HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Fall Newsletter.pdfThis newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (ECC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Carta Trenchard, Vice President 342-1385 Deena Rambaum, Secretary 379-3420 deenarambaum@gmail.com Jennifer Hubbeil, Treasurer Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702 What's Inside... From the Editor EVFC Blood Drive Enfield Food Pantry Area Churches: Agape Bible Church Enfield Baptist Fellowship Jacksonville United Methodist Living Water Christian Fellowship Enfield Valley Grange 4 Historical Article 4 Harvest Festival 5 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 6 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled In December for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you'd like to see included. Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council 2016 October- December Free in the end, It's not the years In your life that count. It's the life In your years. Abraham Lincoln Well, here we go again with the snow and the cold. I hope everyone is stocked up with their heating fuel. I know we have some splitting of firewood still to do, but my has the summer been busy! Summer camp was a great hit once again. The heat this year (and lack of rain) made the summer a touch uncomfortable. I hope you all got to enjoy as much as you could. Canning is in full swing in my house. Next up is homemade grape juice! I hope to see everyone at the Harvest Festival. The flyer is inside for you to get all the information. As always, keep an eye out for each other. And remember, sometimes the biggest help is just stopping by to say hi. Enfield Community Council has been working with the school to get an actual lease signed. Thank you to everyone who voted. Take care of each other, Cortney Bailey The Memorial Garden Caretaker The Memorial Garden at the school still needs a care taker(s). Many years ago, this garden was started as a remembrance to beloved people who have left us. There is a beautiful redbud in remembrance of Gregory Kirchgessner. There is a simple bench in memory of Alfred Wurster. There are columbines planted by the 5'^ grade in remembrance of the tragedy in Colorado many years ago. Kevin Reilly laid a stone path for better access. Over the years, the maintenance of this very visible spot in our community has run out of steam. Lee Ginenthal, Special Projects guy in the school district, last spring, took some 5* graders, taught them some skills and they did some weeding and hole digging. The beautification boys put up part of the new fencing that was needed this summer. Lee will continue with the new 5* graders to complete the fence this fall and he has some plans for a new entrance. We have some new energy but we still need a family or 2 families who would take on responsibility for this focal point in our community. Ann Rider has the past records for this plot and knows the basic needs for this space. Call her at 277-3478 for more information. Here's a great opportunity to make a real change in your community, get lots of personal gratification for your efforts, teach your children about community volunteering and make new friends. Enfield Community Council Seeks New Members The Enfield Community Council is propping for a new building and a busy year. We would like to add to our board and find Enfield people to help us with our new projects. Tell us the type of things you can help with, and we will gratefully find a place for you. Our major focus is the youth of our community. Talk to your friends, search your thoughts. Contact Deena @ 379-3420 or Cortney @ 279-4702, if you ca,n help in any way. 1 Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp A Teen Discovers Trees During tfie third week of camp, I had a young man as my GIT. As preparation for the weekly Science and Then Some activity I decided to go for a hike to practice my tree identification skills and learn more about the species in the area. Bailey joined me for the hike up the gorge trail during which I started pointing out trees to him, told him some of their uses and how to tell them apart. At first he did not seem too enthused with my edification on the subject but about half- way through the hike he started asking me more questions. He then exclaimed "I never noticed how different each tree Is! It's really Cool!". Several weeks later, I quizzed him during another hike, and to my surprise he actually remembered the various species! - Eric, RYS Program Manager This was just one of the many things our new RYS Program Manager Eric Carter shared with the ECC from Summer Camp... The Community Council summer 2016 camp season was, once again, delightful. It is great to spend time with the camp- ers in such a wonderfully serene environment and to work with young adults and teens as they make their way into the next stages of their life. The camp had a total of 115 campers and 11 Counselors-ln -Training (CITs). Camp at Treman Park was a pleasure, relaxing - a genuine "camp" feeling. Besides the daily specialized camp activities: crafts, forgotten arts (cooking, music, games, sewing projects), sports, hiking, science, creek exploring, playground time and swimming there were "Special Days". These days consisted of a presentation from the Tin Can Fantasy Factory, ice cream sundaes, Luau day, tie- dye making, pj/movie day, obstacle course,FLIC(FingerLakeslndependence Center), Cayuga Nature Center and their animal presentation, Cornell Raptors and the traditional