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Enfield Community Currents
News from and for the Community
2013 October - December Free
"The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly
changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools."
- Henry Beston, Northern Farm
Welcome Fall -
I do mean that, although it’s a little early for the annual argument at our
house about when it’s time for the first fire in the woodstove. Still, as we go into
the season of thankfulness, we are grateful for all that we have, and are
especially mindful of those community members who lost so much in the recent
flooding. From flooded basements and the resulting loss of household
appliances and irreplaceable memories—consider what’s stored in your own
basement—to lost foundation walls, driveways and yards.
This is the type of event that makes us appreciate the volunteers in our
community; in this case, emergency responders left their homes and families at
9:00 p.m. one evening and didn’t return until the next morning. Yes, that’s quite a
physical challenge—but bringing help to those in most desperate need is also
very satisfying. There are many ways volunteers serve at a time like this, from
going to the fire station and preparing hot coffee and cold sandwiches to be
delivered to the scene to directing traffic to helping with equipment on scene to
actually going into a building. Are you up for any of it? Call the Fire Department
for more information: 272-8757.
Of course, there are many ways to serve your community, and a glance
through this newsletter will offer many possibilities: the Food Pantry, the PTA, the
Grange, and the Community Council, to name a few. Still, I know it can be hard
to carve out some extra time for a regular commitment—sometimes it feels like
we aren’t even going to make it through the week with everything we absolutely
have to do. But maybe you can help out once in while? The PTA looks for
volunteers for their annual Book Fair, and that actually feels like a break, sitting
for a couple hours and watching children select books, then helping them figure
out what they owe; call Cortney Bailey, 279 -4702. Just around the corner is the
annual Harvest Festival, where many hands literally make light work—how about
helping out at the Silent Auction for a couple hours, or in the Game Tent?
Especially if you're coming anyway, why not help out a little? Call Cortney for
that, too. You can even put a skill to work, or learn a new one with a little help
now and again with the annual quilt raffle project; call JoAnne Huddle, 272 -7115.
Don’t for get the green stuff is a way to help, too. Got an extra ten bucks?
Join the PTA—you don’t have to have children at the elementary school. Is there
even more extra money floating around in your bank account? How about a
donation to the Food Pantry? Or instead of cash, how about things just taking up
space at your place? The Grange is looking for at least 20 folding chairs—they
don’t have to be new, just in good, working condition.
Wrapping up, some congratulations are in order. In September, three
Grange members completed degree work—congratulations to Peggy Hubbell
and Sandra & George Trutt for successfully completed degrees 1-5. You can get
more details about what this means on page five. Also thanks to the Grange for
making space available for a local Ping Pong Club—don’t forget the Grange
when you need a placer bigger than your living room for a gathering!
Until next time, keep safe, take care of your neighbor, and have a wonderful
holiday season.
- Debbie Teeter
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702
JoAnn Huddle, Vice President 272-7115
Sue Howser, Secretary 342-6315
Carla Trenchard, Treasurer 342-1406
Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547
What’s Inside…
From the Editor 1
Harvest Festival 2
2013 Quilt Project 3
Enfield Connects 3
Transportation Options 3
Enfield PTA 4
Enfield Summer Camp 4
Town Historian 5
Enfield Valley Grange 5
Enfield Vol Fire Co 6
Enfield Food Pantry 6
ECC Annual Fund 7
Area Churches: 7
Agape Bible Church
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Jacksonville United Methodist
Living Water Christian Fellowship
T’burg Pumpkin Fest 7
Old-Time Square Dance Night 7
Calendar of Events 8
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in
December for publication at the end of
that month. Contact the editor with
information you’d like to see included.
Saturday, October 5thSaturday, October 5thSaturday, October 5th
10 am to 4 pm10 am to 4 pm10 am to 4 pm
Enfield Elementary School
20 Enfield Main Road
Good Times & Great Food All Day! Good Times & Great Food All Day! Good Times & Great Food All Day! Good Times & Great Food All Day!
