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Enfield Community Currents
News from and for the Community
April-July 2011 Free
April is a promise that May is bound to keep.
~Hal Borland
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Marnie Kirchgessner, President 272-2241
Pending, Vice President
Sue Howser, Secretary 342-6315
Ann Rider, Treasurer 277-3478
Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547
What’s Inside…
Notes from ECC 1
Community Yard Sale 1
Zumba Dance 1
From the New ECC President 2
GED Program in Danger! 2
Transportation Options 2
2011 Quilt Project 3
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary 3
Enfield Volunteer Fire Dept. 3
Enfield School Age Program 4
ECC Youth Programs 4
Youth Basketball 4
Enfield Summer Camp 5
Enfield PTA News 5
For the Farm Community 5
Enfield Food Pantry 6
Fitness Classes 6
Adult Basketball 6
Enfield Valley Grange 6
Recycling & Solid Waste News 6
Area Churches 6
Agape Bible Church
Enfield Baptist Church
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Jacksonville United Methodist
Food Stamps Program 7
For the Farm Community 7
Enfield Marcellus Presentation 7
ECC Survey 7
Calendar of Events 8
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8
GED Classes 8
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in July
for publication at the end of that month.
Contact the editor with information you’d
like to see included.
The Community Yard Sale Returns!
Hey! Are you thinking of having a yard sale but can’t quite get it together?
The Enfield Community Council and the Enfield Fireman’s Auxiliary are co-
sponsoring a town-wide yard sale. This gives you several choices:
· Have one at your house and we will advertise it for you by running an ad in the Ithaca
Journal, tacking up posters around town and putting your name on the master list.
· Don’t have very much stuff? Rent a table from ECC for $10 and get the audience first
(because we’re giving out the list).
· Or, for almost no work, donate your stuff to the Enfield Community Council or the Auxiliary
and they will do the work of sorting and selling for you.
Both organizations give back to the community, so you can’t lose whichever
organization you choose. The Community Yard Sale will be Saturday, May 21
from 9-2 at the Community Building and the Fire House. If you want to have
longer hours and have it on Sunday, we’ll list it. Contact Sue Houser (342-6315),
Suzy Reynolds (387-9764) or Ann Rider (277-3478 e-mail asr10@conell.edu ).
Applications will also be available at Valley Korners on April 15.
Lighten up and give those unused items another home. We are especially
looking for your unused fabric and old sewing machines. There’s a lot of interest in
quilting in the community so these things can be put to good use. One man’s trash is
another man’s treasure!
Come Quickly, Spring!
Oh, my goodness! Will the winter ever end? Good thing I have 14 days of
Florida sunshine in/on my body. Otherwise, I would be wanting to commit hari-kari
about now. The saving grace is the longer days and, it seems, more sunshine for
longer stretches of time. I'm still glad for the 14 days in Florida. Great time away on
the Gulf side of Florida, visiting my friend who bought a house in Ft. Charlotte,
seeing a college roommate, visiting 2 botanical gardens, touring Thomas Edison's
winter home (that man must have been something to live with!) and, my favorite, a
day at Disney World with my favorite dance partner, Rick, as my personal guide.
Rick works at Disney so knows all the short cuts, the best shows and, best of all, can
always get a fast pass. Oh, yes, and can get you in for a massage on very short
notice. Fireworks under the full moon (I can't claim he arranged that), a safari ride
and the Lion King Show. Truly, “beyond my expectations” - the company motto. So
armed with this perfect vacation, I am back in snow country with renewed vigor and
energy. Our new ECC President, Marnie Kirchgessner, freshly retired, has lots of
energy to put into the Council so look for new programs and activities.
Zumba class at the school seems to be wildly popular, so come on down on
Monday evenings. In addition to the Quilting Group, we are getting warm mittens
lined up for the cross-country skiing program at the school and writing new grants to
expand youth programing and community activities. Contact Marnie with any ideas
you have at 272-2241. Spring will come and we will be back outside in no time -
finishing the projects that were not done last fall. We can count on this!