Pasta (formally Peanut) Hunt. There were field trips to Hangar Theater, Sciencenter, Taughannock Falls, Greenwood Park, Bowling at Atlas in Tburg, Cayuga Lake Park, mini-golf, Watkins Glen swim pool, and a canoe trip for some older campers. We all survived the extremely hot weather, with minimal rain - got in lots of swim and creek time this year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank: United Way for funds to help with the ongoing of camp this season. Town of Enfield for the contracted yearly funds for programming, all the staff for a wonderful year, parents and campers for participating in our camp, the 3 community member donors for the "Send a Child to Camp" scholarship fund and lastly Treman State Park for accommodating and being very amiable hosts to the Community Council for another successful camp season. I will see many of you throughout the school year, some in passing socially and hopefully all at the Harvest Festival (proceeds benefit the camp). To all a successful school year, contentment in work environments, time with family and friends. See you all next sum- mer, if not sooner... Vera Broadband BuildT>ut in Enfield Clarity Connect has started the broadband build out in Enfield. Poles are being set. If you are interested in becoming a subscriber, it is not to late to sign up. If you have internet access at work or the library contact them at Connect- NY@clarityconnect.com or call them at 257-8268. They are also still hiring installers. If you like to work outside, and have experience similar to what a Dishnetwork/Direct TV installer might have, contact them at employ- ment@clarityconnect.com. In September 2012, the Enfield Town Board passed a resolution supporting broadband expansion in the Town. The Board agreed to waive all fees to the project, bring electric service to each tower location and help inform the public of this broadband option to residents. 2 ' lie Enfield Community Council Presents 11 am to 3:30 pm Enfield Elementary School 20 Enfield Nam Road Good Times & Great Food All Day! Eeatured Events Livi^ Entertainment Undor Construction The Tomptdns County Dairy Princess Program Giant Ice Cream Sundae! Airplane Pinq Pong Ball Dnop 3:30pm Silent Auction A wonderful selection of goods & services from local artists, crafters, restaurants & businesses: Bidding ends at 3:30 p.m. sharp Cake Wheel With the EVFC Ladies Auxiliary, ail proceeds go to ECC! Bake Sale Delicious treats from the Enfieid Senior Citizens Quilt Raffle Drawing at 3:30 pm Full Size Autumn Colors Sampler Sewn community members Tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5 Available at the Town Hall, from ECC members, & at the Festival Main Ticket Table Local Vendors A great selection of hand-crafted items PTA Book Fair Get some reading for the kids & a gift for favorite teachers! Information Booths Lots of great things to team about! Concession Stand hot dogs, chili, chili dogs, corn chowder, squash soup, nachos & cheese, & drinks BBQat11 am $9 fiill dinner Chicken, roll, choice of two sides: baked beans, salt pota- toes, cole slaw A dessert! $6 chicken half only $6 vegetarian lots Of Games & Activities (or Children: Hay Ride, Games Tent, & Morel Fun Things to look at and learn Abont with: Enfield Fire Department* Highway Department "Car Pride" Exhibit Can you help make this event a success? Contact Cortney Bailey at 279-4702 The Enfield Harvest Festival is the major annual fundraiser for the Enfield Community Council; all profits go directly to fund local Youth and Community Programs. Event made possible by the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism Program. 5 Red Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month (the odd months: November, January etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, November 15th Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly goals! However, there's always room for more! Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Enfield Baptist Fellowship 172 Enfield Main Road Worship/Sunday Schooi Sunday 6:00 pm We are an American Baptist Church associated with American Baptist Churches New York State and American Baptist Churches U.S.A. We support missions throughout the world. Everyone is welcome. Please call 607- 273-5682 for updated times for our worship service. We are a small, caring fellowship of believers who sponsor the Enfieid Food Distribution in cooperation with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and the Town of Enfieid along with the help of many local volunteers. Volunteers are needed and welcome. Community Businesses Be safe. Keep your computer running efficiently. Free anti-virus and cleanup software. PC Doctor makes housecalls - $25 Roboticsl lciombie(t7ht va.net To see your local business in our news- letter, please email cbai- ley525@yahoo.com for information about advertising. This will help to off- set costs. (607) 220-3517 Agape Bible Church 264 S. Applegate Road 607-273-7419/www,aaaDe-ithaca.orq Pastor Mike Corrlero Pastor Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non-denominational, charismatic fellowship, with a diverse group of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Our Purpose • To be a house of restoration, refreshing, and rest. • To worship the Lord and seek his face. • To share His love, and build up and equip God's people. • To spread the gospel both here and to the nations. 