HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-17 TOWN OF DANBY SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 17 , 1975 A special meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Danby Elementary School , Town of Danby , Tompkins County , New York , on February 17 , 1975 . The purpose of the meeting was to open bids for a used gradall . Board Members Present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright Councilman Clyde Carrier Councilman Ralph Wilbur Justice Floyd Dorn • Board Member Absent : Justice Milton Todd Others present : Joseph Hulbert , Edward Slights , Richard L . Wells and Paul Seeley . The clerk reported that two bids were received , one from Roger A . Beck and the other from Cayuga Leasing . The bids were opened and read . Cayuga Leasing submitted a bid of $13 , 960 . 00 and Roger A . Beck submitted a bid of $6 , 400 . 00 . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that the highway superintendent and the highway committee compare the bids to the specifications and bring their recommendations to the town board . . The motion was seconded by Councilman Clyde Carrier and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . Meeting adjourned at 7 : 45 P . M . Respectfully submitted , Maryaltz , cl rk • . . t TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES February 17 , 1975 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at 8 : 00 P . M . at the Danby Elementary School , Town of Danby , Tompkins County , New York , on February 17 , 1975 . Board members present : Supervisor A . Francis Wright Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Clyde Carrier Justice Milton Todd Justice Floyd Dorn Others present : Joseph Hulbert , Edward Slights , Ernest Cole , Mr . Westmiller , Alex Soule , Ken Coddington , Gordon Roberts , Tim Chaffee , Mr . & Mrs . Les Palmer , Mary & Roy Casterline , Ithaca Journal ✓ eporter and WTKO Representative . Supervisor A . Francis Wright noted that the January 13 , 1975 minutes of the board meeting under total highway fund warrant should ✓ ead $ 2 , 225 . 20 instead of $ 2 , 125 . 20 as stated in the minutes . He made the motion to approve the minutes with this correction . The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . Minutes of the meeting of the West Danby Water Commissioners held February 5 , 1975 . 2 . A letter to ROB€?V Maycumber from Thaler and Thaler concerning the building of a fence around his junk yard and the expansion of the junk yard . 3 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of Monday January 13 , 1975 . ? . A letter from the Division of Assessment concerning adoption of the town zoning ordinance . 5 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of Monday , February 10 , 1975 . 6 . A notice of a public hearing on Operation Assistance and Incentive Grants for Public Transportation to be held February 25 , 1975 in Albany , New York . 7 . Resolution # 18 passed by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives entitled Apportionment of Dog Monies . 8 . A letter from Mobile Pipe Line Co . with attached list of officials to be contacted in the event of an emergency in the state of New York . 9 . A letter from the New York State Department of Transportation concerning highway projects for 1975 . 1/ PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Supervisor A . Francis Wright reported that he has appointed Michael Wiese to serve on a committee stung youth services in the County . As recommendations are made by this committee they will be brought before the town board . He also stated that he had correspondence from the Board of Standards and Appeals State of New York Department o f Labor concerned with establishing a center point for information in regards to underground facilities in the towns and cities . Councilman Ralph Wilbur and Councilman Clyde Carrier will study this matter and bring their recommendations before the board . Town Board Minutes - February 17 , 1975 - Page 2 Privilege of the floor continued : Mr . Westmiller asked why the board had not invited Hugh Hulbert to attend the board meeting as promised . Supervisor A . Francis Wright stated that a full report of the board would be forthcoming . It was noted that Earl Colburn was recommended by the Board of Water Commissioners to serve as a member of that board . Justice Milton Todd made the motion that Mr . Colburn be appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners for a five year term beginning immediately and ending December 31 , 1979 . COMMITTEE .. REPORTS : A . Highway Report - Councilman Ralph Wilbur stated that the usual h ighway work is being done . The Town Board has given the Highway Superintendent , Joseph Hulbert , the responsibility of the wage increase for the highway employees . He will be required to o perate within his budget . Possibly there will be a 7% raise in wages . More than that amount would mean a lay off of one or more employees . To resolve this situation in the future guide lineswill be set . It was suggested that a committee be set up to study wages for highway employees long before budget time . This committee should consist of one town highway employee , the h ighway superintendent and a member of the town board to be chosen by the town board . Supervisor