HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-June-September-Community-NewsletterThis newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702
Lisa Monro, Vice President 379-0844
Ann Rider, Secretary 227-1891
Cada Trenchard, Treasurer 342-1385
Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702
What's Inside...
From the Editor 1
Enfield Food Bank 2
Zoo Trip 2
Blood Drive 3
EVFD Thank You 3
EVFC report 4
Area Churches: 4
Agape Bible Church
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Jacksonville United Methodist
Living Water Christian Fellowship
ECC Summer Camp 5
Community Yard Sale 5
After School 5
Community Conversation 5
Historian 6
Harvest Festival 7
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in
September for publication at the end of
that month. Contact the editor with
information you'd like to see included.
Enfield Community Currents
Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council
July -September 2018 Free
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.
-William James
Holy Heat Wave. As I type this it has finally dropped to 78 degrees. I hope
we are all checking with our neighbors (especially those with mobility
difficulties). The heat can be VERY deadly. Check on each other and make
sure everyone is safe. Do NOT leave your kids or pets in the car. This can be
death for them and jail time for you. Stay cool and when possible do outdoor
work during the early morning hours or after it cools down in the evening. Have
patiences and take it easy. Your (and My) kids are hot and disinclined to listen.
Deep breathes are essential to me (and counting slowly to ten or more).
was very sorry to hear about the food bank's problems. If you can help
them out, please contact Joanna or Jean. There info is an article further in.
While summer is hitting full force very soon, keep in mind the 45th annual
Harvest Festival on September 22nd at the Enfield Elementary Building! Live
music from Under Construction and lots of fun! If you would like to be a vendor
or volunteer, please call me or Ann Rider. Our info is to the left.
The ECC storage shed needs help! Can you donate materials, labor, or
expertise? We have a leaking roof with missing shingles. It looks like it may
need the one side completely redone (including plywood), but I am NOT an
expert at all. Please call Ann if you can help in any way.
Also, this appears to be the last mailing of the Town of Enfield section of
the newsletter. Please be sure to read the info in this issue so you can keep in
touch. This section will remain quarterly.
As always, we are always looking for ideas and volunteers. Volunteer as
much or as little as you can! We already had to cancel the Country Faire this
May due to not enough hands. I would like to bring this back and possible add
more community events. Please consider lending a helping hand!
Be Safe and Happy,
Cortney Bailey
Enfield Community Council Seeks New Members
The Enfield Community Council is prepping for a new building and
a busy year. We would like to add to our board and find Enfield
people to help us with our new projects. Tell us the type of things
you can help with, and we will gratefully find a place for you. Our
major focus is the youth of our community.
Talk to your friends, search your thoughts. Contact Ann @ 227-
1891 or Cortney @ 279-4702, if you can help in any way.
In cooperation with the Tompkins County Poor Peoples Campaign, the Enfield Food Pantry is now offering rides to
and from the pantry for those without transportation. Rides are provided by volunteers, and must be arranged at least
one day in advance by calling Joanna Green at 607-379-9270 or Jean Owens at 607-273-5682.
Any Enfield resident in need of food is eligible to receive free food at the Enfield Food Pantry. The pantry is held in
the Enfield Community Building at 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, 14850. The pantry is open every Sunday from
11:30am to 1:00pm, and every Monday from 11:30am to 3:30pm.
If you'd like to become a volunteer driver, call Joanna or Jean. If we have enough drivers we may also be able to
help people get to the laundromat and grocery shopping.
For more information on the Poor Peoples Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, visit
www.poorpeoplescamnaign.ora. Thanks for supporting our community!
Community Trip
Wonderful opportunity for all Enfieldersl
The Enfield Community Council is planning a community trip to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Syracuse on Sun-
day, October 14. We will meet at the Enfield Elementary school parking lot at 9:15 am, board a Swarthout bus,
enjoy a movie and snack, on your own at the zoo, lunch on your own at the cafeteria (or brown bag it) and be back in
Enfield by 4:00 pm. Cost is $5 per person which includes your admission to the Zoo. Sign up by contacting Vera at 280-
2317 or e-mail: vstrait1"8ahtva.net or Ann at 277-3478 or email: davlilvannl001-vahoo.com
Please be on the look out for the blood drives that take place at the Enfield Volunteer Fire Department. These drives keep life saving
supplies available for all of us. Thank you for those who give!