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute service, with a short time of worship, followed by the teaching of the word of God. 10:00 am Mornino Service: A service of around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with expressive charismatic worship, and opportunity for body ministry and testimony. Nursery and Children's Church are provided during the 10:00 am service. Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 607-387-6296/www.lcumc.com Reverend Nelson Reppert. Pastor We welcome visitors and invite you to join us at any time. The church is located on Route 96 in Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. Worship & Meetings: Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year- round (Sunday School & Nursery concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm Enfield Food Pantry The Enfieid Food Pantry is available to Enfield residents in need of help providing food for themselves and their family. NEW HOURS: The pantry is open 3-5:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month, 3-4 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday month, and 3-5:30 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The pantry is in the Community Bidg, 182 Enfieid Main Rd. and is a ministry of the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield provides the space and utility costs. Living Water Christian Fellowship 162 Enfieid Main Road, Ithaca 607-277-6301 Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor The Living Water Christian Fellowship welcomes you! We are a full Gospel community fellowship. We believe and practice the gifts of the Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check out our web site LWCFIthaca.com Regularly Scheduled Events: Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Tuesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Saturday last Sat of the month Men's Breakfast 8:00 am Open Hands Blessing Shop will be open on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00pm at Living Water Christian Fellowship. Free clothing and household items. Taking high quality, clean donations at that time as well. All are welcome. Please call 594-3922 for more information. 3 Enfield Town Boards Meetings are held in the Community Buiiding, 1st floor Town Board: 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm Town Supervisor Ann Rider 277-3478 ann-rider@townofenfield.org Vera Howe-Strait Town Council Members Virginia Bryant 280-0487 Mike Carpenter 277-4204 Henry Hansteen 727-3746 Mictiael Miles 387-3175 Planning Board: 1st Wednesday, 7pm Chair, Dan Walker 387-6394 Ann Chaffee 272-6460 Steve Givin 273-7434 Red Poney Carpenter 279-2372 Henry Hansteen Liaison 727-3746 Town Offices Town Clerk 273-8256 Alice Linton, Town Clerk Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk Town Office/Clerk Hours: Monday-Thursday, 3 pm - 6 pm Highway Department 272-6490 Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent Town Highway Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 6 am - 2:30 pm Town Court 272-0529 Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm Code Enforcement Office Community Building, 2nd floor Code Enforcement 277-0266 Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30-11 am Wednesday 5-7 pm Community BIdg, dwnstrs 882-9958 Town Historian Sue Thompson 272-6412 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Roger Lauper, Chief 272-8757 Tucker Snyder, Deputy Chief Kirk VanDee, 1st Assistant Chief Tony Carlisle, 2nd Assistant Chief County Legislators Jim Dennis Enfield/Ulysses 387-4058, jpd821@yahoo.com Dave McKenna Enfield/Newfield 564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org Town of Enfield Municipal Newsletter 168 Enfield Main Road http://townofenfield.org October-December 2016 Report from the Supervisor The Wright Brothers finished painting the Town Hall. It looks so much better and many people have commented on it. Norm Smith says he still has some finishing touches to do but by and large it's done. I want to express my condolences to the family of Calvin Rothermieh in his passing. I've known Calvin since I was 16 years old and my boyfriend was his hired man. Calvin was a life long resident of the Town and served for many, many years on the Planning Board. He has stated many times that he intended to remain on the Board until he died to ensure that there would never he zoning in the Town of Enfield. He got his wish. This does create a vacancy on the Planning Board and any resident who is interested in this Board should write a letter of interest to me or Dan Walker, Chairperson of the Planning Board. The term of the new hoard member will begin January 1, 2017. It's budget time and the Town Board is committed to staying within the Tax Cap as set by the Governor's office. Our tax cap is .06% for 2017, basically a 0% increase. The tentative budget will he presented to the Town Clerk by September 30. As per NYS Law there will he a Public Hearing on the 2017 budget and several opportunities to express your opinion during Privilege of the Floor at Board meetings and emails to the Town Board before the Board votes on the final budget by November 20. The Black Oak Wind Farm has very recently gone hack to its original plan for the placement of the 7 turbines. The NY State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) has been completed for the original plan and the Town Board accepted the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Statement of Findings in January 2015. We are now starting the next phase of our local law; the process of final pennitting, leading to the issuance of a Wind Energy Penuit. This involves