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Town of Enfield
168 Enfield Main Road http://townofenfield.org
January-March 2014 Newsletter
Enfield Town Boards
Meetings are held in the
Community Building, 1st floor
Town Board: 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm
Town Supervisor
Ann Rider 277-3478
Vera Howe-Strait
Town Council Members
Virginia Bryant 387-9376
Mike Carpenter 277-4204
Vera Howe-Strait 273-1413
Beth McGee 227-9532
Planning Board: 1st Wednesday, 7pm
Chair, Dan Walker 387-6394
Ann Chaffee 272-6460
Dawn George 273-1247
Steve Givin 273-7434
Calvin Rothermich 272-5930
Town Offices
Town Clerk 273-8256
Alice Linton, Town Clerk
Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk
Town Office/Clerk Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 3 pm - 6 pm
Highway Department 272-6490
Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent
Town Highway Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 6 am - 2:30 pm
Town Court 273-0363
Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm
Code Enforcement Office
Community Building, 2nd floor
Code Enforcement 277-0266
Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer
Code Enforcement Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 8:30-11 am
Wednesday 5-7 pm
Community Bldg, dwnstrs 882-9958
Town Historian
Sue Thompson 272-6412
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
Roger Lauper, Chief 272-8757
Art Howser, Deputy Chief
Tucker Snyder, 1st Assistant Chief
Andy Senno, 2nd Assistant Chief
Alan Teeter, Captain
County Legislators
Dave McKenna
564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org
Jim Dennis
387-4058, jpd821@yahoo.com
Town of Enfield Historian Report
Sue Thompson (sdt1@cornell.edu)
Our afterschool program history club has been
busy with making hats, visiting Treman State Park through
pictures, learning about veterans of the military, learning
about old scrapbooks and making our own, and collecting
pennies through a time line of Enfield. I placed a time line
display of Enfield in the Community building (basement).
The Municipal Historians of Tompkins County will
be updating the towns touring brochures this coming year.
There are still more US civil war events occurring in 2014 –
monuments for the Civil War Nurses – TC3 program will be
placed at the college; Dorothy Cotton Jubilee concert will
be held on May 4 at the AME Zion Church in Ithaca and
May 9 at the Danby Church.
Commemoration of World War I (1914) will start
events in 2014. If you have any WWI history in your family
you would like to share with me send me an e-mail or give
me a call – 272-6412.
Report from the Supervisor
The 2013 year-end town business has been successfully concluded.
The 2014 budget was passed with a general increase of 2% in most
categories. All the 2013 budget lines ended with at least a little bit of money left
in each line. The referendum to reduce the Justices from 2 to 1 passed by a
vote of 433 for and 290 against. Betty Poole will be our Justice for the next 4
years. I look forward to working with her. She does a great job for the residents
of Enfield. Sue Thompson has agreed to be our Custodian. Many thanks to
Andrew and Paul Thompson for their service over the past few years. Our
Community Building looks so much better for their diligent efforts. The Planning
Board has almost completed the Draft Comprehensive Plan. After some more
additions of statistics and data, the document will be available to the general
public for review and comment and, at least, one Public Hearing will be held
before the Town Board formally adopts this Plan. If you missed putting in
comments earlier in the process, you will have plenty of opportunities to add
comments to this process and you should do so. It’s not a Planning Board
document, it’s a community document.
Looking forward to 2014, I will be asking the Town Board to appoint a
Facilities Development Committee to decide the future of the vacated old
Highway facility and future use of the Town owned acreage surrounding the
new Highway Building. I will also ask the Board to appoint an Emergency
Planning Committee to produce these particular plans for our Town. There’s a
County Emergency Plan but we need to make some local decisions on how
small scale emergencies should be handled. Who should handle what needs to
be worked out and written down. If you have any interest in these subjects and
would like to join a Town committee, contact me.
Happy New Year!
Ann Rider, Supervisor
Need a Space to Meet?
The Enfield Community Center
is available for Enfield community
events and activities, and has
tables and chairs available. To
reserve space, or report a
problem with the facility, contact
the Town Clerk for the
appropriate referrral.
Enfield Cemetery Committee
We are looking for new members of the Enfield Cemetery Committee.
If you are interested please contact Sue Thompson (sdt1@cornell.edu/ 273-
8256. The Committee is responsible for oversight of the cemeteries within the
Town of Enfield. The committee responsibilities include: Coordinates the
upkeep of the cemeteries to include maintenance, mowing, trimming, cutting
brush, and repair of grave markers. Recommends to the Town Board purchase
of equipment and repair of grave markers. Submits budget recommendations
to the Town Supervisor. Sets and removes flags from veterans graves (Before
Memorial Day - May and After Veterans Day November 11). Ensures cemetery
records are maintained. Makes recommendations to the Town Board for
revisions to the cemetery policy and procedures.