Red Cross Blood Drive
At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
Red Cross BloodDrive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: November, January
etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an
Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, July 17th
Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there's always room for
The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company would like to acknowledge all the members of our community for their donations
from our calendar mailing. We would also like to also like to thank all those who have supported the blood -drives we
hold every two months at the fire station. With the shortage of blood available, every donation is an opportunity to save a
a life. We had another successful Chicken BBQ year. Thank you for your continued support.
Area Churches, Missions, & Activities
First Baptist Church of Enfield Center
172 Enfield Main Rd.
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Kids of all ages stories, music, crafts
Sunday Worship 10:15 AM
Fellowship Meal Dish to Pass 11:00 AM
the last Sunday of the month
We are an American Baptist Church
associated with American Baptist
Churches New York State and American
Baptist Churches U.S.A.
We support missions throughout the
Everyone is welcome.
Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
The Luring Water Chrlsdan Fallowship
welcomes you! We are a full Gospel
community fellowship. We believe and
practice the gifts of the Spirit (I
Corinthians 12). Please check out our
web site LWCFlthaca.com
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Worship Service 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:00 am
Bible Study 7:00 pm
last Sat of the month
Men's Breakfast 8:00 am
Open Hands Blessing Shop will be open
on the first Saturday of each month from
9:00am to 12:00pm at Living Water
Christian Fellowship. Free clothing and
household items. Taking high quality,
clean donations at that time as well. All
are welcome. Please call 594-3922 for
more information.
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams -Compton
Agape is a non -denominational,
charismatic fellowship, with a diverse
group of people from different
cultures and backgrounds.
Our Purpose
• To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and
• To worship the Lord and seek his face.
• To share His love, and build up and equip
God's people.
• To spread the gospel both here and to the
8:30 am Mominci Service: A 70 -minute
service, with a short time of worship,
followed by the teaching of the word of
10:00 am Momina Service: A service of
around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with
expressive charismatic worship, and
opportunity for body ministry and
testimony_ Nursery and Children's Church
are provided during the 10:00 am service.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
607-387.-6296 www._icumc.com
Pastor Geri Judd
We welcomepersonsof any faith,
background into our fellowship,
either as a member or as a friend.
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
Sunday School and Nursery
are available during worship
We are family -you belong.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
172 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Total calls as of May 31, 2018 are
New Line Officers as of June 1, 2018
are: Chief: Roger Lauper
Deputy Chief: Mark Stilwell 1st
Assistant Chief: Alan Teeter 2 n
Assistant Chief: Wayne Lauper
FYI -The bridge on Route 327
between Trumbulls Corner's Road
and Hines Road will be closed starting
6/18/18 and will reopen in November
2018. Please consider this information
in your travels.
The New York State Burn Ban has
been lifted. For your safety and that of
those around you EVFC asks that you
only burn when necessary; that you
contain fires to a small area away
from surrounding building, cars, etc.
When out working in the sun and heat
please remember to hydrate. Enjoy
your Summer safely.
Community Businesses
Newhart Lodge
152 Griffin Rd
Newfield NY 14867
Think about having a wedding, company
picnic, reunion, clambake, or chicken
BBQ? Give us a call today!
To see your local business in our
newsletter, please email
cbailey525@yahoo.com for
information about advertising.
This will help to offset costs.
The Enfield Community Council is sponsoring the Enfield Community Yard Sale on Saturday, July 7, 2018. A list of all
the garage sales with the address, sale hours, and special items along with a map (and breakfast) will be available on
the morning of the sale at the barn at 190 Halseyville Rd. You can donate your usable items (including clothes) to the
Community Council. Drop off your good used items on Thursday or Friday, July 5 or 6 between 4-7 PM at the barn at
190 Halseyville Rd. For more information call Ann Rider, 277-3478.
Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp
The Enfield Community Council has a summer day camp program for children ages 4-13 years old. It is a 6 -week pro-
gram that begins on July 2 and ends August 10, 2018. It will be held at the Robert Treman State Park's lower level
(the North Shelter).
