HomeMy WebLinkAboutJulySeptemberCommunityNewsletter20201 Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2020 July-September Free The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein Hello all! Well we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. 2020 just doesn’t seem to want to quit. Now we can add civil unrest due to racism. It is indeed a sad time for our country and the world in general. Education and community are the keys to ending racism I feel. By listening to my family and neighbors opinions and experiences, I can better understand their point of view. I still might not agree, but I am at least willing to listen. Please stay open minded! Talk and discuss, don’t argue and hate. Join a new group that has just started in our Town. A group of Enfielders is meeting to listen to people’s views about race and racism with anyone who shows up and wants to talk (and listen) about it. This is an informal experience. It is not a “protest” “ but rather a “pro - quest” in which we explore with one another our feelings as a community and determine how to move forward together in an assertive was to defeat and begin to turn the tide of racism where we can, when we can, and however we can. Please join this discussion about how we can work together as a community to make Enfield a safe and anti-racist space. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, July 11th at 11am in a central location yet to be determined in Enfield. Check the www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org for updates. Take care of each other and check on your neighbors. Stay Safe! Cortney Bailey This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Lisa Monroe, Vice President 379-0844 Lm.monroe@yahoo.com Ann Rider, Secretary 277-3478 daylilyann10@yahoo.com Carla Trenchard, Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What’s Inside… From the Editor 1 Summer Programs 1 Bicentennial Celebration 2 US Census Information 2 ECC Harvest Festival 3 Enfield Valley Grange 4 Advertisements 4 Enfield Youth Services 4 EVFC Blood Drive 5 Enfield Food Pantry 5 Area Churches: 5 Agape Bible Church Jacksonville United Methodist First Baptist Chuch of Enfield Center Historical Moments 6 EVFD Report 7 Calendar of Events 8 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in September for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you’d like to see included. Summer Camp It was with great reluctance that the Enfield Community Council made the decision to post-pone 2020 Summer Camp. The safety measures guaranteed that the campers and councilors would not only not have a good time, but en- sured that it would be miserable. We felt that the quality experience that we pride ourselves on would not happen. No swimming, no field trips, no interaction between “pods” (small groups of campers with one adult), staggered drop off, lunch, and pick up, health screenings, sanitation of all surfaces, and quarantine of all campers, councilors, and their families if the worst were to occur. We have worked very hard with Cornell Cooperative Extension and Rural Youth Services to offer other programs. Please see page 4 for further information on how your child(ren) can attend. We are also planning day items for families and/or children. These will be community events open to all. Please keep an eye out for flyers providing infor- mation on these community events. 2 Count everyone once, only once and in the right place It's the year of the Census, in case you haven't heard. You should have gotten a letter in the mail in late March with a code inside, which is unique to your address and instructions on how to respond. You can call them or be modern and go online to the Census website (which is very secure) and fill out the questionnaire. This is the Census' first time providing a full online questionnaire and its preferred method now. You'll get a reminder letter and then a post card if you don't respond and if you haven't responded by mid-April, you'll get paper forms in the mail. There are no questions about your citizenship status or your religion asked by the Census Bureau. Concerned about confidentiality? The Cen- sus Bureau does not share individual information with other agencies. Participating in the Census is legally required of people living in the United States on April 1 but the Bureau does not punish anyone who doesn't. So why is this important? This count determines our representation in congressional dis- tricts, voting district lines in our community and billions of dollars nationally for all kinds of community programs and resources over the next 10 years. Don't have the internet or a phone? That's where your friendly, local U.S. Census enumerator can help out. I will be making the Community Building available for internet use at different times during April and May so we can get every- body in Enfield counted. Don't have transportation? We'll get you to the internet so you can give the Census Bureau the information they need. For