- Ann Rider, ECC
Zumba Dance at the elementary school Monday’s 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ages 15 and
up, $4 per class, sponsored by the ECC. Call Nichole at 227-9818 for more info.
From the new ECC President, Marnie Kirchgessner!
First let me share my background for those of you who do not know me:
my husband Greg and I bought our home across from what is now the
community building in 1978. We raised our family there. Greg was an active
volunteer fire fighter and I became involved with ECC in March of 1979. I
remained participating in some capacity until Greg’s death in 1998. At that time I
had to obtain employment with health insurance to cover a child who required
expensive medical treatments. I worked for the Park Foundation, the Community
Dispute Resolution Center, took care of aging parents, and in November, 2010
retired from the Town of Ithaca, where I was Recreation & Youth Coordinator. I
have served on many non-profit boards including United Way, Human Services
Coalition and GIAC.
I am delighted to return to ECC during these exciting times. I say
exciting because we as a community are definitely facing challenges to our
current way of doing business due to pressure for tax cuts in a system that does
not prioritize children, seniors or working families. Yet Enfield is a highly creative
and dedicated community with incredible heart and talent. Years ago I was told
the Latin root of the word volunteer meant to love. We volunteer because we
love something about what we are doing. ECC is a volunteer organization and
there is a place within the group for your skills, talents and interests.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the welfare of the
community by giving greater efficiency to existing organizations through mutual
cooperation and coordination, and when necessary by sponsoring new
activities. At its February Annual meeting the following vision statement was
· Continue to provide quality youth programming while expanding program offerings to
other segments of the community by coordinating with other Enfield not-for profits and
including youth and other community members in our general meetings.
* Please come to the Enfield Community Building the fourth Tuesday of the month
at 6:30 p.m.
· Follow and or expand the organizational structure as set forth in the by-laws to more
efficiently conduct business and increase respect among members.
* Revisions to by-laws adopted at annual meeting with training for officers and
interested parties being planned.
· Explore lowering program cost/making programs affordable to relieve financial stress of
our organization and other service groups in the community.
* A preliminary number from the United Way of Tompkins County allocates
$2,123.24 in designations for the upcoming fiscal year. A BIG thank you to
everyone who gave to the campaign.
ECC will be completing requirements for the upcoming United Way
funding cycle and we need you input. Please contact me by mail, 191 Enfield
Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850; phone 272-2241 or email magic@htva.net with
thoughts or ideas. Also, please see the brief questionnaire on page 7 of this
~ Marnie Kirchgessner, ECC President
Enfield GED Class in
Mike Simons, Enfield Elementary
School Principal
Mark Cole, Enfield Elementary
School Family Liaison
The value of having an
educational degree cannot be
overstated, especially in this difficult
job market. After holding discussions
with TST BOCES and working out
the kinks, we were able to get a
satellite GED class housed at Enfield
Elementary School, beginning last
year. There have been many
successes in this program and
students are receiving the instruction
they need in order to pass the tests.
The GED class at Enfield is in
jeopardy of ending.
TST BOCES is becoming more
strict in the number of students that
need to be in attendance in order to
continue the class. A minimum of six
(6) students must be present within
30 minutes of starting the class or
the class will be dismissed. If this
happens regularly, the site will be
shut down.
The class consists of
individualized instruction geared
toward helping students pass the
GED test. Five content areas are
tested, and each needs to be passed
in order to get the diploma: math,
science, social studies, reading, and
writing. A good web site to look at for
an overview of the GED
requirements can be found at
www.yourged.org . Call TST BOCES
for specific questions at 273-8804.
We have regularly sent out and
posted advertisements since we
knew that Enfield would have this
program. The response has been
good, but it hasn't been enough. We
know there is interest and a need in
our community and we need your
help in getting this word out. Please
help keep this important program
Pass the word to someone you
know who would benefit from this
program. It is held at Enfield on
Tuesdays and Thursdays when
school is in session from 5:00 pm
until 8:00 pm. If you have any
questions, please call Mary Cole at
274-2221. Lets keep this program
going for our community!