From the Highway Superintendent
First order of business Thank you for giving me another two years to serve you
as your Highway Superintendent.
We are well into winter, so in thinking about snow and ice please drive slow, as
speed is a big factor . Enfield does have a parking law during the winter. It is a
no parking on the roads and you can be towed.
In regards to a e-mail that was sent by the town supervisor, Ann Rider the day
before the election I felt that this was not accurate and one sided. I would be
happy to talk to anyone that got this e-mail to hear the Highway's side and the
"rest of the story".
We are pretty much caught up with repairs from the August storm, with just a
few minor details to attend to. Fish Road took longer then we would have liked
to complete as we were taking care of other storm damages and waiting on
funds to be ok'd from the Ann Rider, town supervisor, After getting the money
we had to order the pipe, and wait for it to come in. The town of Ithaca loaned
us an excavator to do the job which saved a substantial amount of money.
On a different subject:
I was very disappointed that the board choose to pay some lines in the budget
that were in the minus with the left over Highway bond money which could
have and SHOULD have been used to finish the Highway Project. They could
have used Town savings or contingency fund to right these lines. In the plans
(that the people of Enfield voted for) there was to be a salt barn, paving of the
driveway, salt spreader hanger building and cold storage. This money was
approximately $130, 000 which could have gone a long way in completed
these last projects. Now it will have to come from some where else, if it gets
completed at all.
The last couple of months I heard a lot about the Highway working (or not
working) with the board. It is my hope in the year 2014 and years after, that the
board and the Highway department will reach an understanding of what it
means to "work with the board." As I have presented to the board every
month in my reports what issues need attending to, the success we have
had, and the challenges too. If this is not working with the board, then what
is? It is my hope that the new board members with have this same goal in
mind. I have my job to do and they have theirs, but our common goal should
always be what's best for our town roads, the town in general, and they safety
of our residents.
I would like to thank our neighboring towns, Newfield, Ulysses, Ithaca, and
also Tompkins County Highway department for all their help, especially as this
year was more difficult then most with storm of August 8, 2013. I would like to
thank the residents that were appreciative and helpful during this year. Mostly I
would like to thank the guys at the Highway, Chuck Sinclair, Brandon McGee,
Scott George, Gabe Newhart and Chris Willis. These are your Highway crew,
they do a great job.
See you on the roads.
Buddy Rollins
Enfield Highway Superintendent.
From The Town Clerk
By the time this newsletter
reaches you, tax season will be well
under way. Payments are accepted
until January 31 with no penalty.
During February, 1% will be added to
your bill and during March, 2% will be
added. Unfortunately we are unable to
accept debit or credit cards for
payments. We have additional hours
during the month of January as
Mondays 3-6
Tuesdays 9-12 and 3-6
Wednesdays 3-6
Thursdays 9-12 and 3-6
Saturdays 9-12
The remainder of the year our
hours will be Monday - Thursday from
3-6 p.m. Throughout the year if our
hours don’t work for you, please give
us a call at 273-8256 and we’ll be glad
to accommodate your schedule.
The NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation will be
making some changes for hunting and
fishing licenses. One of the changes
is fishing licenses will be good for one
year from the date purchased. For
example, if you purchase your fishing
license on February 15, 2014 it will be
good until February 14, 2015. For
more information on licenses you can
visit the DEC's website at
Please remember that all dogs in
the Town of Enfield need to be
licensed every year. The cost
continues to be $10 for dogs that are
spayed or neutered and $20 for
unaltered dogs.
Stay warm and safe this winter,
and enjoy the snow!
Alice Linton
Enfield Town Clerk
Dear Enfield residents and supporters from outside Enfield:
$1000 Matching grant for year end donations to the Aquifer Study Fund! A Tompkins County Resident would like to
help with our fund raising effort! Every dollar you give now will be matched from this fund, up to a total of $1000.
This is a great opportunity to make your donation to the Enfield Aquifer Study Fund go even farther. Some of you
donated in 2012, but not in 2013. Some of you may wish to increase your 2013 donation. Some of you may not yet have
had an opportunity to support this cause. We are asking you to join with us to raise money for a study of the Enfield
Aquifer to ensure the safety of our water supply now and for the future. All donations are tax-deductible. Information
about how to donate is below.
The Enfield Aquifer Study, being done by the US Geological Service, will map the local aquifer to determine the
quantity, quality, location of our water resources and any contamination. Having this critical information about the aquifer
system will allow Enfield and Tompkins County to make well-informed decisions on how best to manage and protect our
vital water resources. In addition, the information from the study will provide local government, water managers,
businesses, and homeowners with help to ensure that there will be a safe and plentiful drinking water supply, water
available for economic development, and a healthy aquifer environment.
