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Enfield Community Currents
News from and for the Community
April-June 2013 Free
Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing
agent as a sunny spring day.
W. Earl Hall
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702
JoAnn Huddle, Vice President 272-7115
Sue Howser, Secretary 342-6315
Carla Trenchard, Treasurer 342-1406
Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547
What’s Inside…
From the Editor 1
Community Yard Sale 1
Spring Festival 1
ECC Programs: 2
4th & 5th Grade Basketball 2
Adult Basketball 2
New Community Building 2
Enfield Summer Camp 3
2013 Quilt Project 3
Afterschool Program 3
Town Historian 4
Enfield Valley Grange 4
MORE Town Historian 5
Medication Disposal 5
Pre-K Program News 5
Enfield PTA 5
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary 6
Enfield Vol. Fire Co. 6
100-year Old Quilt Returns 6
Movement & Transportation 6
Enfield Food Pantry 7
Area Churches: 7
Agape Bible Church
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Jacksonville United Methodist
Living Water Christian Fellowship
Dance Classes 7
Calendar of Events 8
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8
For the Farm Community 8
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in June
for publication at the end of that month.
Contact the editor with information you’d
like to see included.
Welcome spring!
All around us we feel, see, smell and hear the explosion of spring—warm
sunny days, greening lawns, flowers popping up, trees leafing out and farm
equipment at work everywhere. As the submissions for this newsletter started
pouring in, I thought “Wow, Enfield is exploding with activity, too!”.
Old quilts and new, youth and adult basketball, fabulous food with the Fire
Company and Grange, yard sales abounding, a brand-spanking-new spring
Festival, planning for a new community building, and history, history, history.
As I reflect on the 35ish years I’ve lived in this great community, I’m stunned
by the many, many ways people come together to make this such a wonderful
place to call home. My own journey has led me into many of these groups, and
over time I’ve realized that just because I didn’t see a lot of faces in one group
didn’t mean nobody cared—they were just involved elsewhere!
I know that community involvement is time-consuming, and at times in
everyone’s lives it just isn’t possible. Some folks might also think they have
nothing of value to offer—but let me tell you—EVERYONE has something to
offer: a skill, a talent, a connection, some special knowledge or just some free
time; if you don’t know what you have to offer, just look through this issue’s
articles and find something that catches your interest. Make a contact and see
what that group does or needs, and you’ll be surprised just how much you’re
One last thing: you’ll notice lots of pictures in this issue, and many thanks to
the folks who’ve submitted them. They are nice additions to what would
otherwise be a whole lot of text, so please—get in the habit of taking pictures at
community events and sending them to me.
Debbie Teeter, Editor
Community Yard Sale—Saturday, May 18
The Enfield Firemen’s Ladies’ Auxiliary and the Enfield Community Council
are co-sponsoring an Enfield Community Yard Sale on Saturday, May 18
from 9 am-2 pm. The whole community is encouraged to join in and plan their
own sale on the date. Sign-up forms will be available at the Town Clerk’s office
or from members of the ECC or Ladies’ Auxiliary in mid-April. If you would like
to rent a table at the Community Building or donate items to ECC instead of
having your own sale, call Cortney Bailey, 277-3478/CBailey525@yahoo.com.
Pick up your guide to community yard sale participants at the Enfield
Community Building or the Fire House starting at 9 AM. In addition to the yard
sale, breakfast will be available at the Community Building and the Auxiliary is
having a bake sale at the Fire House.
Help Plan a New Enfield Spring Festival
Enfield Community Council, Rural Youth Services and Cornell Cooperative Extension will be co-hosting a Spring
Festival in Enfield on Saturday, May 11th, somewhere in the Enfield Community. We are looking for Enfield farmers,
craftspeople, artisans and service organizations who would like to participate in our information fair and farmers and
crafts market. We are also looking for individuals who would like to be involved in planning. If interested in any of the
above, please contact Josh Dolan at sapsquatch7@gmail.com.
