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Enfield Community Currents
News from and for the Community
April-June 2012 Free
Spring has come when you can put your foot on three daisies*
~ Proverb
[*editor’s note: I think they mean dandelions]
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Ann Rider, President 277-3478
JoAnn Huddle, Vice President 272-7115
Sue Howser, Secretary 342-6315
Lauren Trenchard, Treasurer 342-1406
Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547
What’s Inside…
Notes from ECC 1
Community Yard Sale 1
Catch the Breeze! 2
ECC Update 2
2012 Quilt Project 2
Zumba Dance 2
ECC Youth Programs 2
2012 Quilt Picture 3
Enfield Summer Camp 3
Job Opportunity 3
Pre-K Program News 4
Afterschool Program 4
Benefit Square Dance 4
Enfield PTA 4
Town Historian 5
Enfield Valley Grange 5
Medication Disposal 5
Enfield Food Pantry 6
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary 6
Burning Ban 6
For the Farm Community 6
Area Churches 7
Transportation Options 7
Red Cross Blood Drive 7
Calendar of Events 8
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in
December for publication at the end of
that month. Contact the editor with
information you’d like to see included.
Spring??? Summer???
Ahhh, the longer days, the warmer weather - gotta love it! Looking back-
it was the winter that wasn’t but it was still dark and dank. I’m a little sad that I
didn’t cross-country ski once and the kids are kinda sad about that too, BUT-
longer days and warmer temperatures are definitely better!
Fourth and fifth grade basketball is finished and I hope we hear from
some of the kids on their experience. The community is busy having chicken
barbeques and corned beef dinners. Looks like an early spring so I’ve mobilized
the beautification brigade to clean up, trim and plant pansies. ECC has a new
logo, is planning summer camp, co-sponsoring the Community Yard Sale and is
well on the way to finishing the quilt for this year’s Harvest Festival. Still would
very much like one of you to volunteer to head up the Games and the Silent
Auction for the Harvest Festival. We’re big on keeping this fun so join up and join
the fun!
Eight children from the community are making windmills for the “Catch
the Breeze” contest being held on Earth Day at the Ithaca Children’s Garden on
April 22, Earth Day.
This year’s Florida vacation seems very, very long ago but the shot of
warmth and sunshine back in February was very welcome. You can’t beat Key
West and three sunsets and sleeping on a houseboat or Disney World for a
couple of days. Of course, there is always a downside. Had to come back on the
day that the idiot decided to drive his van onto the tarmac at the Philly Airport.
Interestingly enough, we got back into Ithaca only one and a half hours late. Yes,
we have our next vacation lined up—have to go see the grandchildren on spring
break. Einstein’s laboratory in Menlo Park is closed for renovations so we are
forced to go into the Big Apple to see the Museum of Natural History. Then
maybe a carriage ride in Central Park….Back to reality for a couple of weeks
and then a true vacation at JazzFest in the Big Easy…see you the second week
of May! Hey, I work very hard when I’m here! I recently heard that the younger
generation of Gunnings is going to start milking cows again. Jerseys, of course.
Maybe fresh ice cream at the end of school……
~Ann Rider
Community Yard Sale—Saturday, May 12
The Enfield Firemen’s Ladies’ Auxiliary and the Enfield Community
Council are co-sponsoring an Enfield Community Yard Sale on Saturday,
May 12 from 9 am-2 pm. The whole community is encouraged to join in and
plan their own sale on the date. Sign-up requests are available at Valley
Korner’s store, the Town Clerk’s office or from members of the ECC or Ladies’
Auxiliary. If you would like to rent a table at the Community Building or if you
want to donate items to ECC, instead of having your own sale, call Ann Rider,
277-3478 or e-mail asr10@cornell.edu. Pick up your guide to the community
yard sale participants at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Rd.,
or the Fire House, 168 Enfield Main Rd. starting at 9 AM. In addition to the yard
sale, breakfast will be available at the Community Building and the Auxiliary is
having a bake sale at the Fire House.
