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2017 Newsletter July - September Town of Enfield
Chun t. 2 From the Code Enforcement Officer Enfield Town Web Si#e – towns enf e!d or At the wrfing ofithfs the town Mas=issuetl Just a reminder if you are holding a public eventplease senme a total:af 69 budding permits it clu -Ing 5 new the in#ormation and l can place it on the website: Susan homes and 11 sc laranstallations Thrs is tlown a thornpson�townofenfield.o p). little from .last year�uherr we Issued a total of 79 permits induding-li newhornd§ and 2.2 solar Minutes from the meetings of the Town Board, V1/ind Advisory" permits. OueraIV& V_ If- rnits ,seems to Committee, and Planning Board are placed on the website stay about the same from year #o year with the biggest change bung the increase in --so lar Don't forget to sign up to receive the posting notices from our ' installafions over_the#ast three years W a total website. of 55 solar. installations including the solar farms located,on. Meck1enbur Road - If you don't have ready access to a computer and want _to know Another topic l like toJ�ring up this time about our town meetings you can;`give the Town Clerk's office a - of year is fieating, systems Although we are phone call (607-273-8258) or stop in to visit at 1-68 Enfield Main already well into the heating season,lf you Road- = haven °t already you shouldjaveyouur heating . . system inspectedlserviced Ths;should be done annually, for all sys#errfisand mores"frequently if YOU, are heating with asolid_fij rnciuding wood, coal orpeke#s - News from Tompkins CounW Government" Lai like to remind folks to check their stly smoke and CO detectors for proper operation q Message from Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County clerk and fresh batteries dneeded tbelieve soon,the ; County Clerk and DMV Ready to`Chai!_ only detectors available underflie new building _, code with.come with a tQnyear-_nor replaceable The Tompkins County Clerfic's Ofifce As located m the__ battery, which 'e,lirr��na#es t#e need to change; Tompkins County Courthouse at 320 N. Toga St and fFie Depart batteries, but will also mean that after the ten, merit of Motor Vehicles,is conveniently loci#ed a# 30,(Third years you will need to re--_- a #hetle#ectors, ' Street in the Hancock Plaza'- and now, we are avai We to that _ which is the recotnrnended t>feof the" "detectors. and answer your questions online! Go to htf(/dmv;ny govt If you have any ques�o�s regar-c�rng,ihe number, office/i#haca and click the chat now button type or required aces e to efectors feel free . Both offices are known for our #ast moving hnes� quick ,- - to gi�te-me---ca f -ant i#IJfee� r%thespecific tuinaround of�cumenis, 1t ieij y a��J helpful staff, arrd ase fi ` requirements. access – either in person, phone or online Our.goal is- =fo provide " excellent service t0 our customers. _ As always staysa#e and warm this WintEr County Clerk's Link: I��s.r toxo inscoufttvny dy.cclerk Alan Teeter Coie,:Enforcernen# Oficer ; Need a, copy of your deed? . Renewing; your driver's license? Transferring a pistol permit? _ Planning #o travel abroad and need :a passports - r How may we help you? Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk -` - r; Helpful Tompkins Coalr>E#y 1dVeb Sites (:ail begin with http://www ) Government. co.tompkins.ny.us Clerk• tompkips co orglc(er1E Legislature: to rn p ki n s Heal#h Department #o m p co.org/legislature kens-co org/he0 h Assessment: tornpkin's _►g_ way Departrr►ent._ co.org/assessment tornpkins-co:org/hi_40way Board of Elections: Solid -Waste recycletomp lnsOr k - tompkins-co.org/boe g 2 low History of Enfield" psora, Enfield Town Hi tonan ted_northeast=corner Woodard and Hines: Roads. Appears on.the 1_a66 map=of ddeus __Fttchpatrick, Joyce (Mincil) McFall, Barbara a' (Krayr�ak - Fiictipatrick, Marlene (Haight) McFall, Donald French, Beverly McFall, Linda d French, Eileen McFal{, Richard laret (Payne) _ Fowler, Malcolm McGaVin, Anna (Searles) :;y Fowler, Margaret (Shoemaker) McGavin, Clara{gagman) art 'Gibbons, Ann . McGrane, Alice rieGibbons, Thomas McGrane, James etty __Gorden; James Jr. McGrane, Margar4-- enberg) gorge -Laiden, Linda McGrane, Mildred -(Schuyler) ;rald - HaI1, Camely Miller, Alice �€ert =1 -tall; Larry Miller, Charles ene Iayes; Cora (Saunders) Miller, Della non = Hayes,; Richard Miller, )udrth= (Longstreet)= n Haye"s; Shirley' (Chaffee) Miller, Frank any IJayes,' William 1Vliller, -Marron nstance (deceased) Hine, Beulah Miller, Wayne ith (Yaple)Hine,'D.J.Nelson, Frances (Brown), zel, ;" Hine, Diane Nelson; Loui e (Carlisle) pan (Ostander) ` Hine, Gilbert Oliver, Vincent Jr` larme Lamont Oliver, Marion heodore _-_-Ane =-Hine, Laverne Oliver, Richard iin, Kenneth Hine, McEvin' `Palmer, Charlie irles H1 ick, William Palmer Floyd Hoyte,Beverly Palmer;Eugene +mond Krayniak, Jean Palmer Helen- raldineKraymak, Paul Continued on -page 5_=:, Highway Department Report: 4'� " Enfield Tower Web Stte Vuww:townofenfield.or Da#es#o Rmernber Jule 1Ne hope yo have een :en�oy�ng our new' Town Web "- 1 Ihn at Taughannock Farewor s F ?, Site Just a ruing rtyoub &,h.o ding a public event , 1 Lansin Commun . Fireworks g Y " Tease send rre thenf©a#aon,-and I cavi lace it on the _ `- =� Arnencana winerq Ffrewortcs 3 lfhaca Ro#ary CommunityFireworks W,661,`Slte; Myers Park ". 3 Dwyer"Memorial Park Fireworks: f5usan-goflwn6fenfield.orq) 3 Geneva Americanegron Fit eworlcs - 5 Planning Board Meefing_ - Y& 11 workplace Violence Training A few sites #o check=on the "flop Menu" of the website: 12 Town oar 40 ng 12 Tax Override Public Hearing "Resources" DOCumEnts public Laserfiche ou can . y 27 ECC Meefn+g (special date) august 'do your own 'hrstoncal research" .with the many town 2 Planning.Boarci Meeting ? O 8 3opm documents we have plated there.' 9 Town Board Meeting "Throw Back Thursday' weekly historical articles under 16 senior Citizens and Grange Meeting , "News" on the top menuSe 17 ECC Meeting temb_er Planning Board Meeting Don't forget to sign up --to receive the "posting" notice's 13 Town Board Meeting lte� from our wetis- 21 ECC, Senior C�tIzens and Grange Meetings 23 =afield Harvest Festival E