Enfield Community Council Programs
4th and 5 th Grade
Girls Basketball
Our names
are Mina and
Maia. We have
been best friends
forever. So we
have decided to
join basketball.
Our season was
great! We loved it,
and we would
totally join next year. We learned the three man weave. It is very
complicated, but fun! We also learned picks and how you put a pick
on somebody. We made a lot of progress. We also built a lot of
muscle. We learned how to handle the ball and make sure other
people are in the game too. And to pass to others. We made a cheer
for next year, for our team. And it goes like this: Go Eagles go,
Enfield Eagles rule, We're the best, Then the rest, Go Eagles go,
Turn around touch the ground, Dribble dribble swish.
Adult Basketball
The Enfield Community Council is once again sponsoring the
adult basketball at the Enfield Elementary School gym.
Community basketball games are on Monday evenings from
6:00 – 8:00 starting on March 11, 2013. The dates of availability are
March 11, 18, 25, and June 10, 17. There is no basketball in April
and May due to the unavailability of the gym.
It is mandatory that you complete an Enfield Community Council
“Waiver, Release Form for Adult Basketball” at your first evening of
attendance. Contact person is Faye Coyne at 220-9754
Elementary 4 th & 5 th Grade
Boys Basketball Teams
My name is Matt. I joined basketball
because I wanted to learn new skills. I learned
lots of defense and offense plays. It was
sometimes hard to put the ball in the basket.
Even if I didn't make the basket it was always
fun. When I got my first loss I was disappointed.
But I made up for it and got my first win! We built
some muscle doing “suicides”. If it wasn't for
Faye and Denny (our coaches) I would not be as
good as I am today.
The Elementary basketball teams are
sponsored by the Enfield Community Council
and the Enfield Volunteer Fire Dept.
From Julian Thomas Savage: I joined basketball
because I wanted to try something new and
because it sounded like fun. It was fun for me
because we did stuff like lay-ups and
scrimmages. I personally liked playing in the
games. It feels good if you have the privilege to
be in something like this. We started playing on
January 21, 2013. We went to Caroline and
Cayuga Heights Elementary schools to play
them. On March 2, 2013 we went to Cornell to
play each other during half time. If I hadn’t had
such a patient coach, I’d be at square one-not
knowing how to play, so I want to thank Coach
Faye, Denny and Ray for helping much.
Community Dinner-Thanksgiving 2014
As we said in the last newsletter, the Enfield Community
Council is planning to have a community Thanksgiving dinner in a
new Community Center in November 2014. The committee has
been busy this winter preparing to write grants, getting information
together to apply for a mortgage, visiting existing community
centers, drawing plans, approaching land owners and thinking about
money, money, money. If you do Facebook, “like” our page. We’ll
be updating it as we move forward. Our next general meeting will be
held on April 13 at 10 AM in the upstairs of the Community Building.
Please join us, if you are interested in working on this exciting
project. We need your expertise in making this happen!
For more information: Deena Rambaum, daw1@cornell.edu,
277-5131 or Cortney Bailey, cbailey525@yahoo.com, 279-4702.
5th Grade Boys Basketball Squad
4th Grade Boys Basketball Squad
4th & 5th Grade Girls Basketball Squad
Enfield Community Council Programs
The Enfield School Age Program
Greetings from the Enfield School Age Program! We are so happy to be heading into spring and warmer weather!
As the weather changes so do our activities at after school. First and foremost on our minds is our Annual Fund Raiser,
The Art Gallery Night. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and it is always so much fun. The public is welcome to
attend this event on May 3rd from 6-8 pm. This year we will be in the cafeteria and the set up will be of an intimate cafe
style. We will have music and refreshments before the auction begins and lots of lovely and exciting artwork to bid on!!
If you haven't made it to an Art Gallery Night yet you should really come and check it out, it's super fun and it benefits
our community’s after school program!!
We will also be turning our attention outdoors and planning what our garden will look like this year. We have some
great ideas for creating "nature spaces" for children to enjoy, as well as growing yummy organic produce which all the
kids love to watch grow and gobble up out of the garden!
