HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Spring Community Newsletter Spring 2009 (2013_12_13 15_50_21 UTC) (2).pdf1 Community Contacts Enfield Community Council (ECC) Carolyn Tschanz, President 277-3980 Ann Rider, Vice President 277-3478 Valeri Longcoy, Secretary 273-1862 Carol Givin, Treasurer 273-7434 Debbie Teeter, Newsletter Editor 277-4547 Enfield Community Currents News from and for the Community Spring 2009 Free “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” ~Doug Larson What’s Inside… Notes from ECC 1 Summer Employment 1 Kyle’s Mother’s Day Poem 1 Enfield School Age Program 2 Basketball News 2 GED Opportunity 2 ECC Youth Programs 3 From the Elementary Principal 3 Adult Basketball 4 Summer Camp News 4 Pre-K Enrollment 4 Book Fair 5 Beautification 5 Blessing Shop 5 Enfield Baptist Church 5 Enfield Food Pantry 6 Ladies Auxiliary 6 School Budget Comment 6 McMillan Art Center 6 From & for the Farm Community 7 Town Historian 7 Enfield Valley Grange 7 Calendar of Events 8 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 8 —————————————— Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in June for publication at the end of that month. Contact the editor with information you’d like to see included. Advertisers help defray the cost of publication and are greatly appreciated: Business Card $ 25 1/4 page $ 50 1/2 page $100 Graphic design assistance available, contact the editor for more information. Please support our advertisers! Welcome, spring! We are lurching towards spring—not the calendar spring but the feeling of spring. After a brutally cold winter, I, for one, am ready! Daylight savings time started early and it’s nice to have it light until 7 pm. The red winged blackbirds came back March 10 th , a week earlier than I remember from past years. The geese have been trucking back in large V’s, disregarding the single digit temperature readings and snow flurries. It was nice enough recently to walk the garden and I was delighted to see the bright yellow winter aconites, snowy white snowdrops and my precious hardy cyclamens from England with their little bright fuchsia blossoms. It’s going to spring! Spring comes, and basketball season is over. Read all about our home teams inside. There are many free musical concerts at Ithaca College this spring. In Enfield, the 4 th and 5 th grade Kid’s Cabaret on March 26 was great! Miss N does such a wonderful job; this year she had a cowboy theme and we had lots of ‘ol cow hands’ singing and dancing in the gym, which was transformed into a very comfortable cabaret. Also, a big thanks to Miss N’s friends who came with fiddles and guitars to back up the children. Great show as always, Miss N! Hats off to the Triad Foundation for their generous donation to the Enfield Community Council to offset extra summer camp expenses this year. Due to the school undergoing extensive renovations, we are not able to hold summer camp there. Treman State Park is renting us their new pavilion for our camp. This will have the extra advantage of swimming “on premise”, so to speak. Again, many thanks to Triad for this donation to our community so we, in turn, can keep the cost of summer camp at a very reasonable fee for our Enfield families. ~ Ann Rider, ECC Vice-President It’s Her, I Can Tell It was her. I know it. The sparkle in her eyes. Her blue eyes and her personality, So kind, so thoughtful. I know her, I can tell. It’s her, My beautiful blue eyes. It’s my Mom. ~Kyle Ellis, 4 th Grade Youth Contributors in this issue: • Kyle Ellis with his wonderful poem in celebration of Mother’s Day • Courtney Christensen, Forrest Stinson & Luke McCarney with their takes on this year’s basketball program Thanks to PODS The Enfield Community Council would like to thank the PODS Company for generously donating a PODS Storage Unit for the duration of our 2009 summer camp program. The PODS Unit will be placed at Lower Treman State Park from June 29th to July 15th. Call PODS for all your moving and storage needs at 1-888- 776-PODS (7637). 2 McMillan Art Center 7 Enfield Center Road West Enfield, NY 14850 www.mcmillanartcenter.com We are open to the public. We are located in the beautiful old Methodist Church Building. Welcome! Paul McMillan: 607-330-1892, 607-277-3147, mcmillan@paulmcmillan.com Gallery Exhibits • Fine Art from the region and beyond Studio • Home for Paul McMillan Paintings • Art Lessons Concerts Rental Space • Studio Space, Community Gatherings, Weddings Are you interested in getting your GED in Enfield? We are gathering information from people who are interested in a GED program that could be offered at the Enfield School. Call 274-6838 (Mary Cole, Enfield family liaison) and leave your name, number, address and or email address along with your preference in afternoon or evening classes and day of the week. You may also enter this information online soon at www.icsd.k12.ny.us/enfield 4th & 5 th Grade Basketball News The Enfield Community Council sponsored 4 th and 5 th grade basketball this past winter. Enfield played Northeast, South Hill, Caroline, Cayuga Heights and Belle Sherman. We had 15 girls and 18 boys participating. Many of the games were played in our gym, which gave the 5 th grade