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Enfield Community Currents
News from and for the Community
January - March Free
Every mile is two in winter. ~ George Herbert
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Ann Rider, President 277-3478
JoAnn Huddle, Vice President 272-7115
Sue Howser, Secretary 342-6315
Carla Trenchard, Treasurer 342-1406
Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547
What’s Inside…
Notes from ECC 1
ECC Annual Meeting 1
Red Cross Blood Drive 1
Basketball Schedule 2
Summer Camp Information 2
Community Building Plans 2
Youth Programs 2
Ithaca Youth Bureau Programs 3
Enfield PTA 3
Harvest Festival Quilt 3
Town Historian 4
Enfield Valley Grange 5
Area Churches 5
Dance Class 5
Enfield Food Pantry 5
Calendar of Events 6
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 6
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in
March for publication at the end of that
month, and will cover April, May, and
June. Contact the editor with information
you’d like to see included.
Happy New Year! Out with the old - in with the new! Many Enfielders are
happy to move out of 2012, which had too many deaths of loved and respected
members, too many motor vehicle accidents, too many violent storms and too
many children dead from assault weapons. We are looking forward to a happier,
more productive year.
Lauren, our new RYS worker is writing a grant to start a community garden,
ECC is planning a community building, the wind farm is moving along and the
2013 quilt is starting to be made.
I hope your holiday season was warm and peaceful with lots of good times
and happy memories. Hope to see you at some of our planning and production
meetings this winter.
I’m off to see the train show at the New York Botanical Gardens with my
grandsons, the train buffs. And it has snowed so we can get out the cross-
country skis at the school. Happy New Year!
- Ann Rider
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Enfield Volunteer Fire
Company continues hosting
blood drives at the station
through The American Red
Cross, on the third Tuesday of
every other month. The next
scheduled blood drive will be
Tuesday, January 15 th . The
hours of the blood drive will be
from 1:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. You
can make an appointment by
calling Roy at 277-3843 or the
American Red Cross at 273-
1900. Walk-ins are always
welcome. Thank you for your
continuing support.
The Enfield Community Council
2012 Annual Meeting
February 19, 2013
182 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850
Welcome - Ann Rider
Financial Planning Options for Not for Profits
Rob Ainslie, Wells Fargo Advisor
Election of Officers
Annual Report
New Business
Enfield Community Council Programs
Youth Programs
By Lauren Salzman
Hello Enfield! As the new Enfield Youth Program Manager, it has been a fantastic fall of meeting new people,
learning new places, and enjoying every step of the way! The youth who have attended Enfield Community Council's
Youth Programs have been busy the past four weeks. We have been outdoors in all kinds of weather, practicing shelter
building, sensory awareness and lots of exploration of the world around us with Primitive Pursuits . We have been
creating beautiful and expressive gifts of felt, candles, jewelry, yarn and paper crafts in Art and Soul: Focus on Gift-
Making . We have sought and studied all branches of the Animal Kingdom, in All About Animals , caring for and learning
about creatures slimy, scaled, feathered and fuzzy. And in Finally Fridays (the newest adaptation of Wacky
Wednesdays), we have enjoyed games, crafts, healthy snacks and music with lots of freedom to make decisions about
the projects we have created.
Over Winter Break, we will be busy with two full-day programs on Thursday and Friday, 12/27 & 28. A Primitive
Pursuits Adventure and Nature Study Past and Present with visits to Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature
Center. Beyond that, winter will continue to be bursting with opportunities for Middle-School aged youth to grow, explore,
socialize and learn in a welcoming and fun environment! Please check for up-to-date programming information at http://
ccetompkins.org/4h/rural-youth-services/enfield or contact me for the newest brochure: Lauren Salzman, Enfield Youth
Community Educator—607-272-2292, las466@cornell.edu
Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp—2013 FYI
I know it is earlier than usual that I am submitting information for summer
camp! This is just an FYI for all families planning to participate in the
summer camp for 2013. Once again it will be held at Robert Treman Park –
lower level. Camp dates are July 8 – August 16, 2013.
Here is the real FYI. The camp fees have increased this year:
Residents Non-Residents
Base fee (9:00 – 2:00) $215 $275
Before Camp (7:30 – 8:45) $140 $140
After Camp (2:00 – 5:30) $275 $300
The Community Council is offering a prepay, reduced-rate for the BASE
FEE ONLY if the base fee ($215 or $275 per child) is paid by May 31, 2013 .
The reduced rate is $200 for Residents and $260 for Non-Residents. The
Community Council will accept partial payments up to May 31 st .