If anyone is interested in donating artwork to the Art Gallery Night or helping out with the garden this spring please
contact Colleen or Vera at 274-2368.
Colleen McKenzie, Director
ESAP, Enfieldschoolageprogram@gmail.com
Enfield Summer Day Camp 2013
Soon Spring will be here – if only in my dreams!!
The Enfield Community Council has a summer day camp
program for children ages 4-13 years old. It is a 6-week
program that begins on July 8 and ends August 16, 2013. It
will be held at the Robert Treman State Park’s lower level (the
North Shelter).
The campers start their day at 8:45 a.m. with a cold
breakfast and have activities until 11:30 which is lunchtime
(except for field trips, all lunches are hot food items). The daily
activities include a combination of most of the following:
sports, arts, science, sewing, cooking, journal writing, singing,
hiking, literacy activities, swimming, outdoor education (the
last activity is for campers 9 years old and up). We have
access to open fields, creeks and the playground. There will
be field trips to Hangar Theater, Sciencenter, Taughannock
Park, Watkins Glen, miniature golf, Greenwood Park, bowling
and some new trips.
All fees are per child as follows:
· Base camp program (9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.) $215 for all 6
weeks for Enfield residents and $275 for all 6 weeks for non-
residents (includes park entrance pass)
· Before camp care (7:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m.) $140 for 1-5 days/
week for 6 weeks
· After camp care (2:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.) $275 for 1-5 days/week
for 6 weeks for Enfield residents and $300 for non-residents.
Before and after camp care are now flat rates regardless
of the number of days per week using the care. This
guarantees space for your child(ren) daily and maintains the
regulated staff:child ratio.
The Community Council is offering a prepay reduced rate
for the BASE FEE ONLY. If the base fee is paid by May 31 the
fee is $15 less (Residents $200/child and Non-Residents
$260/child). Completed applications and all fees are due in by
June 15 to guarantee space at camp.
If you currently receive temporary assistance or need help
with the cost of childcare, you may be eligible for assistance
through DSS. Please contact Vera Howe-Strait or DSS (Carla
Trenchard 274-5677) for further information. The DSS
acceptance letter must be received by Vera Howe-Strait
before camp starts.
The Enfield Community Council strives to provide activities that are free
or low cost. It is our goal that no one is turned away because of the inability to
pay. Please contact Vera Howe-Strait if there are any issues regarding income
and/or ability to pay.
Quilt 2013
The Enfield Community Council’s 2013 Harvest Festival
quilt is well underway. The blocks have been sewn
together and assembled into columns to be stitched
together. Some of you may have seen a sneak-preview of
this year’s design and color scheme, warm meadow
greens with soft pink, yellows, and oranges at the Enfield
Volunteer Fireman’s (EVF) chicken BBQs where we have
been pre-selling quilt raffle tickets; 6 chances for $5.00 or
1 chance for $1.00. Please drop by the next EVF BBQ on
April 14 th to see the quilt top assembled and to purchase
your raffle tickets for a chance to win this beautiful quilt.
I know some of you have been waiting anxiously to
assist with the hand quilting. Unfortunately, we were
unable to come up with a suitable location to establish
this queen-sized quilt on a quilt rack to be hand sewn.
Hence, we are desperately and anxiously awaiting the
realization of our new community building for this
community activity. As a result, this year’s quilt will be
machine quilted.
As you know. quilting can become a healthy addiction
so there has been talk of planning and designing our
2014 Harvest Festival Quilt. If you would like to join us,
please send your contact information to
enfieldccquilt1@gmail.com as we will be sending out
information regarding gathering dates and times for this
adult community activity. We look forward to meeting you!
JoAnn Huddle, ECC Vice President
Hello Spring…and bring the sun with you!
If you are looking for space to host events such as: wedding or baby showers, wedding receptions, family reunions, or
any other event, the Grange can be a great place to host those special occasions. For information on Grange rental
please contact Sandra Trutt at 273-4884.
