HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-January-March-Town-NewsletterEnfield Town Boards Meetings are held in the " OF Towof Enfield ` Community Building, 1st floor Town Board: 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm Municipal NewSlel ler Town supervisor Ann Rider 277-3478 168 Enfield Main Road ann-rider@townofenfield.org " http:/Itownofenfield.org 0 ! Vera Howe -Strait Town Council Members January -March 2016 Virginia Bryant 387-9376 Mike Carpenter 277-4204 Henry Hansteen 727-3746 Report from the Supervisor Michael Miles 387-3175 Happy New Year! Planning Board: 1st Wednesday, 7pm Chair, Dan Walker 387-6394 First, we must say good-bye to Vera Howe Strait, who has served our Ann Chaffee 272-6460 Steve Givin 273-7434 community as Councilperson for the last four years. Vera wants to devote more Calvin Rothermich 272-5930 time to her family and do some personal things that have been put on hold Red Poney Carpenter 279-2372 while she has"served. We are going to miss her gentle but pointed questions, Henry Hanstein 727-3746 her quick wit and her unfailing cheerfulness. Thankfully, I still get to see her around town and she has promised me that I can still use her as asounding Town Offices board. Thanks so much for your dedicated service to our community. Second, welcome Michael Miles, our newly appointed Town Councilperson! Michael is Town Clerk 273-8256 filling the vacancy created by Beth McGee's resignation on September 30. Alice Linton, Town Clerk Michael willserveuntil the end of 2016; meanwhile, in November, this position Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk . will be up for election to fill out Beth's term. Michael and/or any other person Town Office/Clerk Hours: Monday -Thursday, 3 pm - 6 pm can run to fill this position. We are very happy to get -Michael's listening ear, thoughtful comments and studied consideration. Plus, I hope, as a extra bonus, Highway Department 272-6490 a little IT help..... Third, welcome to our newly elected Councilperson Henry Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent Hansteen_ Henry is 6 -long time resident of Enfield, retired from Cornell, and an Town v Office Hours: excellent listener. ! very much look forward to working with this high caliber Monday -Friday: 6 am - 2:30 pm y-Frid Board in the coming years. Town Court 273-0363 The State Comptroller's Office told me in November that Enfield Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm taxpayers are eligible for the State property tax rebate because the 2015 Town Code Enforcement Office budget was under the tax levy set by the Governor. Enfield taxpayers will not Community Building, 2nd floor be eligible for a rebate in 2016 because the Town Board was not able to keep Code Enforcement 277-0266 the rate under the tax levy set by OSC and they did not accept our plan of how Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer we were going to keep the tax rate under the set -tax -levy. Enfield joined with Code Enforcefnent Office Hours: other municipalities in the County to make this plan. The entire plan was Monday thru Thursday 8:30-11 am rejected._ We are appealing that decision but the appeal process is not very Wednesday 5-7 pm evident so this process is very slow with little guidance being given. In"October and November, several concerned citizens voiced Community Bldg, dwnstrs 882-9958 opposition to the Black Oak Wind Farm going forward. In an effort to hear and Town Historian try to better understand resident's concerns, the Town Board held a special Sue Thompson . 272-6412 meeting on December 17. Jeff Shepardson from the Community Dispute" Enfield Volunteer -Fire Company Resolution Center moderated the meeting doing quite a good job of making Roger Lauper, Chief 272-8757 sure all sides were heard and that it was a safe place for all people to speak. Larry Stilwell, Deputy Chief There appear to be 5 concern areas: real estate values, set back distances, Kirk VanDee, 1 st Assistant Chief health .issues including noise, the Good Neighbor Agreement that was offered Alan Teeter, 2nd Assistant Chief close neighbors and road usage and repair. On hindsight, "1 think there should Tony Carlisle, Captain have been an "additional area: advantages. This is also an important part of the Count Legislators Y equation and a consideration that the Board needs to consider and weigh. The 9 Board will be discussing our process going forward_ One suggestion that was given was forming an Advisory Board to the Wind Farm Law. The charge of this Jim Dennis board is not yet solidified but could include mediating differences between Enfield/Ulysses residents and the Wind Farm and researching the areas of concerns and 387-4058, jpd821 @yahoo.com advising the Town Board on these matters. Anyone who is interested in serving the Town in this capacity, please contact michael-miles@townofenfield.org. We Dave McKenna will be deciding in the next month our method of selection of this committee Enfield/Newfield and let you know how to formally apply for this committee. " 564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org Continued on page 2 Report from the Supervisor Continued from page 7 It's been a busy year, what with razing the old Town Hall; trying _to get the Park and Ride in a permanent location (maybe January or February), putting