A . Francis Wright made the motion that such a committee be appointed at the August Town Board meeting with the understanding that they should meet and make there recommendations to the Town Board at the regular S eptember meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clyde Carrier and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . this was agreeable with the highway people . It was noted that snowmobile signs were purchased and installed but all of them have disappeared . Ad the town cannot continue to buy signs for replacement possibly snowmobilers can help in this matter . The Town Barns are in need of repairs . More electrical outlets are needed . Something should be done in the near future . B . West Danby Water District - Nothing C . Insurance a Nothing . D . Refuse Collection And Disposal - Councilman Clyde Carrier mentioned that Steve Turk is no longer in the garbage collection business . G eorge Krebs has taken over his operation . E . Youth - Nothing . F . Zoning and Planning - Justice Floyd Dorn said that the Town Board was invited to visit the Danby Federated Church to see the ✓ esults of their renovations . The board was asked when something will be done about the town hall . Councilman Clyde Carrier made tapes of some of the zoning meetings that he attended in New York City at the Association of Towns Meeting . After these tapes are onitored he would like to present them to the P lanning Board , Board of Zoning Appeals and the Zoning Officer . 1/ G . Fire - Councilman Ralph Wilbur said that the following are the fire commissioners : Charles Bruce , chairman , Charles White , Carl S eamon , Robert Doan , Roger Buckley . The new fire truck may be d elivered Saturday , February 22 , 1975 • H . Cemetaries - Nothing . OLD BUSINESS : Report of the Highway Superintendent - Nothing to add to the report already given . Zoning Officers Report - A written report was submitted . Gordon Roberts stated that his office has been busy justice court cases and the general work of the office . • f' Town Board Minutes - February 17 , 1975 - Page 3 Old Business Continued : Appeals Board Chairman - Absent . Planning Board Chairman - Chairman Ernest Cole stated that the meeting night for the Planning Board will be changed from Wednesday to Thursday . He said some typing work was needed to make the zoning ordinace more usuable for the Planning Board study . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that $ 50 . 00 be made available for this typing . Justice Floyd Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The board • is still working on the land use plan and how it applies to Danby . This will become affective after the 1st of April . The committee on the Freedom of Information Law has not completed their study but will have more by the next Town Board meeting . NEW BUSINESS : Justice Milton Todd made the motion that the clerk notify the Niles ' that the Town Board would not be interested in purchasing there house to use for offices at this time . The motion was seconded by Councilman Clyde Carrier and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Supervisor A . Francis Wright reported that the Association of Town ' s meeting was an informative one . He was the official delegate from Danby . The clerk reread Attorney Thaler ' s letter to Robert Maycumber . Supervisor A . Francis Wright feels strongly that this is a time for action . The Town Board does not need to be involved in this matter . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that as the Town Board feels no obligation in this matter of a fence . Mr . Maycumber is using this as a delay tactic . He should be taken to court for the new violation without an attorney . Councilman Clyde Carrier seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The Town Board feels that the economic situation at this time makes it a waste of time to hold a referendum on the several options pertaining to the Town Hall . A referendum would cost the town from 1 , 000 . - to $ 5 , 000 . This matter will be shelved for six months . The Town Board will meet in executive session on Tuesday March 4 , 1975 , at 8 : 00 P . M . at the Fire House to go over the bids for a used gradall with the Highway Superintendent . As no business will be transacted it will not be necessay to have the clerk present . General Fund Warrant #2 in the amount of $ 720 . 94 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Floyd Dorn and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Highway Fund Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 1 , 359 . 31 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Justice Milton Todd and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . West Danby Water District Warrant # 2 in the amount of $456 . 74 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Justice Milton Todd and seconded by Councilman Clyde Carrier and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion to accept the Supervisor ' s reports . Councilman Clyde Carrier seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of fijj ayes and no noes . Councilman Clyde Carrier made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 00 P . M . The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Respectfully submitted , MaG Qtz , cl