794). Onondaga (1794-1799). Cayuga (1799-1804) and Seneca (1804-1817) Counties. One of the earliest records of the Town of Enfield concern the recording of marks orbrands on stray animals. This book records each individual's particular mark. In this way any strays could be traced to its' owner. Whether or not they were returned is not known. Another early record book from the Town of Enfield contains the layout of the road system. It also contains the assignment of house numbers. In most cases this road layout remains basically the same today. A major change in how these roads were maintained occured over the years. Early residents were assessed a certain number of hours or days labor on the roads of their district. Today taxes pay for this road maintenance. A number of the local government's responsibility have been delegated elsewhere over the passage of time. • At one time, real estate assessors were elected by the Town. These assessments for tax purposes are now handled by the County Assessment Department. There was once an Overseer of the Poor in the Town of Enfield. This job now falls under the Social Service Department of the County. At one time the Town Clerk was responsible for recording the births and deaths occurring in the Town. This is now done by the Tompkins County Health Department, And the business which the Enfield Town Council now conducts was once all the responsibility of the Town Justices. Obviously, the government of the Town of Enfield has changed and expanded greatly over the last 164 years. -8- • Jack Hubbell Town Historian FROM THE DESK OF THE SUPERVISOR Only a few items of interest I would like to pass along. On July 10, 1985 at our regular meeting a public hearing was held on a dog control law. After the public hearing, which was attended by 15 people, the Town Board re -convened and adopted the Proposed Dog Control Law which is now in effect. This being an election year, I would like to remind everyone again of the change in election districts. You were notified by post card from the Board of Elections as to which district you are in and the place to vote. Voting places are in two locations. District 1 votes at the fire house (upstairs) - use back door. District 2 votes in the Town Hall. The following offices are to be filled in this year's election: Supervisor, Town Clerk, Superintendent of Highways. Justice of the Peace for 4 years, Justice of the Peace for 2 years and two (2) Councilmen. There has been approximately 45 building permits issued since January 1, 1985. I am still receiving inquiries as to where to pick up the building permit applications. They can be picked up at the Town Clerk's Office. This is a good indication that the Town is growing. Mr. Lee Haefele reports he has 258 people signed up as of July 5th and plans to run more extensions on the Cable Television System. Myself and the Town Board will be working on next year's budget over the next . two (2) months, so watch your newspapers for public hearing notifications on the budget. The preliminary budget will be adopted on October 2, 1985 and the final budget will be adopted on November 6, 1985. That's all for now folks! A REMINDER: Town Board meetings are held on the FIRST Wednesday of each month and everyone is welcome to attend. See how your town government operates. Roger Hubbell, Town Supervisor MORE ON THE CABLE Haefele TV, Inc. will extend current cable lines if they can be assured of an average of 14 cable hookups per mile. Residents of the Hines, Porter Hill, Trumbulls Corners and Connecticut Hill Roads are trying to determine if there is enough interest in their neighborhood to attract cable connections. If you live on these roads, contact Jim Morris at 467 Trumbulls Corners Road, Newfield, 564-7658 with your name and address if you are interested. There is no initial connection charge if you sign up within 2 weeks of the cable being installed. Basic service for Enfield is $14 per month with a discount for advance payments of at least 6 months. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Being a teen -aged parent is no easy job. If you have four hours a week to spend with a teen, you could give some needed support. Volunteers are needed to be friends and advocates for teen mothers and pregnant teens. These young women need help with such issues as: homemaking, parenting, health care, education, jobs and finding services. The Tompkins County Teen Pregnancy - Parenting Program is looking for volunteers willing to make a year -long commitment. Training and ongoing consulta- tion are provided. For more information, call 273-1055. Sponsored by the Tompkins County Day Care Council. -9- E DIDATES FOR THE 1985 TOWN OF ENFIELD ELECTION x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x REMEMBER TO VOTE NOVEMBER 5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x TOWN SUPERVISOR Come November, Etta Gray will be the Republican and Independent candidate in the election for Enfield Town Supervisor. She is grateful to all the Enfieldens who have made this achievement possible. Etta did not sprout in Enfield but was transplanted 25 years ago from Albany, N.Y. (at the age of 35, which makes her 60 now). After she and her husband Adam raised their three daughters and sent them on their way - one to New York City and two to Trumansburg - there was time for various hobbies and community activities in addition to a full time job. But there is a lot of life in the old girl yet and she wants to use that energy and enthusiasm for the betterment of Enfield. So, if you live in Enfield, you can • expect to hear from Etta Gray asking for your help to make Enfield the greatest little town in this county. Why not? Candidate Gray xxxxxxxxxx Roger W. Hubbell. Democratic candidate for Supervisor. I have served as your supervisor for the last six years. I am again seeking re-election and asking for your support based primarily on experience, budget preparation, financial expertise and sound judgment. I have always tried and will continue to hold the line on taxes, which is the main issue in any election. In a town such as Enfield, the bulk of the annual budget lies in the Highway Fund. We are trying and succeeding slow but sure in improving the highway system in the Town with aid from the State (CHIPS) Program - better known as the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program. Since I have been Supervisor I have set-up super savings accounts in which all Town money is deposited. In doing this we are accumulating $11,000 to $12,000 annually in interest, which is used to lower the tax rate. Enough money is trans- ferred from these accounts to the checking accounts each month to pay the bills. I have always felt it was my duty to the taxpayers and voters of the Town to hold the line on taxes, and get the most out of what money we have to work with. We happen to be the smallest town in the county, with the smallest tax base, and we are trying with all our might to make it a good place to live and raise our families. There have been many accomplishments that have taken place in the last six years I have been a member of the Town Board. There are too many to list them all. To mention a few: 1) cable TV for densely populated areas, 2) dog control law, 3) specifications and guidelines established on take over by the Town of private roads, 1214E 0 4) revision and establishing policy on health insurance eligibility in accordance with the State Health Insurance Law. t, I will say again I have enjoyed serving as S%4Mls% J01 tilts last S y���s and would like your support again this fall, i C TOWN Shirley M. Holcomb, Town Clerk I would like to take this opportunity me as Town Clerk, to ask all Enfield residents to re-elect These past two years that I have been in office, community with good service and many available hours. I feel I have provided this Also being a Notary public, I do not charge Enfield residents for this service. I feel that I have kept my campaign promises and will continue to do so in the future if re-elected. The Clerk's jobs are many and I believe a continuity of service is in order to best serve you the public as keeper of town records. • Roy Barriers, 331 Enfield Main Road HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Dennis G. Hubbell, Write -In Candidate After tremendous support by the Community I have decided to continue my campaign for Highway Superintendent on a write-in ballot. I am 29 years old and a life resident of the Town of Enfield. I reside at 152 Hubbell Drive with my wife Linda and 2 children Steven and Stephanie. I have worked for the Enfield Highway Department as truck driver and equipment operator since 1980. I have been an officer in the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company since 1976, the last 6 years as Fire Chief. I have had 12 years experience in the construction field. I myself have lived on a town road my entire life and know the concerns with pot holes, dust, poor drainage and snow removal. Ia my 5 years as an employee with the highway department I have seen many different ideas tryed. I know which ones will work and which don't. I believe that good leadership and better employee, employer relationship is needed to provide the best service possible. I know I have the support and confidence to accomplish this. I would like to see continued harmony in the work force, for efficient and effective team work. I would appreciate your support on election day, as I have the energy to get the Sobs Done. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 272-5034. -11- r L.J 4) revision and establishing policy on health insurance eligibility in accordance with the State Health Insurance Law. I will say again I have enjoyed serving as Supervisor for the last six years and would like your support again this fall. Thank you, Roger W. Hubbell TOWN CLERK Shirley M. Holcomb, Town Clerk I would like to take this opportunity to ask all Enfield residents to re-elect me as Town Clerk. These past two years that I have been in office, I feel I have provided this community with good service and many available hours. Also being a Notary Public, I do not charge Enfield residents for this service. I feel that I have kept my campaign promises and will continue to do so in the future if re-elected. The Clerk's jobs are many and I believe a continuity of service is in order to best serve you the public as keeper of town records. • I xaxxeaeet� Roy Barriere, 331 Enfield Main Road HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Dennis G. Hubbell, Write -In Candidate After tremendous support by the Community I have decided to continue my campaign for Highway Superintendent on a write-in ballot. I am 29 years old and a life resident of the Town of Enfield. I reside at 152 Hubbell Drive with my wife Linda and 2 children Steven and Stephanie. I have worked for the Enfield Highway Department as truck driver and equipment operator since 1980. I have been an officer in the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company since 1976, the last 6 years as Fire Chief, I have had 12 years experience in the construction field. I myself have lived on a town road my entire life and know the concerns with pot holes, dust, poor drainage and snow removal. In my 5 years as an employee with the highway department I have seen many different ideas tryed. I know which ones will work and which don't. I believe that good leadership and better employee, employer relationship is needed to provide the best service possible. I know I have the support and confidence to accomplish this. I would like to see continued harmony in the work force, for efficient and effective team work. I would appreciate your support on election day, as I have the energy to get the Sobs Done. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 272-5034. -11- • Instructions For a Write -In: IF NAME IS NOT ON MACHINE To vote for a candidate whose name does not appear on the machine, raise the diagonal Slide (at the top of the machine) over the title of the office, and write therein the name you wish to vote for. SUPERUs-5FR ��Hway -rewN SV9ERIu1EF1pEIif CLE RIf. Iper+�oc�AT • xxx xxxxxxx Kenneth (Bud) Hubbell for Superintendent of Highways ATTENTION ENFIELD NEIGHBORS Are you satisfied with the management of our Town Highway Department? You shouldn't be. Here's why: Al You have only a part time Highway Superintendent #2 Poor road conditions with unrepaired pot holes d3 Insufficent dust control A4 Wasted man hours #5 Wasted tax dollars. YOU DESERVE BETTER! With your support in the November 5th election, I will correct these conditions and give you a full-time Highway Superintendent, who has your interests in mind. To make sure your tax dollars are put to good use, vote for Kenneth (Bud) Hubbell on November 5th, 1985. Thank you. 151pa Carleton Thall for Highway Superintendent I am a lifetime resident of the Town of Enfield. After graduating from Ithaca High School, I served two years in the Army. I attended Morrisville Agricultural and Technical Institute for two years. From 1951-1981 I was heavy equipment operator for the Tompkins County Highway Department. I have had experience with all fazes of construction. During the last four years as your Highway Superintendent, I have attended many educational classes at Cornell for all highway superintendents. Also I am vice president of the Tompkins County Highway Supt. Assoc. I have never gone over the budget and have shown a surplus to keep taxes down. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Richard G. Holley, 2220 Mecklenburg Road I am a life long native of the Town, attended grade school at Millers Corners and was graduated from Ithaca High School in 1951. I am a job Superintendent for J.P. Bell and Sons of Rochester, a plumbing and heating firm, and am a member of the Plumbers and Pipefitter Local 109 of Ithaca for 28 years and hold several offices in the Union. Member of Enfield United Methodist Church, past member of Enfield Volunteer Fire Co,, past Town Committeman. • I and my wife the former Marilyn Neilson have four daughters and two grandaughters. Jake Smithers, 320 Enfield Main Road I am manager of Just Fun at the Pyramid Mall, Ithaca and member of the Enfield Fire Company for 35 years. I have attended and passed Basic Town Justice School at Liverpool, New York. I have attended Advanced Town Justice School at Cornell and passed that also. Robert Bock, Rockwell Road COUNCILMAN/COUNCILWOMAN My name is Jane Bassett and I sm running for Town Councilwoman on the Democratic ticket. I am married (husband William teaches Geology at Cornell) and have 3 college - aged children. We have lived in Enfield at 765 Bostwick Road for seven years, having moved here from a similar community west of Rochester, N.Y, when Bill came to Cornell. I have been active in PTA at Boynton, the High School, and on the Council level. At Boynton and the High School I served as Council Representative and President and on Council was on the By -Laws and Nominating Committees. I have done some volunteer work at the Tompkins County Public Library for the past two years. -13- E E The rest of my time is occupied with a small horse boarding and breeding business as well as a leather repair operation, working primarily on horse gear. I feel strongly that to keep our democratic form of government strong requires each individual to participate as much as they are able, beginning with the act of voting. I believe that I currently have enough time energy and experience to serve Enfield as an unbiased Councilwoman. Jane Bassett zzzzzzzzzz I, Lawrence Lanning, reside at 1567 Mecklenburg Road with my wife Nancy and my daughter, Lisa, 12 years old. I have been a resident of the Town of Enfield for 40 years. I have been a member of the Enfield Vol. Fire Company since 1970. I served as east. chief for 6 years and I am currently with the fire police and enrolled in the E.M.T. course at TC3. I am a member of the Tompkins County Firemen's Assoc. and I have held moat of the offices in that organization including President and I am presently a Director. I am a member of the Central New York Firemen's Assoc. and I am an officer of that association. I am a member of the Fireman's Assoc. of the State of New York and I have also served on the Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board for 8 years. • I grew up on a dairy farm in Enfield owned by my father Horace Lanning and I was self-employed for several years as the owner of Larry's Garage and more recently, transporting used auto parts throughout New York State and Pennsylvania. I am presently employed at Autosalvage of Ithaca, Inc. Having lived in the Town of Enfield for most of my life, I have an avid interest in Town government and community affairs and I am looking forward to serving Enfield residents for the next 4 years as Town Councilman. I have seen a lot of changes and I would like to see more progress in years to come. I am asking for your support in November. zzzzzzzzzz Doreen Lauper, 384 Applegate Road I am very interested in running for the office of Councilperson in the Town of Enfield. I have lived in the Town the entire nine years of my marriage. I was born and raised just over the Enfield town line 29 years ago. I have two children, Lynn Beth almost 6 and Ryan 4, both participate in community activities. My husband, Roger, is an Enfield Fire Officer. I was a member of the Firemen's Auxillery and am active in the Enfield Pre-school and summer activities. I am interested in getting more involved with hows and why things are decided upon and carried out in the community I live in and where my children are growing up. zzzzzzzzzz Robert Linton, Podunk Road -14- J TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Mamie Kirchgessner As a candidate for the eighth district county board seat (Enfield south of Mecklenburg Road and Newfield) I need your support to be elected so I welcome this opportunity to tell you about myself. My name is Margaret "Marnie" Kirchgessner. I am married to Greg "Egg" Kirchgessner and we have 2 daughters Gretchen 5 and Amanda 16 months. I have lived all my life in Ithaca. My parents still reside in the same house on Jersey Hill where I was raised. My husband bought our home at 191 Enfield Main Road in 1978 because we saw Enfield as a good place to live and raise a family. Both Greg and I became involved in the community, I with