HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Enfield-Town-Government-Newsletter-Fall-2010.pdf1 Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road http://townofenfield.org September-December 2010 Newsletter Enfield Town Boards Meetings are held in the Community Building, 1st floor Town Board: 2nd Wednesday, 6:45pm Town Supervisor Roy Barriere 277-3843 Deputy Supervisor Jean Owens 273-5682 Town Council Members Stephanie Gaynor 272-8384 Chris Hern 276-5033 Jean Owens 273-5682 Debbie Teeter 277-4547 Planning Board:1st Wednesday, 7pm Virginia Bryant, co-chair 387-9376 Jim McConkey, co-chair 387-9830 Mike Carpenter 277-4204 Ann Chaffee 272-6460 Steve Givin 273-7434 Calvin Rothermich 272-5930 Keith Smith 272-5304 Town Offices Town Clerk 273-8256 Alice Linton, Town Clerk Sue Thompson, Deputy Town Clerk Town Office/Clerk Hours: Monday-Thursday, 3 pm - 6 pm Highway Department 272-6490 Barry Rollins, Highway Superintendent Town Highway Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 6 am - 2:30 pm Town Court 273-0363 Justice Poole: Monday, 5:00 pm Justice Varricchio: Thursday, 5:00 pm Code Enforcement Office Community Building, 2nd floor Code Enforcement 277-0266 Alan Teeter, Code Enforcement Officer Carl Staley, Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Office Hours: Monday, Thursday & Saturday 8:30-11 am Wednesday 8:30 am-12 pm & 5-8 pm Town Historian Sue Thompson 272-6412 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Art Howser, Chief 272-8757 Roger Lauper, Deputy Chief Ben Giles, 2nd Assistant Chief Kirk VanDee, Captain County Legislators Report from the Supervisor As mentioned in the previous newsletter, the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process for the proposed new highway facility has been reviewed and approved by the Board. The Bond Resolution for the project was approved by the Board in July. This is subject to a permissive referendum. If the resolution is petitioned to go to referendum, there will either be a special vote or it will be placed on the ballot at the general election on November 2nd. Also as mentioned in the previous newsletter, the Town Board had determined completeness of the Wind Farm application in April, commencing the SEQRA process. In addition, the Town has declared its intent to act as Lead Agency. A Draft Scoping Document has been prepared by Labella Associates and Harris Beach. Once the 30-day comment period has ended (8/15/10), all comments from interested and involved agencies, including the public, will be compiled to produce the final Scoping Document for the Wind Farm project. The Town is very fortunate to have received additional funding from the County. During the past few months, we have been awarded 3 grants to assist with some of our programs: • The Enfield Beautification Committee was awarded a total of $1,800 for local beautification projects. This grant was from the Tompkins County Community Beautification Program. • The Enfield Community Council has been awarded a total of $1,700 to help fund the 2010 Harvest Festival. This grant was awarded by the Tompkins County Tourism Planning Board. • The Enfield Celebrations Committee was awarded a total of $500 for miscellaneous events, such as the Enfield School anniversary. This, of course, would not have been possible without the extra time and effort devoted by our committee grant writers, and Tompkins County. Thanks! On a related note – Committees – we are still in need of representatives to serve on the Tompkins County Youth Board, Recreation Partnership, and the County Environmental Management Council. If anyone is able and interested in serving in one of the three remaining vacancies, please let me know. Starting in 2011, the responsibility of dog licensing will be transferred from the State to each municipality. Due to this mandate and in an effort to improve our dog census records, the Town Board approved the hiring of a Dog Enumerator, Regina Leonard. To avoid any penalties, please license your dog(s). As we all know, volunteers are the heart of this Community. We are so fortunate to have so many individuals who take time out of their busy schedule to help their neighbors and community. As a small token of our appreciation, the “Volunteer Recognition Program” was instituted at the August Town Board meeting. At least once per quarter, a volunteer will be recognized as the “Volunteer of the Quarter”. The selected individual(s) will be nominated by the Dave McKenna Enfield/Newfield 564-7243, dmckenna@tompkins-co.org Jim Dennis Enfield/Ulysses 387-4058, jpd821@yahoo.com Continued, page 2 2 News from Code Enforcement It's been a busy summer for building in Enfield. There have been eight new homes started this year with at least three more in the works. Looks like we may be well over our average, which has been 8-10 new homes per year over the last few years. The recent news in building is it looks like New York State has completed new building codes for 2011. New York has a policy of updating building codes every 3 to 4 years to help keep up with new technology and energy conservation. The State updated codes in 2003, 2007 and now 2011. The new codes should take effect in January 2011, so any permit issued before then will still be only subject to the 2007 version. Also, a reminder if you are considering a project please give our office a call with questions regarding the building permit process. We are always glad to answer questions about the necessary requirements and to assist in any way we can. We can be reached Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings or Wednesday evenings at 277- 0266. Alan Teeter Code Enforcement Highway Department Newsletter Report - Summer 2010 Summer has been a busy time again for sure; lots of ditch digging and brush cutting have been keeping the guys and me busy. Some dirt roads have been sprayed with Magnesium. This is not only to keep the dust down, but in some cases it is also to help stabilize the roads. Magnesium provides a solid foundation to build from as we continue to re- build and maintain our roads here in Enfield. Money is also saved by using Magnesium, which can be used (eventually) to provide a stone and oiled road which is a more permanent solution. Just as an informational point; road construction is a process - don't give up on us! When we start it, we will finish it! As some people may have already heard me say, “You have Destruction prior to Construction and finally Completion.”