For all you crafters out there, a Craft Club is being formed to meet the first Sunday in April (4/7) at 1:00 p.m. at the
Grange. Come with ideas, or perhaps you would like to teach a certain craft. Please contact Sandra Trutt, 273-4884, with
questions or ideas. Some ideas already expressed are: potted chairs (made from old chairs that can be used as outdoor
decoration), and grapevine wreaths. At the first ‘get-together’ we can discuss: projects to work on, and arrange a schedule
of dates and times to meet.
We are looking into offering others classes, this summer, in cooperation with Cooperative Extension: master
composting, and canning & preserving. Please keep watch on the Town of Enfield web site (www.townofenfield.org) for
updates to Grange sponsored events. We are open to suggestions for other classes offered by Cooperative Extension,
that might benefit our community members, please email your ideas to: daramini@aol.com.
We have had great attendance at our breakfasts. Hope you can join us on final two for 2013. Pancakes, waffles,
French toast, sausage, scrambled eggs, (fried eggs on request), hash brown potatoes, plus beverages. Serving time:
7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
April 6 th and May 4th
Community support is appreciated by joining us in our Grange meals and events throughout the year, and contributes
to our Building Fund. Of course, donations are always appreciated and can be sent to: Roger Hubbell, 301 W. Enfield
Center Rd., Ithaca NY 14850. Our meetings are held on the 3 rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. If you think you might
be interested, please attend any one of our meetings and see what we are about.
From the Files of the Enfield Historian:
Learning about Enfield: an interview in 1991 with Helena Schaber (1912–1999) (Helen Smith and Jack Hubbell interviewed)
Continued from previous issue
People thought they were on broadway when mail started coming right to their houses. Stage carried passengers and freight
and everything else, as well as mail. Little red mailbox mentioned above was at State Fair. Millicent Carpenter and Warena
Ramsey took it. Everyone stared at Warena carrying it. Art Updike (related to Hazel Rumsey) was the mailman/carrier by horse
and buggy. All Enfield on same R.D. #5. In winter he drove a cutter through the fields to avoid drifts on the road. People had to
walk to the corner when he couldn't get thru. Fences were covered with snow and his buggy just went right over them. We had
snow then like we don't see anymore. Post Office at Enfield Falls Road folded. Frances still has their old mail box.
There would be times when the roads were impossible to use for a couple of months. Tried to keep VanDorn's Road open.
Lute(?) Teeter had a peddling route--butter, eggs, etc. Once a week in the 1920s--1930s. Had a mechanical road opener. Will
Potter(?) was Road Commissioner. (Jack's Aunt Hilda just donated a picture of the tractor used to plow snow with--there are
two men sitting on it on Harvey Hill Road.) Helena's father always jacked his 1915 Studebaker up on blocks for the winter and
used horses all winter. Livery stable where Woolworth's is now. Fish Market too. Shippy's Fish Market. Local men used to do
the road maintenance. Lute Teeter, Bernie Earl (Marie's father) and Frances's father tried to clear the road. Lute had the idea
to use the cow to clear the road so he led the cow up and down the road to break up the snow.
Teeters were an enterprising family. Sold hickory nuts. Tree is still there. Sold dressed veal. Kill them and hang them
overnight. Wrap in a sheet and take to Ithaca the next day. Kill them late at night in summer because of heat. Had a different
kind of buggy. Mike Kolar was meat inspector. Frances used to help kill chickens for Lute--did it by a kerosene heater. Had
work horses, plus a road horse. Road horses wore shoes.
Frances and Edna Graham [Bostwick Road] (4-H leader) in a minuet. Helena has a picture. 200 year anniversary of
Washington's birthday. Clara and I and Elma Marshall and sister (Billy's sisters) in the 4-H room in 1932 at Cornell.