Transportation Options Serving Rural Residents
Snowy days and climbing gas prices are two good reasons to examine
alternatives to driving alone to Ithaca. Four options that come to mind are: riding
a TCAT bus, ridesharing, CityVan and vanpooling. We even have friendly
people to help you sort out your travel choices.
CityVan: CityVan is a n affordable rural van pilot project connecting Enfield
and Newfield to Ithaca, Cayuga Medical Center and nearby medical offices. The
adult fare is $3, with discounts for children. To schedule a ride call Ithaca
Dispatch the night before you want to travel. Remember to mention you want to
use CityVan. For more information, call Ithaca Dispatch at 277-7777 or go to
www.cityvan.weebly.com .
For more information on the new rideshare program Zimride, vanpool, riding
TCAT or to consult about your transportation situation call (or Google) Way2Go:
272-2292, 211 Tompkins, or Cynthia Kloppel, Mobility Program Specialist, 274-
From Art Howser
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company’s Chief
We cannot thank the residents
of Enfield enough for all the support they
give each year. We appreciate the thank
you letters we receive and are grateful
for those letters of encouragement. The
members enjoy seeing the hand-drawn
pictures from children posted on our
bulletin board, most recently from Cub
Scout Pack #22 who came and visited
our station and from Enfield Elementary
School students who received a visit from Rescue Ray . The
additional financial support we receive from the community
is instrumental in providing all Enfield residents with a
highly trained and equipped fire department.
In April, we had another sold out BBQ.
Our BBQ pit is at full capacity. This year the
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company is using some
of the proceeds from the BBQ to be a major
sponsor of the Enfield Community Council’s
Boys and Girls Basket Ball 2011–2012 Program.
We have started hosting a bi-monthly
blood drive through The American Red
Cross at the Enfield Volunteer Fire
Company. We completed successful blood drives in
January and March. The next scheduled blood drives will
be Tuesday, May 17 th , Tuesday, July 19 th , Tuesday,
September 20 th , and Tuesday, November 15 th. The hours of
the blood drive will be from 1:30 AM to 6:30 PM. You can
make an appointment by calling Roy at 277-3843 or the
American Red Cross at 273-1900. Walk-ins are always
welcome. Thank you for your support.
The Quilting Group
A lucky 13 people have come at one time or another to help with this year’s quilt for the
Harvest Festival. This has been a truly amazing experience for me. The coming together of
people that I barely know, know well, and who don’t know each other has been an awesome
experience which is still unfolding.
Early in the process, I commented that two people that I barely knew both lived on
Applegate Road. They looked at each other across the quilt and both said “Oh, you’re the
person who lives next door to me!” They had lived next to each other for 9 years and had only
waved on occasion from their cars. I am completely convinced of the wonders of a quilting
group! Besides working on an exquisite piece of handiwork, everyone is having a lot of fun talking to each other (maybe
a lost art these days?), getting to know each other and sharing experiences and life information.
We have an exchange student from Ithaca High School in our midst (we’re making her teach us the French
terms for needle, thread, scissors, fabric, sewing), which inspired another teenager to join us. They are the needle
threaders and needle finders on their hands and knees on the floor. Most of our knees and many of our eyes are way
past their prime. These young body parts are a boon to our process. And don’t forget our ever-present mascot: Jackson
the black cat. He greets everyone enthusiastically in front of his milk dish, hoping that someone will go to the refrigerator
and give him a treat. He has discovered the quilt and even though I had my 94 year old friend Kermit build us a platform
to put underneath, he finds a space were he can curl up on just the quilt. The ratty tablecloth has to be on top of the quilt
at all times, to prevent his dirty paws from leaving their mark.
If the weather ever breaks, we are going to get some more experienced quilters out to join us and benefit from
their years of experience. We are under the capable leadership of Linda VanNederynen, a wonderful teacher, who is
keeping us on track and doing the quilting design for us. We hope to have the quilt ready for public viewing and ticket
selling by the first of June. There is still time to join the group - no experience necessary but you need to be at least 11
years old. We meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday from 2:00-6:00 p.m. at the
home of Ann Rider, 77 Halseyville Road. Call 277-3478 or e-mail asr10@cornell.edu for more information.