more information, contact Ann Rider at 277 -3478 or daylilyann10@yahoo.com. It will save my showing up at your door some Sunday afternoon. And don't forget to count the preschoolers and/or elderly people in your house....they count too. If you have lost your census letter, you can still respond and be counted and we hope you will: go to my2020cen- sus.gov and click on “Start Questionnaire.” You will be asked for a 12 digit Census ID, but there is a link if you do not have it. Town of Enfield Bicentennial Celebration - 200 Years - March 16, 1821 – March 16, 2021 We are having monthly planning meetings during 2020 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, through “Zoom”. If you would like to join this committee, please e-mail Ann at: daylilyann10@yahoo.com to be put on the notification list. Notifications, meeting minutes, and historical articles on this Bicentennial event can be found on: Enfield Community Council website – http://www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org; Community Council on Facebook; Enfield Web site www.townofenfield.org The 200th Bicentennial of the Town of Enfield will be celebrated in 2021. To prepare for this event we will be planning this event during 2020. Ann Rider and Sue Thompson, Town Historian will be co -chairman of the events. We will not have just one celebration event but many smaller events and information presentations. Of course, our signature yearly events, sponsored by the Enfield Community Council, the spring County Faire and the fall Harvest Festival, will have the Anniversary as it’s theme. We will be sewing a quilt perhaps with patterns from 1821 it will have to be hand quilted, so that will take many hands and a place to put it up on a frame for a period of time. Interviews from families of Enfield through the generations, En- field History book update of: Enfield government officials, timeline for Enfield, and buildings in Enfield, presentations maybe tours of Enfield Falls – Treman State Park, and a digitial map of Enfield historic areas. 200th Birthday Celebration of the Town of Enfield Adds a Logo Contest A small group of people have been meeting regularly to plan and coordinate happenings for the 200th Birthday party for our Town next year. A quilt using the Ohio Star is being planned as well as updating our history which was last done in 1996. Tony Ingraham has agreed to do a presentation on Treman State Park and the Friends of Robert H. Treman State Park will have special presentations in the Old Mill during 2021. We are also having a logo contest. All Enfield residents, old and young are encouraged to participate in creating a logo that represents our community and can be applied to a T-shirt. During this uncertain time, let your creative juices flow and come up with a design that represents our Town and its history. Ellie Hobbie has agreed to be the Chairman of this project. Send her a copy of your idea by November 1 at: ehobbie7@gmail.com and a panel of judges will make the final selection. We will have monthly planning meetings during 2020 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, via Zoom for the foreseeable future. If you would like to join this committee, please e-mail Ann at: daylilyann10@yahoo.com to be put on the notifica- tion list. Notifications, meeting minutes, and historical articles on this Bicentennial event can be found on: Enfield Community Council website –http://www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org Enfield Community Council on Facebook and Enfield web site www.townofenfield.org 3 . Continuing the tradition of celebrating the Fall! Join us at the Enfield Elementary School ECC Harvest Festival When: Saturday, September 26th From 10 am to 3 pm Chicken BBQ, Concession Stand, Silent Auction, Games, Cake Wheel, Vendors, Car Pride, live music with band Under Construction and more! Come and join us in the (hopefully) sunshine! We will be there no matter what the weather! Remember to check the town website for updates as this event is scheduled, but may be cancelled to to COVID 19!! Vendors are wanted. Please call Cortney at 607-279-4702 or email her at cbailey525@yahoo.com for further information to join as a vender. 4 THE ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE NEEDS HELP!!!! We hope you are all well. As you know, all of our planned Grange activities had to be cancelled due to the virus. This has been a real loss for the community, and it has put us in a terrible financial position. At this point, we don’t think we can survive the pandemic without help from the wider community . There are literally just a handful of us who have been trying to hold the Grange together. We can’t do it by ourselves. We need fresh new ideas. We need more people involved in leadership. We need more on-the-ground volunteers. We need more collaboration with other Enfield organizations. Please come and share your bold ideas. Help us figure out how we can survive and thrive so that we can continue to serve as a resource