Featured Events
Live Entertainment Live Entertainment Live Entertainment Live Entertainment
11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00-- --12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15
Jennie Stearns and Mike Stark Jennie Stearns and Mike Stark Jennie Stearns and Mike Stark Jennie Stearns and Mike Stark
12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30-- --1:45 1:45 1:45 1:45
Sunny Weather Sunny Weather Sunny Weather Sunny Weather
2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00-- --3:15 3:15 3:15 3:15
Pete Panek and the Blue Cats Pete Panek and the Blue Cats Pete Panek and the Blue Cats Pete Panek and the Blue Cats
The Tompkins County The Tompkins County The Tompkins County The Tompkins County
Dairy Princess Program Dairy Princess Program Dairy Princess Program Dairy Princess Program
Giant Ice Cream Sundae!
Ping Pong Ball Drop Ping Pong Ball Drop Ping Pong Ball Drop Ping Pong Ball Drop -- -- 3 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3 pm
Silent Auction Silent Auction Silent Auction Silent Auction
A wonderful selection of
goods & services from local
artists, crafters, restaurants
& businesses:
Bidding ends at 3:30 p.m. sharp
Quilt Raffle Quilt Raffle Quilt Raffle Quilt Raffle
Drawing at 4:00 pm Drawing at 4:00 pm Drawing at 4:00 pm Drawing at 4:00 pm
Queen Size "Split 9-patch"
Dragonflies in the Garden
Sewn & hand-quilted by
community members
Tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5
Available at the Town Hall, on-
line, from ECC members & at
the Festival Main Ticket Table
Local Vendors Local Vendors Local Vendors Local Vendors
A great selection of
hand-crafted items
PTA Book Fair PTA Book Fair PTA Book Fair PTA Book Fair
Grt some reading for the kids &
a gift for favorite teachers!
Cow Pie Bingo Cow Pie Bingo Cow Pie Bingo Cow Pie Bingo
Pick your square &
hope Bossie does, too!
The “ The “ The “ The “ Language of War Language of War Language of War Language of War ”” ””
Civil War Readings, from a
first-person accounting
Lots of Games & Activities for Children:
Hay Ride, Games Tent, & Enfield Principal Ms.
Rieger telling fortunes!
Fun Things to Look at and Learn About with:
Enfield Fire Department * Bangs Ambulance
“Car Pride” Exhibit * State Police Roll Over Demo
Can you help make this event a success?
Contact Cortney Bailey at 279-4702
The Enfield Harvest Festival is the major annual fundraiser for the
Enfield Community Council; all profits go directly
to fund local Youth and Community Programs.
Event made possible by the Tompkins County Event made possible by the Tompkins County Event made possible by the Tompkins County Event made possible by the Tompkins County
Strategic Tourism Program. Strategic Tourism Program. Strategic Tourism Program. Strategic Tourism Program.
Concession Stand Concession Stand Concession Stand Concession Stand
Chili, corn chowder, chili Chili, corn chowder, chili Chili, corn chowder, chili Chili, corn chowder, chili
dogs, hot dogs, nachos & dogs, hot dogs, nachos & dogs, hot dogs, nachos & dogs, hot dogs, nachos &
cheese, soda, juice, water cheese, soda, juice, water cheese, soda, juice, water cheese, soda, juice, water
Chicken BBQ at 11 am Chicken BBQ at 11 am Chicken BBQ at 11 am Chicken BBQ at 11 am
$8 full dinner $8 full dinner $8 full dinner $8 full dinner
Chicken, roll, choice of two Chicken, roll, choice of two Chicken, roll, choice of two Chicken, roll, choice of two
sides: sides: sides: sides: baked beans, salt baked beans, salt baked beans, salt baked beans, salt
potatoes, cole slaw potatoes, cole slaw potatoes, cole slaw potatoes, cole slaw & & & &
dessert! dessert! dessert! dessert!