the Community Council and he with the fire department. We believe giving time back to the community improves the quality of life for everyone. After working for the county for 12 years, I Left in June to be a full time homemaker. I feel being a former employee gives me good insight into the problems of Tompkins County. My husband continues to work for the CPS of the Department of Social Services and raise chickens. I have regularly attended many county board and committee meetings over the past four years and have first hand knowledge of many of the issues the county board deals with. I have participated in the budget process as a member of the public to keep our taxes low. What I admire most about the people of Enfield is their strong independent nature. I have found my neighbors open and frank and have made many friends. I • hope I will be able to serve you as your County Representative. If you have any questions feel free to call me at home 272-2241. •�z�+e�x:rnx Dan Winch, District 8, Board of Reps Graduate of Newfield Central School 1960; age 43 Occupation: Farm 6 Research Manager, Cornell University As many of you know, I was appointed in February 1985 to fill the remaining term of Jim Ray as your representative to the County Board. Prior to the vote to fill this position, I met with the Newfield Republican Committee and the majority of the Enfield Town Board on another occasion. Mostly we talked about my background and philosophy of local government. I was pleased that Dave Bock, a Democrat from Enfield, nominated me for this position. As I am a Republican, this demonstrated bipartisan support and showed that the rural philosophy prevails in both parties. I am a blue collar worker with twenty-four years of service in the Department of Plant Breeding at Cornell. A few years ago I was appointed to a middle management position. My community service record is quite lengthy, with ten years of service on the Newfield School Board. At one time I was Vice -President. As a 13-year member of the Newfield Athletic Booster Club I am a former officer and served as co-chairman of the athletic fieldhouse building program (a two locker room and two coaches' rooms, masonary facility) saving Newfield taxpayers plus/minus $90,000. My service to the Cornell community, above and beyond my job position, has included: 1. being instrumental in forming a Farm Managers group to promote safety programs and a vector to disseminate information among middle management managers. I was the first chairman and served for about six years. _ 15- • 2. being instrumental in forming the first lab safety committee in Bradfield Hall and getting it rolling smoothly. Both of the above programs have been cited for being excellent groups and producing very good safety programs. They have been used as models, both by the College of Agriculture Administration and the Cornell Administration. It is my feeling that the above demonstrates my abilities to organize, to work with groups, and to get things done for the good of the community. As a school board member and as a county representative I have been labeled as a conservative. I support needed programs only after I am convinced that they will benefit many people, especially the rural that live in our two communities. I serve on the following committees on the County Board: 1) Public Safety and Corrections; 2) Special Jail Construction (appointed due to previous experience in this field); 3) Human Services; 4) Health. May I ask for your bipartisan support from our rural area of Enfield and Newfield in November? I believe I have a proven track record, working hard both in the workplace and in my community. Perhaps you might discuss my brief experience with your Town Board. I am looking forward to working with You and for you. I hope that we plan on continuing for the next four years, together. Thank you, Dan Winch Staff for this issue of the Enfield News - September, 1985 - Helen Jackson, 272-8624 - Alice Linton, 272-3919 - Theresa Manheim, 387-6765 The Enfield News is funded by the Tompkins County United Way, -16- • i� v As part of our effort to keep Enfield residents informed we have included a map of our newly reapportioned election districts. A11 registered voters of District 1 (300 feet south of Mecklenburg Road) will vote at the Enfield Fire Station. Voters north of the line will continue to vote at the Town Hall. The only difference at the polling places will be for the office of County Board Candidate. District 1 continues to vote for a candidate with residents of Newfield (Klrchgessner vs Winch) but District 2 now votes with the Town of Ulysses (Jim Mason unopposed). Registration Day is October 12, 1985 at the Town Hall, 169 Enfield Main Road. This must be done in person. Voter Registration will also be available at the Enfield Harvest Festival on October 5, 1985. -17- • C ENFIELD BUSINESS DIRECTORY Many thanks for your contributions to the last newsletter. This publication is successful thanks to your support. Contributions may be sent to Teresa Manheim, R.D.