HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-Newsletter-April-June-Town-of-EnfieldDoctor Humphrey (Fact or Fiction)-Sue Thompson Enfield Town Historian On August 12, 1977, a young 'man was driving on Trumbulls Comers Road in Enfield_=when has manstanding on ' the side-of the road with a small black bag"in his hands. He stopped and' asked him whether he warned a lift Theman got in the front seat of the car: At this point the young man could see that the black bag was a doctors medicine".bag. He asked the doctor who he was and "where he was going but the he never said word._ "When they got near the intersection of Rumsey Hill and Trumbulls Comer roads, the doctor motioned for the- -you man to stop. _The Doctor-got _ out. The young--man then reported that the doctor just disappeared. But when he glanced=at the seat"where he had been sitting there sat a bottle of Humphreys Witch Hazel Oil. The young man, now older of course still has the,bottle and tells this story over and over again, 'true-Facts On the Nth day of December 1923, Louis C. Leonard of Enfield; N.Y. becani-e Lour F L Humphrey, Louis was born April 27 1887, the"son-of Carrie Rumsey and Parker Leonard, RumseyHi!t Road When Lours was thirty-six years of age he made-the-decision to change his name. According to hearsay, Louisv-as quite "taken" with Dr_ Frederick Humph patent medicines of the day (Humphreys Witch Hazel Oil) and this-may- ave contributed to jiffs choice of name. The fact that he chose the ..initials "F.L." with his new name would indicate this,mightwell ave bee, among his reasons. .. The rest of the story. :Alan`Chaffee, Newfeld Town Historian, recently shared items regarding Lows` One vias a - Veterinary Manual, Hurriphreyz; Veterinary Specifics "for every living thing on the farms. Humphreys Hohets',Mect GX. f New York: Louis.had written his name -in. the book —Louis F. L- Humphreys —May 6, 1914 There were priscrilitie5�% notes on�ttrea#tig horsas_wlth c;olr �vitl �11/ild Yams/china Root) dosage was 5 to 60 drops page` ,E3,la�clta o0d erCal . medics. Anson Nobles (Was at Art: Kelsery s) and a rnan at the blacksmiths over to Meck!ebui^g i7) it rifrorlitl fir,- :.; ,- Charley Dolloway a-,horse `Treider" that lines "in Mecklenburg=uses it also. Louis made note thdhe : ci»i C yk='=.k of some and fried it orrtarfle Lauf fididrrt vSrork at all. There were papers also questioning fheri� stated he was,23 years ofd on April,27,1.91°2.. He noted he needed to check with the school t§±onfani; . xr s pzl ; _ ( use)-tovii%;ofeEeld aux :erScwg A re ort to E:1N. lJ Ike school comm i�istnet No. 16 Nobles School Ho� Se ,tember 12 1904. Pu • its Mark.I ornse, Rat ly Ru, se Le"ster Holl ;Walter Whitney,: . ,--x' -tett �a _ Leonard;: Randall goldsmith; Louis Leohard ; EMta- Holly Written on this;report. was Louis=:l-:%_' April'27, 19b4; 45 years old April 27; 1935. - +•Js ` £ s Dont forget to check my Throw Back Thurstia(y, articles eve Thursday. You can find theso-=at rete ®n tciv > every , ., website www, ow ofe field.or.. In m week) Throw Back Thursday' series I share � Iittle bit of EE,nfieid you p P g' �' e? Emar1 thejphtto ti3-;,R .°$ "`,•- historianou have a hoto of a' ast event,-,bld , efc. of Enfieldyou would lake to share Upbb eDachaf our w ekle��hotos b. sending;fatmTO it in essa a to historian a tocle.Q alf'eCd.or a reade`��#�ha��Y�ii�*n�a�s�;at'� l Y p. Yg i� Sh �erd� i 9 infield Towti Historian, - ue Thompson" .,. t have:beeh. u hshin thy",ihrtiW tackihursday h!story articles°,since JWne I tope'yi� p 1? g..