$6 chicken half only $6 chicken half only $6 chicken half only $6 chicken half only
$6 vegetarian $6 vegetarian $6 vegetarian $6 vegetarian
PLUS: PLUS: PLUS: PLUS: Delectable Treats at the Delectable Treats at the Delectable Treats at the Delectable Treats at the
Enfield Senior Citizens Bake Enfield Senior Citizens Bake Enfield Senior Citizens Bake Enfield Senior Citizens Bake
Sale & the EVFC Ladies Auxiliary Sale & the EVFC Ladies Auxiliary Sale & the EVFC Ladies Auxiliary Sale & the EVFC Ladies Auxiliary
Cake Wheel!!! Cake Wheel!!! Cake Wheel!!! Cake Wheel!!!
Enfield Connects
There's a new way to connect with your
neighbors in Enfield! A Google Group has been
set up for residents of the Town of Enfield to
connect with one another and share news,
events, and information relevant to our town. This
group is NOT affiliated with town government or
any Enfield organization, but is a network of
neighbors who live in Enfield and wish to be
tuned in to our community. We hope to provide a
place for residents to share and learn and
engage with one another. To request more
information, or to join the group, please email
enfieldconnects@gmail.com for information on
how to get connected. Hope to see you there!
2013 ECC Quilt
The Enfield Community Council’s 2013
Harvest Festival quilt, aptly named “ Dragonflies in
the Garden ”, is finished and ready to be raffled on
October 5 th . Have you purchased your tickets yet?
If not, please go to www.peaksoverpoverty.org,
select “Most Recent ” under “ Browse Campaigns ”
and scroll through to find the “ 2013 Harvest
Festival Quilt - Enfield Community Council ” page,
click on the “ Contribute” button and purchase
your chance to win today!
All on-line entries will be printed off on paper
(which will be the same size as our existing paper
tickets) and added to the raffle ticket bin the
morning of the festival.
Raffle tickets are six for $5.00 or one for
$1.00. They are available from any ECC member
and during the festival right up until the time we
draw the lucky winner - just look for the quilt
display. We hope to see you there!
All proceeds for the quilt raffle go to support
family and children’s programming within the
Enfield community.
JoAnn Huddle, ECC Vice President
Sustainability in Transportation: taking steps together with Get Your Green Back
Share your steps taken in saving energy consumption in transportation & inspire others with your stories! We are
increasingly aware of the multiple costs of using fossil fuel for ourselves & our environment. From AAA, the average total financial
cost of running a small sedan car such as a Ford Focus is $15,000.00 per year. While this calculation includes costs such as
registration, insurance & maintenance, it doesn’t include community impact from carbon emissions & road repair. Check your car
costs at: http://ccetompkins.org/community/way2go/your-car-costs. Every change that you have made to decrease your energy
usage in transportation is cause for a celebration. So share your ideas & action steps taken with other folks by contacting GYGB
at: http://getyourgreenbacktompkins.org/ and you may find an inspiring story to find a step to take and save money & energy in
other areas of your household budget!
Have you wanted to take the bus, but not sure how it really works? Now Way2Go has Transportation Ambassadors available
to assist you in learning how to ride the TCAT bus, Gadabout or use Ithaca Carshare! A volunteer will work with you to show you
the ropes of riding the bus, Gadabout or using Ithaca Carshare. It’s an easy way to learn and with an ambassador along to help,
the stress is reduced. An ambassador will help plan a free trip on the TCAT bus for you or a group of friends to learn the ins and
outs of the system. For more information, go to: http://ccetompkins.org/community/way2go/transportation-ambassador-program
Your contact person is Way2Go staff Jonathan Maddison at 607-272-2292ext 199. To find out more about local
transportation choices, including great bus & bike videos, go to http://ccetompkins.org/community/way2go or call at 272-2292, or
contact the Mobility Program by email at mobilitypro@tompkins-co.org or call 607-274-5022 for help with transportation problems.
Help is available 24-7 by calling 2-1-1 for your transportation questions. We are here to help you with your transportation needs.
- Submitted by Cynthia Kloppel, Mobility Program Specialist, DSS Mobility Program
The Enfield PTA has lots of news this quarter!
Enfield PTA is ready for another exciting school year—please consider joining us at our monthly meetings! We are
happy to announce the continuation of many of our fine programs (these are just a few examples):
· Books for Birthdays: each student receives a new book in their birthday month.