the perfect opportunity to sell refreshments and earn some money towards their trip to New York City later in the spring. Many thanks to the faithful coaches, Steve Waight and Ron and Kathy Hicks. A special thanks to Beth Banister and Laurie McCarney whose help was invaluable in making this program happen this winter. Coach Waight reported that Scott Holley also helped on the coaching side, running drills in practice, and was very helpful in keeping the kids' spirits up when they were getting down on themselves. He was always there for them when they needed a good pep talk. Coach Waight says that it was an extremely enjoyable experience for him. He always tells people, "I think I have more fun than the kids do some days! It's always fun to watch them grow and to develop a sense of teamwork. The experience they gained from working together as a team will one day prove to be a very valuable tool in the game of life. Again, the kids were great and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am very proud of what these students have accomplished in just a few short months.” Many thanks to the parents and families for providing transportation and support to this activity. Following are some reflections by participants: Season’s Over!, by Luke McCarney, 5 th grade The loss against Belle Sherman was sad for some Enfield players, but the WIN against Northeast has made us bright! Even though our total score is 3 wins and 5 losses, Enfield players are as happy as ever, especially winning the close game against Northeast, 22-20. On Saturday, the Enfield boys will be rocking with picks and everything else at the party with the parents vs. kid’s game. A Personal Reflection, by Forrest Stinson, 4 th grade I played basketball because it’s fun! I played on the court a lot. I liked being on a team with other students. My number was 1 on my uniform. Our uniforms were blue and yellow. We didn’t win any of our games. I liked it so much that I’m going to play next year, too. Girl’s Team, by Courtney Christensen, 4 th grade When you are playing basketball, always make sure that when you are on defense to put up your hands so your player doesn’t take the ball to make a hoop. When you are offense, you should always put your hand in front of the ball so your player doesn’t take it out of your hands. It will be a better time to make a hoop for your team. When your player is on offense, make sure you take the ball away from her. Then you can make a hoop to win the game. It’s so important to keep an eye on your player’s team and your team so you know when to go to one of the sides. When playing basketball, it’s important to stay open so you can pass the ball to your teammates. Winning shows that you have worked hard to win. Enfield School Age Program Greetings to everyone from the Enfield School Age Program (ESAP)! We are all working very hard this spring to get ready for our annual Art Gallery Night and Auction, our big fundraiser for after school. This year it will be on May 8th starting at 6:00 p.m. It is a formal event and, once again, we will have music, refreshments and a live caller to auction off all our fabulous art. We have some very wonderful projects made by our students, and some very beautiful and generous donations from our Enfield community members. If you would like to donate something to bid on or know someone who you think would like to donate please call Vera or Colleen at 274-2368. Enfield School Age Program is a non-for-profit corporation and we really depend on this fundraiser to help provide a quality program for our Enfield community children (plus if you haven't attended an Art Gallery Night yet its a ton of FUN!!). Hope to see you there! Colleen Spercel, ESAP Director 3 Notes from the Enfield Principal I can't wait for my first spring in Enfield; muddy shoes, the smell of fresh air through open windows, wildlife coming out of hibernation, cold and flu season a memory… We are well into the second half of the school year and everyone at Enfield Elementary has worked very hard during the first part of the year to teach our wonderful students and make the school community a welcoming and safe environment for all. One of the significant steps that we have taken as a school was to develop an academic improvement plan that focuses on data with action steps selected to improve performance in specific areas. Most of the school's staff and members of the Enfield Site-Based Shared Decision Making team took part in this process led by a consultant on the February superintendent's conference day. Choosing academic and attendance/tardy targets for 2010 within the framework of the ICSD equity plan were the first activities that this group decided upon. The activities that were the most important areas to work on were then selected. The activities, in priority order, that the school community decided to work on are to: • Create a consistent and supported set of behavioral expectations, rewards and consequences throughout the building • Improve grade-level and cross-curricular communications among teachers, paraprofessionals, and other support personnel to ensure continuity in curriculum, instruction and transitioning • Implement clear math benchmarks, an