Frances cleaned for Edna plus taking care of chickens and turkeys. (Water to house.) Sam Graham--"he was different." Had to
carry water from windmill in yard to all the chicken houses. Ben VanOstrand) dug a ditch. Sam put up a tent. It was raining. As
VanOstrand dug, Sam would move the tent to keep him dry. Ditch ran from well to chicken coops. Mary Louise Brown used to
live near Grahams. Sam had an old truck. Treman King burned out. Fire sale--corner of Cayuga and State. Sam bought nails
cheap. Had Ben sitting in back of truck straightening nails as they drove along. Bob Leathers (the now famous playground
person) had the Hoffman barn at Bostwick and Applegate made into a house. Barn and house burned. [Before or after
Leathers redid it??) Sam and Edna opposites. Had turkeys in incubators to hatch. Edna used to use those "hatching" eggs to
make bread. Frances has never liked eggs since.
Edna was a member of the Enfield Mother's Club. Used to go away for a week. Used to go to Lisle. Big Fred Rumsey used
to go and help them pick out their bedrooms. (Cora Rumsey, Clifford's wife--Jean's mother.) Helena's mother and Vera Drew.
Someone offered Edna gum. She said "Sam doesn't want me to chew gum." They said, "Oh, Edna, you're on vacation, he isn't
here, go ahead." Helena says she went ahead and chewed it and then she felt terribly naughty. Helena says that the Mother's
Club was NOT an offshoot of Home Dem. One time Mrs. Bennett and Martha Peterson (a quite pious person) were getting
ready to go and Martha said..."we're not going to have any religious things, this is a fun group." That tickled Helena's mother.
The "Other's Club" was a men's brotherhood organized by Dutton Peterson. Jack Hubbell's family was in that. Leon
Rothermich was too. Got wild after they started--including their kids. Went to a meeting at Ray and Gladys Carpenter's. Tipped
over a table. Couldn't find Bob. He was under the table. Gladys (Russell) Carpenter. Her father, John Russell was a Johnny
Jackson (?). Mother was a school teacher. Marjorie (VanNess) Stevenson was a Jackson. Marjorie and Bob Carpenter are
cousins. Teacher married a VanNess and Marjorie married Lawrence Stevenson.
Early Prekindergarten Registration
The Ithaca City School District's
Early Childhood Program is accepting
applications for the 2013-14 school year.
There are Prekindergarten classrooms in
the Enfield Elementary school and in all
other ICSD elementary school buildings.
To receive an application for your
preschool aged child contact The Early
Childhood Office at 274-2208 .
Safe Medication Disposal Day
Saturday, April 27
The Coalition for Safe Medication
Disposal has set the date for its next
Disposal Day. This collection event,
which gives residents the chance to
safely dispose of expired or no longer
needed medications, will be held
Saturday, April 27.
The April 27 collection will be at two
locations: the TCAT garage (off Rt 13 on
Willow Avenue in Ithaca) and the
Slaterville Fire Station, 2681 Slaterville
Rd. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
You can also dispose of medicines in
the County’s first “Med Return” drop box,
at the Sheriff’s Office, 779 Warren Road.
The box is accessible 24-hours-a-day, 7
days a week, year-round. Additional drop
boxes will be available in coming months.
For more information, call 211, email:
egottlieb@cityofithaca.org or visit
Greetings from the Enfield Elementary PTA
The 2012-2013 remaining meeting schedule is: April 8th May 6th June 3rd
We supply dinner and cake at 5:30 in the school cafeteria with the presentation/meeting starting at 6:00. Childcare
is provided for free for all meetings.
We are happy to announce the continuation of many of our fine programs (these are just a few examples):
· Books for Birthdays: each student receives a new book in their birthday month.
· Classroom materials grant: enables our teachers to get extra items to use in their classrooms.
· Family/Community Involvement: bringing various activities into the school for the enjoyment of our families in
· Library Donation: we donate $500.00 to the school library for new books.
· Yearbook: we create (with help from staff) the school yearbook and ensure each child has a copy regardless of
ability to pay.
· Lego League! This program is the start for Code Red Robotics. Our two teams did very well. March Math Mania
night on March 21st will have both models on display.