The campers start their day at 8:45 a.m. with a cold breakfast and have activities until 11:30 which is lunchtime (except
for fieldtrips, most lunches are hot food items). The daily activities include a combination of most of the following:
sports, arts, science, sewing, cooking, hiking, literacy activities, swimming, outdoor education (the last activity is for
campers 9 years old and up). We have access to open fields, creeks and the playground. There will be field trips to
Hangar Theater, Sciencenter, Taughannock Park, Watkins Glen, Greenwood Park, bowling and some new trips.
Looking for after school care or activities for your elementary school children?
The Enfield After School Program has openings!!!
We are a local not-for-profit organization which operates out of the Enfield Elementary School.
Our hours are from 2pm-5:30pm when school is in session.
Some of our features are: Homework Club (we have access to teachers and classrooms so we can avoid the "I forgot
my homework excuse")! The Enfield Youth Garden, kids love being in our wonderful garden space, growing food and
just enjoying being outdoors. Soon our Garden Club will start back up and we are excited to have our Outdoor Class-
room Pavilion finished and ready to use! EYES ScienceProgram , on Fridays Cornell Engineering students
join us to show our kids how fun Science can be! Cornell Cooperative Extension Nutrition Proqram comes once a
week to teach our kids how to make healthy foods and healthy food choices! The kids get plenty of outdoor time, gym
time and we are always doing arts and crafts and exploring different themes. We have many different enrollment op-
tions from 5 days a week to 1;day. We accept DSS cases and we have a limited scholarship fund through the United
Way. If you are interested in learning more about our fantastic community program give us a call at 607-274-2368
and ask for Colleen or Vera, we look forward to hearing from you!!!!
Enfield Communitv Cafe Conversation
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Enfield Town Court building
Free Pizza!
Let your voice be heard!
How can we best support all children & families in our community? Join this discussion, meet other parents, Talk about what matters most: our
families and communities. Changing the lives of children through conversations that matter!
All families and people who care about them are invited
to join in this guided conversation
Bring a friend
Meet other parents
Talk about what matters most: Our Families and Communities!
Please let us know if you are coming, especially if you need childcare!
Call CCE Tompkins at 272-2292 ask for Jennifer
Or email ico33( comell.edu
- MOTHER'S CLUB - Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian
Out of the stressed day to day existence of the beginning of the depression years of the 1930's, there arose the idea by Reverend
Dutton S. Peters and his wife, Martha, that there was a need in behalf of the women of local Enfield families to have some diversion
from the duties and plain hard work that made up their lives.
To that end, a Club and annual Mother's Camp was set up. Charter members were: Vera Drew, Lena Teeter, Edna Graham, Lida
Griffen, Susie Hansen, Martha Peterson,
Ada Rumsey, Carrie Schaber, Nellie Wilson, and Harriett Wixom.
It began with a core of eleven women who went to Lisle, New York to the hostel called the Happy Valley Homes, for a week's va-
cation -in August of 1933. In 1935 flooding was bad in Lisle so there was "no camp this year", as related by Doris Snow from the
records ofher mother (Susie Hansen).
After—the "Lisle Years", Mothers' Camp was held some years on Cayuga Lake and sometimes on Kayutah Lake (Also known as
Cayuta or Little Lake) near Odessa, N -Y. A private cottage was rented by the group and supplies for the week were purchased or
solicited from the -members.
The ladies in teams, prepared meals, cleaned up, and provided entertainment in the form of readings, poetry, skits, song fests, etc.
They walked and swam for other recreation. On the final day of camp, family members, coming to retrieve their "renewed" mother,
were often invited to -share -the picnic or last meal before departure for home.
Club meetings were bimonthly at members' homes and consisted of a meal with a business meeting followed by some form of casu-
al entertainment. Occasionally a day trip was planned, such as an outing to Corning Glass Factory, Coming, N.Y. in 1952 with
lunch at the Grace Methodist Church served by the ladies of that church.