Adult Basketball to Resume
Adults and teens 16 and older
are invited to join in for fun and
An Adult Waiver, Release
and Consent form is required;
This activity is sponsored
by ECC. Contact Fay Coyne
Enfield Community Council Programs
2012 Harvest Festival Quilt
The pattern for the 2012 Harvest Festival Quilt is
‘The Ohio Star’ pattern done from repurposed (NEW, not
used) fabric from SewGreen in shades of pink, burgundy,
cream, sage and dark green. The quilt is on the frame in
Ann Rider’s living room and we have started the hand
quilting! We are planning to meet on Monday and Tuesday nights starting at 7
and on Sunday afternoon starting at 1. We would like to get the quilting done
by May 1 so that means that we need lots of hands! No experience necessary
but be prepared to listen - lots of talking about lots of things. It is absolutely
beautiful and Helen Hetherington, our raffle chairman, will be asking you to
help her sell tickets in the early summer.
Catch the Breeze
Wind Turbine Challenge
Eight children from Enfield are
joining the fun of making a windmill out
of recycled materials. We went to the
Challenge Kickoff, at Cornell’s
exploration station next to the
Synchrotron Lab, to meet wind turbine
designers and pick up free materials,
design criteria and guidelines. Then
we worked independently to design
our own unique turbine. We made a
first attempt at designing a windmill
and are coming back to Enfield to fine-
tune our projects, find out more about
windmills and wind farms, have a tour
of the Synchrotron and have a lot of
fun with our friends. We will show off
our final designs at the Ithaca
Children’s Garden on Sunday, April
22, Earth Day. Stay tuned for more
Zumba will continue until the end
of the school year. Join 12-20 of your
neighbors every Monday evening at
6:30 at the Enfield Elementary School
gymnasium for a high energy (but you
can do your own pace) hour. So join
your neighbors for an hour that makes
you healthier. Can’t beat that! $4 per
session. Call Nicole for more
information, 227-9818.
Filling a Need: Education and Enfield Youth
With the second half of the school year upon us, students, parents and teachers alike have begun to feel the
stress of final exams in the not too distant future. With this pressure to improve, many families and youth, who have
traditionally participated with Enfield programming, voiced a need for extra help with homework and tutoring. In response
to this concern, the Enfield Youth Program, in collaboration with Boynton Middle School, began running "Get2It!" in
January 2012. This homework help/tutoring program connects Enfield students who struggle with grades and
comprehension of various subjects to Cornell scholars, Ithaca High School Seniors and professional tutors on a one-on-
one basis. The program also rewards the efforts of hard-working students who raise their grades with special days, such
as a Pizza Day, Movie Day and Choose-A-Snack Day. Over the course of the last few months we have seen a
wonderful evolution that tells us - it's working! Parents are noticing an improvement in comprehension and homework
completion. Teachers have overwhelmingly supported our efforts, offering take home study sheets and practice exams,
and have even requested specialized focus on subject areas during "Get2It!" This has been a wonderful opportunity to
develop strong collaborative ties between the Enfield Youth Program and staff at Boynton Middle School, as there is so
much to share: Enfield programs build relationships with students outside of school while teachers build in-school
connections - when combined, these bits of information can be very powerful in aiding youth development! Don’t forget
though, we need parent support too! Parents, please be sure to ask your child how it is going and offer encouragement
and praise of his/her progress…and, be sure they continue to come each Monday and further their personal
Our “Get2It!” program meets every Monday night from 4-6pm, at the Community Building in Enfield, and
currently has 13 participants registered but is STILL ACCEPTING! Please feel free to contact Lindsay Cray with
questions or comments at 272-2292 ext 225, or email at lac263@cornell.edu
Watch for exciting news about our Summer Camp starting in June. You will find more information and the
program brochure on our web page at www.cce.cornell.edu/tompkins/rys/index.htm
The Enfield Community Council
The Enfield Community Council held its Annual Meeting on February
15, 2012. The following officers were voted in: Ann Rider, President; Joann
Huddle, Vice-President; Lauren Trenchard, Treasurer; Sue Howser, Secretary.
The newsletter editor continues to be Debbie Teeter. The Youth Program
Manager is Lindsay Cray and our Summer Camp Director is Vera Howe-Strait.
We served 63 youths from ages 9-17 in our Youth Program and 100 campers
in our summer program in addition to employing 15 local teens and adults in
our program. 16 4 th & 5 th Graders participated in the basketball program. An
average of 15 people participate in our Zumba Class every Monday. Our
continuing programs are the quarterly newsletter, the annual Harvest Festival
and the Community Yard Sale.
