HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Enfield-Town-Government-Newsletter-Fall-2012.pdf1 Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road http://townofenfield.org October - December 2012 Newsletter Enfield Town Boards Meetings are held in the Community Building, 1st floor Town Board: 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm Town Supervisor Roy Barriere 277-3843 Deputy Supervisor Jean Owens 273-5682 Town Council Members Chris Hern 256-5033 Vera Howe-Strait 273-1413 Ann Rider 277-3478 Debbie Teeter 277-4547 Planning Board: 1st Wednesday, 7pm Virginia Bryant, co-chair 387-9376 Mike Carpenter, co-chair 277-4204 Ann Chaffee 272-6460 Steve Givin 273-7434 Calvin Rothermich 272-5930 Marie Van De Mark 277-4383 Dan Walker 387-6394 Town Offices Town Clerk 273-8256 Alice Linton, Town Clerk Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk Town Office/Clerk Hours: Monday-Thursday, 3 pm - 6 pm Highway Department 272-6490 Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent Town Highway Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 6 am - 2:30 pm Town Court 273-0363 Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm Justice Varricchio: Thursday, 5:00 pm Code Enforcement Office Community Building, 2nd floor Code Enforcement 277-0266 Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30-11 am Wednesday 5-7 pm Town Historian Sue Thompson 272-6412 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Art Howser, Chief 272-8757 Roger Lauper, Deputy Chief Kirk Vandee, 1st Assistant Chief Ben Giles, 2nd Assitant Chief Shawn Lauper, Captain County Legislators Report from the Supervisor Here we are entering the fall season, starting a new school year, etc… Hope your summer was very enjoyable. Here are some of the important issues our Town government has been dealing with this summer. The second local law for 2012 was adopted at the August meeting – the Site Plan Review Law. I would like to take this time to thank the Planning Board for their efforts with this process. They have devoted numerous hours of their time over the past 2 years, with the fine-tuning of this proposal before it was passed on to the Town Board. Thanks!! Now we must move forward with revising the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and the Aquifer Study, which may also include identifying the Town’s critical environmental areas, which will be a useful tool for protecting our environment when and if unconventional gas drilling comes to Enfield. As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, there has been some discussion about setting up a new TCAT bus “park and ride” in Enfield. Two locations are under consideration for the new site – one is at the old highway facility and the other at the new highway facility. The folks from TCAT are conducting a survey which may help with the decision on where to place the new “park and ride”. The old highway facility was selected as a satellite location for the County’s next medication disposal program. The date for the disposal program was September 29th, from 10 am to 2 pm. The details for the program were posted on the Town’s website and at the Town Hall. Continued, page 2 Dave McKenna Enfield/Newfield 564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org Jim Dennis Enfield/Ulysses 387-4058, jpd821@yahoo.com Aquifer Study or NO Aquifer Study At the September Town Board meeting, the Board decided to send the question of whether or not to move forward with an aquifer study to the voters as a proposition or referendum. Due to some technicalities and timing, this was not possible. The next best way to deal with this is for the public to voice their opinion at the public hearing on the 2013 budget, to be held later in October. The Town Board needs to hear from Enfield residents if we should move forward with an aquifer study or not. The study will cost the Town approximately $90,000, but this can be spread over multiple years. We anticipate using about $10,000 per year of taxpayer’s money for the project, completing the study in 9 years or less. We also hope for outside funding, such as grants, private donations, etc., to reduce the cost for taxpayers and time to completion. Comments can be emailed to Supervisor Barriere at rlb15@cornell.edu, mailed to the Town Hall at 168 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850, or voiced at the Public Hearing for the Budget, to be determined at 10/10 Town Board meeting. What is an Aquifer Study and what does it mean for Enfield? The U.S. geological survey and County Planning Dept. formed a 20-year agreement in 2000 to study the valley-fill aquifer segments within the County, provided the Towns where these aquifer segments lie would be part of the program. The funding ratio was split 30% USGS, 35% County, and 35% Town. Of the 17 aquifer segments identified, 6 have been funded and studied, 3 completed. The study’s objectives are to help the Town and County define the geometry (width, depth, layering) of the aquifer within their area and other geologic and hydrologic aspects (recharge areas, water quality, type of aquifer -confined or unconfined, current and potential water use). In one case a 3- Continued, page 3 2 News from Code Enforcement With fall approaching in a hurry, it will soon be time to turn on our heating appliances. That makes it a good time to have those appliances checked/cleaned or tuned-up. Wood/pellet and coal stoves should always be checked in the fall before start up to make sure the chimneys are clear and in good shape; now is the time to clear out any bee hives or bird nests before you have a house full of smoke. Stove pipes or masonry chimneys should be checked for cracks or deterioration, as it's easier to do any repair before you need to use the appliance and the weather is still nice. With any oil fired appliance an annual tune-up is a great idea, as a cleaner-burning fire will not only keep the chimney cleaner but also boost the efficiency and save on fuel costs. With the price of fuel on the rise again many people will be thinking of ways to save on fuel. One idea is to add an alternative source to heat the area where you spend the most time: for example, a small heater or stove in a family room will let you turn down the temperature in the rest of the house, keeping the rest of the home a little cooler. If you might add a heating appliance this year, a permit is required with an inspection to ensure that it has been installed correctly. A certificate of completion is then issued which should be sent to your homeowners insurance company to make sure the installation is covered. No permit is required for replacing an existing furnace, boiler or hot water heater. Permits are only required when adding something new. Fall is also a good time change batteries in smoke and CO detectors and give them a quick vacuum to remove any accumulated dust. Have a warm and safe winter, Alan Teeter Code Enforcement Office From the Highway Department With fall almost here and winter and the white stuff approaching fast, let me update you on what we got accomplished this summer. The first mile of East Enfield Center Road was true and leveled; I think it came out real good. Griffin Rd was re-ground with crusher run added and re- graded with two layers of stone; we also did a lot of ditching. We replaced a large cross pipe on West Enfield Center Rd. We got drainage work done because of the dry weather in some fields and woods to drain the water away from the culvert pipes and roads. We replace a collapsed culvert pipe on the first mile of Fish Rd, the dirt section. We also did tree work and ditching also. We did a lot of tree and brush work, but have still more to do! We fell short of money so we didn’t get the last mile of South Van Dorns Rd oiled and stoned like we had planned. And East Enfield Center Rd still needs to be sealed and chipped for the same reason. Our hope is to get them prepped and ready with other jobs so that we can get them done early next summer. We cut shoulders on Lancaster Drive, Porter Hill and Rockwell Rd. And still have more to do this fall. This is just a quick update of the bigger jobs amongst all we do here at the Highway. We want to mention and thank Ulysses, Newfield, and Tompkins County for their help this last year. And I personally want to thank the guys here at the Enfield Highway for doing a good job this spring and summer. Don’t forget they are Enfield’s “Road Keepers!” As we go into the winter, remember that the spec’s for mailboxes are located on the Enfield Web page and at the Highway and Town Hall. As always remember that speed is the biggest factor in winter accidents. So drive careful and be safe. And it is always helpful to have a call (good or bad) about the roads, or weather conditions, 272-6490. See you on the roads! Buddy Rollins Sr., Highway Superintendent From the Supervisor, continued from page 1 We have just entered the budget season. Letters have gone out to all Department Heads for their input as to their needs for 2013. The tentative budget will be created and presented to the Town Board by the end of September. The Public Hearing on the preliminary budget will be scheduled for some time in October. At this point, I do not anticipate an increase in the tax rate, however this is mainly dependent on employee benefits, such as the retirement, compensation insurance, and health insurance. That was the category that had the biggest impact on the last two budgets. Speaking of budgets, the Town is very fortunate to have received additional funding from the County once again. During the past few months, we have been awarded 2 grants to assist with some of our programs: · The Enfield Beautification Committee was awarded a total of $1,800 for local beautification projects. This grant was from the Tompkins County Community Beautification Program. · The Enfield Community Council has been awarded a total of $1,000 to help fund the 2012 Harvest Festival. This grant was awarded by the Tompkins County Tourism Planning Board. This, of course, would not have been possible without the extra time and effort devoted by our committee grant writers, and Tompkins County. Thanks! Unfortunately, we now have another committee vacancy. Michael Carpenter has resigned from his position on the Planning Board. We thank Mike for his commitment and dedication on the Planning Board, most of which he co-chaired along with Virginia Bryant. If you know of anyone who would be interested in filling that seat, please let me or Virginia know. Last, but not least, don’t forget to visit our new and improved website - http:// townofenfield.org/content. Please take time to visit the website for meeting minutes, committee reports, agendas, etc… Our Town Board meetings are normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, starting at 6:30 pm. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about any Town issues, please contact any of the Town Board members. Roy Barriere, Town Supervisor Attention TCAT Riders (and wannbe’s) Did you know… that while technically NOT a TCAT Park-and- Ride, there is plenty of room for parking to the right of the Town Hall if you want to drive there to catch the bus at this “Walk Up” stop! 3 Dates to Remember October 3 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 3 Volunteer of the Month nominations due 10 Town Board Meeting Community Bldng, 6:30 pm November 6 Election Day 7 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 7 Volunteer of the Month nominations due 10 Comp Plan Surveys due 14 Town Board Meeting Community Bldng, 6:30 pm December 5 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 5 Volunteer of the Month nominations due 12 Town Board Meeting Community Bldng, 6:30pm Volunteer Recognition Volunteerism runs strong in the Enfield Community; here’s a “Thank You” to our most recent Volunteers of the Month: July 2012: Roger Hubbell Roger is a long-time resident of Enfield and has volunteered in many ways throughout his life, including the Enfield Fire Company, a number of town committees and in elected positions. Roger and his RV club did highway cleanup for a number of years along Route 79. He is a long-time member of the Enfield Grange and is active with the Enfield Senior citizens. He is the liaison between the Grange and the Senior Citizens and is still active with the Food distribution sponsored by the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. August 2012: Judy Hyman & Nancy Spero Judy and Nancy worked together to organize a Square Dance fundraiser for the Enfield School Age program, with Nancy calling and Judy recruiting her band to play. There was a great turnout and many generous donations were received on behalf of the School Age program, which experienced some financial setbacks last year. September 2012: Cortney Bailey Cortney has been a very active school parent, serving as President of the Enfield Elementary PTA for the last 2 years. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that the current generation of school children has equal opportunities and enrichment in the school environment. Her cool head and organizational skills were a great part of making the recent playground build at the school such a success. She spent many hours soliciting donations, coordinating volunteers, food shopping and attending to the many details necessary to making a large event like this a success. Do you know someone who goes above and beyond for our community? Submit a letter of nomination for Volunteer of the Month to Roy Barriere at the Town Hall by the first Wednesday of each month for consideration. From the Enfield Town Clerk Students are back in school and the weather is much more comfortable. We have been busy issuing hunting licenses, along with dog licenses and handicap permits. Although Trumansburg, Newfield and Odessa school tax bills have already gone out, Ithaca bills don't go out until the beginning of October and are due October 31. Town and County tax bills will be mailed at the end of December and can be paid without penalty until January 31. We will have additional hours during the month of January, but our October, November and December hours will remain Monday - Thursday from 3-6 p.m. We are always glad to come in extra hours to accommodate your needs, if you just give us a call. The Town Hall remains at 168 Enfield Main Road; we have no plans for moving in the near future. As always, you can contact us at 273- 8256 and find information on the town's website: www.townofenfield.org Happy Fall! Alice Linton, Town Clerk Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk From the Town of Enfield Planning Board: You're Invited to Complete the Comprehensive Plan Survey The Town of Enfield is beginning the job of updating its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a document that describes the history, current state, and future vision for the community. The new Plan will serve as a road map to guide future growth and development while promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the people. It's essential that the Comprehensive Plan reflect the interests of all Enfield residents/land owners, so please complete the enclosed survey. Make your voice heard! The Comprehensive Plan Survey Committee Virginia Bryant, Planning Board Chair Judy Hyman, Nancy Spero, Art Godin, John Tavares From the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: 2012 Year to Date 2012 is turning out to be a very busy year. We are at 338 calls as of September 1st, the highest recorded in over 12 years. We respond to a large variety of calls each year that include: house fires, car fires, brush and grass fires, motor vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, public assistance, storm related incidences, hazardous conditions, mutual aid to Ithaca, Mecklenburg, Newfield, and Trumansburg as needed, and more. Sometimes residents apologize for us having to respond at all hours of the night for what they feel are small issues. We enjoy helping those in need, when and where ever. Art Howser, Chief Aquifer Study, continued from page 1 dimensional computer model was developed which shows the time it takes for water to replenish pumping wells. The benefit to the County and Towns is having the information about your aquifer system to make informed decisions on how to best manage and protect the water resource. In some cases the studies have determined critical recharge areas that should be protected and additional sources of groundwater not yet discovered. The program has been successful and its cooperative nature has resulted in close relationships between the USGS, Town, and County to work toward a common goal. The information will also provide local government, water managers, businesses, and homeowners with ground- water information to help ensure that there will be 1) safe drinking-water supply, 2) water available for economic development, and 3) healthy aquatic environments. The study will build upon the USGS data collection efforts in the state and on the interpretation of the Nation’s water availability. 4 Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca NY 14850 Three important issues for residents to speak out about: · The Comprehensive Plan Update: Please complete the enclosed Comprehensive Plan Survey! · Funding for the proposed Aquifer Study (page 1) · TCAT Bus Service—please complete the survey on page 4 Attention Enfield Residents TCAT is considering service options for the Town of Enfield, and your input is needed! 1. Do you currently ride TCAT? ____Yes (if yes, please check below.) ____No ____a. I use the current Park-and-Ride ____b. I walk to catch the bus ____c. TCAT stops in front of/near my home ____d. Other ____________________________________ 2. Would you use a Park-and-Ride if it were located near the new Enfield Highway facility, 475 Enfield Main Road (near Trumbulls Corner Road)? ____Yes ____No 3. Would you use a Park-and-Ride if it were to be located at the current Town Hall, 168 Enfield Main Rd? ____Yes ____No 4. Would you use TCAT if buses were able to travel farther south, as far as new Enfield Highway facility, 475 Enfield Center Rd.? ____Yes ____No Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please mail your responses to: Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. 737 Willow Avenue Ithaca, New York, 14850 Attn: Patty Poist, Communications and Marketing Manager If you wish to call in or email your responses, contact Patty Poist at 607-277-9388, ext. 560, or email pp1@tcatmail.com