· Classroom materials grant: enables our teachers to get extra items to use in their classrooms.
· Family/Community Involvement: bringing various activities into the school for the enjoyment of our Enfield families.
· Library Donation: we donate $500.00 to the school library for new books.
· Yearbook: we create (with staff help) the yearbook and ensure each child has a copy regardless of ability to pay.
· Lego League! This program is the start for Code Red Robotics.
Please continue to support our activities. Get a membership, send your Box Tops and Labels for Education to the
school, link your Target card to Enfield Elementary School, take redeemable bottles and cans to K&H Redemption
Center II at 900 West State St in Ithaca, or volunteer.
Summer Camp 2012
I know each year I make a comment about “how fast” time goes during our summer camp season, but this year it
flew by incredibly fast. Felt like we were just starting and then we were saying good-bye. Anyway, let me fill you in on
what were the camp “happenings”:
· We had 92 campers and 15 Counselors-in-Training (14-15 year olds).
· Campers went to: Greenwood Lakes State Park, Taughannock State Park, Cinemapolis( “Rise of the Guardians”),
Rochester's Strong Museum, Watkins Glen, Hangar Theater, and roller skating.
· In between trips and daily activities there were the following presenters: Tin Can Fantasy Factory, Risa for juggling and
Mark for fly-fishing.
· Examples of the daily activities included:
* Sports: various kick ball games, soccer, capture the flag, four square, parachute games, softball, ring toss games,
bean bag toss games, running and tag games with and without water.
* Science : Bubbles – making mixtures and homemade wands; Insects and Seashore; Explosions; Egg drop;
Scavenger Hunt: Kite making
* Forgotten Arts: English Muffin Pizza; Edible Peanut Butter Play dough; Board games; ball catchers on a string; cats
in the cradle; Button on a string; s’mores; music/movement activities; goop; ooblic; clay; play dough; sno -cones; stilts
(5 pair of varying sizes); washer game; jump rope; bean bag toss; hop scotch, crochet, corn fritters, grill cheese,
pancakes, French toast, waffles, and ice cream in a bag.
* Arts: All projects were specific to each age group: sun catchers, wood shape magnets, paper plate animals,
pictures with foamies/stickers, water colors, craft stick plaques, fossil necklaces, ice cream spoon people, painted
boxes, owl plaques, wind chimes, origami cranes, fish bowls, toilet paper roll owls/ crazy people, crazy critters made
with pipe cleaners and pompoms, baskets, foam airplanes, dragonfly magnets, can tab bracelets and paper lanterns.
* During, before, and after the daily activities/ trips/ presenters there were the traditional camp specials and “other/
choice” activities:
* Specials: Ice cream sundaes, staff dish-to-pass lunch, peanut hunt (winner got a trophy - “monkeys” group) and
pajama/movie day.
* Tried to swim everyday and during after camp (many closed days due to weather damage and repairs), Playground
Time, Sprinklers, Sidewalk Chalk, Misc. craft activities during choice times, Primitive Pursuits, Creek exploring.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the counselors and specialists – without your daily energy, and
positive job performance this camp would not be as successful and enjoyable as it always is.
Thank you to the staff at Treman State Park for working with us and around us this season. As always it is a
pleasure to be at the Park and work alongside a group as committed as Treman's who keep up with the park as diligently
as they do.
Lastly to all the parents/guardians who have enrolled your children into our camp as first-timers and returnees –
thank you for entrusting your children to Enfield Camp. I hope your child(ren) enjoyed themselves and you had a positive
outlook and will have your child(ren) return for the 2014 season.
To all I don't see throughout the winter have a great year with wonderful experiences. Please enjoy your children
each and every day- they grow fast. To all you teens and young adults good luck at school/work and don't forget to stop
and visit us here in Enfield!!
Vera Howe-Strait
Enfield Community Council Programs
Enfield Valley Grange
“Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile.” - William Cullen Bryant
Approximately 13 attendees enjoyed the annual Enfield Valley Grange picnic on July 20th. Special thanks to the
Baker’s for hosting this event.