. Wait for the end result and I really think you will like what you see (and feel) as you go down our roads. But you can always still call me with questions at any time. And along those lines, work has begun (and in some cases almost finished up) on Rothermich Road and Harvey Hill Road. The guys have worked hard on these roads, and we think these have been needed improvements, and hope you feel the same. The bridge project on Enfield Center Road is due to start soon, so be on the lookout for this. The Town has purchased a new backhoe which has already proven to be effective and Increased work production. Using the backhoe, instead of the excavator, in the replacement of many culvert pipes allowed us to continue ditch digging jobs with the excavator - just one example of increased efficiency. As we start into fall, wood chips and fill are still available for any resident that may want some. Just give me a call at the office and if we are working in your area we will drop some off. And as winter also approaches, mailbox specifications are available from me at the Highway Department or at the Town Hall. In closing, enjoy the last days of summer and the beginning of fall, we will be seeing you working on the roads and in the early morning hours as winter begins. As always, let me know of any concerns you have - and don't forget to wave to the everyday heroes that work on your roads day in and day out. They help ensure that you and your loved ones get where you're going. I feel they are a great group of guys with many diverse talents. Buddy (Barry) Rollins, Sr. Enfield Highway Superintendent, 607-272-6490 “Roads are Enfield’s path to the Future” Town Historian’s Report, Fall 2010 Sue Thompson, sdt1@cornell.edu/272-6412 Our Municipal Historians Group of Tompkins County (MHTC) have been learning more on “house histories”. I hope to have at the September 25th Enfield Harvest Festival some of the new “house history cards” we have been working on. Our first Enfield Elementary School Reunion on June 4th was a great success. People came with many memories to share. We are hoping to hold another reunion next year (smaller version). Last but not least, in regard to the Civil War Commemoratives events in 2011 we are looking for diaries and letters from the Civil War period (1861-65) from those who went off to fight or those who remained at home. If you have any of this information and would like to share please let me know. A little history: I was contacted by a relative to Peter Van Dorn, of the Van Dorn Tavern, corner of Mecklenburg and Van Dorn Roads. He is looking for relatives of this family to contact; if you want to contact him give me a call or send an e-mail. He has a really nice picture of Van Dorn’s corners on the web: http://waitefamilyofbrooklyn.blogspot.com/ 2010/07/van-dorn-tavern.html Report from the Supervisor (continued from page 1) public and selected by the Town Board. If the nominations become overwhelming, the recognition program may increase to once a month. Please take time and nominate someone you know who continually volunteers their time for the benefit of the Town and its citizens. Nominations can be sent to either the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor, and must be submitted at least one week prior to the Town Board meeting. Last, but not least, don’t forget to visit our new and improved website - http://townofenfield.org/content. Please take time to visit the website for meeting minutes, committee reports, agendas, etc… Our Town Board meetings are normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, starting at 6:45 pm. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about any of the issues presented to the Town Board, please contact any of the Town Board members. Respectfully, Roy Barriere, Town Supervisor 3 From the Town Clerk The Town Clerk’s office continues to be a busy place. Many residents have renewed their dog’s license this summer and some residents have also licensed their dog for the first time. Our dog enumerator is finishing up the job of visiting all residences in Enfield. If the enumerator left a green brochure in your door and your dog is already licensed you don’t need to do anything. If you received the brochure and have not yet licensed your dog, please do so right away. We’ll need proof of rabies vaccination and, if applicable, proof of spaying or neutering. The SPCA will begin issuing tickets this fall, so please don’t delay. In August, Deputy Town Clerk Pat Dougherty retired. We wish her all the best and thank her for her years of service to the Town as Deputy Clerk and also as Town Councilperson. Sue Thompson has stepped in as the Town’s new Deputy Clerk. Please welcome her the next time you stop at our office. Just a reminder that hunting and fishing licenses can be purchased at the Town Hall during our regular hours of 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. By purchasing your license in Enfield, a portion of the fees remain in Enfield. If you purchase your license in another town or city, Enfield will not receive any of the fees. And finally, be sure to check the town’s website www.townofenfield.org frequently for new postings. Dates and times of special meetings will be listed, along with copies of Board meeting minutes. Alice Linton Enfield Town Clerk Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Inc. In March of this year the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC) took delivery of a 2010 Pierce Arrow XT Pumper. The apparatus was purchased thru Tyler Fire Equipment in Elmira, NY and was constructed at Pierce’s main plant in Appleton, Wisconsin. Funding for the purchase was secured with low interest, tax exempt rates from M&T Bank. The new Pumper replaced a solid (but aging) 1990 Pumper. The purchase is part of the EVFC twenty year replacement plan. The 1990 Pumper was recently sold to a fire apparatus