The ECC holds regular monthly meetings on the 3 rd Tuesday of the
month at the downstairs of the Community Building and every member of the
community is invited to attend our meetings and bring ideas to make Enfield
more fun and interesting. See you there!
Enfield Community Council Programs
Enfield Summer Day Camp Position Available
The Enfield Summer Day Camp is looking for an
Assistant Director that has to fill many "hats". The rate of pay is
$10.00/hour for an approximately 185 hours, six week camp
position: July 2 - August 10, 2012. The responsibilities include
all the following categories (a) After Camp Program:
development and supervision of programming of the after
camp program (2:00 – 5:30), (b) Aquatics Trip Leader: to
establish and oversee all activities in and around the waterfront
(11:45 am - 1:45 pm), (c) Trip Leader: supervise and direct all
trip staff in relation to safety, program standards, and proper
care and handling of food, responsible for the health and safety
of all campers on trip and act as liaison between the trip
location contact person and director in terms of entrance fees,
total camper:staff ratio, schedule at trip location, activities to
participate in (8:45 a.m. -1:45 pm).
· Be at least 20 years of age.
· Be attentive to details, have good organizational skills,
exceptional communication skills, the ability to work with a variety
of personality types and the ability to work within the camp
environment and be an effective member of the staff team.
· Must have:
⇒ At least one year experience as a counselor in a camp, after
school program or other child-related agency.
⇒ Preferably some college courses in child development,
outdoor recreation, psychology or related subjects.
⇒ Current certifications in CPR/First Aid, Responding to
Emergencies and Lifeguard Supervision and Management.
⇒ The ability to accept supervision and guidance; a strong
sense of enthusiasm, a sense of humor, patience, the desire
and ability to work with children outdoors.
⇒ Experience with a variety of behavior modification techniques
and experience with conflict resolution.
⇒ Experience identifying the personal, performance, and social
needs of individual children and the proven ability to work with
children in both group and individual settings.
⇒ Some knowledge of and experience with methods of group
organization and the proven ability to develop a good working
relationship with children and staff.
Interested applicants please contact Vera Howe-Strait at 280-
2317 (please leave message) or vstrait18@htva.net
Enfield Summer Day Camp
Is Spring here? At least in our wishes – and
the thoughts of summer.
Where are your children going while you work? What
activities will they do? How will you keep them busy?
The Enfield Community Council has a summer
day camp program for children ages 4-13 years old. It
is a 6-week program that begins on July 2 and ends
August 10, held at the Robert Treman State Park’s
lower level (the North Shelter).
The campers start their day at 8:45 a.m. with a
cold breakfast and have activities until 11:30 which is
lunchtime (except for field trips, all lunches are hot
food items). The daily activities include a combination
of most of the following: sports, arts, science, sewing,
cooking, journal writing, singing, hiking, literacy
activities, swimming, and outdoor education (the last
activity is for campers 9 years old and up). We have
access to open fields, creeks and the playground.
There will be field trips to Hangar Theater,
Sciencenter, Taughannock Park, Watkins Glen,
miniature golf, Greenwood Park, bowling and Corning
Museum of Glass.
All fees are per child as follows:
· Core camp program (9:00 am–2:00 pm) $175 for all 6
weeks for Enfield residents and $225 for all 6 weeks for
non-residents (includes park entrance pass)
· Before camp care (7:30 am–8:45 am) $140 for 1-5
days/week for 6 weeks
· After camp care (2:00 pm–5:30 pm) $250 for 1-5 days/
week for 6 weeks for Enfield residents and $275 for non
Note: Before camp care and after camp care are now
flat rates regardless of the number of days per week
using the care. This guarantees space for your child
(ren) daily and maintains the regulated staff:child ratio.
Camp applications are available at the Enfield
Elementary School Main Office, Enfield After School
Program, Enfield Town Clerk’s Office and Valley
Corner Store.Completed applications and all fees are
due in by June 15 to guarantee space at camp.
If you currently receive temporary assistance or
need help with the cost of childcare, you may be
eligible for assistance through DSS. Please contact
Vera Howe-Strait or DSS (Carla Trenchard 274-5677)
for further information. The DSS acceptance letter
must be received by Vera Howe-Strait before camp
The Enfield Community Council strives to provide
activities that are free or low cost. It is our goal that no
one is turned away because of the inability to pay.
Please contact Vera Howe-Strait if there are any
issues regarding income and/or ability to pay.