effective system for math assessment, and differentiated curriculum • Implement creative scheduling that maximizes students' opportunities to receive the services that they require and that address specials, academic intervention services (AIS), speech, occupational therapy (OT), special education, adaptive physical education (APE), physical therapy (PT), and counseling These lofty goals are felt to be the most crucial, initial actions that must be taken in order to achieve both district and school targets. Committee work in each of these areas will break down the tasks, assign timelines, and provide structure so that this important work can be completed. The full plan, including the academic targets and strategic planning process can be found on the Enfield Web site ( http://www.icsd.k12.ny.us/enfield ) in the School Development Plan link on the left. It is an exciting time to be a member of the Enfield community. Please let us know if you are interested in being a part of this important work! Happy Spring! Michael Simons Principal, Enfield Elementary School 20 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 p: 607.274.2221, f: 607.274.6810, msimons@icsd.k12.ny.us "All Students Achieving Their Dreams!" DAVE’S A-1 HAULING 800 Enfield Falls Rd. Newfield, NY 14867 607-272-5683 FULLY INSURED Enfield Community Council Youth Programs Enfield youth have been participating in many ongoing programs as well as some new exciting opportunities. Monday Makers continues to meet each Monday after school in the Community Center and the cold winter months found them making jewelry and photo collages. Primitive Pursuits participants have continued learning survival skills and tied some nature crafts during the cold winter months. The snow has been great for tracking this winter! A cooking program at Boynton was a hit as Enfield young people prepared …and ate!...different foods from around the world. Enfield Boynton youth also had a chance to meet during lunch period for Lunch Bunch, where they connected with youth from other towns to play games and try interesting new foods. Participants in the Expended Day program had fun trying their hands at creating nature art. A winter highlight was an Enfield youth photo show held at the Smart Monkey Café in Ithaca during the month of February. Photos taken by Enfield youth during our photo programs were on display for the pubic. The opening reception was wonderful with families and members of the public receiving personal tours of the display from the photographers themselves! Their collective photos made an impressive display and received many appreciative comments. For more information on joining these and upcoming new programs, contact Beth Bannister, Enfield Youth Program Manager at 272-2292 Ext.229 or by e-mail at bab47@cornell.edu . Most programs are free! LARRY’S POWER EQUIPMENT 1567 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-256-7476 607-227-3456 Repairing Lawn Mowers, Lawn Tractors, Chain Saws, String Trimmers & More! Pick-Up & Delivery Available! 4 French Lavender French Lavender French Lavender French Lavender fine flowers & gifts fine flowers & gifts fine flowers & gifts fine flowers & gifts 903 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 903 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 903 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 903 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607 607 607 607-- --277 277 277 277-- --3171 3171 3171 3171 Do you have a Preschooler? Are you looking for a Pre-K Program? It is time to get your child’s application in for the Ithaca City School District PreKindergarten Program. Developed to meet the learning needs of preschoolers, the Pre-K Program supports children’s social-emotional, cognitive, physical and language/literacy development and learning. Children attend Pre-K at Enfield School Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. and get the experiences they need to be ready for kindergarten. If your child will be 3 or 4 on or before December 1, 2009, he or she is eligible for Pre-K. Priority is given to children who will be 4 by December 1, 2009 and children who are eligible for free and reduced lunch. To get an application or more information, either: • Inquire at the Enfield School office • G to the Ithaca City School District website, www.icsd.k12.ny.us , and click on District Offices/Early Childhood • Call the Early Childhood Office at 274-2208 and ask for Deb Mahool *The first round of acceptances will be made May 29, 2009 * Adult Basketball to Resume The Adult Basketball program has resumed in the Enfield Elementary School gym on Wednesday’s from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Adults and teen 16 and older are invited to join in for fun and exercise. An Adult Waiver, Release and Consent form is required. Contact Coach Fay Coyne with questions at 273-0162. Enfield Summer Day Camp The weather is slowly changing, our energy levels are hopefully being replenished with the possibility of more sunny days and thoughts of summer are in the backs of our minds, right?? The 2009 summer camp program will be held from July 6 – August 14, 2009. Camp will be at the Robert Treman State Park