Applications will be available in the April-July issue of the Currents
newsletter, school Wednesday mailing, Dandy Mart (formerly Valley
Corners), and Town Clerk office.
Vera Howe-Strait
Director, Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp
Community Dinner - Thanksgiving 2014
Are we planning ahead or what? That’s the goal of the Enfield Community Council - to have a community
Thanksgiving dinner in a new community center in November 2014. How are we going to do this? By lots of planning,
writing of grants, donations of money, time and talents and don’t forget some physical work. Planning has already
started with a desire to build a building to house a certified kitchen; media center; space for youth activities; a large roo m
for gatherings such as weddings, receptions, memorial services, concerts, community meals and events; outdoor
activities such as a skating rink and gardening.
· In addition to these ideas, what need would you like to see fulfilled with this building?
· During the planning stages and actual building are there any skills/equipment you can donate?
· If you are a community organization would your group use the building? For what purposes?
· Anybody got some land to donate in the center of town? That would be a great start for us!
We are planning 3 meetings this winter to get this project off the ground- January 12, February 9 and March 16 at 10
AM in the upstairs meeting room at the Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Rd.
For more information contact Ann Rider, daylilyann10@yahoo.com, 277-3478 or Deena Raumbaum,
daw1@conell.edu, 277-5131
Basketball Season Begins!
Here is the schedule of home games:
Jan. 19th:
9:00 Enfield 4th Boys vs. Northeast
10:00 Enfield 5th Boys vs. Northeast 1
11:00 Enfield 5th Girls vs. Belle Sherman
Feb. 9th:
9:00 Enfield 4th Boys vs. South Hill
10:00 Enfield 5th Boys vs. Fall Creek
11:00 Enfield 5th Girls vs. Caroline
12:00 Caroline vs. Cayuga Heights
Feb. 16th:
9:00 Enfield 4th Boys vs. Belle Sherman
10:00 Enfield 5th Girls vs. Northeast
11:00 Belle Sherman vs. Northeast 1
12:00 Enfield 5th Boys vs. South Hill
Greetings from the Enfield Elementary PTA
We continue to gratefully welcome new annual membership drive. Memberships are $8.00. This is a great way to
support the programs that the PTA supports. If you would like to join please contact Cortney Bailey at
cbailey525@yahoo.com or (607)279-4702. The 2013 meeting schedule is:
February 4th March 4th April 8th May 6th June 3rd
We supply dinner and cake at 5:30 in the school cafeteria with the presentation/meeting starting at 6:00. Childcare
is provided for free for all meetings. We are happy to announce the continuation of many of our fine programs (these are
just a few examples):
· Books for Birthdays: each student receives a new book in their birthday month.
· Classroom materials grant: enables our teachers to get extra items to use in their classrooms.
· Family/Community Involvement: bringing various activities into the school for the enjoyment of our families in
· Library Donation: we donate $500.00 to the school library for new books.
· Yearbook: we create (with help from staff) the school yearbook and ensure each child has a copy regardless of
ability to pay.
· New this year: Lego League! This program is the start for Code Red Robotics.
Please continue to support our activities. Get a membership, send your Box Tops and Labels for Education to the
school, link your Target card to Enfield Elementary School, take redeemable bottles and cans to K&H Redemption
Center II at 900 West State St in Ithaca, or volunteer.
Ithaca Youth Bureau Programming
Register now for Recreation Partnership Programs at the Ithaca Youth Bureau. Spaces are still available in art
classes, theatre classes sport programs, Tae Kwon Do, Fencing and more. Go to www.Ithacayouthbureau.org and click
on the recreation page for more information. Program offerings are listed in the IPLAYbook.
Tot Spot is open for the season!! Bring your Tot (children ages 5 months - 5 years) to our stay and play place
Mondays, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 - 11:30 AM. Tot Spot offers plenty of riding toys, slides, climbers and
room to zoom! Daily fee is $2 for children age 5 months - 1 year and $4 for 1 year - 5 years. Parents are always
free. Frequent visitor passes may be purchased by Recreation Partnership members for $20 (6 visit pass).
Don't Sit Get Fit in 2013! Kick off your New Year with a resolution to stay active with your family through the
winter. The Youth Bureau and the YMCA are working together to bring you free and low cost activities in January,
February and March. See dates below.
Sunday, January 6 th – Family Zumba® and Hooping @ YMCA, 3:00–4:00 PM. FREE!
Monday, January 7 th – Chess Night! @ the Youth Bureau 6:00 – 7:30 PM. FREE!