Please contact Vera Howe-Strait with questions,
concerns and/or application at 274-2368 (2:00 p.m. –
5:30 p.m.) or email vstrait18@htva.net . Have a great
Spring and see you in the Summer!
- Vera
Enfield Elementary PTA
There are some exciting things coming up at Enfield Elementary School, but
we need your help. Our current playground is being replaced. We need tools
and volunteers on Saturday June 9th, 2012. If you are interested in loaning
tools and/or time please contact Mary Cole at 274-6338 or 274-2221 or e-mail
at mcole@icsd.k12.NY.us .
On the same day we will be helping grout the mural done by the pre-k,
kindergarten, and 1st grades. This mural incorporates math and art. Please
contact Mary Cole about volunteering for this also. We also need volunteers to
watch and entertain children on the build day as the site will be off limits to
Our last meetings for this school year are April 9th and June 11th at the
Enfield Elementary School. Child care is provided for the April meeting. May 7th
is our meeting at the Ithaca High School. This is our annual voting for officers. If
you are interested in serving as an officer for the 2012-2013 school year please
e-mail mbgith@gmail.com .
We are starting a Junior First Lego League in September 2012. We are
laying the ground work now. This ties in with the high school's Code Red
Robotics team (who took 6th place in the Rochester competition on March
11th). This helps kids get involved in math, engineering, and working as a team.
There will be no fees for the students who wish to participate. We will be
needing Legos, so please check you closets and attics for those old Legos.
As always there are the pain-free ways to help us continue our important
· Send box tops, empty printer/toner cartridges, and labels for education to
the school.
· Link your Target card to the school (takes about 5 minutes on-line).
· Take your redeemables to K&H and tell them it's for Enfield PTA.
· Buy a membership.
When you support our PTA, you are supporting many fine projects for our
students. Some examples are: books for birthdays (each student gets a free,
new book that they choose for their birthday), yearbooks for each child
regardless of their families' ability to pay, a $500.00 donation to the school's
library, various artists and musicians coming into the school, Junior First Lego
League, and many others.
Please contact Cortney Bailey, PTA President, at 279-4792 or
cbailey525@yahoo.com if you would like to help in any way, need someone to
pick up a donation, or have ideas for us to better help the school and
Cortney Bailey, PTA President Enfield School
News From The Enfield School Age Program
We have all been enjoying the beautiful weather outside. The children are
very happy to be out and about in this unseasonably warm March! At after
school we are gearing up to start our seeds for our children’s garden. This year
we will be planting different color vegetables (purple beans, golden beets, etc.)
as well as lots and lots of flowers! Our next subject of study will be the circus
and magic!
We have all kinds of ideas for putting on a circus of our own. If any folks
have special circus or magic talents that they would like to share please get a
hold of us at after school!
Our annual Art Gallery fundraiser is scheduled for April 27th at 6:00 pm at
the Enfield Elementary School. This event is open to the public and it is super
fun! The children have started work on their projects and we are excepting
donations of art or craft work from the community. All proceeds go to the after
We are also very excited about the upcoming ENSAW Square Dance
fundraiser that is scheduled to happen on May 4th (details TBA) and
sounds like it will be a bunch of fun for the whole family - We can’t
wait! We hope to see lots of folks out at these community events.
Early Prekindergarten
Register your preschool aged
child for an opportunity to be
accepted into the ICSD
Prekindergarten program for the
2012-13 school year. Registration
will take place on Tuesday, April 24 th
from 2:15 to 3:15. It will be held in
one of the Pre-K classrooms at the
Enfield School. To complete your
registration you must have the
following documentation:
Child’s birth certificate
Proof of address
Proof of income
Preference will be given to
children who qualify for free and
reduced meals, and for children who
will be four by December 1, 2012.
Early Prekindergarten
Registration will take place at several
other school locations as well. You
may also request the registration
form (and more information) by
contacting the Office of Early
Childhood Programs 274-2208.
Benefit Square Dance
All proceeds go to the
Enfield After-School Program
Friday, May 4, 7:30 p.m.
The Old Enfield Baptist Church
174 Enfield Main Road
Suggested donation $5 to $10
Nancy Spero, Caller
Live music by Goatboy
Come square dance … or just
be there to enjoy the music and
community. Either way, come to this
fun event to support Enfield’s After-
School Program!