In 2000 the Tompkins County Planning Dept. and the USGS entered into a 20-year agreement to study the aquifer
areas on a systematic basis. The source of funding to pay for the study is: 30% USGS funds, 35% County funds, and
35% Town funds. This means the Town of Enfield will need to raise $90,000 for the study. We are starting this Fund to
ensure this most important project will be done.
We are on our way to making this project a reality, thanks to community members donating over $5000, a $5000
grant from the Community Foundation of Tompkins County and a $5000 grant from the Soil and Water Conservation
District. In addition the Town of Enfield has paid in $7000 from Town funds to date. The 2013 work by USGS for is:
· Collected existing driller's well logs from NYSDEC and organized data from logs spatially into GIS database.
· Completed two cross-sections across the valley measuring depth to bedrock using HVSR (horizontal to vertical
seismic ratio) techniques.
· Began identifying areas to collect surface water-quality samples.
· Began identifying existing groundwater wells to collect water-quality samples.
· Began planning seepage runs to examine gaining and losing streams which may be recharging or draining the aquifer.
Please join with your neighbors by contributing to the Aquifer Study Fund for a safe and a healthy water supply in
Thank you,
The Enfield Aquifer Study Fundraising Group
To support the Enfield Aquifer Study, Please Contribute:
___$25 ___$50 ___$75 ___$100 Other_____
•Make checks payable to: Social Ventures; Social Ventures is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to
the extent allowed by law.
•Enter on the memo line of the check: Enfield Aquifer Study Fund
Social Ventures will use all funds raised to help the Town of Enfield pay for the study.
•Mail to: Enfield Aquifer Study Fund, PO Box 571, Ithaca, NY 14851
Please include your name and address so we may send you a written acknowledgment of your donation. We thank you for your
generous support of this critical project. For questions regarding the Aquifer Study or the Aquifer Study Fund, please email
Town of Enfield Planning Board Report
The Planning Board submitted a rough first draft of the Comprehensive Plan to Town Board Members for their
preliminary review and comment on December 10, 2013. I, Virginia Bryant, outgoing Planning Board Chair, spoke at the
12/11/13 Town Board Meeting, stating that there still were statistics that needed to be inserted (which assigned Planning
Board Members were actively seeking). I also expressed the hope that there would be ample opportunity for more public
review and input, over and above the required public hearing, once the Town Board has reviewed the plan and made its
comments/requests back to the Planning Board for any alterations.
The Planning Board, with the assistance of a number of committed community members who assisted Board
members with specific plan sections, has been working on the draft Comprehensive Plan for over a year. Development
and creation of a good Comprehensive Plan is not a speedy process, nor should it be. There should be ample time to
consider diverse community opinions, and make appropriate changes, additions, edits, etc. as warranted.
In addition, I want to extend a very special thanks to Judy Hyman who has worked tirelessly to assemble all the
plan sections, edit them and consistently keep me, the Chair, and others “on track and on task.” I also want to thank Sue
Thompson for her ‘above and beyond’ help in finding appropriate photos to insert into the plan. There also are many other
community members who are publicly acknowledged in a listing at the beginning of the Comprehensive Plan. I personally
wish to thank all of them, too.
Virginia Bryant
Town of Enfield Planning Board Chair
Town of Enfield
168 Enfield Main Road
Ithaca NY 14850
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Chief’s Report
2013 Year End
We responded to 328 calls last year, in the following categories:
· 3 Structures fires
· 13 Carbon monoxide and smoke alarm
· 2 Propane or gas leaks
· 3 Vehicle fires
· 3 Grass, brush, trash burning
Thirty-one Mutual Aid was provided and received by following Fire
· 22 Trumansburg
· 6 Mecklenburg
· 4 Newfield
· 4 Ithaca
· 1 West Danby
· 1 Spencer
Members logged 7,634 hours for responding to calls, trainings, maintenance, and administrative duties. The
members of the fire department also have supported the community in many other ways. Examples include: Annual
EVFC Calendars, American Red Cross Blood drives; Primary and general elections; Enfield Harvest Festival;
Halloween; Road side clean up’s of Enfield Main Road; Support Enfield ECC Basket Ball Program, EVFC Scholarship
Program, Enfield School holiday baskets for families, and Chicken BBQ’s.
We thank the Enfield Residents for their support during 2013.
Dates to Remember
1 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm
8 Volunteer of the Month nominations due
8 Town Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm
5 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm
5 Volunteer of the Month nominations due
12 Town Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm
5 Planning Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 7 pm
5 Volunteer of the Month nominations due
12 Town Board Meeting, Community Bldg, 6:45 pm
· 22 Storm related calls
· 222 EMS calls
· 22 Motor vehicle
· 7 Other calls