HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Newsletter October-December Town of EnfieldFrom the Highway Department From the Town -Clerk " Hope everyone had a good "summer as Fall is here and students are back in school. Our office i we travel toward winter weather; -please - has been busy issuing hunting licenses, marriage licenses, dog remember speed is a factorin most accidents._-- licenses, and handicap permits. -. Check -your mailbox one final time to ensure al Although Trumansburg; -Newfield -and Odessa school tax they are up to sPec's. " bills have already gone out, ithaca-schooltax bills don't go out ' The pavin on North Van Dom -road is - until the beginning of October and are due:October 31st:Town complete, still working on"a section of -South and county -tax bills -will be mailed at -the end of December and : Van Dorn,road.can be paid without penalty until January 31 st. We are working on Romsey Hill road We will -have additional hours during the=month of Janu- getting it readyfor-paving."By the time you are ary: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from -9-12. Our reading this my hope is it will be complete." October, November -and December -hours will remain Monday Thank you to Ulysses, Newfield, and uh" -Thursdayfrom 3-6 -m Weare always gladto come inthrog Town of Ithaca for yourshared services. As extra hours to accommodate your needs. Just give us a call at always continue to let us know of any_concerns 273-8256 or send an -email to townclerk@townofenfield.org. Remember to check the Town of Enfield website at See you on the i -Roads_ www.townofdnfteld.or for" copies of Enfield Town Board minutes, 9 Buddy 'Rollins - upcoming events, and eneral Town of Enfield information " Enfield Highway,' Superintendent .. Alice Linton Enfield Town Clerk Enfield -Town Web Site —"wyn-v.townofen#ield.orct It seems that everyone was super busy this last -month and a -half. Just a reminder if you, are holding a public event please send My apologies the newsletter is me the information and 1 can place, it on the, web site. slight, but I can,only publish,what-, (susan=thompson a(�townofdn#ield:ar0):. is submitted to me. , - Sincerely, Minutes from the meetings of the Town Board, Wind Advisory Cortney Bailey _plslced on the website. Committee, and Manning Board are Don't forget to sign up to receive"the "posting? notices from our website. Need a'Space to Meets - If you don't have ready access to a com "u`ter ana want t Enfield community aboutourtown-meetin s: ou"cart ive-thet-bwn Clerk's office a - ' g. y y6vep.is available for Enfield Community evenfs , hone call 607-273-8256 or stop to fo visl# a#-168 ;EalfieCd Main P pf ti and activities, and"has tables and chairs ' , Road. available. To reserve space, or reparf a, problem with the ;facility, contact the Town ; A few sites to check on the 'Top Menu ! of the w.ebsrte. _ p Clerk for the appropriate "referral. _ • Resources" — Documents - Public Las erfiche; you can do', your own "historical research', withthe many.town documents we have placed there: bates;to Remember • "Throw Back Thuisday" woekly historica} articles under "News" on the -fop menu. October 11 Town Board,(g 6:30pm ; 14 "Tire Collection-@, Highway Dept 18: Grange Meeting 7:000m Town of Enfield November 168 Enfield,Mairt.Road 0 8- Town Board,@ 6:30pm - Ithaca NY 9485015 Grange Meafirig,7:00pm . -;.: - "Dec� r� �r . , r (3 Town Board@ 6,30,' 20 Grange Weting 7:000m This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Carla Trenchard, Vice President 342-1385 Deena Rambaum, Secretary 379-3420 deenarambaum@gmail.com Lisa Monroe, Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What's Inside... From the Editor 9 Summer Camp Update 2 EVFC Blood Drive 3 Enfield Food Pantry 3 Area Churches: 3 Agape Bible Church Enfield Baptist Fellowship Jacksonville United Methodist Living Water Christian Fellowship Enfield Valley Grange 4 Play it Again Ithaca 4 School Age Program 4 I Harvest Festival Thank you 5 Reuse Trail 5 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 6 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in December for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you'd like to see included_ Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2017 October— December Free In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln We have so much to be thankful for here in our little neck of the woods. We have not had to face powerful hurricanes or mass shootings. We have had relative peace and quiet. It has been a hard three months for many in the United States. I am sure we all had, or have, someone in the affected areas to worry about. My best friend lives in St. Croix. It will be a long time before life gets even remotely close to normal. All the islands were hard hit by one (or more) of the storms that went through. I also have family in Texas and Florida. Please keep those affected in your thoughts. The problems in Nevada being man made are harder to swallow. These people need our prayers and well wishes_ Our Harvest Festival was a wonderful success. Thank you to all the people who put themselves out there to make it a fun event. The gorgeous weather was most welcome. A very special thanks to Newhart's Lodge for donating their time, pits, and expertise to cook our chicken for the barbeque. They even delivered the chicken!!! My daughter is now six months old. My how time has flown. My son is eleven. I am truly blessed that they absolutely adore each