Nancy Spero, a fun and
experienced caller, is also an Enfield
resident. Five-piece stringband
Goatboy , led by Enfield residents
Judy Hyman and Jeff Claus, is 4
members of The Horse Flies (Judy
Hyman, fiddle; Jeff Claus, banjo -uke
and guitar; Richie Stearns, banjo;
Jay Olsa, bass) plus Steve Selin
from the Evil City Stringband on
All dances will be taught; no
experience is needed. For more
information: Nancy Spero (273-
6603) or Judy Hyman (277-7025).
For more information about the
music: http://thehorseflies.com ,
http://www.evilcitystringband .
Records from School District No. 5 Stone School House
by Sue Thompson, Enfield Town Historian
Records from School District No. 5 Stone School House. This school was located on the east side of Applegate
Road south of State Route 79. Also appears on the 1866 map of Tompkins County New York. Annexed to District #6
Enfield Center School, on July 12, 1916. If you have information on any of the people listed below let me know. Thanks,
Trustees through the years: Mike Norton, J.G. Jones, J. Carman, E. S. Bagely, L. Ackley
Teachers for School No. 5:
1888 – 1890: Katie Hunt - for the winter and summer terms of school at $5.50 per week. Katie was 27 years old. She
lived with her sister’s family Michael and Mary Norton.
1890 – 1891: Addie Tucker - $5.25 per week for winter term. Addie was 19 years old. Her parents were William and
Delia Tucker. Katie Hunt was hired for summer term
1891 – 1892: Katie Hunt
1892 – 1893: Hattie Malory, $5.00 per week. Hattie was 20 years old. Her parents were Austin and Sarah Mallory; Katie
1893 – 1894: Alice M. Nobles - $5.00 per week. Alice was 18 years old. Her parents were Edwin and Abbie Nobles.
Hattie Mallory (Summer Term)
1894 – 1895: Nancy E. Wallenbeck - $5.00 per week. Nancy was 49 years old. She lived with her sister Abbie. Her
parents were Solomon and Jane Wallenbeck; Angie M. Harker - $5.00 per week.
1895 – 1896: Nancy E. Wallenbeck - $5.00 per week; Laura B. Peck - $5.00 per week
1896 – 1897: Edna O. Updike - $5.00 per week. Edna was 18 years old. Her parents were Herman and Ida Updike;
Maude S. Newman - $5.00 per week
1897 – 1899: Frances L. Brown - $5.00 per week; Margaret Hollister - $5.00 per week. Margaret was 26 years old.
1899 – 1900: Lollie Byrum - $4.50 per week
1900: Anna Aiken - $4.25 per week. 18 years old. Her parents were Fred and Emma Aiken.
1901 – 1902: Belle Hubbell - $5.25 per week
1902 – 1903: Nancy Wallenbeck- $6.00 per week; Belle Hubbell - $6.00 per week
1903 – 1904: Mary L. Smith - $6.50 per week
1904 – 1905: Minnie M. Wallenbeck - $7.00 per week
1905 – 1906: Anna Aiken - $7.00 per week
So far the winter has been quite uneventful as far as snowfall received.
Although most of us probably did not miss the plowing, shoveling, etc.! As the
weather turns warmer we can start planning what we will grow in our gardens.
Oh, the thought of home grown fresh veggies, and the smell of flowers
blooming, what could be better!
In December we held our Community Holiday Dinner and announced the
winners of our Holiday Decoration Contest. We would love to see more
community participation at our Holiday Dinner, as this is a great event to wish
all your community neighbors a joyous season and share a great meal.
Winners in the contest were:
1st place: David Achilles 2nd place: Carolyn Monroe 3rd place: Sharon Stodolski
A big thank you to all that entered. We look forward to our 2012 Contest in
December. Remember to enter as you could be our next winner!
Our breakfasts held January - March have been well attended, and we
look forward to our next two: April 7 th , and May 5 th . Come out and enjoy an all
you can eat Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Homefries,
and Sausage you can eat. We promise you will not go away hungry!
We will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day dinner, consisting of corned
beef, cabbage, and home grown vegetables, etc. on Saturday, March 17 th ,
from 5 – 7 p.m. Look forward to seeing you there!
Community support is appreciated by joining us in our Grange meals and
events throughout the year, and contributes to our Building Fund. Of course,
donations are always appreciated and can be sent to: Roger Hubbell, 301 W.