broker in Missouri after several attempts to sell it locally failed. There is not a huge market for twenty year old apparatus in the United States and most of these units are sold outside of the States. Only these apparatus brokers have the expertise in making these transactions. The new Pierce XT Pumper is a very welcome piece of apparatus to our current fleet. The 1990 Pumper was used primarily as a water supply Pumper and back up to our 2001 American LaFrance Pumper if on another call or out for maintenance. Its usage was limited due mostly to its size and lack of compartment space. That meant the American LaFrance was running on most all fire calls as well as motor vehicle accidents. With the addition of the New Pierce XT Pumper those duties can now be equally divided. The EVFC, in conjunction with area businesses, will once again be putting together a 2011 community calendar. These calendars are mailed to residents in the Town of Enfield free of charge as a public service and quick reference to our local businesses. To help us continue this in the future, we encourage residents when calling or speaking with these businesses to mention the calendar as your resource for calling them. Business advertising provides a good share of the calendar costs and this will help us in our efforts to continue to provide the calendar in years to come. We would also like to thank the many residents that support and donate to our annual mail solicitation. This program has been a huge success over the years and has allowed us to purchase many pieces of equipment that we normally would not have funds for. The EVFC will not be holding an Open House this year at the Fire Station. Poor attendance over the last few years was the determining factor in this decision. However, not to worry - the EVFC plans to increase its presence at the Enfield Harvest Festival with fire prevention materials and tips, apparatus displays, and possibly some demonstrations. Dennis G. Hubbell President, Enfield Volunteer Fire Company New “Job Central” Job Search Site Links Job Seekers and Potential Employers Tompkins Workforce New York alerts residents to a new state job bank, launched by the New York State Department of Labor, to make job seekers’ career search easier and help businesses find qualified candidates. At the new “Job Central” web site, at http://www.laborny.jobs, job seekers can access more than 84,000 posted jobs, with the number of posted positions continuing to grow. “This new job search site has received favorable feedback from job seekers and businesses,” says Diane Bradac, manager of the Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center. “It is an efficient and no-cost avenue for businesses to post their vacancies and connect with job seekers. New jobs and information are posted daily. If customers need internet access, they are welcome to use the computer lab at Tompkins Workforce New York or the Tompkins County Public Library.” Bradac notes job seekers can post resumes and scan job openings, while businesses can post job openings and view resumes to find qualified candidates. For job seekers, the new site: - Enables people to search job listings by key word or location; - Alerts them to the latest job postings as often as they choose; - Allows them to post resumes; - Provides the option to let employers view their resume. For employers that register, the new site: - Enables businesses to search thousands of resumes from a qualified talent pool; - Automatically adds jobs listed on business web sites to the job bank; - Expands company exposure by posting their jobs across the country via Labor Department partnerships. For more information on the new job bank service, contact the Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center at 607-272-7570, or stop in at the Center in Center Ithaca, 171 East State Street/ Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Ithaca. 4 Dates to Remember September 1 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 1 Volunteer of the Quarter nominations due 8 Town Board Meeting Community Building, 6:45 pm October 6 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 13 Town Board Meeting Community Building, 6:45 pm November 3 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 10 Town Board Meeting Community Building, 6:45 pm December 1 Planning Board Meeting Community Building, 7 pm 1 Volunteer of the Quarter nominations due 8 Town Board Meeting Community Building, 6:45 pm Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca NY 14850 ATTENTION: PROPERTY TAXES 2011 Residents of Enfield will notice changes on their 2011 property tax bill that they receive just after January 1, 2011 The sales tax distribution to Enfield residents (Enfield’s share of sales tax revenues collected in Tompkins County) will be credited to the Tompkins County portion of our property tax bill instead of the Town of Enfield property tax portion. It will appear that Town of Enfield property taxes have increased dramatically and Tompkins County property taxes have decreased dramatically. In actuality, it is a wash. The Enfield Town Board voted unanimously for the sales tax credit to be applied to our Tompkins County property taxes instead of the Town of Enfield’s property taxes. The resolution reads in part as follows: Whereas, sales tax revenues in the present economic climate are not increasing and potentially may suffer continued decreases, and Whereas, sales tax revenues because of the present economic climate are unstable and unpredictable, and Whereas, this places basic services provided by the Town of Enfield to it's residents in an insecure position, and Whereas, the Town of Enfield is presently unable to realize property taxes on State of New York property located within the Town because of taking the sales tax credit, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Town of Enfield opts to no longer take the sales tax directly and authorizes it to be applied as a credit to the Tompkins County tax distribution. This action will not cause any increase in your total property tax bill. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Town Supervisor or a Town Councilperson.