Forty -four -years later the Mother's club met with the following members as of May 1977:
Alice Baker; Carol Baker, Jesse Baker, Mildred Bates, Irene Brown, Nellie Decker, Edna Graham, Viola Harvey, Grace Hill,
Fayette Hines, Lina Jones, Joyce Lane, .Lennie Leonard, Mary Pelham, Martha Peterson, Warena Rumsey, Elizabeth Rumsey, Irene
Scott, Doris Snow, Marian=Thorton, Elizabeth VanDezee, Jean VanDezee
The club flourished through the years until the 1980's when the last of the original members were gone and the requirement of every
day life .changed radically from those -of fity,some years earlier.
Members and`non-members who have come and gone to camp and meetings over the years:
Mary Ammark, Alice Baker, Carol Baker, Jessie Baker, Mildred Bates, Marce Bennett, Irene Brown, Pearl Caley, Jerry Cockerill,
Nellie Decker, Cora Dempsey, Vera Drew, Lena Fisher, Wilma Fisher, Edna Graham, Ana Green, Hollen Green, Lida Griffen, .
Susie Hansen, Viola Harvey, Grace Hill, Fayette Hines, Carrie Hoffmire, Joyce Lable, Lina Jones, Neva Lane; Winifred Laughlin,
Cora Leonard, Jennie Leonard, Caroline Lewis, Blanche Marshall, Esther McFall, Dora Monroe, Sara Nousse, Bernice Payne, Mary -
Pelham, Martha Peterson, Wamea Ramsey, Marie Ross, Ada Rumsey, Cora Rumsey, Elizabeth Rumsey, Elmina Rumsey, Carrie
Schaber, Irene Scott, Doris Snow, Eva Snyder, Joyce Soule, Mazzei Spencer, Helen Stanton, Ethel Taber, Isabelle Teeter, Jessie
Teeter, Lena Teeter, Marian Thomton, Blanche Tucker, Elizabeth Tuckerman, Hilda Tuner, Hazel Updike, EIizabeth VanDerzee,
Jean VanDerzee, Marie Wagemaker, Helen Wilkins, Emma Willett, Gladys Willis, Harriett Wixom, Nellie Wilson. 3
If you are interested in more information on the Mother's Club, I have scanned pictures, minutes and other various records and
- placed them on our Town of Enfield Public archival site under Mother's Club: http-.//townofenfield.org/documents-public-
De Enfield Community Council. Pre3en�
The 44th Annual
Saftffday, September 2211d
11 am to 3:30 PM
Enfield Elementary School
20 Enfield Main Road
Good Times & Great Food A# Day!
Concession Stand
hot dogs, chili, chili
dogs, corn chowder,'
Chicken BBQ at 11 am
$10 full dinner
Chicken, roll, choice of two
sides: bakedbeans, salt
� , potatoes, cafe s/aw&
yuaaI 1, wup, nat; nos
°$6 chicken i�f enl"
& cheese, & drinks -
$6 vegetarlfan
Lots of Games & Activities for Children:
Hay Ride, Games Tent, & More!
Fun Things to Look at and Learn About with:
Enfield Fire Department* Highway Department
"Car Pride" Exhibit
Can you help make this event a success?
Contact Cortney Bailey at 279-4702
The Enrield Harvest Festival is the major annual fundraiser for the
Enfield Community Council; all profits go directly to fund local Youth
and Community Programs.
Event made possible by the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism
Enfield Town Board: OF
Meetings are held in the
Community Building, Town of Enfield
+♦ r
182 Enfield Main Road, upstairs Municipal NeWSIeLle1
2"d Wednesday, 6:30pm t1r i�r I�
Town Supervisor: 168 Enfield Main Road V
Beth McGee - (607) 288- httpJ/townofenfield.org y�
2384 supervisor@townofenfield.org.''