Enfield Center Rd., Ithaca NY 14850. We invite you to join as a member. Our
meetings are held on the 3 rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., come join
the fun.
Safe Medication Disposal Day
Saturday, April 28
Mark your calendar! The
Coalition for Safe Medication
Disposal has set the date for its
next Safe Medication Disposal
Day. This collection event, which
gives residents the chance to safely
dispose of expired or no longer
needed household medications, will
be held Saturday, April 28. It is part
of a nationwide collection effort,
organized by the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency.
The April 28 collection will occur
at three locations: the TCAT garage
(just off Route 13 on Willow Avenue
in Ithaca); the Groton Police
Department (108 Cortland Street,
Groton); and the Slaterville Fire
Station, 2681 Slaterville Road.
Slaterville Springs. Hours are 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. at all three locations.
For more information, call 211
or email: egottlieb@cityofithaca.org
or visit www.healthyyouth.org .
Enfield Food Pantry
The Enfield Food
Pantry is available to
Enfield residents who need
help providing food for
themselves and their family.
The pantry is now open 1:00 - 2:00
p.m. on the second Tuesday of every
month and 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. on the
fourth Tuesday.
The pantry is located at the
Enfield Community Building at 182
Enfield Main Road and is a ministry of
the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The
Town of Enfield provides the space
and utility costs.
DEC: State Ban on Residential Brush Burning
Begins March 16 during High Fire-Risk Season
All residential brush burning is prohibited in smaller communities during the
state's historically high fire-risk period from March 16 through May 14, state
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens
reminded New Yorkers today. "This time of year has the most risk of fires and
the risk is even greater this year due to the extremely mild winter we've seen
across the state," Commissioner Martens said. "Since the open burning
regulation passed in 2009, there have been fewer fires reported in New York
state. In an effort to protect the health and safety of our children, families and our
natural environment, we remind residents that brush burning is banned statewide
beginning this week."
In 2009, New York toughened restrictions on open burning to reduce harmful
air pollutants and help prevent wildfires. While the burn ban regulation allows
residential brush burning for most of the year in towns with a populations of less
than 20,000, it prohibits open burning in all communities during early spring
when the bulk of New York's wildfires typically occur. The state regulation
prohibits the burning of garbage at all times and in all places.
Several factors enable wildfires to start easily and spread quickly at this
time, including the lack of green vegetation, abundance of available fuels such
as dry grass and leaves, warm temperatures and wind. Open burning is the
largest single cause of wildfires in New York state. Data from DEC's Forest
Protection Division shows that debris burning accounted for about 36 percent of
wildfires in the state between 1985 and 2009, which is more than twice the next
most-cited cause. In addition, from 2000 to 2009 New York's fire departments
responded to an average of 2,300 wildfires each year from March 16 to May 14.
That represents about 46 percent of all wildfires for the year.
Fire department data for 2010 and 2011 indicated a 26 percent reduction in
wildfires during the burn ban period for those years when compared to the
previous 10 years (2000-2009). In addition, 86 percent of all communities across
the state had a reduction of wildfires compared with the previous five years.
Violators of the open burning state regulation are subject to both criminal
and civil enforcement actions, with a minimum fine of $500 for a first offense. To
report environmental law violations call 1-800-TIPP DEC (1-800-847-7332), or
report online on DEC's website. A list of questions and answers on the open
burning regulation is available on DEC's website or by calling the DEC dispatch
center at (518) 408-5850. http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/80920.html
New York State Watch Center, New York State Office of Emergency Management
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
24/7 Phone: (518) 292-2200 24/7 fax: (518) 322-4982
24/7Email: NYSWatchCenter@dhses.ny.gov
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary
The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary has
been holding Bake sales at the
BBQ’s the last few months. We want
to thank everyone for your
donations. We will have our last one
in conjunction with the Firemen’s
BBQ on April 1 st . Mark your
We will be having a Garage
Sale on May 12 th , Community Yard
Sale Day, at the Fire Station. Stop in
and check out the items for sale.
We have also been selling
coffee and cookie mixes. This is
new for us and we are not sure how
it will go. If you are interested
contact anyone in the auxiliary.
We are always looking for new
members. Think about joining a
great organization.