Enfield Ladies Auxiliary
The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary is always looking for
volunteers to join us. If you would like to support the brave
men and women who place their lives on the line to
protect your family and property, come and join us. We
meet the first Monday after the first Thursday of the
month; meetings start at 7:00 pm.
We have a very strong group of ladies who serve the
County, Central New York and State levels as officers.
Judy Hetherington will be going in as President of the
Central New York Ladies Auxiliary in July. In August, Pam
Whittaker will start her second year as President of the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Firemen’s Association of the State
of New York.
Part of the job of an auxiliary is to support our local
fire departments, but we also play a roll in supporting
legislation to protect both the firemen and departments in
all areas across the state. We also provide coffee and hot
chocolate on those cold late nights when the firemen are
called out to structure fires. These usually always seem to
happen in the middle of the night or when it is snowing or
We would like to thank everyone for their support of
the Bake Sales we have been having at the Firemen’s
Chicken Barbecues. We will be having another Bake Sale
at the April 10th barbecue. Come and enjoy a great meal
and take home some dessert for the rest of the week!
If you would like to join us, come down to the
Firehouse when we are having our regular meetings and
we would be happy to answer any of your questions.
Stay safe,
The Ladies of the Enfield Fire Company Auxiliary
Enfield School Age Program
The Enfield School Age Program currently has openings.
For more information contact Colleen at 274-2368, 2:00-5:30 p.m.,
The children have been busy with presenters, sports and outdoor
education programs - besides the daily activities offered. The presentation
topics we have been learning about are the Thai culture and language
from the Asian program at Cornell, and EYES from Cornell focusing on
science. We have had visitors from the SPCA making us all aware of
proper care of our animals and the Cayuga Nature Center shared a turtle,
snake, porcupine and lizard.
Each day the children have the option of playing organized sports
activities, outdoors playing in the snow or free play in the cafeteria (crafts,
reading, building, board games, socializing with friends). Other options
are the Outdoor/Nature Program when recently the children had to identify
signs of Spring. During the group times the children have learned new
poems, focused on the topics of the gift of giving, pets, rain forest
animals, cars, desert animals. As one of our community projects we
wrote holiday cards to troops overseas.
Our annual fundraiser event is the Art Gallery Opening and
Auction. This event will be held on May 6, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. the Enfield
Elementary School gym. It is a formal dress evening with sparkling cider,
finger foods and piano playing. The children make 2 items for the art
gallery along with program staff, school staff and community artist
donations to be displayed and then auctioned with a caller and paddles!!
This is a wonderful fundraiser event that is quite enjoyable for all. If you
would like to donate any art for the gallery please contact Vera at 274-
2368, 2:00-5:30 p.m. weekdays. This event is also open to the public.
We are also very excited about the early signs of spring and being
able to venture outside for long periods of time and feel the sun on our
faces and allow our winter blues to blow away with the light spring winds.
Colleen and Vera
Enfield Youth Basketball
The Enfield Girl’s 4 th and 5 th grade
basketball program got off to a great start
this year. We had a total of ten girls and
quickly grew to thirteen in the first few
weeks. We practiced twice a week learning
the fundamentals of basketball and gaining
new skills to try on the court. Our coaches
Torie Woodcock and Kate Gaffney did a
great job teaching us all about basketball.
The practices that they had were both tiring
and fun at the same time. We learned a lot
and made some great friends along the
way. Although we never won a game we
got better every game. We came close to
winning a couple of times, losing by only a
basket or two. In all it was a great
experience for both the coaches and
players. We want to thank the Enfield
Community Council for the great uniforms
and Vera Howe-Strait for her support
throughout the season.
- Thanks, The Girls
The Enfield 4 th and 5 th grade Boys
basketball team was coached by Fay
Coyne and Alex Stinson. They were cool
and awesome coaches. They taught us
many things about basketball, like lay outs
and different types of plays. Just like the
girl’s team we practiced two times a week
and we all went to the tournament at the
end of the season.