other. While still sleep deprived, life is slowly developing a schedule of sorts... I hope you have all been looking out for each other. Keep an eye out for things not being right. There have been more break-ins in our area. This is not acceptable. Please report any suspicious activity. The police know there is a problem, let's help them catch those responsible. Keep your eyes open and call the authorities if you see something odd. The Enfield Community Council is looking for a secretary. Deena Rambaum is stepping back from the position. It is time for some travel and enjoyment for her and her husband. Have fun Deena! Anyone interested in the position, please contact myself as 279-4702 or cbailey525@yahoo.com. We are also looking into the viability of doing a quilt again next year for the Harvest Festival. We are woefully short on quilters and ticket sellers. We may have to discontinue this event for a few years if people do not come forward to help. I would like to see the tradition continue, but without more volunteers it may not be possible. Have a safe and warm winter, Cortney Bailey Help Needed Our School Garden volunteer, Jenny Wurster, needs some help. Could someone with a post hole digger coordinate with her. She needs some holes dug to get the fence reinstalled around the garden. This garden is viewed by many people in our community every day and getting this job done would help her so much. It would also look so much better. Call Jenny at 387-1044 or email her at jenwurster@gmail.com. The community would greatly appreciate this. We also need help with the roof of our storage shed. It is 12 feet high and roughly 9'x12' square. Do you have shingles left over that can be donated. The interior also shows some signs of water damage. Please call Cortney at 279- 4702 to volunteer supplies or services. Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Feels like it took a long time for Summer to surface and now it is Fall! We had a busy camp season, as usual. Many new friends this year at camp and some new "types" of activities. We went to Seneca Lake State Park, as a new place; had Laura Rowley make paper with the oldest group of campers as a new activity and started the Enfield Paddlers Club as the new Community Council "program". There were 103 campers and 16 CIT (Counselors -in -Training) and 1 teen volunteer. Our field trips this year were: Greenwood Lake State Park, Taughannock State Park, Seneca Lake State Park, Watkins Glen, Hanger Theater, Scienceenter, Mini -golf, Bowling, MOST Museum in Syracuse. Our presenters: Maggi Szpak from Cornell Cooperative Extension 4H Youth Development Nutrition and Laura Rowley for paper -making, joumal-making, creative writing, build -a -bookshelf. Daily Specialists' Activities included: Sports: Various ball games, variations of dodge ball, parachute games, water games. Science: Bubbles, nature, conservation, hiking, egg drop (packing eggs with recycled materials and drop- ping them from a height), explosions, with vinegar/baking soda, lemons/baking soda, mentos/soda, animal skeletons, gems/rocks. Forgotten Arts: Games: Various board games, pogo sticks, hot potato water balloons, dominoes, jacks & balls, puzzles, hula hoops, cats in the cradle, button on a string, musical chairs, stilts (5 pair of varying sizes), jump rope, water paints, whistling w/combs & grass, mazes, construction games, ring/washer/bean bag toss, pop beads, relay races, simon says, connect the dots, tic-tac-toe, chalk. Cooking: English muffin pizza, grill cheese, goop (liquid/starch/glue), ooblick, clay, play dough, snow - cones, smores, milk shakes, waffles, pancakes, spaghetti, jello, hot dogs, pretzels. Arts: All projects are specific to each age group: Made fairy/troll houses out of recyclables, Feely boxes, sun catchers, animal masks, foam coasters, craft stick animal puppets, wind chimes, jewelry, maraca shakers, rubber band bracelets, foam bookmarks, group animal shapes, duct tape wallets, foam magnets, wind chimes, mosaic ani- mals, plant picks, yarn baskets, origami crane suncatchers, washer/bottle top necklaces, tab bottle bracelets, paper birdhouses, bears, god's eyes, boondoggle, lanterns, plaques, lizard door hangers, paper -plate flying disca, rock paint- ing, pinwheels, butterfly/monkey hand -foot shapes, wooden tops, paper fans, leis, tiki masks, water colors, parachute tube monsters, mini -me. Our specials were: Ice cream sundaes, staff dish -to -pass lunch, pasta hunt (#1 Dragons -winner got a trophy for the day), canoeing for 12 campers on Cayuga Lake Inlet - four times total, Tie-dye— three days, movie day, and Hawai- ian day. The Daily/Weekly Activities: Swim everyday, playground time, sprinklers, sidewalk chalk, mist_ craft activi- ties during choice times, creek exploring, walking Wednesdays, free play (sports, crafts, board games, cards, drawing, reading) I would like to thank Treman State Park for hosting the camp once again for an enjoyable summer in a truly relax- ing, diverse environment. Perfect for summer camp. Thanks for the financial support of the Ithaca Moose Lodge and an anonymous community member for the scholar- ship donations totaling $1400. Once again thank you to the United Way Youth Philanthropy Group for the $2500 grant for the Community Council to purchase three canoes, life vests, paddles, construction materials to build a canoe rack and mise. items. Thanks to Ithaca Dick's Sporting for being very helpful in choosing the necessary items, giving us at- tention and support in the best purchases/saving money and helping load/secure the canoes into a trailer_ Lastly a thank you and congratulations to all staff, ages 14+, for a successful season working with all campers, staying on task, being enthusiastic and responsible throughout the camp season. Vera Howe -Strait Camp Director Vera Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: November, January etc.) 1.30 until 6.30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, November 21st Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there's always room for more! Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Enfield Baptist Fellowship 172 Enfield Main Road Worship/Sunday School Sunday 6:00 pm We are an American Baptist Church associated with American Baptist Churches New York State and American Baptist Churches U.S.A. We support missions throughout the world. Everyone is welcome. Please call 607- 273-5682 for updated times for our worship service. We are a small, caring fellowship of believers who sponsor the Enfield Food Distribution in cooperation with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and the Town of Enfield along with the help of many local volunteers. Volunteers are needed and welcome. Communitv Businesses Newhart's Lodge Newhart's Lodge@gmail.com Good food/Good Times/Great Friends Clambakes/Wedding Receptions/Company Picnics/Reunions Cliff 273-5969 Gabe 279-4841 To see your local business in our newsletter, please email cbai- ley525@yahoo.com for information about advertising. This will help to offset costs. Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Road 607-273-7419/www.agape-ithaca.orq Pastor Mike Corriero Pastor Chip Adams -Compton Agape is a non -denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our Purpose • To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest. • To worship the Lord and seek his face. • To share His love, and build up and equip God's people. • To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70 -minute service, with a short time of worship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Morninq Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship, and opportunity for body ministry and testimony. Nursery and Children's Church are provided during the 10:00 am service. Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296/www.icumc.com Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor We welcome visitors and invite you to join us at any time. The church is located on Route 96 in Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. Worship & Meetings: Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year- round (Sunday School & Nursery concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm Enfield Food Pantry The Enfield Food -Pantry is available to Enfield residents in need of help providing food for themselves and their family. NEW HOURS: The pantry is open Every Sunday 12:00-1:00 And Every Monday 1:00-3:30 Clients may come one day per week, either Sunday or Monday. The pantry is in the Community Bldg, 182 Enfield Main Rd. and is a ministry of the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield provides the space and utility costs. Living Water Christian Fellowship 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca 607-277-6301 Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor The Living Water Christian Fellowship welcomes you! We are a full Gospel community fellowship. We believe and practice the gifts of the Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check out our web site LWCFlthaca.com Regularly Scheduled Events: Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am -Tuesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Saturday last Sat of the month Men's Breakfast 8:00 am Open Hands Blessing Shop will be open on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00pm at Living Water Christian Fellowship. Free clothing and household items. Taking high quality, clean donations at that time as well. All are welcome. Please call 594-3922 for more information. ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE We hope you have enjoyed your summer and are ready for fall. We would like to thank you for your support at our first Square Dance recently held at the Grange hall. We are hoping this will continue. We welcome you to join us the first Sunday of each month at 9am as we work on our craft projects. On Saturday, No- vember 18th from 9-3 we will be hosting our fourth annual Craft Fair at the Grange hall. If you would be interested in being a vender, please contact Sandra Trutt at 272-4884. Maybe you are handy at Ping Pong and would like to join us; we meet every Sunday at 9 am and welcome you to join us or at least come and cheer us on! We hold our Grange meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm, we welcome you to come visit us. We are in the process of updating our placemats that are used at our meals, there is still room to add your business. If you are interested please contact Carol Baker at 272-2144. We are in the process of planning for our annual Election Night Dinner to be held on Tuesday, November 7th; old- fashioned homemade turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Save the Date! After the New Year, we plan on hosting our breakfasts. Watch for our posters! New ideas are being suggested, please watch for our flyers. Our Grange hall is available to rent; our facility is excellent for parties, showers, family