due to construction work being done at the Enfield Elementary School this summer. The Enfield Community Council is renting the North Shelter (pavilion) in the lower level of the park. It is a beautiful location and I am excited about a season in the park with swimming, hiking and a totally new environment for those of us working at and attending camp. Camp hours are 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. There is Before Camp 8:00 – 8:45 a.m. (in the past Before Camp started at 7:30 a.m., but the pavilion will not be opened until 8:00 a.m., sorry for any inconvenience this may cause) and After Camp 2:00 – 5:30 p.m. Both Before and After Camp are an additional fee. Since camp is at Treman Park this summer there have been additional expenses, one of which is the entrance fee for all families to drop off and pick up campers. The Community Council sought and received grant funding to help defray some of the extra costs of this years’ program, and as a result is able to provide a Season Pass for each family for a nominal cost included in the camp fee. This pass is good for all NYS parks this season— not just during camp hours, and not just Treman Park. The application pages contain all camp dates, times, fees, discipline procedures, etc and the application that has to be submitted with the camp fee. It is necessary to include in the application all immunization information- dates and/or a physician’s copy. If you are eligible or may be eligible for DSS assistance please start the application process now with social services. Your child(ren) cannot start camp until you have submitted the application with the fee paid by you or the DSS award letter. When applying for assistance be sure to include before and after camp care if you need it, otherwise DSS will only pay for the camp fee and you will be responsible for all additional fees. There is a CIT (Counselor-In-Training) program available for 14 and 15 year olds. Please contact Beth Bannister, Enfield Teen Program Manager at Cooperative Extension, 272-2292 for further information. Any further information needed or assistance with the application process please contact Vera Howe-Strait at 274-2368 (M – F, 2:00 – 5:30 p.m.) or email vstrait18@htva.net . I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Enfield Community Council, to thank PODS for the donation of one storage unit to be used for 7 weeks during the camp season to store all the camp equipment and supplies and a HUGE Thank You! to the Triad Foundation for their generous donation this year. Before we know it many of us will be enjoying our 2009 camp experience together - see you then! - Vera Strait, Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Director 5 The Enfield Community Blessing Shop The Enfield Community Blessing Shop, 174 Enfield Main Road, will be opening this year on April 11, 2009. Stop by from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month through November. The Blessing Shop is a ministry of The First Baptist Church of Enfield Center. We provide used clothing and household items to anyone in need. ALL items are free, everyone is welcome! We accept donations of slightly used clothing and household items. All clothing must be clean: no stains or holes. Household items and furniture must be in good working condition. Donations are accepted by contacting Ginny French, 277-3902. Lights! Camera! Book Fair! Enfield Elementary School is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on May 1-5 Reading makes kids stars by engaging their imaginations as they experience and share the joy of reading. Parents and families can play a starring role by attending one of the exciting events we have planned for our school's Book Fair. Top 10 Reasons I’m Excited About Lights! Camera! Book Fair! 10. Families shop together in a fun-filled, safe environment. 9. Scholastic delivers hundreds of quality books, suitable for every interest & reading level, right to our school. 8. We offer exclusive editions of popular books at special low prices. 7. Book Fair profits allow us to improve our library, expand classroom libraries & put books in the hands of our students. 6 . Our community gains an opportunity to be involved in our school & discover how great our students are. (Want to help? Call me! Everyone is invited to volunteer!) 5. I enjoy getting kids to associate reading with fun, not just homework. 4. The decor, contests & activities remind me of how much creativity surrounds me. 3. The faculty & staff get to chat with parents & grandparents in a relaxed atmosphere. 