On Saturday, September 7 th , three of our Grange members traveled to Gilbertsville (20 minutes east of Norwich) to
complete degree work (Grange ritualism begins at the local or Subordinate level and at its most basic, is organized into
seven degrees, the first four of which are the seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The county
Grange proffers the Fifth Degree, State Grange proffers the Sixth, and National Grange proffers the seventh). We are
proud to announce that Peggy Hubbell, and Sandra & George Trutt successfully completed degrees 1-5.
The Grange upstairs is now rented to a Ping Pong Club that meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in
watching or perhaps joining please feel free to stop in.
We were sad to learn that one of our members, Mabel Rumsey, passed away. Our condolences to Mabel’s family.
The Craft Club will resume the 1 st Sunday in October (10/6) at 1:00 p.m. Those returning, and anyone else
interested, please gather pine cones and bring with you for making pine cone wreaths.
Don’t forget our Election Night Dinner to be held on November 5 th . We look forward to serving you our delicious
home cooked turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, squash, plus other fixing’s…..and especially the desserts!
The Grange is in need at least 20 new/or good used folding chairs, especially before the Election Night Dinner. If
anyone has ideas on where we might be able to purchase, please email me: daramini@aol.com
If you, or anyone that you know, is looking for space to host events such as; wedding or baby showers, wedding
receptions, family reunions, or any other event, the Grange can be a great place to host those special occasions. For
information on Grange rental please contact Sandra Trutt at 273-4884.
Please keep watch on the Town of Enfield web site (www.townofenfield.org) for updates to Grange-sponsored
Community support is appreciated by joining us in our Grange meals and events throughout the year, and
contributes to our Building Fund. Of course, donations are always appreciated and can be sent to: Roger Hubbell, 301
W. Enfield Center Rd., Ithaca NY 14850. Our meetings are held on the 3 rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. If you
think you might be interested, please feel free to sit in on one of our meetings and see what we are about.
Please make time for yourself, and your family, by getting out and enjoying our beautiful Autumn season.
Enfield Historian, Sue Thompson
Thanks to Alice Linton, we have one more cookbook to add
to the Historians collection. I am still looking to borrow others to
copy if you want to share.
The newest cookbook is the Enfield Valley Grange No. 295,
100 th Anniversary Cook book. The Anniversary celebration was held
at the Enfield Valley Grange Hall, Sunday, June 8, 1975, 1:00 p.m.
Officers of the Grange in 1974-75 were: Master – Roger Ballard;
Overseer – Doris Specht; Lecturer – Millicent Carpenter; Steward –
Roger Brown; Assistant Steward – Dale Laue; Lady Assistant
Steward – Carol Laue; Chaplin – Elizabeth Rumsey; Treasurer –
Joyce Laue; Secretary – Warena Ramsey; Gatekeeper – George
Sonntag; Ceres – Bridgette Brown; Pomona – Charlotte Ballard;
Flora – Mildred Stark; Executive Committee – George Stark.
The cookbook starts out by telling the story of the grange, “On
the cold and stormy night of February 4, 1875, fourteen men with
their wives and four single met at the resident of John Theall and
directed by Jesse Lyon, Deputy of Schuyler county, organized the
Enfield Valley Grange No. 295. There were thirty-two charter
members and the charter is dated April 30, 1875.”
Meetings were held in Wortman’s Hall (201 Enfield Main Road).
The Grange could not continue at the hall as it was condemned for
lack of fire exits. From January 1925, they met in the Enfield Methodist church basement (7 Enfield Center Road West)
until the present Grange Hall (178 Enfield Main Road) was ready for occupancy in August of 1926.
They reported the following discussions took place at various Grange meetings throughout the years: the price of
grass seed, cow testing by a Farm Bureau manager, prices of American Wire Fencing, raising pigs, purchasing harvest
machinery, buying cement by the car load lots for 72 cents per sack with a 10 cent rebate on the sack, the outlook for
rented farms and sowing of winter wheat. There were box suppers, dances, holiday parties and addresses by well-
known speakers on subjects of particular interest to grangers.
