HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-CAB-1978 Ithaca Co_'.. ons Advisory Board TM inutes of June 9 -fleeting Ideabers Present: Brown, Cif2ri, Gold.__^n, Karr, Neiderkorn and Taylor. Others attending: I n rea Clardy and Gloria Stephen Darr introduced hi-self and e::pplained that he was substituting for Linda Tasker fro : the ilanning ep^rt-ent. Brown ,,loved that at the and of the '_e otir_g, are hers adjourn down to the Co : ons to ,Telco-_e :e_hers of the Ithaca Auto:,obile Dealers' Association whose car display is now being set up. The ,potion carried.. Approval was granted for the Ithaca Concert Bend. to Perf orx on the Tioga 3t reet end of the Co ons on the evenigg of July 20 frog-. 7-8 P.11 . The request of TC3 for use of the Co=ons for recruiting purposes on August 26 was also approved. The social probleT_s of the Co=ons were discussed , with eiiphasis on unsuPervised children and. into :ic^.te' peo�cae. Clardy, as Cor,ons Coordinator agreed. to talk with Lob Cutia and with rePresentatives of agencies which -- 1 ht cooperate in developing solutions to the Probl e.s. The need. for 'lore e::tensive Police sur rei llence of the Co-_Qons was discussed. • erchents on the Col ons feel that 24 hour coverage is essential end that such coverage was pranised to then and is not being provided.. The need for new leadership of the Co:a�ions Advisory Board was consi:ere :.. Taylor consented, In the absence of any no- inees willing to take over as Chai=,an, to continue ' to serve in that capacity until Dece»ber. He will be out of town during ~rush of the su°_Per. The Possibi lity of two vice-chairs was discussed but individuals were not appointed to serve in that capacity. As there was no further business., the ieetin,g art journed. to the Co:'-"ons . Restectfully sub-:fitted, y Andrea Clar r Co ons Advisory Board June 2 , -97✓ i:e bers present: Cutia, Dewart, Gold^an, ,iyers, :'ie:Terkorn, Osborne, Rothschild., Underwood Visitors: Andrea Clardy, John Doyle, Sarah Hector After a Preliminary discussion of urban renewal Plans, the Board heard: a su--:- ary of events now scheduled and anti ci Pated for the Co-:�-lons in the coming months. Plans have been initiated for an industttal display this summer. Andrea was urged to obtain a co-_Plete list of local industries fro: the Chamber of Co=erce. A display or exhibi- tion by local educational institutions was suggested with a target date of the first weekend in September when a neat :any new student families visit Ithaca. Other exhibitions anticipated but not yet scheduled include: a volunteer appreciation day, possibly in the fall; a community sports day on which anyone co-ing to the Commons in a sports vnifor: would be offered a discount; a "Saturday's Heroes" day honoring the athletes of Ithaca high School, Cornell and Ithaca College; and "Super Sundays" :yodelled on those in Philddelphia. There was no old business to discuss except the neu `videlines which were deferred. Various me bers of the Board have been contacted by Linda Capo on behalf of the Rosebud Restaurant. The Rosebud is interested in putting a vending cart and/or outs oor f_ining tables in front of the restaurant. A discussion of the desirability of outdoor dining opportunities and of the guidelines governing such opportunities followed. The Rosebud will be asked to subr:it a specific plan for consi 'eration and will be re-^inded of the guidelines. The Board considered the question of whether it should actively promote outdoor dining. The restauratt owners on the Co :_dons will be approached by Brian Dewart on behalf of the board any will be given copies of the guidelines. A problem has begun to arise with nightclubs posting flyers in inappropriate places on the Commons, such as the widows of e-pyty stores. The two clubs whose flyers have been -ost conspicuous will be asked to refrain from such postings. As there was no further business, the ':eeting adjourned . Respectfully subs:fitted, 41A- Andrea Clardy Co::ons Advisory Boar- July 7, 1D73 e:bers Present: Brown, Osborn, Niederkorn, Underwood, Taylor,Schickel visitors: Carr, Kenning Depart-ent; Clardy, Co --ozs Coordinator The Rosebud inquiry about outdoor dining was not discussed be- cause a representative of the restaurant failed to appear and a specific plan has not been sub:itted. Mini gal interest has been expressed in outdoor dining facilities by other restaurants on the Co_Tons. The Boarddeter:ined that while outdoor dining would be in the best interests of the Commons, the Board should not take furbber initiative at this time in persuading restaurants on the Commons to set up outdoor tables nor should. the Board at any forseeable tide approach restaurants off the Comnons with such an invitation. Vice-chair Underwood com—rented that at the time the guidelines for outdoor dining were composed, copies were sent to restaurants on the Co-aoons, as weal as to the Common Council and the Health Department. . As a point of order, it was established that appeals of the sort intended by the Rosebud dust code directly fro- the Party involved in Tshing the appeal, rather than through a second. Party or through hearsay. Clardy Presented new events