Saturday, January 12 th – Family Swim at the YMCA, 4:00-5:00 PM. FREE!
Friday, January 18 th – Family Skating at Cass Park, 7:00–10:00 PM. $2 per person admission; skate rentals for $3.
Sunday, January 20 th – Family Capoeira at YMCA, 3:00 – 4:00 PM. FREE!
Sunday, February 3 rd – Winter Snow Shoeing at YMCA with EMS, 2:00–4:00 PM. FREE!
Monday, February 4 th – Chess Night! @ the Youth Bureau, 6:00 – 7:30 PM. FREE!
Friday, February 8 th – Family Zumba®, at the YMCA, 6:30–7:30 PM. FREE!
Saturday, February 16 th – Family Swim at the YMCA, 4:00-5:00 pm. FREE!
Friday, February 21 st – Family Skating at Cass Park, 7:00 –10:00 PM.$2 per person admission; skate rentals for $3.
Friday, March 1 st – Family Capoeira at the YMCA 6:30 – 7:30 PM FREE!
Saturday, March 9 th – Family Swim at YMCA., 4:00 – 5:00 PM FREE!
Friday, March 15 th – Family Zumba at the YMCA, 6:30-7:30 PM. FREE!
Enfield 2013 Harvest Festival Quilt
It’s that time of year again! Plans are underway for the Enfield Community Council’s 2013 Harvest Festival quilt.
This year’s proposed quilt block design for consideration is the “Disappearing Nine Patch.” As always this is a great way
to meet your neighbors, laugh in the face of Old Man Winter, make new friends, try new food goodies while practicing
and learning about the heritage art of quilting. No experience is necessary, just your smile and good humor will do.
This is an adult community activity. If you would like to join us please send your contact information to
enfieldccquilt1@gmail.com as we will be sending out information regarding gathering dates and times. We look forward
to meeting you!
JoAnn Huddle, Vice President
From the Files of the Enfield Historian
Learning about Enfield: an interview in 1991 with Helena Schaber (1912 – 1999)
(Helen Smith and Jack Hubbell interviewed)
Helena was born to Carrie and Theordore Schaber, June 4, 1912 at 2081 Mecklenburg Road (big white house east of
Millers Corners) in Enfield, Dr. McDaniels of Enfield Center, attended my birth. I was an only child. I have lived in Enfield
most of my life. I had attended school at Geneseo - one year; Cortland - 2 years to receive my teaching degree. I taught
school at Miller's Corners (#4) in 1934-35. After that I stopped teaching but was soon asked to substitute at #4 and I ended
up teaching again until June. I was a substitute teacher of and on after that in Richford, also.
My father started out with a 90 acre farm then bought 50 acres more, that is where Sandy Creek Trailer Park is now.
My father, Theodore, and some other people built in 1926, a gas station/grocery store at Miller's Corners. Mrs. Addie Coon
(where Achilles - Valley Korners Store) had a gas station operating before Schaber's store. Mrs. Coon only had gas pumps
at first. I remember Mrs. Coon had a wooden chair with arms which she sat in all the time under a pine tree. Then a
brooder house was built with a door that flopped down in the front. That brooder house was a store where a few grocery's
and oil were sold. Then a bigger store was built later. Schabers had Fairbanks Morse electric system at their store Morris
Willis bought it. Had to be cranked. Stationery gasoline motor used to charge batteries.
Marie (Rockwell) VanNederynen's father had a lot of chicken houses about 1918/1919. All chicken houses were lit up
at night. (John Rockwell.). Marie's older sister got married. Orchard at Kennedy's Corners [Mecklenberg and Sheffield
Roads area]. Big wedding there. They climbed into the apple trees to watch the wedding. Rockwell took the girls to high
school in a surrey. No connection to Rockwell Road--that's another family.
Kennedy Corners church fire. Church was all a fire before anyone discovered it. [Mecklenburg Road - October 16,
1917]. Austen Legge's house burned. Moved from over in field. Fought the fire with pails. Mrs. Blanch Tucker told all us
school kids to go up and fight the fire where Bob Holly lives[Halseyville Road]. (When Mix's lived there.) They got water
from spring near barn. Helena got mad at Grant Curry because he didn't think it could be saved. It was. (Grant was Herb's
brother.) Charlie and Gerry Barker's house fire [Mecklenburg Road]. --Helena had a Plymouth. Barn by Helen Smith [230
S. Applegate Road] struck by lightning and burned. Built by Charlie Jones. New barn that was there when Smith's moved
in. Built from wood from Ithaca high school that burned in the summer time [1912]. Art Bossard's farm struck by lightning
and burned--where Inman lives (Bostwick Road). Baker's house burned when Mrs. Grund's nephew lived there. Charles
Dodd was working on the road and turned it in.. Ithaca and Trumansburg did fire protection. (In later years when Watkins
place next to Smith's (Boyce) burned, Trumansburg and Ithaca came.) Started in the summer--wet hay. Had been burning
for several days. Thought they had it out and it just "blew." Had just put in new milking system. Where Phil White now lives
[Sheffield road].