“Over the past one hundred years (plus), Enfield Valley Grange has led the way for better community spirit and
service to humanity. Thus exemplifying the principal, “in essentials, unity; in non -essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. ”
The “Language of War” will be performed by
members of the Tompkins County Civil War
Sesquicentennial Commemoration Commission
on October 5 – Harvest Festival at 11:00 am at
the Enfield Elementary School.
Reading first-person accounts, and guided by
a narrator, members will read from letters,
documents, journals and diaries of Tompkins
County U.S. civil war soldiers in battle and their
friends and relatives back home. Diary excerpts of
a nurse from Enfield, who was called “Aunt
Becky,” describes what she saw while serving with
the 109th Volunteer Infantry. A widow and mother
of two children, Aunt Becky, known as Sarah
Graham Palmer, went on to publish her
experience in 1867. The reading brings up
questions of loyalty, desertion and what
volunteerism meant. “It also brings up the
questions of why we go to war.” Other voices
include Capt. Joseph Gregg, of Newfield, who
died at the Battle of Gettysburg. Gregg died in that
battle along with six other men from the county.
Enfield Food Pantry
The Enfield Food Pantry is available to Enfield residents in need of help providing
food for themselves and their family.
The pantry is open 1-2 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month and 3-5 p.m. on
the fourth Tuesday.
The pantry is in the Community Bldg, 182 Enfield Main Rd. and is a ministry of the
Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield provides the space and utility costs .
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Chief’s Report
On August 8th the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company was just
finishing training when a call came in from one of our
members. They reported quickly rising water in the roadside
ditches of Harvey Hill Road. Our first member arriving at
Harvey Hill Road reported that water was already washing down the
roadway. We then toned out for all available staff to report to the station.
Then the calls started coming in for flooded roadways and basements.
We sent members out to shut down flooded roads and started pumping
flooded basements. Requests for assistance went out to NYSEG,
neighboring fire departments, and the Enfield Highway Department. The
Ithaca Fire Department and the Mecklenburg Fire Department assisted
with traffic control. The Newfield Fire Department and the Trumansburg
Fire Department sent crews to assist with pumping basements. NYSEG
sent a line crew to the station and assisted with investigating electrical
services hazards and reported arcing wires. The Enfield Highway
Department assisted with clearing roads that were covered with debris
so that we could get to residences in need. By 5 AM the next morning we
had traffic control and barricades at 15 locations. We responded to 22
locations for pumping basements, assessing house damage, checking
propane leaks, and assisting stranded motorists.
On September 2nd the area was hit with another storm, this time
flooding the Trumansburg area. We sent two crews there to assist with
pumping basements and members manned our station here in case
Enfield residents needed us. Later that morning we assisted The Enfield
Highway Department with clearing debris out of driveway culverts on
Harvey Hill Rd.
We had a few stranded vehicles during the storm that tried to drive thru roads with moving water crossing over them.
Always remember it is extremely dangerous to drive thru water that is running over the roadway. You do not know how
deep it is, what's in it, or even if the road is still there.
We are thankful that there were no injuries during these storms. We would like to offer a huge Thank You to all those
assisted us during these events.
We all look forward to supporting the Enfield Community; here are upcoming events:
· Every other month we host the American Red Cross Blood Drive; November 19 th will be the last blood drive for 2013.
From 1:30 until 6:30 PM, walk-ins are welcome, or to make an appointment call the American Red Cross at 273-1900.
· We will be at the Enfield Harvest Festival October 5 th . Come check out our equipment.
· Trick or Treat at the fire station Thursday evening, October 31st
· The General Election is November 5th at the EVFC Fire Station from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM
· First Chicken BBQ of 2014 will be January 12th starting at 11:00 AM
Area Churches, Missions, & Activities
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
Agape is a non-denominational,
charismatic fellowship, with a
diverse group of people from
different cultures and backgrounds.
Our Purpose
· To be a house of restoration, refreshing,
and rest.
· To worship the Lord and seek his face.
· To share His love, and build up and equip
God's people.