2. The Book Fair is a great way for families to connect by reading together & sharing a love of books. AND finally 1. I have the perfect excuse to dress up Hollywood-style! Please join us in our celebration of Lights! Camera! Book Fair! to show the children in our community that reading really matters is one of the best examples you can possibly set. Questions? Contact Sue DiNapoli, 273-5596, Book Fair Chair. Enfield Beautification Committee The Beautification Committee met recently and decided on our priorities for the year. Our committee, Debbie Teeter, Helen Hetherington and Ann Rider, are so happy to welcome Jolee Carlisle to our ranks. Her energy, ideas and networking abilities are giving us great, great energy. We will again be filling the barrels in the center of town with annuals. We are going to get the bus stop planted with ever-flowering spirea, make a serious effort to get the Memorial Garden in front of the school weed- free, plant daffodils on the roadsides in the fall and purchase new holiday flags next fall. We are planning a community maintenance day in the Memorial Garden for Memorial Day weekend. We are targeting Make a Difference Day on October 24 to do a mass bulb planting. Several Enfield organizations will be asked for help with these events, so stay tuned. This effort is subsidized by the room tax money generated by tourists, part of which is available as grant funds to each Town. Of course, the amount we receive this year is up in the air as a result of the general economic down turn. No part of our life is going to escape this reality. We are looking forward to neatening up our Town, in spite of the economic picture. Community volunteerism is what will make this happen! Enfield Baptist Church 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, 607-277-6301 Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor - Rev. David Leonard, Associate Pastor Rev. Jim Clark, Youth Pastor/Assoc. Pastor The Enfield Baptist Church welcomes you! We are a full Gospel community fellowship, incorporating contemporary worship music with traditional hymns. We believe and practice the gifts of the Spirit (I Corinthians 12). We also offer a Bible- based Christian School for grades Pre-K through 12 th . Regularly Scheduled Events: Sunday Prayer 9:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Youth Group, ages 13 & up 6:00 pm Worship Warriors, ages 4-12 6:00 pm Wednesday Mothers Group, 2nd & 4th Wed 2:30 pm Prayer 6:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Friday 2nd & 4th Fri Friday Night Live - Bible Study 7:00 pm Saturday last Sat of the month Men’s Breakfast 7:00 am Mission outreaches in 2009: Enfield, New York Ithaca, New York New York City, New York Mexico - Tapestries of Life Africa - Jinja, Uganda (Walakuba) Agape Bible Church 264 South Applegate Road, Ithaca NY 14850, 607-273-7419/ www.agape-ithaca.org Pastor Mike Corriero - Pastor Chip Adams-Compton We invite you to join us Sunday mornings for our 70 minute service, beginning at 8:30 a.m., with a bit more of a traditional flavor. Or, join us at 10:00 a.m. for our contemporary worship celebration. Nursery and children's church are provided in this service only. Youth group also meets twice a month during this 2nd service. Our church community includes local residents from Enfield as well as many people from all over Tompkins County, including Cornell and Ithaca College students. We have an active outreach program which involves many from our church, including students, providing spiritual outreach to: Lakeside Nursing Home, Titus Towers, Beachtree, Oak Hill Manor, Lou Gossett Center, and Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services. Midweek Bible Studies, Men's Bible Studies twice per month and Echo's Women's Breakfast meets monthly. View our Cable TV broadcast "God is Greater" on Time Warner Cable Channel 13, Mondays 10 pm, Tuesdays 2 pm, & Thursdays 4 pm. If you identify a need in your life for God, or have a spiritual hunger for Him, or you are seeking Him, join us! 6 Enfield Food Pantry The Enfield Food Pantry is available to Enfield residents who need help providing food for themselves and their family. The pantry is open on the second Tuesday of every month from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. and on the fourth Tuesday from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. The pantry is located at the Enfield Community Building at 182 Enfield Main Road and is a ministry of the Enfield Baptist Fellowship. The Town of Enfield provides the space and utility costs. Enfield Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary When the fire trucks roll, so does the Ladies Auxiliary. Fighting fires is a physically depending job, often performed under adverse conditions. Members of the Ladies Auxiliary arrive at the fire station, often in the early hours of the morning, taking hot drinks to the scene and preparing nourishing food for the fire fighters upon their return to the station. Members of the Auxiliary also make those great side dishes that help make the fire company’s chicken barbecues so popular. This year’s Officers: President: Denise Hubbell Vice President: Judy Hetherington Secretary: Sue Howser Treasurer: Carol Barriere Chaplin: Fern Ferris Conductress: Helen Hetherington & Sunshine Thoughts on the Ithaca City School District Budget? Share them with the Board of Education (BOE): There is a website for input on the budget. Go to the ICSD website, http:// www.icsd.k12.ny.us, and under the "Budget Information" tab at the top, you will then under “Links” find "ICSD Budget Feedback email". This mail is read by all the board members and Superintendent Judith Pastel. Please use this link, it is the most direct way to get your voice heard! There is also a link to see the previously taped BOE meetings. The McMillan Art Center By Ann Rider, Intrepid Reporter I took a little time out recently to meet with Paul McMillan, our new neighbor in town, to see why he was here and what his plans are. As you may know, Paul bought the old Methodist Church and has turned it in to an art studio, art gallery and performance space. When I asked him how he got here, he assured me that to start with “One has to be a little bit crazy!”, but more simply “It’s a great studio space. The light inside the building is fantastic!”