together a" Town emergency plan (almost" completed for public comment), selling excess Town property (done), getting the Town Hall painted (that will have to wait until 2016), trying to get the new highway building - assessed to make it more energy efficient- (still in the early stages) and hiring a well driller and getting the wells dug for the Aquifer Study (one more to-do in the spring), I must say I have more than exceeded my paperwork quota for 12 months. More -to come in 2016, however," because Government just requires a lot of"paper work if you want to get anything done. Happy New Year! Ann S. _Rider; Supervisor From the Code Enforcement Office - 2015 was a busy year for the town with, building and also solar installations. We had a" total of eight new homes, conventionally built as well as doublewides and modular's on basements." There were also three mobile homes -replaced with newer models on new foundations. We- also had 23 soIarinstalIations: mostly roof.mounted with a couple of ground mounted, and one " solar farm" located on Mecklenburg Road. This is a newer concept . where people who don't have enough land or a sunny location such as a wooded lot or a home that doesn't have _a south facing roof can buy" into a solar_farm where they own panels on " leased land. This one will serve approximately 23 households around the county. This may be the way of the future as there are already plans for a larger farm also to be located in Enfield. As always if you have any -questions about these projects or building projects on your property feel free to contact me by phone, e-mail or just stop in. Have a safe and happy new year. Alan Teeter Code Enforcement Office 607-277-0266 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 2015 Call Responses We had a total of 326 calls: 19 fires of various types, 187 EMS" calls, 20 MVAs, 8 hazardous condition calls; 42 service calls, 32 mutual aid - calls, 12 good intent calls, 4 false alarms, and 2 severe weather calls. Thanks to all of our members for their hard work last year. From the Highway Superintendent Winter Newsletter 2015 Off to an easy start of winter, as December has been very mild so far. We got to catch up on some our summer work. The new 2016 pickup with plow is in service, replacing the 2003, which was in the 2015 budget for $50,000. This ended up costing approximately $42,000 for the complete package, plow, lights and all. The Highway plans on keeping the 2003 fora shop truck. This truck will be used instead of using the one ton or the two tons trucks for errands and lighter work. It is in pretty rough shape, however we will use it as long as it keeps running, as re -sale value would be very low. We will save money using it in this way, and we don't have to worry about the dependability factor. This time of year it is important to remember the mailbox policy. Hopefully with this gentle weather you have had some time to check out your mailboxes. As always mailbox requirements can be found at town hall or on line. As well as the winter parking law. No parking in the right of way, during winter months. I want to remind everyone that all roads that are subject to black ice. Speed is always a factor. Slower speeds (especially on hills), will keep your car on road ___ you out of the ditch. Phone calls are always appreciated for roads conditions/ concerns. Just a reminder there -is still wood available for the taking, at the Town Highway Barns. As well as -still taking calls for wood chips and ditch dirt. want to thank all the guys forthe work they did this year, as well as Newfield, Ulysses, Tompkins County, the Town -of Ithaca and Cornell Local Roads. We hope you had Happy Holidays and have a great new year., See you out on -the roads. Buddy Rollins Enfield Highway Superintendent 607-272-6490 From the TownClerk By now all residents who own property in the Town of Enfield should have received their tax bill; -unless they have an escrow account with a bank or mortgage company. This year you will once again be able to look up your tax bill information on-line by going to www.townofenfield.org and clicking on the "tax collection" tab. You will be able to see if your tax payment has been processed, print copies of your bill or receipt, and look up prior year's bills. For anyone who doesn't have access to our website, we are still glad to provide information when you call our office. In January we will have extended hours as_follows: Mondays 3-6 Thursdays 9-12 and 3-6 Tuesdays 9-12 and 3-6 Saturdays 9-12 Wednesdays 3-6 = Our February and March hours will be Monday - Thursday from 3-6 p.m. Throughout the year if our hours don't work for you, please give us a call at 273-8256 and we'll be glad to accommodate your schedule. Stay warm and safe this winter. - Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk 2 Enfield Town Historian — Sue Thompson have been publishing my Throw Back Thursday history articles since June. I hope you are enjoying them (www.t9wo9fenfield.orci) as much as I am_ Thank you to everyone who has responded -with their own information on the articles. Do you have a photo of a past event bldg., etc. of Enfield you would like to share? Email the photo to historian(_townofenfield.orq. and I'll feature it in an upcoming article_ Don't forget to check out -the Laserfiche public document site on our