Town Council Members July-September 2018
Virginia Bryant 607-280-0487
Michal Carpenter 607-280-0180 News From the Supervisor
michael-carpenter@townofenfield_org Are you still using the heat and air conditioning at the same time? Then, it must
Mimi Mehaffey
mimi-mehaffevCa)townofenfield.orq be June in Enfield, NY! I hope you're enjoying the long-deserved sunshine
Becky Sims (607) 564-2005 and the smell of freshly mowed lawns throughout the town, and maybe a burst
becky-sims@townofenfield.org of color in your garden too. There's a lot going on in Enfield, so I'll get right to it.
The Town Board will consider an extension on our Moratorium on Commercial
Planning Board: Solar and Wind Development through 12131118. The Town of Enfield has been
Meetings are held in the designated a Clean Energy Community and has qualified for a $50,000 grant
Community Building, 182 Enfield Main for reducing energy use. We are currently considering projects to propose for
Road, upstairs the grant and will have a better sense of how we're moving forward by August.
Vt Wednesday, 7pm
The Town Board is reviewing a Solar Law proposed by the Renewable Energy
Chair,-Dan Walker— 387-6394 Advisory Committee and will be working together on this over the next couple
dan-walker@townofenfield.org of months.
Ann Chaffee 272-6460 Beautification Committee has met and determined some small projects and
Steve Givin —273-7434 could sure use some folks who love to dabble and dig in dirt to help with some
Henry Hansteen —727=3746 planting -and thinning this year. If you have a-talent for this, -we'd love to have
Rich Teeter 727=3746 you share a couple of hours with us sprucing tip the place. This is a short term
Alternate: Joe Dawson opportunity to share our talents with our neighbors and no committee to join!
The Finance Committee will begin looking at the budget in June. We're seeking
9 g
flown Clerk,- _- 273-8256 one more resident who would like to be a part of this team. This group works
168 Enfield Main Road together with town'officials and two other- residents to determine best practices
Alice Linton, Town Clerk and make recommendations to the Town Board regarding finance and
townclerk@townofenfield.org budgetary issues. You don't have to be a mathematician to be a valuable part
Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk of this team. Your interest and input will help the town meet its fiscal
Office Hours: M-Th 3 pm — 6 pm responsibilities.
Town Web Site: www.townofenfield.org The Town Board seeks a Burial Coordinator to organize burials for town
Highway Department 272-6490 cemeteries. There is a stipend for this position. Are you the perfect candidate?
475 Enfield Main Road Qualifications include an interest in providing a service to families during a
Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent difficult time and willingness to make the burial portion of their process go
highway@townofenfield.org smoothly. Good communication skills,'respect and care for the community,
Office Hours: M-F: 6 am — 2:30pm ability to learn and relay burial plot requirements for interment, ability to
excavate a cremation plot with a shovel 2' deep and 2' wide if necessary, ability
Town Court - 272-0529 to respond on an as-:needed basis during the months of April through
Community Building, 182 Enfield Main November (less than 5 times a year).
Road, upstairs
Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm For more -information about any of these items, please contact me at
Code Enforcement Office 277-0266 Supervisor{vtowno#enfieid.ora
Community Building, 182 Enfield Main
Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer The Town will no longer provide a paper newsletter insert with the Community
code-officer@townofenfield.org Council news. There are several ways you can stay even more informed than
Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-11 am; Wed. 5-7 through a quarterly newsletter.
Hurry to your town website at www.townofenfield.ora and look at the right
Town Historian 273-8256 side of the screen. There is a space to share your name and email
168 Enfield Main Road address. Once you enter your information, we can keep you better
Sue Thompson
historian@townofenfield.org informed of important events and issues that connect us in the Town of
Enfield as soon as we post them on our website. Clean up days, rabies
clinics, Town and Planning board meetings and committee happenings,
Chicken BBQs, blood drives, Grange information, Public Hearings,
emergency information and more are posted there. (Be sure to check
your SPAM folder for our emails if you are not seeing them in your
Enfield Town Web Site — www.townofenfield.orq
If you don't have a computer, but do have a
Enfield Town Web Site — www.townofenfield.org
smart phone, you're in luck! Our site is
Is your community group holding an event in the Town of Enfield?
mobile -friendly and easy to use_ Follow
Send us the details so we may post it on our town web page. Send
the instructions above and you'll be
your event details to news@townofenfield.org.
getting notifications about the great
Don't forget to sign up to be notified of news from the Town of
things happening in your town before
Enfield (located on the front page of the web page).
you know it.