On May 31st we will have Family Fitness Night (rain date of June 7th). Various activities to run from 6-8pm. We are
offering blood pressure screening and a wide variety of " exercise" activities from low mobility to high mobility. We are
also planning a bike helmet fitting area and an outdoor nature walk. This is free to all. It is a great way to try something
new for free with no stress.
Both March Math Madness and Family Fitness Night are being held at the Enfield Elementary School.
Please continue to support our activities. Get a membership, send your Box Tops and Labels for Education to the
school, link your Target card to Enfield Elementary School, take redeemable bottles and cans to K&H Redemption
Center II at 900 West State St. in Ithaca, or volunteer.
For a membership ($8) or to donate, please contact Cortney Bailey at cbailey525@yahoo.com or 607-279-4702 in
the evenings.
The Rest of the Story – Special thanks to
Howard Stamp of Ithaca and Jack Hubbell of
Enfield, for additional information regarding
the Byrum family mentioned in Helena
Schaber’s interview.
A very dedicated family to our country
Jay W. Stamp married May E. Byrum in
1922 (daughter of Roderick and Elizabeth
Byrum). They had one son, Howard J.
Stamp born in 1924. Howard served in
World War II in European and Pacific
theaters. Howard married Evelyn J. Kelley in
1946. Their son Robert “BJ” Stamp enlisted
and served 9 years in the Marine Corps.
Roderic(k) Byrum was born in Enfield
September 4, 1844, and died February 18,
1916. Roderic(k) was married to Elizabeth
Wallenbeck (1844 – 1916). He enlisted
March 1, 1862 when seventeen years of age
as private in Co. E 64th N.Y.V. He was
confined in hospital at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in September 1862, and
after two months there was honorably discharged on account of disability.
He re-enlisted in Jan. 1863, in Co. K 50th N.Y. Engineers and took active
part in the battles of Fair Oaks, Wilderness Cold Harbor, Front of
Petersburg, Hatchers Run, Weldon R.R., and Poplar Grove Church besides
doing considerable scouting, skirmishing, guard and garrison duty. He was
discharged June 13, 1865, at Ft. Berry, VA. (Free Press Trumansburg –
Joseph Byrum was born April 7, 1843 and died March 25, 1926. He
was married to Juliett (Julie) Rudy (1849 – 1908). He enlisted as a Private
in Company K, 50th Engineers Regiment New York on 16 March 16, 1865
at the age of 21. He mustered out of Company K, 50th Engineers
Regiment New York on 13 June 13, 1865 at Fort Barry, VA.
“Note to the Stamp and Byrum families -
Thank you for your service to our nation.”
Roderic(k) Byrum, civil war soldier
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary
The Auxiliary has been holding
Bake Sales at the Firemen’s BBQ’s
the last few months, and will have our
last one at the April 14th BBQ. Thank
you to our baker-donors!
We are planning our indoor Yard
Sale at the Fire Station on May 18 th , 9-
2, Community Yard Sale Day. Stop in
and check out the items for sale.
We are always looking for new
members. Stop by a meeting (the 1st
Monday after the 1st Thursday, 7 p.m.
at the Fire Station) and see what we
are all about!
100-Year Old Quilt Comes Home!
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Enfield Baptist Church in 1903 pieced
and embroidered over 200 names of the
residents of the Town of Enfield on a
quilt. Descendants of many of the men
and women named on the quilt still live
in the area. The quilt is believed to have
been given to Reverend Shoesmith
when he left Enfield in 1904. The quilt
eventually ended up in California and
the Enfield town historian came upon it
on ebay in 2004. It was purchased, and
now owned, by the Enfield Baptist
Fellowship and several local residents.
The quilt was recently professionally
framed and is temporarily hanging in the
Enfield Town Clerk's Office.
Anyone who is interested in seeing
the quilt can stop by the clerk's office at
the town hall Monday to Thursday
between 3 and 6 p.m. There will be an
OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, May 4 from
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for anyone interested in
learning more about the history of the
1903 quilt and the history of the Town of
Enfield. There will be refreshments! All
are welcome!
Is there a FIRE in you?
