HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 October-December-Community-Newsletter-20191 Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2019 October—December Free Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do. ~ Brian Tracy It has been a busy summer. I can’t wait for life to slow down a little bit. Our Harvest Festival is in a few days from when I am typing this. I hope it is a great event. I would like to thank everyone who contributed; visitors, volunteers, vendors, individuals and businesses that donated to the basket raffle and silent auction and (hopefully) Mother Nature! All profits from the Enfield Community Council portion of the Harvest Festival goes toward our community’s youth. Once again our weather is about to turn into icy roads and running heat. Please take the time to have your heating appliances checked and cleaned. No one wants a fire or carbon monoxide event. Also take your vehicle in and make sure your four wheel drive and tires are up to the coming road conditions. As always, I urge everyone to check in on their neighbors. We are a community and need to look after our own. We have many people with mobility issues. Snow and ice make these issues even harder to cope with. Teens, I know you are good kids. Ask your neighbors if they need some shoveling done. On the the note of safety, I am an instructor for the NYS Parks and Recreation Snowmobile Safety Course. If any group is interested in sponsoring a course, please let me know. This course is necessary for any child ages 10 to 13 to drive their own snowmobile on public trails with an adult and ages 13 to 17 to drive without an adult. The course is free. An organization would need to supply a space for 8 hours, advertisement and lunch for participants. It will also get you a 10% discount on your snowmobile insurance. Any business that would like to place an advertisement in the newsletter should call me at 607-279-4702. Everyone please stay safe, Cortney Bailey This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Lisa Monroe, Vice President 379-0844 Lm.monroe@yahoo.com Ann Rider, Secretary 277-3478 daylilyann10@yahoo.com Carla Trenchard, Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What’s Inside… From the Editor 1 Message from ECC 1 Enfield Elementary School 2 Enfield Seniors Schedule 2 Enfield After School Program 3 Enfield Volunteer Fire Dept 3 Rabies Clinics 3 Town Historian 4 EVFC Blood Drive 5 Enfield Food Pantry 5 Area Churches: 5 Agape Bible Church Enfield Baptist Fellowship Jacksonville United Methodist Living Water Christian Fellowship Enfield Valley Grange 6 Advertisements 6 Calendar of Events 7 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 7 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in June for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you’d like to see included. Enfield Community Council Seeks New Members The Enfield Community Council is prepping for a new year and a busy one. We would like to add to our board and find Enfield people to help us with our new projects. Tell us the type of things you can help with, and we will gratefully find a place for you. Our major focus is the youth of our community. We want to build a new building to give them a *center*. Talk to your friends, search your thoughts. Contact Ann @ 227 -1891 or Cortney @ 279-4702, if you can help in any way. 2 Enfield Senior Citizens Members are 55+ with yearly dues of $5.00 Where: Living Waters Christian Fellowship, 162 Enfield Main Rd., Enfield Time: 11:30 (Come early for conversation) When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month It is a brief meeting with a dish to pass lunch (hot or cold). Bring a table service and we supply Hot Coffee, Tea or Cocoa. We have a $1.00 lunch basket donation to help with the cost. News from Enfield Elementary School https://www.https://www.ithacacityschools.org/enfield It’s an exciting new school year at Enfield Elementary! We have a dozen vegetable garden beds growing all sorts of goodies from the Farm to Table program this summer. Stop by and see our newly installed “Buddy Bench”, where stu- dents can sit with a friend or can go if they are looking for someone to play with. Students are busy getting to know their new teachers and classmates and are gearing up for an exciting year ahead. As the seasons change, we will be celebrating “Fall in Love with Reading week” September 16 - 20. The Scholastic Book Fair takes place in the school library Wednesday, September 18 - Saturday, September 21. Join us on Sat- urday for the Enfield Harvest Festival from 11:00 - 3:30. It promises to be fun for the whole family, including a dunk tank! Our passionate PTA continues to support and develop creative programming for our community. Please check out their website, www.enfieldpta.org, for continuous updates. Anyone can support the PTA through the site, and if you have children in the school, please consider becoming a member and attending our monthly PTA meeting on the first Monday of each month from 5:30-7:00. Pizza and childcare are provided. We collect Box Tops for Education. Here is the site for participating products: www.boxtops4education.com/earn. If you have some, Judy Fernandes in our main office will gladly take them off your hands! 