Some of the items you can find on our web page are: Minutes from
the Town Board meetings (both sound recording and approved —
written); Planning Board Minutes, Archival -Historical — resource
If you have no internet access at all, please
documents, Town Newsletters, and Calendar events.
call Alice Linton, Town Clerk, at 273-
8256 and speak with her about access
to town news and events information. A
From the Enfield Town Clerk
= brief list will be updated monthly and
available at the Town Hall_
This is the time of year at town hall that we are busy selling
fishing licenses, marriage licenses and dog licenses. Please re-
member that it is very important to keep your dog licensed_ It is a
= A sign will be installed outside of the Town
common occurrence for a resident to stop by to license their dog,
Hall that will share current news and
only to find their dog's rabies vaccination has expired. Thanks for
info as necessary. Thanks to Joe
doing your part to make sure all Enfield dogs are legal!
- Dawson for volunteering his time to
- build this great tool for keeping our
If you have a new dog, you can stop at the town hall, call
community informed. Look for it this
and ask us to send you a form for licensing, or print the dog license
form from our website, vA,uW.townofenfeld.ora_
This is likely to be the final municipal newsletter that _
If you would like help navigating our website
you will receive in a paper format. We're going to try publish -
or with signing up for news and events,
ing future newsletters/articles on our website. We encourage
please stop in and see us at the Town
residents to go to www.townofenfield.orq and sign up to re -
Hall or give us a call and we'll sign you
ceive postings as they are available.. If you don't have access .
to -b- 66rnp""u`ter--ana woul"et —1 itie #uil`ure —h ewstettersiartfcies,_._._
please contact us at town hall — 273-8256. We believe this
change will save the Town several thousand dollars each year.
If you know someone who is -missing out on
all the great news and info in Enfield,
As always, if our office hours aren't convenient for you, give
please share this information with them.
us a call at 273-8246 and we'll be glad to open the office at a time
The more people included on this
that works for you.
notification list, the more connected we
are as a community.
Have a relaxing summer, and remember you can purchase
Now get back to enjoying the warmth. Pretty
your fishing license at the town hall!
soon the corn will be knee-high and the -
nights filled with chirping frogs. Just
Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk
some of the great joys of living out .
Beth McGee -
Town Supervisor
County Legilature:
Anne Koreman
319-3355 akorman@tompkins-co.org
Dave McKenna
564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org
Enfield History Update by
Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian — historian(aDtownofenfield.oro
Just a few things in the historian's area. if you are looking for a place to share Enfield documents, pictures, etc. contact
the Enfield Town Historian. I can scan your documents to place in our archive and return your originals:
A few requests of information I have received lately are: "wWat was the Enfield Community Center, Inc." Inc. July
1957?"; 'Were there "witches" on Connecticut Hill?" (An interesting article on Witches in New York State can be found
here: https:Hmailchi_mp/ihare.org/witches-in-america-a-tale-of-three-new-yorkers) 'Where was the location of the old
Royce Farm in Enfield, the Vincent Meyers Gas Station on Enfield Falls Road, the Gibbs House on Bostwick Road."
Simon Vescelius DAR connection and Enfield. Was a very old axe head found on property located on Harvey Hill Road.
Dave Bock shared some Enfield History information after ! asked about Mummy Hill. "I have no idea how Mummy Hill
got its name. Trumbulls Corners Rd loops around the west side and Porter Hill Rd goes up the east side, where the
Porters lived .at the top_ Their home is marked on the 1850s map of Enfield. Starting at the Rumsey family cemetery at
the western edge, the now -abandoned stagecoach road runs along the side of the hill to emerge just below Rockwell Rd
at the east (avow Andy Auble-s driveway). That was part of the route the stage took from Watkins Glen (then called
Jefferson) to Enfield Falls. Sometime in the mid-30s the CCC planted all the pines; Dad (Bob Bock), about 10 years old
at the time, "helped_
News from Tompkins Countv Government
A Message from Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk. County Clerk and DMV Ready to Chat!