#1 Box 318, Trunansburg, N.Y. 14886. Please make checks payable to the Enfield Community Council. Thank you...... Happy Holidays: HERSALIFE EAGLE ELECTRONICS SERVICE TftOtICAL `FISH 8 SUPPLIES JAN'S GIFT SHOP The Sete and Healthy Nay TV 6 FM TWO -MAY COMMUNICATIONS 306 Enfield Main Road Gifts for All Occassions to Control Weight Rodolfo A. Strobelt M, T. M 6 F 5-9 p.m. 4125 Tovnllne Road Annabelle Session 332 Aiken Road Sat. 9-5/Sun. II-5 387-9762 272-3890 387-6414 Andy Kraft 272-7903 AUTO REPAIR Doug WI Its Rotharmich Road 272-2072 STAN RUMSEY Praclsloo Machining 6 Mfg. 1514 Mscklenburg Road 272-4447 HONEY Larry Smulsglver 464 Enfield Center Road 272-2135 E MELD GUN SHOP JIs Manhelm Trumbulls Corners Road 273-7648 HONEY Nancy WWstr 272-7634 ENFIELD TOWN CLERK Shirley Holcomb Tues 6 Thurs 5:30-9p.m. Sat. 9 - 12 MILLOWMOOD CAMSITES, LTD. Family Campsites 28 Rockvell Road 272-6007 M2. _M. AUTO SERVICES: Paint, Body Work 8 Col IIslon Repair Marty schreI ber 272-9343 ULTRA LIGHT AERO PLANE COMPANY Nbno Family 56 So. Applegate Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 272-2521 CHARLES HUBBELL General Contractor Hervey Hill Road 272-6808 6 J PAV INS COMPANY ,fleld Center Road 272-1333 KAN'S BEAUTY SHOP 1567 Macklenourg Road Men Lanning 272-2414 PART NFR'S MARKET MI ler's Corners, Route 79 Ithaca, N.Y. ENFIELD AUTO REPAIR Dm Munroe . Millers Corners, Rte. 79 273-8919 THE HAIR LOFT Nary Tutton Applegate Road 273-8070 S.A. CURTISS Venetian Blind Laundry 1592 Macklen burg Road 272-9340 BILL LANDON Masonry 8 Remolding 1091 Mecklenburg Road 272-3374 CAKES By LINDA Linda Stllvell Enfield Main Road 277-0764 KIND'S COUNTRY RESTAURANT Rock b Roll Country Dlsro Mecklenburg Road 277-1800 THE PRINCESS SHOPPE Ceramics and Wedding Service Halseyvlll Rd., Ithaca, N.T. 273-4884 RALPH CARPENTER, JR. Bulldozer Work 139 Applegate Road 277-4864 SANDY CREEK MOBILE HOMES 2068 Mecklenburg Road Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 273-I623 MARYANNE'S UPHOLSTERY Enfield Center Ithaca, N.Y. 272-1710 JOHNNY'S WHOLESALE SERVICE 56 So. Applegate Road 272-6261 Come to the Harvest Festival Oct. 5 Remember to vote Nov. 5 0 19 LOUIE SAN SOUCIE Melding Podunk Road 387-9268 J.M. JACKSON Used Cars 2169 Mecklenburg Road 277-2907 HEATING 6 PLUMBING Mery 8 Jon Hammond 247 Applegate Road 277-3134 HILLENDALE GOLF COURSE Applegate A Hayts Road 273-2363 POOLS FILLED for all your eater hauling needs J.T. Smith 273-1689 KIRCNGESSNER'S CHICKEN RANCH Fresh Eggs 192 Enfield Mein Road 272-2241 LOVE -LEE BEAUTY SALON Helen Jackson Enfield Center 272-8624 ,a ll ENFIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL SAT. OC70SER 57" 11:00 -4:00 FOOD - AtAATEuR ftT DIGS . TALENT SHCV4 t QUILT C.F{ILI RAFFLE rr:OOP.M. �DRAWIWG AT AWLTS TAtFNT SHo asp KIDS GAMS CRAF D15AA CAKE W NEEL. HAYRME 1-3p LOCATED AT ENFIELD GRANGE ON RrE. 3Z 7 OFF 79 W FESTIVAL GENEFITS ECC, yDur4 PROGRAMS I P � P 1. The New Generation - Ann-Laree Jackson - age 1L and Karena Paz - age lh. Dance to "Rhythm of the Night". � r 1�2. Megan Barber - ago 11 - violin - Vivaldi Is A Minor Concerto. 3. Erin bahn and Janielle Hautanlemi - sing duet - "Mr. Sanaman" and "Poogie '6uogie Bugle Boy". p. Jennifer Birnbaum - ago 13 - singing - "The Gift of Love" and playing the reee.rdar--- 1 "The Nightincale". Anna Pollock - age 14 - flute - "9icilian0. 6. Lori Crandall - age 9 - singing - "Somawhere Over the Rainbow". Accompanied by Ann-Laree Jackson. l.h. 1 jI 2 mp - -4-F eowo�p /r 7. 'Vera hush - are 14 - singing and guitar - "I'each Soar Children-'. B. Brandy Connors - ava B ai, n.:len i,eekor - } age 11 - dance - "Dancing in toe :iheets". `�- - 9. Teddy Davenport - at17 - vi.,lin - ;avotL" by Bach. 10. Plary-Ellen Jackson - ae+ 11 an, Jes,:ica Connors - age 11 - sonz and dance - ""t the Very Loast". 12. "Cheap Sunglasses" - ruck ;.and - ,reg :;til.ell - age 13,- Aaron Hend^ickson - age 15, iirian Jackson - age 12, i,abe Ne hart - aee lb. To "Smoking in the Boy's Room". Thank you to the Judges: Connie Sterling Christopher Burrito Chris smith Mast r of'i.eremuuy - kichard ravaro ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL AMATEUR TALENT SHOW October 10, 1985