On July 4th there were firecrackers and parades in Enfield and people got all dressed up. Had picnic afterwards on
school grounds (Enfield Center School). Bill Barber would set off a cannon on corner. Post Office and Blacksmith shop in it
[corner of Enfield Main and Enfield Center Roads]. Kind of a waiting room in there. Second story with railing. Where Mrs.
Chase stood on balcony and sang the Star Spangled Banner on the 4th of July. A Wright man (Riley) was killed. Someone
set off a fire cracker that scared his horse. In Enfield Center. Rink Wright's uncle. Young guys would race their horses thru
the Enfield Center to see who had the fastest horse. His threw him and killed him during a parade. Helena participated in
parade. Went with her mother in Ed Ford's wagon. She had some boy's pants on and her mother was dressed up like a
man with black whiskers.
Fred Bowers had alarm clock strapped to his ankle. Every so often he'd reach down and set off the alarm. Joe and
Julia Byrum used to live up where Al Wuster lives [Mecklenburg Road]. Joe was a Civil War veteran. One of them didn't
want to go to war so he used to climb up in the trees to hide (according to Helena's mother). Joe's brother may have been
the one who didn't want to serve. Rod Byrum lived across the road where Sophia Dean lives. Howard Stamp's mother was
May Byrum.
Olin King had a bad leg. Had an abscess and had his leg removed. Town Supervisor at one time. Smart man. Nice
looking--tall. He was a friend of Helena's dad who was a short man--complemented each other. Went to Center one night
and got cigars. (The Center was called the dog's nest and Mecklenburg was called the pup's nest and Ithaca the
woodchuck hole.) Got to Miller's Corners and Helena's dad got very sick. He didn't go to Meck with Olin. Never smoked
again. Olin smoked and drank. [Interviewers asked where they drank.] Brought it to their homes. Hotels were not bars then.
Used to go to Ithaca where Farmers and Shippers is now. Teeter ran the hotel [Teeter's Hotel] where Mr. Brown lives now
[Enfield Center on Enfield Main road]. Not a booze place. Everyone went there to eat. Had dances upstairs. Macabee
organization went there--a men's group that helped the down and out. KOTM--Knights of the Macabees. Had refreshments
of hard-boiled eggs heated up on a wash tub on the stove.
Frank Teeter owned the farm up where Holly place is now. There were 3 Charlie Teeters--C.F., C. H., and C.A. Blue-
eyed Charlie Teeter was Frances LaBombard's dad. Then there was Charles and Izzy--she had a goiter. Then there was
the Bostwick Road Charles. One was called Josh. Harry Willis always had a descriptive name for everyone.
[Interviewers asked when did mail start getting delivered to people's houses.] Frances says she can always remember
rural deliver--before 1922. Stage used to bring mail to Schabers on Meck Road. Before the stage you had to go to Enfield
to get your mail. Uncle George Laue made a nice little red mailbox that Harold Laue still has.
Continued next issue
Area Churches, Missions, & Activities Enfield Valley Grange
Oh my how time has flown by, here
we are in the New Year! As your read
this, we hope you all enjoyed your
holidays and that Santa was especially
good to you. A toast to you for a
prosperous and healthy New Year!
Our building is looking spectacular!
Painting of the entrance and dining room
has been accomplished, our floors have
been refinished, and new window
coverings have been hung. We still have
many tasks on our “to do” list to improve
the interior, however we are quite excited
about what we have achieved so far.
Election Dinner was a big success,
we served approximately 200 patrons.
Thank you to all that came, we hope you
enjoyed your meal.
Our Community Christmas Party
was held on Saturday, December 15 th .
There was an abundance of delicious
food, holiday music, and games of
Bingo. A good time was had by all those
that attended.