For the Farm Community
DEC’s Saratoga Tree Nursery Annual Tree & Shrub Seedling Sale & Giveaway: More than 50 species of trees and shrubs
available to schools and public and private landowners at the NYS DEC Saratoga Tree Nursery for erosion control, wildlife
habitat, reforestation, etc. The program provides low-cost, native planting materials from NY sources; there are also a few non -
native species to enhance wildlife plantings and/or for stream bank stabilization. Minimum order is 25 for conifers, hardwoods
and wildlife shrubs, 50 for container stock. Mixed species packets of 30-100 wildlife shrubs are also available for homeowners.
This is primarily bare-root stock, but a few species are available in containers. The 2012 Tree & Shrub brochure is on the
DEC's website http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/9395.html or from the Nursery, 518-581-1439. To order by phone, call
weekdays 8-4:30, 518-587-1120. Orders may be placed through mid-May. Seedlings are shipped from mid-April to mid -May.
Free Assessments and Incentives Available for Farm Energy Upgrades: NYSERDA's Agriculture Energy Efficiency
Program provides free assessments (up to $1,500) to identify cost-effective energy improvements. Grants are available for up
to 75 percent of the costs to update lighting, install high-efficiency motors and fans, and other projects that will save energy.
According to NYSERDA, a typical farm can save $2,700 to $4,000 per year on an investment of $4,800 to $7,000. Funding is
extremely limited and farms will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s important to act very quickly to sign-up if you
are interested. For more information and a link to the two page program application visit http://www.nyserda.org/programs/
Agricultural/default.asp .
Interested in Doing Something With Your Land? Whether you’re wondering about small scale farming options or simply
want to generate income to help offset the taxes, Cornell’s Small Farms program produces the SMALL FARMS QUARTERLY
magazine full of articles on small scale agriculture and land use issues. Monthly updates will keep you in touch with a schedule
of classes that are open to the public. To be added to the email list or receive a printed copy contact CCE-Chemung at 734-
4453. New USDA Grant Awards Mean $3 million Investment in Northeast Beginning Farmers. Erica Frenay at 607-255-9911 or
ejf5@cornell.edu www.smallfarms.cornell.edu/pages/news/-
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company continues hosting blood drives at the
station through The American Red Cross. The next scheduled blood drive will
be Tuesday, May 15 th . The hours of the blood drive will be from 1:30 a.m. to
6:30 p.m. You can make an appointment by calling Roy at 277-3843 or the
American Red Cross at 273-1900. Walk-ins are always welcome. Thank you
for your continuing support.
Enfield Baptist Church
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
Rev. David Leonard, Associate Pastor
Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor/Assoc.
The Enfield Baptist Church
welcomes you! We are a full Gospel
community fellowship, incorporating
contemporary worship music with
traditional hymns. We believe and
practice the gifts of the Spirit (I
Corinthians 12). We also offer a
Bible-based Christian School for
grades Pre-K through 12 th .
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Prayer 9:00 am
Worship Service 10:00 am
Youth Group, ages 13 & up 6:00 pm
Worship Warriors, ages 4-12 6:00 pm
Mothers Group, 2nd & 4th Wed 2:30 pm
Prayer 6:00 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm
Friday 2nd & 4th Fri
Friday Night Live - Bible Study 7:00 pm
Saturday last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 7:00 am
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
We invite you to join us
Sunday mornings for our 70 minute
service, beginning at 8:30 a.m., with a
bit more of a traditional flavor. Or, join
us at 10:00 a.m. for our contemporary
worship celebration. Nursery and
children's church are provided in this
service only. Youth group also meets
twice a month during this 2nd service.
Our church community
includes local residents from Enfield
as well as many people from all over
Tompkins County, including Cornell
and Ithaca College students. We have
an active outreach program which
involves many from our church,
including students, providing spiritual
outreach to: Lakeside Nursing Home,
Titus Towers, Beachtree, Oak Hill
Manor, Lou Gossett Center, and
Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services.
Midweek Bible Studies, Men's Bible
Studies twice per month and Echo's
Women's Breakfast meets monthly.
View our Cable TV broadcast "God is
Greater" on Time Warner Cable
Channel 13, Mondays 10 pm,
Tuesdays 2 pm, & Thursdays 4 pm.