· To spread the gospel both here and to the
8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute
service, with a short time of worship,
followed by the teaching of the word of
10:00 am Morning Service: A service of
around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with
expressive charismatic worship, and
opportunity for body ministry and
testimony. Nursery and Children's
Church are provided during the 10:00
am service.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
Reverend Enid Zollweg, Pastor
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The
church is located on Route 96 in
Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville.
Worship & Meetings:
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-
round (Sunday School & Nursery
Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
Bell Choir, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
172 Enfield Main Road
Worship/Sunday School
Sunday 6:00 pm
We are an American Baptist Church
associated with American Baptist
Churches New York State and
American Baptist Churches U.S.A. We
support missions throughout the world.
Everyone is welcome. Please call 607-
273-5682 for updated times for our
worship service.
We are a small, caring fellowship of
believers who sponsor the Enfield
Food Distribution in cooperation with
the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and
the Town of Enfield along with the help
of many local volunteers. Volunteers are
needed and welcome.
Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor
The Living Water Christian
Fellowship welcomes you! We are a
full Gospel community fellowship. We
believe and practice the gifts of the
Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check
out our web site LWCFIthaca.com
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Worship Service 10:00 am
Youth Group, ages 13 & up 5:00 pm
Bible Study 6:30 pm
Prayer 7:30 pm
Dance Lessons 1 pm - 5 pm
last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 8:00 am
2013 Enfield Community Council Fund Drive
Help us continue great activities and programs for our community!
Name: ____________________________________________ Address: _______________________________
E-Mail: ___________________________ Telephone: _________________ _______________________________
I enclose my gift of: [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 [ ] $50 [ ] $25 [ ] Other: _______________
Founded in 1976, the Enfield Community Council is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization formed under the State of New York. The purpose of the organization
shall be to promote the welfare of the community by giving greater efficiency to existing organizations through mutual cooperation and coordination,
and when necessary, by sponsoring new activities . Membership in the Council is limited to residents of the Town of Enfield or users of Enfield community
services. Any member may vote and serve on a committee except for paid staff of the Council. The Enfield Community Council is a United Way agency. We also
receive funding from the Town of Enfield and augment our budget by fundraising, fees, and seeking donations. Thank you in advance for your 2013 Charitable
Donation your community appreciates your support!!! Send to: Enfield Community Council, 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca NY 14850 • (607) 277-3478
3rd Annual Pumpkin Fest
Sunday, October 20, 10:00-
2:00pm at Charles O. Dickerson High
School, Main Street, Trumansburg.
FREE ADMISSION! Bring the family,
there's fun for all ages at the 3rd
Annual Pumpkin Fest offered this in
year partnership with Trumansburg
Rotary's Chris Bond 5K Run. There
will be music, games and prizes, face
painting, a cake wheel, 50/50 raffle,
refreshments, and the Tburg Rotary
chicken BBQ. Free admission.
Sponsored by Femtastic!, a special
interest student group at the high
school whose work is to promote
gender equality. Questions? Email
Old-Time Square Dance Night
Saturday, October 12 at 8:00 pm.
The Old Enfield Baptist Church
174 Enfield Main Road
live music by:
Jerone Gagliano, Lloyd Graves &
Steve Selin
Nancy Spero and Michelle Delco
calling Square Dances, also waltzes,
and free style music, come to dance or
just to enjoy the music and community!
$7 suggested donation, beginners
welcome, no partner needed.
For more information, call Nancy
Spero: 607-273-6603
Enfield Community Council
168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11
Ithaca NY 14850 Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.
Calendar of Events
5 Enfield Harvest Festival (pg 2)
12 Old Time Square Dance (pg 7)
20 T’burg Pumpkin Festival (pg 7)
5 Election Day
5 Election Day Dinner, Grange (pg 5)
19 Blood Drive, Fire Station (pg 6)
12 Chicken BBQ, Fire Station (pg 6)
Regularly Scheduled Community
Meetings & Activities
Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 1:00 p.m.
Enfield Community Council (ECC): 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm at the
Community Building
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Food Pantry: 2nd Tuesday,1-2 pm & 4th Tuesday, 3-5 pm, at the Community
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station
Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the Grange; meetings
include a dish-to-pass luncheon