= (wwvvto ofe f Id.ores as-mrich.as I"'ami T hank ou to eve one who h' W� r� ) Y ' ' rye as responde wiNW, SVFG-av rn o� Ilia , :dews frbrii_'iaiin kiss County Governrrient A Message front County'Clerk: County Clerk'and DMV�R1t°ait�" ; The Tei .ns-COU„ Clet—W-81 7f ice is located in the Tompkins County Courthou ;at3201�f=` i "'a t; rtld; the Department-of M r,Vb)iides�s.conveniently located at 301 Third Street in the Hancock available to chat'aril'answer.ybiur,4pestions online! ii Both offices ate' krY6wd.for rtur fast-moving lines, quick turnaround of documents, friendCy ease of access -either in person, phone or online. Our goal is to provide excellent service to our cus .qm_ s'�F - • Need a -copy-of your'-deed? . - - KEY" .i?• RenewingYourcfives,lieerse, _ - • Transferring a-pistol permit? f > • Planning to,travelabroad and need a passport.. - How may we help your Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk , =' ' Flu Vaccinations Available at the Tompkins County Health Department Protect yourself and your community#rom the flu and get vaccinated! There are manyopportunites for flu . vaccination including healthcare provider.offices, pharmacies, and the Tompkins County Health Department. Everyone over the age of six months should be vaccinated every year against the flu. Flu -vaccination is the best protection against the flu — it protects you and limits-the spread of flu to others These 3 > -- vabj`b>��ying our yaiding a pu it or ales f�� ft�eiirri tir±�: / �- .�:.�.,: :�; �, •,.g.>~ �:. ° ..:'::�. Vi'::.µ : - .< - r',OWn @b 2 Paneal%e Sreakfdst-at the Grange 7:30 - ✓t�{'please ' " 10 30am niet3 S 3 Craft Club attne Glange -ipm; 10 Chicken ga��[=,I`Ian "a - L. ,� MaV '.- '-C ^`'<'.A.';i•..ti , �.. • -- - r 1 Craft Club at the Gra`-'; , .4 47838 7 Pancake Breakfasr! 10.30am- " 15ite -7- Country Faire FanfeCrT k� r 17 'Red Cross Blood Di it&U �' 77` /our taX@s June 2 Planning Board N*ttng, ConmunttyBldg,7 pm you can do 15 Grange Meeting: -ter wn es under, Need AS pace to Meets ; notices The Enfield Community Centers available for Enfield communityevents and activities and has tables and chairs available: -o reserve space or report a problem with the�Itty' contact the Town, Clerk fior the t6 -TA __q 4`° Enfield Cemrnunit Gres y77 Brou ht to you b the Enfield Corr�mun Council 9 Y Y , 2016 April - June Free was one of those March days when the suns 4n--es-I►o# This newsletter sponsored bythe and the wind blows cold: when it is summer m.fh-- Ilght, nfield Community Council (ECC) Enfield -Com M-ul* and winter in the shade, � - ^Char les Dickens, G►ea#[jrecfat►t3ns" CortneyBaley President 2794702 - cbailey525@yah6o com i = _ Carla -Trenchard; Dice President , Deena Rarnbaum! =Secretary =- deenarambaum@gmail--COM Jennifer Hubbell -Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279 4702 =: - After eight years ofi'edi#ing the Commurnty Currents and Enfield Tcrvn What's,In 4141 .. Newsletters, it's time to give someone else a chance I ve laced ato# o f€nwrth " ,. this, but as I approach retirement, I'm cutting back onomrnirnerrts _ 1 rxi tcking From the Editor forwartl to those "wide open (time) spaces ; foraeveral year !90 M - to Message from EGC 1 _ - spend part of our December family vacation at my lapf.6 firnshing up the PreK Registration 8 Info 2 EVFC Chicken t3BQs - y newsletter while everyone else plays. 1'rn sure yon W _corrtrnue to irid lots of ECC Youth Basketball 2 interesting and informative items in the newsletter and w#Aor�euer rs ne3ct will put "" = From the=fCC Presrtlent 2 - ' "their own spin on things. Have a great year! Renewable Heat -NY 3:= ECC Country Faire Take care, Enfield Dailey Grange Youth Programs from the Winter 4---: pebtie Teeter _ EVFC Blood Dnve 5 Enfield Food Area Churches;_, _ 5. Agape Bible Church , Enfield Baptist -Fellowship Jacksonville lJnded Methodist Living Water Christian=Fellowship Thank you Debbie! You Have deft fiery big shoes to fill _yl will dd� VV 3e -tar d Summer Camp -Information g 7 __ learn as I go. To everyone whore"ads our little newsletter please 6e patent: -I Send a Kid to Camp 7 am