for the community. ENVISIONING THE FUTURE OF THE ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE An Ice Cream Social (Distance) Thursday July 16, 7-8:30 PM We will all sit at distance from each other around the dining room, windows will be wide open for ventilation, and we will all wear masks (except while eating our ice cream!) We’ll share a brief history of the Grange, and then have a brainstorm and discussion of your ideas. Let’s get creative! GRANGE DRIVE-THROUGH FISH FRY! Friday July 17, 4:30-6:30 PM Fried fish, salt potatoes, cole slaw, roll, brownie, $14. Your dinner will help us pay the electric bill. Literally. We thank you for your past support and look forward to hearing your ideas about the future of the Enfield Valley Grange. Enfield Youth Services Enfield Youth Programs are enrolling for the first round of summer programs. These programs are open to youth aged 10 and up and will follow CDC and NYS Guidelines. Each session will start with a lesson online as we meet edu- cators and youth from around Tompkins County, followed by an in-person session with the Enfield Youth Program Edu- cator, Eric. We will then follow-up each day with an online session to discuss our adventures with the groups from around the county. July 13-16 Nature Explorations: Learn to build awareness traps, “atlatis”, shelters, and observe the natural world around us. July 20-23 Phenomenal Photographers: We will learn about photography, dark rooms, and how to capture some incredible pictures and even how to print and frame them. Don’t have a camera? No worries-we can provide one. July 27-30 Cardboard Boat Challenge: Come join us as we design, build, and test our boats. See who can build the biggest, or perhaps more importantly, the most buoyant vessel! Schedule: Monday: 3pm-4pm (online) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9am -1pm (in-person) AND 3pm-4pm (online) For more information and to register, go to the following link or email Eric Carter at EMC333@Cornell.edu: https// reg.cce.cornell.edu/RYS_Enfield_Summer_2020_250 Dougherty Outdoor Care Snow Plowing, Lawn Mowing, Brush Clean -up, and other services available upon request! Bill Dougherty Cell: 607-279-2109 Home: 607-272-0877 166 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Miss Bonnie’s Daycare Daycare-My Home-Quality-Registered Certified Family Daycare Experienced with all ages up to 12 Full and Part-time openings Bonnie at 607-592-8693 Enfield NY Pricing available upon request. 5 Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: May, July, September, etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273- 1900 for an appointment. Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, July 21st Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there’s always room for more! ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION, our local food pantry. Our distribution of emergency food at the Enfield Food Pantry has increased dramatically as a result of the COVID -19's economic impact. In April of 2020, we served food to an average of 700 adults,130 elderly, and 470 children WEEK- LY! You may have read about us recently in the Ithaca Times: As others close, Enfield Food Pantry doubles its output. We now need your help to increase our capacity. We are establishing an Expansion Fund in order to plan and build a bigger and better distribution facility in the next 1 -1 1/2 years. Enfield has the highest poverty rate in our county. We need to be better prepared to meet the need when crisis hits again. We have already outgrown our current site, and there are additional badly needed goods and services which we could provide in a bigger space. We are setting an ambitious target of $50K in community donations for this first stage of fundraising. You can make a donation at our GoFundMe site, or you can send a check. Please make the check out to: The First Baptist Church of Enfield Center, and send it to: The First Baptist Church of Enfield Center c/o Susan Howser, Treasurer, 17 South Van Dorn Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Your support will help us leverage additional grant funds from many sources, which we will need to achieve our goal. Thank you for joining me in building a more resilient community! And please share this message with others. IF YOU NEED FOOD: Anyone in need may make an appointment TO PICK UP FOOD on the website thefirstbap- tistchurchofenfield.com. Click on the food pantry, select SUBMIT FOOD REQUEST. Fill out the application and choose an appointment time. A list of available foods at the pantry is provided (availability varies). You may come to the pantry one time a week, either on Sunday or Monday. If you need food, please know that you will be welcomed at our pantry. We are here to help. Face masks are required and available if you need one. We apply so- cial distancing and hand sanitizer. Please don't bring children if at all possible. Every Sunday HOURS 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Every Monday HOURS 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Rd 607-273-7419/www.agape-ithaca.org Pastors Mike Corriero and Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non-denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our purpose: To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest. To worship the Lord and seek his face. To share His love, and build up and equip God’s people. To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70 minute service, with a short time of wor- ship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Morning Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship, and opportunity for body ministry and testimony. Nursery and Children’s Church are provided during this service. Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296 www.jcumc.com Reverend Geri Judd We welcome visitors and invite you to join us at any time. The church is locat- ed on Route 96 in Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. Worship & Meetings: Sunday Worship as 10:00 am year round (Sunday School and Nursery con- current) Bell Choir Thursdays as 6:30 pm Vocal Choir Thursdays at 7:30 pm THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER The weekly sermon is posted on our website at: thefirstbaptistchurchofenfield.com as well as information about our min- istry. 6 Time in Enfield New York Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian (Historian@townofenfield.org) Information was found in Enfield Town Board Minutes (http://townofenfield.org/documents -public-laserfische/) and Itha- ca Journal. 1928 Town Board pays John J. Johnson for cemetery maintenance in town. 1931 Home Bureau meets at the home of Mrs. F.O. Rothermich and folds 600 dressings for the Memorial Hospital. 1931 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown have invited the public to picnic at their home on July 4. The women are asked to bring their own dishes, sandwiches and dish to pass. 1934 Charles Hedglin paid for working in Budd Cemetery. 1935 Bert Lanning and James Morgan paid for work in Budd and Enfield Center cemeteries. 1936 John Rea, Lee and Grant Ervay, Awara Johnson paid for work in Rumsey and Enfield Falls Cemeteries. Note: paying for cemetery workers were in the minutes throughout the years either in July or November minutes. 1937 Old Home Day Benefit Dance Enfield Center Grange Hall, April 8th “Rusty Reuben Boys” Broadcasting from WESG Radio, Wednesday night. 1939 July 4 - Old Home Day picnic at Schabers Grove at Miller’s Corners (Enfield Main and Mecklenburg Road). A pic- nic dinner will be served at noon. Judge W.M. Kent will be the speaker. Bring table service, sandwiches and a dish to pass. 1942 Town Board authorizes Supervisor to sell the trees in the Presbyterian Cemetery proceeds be applied to the im- provement of the grounds. 1945 Rabid Fox situation in Town of Enfield resolution drawn up by Board. Number of foxes and raccoons attack home owners and animals killed clinics held to vaccinated dogs from rabies. 1948 In June the Community Council of Enfield met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arland C. Cretser to plan Old Home Day. 1948 July 4 “Old Home Day” the first in many years, will be held at the Enfield Community Center. Activities, which will include a parade, sports, a picnic dinner, and dancing. Committee members Donald MacGillivary and Arland Cretser, Frances Newhart, Forrest Specht, Pearl Rolfe, Fred Rumsey and Robert Hubbell. 1949 Lewis Humphrey (Enfield and Rumsey Cemetery); Leroy Whitaker (Christian and Rolfe Cemetery) paid for work- ing in cemeteries. 1957 In June a Certificate of Incorporation of Enfield Community Center Inc. was submitted to Tompkins Count Courts. The directors of the corporation until its first annul meeting were: John W. Gunning, Ernest G. Laue, Lena M. Boyce, Frances M. Newhart, Sarah Jane Michener. Witnesses were Velma G. Inman, Perl E. Calkins and Alice Laue. 1957 November Voting for District 1 – Fire House was moved to Grange Hall because there was no heat in fire house. Election Inspectors were: Robert Bock, Alan Rumsey, Edna McFall, Lina Teeter. District 2 - Town Building. Ernest Laue, Susie Hansen, Fanny Lanning, Eva Brown. 1958 November PTA sponsored the first social event to be held in the new Enfield Elementary School . The whole com- munity was invited to the “get acquainted” round and square dance in the school gym. Dance committee members were Mrs. Charles McGurk, chairman, the Mesdames James Gordon, Earl Smith, James Auble and Philip Mente. As- sisted by the PTA presidents, Mr and Mrs. Paul Wright and the school principal, Frank Spadaro. 1960 April the PTA of Enfield School sponsored a Spring Square Dance at the Enfield Elementary school gym. Mrs. Charles McGurk is chairman of the dance committee assisted by Mrs. Harland Holley, Mrs. Gordon Humphrey and Mrs. Steven Supek. Cakes were provided by Mrs. Roger Bennett, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. William Bush, Mrs. Gordon Humph- rey, Mrs. Earl LaBombard, Mrs. Ernest Jacobs Mrs. Scott Lanning, Mrs. Carl Lovelace, Mrs. Dana Rumsey, Mrs. Jake Smiths, Mrs. Updike and Mrs. Paul wright. Dance was open to parents and their guests. 