3 . Enfield School Age Program The Enfield School Age Program is an after school program available to children in grades K -5 at the Enfield Elementary School. The program provides enriching services at an affordable rate. The program offers supervised homework time, daily outdoor play that consists of structured and unstructured activities, a garden to grow flowers, herbs and vegetables that are harvested and used in the program’s snacks,an outdoor pavilion for playtime/structured activities. The program also offers two snack times, group time, craft activities, quiet spaces for rest/reading/relaxation/socialization. Children can be enrolled for 1-5 days per week. The monthly rate is: 5 days/wk=$270, 4 days/wk=$260, 3 days/wk=$210, 2 days/wk=$185, 1 day/wk= $110. We accept payment/subsidies from the Dept of Social Services and have a minimal scholarship fund to help families. Interested in enrolling your child(ren) or for further information: enfieldschoolageprogram@gmail.com Vera Howe-Strait 280-2317 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 172 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-8727 Follow us on Facebook or Instagram facebook.com/ENFIELDVFC/ Instagram.com/enfieldvfc Fire and EMS Calls to date: 214 Join us for Halloween, October 31 at the Fire Station from 5 - 8 pm! Truck or Treat! We train Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. We have our general membership meeting on the first Thursday of the month. Interested in serving your community as a Fire or EMS First Responder? We are always welcoming new members! Stop by to pick up an application or download one from our website enfieldfirecompany.com October is National Fire Prevention Month! National Fire Prevention Week 2019 is from October 6 to 12. This year the National Fire Protection Association reminds us that 'Not Every Hero Wears a Cape: Plan and Practice Your Escape!' Plan a Fire Escape route with your family and practice regularly. Visit firepreventionweek.org for more information! Enfield VFC reminds Enfield to make sure all heating equipment is cleaned and serviced before heating season and that smoke detectors are installed and in working order this Fall/Winter season. Check and/or change smoke detector batteries November 3, when you change your clocks. Fall Rabies Clinics for Dogs, Cats and Ferrets Sponsored by: Tompkins County Health Department Environmental Health Division 607 -274-6688 All clinics are from 7 pm to 9 pm. Proof of prior vaccination is required to receive a 3 year certificate for cats and dogs. Ferrets must be vaccinated annually. Online preregistration for fall now available at: http:// www.tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/neighborhood/rabies. Caroline Highway Garage Wednesday October 2nd Trumansburg School Bus Garage Thursday October 3rd Ithaca Central Fire Station Wednesday October 9th 4 A Little History of the Enfield Baptist Church [1817] and a few Parishioners Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian What do you know about the people listed? Let me know – historian@townofenfield.org. Sunday School Association, Town of Enfield, Enfield Baptist Church, Enfield Center, August 13, 1911 Lynn B. Curry, President [drew map of Rolfe Cemetery 1912]; Harry Lanning, Vice President; Helen Fish, Treasurer; Myrtle Brown, Secretary Resource: Enfield Baptist Church Book – 1909 – 1911. Enfield Historians Collection and a pdf copy may be found on Townofenfield.org – Resources - Archived Documents – Baptist Church. Paid on Preachers salary Enfield Baptist Church for the year beginning December 1, 1909 and ending Dec. 1, 1910. Total for the year $318.00. Paid Mr. Lovelace $6.40 for wood. Paid Frank Barber (Blacksmith Enfield Center) for work on ditch $10.00; Borrow of Chas. Wright $75.00 -General Merchandising, Enfield Center) Paid C. Weatherby for tile $1.05. Paid Leroy VanMarter on salary $5.00; Settlement with Reverend Albert .D. Chrisjohn September 23, 1911 paid to date $216.65. Reverend Chrisjohn was a minister in the Baptist church for 20 years serving in Pennsylvania, Enfield, Bennetsburg and East Lansing plus other communities.. His first wife was Miss Bertha Durall, his second wife with Miss Lettie Rolfe. He died in 1929. He was reported as Enfield Historian in 1920. Ethel Aiken; Anna Aiken [b.. 1882 daughter of Fred and Emma Aiken]; Emma Crawford**; Ida Labar Curry [b. 1861 - 1913 wife of Samuel Curry]; Samuel Harvey Curry (Treasurer) [b. 1857 -1926]; Ed Curry [Deacon]; Susan Foster**; Agnes Fowler**; Daniel Griffen; Mary Hulford; Bea Ingals; Ladies Aid; Ursula Lanning; Almina Lanning; Harrison Lanning [appointed in 1887 to supervise the building of the Baptismal in the Baptist Church]; Marrilla Lanning; Ella Miller**; Irene Miller; Dr. Minor McDaniels [was born in Enfield December 13, 1872. He died June 6, 1937. He was a graduate from the University of Buffalo Medical College in 1904 and returned to Enfield to begin his practice. In 1911 he opened a medical practice in Ithaca. He was Tompkins County Assemblyman in 1910-1912. He held the presidency of the Tompkins County Medical Society. During World War I he was Captain of the Medical Corps for 6 months in France.]; John Rightmire; Lettie