definitely going to make mistakes. If you should spot soniethrng, please e- Calendar of Events = -_._ 8;, mail eccnewsletters ah,b corn, or call'ine in the evenrn of GD7 279-4702. _ " " @Y Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8 = —1hope you all continue to enjoy the Currents as "we continue flus fire#rade#ion., Omissions from this publication are not intended- =) are always looking for cornmupity events to put in the newsletter >" The next issue-wlll be comp)hJune Endtty the Spring, at the end ofrrmonth for publication that Cortney Bailey Contac# the=editor with information -you d= . like to see included ; munity Council Seeks lew Meme Enfield Comb _.The Enfield Community Council is prepping for a new�€arand a --':,busy one. We would like to'add to our board antl fi&l Eh -1e7d people to help us with our new. projects. Tell us the type offhln+gs fimr�� you can help with, and we will gratefullyfind a place#oryou Our major focus is the youth of our,community We want to bund a inial! *center`. J building to give them a -SA Talk to your friends,,search your thoughts Contact fleena" @ ' 379-3420 or Cortne 279-4702, if ou can hel rn an wa Y@ Y P_ Y_ Y_ a 10 14 timed have s for "1 the t all t d like = oln your frkwW*, Iming y.. . � �...� ng Ip©} Bonham ?y« E Youth /eye \ 11 Coo perativ ƒ\ < VillowAvenue, it ac }@ 6 /d\\ } ƒE9¥x y2. val. Once this ka i!for details. &% 46 Red Cross== Avthe-Enfield� -- - olu P Enfield Ba'Obbt,06ll6_WS I -.1. - 172, Enfi#ldKM9IW', W6rshpluttdaji und" Weare a[!-- i f associated;:withA. iy­ l "Cht Jrchesr,,:N_6W,---_Y chi 'n f- a"; Ar erie awW 911V support M'ISSIdns, 4: f h e E ryone:*� W 6ftie."; 169$4 1, fl," Vi alc f6 6'-r worship servi6e. We 6iLi,,$.,ttnd'll,,;,-h�n -.--da§�'-felI hi bel eversr itis e )u blitrib in c�or`�a ion- it, D 2-, fami Barbara for seek" M, community f Ift used by our whol is ever (Go-diforb 'k'of,theIz Ad - Food Ban so, e' Ie Ohs _ToWnoUE5h' bld',Aloh 0 AA 'V '8:80 damMomiio'a':� Service' 70 mihute 6nt` many local6dfi§; bI'7`._, T- service, with a shOttAiM6"O v needed and welcome followed by the teach �4 th e, of God. 10:00 am Morning Sbrvice: A service of Living Water ChfistI OWS IP,",,, - h; around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with 162 Enfield expressive charismatic worship, and 6074746 opportunity for body ministry and Rev. Chris Lynchl'Senior Pastor tes,timony.,Nursery and Children's Church are provided during the 10,,00 _ V_ The LivingWAL service. amsO O Fellowship welcomes --you! Wq_,,pre-_-_a_- fUlI Gospel: com mu nitwfollowship:e� believe and the gifts of the -practice -,riville Spirit (I Corinthians 1-2)_. -Pleas-e-Ch JacksonvilleCommunity out our web ske� Unit6d,Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 Regularly Scheduled Ev6nts:- 607-387-6296/wwwJcumc.com Sunday- eVerend Nelson k6ppert, Pastor Worship Service 10 do -airri i We welcome visitors and invite Sundaw`S6NO6l-_ you to join us at any time. The Tu sda e phurch is located on Route 96 in --. u-[_--_ BibleS Study t __ - 7.00 pm k8onVille'Center, Jacksonville.' Saturday. t Sat of th& Morith - Worship &:Meetings: M I en's Breakfast ;8--00 - am- - - Sunday Worship at 10.:00 a.m. year,- -round (Sunday School Nursery concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm __---,-:-Vpcal Choir, Thursdays at 7.30 pm, 5 )nth, anc of every the Corr in our h will be: y if there Residents Fee 0- -s- erni Fee $400.00 $500 00 are !\ J Villl�li, UI IV UL il'-1 t, I ,fieldwebsite: townofe email, Vstraitl8( ace,; ]care, you rr -Strait or D received by ns are d Main Enfield Valley Grab-q'-`�`,�`-&d Wednesday; 7:00:�p-6i.�atif Food Pantrv: NEW'D4YS & HOURS: 2nd & 4th Mon( (-nmmiinitxi Pkiiilrfinn The Enfield Com Way of Tompkins G P of the Council's outs newsletter_ Please r Communitv Council 2, , Grha---rlgtPanOOWPreakfast