1962 June - Residents of the Enfield area have adopted the name “Enfield Community Council” for their new organiza- tion. Bylaws presented by a committee headed by Paul Wright, were approved at a meeting Tuesday night and will be- come effective after permanent officers are election Hugh Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schlaep- fer, Frank Spadaro, Carl Updike and Wilfred Drew Jr. were chosen for a committee to prepare the first slate of perma- nent officers and executive committee. Mrs Walter Schlaepfer is serving as temporary president and Mrs. Paul Wright, secretary. A tentative budget of $500 was approved after a report given by Frank Spadaro. The unit hopes to be includ- ed in the United Fund (UF) Drive. Paul Wright and Hugh Galt were named to meet with the UF town branch. 7 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 172 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-8757 President: efcpresident@htva.net Chief: efc661@htva.net Secretary: efcsecretary@htva.net Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram facebook.com/ENFIELDVFC Instagram.com/enfieldvfc Fire and EMS calls in 2020 to date: 110 January: 27 calls, including 18 EMS, 5 Service, 2 MVAs, and 2 Fire Calls. February: 28 calls, including 11 EMS, 10 Service, 2 MVAs, and 2 Fire Calls. March: 23 calls, including 13 EMS, 1 Service, 2 MVAs, and 7 Fire Calls April: 15 calls, including 10 EMS, 3 Service, 0 MVAs, and 2 Fire Calls May: 17 calls, including 10 EMS, 3 Service, 1 MVA, and 3 Fire Calls During April and May we provided Mutual Aid to Trumansburg and Odessa. We also participated in the Department of Emergency Response’s Video Education Project. Look for our next report presented at the Regular Town Board meeting! During the COVID-19/Corona Virus Pandemic, our leadership continues to work closely with the Tompkins County Health Depart- ment and the Department of Emergency Response as we continue to provide service to the Enfield Community. We have resumed meeting and training at our Fire Station and are welcoming new members! We train every Thursday at 7:30 pm. Our General Membership Meeting is the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. Call our Station at 607-272-8757 for an application or send an email to efcpresident@htva.net to volunteer! We partner with New York State’s Office of Fire Prevention and Control to sponsor your training in Fire, Emergency Medical Response, and Emergenc y Management. We have an active Junior Firefighter program for youth who are 14 years of age or older and meeting their academic goals. We would like to Congratulate Jr Firefighter Savannah Stevens who is now Certified in BLS CPR for your Companion Animals! Savannah graduated from BOCES in Animal Science. We would also like to congratulate our Jr Firefighters who are graduating this year! Bailey Stevens, Branden Riley, Josh Clap p, and Donovin Clements have shown great compassion, leadership, and work ethic in the classroom and at the Fire Station! To enhance response to emergencies in Enfield and to answer calls for Mutual Aid in our Region, our Truck Committee spent man y hours designing every inch of our new 3,000 Gallon Water Tanker, #622. Enfield VFC would like to thank Toyne, Dan Ford, JPB Fire Services inc, and the members of the Truck Committee who served for over a year. We would also like to express our gratitude to our Board of Directors, our Fiscal Management team and YOU, for believing in o ur vision of an Enfield that is strong and protected. On Memorial Day, Enfield VFC’s Trustees placed flags at the burial places of our deceased members to honor their service. Thi s Memorial Day our thoughts were especially with fallen soldier EVFC member Sergeant James G. Johnston. 8 Enfield Community Council 168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11 Ithaca NY 14850 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY The Enfield Community Council thanks the United Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support of the Council's outreach programs, including this newsletter. Please note that United Way and Community Council funds are used only for the Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage. Calendar of Events Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 1 pm. Enfield Community Council (ECC): TBA on the Town Website Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church; meetings include a dish -to-pass luncheon Please check with your organization as most items are cancelled at this time. Calling all vendors and musicians!! The Harvest Festival is September 26th and we need vendors. Vendors are charged $10.00 for a 10’x10’ space to set up. You supply tables, chairs, and canopy if you desire. Contact Cortney Bailey at cbailey525@yahoo.com or call her at (607) 279-4702 for information on either.