Rolfe; Owen Rolfe; Fred D. Rumsey [past Master of the Enfield Grange]; Cora Rumsey (1874 - 1967). Married in 1893 to Fred D. Rumsey (1870 – 1967); Hazel Rumsey (1897 – 1988); Harris Smith; Minor Smith; Chas. F. Smith (Chairman of Auditing Committee); Frank Stevenson [Supervisor Town of Enfield and served on Tompkins county board of Supervisors from 1918 to 1919]; Harry Stevenson [is this Harvey Stevenson?]; Dana Tubbs [Trustee 1917]; Mrs. Tubbs; Bert Tucker; Leon Tucker [Trustee]; Ursula Tucker; LeRoy VanMarter; Robert Whipple [appointed in 1887 to supervise the building of the Baptismal in the Baptist Church] C.J. Whitney; Chas. Whitney [Deacon]. (**member of Enfield Women’s Christian Temperance Union) Continued on Page 5 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 172 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-8727 Follow us on Facebook or Instagram facebook.com/ENFIELDVFC/ Instagram.com/enfieldvfc Fire and EMS Calls to date: 214 Join us for Halloween, October 31 at the Fire Station from 5 - 8 pm! Truck or Treat! We train Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. We have our general membership meeting on the first Thursday of the month. Interested in serving your community as a Fire or EMS First Responder? We are always welcoming new members! Stop by to pick up an application or download one from our website enfieldfirecompany .com October is National Fire Prevention Month! National Fire Prevention Week 2019 is from October 6 to 12. This year the National Fire Protection Association reminds us tha t 'Not Every Hero Wears a Cape: Plan and Practice Your Escape!' Plan a Fire Escape route with your family and practice regularly. Visit firepreventionweek.org for more information! Enfield VFC reminds Enfield to make sure all heating equipment is cleaned and serviced before heating season and that smoke detectors are installed and in working order this Fall/Winter season. Check and/or change smoke detector batteries November 3 , when you change your clocks. 5 Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Road 607-273-7419/www.agape-ithaca.org Pastor Mike Corriero Pastor Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non-denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our Purpose  To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest.  To worship the Lord and seek his face.  To share His love, and build up and equip God's people.  To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute service, with a short time of worship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Morning Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship, and opportunity for body ministry and testimony. Nursery and Children's Church are provided during the 10:00 am service. Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296/www.jcumc.com Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor We welcome visitors and invite you to join us at any time. The church is located on Route 96 in Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. Worship & Meetings: Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year- round (Sunday School & Nursery concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER 607-273-5682 .Please join us. We are an American Baptist Church (www.abc-usa.org) We sponsor the Enfield Food Distribution, our local food pantry. We have moved our service to Saturdays. Saturday at 3:30-4:30 PM is Kids Church for ages 3 through teens. From 4:30-5:00 PM we share a meal together. From 5:00-5:30 PM we have Worship. Please call 607-273-5682 for our location which is changing. Living Water Christian Fellowship 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca 607-277-6301 Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor The Living Water Christian Fellowship welcomes you! We are a full Gospel community fellowship. We believe and practice the gifts of the Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check out our web site LWCFIthaca.com Regularly Scheduled Events: Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Tuesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Saturday last Sat of the month Men’s Breakfast 8:00 am Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: May, July, September, etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk- ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, November 19th Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there’s always room for more! ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION Any Enfield resident in need may come to the pantry one time a week, either on Sunday or Monday. Please bring a proof of address. If you need food, please know that you will be welcomed and feel comfortable at our pantry. We are here to help. Every Sunday 12:00 – 1:00 PM Every Monday 12:00-2:00 PM The pantry serves on average 200 families a week. Volunteers and do- nations are always welcome. Please call 607-273-5682. We are a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Enfield Center. Continued from Page 4 The Town of Enfield is part of the Tompkins County Electronic Document Management System (Laserfiche). This program has enabled the Town of Enfield to scan many documents concerning Enfield: Town Minutes, maps, marriage licenses, churches, community council, committees, elections, family history, quilts, cemeteries, roads, and much more. This system will ensure that our town documents will be around for future generations. Documents have been placed on “public” site of the Laserfiche. This is the link for the “public” space: https://LFWeb.Tompkins-Co.org/ WebLink8/Login.aspx?dbid=5 or you can go to townofenfield.org - Resources - Archived Documents. 