The fourth graders will learn more skills
next year and us fifth graders will take what
skills we learned to continue to play
basketball in middle school. We didn’t win
many games, but we did learn new skills or
got better with our skills. One of the things
our coaches taught us was to never give
up. We thought playing basketball this year
was fun.
- Matthew and John, fifth graders
The ECC is pleased to be “teaming up”
with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
(EVFC) to co-sponsor the youth basketball
program in the future. EVFC will help
cover the costs of team uniforms, supplies,
insurance and Youth Bureau fees.
The EVFC funds will come from the
money raised during their spring chicken
barbecues. This is a wonderful example of
community organizations working together
in support of youth programming.
On behalf of the ECC and all the
participating families we thank the EVFC—
and now, let’s all eat chicken barbecue!!
- Vera Howe-Strait
Enfield Youth Basketball
Youth Programs!!!
By Beth Bannister,
Enfield Youth Program Manager
This Winter:
Earlier this winter youth finished
up projects in the 2010 programs:
Magic and Juggling, Primitive
Pursuits, Wacky Wednesdays, as
well as the new program,
Geocaching and Photography.
Youth took some great photos of the
beautiful Enfield Community, and were able to meet the town historian,
Sue Thompson, to learn more about the history of their community. During
the winter break, some Enfield youth hosted Dryden and Freeville youth
for a scrapbooking day, where they were all able to meet new people, try
new things, and reflect on their year. In 2011 teens have been
participating in programs such as cooking around the world, Wacky
Wednesdays, Lunch Bunch, Outdoor Adventures, and Primitive Pursuits.
Hearty Primitive Pursuits participants had the opportunity to join Dryden
youth at 4-H Acres for a winter overnight during their February break,
which is an annual favorite overnight.
You can find more information and the program brochure on our web
page: www.cce.cornell.edu/tompkins/rys/index.htm. You can also contact
me with questions or comments at 272-2292 ext 229, or email at
Photo by Jon Gordon
Easy Ways to help the
Enfield PTA
· Get a Target card
and link it to Enfield
· Take your
redeemables to K&H
Redemption from
credit to Enfield PTA
· Save Labels for
Education and Box
Tops for Education
and drop them off at
the school
Enfield Summer Day Camp 2011
I don’t know about the rest of you but I am suffering from a massive case of cabin fever. I don’t usually think of
summer and its possibilities until Spring has sprung; this year is different. Just the thought of being outdoors all day in
the sun and all the Enfield Summer Day Camp activities we get to do with your camper children is what my thoughts
have been about lately...
The Enfield Community Council sponsors a summer day camp program for children ages 4-13 years old. It is a
6-week program that begins July 5th and ends August 12th. This summer it will again be held in the North Shelter at
Robert Treman State Park (Lower End).
The campers start their day at 8:45 a.m. with a cold breakfast and have activities until 11:30 a.m., which is
lunchtime (except for field trips, all lunches are hot food items). The daily activities include a combination of most of the
following: sports, arts, science, sewing, cooking, journal writing, singing, hiking, literacy activities, swimming, outdoor
education and photography (the last 2 activities are for campers 9 years old and up). We have access to open fields,
creeks and the playground. There will be field trips to Hangar Theater, Sciencenter, Taughannock Park, Watkins Glen,
and miniature golf.
The fees have changed from previous years due to budget cuts that have seriously affected the Community
Council’s overall budget:
Resident fees (including Enfield Elementary School students) per child are as follows:
· Core camp program (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) $165 for 6 weeks
· Before camp care (7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.) $130 for 1-5 days/week for 6 weeks
· After camp care (2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) $225 for 1-5 days/week for 6 weeks
Non-Resident fees per child are as follows:
· Core camp program (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) $200 for 6 weeks
· Before camp care (7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.) $130 for 1-5 days/week for 6 weeks
· After camp care (2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) $265 for 1-5 days/week for 6 weeks
Note: Before camp care and after camp care are flat rates regardless of the number of days per week using the care. This
guarantees space for your child(ren) daily.