Do you have the commitment, the dedication, the drive to do
something great? Have you always wanted to do more for our
community, but you didn’t know how or where to start? Have you
been longing to take on a new challenge and be a part of something big and
impactful, where pride is the reward?
Join the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company—Take the first step.
Volunteer at www.FireInYou.org
Brought to you by the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York and funded by
the US Department of Homeland Security.
Chicken BBQ
Just one BBQ left for 2013 on April 14th. The members of the fire
company and the ladies auxiliary always look forward to the time
we can spend with the Enfield Residents outside of rescue calls.
Every other month we host the American Red
Cross Blood Drive. Remaining dates for 2013
are 5/21, 7/16, 9/17, and 11/19. Walk-ins are
welcome from 1:30 until 6:30 pm, or You call the
Red Cross for an appointment: 273-1900.
Brush Fires: As we all welcome spring and summer,
do not get caught off guard when having an outdoor
fire. We respond to many grass fires in the spring,
summer, and fall. Before trying to put the fire out
yourself call 911 and report the fire. With strong winds
the fire can change and spread very fast. The
volunteer fire fighters in the area are equipped with
additional equipment to stop the spread of outside fires. Be aware of NYS State
regulations about open burning. See a few highlights from the state web site:
We all look forward to a supporting the Enfield Community in 2013.
Put a Groove in Your Move to Improve Health
Every day you have opportunities to add exercise in getting to your destinations.
Do you already walk from the parking lot to work? Consider taking the bus from Enfield
which may add more walking to your daily schedule with a walk, or a ride share, to the
Enfield bus stop plus a walk to work from your final bus stop. If you would like an app to
help you find your way around the County by bus, see http://magazine.14850.com/
articles/1109-ride14850. Or walk or ride a bike to your local destination in Enfield. With
spring fast approaching, we are all limbering to enjoy time outside. Kick start increasing
your health with a small change to your transportation on a daily basis, and it can be
fun to simply try something new.
To learn more about transportation choices, including great bus videos, go to
Way2Go.org or call at 272-2292, or contact the Mobility Program for help with
transportation problems at 274-5022. Help is available 24-7 by calling 2-1-1 for your
transportation questions. We want to hear from you about your transportation needs.
Staying healthy in winter is difficult for many of us. Now is a great time to think
about starting seeds for a garden or trying some of the late winter vegetables such as
beets, broccoli, carrots, onions, winter squash and kale. Even though the fresh spring
greens aren’t ready yet, it’s still possible to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play, a program of the Human Services
Coalition of Tompkins County is working to enhance the County as a healthy
community for all. We support the creation of more sidewalks and walking paths,
making improvements in local parks and public areas, implementing healthier food
choices in convenience stores, building additional community gardens, and providing
educational resources about healthy lifestyle choices. For more information about
Creating Healthy Places, please contact Jeanne Leccese, JLeccese@hsctc.org or 607-
For fun events this spring, remember to use www.visitithaca.com and please check
out Streets Alive on May 5 from 1-4 when Cayuga St. will be closed to traffic & open to
all for walk, dance & roll on the street plus May 16 will be Bike to Work Day with
breakfast stations around Ithaca!
Enfield Food Pantry
The Enfield Food Pantry
is available to Enfield
residents who need help
providing food for
themselves and their family.
pantry is now open 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. on
the second Tuesday of every month and
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday.
The pantry is located at the Enfield
Community Building at 182 Enfield Main
Road and is a ministry of the Enfield
Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield
provides the space and utility costs.
Grace Space Studio
Ballet & Creative Dance Classes
with the WORD
Wednesday afternoons
at Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road
ITHACA, NY 14850
Class Times:
1:00-2:30 Glorious Gardens (Teen/Adult)
2:45-3:30 Springing Sprouts (Age 5-7)
3:45-5:00 Plantings of Promise (Age 8-12)
Come see our Spring Program June 9th!