gatherings, etc. If you are inter- ested please contact Sandra Trutt as 273-4884. We want to thank our friends and neighbors for your support throughout the year; we wouldn't be able to do what we do with out you! See you soon, Carol Baker Master Play it Again, Ithaca— Used Musical Instruments Needed (Ithaca) The Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG) through its "Play it Again, Ithaca" program collects donated - used musical instruments to support the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) music education program. Instru- ments donated to the FABG are professionally repaired, and become part of the ICSD collection of instruments available for free to studeni:s in the district. FABG and the ICSD provide students who might not otherwise have access to instruments an opportunity to participate in band or orchestra. The ICSD arts program allows students to take free instrumental lessons during school hours and participate in the school musical groups. FABG's "Play it Again, Ithaca" enhances the district's existing resources and enables the community to be "green" with this reuse of donated instruments. Student participation in musical education programs is on the rise. Please consider donating a used instru- ment through the FABG to support these growing musical education programs. In 2016-2017, 22 instruments and other supplies were received and refurbished by FABG, for use by district students. To donate an instrument, make a financial contribution or learn more about FABG, please contact the Fine Arts Boosters at— president@fabgithaca.org, or check out our website at www.fabgithaca.org. Donations are tax deductible. The Enfield Community Council would like to thank the following donors to the Harvest Festival's Silent Auction: Ithaca Texas Roadhouse * Julie at Home Spun Boutique * NAPA Auto Store in Trumansburg *,Eastern Moun- tain Sports in Ithaca * Julie Johnson artisan at Handwork on the Commons * Ann Rider * Barbara Sadovnic Hunt's Tree Farm * Andrew Parks of Storm Country Antiques * Susan Thompson * George Van Valen * Anne- miek Haralson * Mary Bacharach * One World Market on the Commons * Satori Salon & Spa at the Communi- ty Corners * Dolly Clark * Moosewood Collective * Sciencenter * Hendrick Wood Studio * Trombiey Tire 8 Auto: * Willis Coal on Black Oak Road * Sal's Pizza * Taste of Thai Express*Bed, Bath & Beyond. The money raised is used to support our ongoing youth services programs. Arr. Mahsysl Find YerTtiasure on the Rouse Tralll (Pirate garb optional) What do vinyl records, baby clothes, computers, and a vintage mirror have In common? You can find them all kxailyy on the Reuse Trail, a collaboration of 45 stores that sell used goods. This October, join Get Your Greenbacks to dis- cover the wear of goodies at the reuse stores across Tompkins County during the Reuse Trail Treasure Hunt Pick up a game card at any of the 14 participating stores, and play one of two during October: to 'Dip Yer Toe', simply visit three stores and have them stamp your card; to 'Wails the Plank', solve a puzzle with dues from all 14 stores. Drop your completed game card h the treasure box In a participating store to be entered Into a drawing to win $40 to $200 In gift cards. Participation Is free and no purchase is necessary; but you can take 10% Iff a purchase if you find a treasure you want to take home. Why reuse? Shopping at reuse stores is great for your pocketbook and the planet You get so much more for less, while rescuing treasures that might otherwise land in our landfills, and saving on the energy- and pollution -Intensive manufacture of new goods. According to the ReUse Center, a Reuse Trail member with 'two stores, 90 percent of what we throw away can be reused. Shopping owned and provide money In the -local economy, where it helps us all. Almost all reuse and resale shops are locally vide over 100 Jobe for tical residents. Mama Goose, another participating store on the Reuse Trail, reports that $84 out of every $100 spent at their store stays local. And reuse helps support a number of not-for- profit organizations such as SewGreen, which offers apprenticeships and job training for young people. All participants are invited to the raffle drawing at Argos Inn on November 4th at Spm. Visit www.retwebiA.com for more Information on the Treasure Hurd, and to discover all 45 stores on the Reuse Trail The Reuse Trail Treasure hunt is organized by Get Your GreenBeck Tompkins, Sponsored by Cornell Thrill, the Su&- hdnab8ity Center, Loci First Xnaca, and the Downtown ltt►aca ,4Nlance, and is made possible /n oart by a grant from Tompkins County Tourism program. Enfield School Age Program The Enfield School Age Program is available to all Enfield children ages 5-11 (Grades K-5). The site is the En field Elementary School cafeteria, with the use of the gym and playground. The hours of operation are 2:00-5:30 Monday through Friday as is the school district calendar. Children can attend 1-5 days a week. The fee varies for the number of days/week attendance. The daily schedule includes an hour of homework time with staff supervision/tutoring, outdoor/gym free/organized play, free play time in the cafeteria, craft activities, two snacks daily, presenters through out the year focusing on vari- ous topics. Need further information/registration packet please call the Enfield School maim office (274-2221) or visit the cafe- teria from 2:00 to 5:00. Thank you, Colleen Mckenzie Director 5