Completed applications and all fees are due by June 15th to guarantee space at camp. The application pages
contain all camp dates, times, fees, discipline procedures, etc. and the application which has to be submitted with the
camp fee. It is necessary to include in the application all immunization information: dates and/or a physician’s copy.
If you are eligible or may be eligible for DSS assistance please start the application process now with the
Department of Social Services. Your child(ren) cannot start camp until you have submitted the application with the fee
paid by you or the DSS award letter. When applying for assistance be sure to include before and after camp care if you
need it, otherwise DSS will only pay for the camp fee and you will be responsible for all additional fees.
The Enfield Community Council strives to provide activities that are free or low cost. It is our goal that no one is
turned away because of the inability to pay. Please contact Vera Howe-Strait if there are any issues regarding income
and/or ability to pay.
There is a CIT (Counselor-In-Training) program available for 14 and 15 year olds. Please contact Vera for
further information.
Additional Camp applications are available at the Enfield Elementary School Main Office, Enfield After School
Program, Enfield Town Clerk’s Office, Valley Corner Store and the Town of Enfield website: townofenfield.org. Please
contact Vera Howe-Strait with questions, concerns and/or application at 274-2368 (2:00-5:30 p.m.) or email
vstrait18@htva.net . Have a great Spring and see you in the Summer!
- Vera Howe-Strait
ECC Summer Day Camp Director
Enfield PTA News
The Enfield Elementary PTA actively promotes literacy and culture in the school community,
and reaches out into the community to help those in need. Here are some of our activities:
· Every student gets to pick a NEW book to keep for there birthday (July birthdays are done in June
and August birthdays are done in September).
· Were provide each student with a Yearbook, regardless of their ability to cover its cost.
· We run two Book Fairs a year to promote literacy.
· We make donations to the Library.
· We make donations to the holiday food baskets to Enfield families in need.
· We provide classroom literacy grants so our teachers can stretch their classroom budgets.
· We bring in cultural events, like this year’s orchestra.
If you would like to learn more or make a donation of time or money, please contact PTA
President Cortney Bailey at cbailey525@yahoo.com or call 279-4702.
Enfield Baptist Church
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
Rev. David Leonard, Associate Pastor
Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor/Assoc. Pastor
The Enfield Baptist Church
welcomes you! We are a full Gospel
community fellowship, incorporating
contemporary worship music with
traditional hymns. We believe and
practice the gifts of the Spirit (I
Corinthians 12). We also offer a Bible-
based Christian School for grades Pre
-K through 12 th .
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Prayer 9:00 am
Worship Service 10:00 am
Youth Group, ages 13 & up 6:00 pm
Worship Warriors, ages 4-12 6:00 pm
Mothers Group, 2nd & 4th Wed 2:30 pm
Prayer 6:00 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm
Friday 2nd & 4th Fri
Friday Night Live - Bible Study 7:00 pm
Saturday last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 7:00 am
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road, Ithaca NY 14850
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
We invite you to join us Sunday
mornings for our 70 minute service,
beginning at 8:30 a.m., with a bit more of
a traditional flavor. Or, join us at 10:00
a.m. for our contemporary worship
celebration. Nursery and children's
church are provided in this service only.
Youth group also meets twice a month
during this 2nd service.
Our church community includes
local residents from Enfield as well as
many people from all over Tompkins
County, including Cornell and Ithaca
College students. We have an active
outreach program which involves many
from our church, including students,
providing spiritual outreach to: Lakeside
Nursing Home, Titus Towers, Beachtree,
Oak Hill Manor, Lou Gossett Center, and
Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services.
Midweek Bible Studies, Men's Bible
Studies twice per month and Echo's
Women's Breakfast meets monthly.
View our Cable TV broadcast "God is
Greater" on Time Warner Cable Channel
13, Mondays 10 pm, Tuesdays 2 pm, &
Thursdays 4 pm.