. He was drawn to the rural setting and was very attracted to the historic aspect of the building and its long, deep, continuous history in our community. He wants to continue that history of the relationship between building and community. Paul grew up in rural Texas and knows country and rural. He can talk huntin’ and fishin’ and pick-up trucks with the best of them, he assures me. A trained artist, Paul lived for 10 years in Taos, New Mexico, a rural out-of-the- way place that has become a thriving, nationally known and cutting-edge art center. More recently, he owned an old school house in Belfonte, PA., which he used as a studio and art gallery. He is well versed in the problems of an old building in our cold part of the world and the loving care it needs. He has spent the better part of this winter renovating the bathroom in the basement of the Methodist church and filling all the building’s cracks and crannies that let in the cold winter air. He felt very virtuous in having gotten to most of the holes. Because of the great acoustics in the sanctuary, Paul is encouraging people to use this space for the performing arts. A series of concerts in April, May and June is already planned. This space is available for rent to all groups. Paul strongly feels that the Ithaca area does not have enough gallery space for the visual arts. He wants to help fill that void while operating a viable business. He and his partner, Susannah Berryman, are the complete staff of this ambitious project. A full time working artist, Paul, over the last year, has single-handedly compiled a list of over 400 local artists, organized shows, sent out calls for entries, mounted shows, offered instruction (mostly on technique), renovated and maintained the old building—and he’s eager to start another season. Paul ended our too short meeting by saying, “We sincerely hope the Enfield community will feel welcome to come visit and/or participate in the art exhibits and music events we have to offer. We want the McMillan Art Center to be open to the community in all ways possible!” Who knows, Enfield may became a renowned center for the arts; Paul McMillan is certainly working hard to make it happen! Current Gallery Exhibit : Select Works by Daniel Reinhold Upcoming Gallery Exhibits : "Musical Subject Matter" Theme: Artwork with music, musicians playing, still life with instruments, written words and music. Call for Entries to be announced. "Self Taught" Theme: Artwork by self taught artists. Call for Entries to be announced. Music/Dance Events : Apr 17, May 15, Jun 19 & 25: Steve Southworth and the Rockabilly Rays , 8-11 pm Jun 25: Lou & Peter Berryman (back by Popular Demand!), 7:30 pm -?, Stay tuned for info Note: Area Artists are invited to submit to our exhibits!!! Open to all ages all media . The Gallery is open though October 31 with regular hours to be announced. Check out the website at www.mcmillanartcneter.com for updated information. McMillan Art Center 7 Enfield Center Road, West, Enfield NY 14850 607-330-1892 7 A Note from Farmers to our Rural Neighbors: Spring is here, and that means farm equipment will be appearing in greater numbers on our area roads. Please be aware that this equipment is oversize, heavy, often offers poor visibility for the operator and cannot stop on a dime. When you approach farm equipment from either direction, please slow down and pass only when and if it is safe to do so. Don’t tailgate or pass on blind hills or as farm equipment approaches a bridge; much farm machinery needs most, if not all, of both lanes to cross bridges. For the Farm Community: The Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District office has moved to 1771 Hanshaw Road, next to Cayuga Radio Group and in front of the Armory. The phone number remains the same: 257-2340. Enfield Valley Grange Pancake Breakfasts continue through May 2nd.7:30-10:30 a.m. The meal includes waffles, French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns, apple sauce, orange juice and coffee—all for $5 for adults, $3 for children 6-12, and children under 5 are free. Grange members plan to repeat last summer’s Farmers Market. For more information call Jerry Achilles at 277-0940 or 351-2177. The Grange welcomes new members; meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Looking for a CHRISTIAN alternative to your child’s education? Concerned about the rising cost of private school? Do you want your child to go to a school that holds high the standards of Jesus Christ? MAYBE IT’S TIME TO CONSIDER…. Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School Enfield Community Christian School “Pursuing Christ with renewed vision” BENEFITS ♦ Unashamedly Christian teachers ♦ Dedicated to student success ♦ Combining ACE, ABEKA, and interactive teaching curriculums ♦ Community service and ministry opportunities ♦ Christ honoring environment without compromise ♦ LOWER monthly cost than last year! ♦ Student computer lab ♦ Hands on learning experiences A secure and loving environment to train your Christian student and prepare them to make an impact on their world for His Kingdom… (And get an education in the process!) Enfield Community Christian School 162 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-6301 “The Lord will be honored in this place” Enfield History – Sue Thompson Enfield Historian Articles from the Newspapers: Messenger of the Enfield Falls Larger Parish and Free Press and Sentinel Trumansburg, NY Enfield Taxes – January 29, 1931 Enfield Tax Collector Leon C. Rothermich, Ithaca, announced that he will receive taxes at one per cent to February 29, 9 am to 4 pm, dates and places as follows: January 28 – McFall’s Store Enfield Center [also referred to as “Newhart’s Store”; the big red building on the corners of Enfield Center and Enfield Main Road]; February 6 – Treman, King and Company, Ithaca; February 10 - Jones Store, Enfield Center [Anna and Will Jones own and operated a "Red and White" Grocery store in Enfield Center]. March 5, 1931 The Kennedy’s Ladies Aid Society served dinner at Arthur Wright’s Wednesday. They voted to have the Associated Gas and Electric Players present an entertainment in the Field Grange Hall Friday evening March 13. • I do not know who these AGEC Players were, if it was an acting company or had to do with The Associated Gas and Electric Company (AGEC) which was a utility holding company which went bankrupt in the 1930s. AGEC was reorganized under the supervision of the courts and was broken down into smaller companies by government order. The company originated as the Ithaca Gas Light Company of Ithaca, N.Y. in 1852. August 1931 Seventy persons enjoyed a two hour program of magic given up in Arthur Teeter’s barn August 13. A Mr. Butler of Ohio, visiting at the Teeter’s home, was the performer. Home made ice cream was served following the entertainment. • Note: The Teeter family thinks the above mentioned barn was the "Horse Barn" on Gray Road (across from Edward and Helen Kellogg's place); that was always the showplace barn. The cow barn was rebuilt at some point, but we think it was after this date. It makes the most sense it was the Horse Barn, which had a lot of ornamentation, including a diamond-shaped blue glass window in front, and would have had an open area in the livery section. November 27, 1931 Mrs. A.M. Hyde Marionette show “Jack and the Bean Stalk”, delighted a Kennedy’s Corners Church audience November 27, 1931. Mr. Hyde gave an address on “adventure” preceding the doll performance between acts. An article from Barb Kone, Caroline Town Historian - Ithaca Daily Journal: March 11, 1909 Loses first teeth of double set - Jerome Russell Has First Toothache. Jerome Russell of Enfield Falls recently had his first experience with the toothache, although he is 60 years old. His mouth full of molars gave him trouble and, as he had enough and to spare, he had three of the troublesome grinders removed. Mr. Russell can lose a few teeth every day for a time and still have enough left for all practical purposes. Mr. Russell had, before the three teeth were extracted, two complete sets of teeth, both his front and back teeth being double. 8 Calendar of Events May 5-24 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 509 Esty St. 22 ICSD is in session, due to a snow day in December 23 Sciencenter: “A Garden of Gizmos” begins 24 7:30 am, Spring Bird Walk, Cayuga Nature Cntr 28-31 Ithaca Festival: www.IthacaFestival.org June 17 10-11 am, Summer Sprouts program at the Ithaca Children's Garden, Wednesdays thru September 24 Last day of school 26-29 “Pot Swap” at Coop Extension, recycle/exchange your unwanted plastic pots, cell paks, etc. 27 Collect Fossils with the Museum of the Earth July 6 Enfield Summer Camp begins at Treman Park 18 Collect Fossils with the Museum of the Earth Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities Community Council : 2nd Monday, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Community Building Enfield PTA : 2nd Thursday, dinner at 5:30 pm, meeting at 6:00 pm., at the school (call 274-2221 to confirm) Food Pantry : 2nd Tuesday,1:00 - 3:00 p.m. & 4th Tuesday, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m., at the Community Building Grange : 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Hall Historical Society : Bimonthly, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Building Senior Citizens : 3rd Wednesday,11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Grange; meetings include a dish-to-pass luncheon Enfield Community Council PO Box 214 Jacksonville NY 14854 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY Interested in Working this Summer? Are you between the ages of 14 & 24 ? There are some exciting new employment opportunities this summer. To learn more you can check in with the YES table at the Ithaca High School, talk with Enfield Youth Program Manager Beth Bannister (272-2292) or call the Job Link Program at 272-7570, extension 169.