The Tompkins County Clerk's Office is located in the Tompkins County -Courthouse at 320 N_-Tioga St.
and the Department of Motor Vehicles is conveniently located at 301 Third Street in the Hancock Plaza - and now, we
are available to chat -a d answer your -questions online! Go to httpl/dmv.ny.gov/office/ithaca and click the chat
now button.
Both offices are known for our fast-moving lines, quick turnaround of documents, friendly and helpful staff, and
ease of access - either in person, phone
or online; Our _goal is to provide excellent. service to our -customers.
County Clerk's Link: litt5 . ter�k:_=fsct��ntc-.aati-;'ecte�k
• Need a copy of your deed?
• Renewing your driver's license?
Transferring a pistol permit?
• Planning to travel abroad and need a passport?
How may we help you?
Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk -
Flu Vaccinations Available at the Tompkins County Health Department
Protect yourself and your community from the flu and get vaccinated! There are many opportunities for flu
vaccination including health care provider offices, pharmacies, and the Tompkins County -Health Department. Everyone
over the age of six months should be vaccinated every year against the flu.
Flu vaccination is the hest protection against the flu — it protects you and limits the spread of flu to others.
These -include infants under the age of 6 months who are too young to be immunized and those who are
immunocompromised such as people who are receiving cancer treatment.
Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) is providing flu vaccinations at its location at 55 Brown
Road - across from the airport. There is -plenty of free parking. Flu vaccinations will be available at the Health
Department beginning, October 6. Appointments are necessary for all clinics and can be made by calling the Health
Department at 607-274-6616_
Flu vaccinations will also be available to the public on Tuesday, October 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at
Lifelong, 119 West Court Street. Call TCHD at 274-6616 to make an appointment.
Most health insurance plans cover the cost of an annual flu vaccination. At the Health Department, there are no
out-of-pocket costs if you have one of the following health insurance plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Total
Care, Fidelis, Medicare Part B and Medicare Managed Plans: Secure Horizons, Today's Options, and Medicare Blue.
However if you have a health insurance plan other than those listed above, you will have to pay the cost of the
flu vaccination at the time of your appointment. The Health Department will provide a receipt that you may submit to
your insurance for reimbursement.
The cost is $35. Cash and checks accepted; no credit or debit cards.
Town of Enfield
168 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca NY 14850
Let us help you stay informed. The following options will keep you
up-to-date on important news and events in Enfield.
Visit www.townofenfield.orct and share your name and email address
in the box on the tight of your screen, and we'll send you up -to -the
minute information so you never miss a thing.
No computer, but you have a smart phone? Our site is mobile -friendly
and easy to use. Open your browser app and follow the instruc-
tions above to access email updates on your phone.
If you have no internet access at all, please call Alice Linton, Town
Clerk, at 273-8256 and speak with her about access to town news
and events information. A brief list will be updated monthly and
available at the Town Hall.
Look for a new sign to be installed soon outside of the Town Hall that
will inform you of current events on your drive through town.
If you know someone who is not getting news and information from the
Town, please help them stay informed by sharing these tips.
For more information, see the Supervisor's letter inside this newsletter.
Dates to Remember
7 Community Yard Sale
10 & 24 Renewable Energy Advisory
Committee 7pm
18 Senior Citizens 11:30am-1:30pm
20 Fish Dinner Grange 4:30pm
26 ECC 6:30pm
1 Planning Board 7pm
8 Town Board 6:30-9:OOpm
15 Senior Citizens 11:30am-1:30pm
17 Fish Dinner Grange 4:30pm
23 ECC Meeting 6:30pm
Sepp a�nber
5 , anning Board 7pm
12 Town Board @ 6:30
19 Senior Citizens 11:30am-1:30pm
21 Fish Dinner Grange 4:30pm
22 Harvest Festival 11 to 3:30
27 ECC Meeting 6:30pm