If you identify a need in your life for
God, or have a spiritual hunger for Him,
or you are seeking Him, join us!
Enhance Fitness
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Enfield Community Center
This evidence-based exercise
program helps participants at all
levels of fitness become more active,
energized, and empowered to
sustain independent lives. Classes
focus on stretching, flexibility,
balance, low impact aerobics,
strength training exercises, and deep
breathing exercises. Join us for
classes at the Enfield Community
Center. All are welcome! Suggested
donation of $0-$3. for more
information contact Lifelong at 273-
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Worship Sunday 10:00 AM
Bible Study Tuesday 6:30 PM
Christmas Eve Service 6:30 PM
All are welcome to join us
Questions: Please call 607-273-5682
Area Churches
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
Reverend Enid Zollweg, Associate Pastor
Jean Geuder, Organist & Choir Leader
Sarah Brainard, Christian Education Coordinator
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The church
is located on Route 96 in Jacksonville
Center, Jacksonville, NY.
Worship Opportunities
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-round
(Nursery provided)
Meeting September - June:
Children's Sunday School - During
Worship Service
Vocal Choir meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Bell Choir meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Enfield Food Pantry
The Enfield Food
Pantry is available to
Enfield residents who need
help providing food for
themselves and their family.
The pantry is now open 1:00 - 2:00
p.m. on the second Tuesday of every
month and 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. on the
fourth Tuesday.
The pantry is located at the
Enfield Community Building at 182
Enfield Main Road and is a ministry of
the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The
Town of Enfield provides the space
and utility costs.
Weigh Scale Replacement
Completed at the Recycling & Solid
Waste Center
The Tompkins County Solid
Waste Management Division
(TCSWMD) announces the Recycling
and Solid Waste Center’s new
outbound weigh scale installation has
been completed. Both weigh scales
are now operational.
Thank you for your patience; for
more information, contact: TCSWMD,
273-6632, www.recycletompkins.org
Adult Basketball to Resume
Adult Basketball has resumed in
the Enfield Elementary School gym
Wednesday’s at 6:30 p.m. Adults
and teens 16 and older are invited to
join in for fun and exercise.
An Adult Waiver, Release and
Consent form is required; there is no
charge to participants.
This activity is sponsored by
ECC, Contact Fay Coyne with
questions at 273-0162.
We’ve been busy with our monthly Pancake Breakfasts, and, like all of you, are
very much looking forward to Spring! Our remaining breakfast schedule is as follows
(note, we have added an extra): May 7 th and June 4th. Just a reminder we serve
pancakes, waffles, French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, homefries, coffee, and
The month of April is Grange Month . Come join our meeting on Wednesday,
April 20 th at 7:00 p.m., at the Enfield Valley Grange, to see if you would be interested
in becoming a member. Hope to see you there!
We have a lot of projects we would like to complete, but , have not yet made our
selection. Needless to say, whichever one is selected we will make it fun!
For the Farm Community:
Funding Available Federal Farm & Ranch Lands Protection Program
Application Deadline April 25, 2011
The Farm and Ranchland Protection Program (FRPP) is a voluntary
easement program administered by USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service. The purpose of the program is to protect
agricultural lands by limiting non-agricultural uses.
NRCS does not accept FRPP applications from individual
landowners. Only eligible entities may submit applications; interested
landowners must work through an eligible entity to participate in FRPP. An
eligible entity includes any state or local unit of government, and non-profit
organizations that can demonstrate: commitment to long-term
conservation of agricultural lands, a capability to acquire, manage, and
enforce easements, sufficient staff dedicated to monitoring and easement
stewardship, and the availability of matching funds.
FRPP can provide up to fifty percent of the appraised fair market
value of the conservation easement. The eligible entity is responsible for
the matching funds, securing an appraisal, survey, title search, preparing
the conservation easement deed, and paying closing costs. The entity will
coordinate the purchase of development rights through a conservation
easement on the private lands offered for enrollment. The entity holds and
manages these conservation easements in perpetuity.