Just a reminder: We look forward to
seeing you for breakfast in 2013 on the
following Saturdays:
January 12th April 6th
February 2nd May 4th
March 2nd
Due to increase of costs (pancake flour,
sausage, etc.) we need to increase our
breakfast prices. Still a great meal for the
price, and a way to visit with your friends
and neighbors at the same time! Our
new prices for 2013:
Adults $6.50
Children 5-12 $3.50
4 & under free
Welcome Scott & Dawn George as new
Upcoming events:
· Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, January
12 th , 7:30 am – 10:30 am
· Community Dinner: TBA (hopefully in
February) . All proceeds donated to The
Wounded Warrior Project.
Changes :
· Grange Hall Rental – contact Sandra
Trutt, 273-4884
Community support is appreciated
by joining us in our Grange meals and
events throughout the year and
contributions to our Building Fund. Of
course, donations are always
appreciated and can be sent to: Roger
Hubbell, 301 W. Enfield Center Rd.,
Ithaca NY 14850.
We invite you to join as a member.
Our meetings are held on the 3 rd
Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. If
you think you might be interested, we
welcome you to attend one of our
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
Agape is a non-denominational,
charismatic fellowship, with a
diverse group of people from
different cultures and backgrounds.
Our Purpose
· To be a house of restoration, refreshing,
and rest.
· To worship the Lord and seek his face.
· To share His love, and build up and equip
God's people.
· To spread the gospel both here and to the
8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute
service, with a short time of worship,
followed by the teaching of the word of
10:00 am Morning Service: A service of
around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with
expressive charismatic worship, and
opportunity for body ministry and
testimony. Nursery and Children's
Church are provided during the 10:00
am service.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
Reverend Enid Zollweg, Pastor
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The
church is located on Route 96 in
Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville.
Worship & Meetings:
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-
round (Sunday School & Nursery
Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
Bell Choir, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
172 Enfield Main Road
Worship/Sunday School
Sunday 6:00 pm
We are an American Baptist Church
associated with American Baptist
Churches New York State and
American Baptist Churches U.S.A. We
support missions throughout the world.
Everyone is welcome. Please call 607-
273-5682 for updated times for our
worship service.
We are a small, caring fellowship of
believers who sponsor the Enfield
Food Distribution in cooperation with
the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and
the Town of Enfield along with the help
of many local volunteers. Volunteers are
needed and welcome.
Christian Dance Class
Christian Ballet & Creative Dance
classes, on Wednesdays:
Springing Sprouts (5-7 yrs) 2:45-3:30
Plantings of Promise (8-12 yrs) 3:45-5:00
Glorious Gardens (teen/adult) 1:00-2:30
Each class incorporates ballet
technique, creative dance concept
exploration and engagement with
Bible passages. Fees are a
suggested donation on a sliding
scale. Contact Holly Hibbert, 607-351
Enfield Food Pantry
The Enfield Food Pantry is
available to Enfield residents
who need help providing food
for themselves and their family.
1:00-2:00 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday
3:00-5:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday
The pantry is located at the Enfield
Community Building at 182 Enfield Main
Road and is a ministry of the Enfield
Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield
provides the space and utility costs.
Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor
The Living Water Christian
Fellowship welcomes you! We are a
full Gospel community fellowship. We
believe and practice the gifts of the
Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check
out our web site LWCFIthaca.com
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Worship Service 10:00 am
Youth Group, ages 13 & up 5:00 pm
Bible Study 6:30 pm
Prayer 7:30 pm
Dance Lessons 1 pm - 5 pm
last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 8:00 am
Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities
Enfield Community Council (ECC): 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm at
the Community Building
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Food Pantry: 2nd Tuesday,1-2 pm & 4th Tuesday, 3-5 pm, at the
Community Building
Enfield PTA: 1st Monday, 5:30 dinner, 6 pm mtg during the school
year (no mtg in January), at the Enfield Elementary school
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the Grange;
meetings include a dish-to-pass luncheon
Enfield Community Council
168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11
Ithaca NY 14850 Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.
Calendar of Events
12 Grange Breakfast (pg 5)
12 Community Bldg Planning mtg (pg 2)
13 Fire Company Chicken BBQ
15 Red Cross Blood Drive, Fire Station, 1:30-6:30 (pg 1)
19 Basketball (pg 2)
tba Community Dinner at the Grange: (pg 5)
2 Grange Breakfast (pg 5)
9 Community Bldg Planning mtg (pg 2)
9 Basketball (pg 2)
10 Fire Company Chicken BBQ
16 Basketball (pg 2)
19 ECC Annual Mtg (pg 1)
2 Grange Breakfast (pg 5)
10 Fire Company Chicken BBQ
16 Community Bldg Planning mtg (pg 2)
6 Grange Breakfast (pg 5)
14 Fire Company Chicken BBQ
4 Grange Breakfast (pg 5)