town web site to read all the historical" documents. I am adding to the list all the time. I am working on adding more Town Board minutes and old town newsletters_ Thanks to everyone who shared their "spirit" stories with me at the Enfield Harvest Festival in October. I'd love to hear any stories you would like to share) 1 attended the Region 10 Association of Public Historians meeting in October at the History Center in Ithaca. It was a great meeting on learning how to read deeds and wills for historical purposes. The Tompkins County Municipal Historians group is still working on the rewrite of our "Touring the Towns of Tompkins County, New York". The History Center in Ithaca featured in an exhibit on Rumsey Cemetery. They are inviting local municipal historians to set up an exhibit on their town and what they are known for such as, Groton — Iron Bridges and many businesses. Any suggestions for the Town of Enfield? News from Tompkins County Governrhent A Message from Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk. County Clerk and DMV Ready to Chat! The Tompkins County Clerk's Office is located in the Tompkins County Courthouse at 320 N. Tioga St. and the Department of Motor Vehicles is conveniently located of 301 Third Street in the Hancock Plaza - and now, we are available to chat and answer your questions online) Both offices are known for our fast=moving lines, quick turnaround of documents, friendly and helpful staff, and ease of access — either in person, phone or online. Our goal is to provide excellent service to our customers. • Need a copy of -your deed? • Renewing your driver's license? • Transferringa pistol permit? Planning -to travel abroad and need a passport? " How may we help you? Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk • Need a notary? • Starting a business? • Have a question about court records?. • Researching your family history? Flu Vaccinations Available at the Tompkins County Health Department Protect yourself and your community from the flu and get vaccinated! There are many opportunities for flu vaccination including health care provider offices, pharmacies, and the Tompkins County Health "Department. Everyone over the age of six months should be vaccinated -every year against the flu. Flu vaccination is the best protection against the flu — it protects you and limits the spread of flu to others. These include infants under the age of 6 months who "are too young to be immunized and those who are immunocompromised such as people who are receiving cancer treatment_ Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) is providing flu vaccinations at its locationat 55 Brown Road across from the airport. There is plenty of free parking. Flu vaccinations will be available at the Health Department beginning, October 6. Appointments are necessary for all clinics and can be made by calling the Health Department at 607-274-6616. Flu vaccinations will also be available to"the public on Tuesday, October 13 from 9:00"a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Lifelong, 119 West Court Street. Call TCHD at 274-6616 to make an appointment. Most health insurance plans cover -the cost of an annual flu vaccination. At the Health Department, there are no out-of-pocket costs if you have one of the following health insurance plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Total Care, Fidelis, Medicare Part B and Medicare Managed Plans: Secure Horizons, Today's Options, and Medicare Blue. However if you have a health insurance plan other than those listed above, you will have to pay the cost of the flu vaccination _at the time of your appointment. The Health Department will provide a receipt that you may submit to your insurance for reimbursement. The cost is $35. Cash and checks accepted; no credit or debit cards. 3 Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca NY 14850 Enfield Town Web Site — www.townofenfield.orq Dates to Remember January We hope you have been enjoying our new Town Web Site. Just a reminder if you are holding a public event please 8 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm send me the information and I can place it on the web site: 8 Volunteer ofthe Month nominations due 13 Town Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm (susan-thoiT)pson(aD-townofenfield.ora) February 3 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm A few sites to check on the "Top Menu" Of the Website: 3 Volunteerofthe Month nominations due 10 Town Board_ Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm • With Tax season coming up you can check on your taxes March under Tax Collection. • "Resources" Documents Public Laserfiche, you can do 2 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm your own "historical research" With the many town 2 Volunteerof the Month nominations due documents we have placed there. s Town Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm • "Throw Back Thursday". weekly historical articles under "News" on the top menu. Need a Space to Meet? The Enfield Community Center is Don't forget to sign up to receive the "posting" notices available for Enfield community events from our website! and activities, and has tables and chairs available. To reserve space, or report a problem with the facility, contact the Town Clerk for the appropriate referral. 4 Ilo,