If you identify a need in your
life for God, or have a spiritual hunger
for Him, or you are seeking Him, join
Area Churches
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
The Enfield Baptist Fellowship
gathers at 10:00 AM Sunday
mornings at the Enfield Baptist
Church, 174 Enfield Main Road, for
Worship and Sunday School. All are
We are an American Baptist
Church. www.abc-usa.org/ . We are
very involved in missions in Enfield
and around the world including the
Enfield Food Distribution, which we
sponsor. We strive to see no one
goes hungry in our community. We
work with many others to respond to
crisis situations throughout the world
to provide necessary items to those
in need.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
Reverend Enid Zollweg, Pastor
Jean Geuder, Organist & Choir Leader
Ministers: the Congregation
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The
church is located on Route 96 in
Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville.
Worship Opportunities
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-
round (Nursery provided)
Children's Sunday School - During
Worship Service
Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
Bell Choir, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Transportation Options
The average commute in Tompkins
County is about 20 minutes and
anywhere from 5-20 miles. With gas
hovering around $4.00 a gallon, the cost
of a 20 minute commute quickly adds up!
Before we know it, we’re spending $80-
100 a month on gas just to commute to
work . You might be thinking to yourself,
“What other options are there?”
Luckily, Tompkins was the first
county in the nation to begin using
Zimride’s online ridesharing platform.
Zimride Tompkins helps you get to work,
run errands, attend community events
and more by ridesharing with someone
already going the same way. With over
16,000 commuters in Tompkins County,
it’s likely that at least one or two of them
are going your way. A year after
launching, Zimride Tompkins boasts
over 400 members who are posting rides
daily to and from Ithaca, Cortland,
Syracuse, Binghamton and more! Visit
Zimride.com/Tompkins to see who’s
going your way.
For anyone living near Route 79,
TCAT’s Route 20 will pick you up
anywhere between Ithaca and Enfield. A
park and ride area at the intersection of
Route 79 and Enfield Center Rd.
provides a way to just drive or bike a few
miles to the bus stop, and ride the rest of
the way to town. One-way fare is $1.50
from Sheffield Rd. and east, or $2.50
between Sheffield Rd. and Enfield. Up to
two bikes can be loaded on the bus, and
senior and youth fares are half-price.
If you are concerned about being
“stuck” during the day, considering
keeping a bike in town, or setting up a
membership with Ithaca Carshare, a
member-based service that gives you
access to vehicles by reservation.
Several Ithaca Carshare vehicles are
located along TCAT’s Route 20, as well
as throughout downtown and on
Cornell’s campus. Ithaca Carshare also
has an Easy-Access Membership that
provides assistance for low-income
residents. For more information, contact
Ithaca Carshare online at
www.ithacacarshare.org or call at 277-
3210. For more information about
Zimride, TCAT, Ithaca Carshare and
other transportation options in rural
areas, contact Way2Go at Cornell
Cooperative Extension, 272-2292 or
Way2Go.org. Transportation information
also available at 211 and Tompkins DSS
Mobility Program at http://
mobility-program.html or by phone at
Calendar of Events
7 Grange Pancake Breakfast, (pg 5)
9 PTA Meeting, 5:30 (pg 5)
22 Catch the Wind (pg 2)
24 Pre K Registration, 2:15-3:15 (pg 4)
27 Afterschool Art Gallery Night 6:00 (pg 4)
28 Medication Disposal Day, (pg 5)
4 Benefit Square Dance, 7:30 (pg 4)
5 Grange Pancake Breakfast (pg 5)
12 Community Yard Sale Day (pg 1)
12 ECC & EVFC Yard Sales, 9-2 (pg 1)
15 Red Cross Blood Drive, Fire Station, 1:30-6:30 (pg 7)
11 PTA Meeting, 5:30 (pg 5)
Semi-regular meetings
Community Quilting: Sundays, Mondays, & Tuesdays (pg 2)
Get2It!: Mondays, 4-6 (pg 2)
Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities
Adult Basketball: Wednesdays at 6:30 at the elementary school
Enfield Community Council (ECC): 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm at
the Community Building
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Food Pantry: 2nd Tuesday,1-2 pm & 4th Tuesday, 3-5 pm, at the
Community Building
GED Classes: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-8 pm during the school
year, at the Enfield Elementary school—tentative
Historical Society: Bimonthly, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at
the Community Building
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the Grange;
meetings include a dish-to-pass luncheon
Zumba Fitness: Mondays, 6:30-7:30 at the elementary school, $4
per person
Enfield Community Council
168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11
Ithaca NY 14850 Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.