Applications will be evaluated for eligibility and ranked by quality to
receive funding. To be considered for 2011 funding, applications must be
received by 4:30 P.M. on Monday, April 25, 2011. Due to the inclusion of
personal and private information, no electronic submittals will be
accepted. Applications should be marked " PRIVATE " and addressed to:
Mike Fournier, FRPP Manager,
441 S. Salina St., Suite 354, Room 520
Syracuse, NY 13202-2450
All necessary application guidelines and forms can be found at: http://
www.ny.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/frpp/index.html , or by contacting Mike
Fournier at 315-477-6543. USDA-NRCS is an equal opportunity employer
and provider.
Eat Better Today, Stay Healthy for Tomorrow
Are you age 60 or older?
· Every day seniors just like you use Food
Stamps to help buy nutritious food to help stay
· Up to a million older New Yorkers may be
eligible for food stamp benefits, but most have
not yet applied.
· Help strengthen our community! Every $5
spent in benefits nearly doubles to $10 in local
economic activity.
· As an added help to seniors, most medical
expenses may be counted toward raising your
monthly benefits.
Income Guidelines may be higher than
you think! For a free prescreening to find out if
you may be eligible please contact:
Nutrition Outreach & Education Program
Melissa Young, NOEP Coordinator
607 272-5062 ext. 21
Catholic Charities Tompkins/Tioga
324 W. Buffalo St., Ithaca, NY 14850
No appointment necessary, this
institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Prepared by a project of the Nutrition Consortium
Enfield Community Council (ECC) Survey
At the November 22, 2010 meeting of the ECC, the membership engaged in a brainstorming session to discuss
future direction of the organization. ECC wants to open the opportunity for feedback to the entire community. ECC is an
incorporated non-profit with an unpaid, working board of directors (no paid administrative staff). Please respond to the
following questions to help us plan for future program directions:
1. What kind of activities would you or your family benefit from seeing within the community?
2. What would be the best time and location for this activity?
3. Have you or a family member ever participated in any activity locally that you identify as a program of ECC?
If so, what and when?
4. Is transportation an issue for your family?
Do you know what city van is?
5. Thoughts you would like to share?
Please return comments to Marnie Kirchgessner by mail 191 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850; phone 272-2241 or
email magic@htva.net Don’t forget to include contact information if you would like a response.
Gas Drilling in Enfield’s Marcellus
Come learn more about this important issue!
Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
Enfield Grange, Enfield Main Road
Free and open to the public
Calendar of Events
9 Gas Drilling in Enfield’s Marcellus, at the Grange (pg 7)
10 Chicken BBQ, Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (pg 3)
2 PTA Meeting (pg 5)
7 Grange Pancake Breakfast (pg 6)
17 Red Cross Blood Drive at the Fire Station (pg 3)
21 Community Yard Sale (pg 1)
4 Grange Pancake Breakfast (pg 6)
6 PTA Meeting (pg 5)
15 Summer Camp Applications Due (pg 5)
7 PTA Meeting (pg 5)
5 Grange Pancake Breakfast (pg 4)
17 Red Cross Blood Drive at the Fire Station (pg 3)
Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities
Adult Basketball: Wednesdays at 6:30 at the elementary school
Community Council: 4th Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm at the Community
Enhance Fitness: Mondays, Wednesday, Friday, 10:15-11:15 am at
the Enfield Community Center, suggested donation is $3/person
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Food Pantry: 2nd Tuesday,1-2 pm & 4th Tuesday, 3-5 pm, at the
Community Building
GED Classes: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-8 pm during the school
year, at the Enfield Elementary school
Historical Society: Bimonthly, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at
the Community Building
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the Grange;
meetings include a dish-to-pass luncheon
Zumba Fitness: Mondays, 6:30-7:30 at the elementary school, $4
per person
Enfield Community Council
PO Box 214
Jacksonville NY 14854 Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.
GED Classes
at Enfield Elementary School
Tuesdays & Thursdays 5-8 pm
in Art Room
Ongoing enrollment:
Come & start any time
Questions? Call Mary Cole, 274-2221