6 Enfield Valley Grange We hope you have enjoyed your summer and preparing for cooler weather just around the corner! This summer has been a great season for picnics. In July we hosted a grange picnic for our members and volunteers. This is one way we show our appreciation to everyone for all their help throughout the year. We couldn’t do it without your help! Thank you again! We are having our fish fry dinners monthly. Our next fish dinner will be on Friday, September 20th. Our last Fish Dinner for the season will be on Friday, October 18th. We start serving at 4:30pm. Our meals consist of fish, broiled or fried, baked potato or french fries, cole slaw or ap- plesauce, roll, homemade dessert of your choice w/beverage. Eat in or carryout available. We have scheduled a few dances on our calendar. Our first dance will be on Friday, September 27th from 7:30-10:00 pm, an Old Time Square Dance with The Rhiners band. The next dance will be Saturday, October 26th from 7-10pm, this will be a Honky Tonk Swing Dance with Lloyds Boys. Then on Saturday, November 16th; from 7-10:00pm will be a Gypsy Swing dance with the Zingology band. Then on Friday, January 24, 2020 from 7-10:00pm featuring a Blues Dance; with the Royal Enfield Blues band. The youth have been invited to host bake sales, and grangers will provide refreshments. We do not charge an entrance fee but suggest a donation of between $5 and $15per person/couple. Mark your calendars! We have been hosting a few Grange Beautification Days. Our members, friends and neighbors have been helping us. We thank you for your assistance. Our next scheduled Beautification Days are Saturday, October 5th and Saturday, October 19th from 9am to noon. We’d love to have you come join us! It’s not too early to plan for our annual Election Night dinner, on Tuesday, November 5 th starting at 4:30pm. Our menu will include turkey with all the fixings and homemade pies and cakes for dessert. Add this to your calendars. We look forward to seeing you and good time to visit with your neighbors! On Saturday, November 23rd from 9am-3pm we will be hosting our sixth annual Holiday Craft Fair. If you are interested in having a vendor table, please contact Sandra Trutt at 273 -4884. We will also be hosting the Lourdes Mobile Mam- mography Van at this time. This is free to men/women over 40, and the results will be sent directly to your medical pro- vider. Walk on’s are welcome, please bring a photo I.D. and an insurance card if you have one. We are looking forward to our annual Pancake Breakfasts starting in January 2020. Watch for signs! Our grange sponsors the Cornell Cooperative Extension Nutrition Program in conjunction with the Enfield Elementary School. We are a non-smoking, drug free zone. Our meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm, if you think you might be interested in learning more about the grange and what we do in our community, please feel free to sit in on one of our meetings. Our Craft Club meets the first Sunday of each month at 9:00am. You are welcome to join us whether it be crafting or just visiting. If you or anyone you know are looking to host an event and looking for space to rent please contact Sandra Trutt at 273 - 4884. Our rates are very reasonable. We wish to thank our community members for your support of the grange this past year. If you have any questions regarding the grange, please contact Carol Baker at 272-2144. Advertisers: Dougherty Outdoor Care Snow Plowing, Lawn Mowing, Weed Eating, Brush Clean -up, and other services available opun request! Bill Dougherty Cell: 607-279-2109 Home: 607-272-0877 168 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 7 Enfield Community Council 168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11 Ithaca NY 14850 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY The Enfield Community Council thanks the United Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support of the Council's outreach programs, including this newsletter. Please note that United Way and Community Council funds are used only for the Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage. Calendar of Events October 2 Planning Board 7 pm 9 Town Board 6:30 pm 18 Grange Fish Fry 4:30 pm November 5 Grange Election Day Dinner 4:30 pm 6 Planning Board 7 pm 13 Town Board 6:30 pm 16 Grange Dance 7 pm 19 EVFD Blood Drive 1:30 pm—6:30 pm 23 Grange Holiday Craft Fair 9 am-3 pm December 4 Planning Board 7 pm 11 Town Board 6:30 pm Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 9:00am. Creative Dance Classes for Kids & Teens: Wednesday afternoons at Living Water Christian Fellowship, 162 Enfield Main Road Enfield Community Council (ECC): TBA on the Town Website Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church; meetings include a dish -to-pass luncheon