approving several plans such as a Landscaping Plan, an Invasive Species Plan, a Fire and Emergency Plan, a Decommissioning Plan and a Community Relations and Dispute Resolution Plan so the Code Enforcement Officer can go over final drawings and road usage requirements to issue a building permit. Yes, there has been a little time lapse hut it is a complex, ambitious project and, humans being what we are, it is seldom a smooth road. The Town is deteraiined that this he an environmentally safe project and many factors have to be balanced along the way. The Board's job is to make decisions based on good science and to look at the benefits and drawbacks to the entire Town when making decisions on the final part of this project. It's the start of a lovely fall. Have some chicken BBQ at the Enfield 1 Community Council Harvest Festival on October 1 and get all those vegetables in a can or the freezer. Ann Rider, Town Supervisor From the Highway Department By the time this comes out we should be finished with our summer roads paving projects: One mile on E Enfield Center road, between Applegate and S. Van Dorn Rd, we replaced three roads crossing pipes and eight driveway pipes, as well preparing for the paving. South Buck Hill Rd, one mile, between Harvey Hill and W Enfield Center Rd. Cn Fish Rd we had to reconstruct the base, which consists of digging, drainage, putting fabric paper putting down and crusher run. This was the last mile, between S Buck Hill and Black Cak rd. Also doing ditching and driveway pipes. We are still hoping to get three more miles completed with Oil & Stone before the snow fly's. Cnce this is done we will be back to Hubble Drive to finish tree cutting and ditching. And rebuilding the end of this turn around. We are going to start the Greek job, off the end of Hubble Drive, with Soils and Water • the end of Cctober, first of November. Then we will also be heading back to S Van Dorn Rd tree cutting and digging back the banks, prepping this for re-pavement next year. And our usual cutting shoulder and digging ditches on other roads. FYI: Local Law #2 2010 Excavation and Construction in Municipal Roadways and Highway Right-of-way: Permits are needed tor Drive culverts and constructing driveways. Any construction in the right-of-way needs review by the Highway department prior to any work being done. We had some major Issues with our equipment excavator was down tor a month and a halt, thankfully this was all still covered under warrantee. This did set us back ditching and other jobs that needed an excavator to complete. Cne ten wheeler truck set us back $10,000 in repairs, another ten wheeler set us back $7,000, and both issues were engine problems. We can (and do) fix a lot of things ourselves, but unfortunately these jobs needed special tools. And of course another aspect Is we can't be in the garage fixing the equipment and out on the roads fixing them at the same time. Winter is coming so remember to check mailboxes requirements, the no parking in the right-of-way law comes into play tor the winter. I know I sound like a broken record, but speed is the major factor in Winter Enfield Town Web Site - www.townotenfield.orq Just a reminder it you are holding a public event please send me the information and I can place it on the web site, (susan- thompson(a)townotentield.orq). Minutes from the meetings of the Town Board, Wind Advisory Committee, and Planning Board are placed on the website. Don't forget to sign up to receive the "posting" notices from our website. It you don't have ready access to a computer and want to know about our town meetings you can give the Town Clerk's office a phone call 607-273-8256 or stop in to visit at 168 Enfield Main Road. From the Town Clerk Enfield Newsletter - September 2016 Welcome to the tall season! It you are planning to purchase a hunting or fishing license this tall, please keep in mind that it you buy it at town hall a small portion of the tee you pay will go to the Town of Enfield. Please remember that the Town of Enfield has a Dog Control Law. A tew points from the law to remember are: • Dogs must be restrained by an adequate collar and leash or under full control of a responsible person, when not on the prop- erty of the owner... • Dogs must not cause damage or destruction to property... or commit a nuisance other than on the premises of the person own- ing or Harboring such dog. • Dogs must wear a valid and current Town of Enfield dog license while off the owner's property, whether or not restrained by an adequate collar and leash. • Dogs must be licensed when tour months of age or older. To view the complete law, please go to the town's website: www.townotentield .org. Enfield town and county tax bills will be mailed at the end of De- cember and can be paid without penalty until January 31. We will have additional hours during the month of January: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9-12. Cur Cctober, November and December hours will remain Monday through Thursday from 3-6 p.m. We are always glad to come in extra hours to accommodate your needs. Just give us a call at 273- 8256 or send an e-mail to towncierk@townotentield.org. Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk Accidents. I was very grateful to some residents that call me on Saturday Sept 9th to let me know that a recycling truck had torn up our newly paved E. Enfield Center rd. Luckily I was home and with this quick alert-1 was able to fix the damage in a couple of hours. So keeping calling, and thanks tor the heads up! You can Imagine that I had a pretty good talk with this driver and the business too! Also thanks tor all the hard work and commitment from our Highway guys, and the support of Town of Ithaca, Town of Newtield, Town of Ulysses and Tompkins County Highway Department. See you on the Roads! -Buddy Enfield Town Historian - Sue Thompson (Historian@townofenfield.org) A dedication ceremony will be held September 28 at TC3 in Dryden tor tour monuments representing civil war nurses, one will be honoring Enfield's Sarah Graham Palmer "Aunt Becky". I will have a display of Sarah's lite at the Enfield Harvest Festival in October. The Municipal Historians of Tompkins County are updating the town's touring brochures. Enfield's brochure is done except tor adding a tew pictures. They hopefully will be published by January 2017. These are tor our 200* anniversary of Tompkins County (April 7, 1817, by act of the New York State Legislature, the counties of Seneca and Cayuga were divided, and Tompkins County was formed). Enfield will be celebrating their 200* anniversary in 2021 (est. March 16, 1821) how would you like to celebrate the town? I recently discovered that tamiiysearch.org has added New York State marriage records tor Tompkins County on their website. "New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936." This is a tree genealogy website. It was exciting to discover this, try it out! it you need help in any of your genealogy endeavors let me know I would be glad to help out. News from Tompkins County Government A Message from Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk: County Clerk and DMV Ready to Chat! The Tompkins County Clerk's Office is located in the Tompkins County Courthouse at 320 N. Tioga St. and the Department of Motor Vehicles is conveniently located at 301 Third Street in the Hancock Plaza - and now, we are available to chat and answer your questions online! Go to Tompkins County Department of Motor Vehicles and click the chat now button. Both offices are known tor our fast-moving lines, quick turnaround of documents, friendly and helpful staff, and ease of access - either in person, phone or online. Cur goal is to provide excellent service to our customers. County Clerk's Link: http.s:.7app.purcchat.conv\v/Countv'.'u20C.'ierk • Need a copy of your deed? • Renewing your driver's license? • Transferring a pistol permit? • Planning to travel abroad and need a passport? How may we help you? Maureen Reynolds, Tompkins County Clerk Flu Vaccinations Available at the Tompkins County Health Department Protect yourself and your community from the flu and get vaccinated! There are many opportunities tor flu vaccination including health care provider offices, pharmacies, and the Tompkins County Health Department. Everyone over the age of six months should be vaccinated every year against the flu. Flu vaccination is the best protection against the flu - it protects you and limits the spread of flu to others. These include infants under the age of 6 months who are too young to be immunized and those who are immunocompromised such as people who are receiving cancer treatment. Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) is providing flu vaccinations at its locationat 55 Brown Road - across from the airport. There is plenty of tree parking. Flu vaccinations will be available at the Health Department beginning, October 6. Appointments are necessary tor all clinics and can be made by calling the Health Department at 607-274-6616. Flu vaccinations will also be available to the public on Tuesday, October 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Lifelong, 119 West Court Street. Call TCHD at 274-6616 to make an appointment. Most health insurance plans cover the cost of an annual flu vaccination. At the Health Department, there are no out-of-pocket costs it you have one of the following health insurance plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Total Care, Fidelis, Medicare Part B and Medicare Managed Plans: Secure Horizons, Today's Options, and Medicare Blue. However it you have a health insurance plan other than those listed above, you will have to pay the cost of the flu vaccination at the time of your appointment. The Health Department will provide a receipt that you may submit to your insurance tor reimbursement. The cost is $35. Cash and checks accepted; no credit or debit cards. Enfield Town Web Site - www.townofenfield.org Dates to Remember We hope you have been enjoying our new Town Web Site. Just a reminder if you are holding a public event please send me the information and I can place it on the web site: (susan-thompson(a)townofenfield.orq) A few sites to check on the "Top Menu" of the website: • "Resources" - Documents - Public Laserfiche, you can do your own "historical research" with the many town documents we have placed there. "Throw Back Thursday" weekly historical articles under "News" on the top menu. Don't forget to sign up to receive the "posting" notices from our website! October 1 ECC Harvest Festival 11am to 3:30pm Enfield School 12 Town Board @ 6:30pm 19 Grange Meeting 7:00pm November 9 Town Board @ 6:30pm 15 Red Cross Blood Drive 1:30-6:30 @EVFD 16 Grange Meeting 7:00pm December 14 Town Board @ 6:30 21 Grange Meeting 7:00pm Need a Space to Meet? The Enfield Community Center is available for Enfield community events and activities, and has tables and chairs available. To reserve space, or report a problem with the facility, contact the Town Clerk for the appropriate referral. 4