The vision for these classes is that
seeds of God's Word would be sown into
the lives of young people through the
language of dance and movement and
become alive to them so that they have
opportunity to grow in their worship, both
as expressed in dance and throughout their
daily lives. They will learn poise, grace, and
technical skill through the ballet training,
and will also have opportunities to create
using the elements of creative dance that
they will be exploring.
Taught by Holly Hibbert
(607) 351-9405
For more info: http://lwcfithaca.com
Area Churches, Missions, & Activities
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
Agape is a non-denominational,
charismatic fellowship, with a
diverse group of people from
different cultures and backgrounds.
Our Purpose
· To be a house of restoration, refreshing,
and rest.
· To worship the Lord and seek his face.
· To share His love, and build up and equip
God's people.
· To spread the gospel both here and to the
8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute
service, with a short time of worship,
followed by the teaching of the word of
10:00 am Morning Service: A service of
around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with
expressive charismatic worship, and
opportunity for body ministry and
testimony. Nursery and Children's
Church are provided during the 10:00
am service.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
Reverend Enid Zollweg, Pastor
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The
church is located on Route 96 in
Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville.
Worship & Meetings:
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-
round (Sunday School & Nursery
Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
Bell Choir, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
172 Enfield Main Road
Worship/Sunday School
Sunday 6:00 pm
We are an American Baptist Church
associated with American Baptist
Churches New York State and
American Baptist Churches U.S.A. We
support missions throughout the world.
Everyone is welcome. Please call 607-
273-5682 for updated times for our
worship service.
We are a small, caring fellowship of
believers who sponsor the Enfield
Food Distribution in cooperation with
the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and
the Town of Enfield along with the help
of many local volunteers. Volunteers are
needed and welcome.
Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor
The Living Water Christian
Fellowship welcomes you! We are a
full Gospel community fellowship. We
believe and practice the gifts of the
Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check
out our web site LWCFIthaca.com
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Worship Service 10:00 am
Youth Group, ages 13 & up 5:00 pm
Bible Study 6:30 pm
Prayer 7:30 pm
Dance Lessons 1 pm - 5 pm
last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 8:00 am
Enfield Community Council
168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11
Ithaca NY 14850 Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
Calendar of Events
6 Grange Pancake Breakfast, (pg 4)
7 Craft Club at the Grange (pg 4)
8 PTA Meeting, 5:30 (pg 5)
13 New Community Center planning meeting (pg 2)
14 Fire Company Chicken BBQ (pg 6)
27 Medication Disposal Day, (pg 5)
3 Afterschool Art Gallery Night 6:00 (pg 3)
4 100-Year Old Quilt Open House (pg 6)
4 Grange Pancake Breakfast, (pg 4)
6 PTA Meeting, 5:30 (pg 5)
18 Community Yard Sale Day (pg 1)
21 Red Cross Blood Drive, Fire Station, (pg 6)
31 Family Fitness Night (pg 5)
3 PTA Meeting, 5:30 (pg 5)
10 Adult Basketball (pg 2)
17 Adult Basketball (pg 2)
Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities
Enfield Community Council (ECC): 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm at the
Community Building
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Food Pantry: 2nd Tuesday,1-2 pm & 4th Tuesday, 3-5 pm, at the Community
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the Grange; meetings
include a dish-to-pass luncheon
For the Farm Community
New App Helps Farmers Budget for Fuel: Farmers can use a new
Farm Fuel Budget cell phone app to plan their farm fuel budgets and use.
A North Dakota State University Extension Service specialist developed
the Android app for crop producers to compare projected fuel costs and
use for their farming operations based on alternate crop acreages, tillage
systems, and crop rotations. Search NDSU farm fuel budget app
Landowners Encouraged To Consider Leasing Their Maple Trees
For NYS and the Northern Forest region to increase its production of
maple syrup, additional landowners must become engaged. The number
of maple taps in the Northern NY region increased by 26 percent from
2005 to 2010, but there is still a lot of
room to grow. Landowners should
consider leasing maple trees or
harvesting sap to sell to producers
looking for raw material. To see a
webinar on Leasing Taps, go to: http://
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.