scheduled for the Co:-Tons. She asked that she be authorized_ to approve Com'Tons use Permit applications, a priviledge now accorded only to the chair of the Commons Advisory Board. The following Notion was made, seconded' and passed: "The Co'r:ons Coordinator is authorized to approve requests for use of the Commons, subject to Commons Guidelines, and_ to sign ca^pleted applications related to same. " Clardy also suggested that a :eeting be arranged with represen- tatives of the Commons Advisory Board , Mr. Dingy an and Barber in order to discuss si-^plifying the application Process for Commons Luse, Particularly for those who appear as a service to the Commons, She suggested that at such a meeting the design an-' current for:at of the kiosks at the entrances to the Commons ?might also be discussed. She will arrange such a meeting and infor: Under woo' , Niederktbrn and Schickel of the time and place in the hope that they can attend . The Board approved an application by Bob Johnson, who appeared in person, for a clown show and giveaway of raffle tickets in con- junction with the To:_,p__ins County Fair. Mr. Johnson will appear Saturday, July 29. The Board also approver an application by 1•=aureen .Ann Vivino on behalf of the Cornell International Folkdancers for Sept. 3 and 6 from 7:30 to 10:30. Publicity for Co:Tons events was discussdd and the Coordinator offered to explore expanded newspaper and radio coverage. The desira- bility of announcing events on the kiosks was a.ffired. A change in the guidelines was moved, secon:'.ed. and Passed. On page 7. ". . . :_ay authorize chair:an" shall rear ". . .'gay authorize chair-on or a designate^_ representative. . " The fees charged for use will be the first order of business at the next •neetinr. E.S. 7 . ^. 4 - Co ....ons Ad.vi:-a: 7 Thar - .....eetin Aur7unt 1 , l72 votin7 -. ebers •present: Ciferri , :eye , Golen., Osborne, Una ' others : teL Karr, Ja2c71 Hector, Gloria ;loss, Andrea Clary The :or ' heard. several applicants for use of the Co- ons. David Defriese, associate.d. with Ithaca Collee in :_o7ndon, requested perission bo =esent a. concert Aucust 5 between 2: 70 r.n' 6 an the central pavillion. Ciferri -ioved an. Osborne secon,':ed a •., otion that the rou.77) be: welcoed with the understa.nin:::: that the ' volue 1.3. b not createf: a disturbance and,. will be -.onitore . The 7:otion carried. Unerwoo f. sutvAtted a request by Frank Conboy that the p=it for a Jisplay an sale 7ey ' e:.-.bcrs of the Ithaca Irt ...ssociation be chanc_;efa Ln ,:7ate to :-:k)7:)toiber 29 and 30 . The chane;c in date as aP7,7)roved- TApard ' .e'lbers e:mressed. their (.0SiTO t0 a-:.'here to the =in- ciPle that fees be c1 7:7. when the Co-. ons is u.ne , to sell objects for private :72ofit. ice the Ithaca 1..rt Association c ' : t was previously approvej, it was ju,f_E-.ed. inappropriate to levy a fee for the cislay an sale currently scheule . However, the 'roan:: for- 77.ally fccor.5.cd. its desire that so-le usc char::e be as7::ed of the Ithaca Art Association when future e:,:' its of a siilar nature are requeste .. A ner.iit was requested. by Jonathan Lawrence of Candor, 07;7 'Lori:, on behalf of the A:-.7.erican Travelline: ITorrice, a traitional 2...alish folk dance -noup which erl7ors to una' ) Lifie iusic. They 7rou,-) wishes to J,Jerfor Auust 22 at 12 an': 4:30. an::. to request donations to sup their non-profit co'ipany. It was 7070'7 by Osborne an . second.ed. siultaneousiy by GoLT..:.an an-: Ciferri that the a-,-)Plication be rante for use of the central Pavillion an:' surioun1ins area, with suitable respect aecorthe fire lanes The iotion carried . . . Hector initiate a Si...scussion of the problems create ' by a rock concert the weeefid befer3 last and. the ,ceneral -oroble, of loud. noise an the Co ens to both residents an -:Lerchants . Golan ad,.Ted. that the Process for revokin a per it 7:ust be clarifiel so that, when a c_Asturbance is being created, there is a Techanis for stoP7)ins it as quickly as 'posttible. Underwooc7. will discuss with the city attorney the legal constraints on revokinc per its an the board. will draft a ',policy as soon as 7Dossible stctinp who is authorizej to revoke Per-Ats at the tiTe whm their con,7itions are violated. the : eneral policy of refusin:; per Tits for a-,,nified --1.1stc was e7.-ohasize and. the Co=ons coordinator was ursec7 to respect that 7o1icy - ore strictly. ! Ciferri inquire•7. about fee scheules for the Craft fair schefu7ed t for 30.0te--.ber 15 an 16. The new 71.1idelines . u.st be aP,P-novcd. by . Coon Council before they can be iT.ple-eate::- . . f they have been aDpDovec rior to the fair, each al:hibitor will bo chanTsq 7 for i f Partici ,)ation in the two day evert. If the ,evidelines have not yet been ap7)rove ., last yearss fee of „:10 will be char7e . Ciferri4: [ su7cestecl. that, if the new ,riruielines aPply, five of each seven dollal-s receive d.. be allocate to the Co .ans Avisory :-oar , and two the , the DIISA for prootion au . publicity costs. J.houl the fee be -, 10, he su=esteJ that five co to the Coans Advisory 72oar a,11 -, five to , the DI7.2.A. Ciferri e::. haissed. that the five dollars or e:7hibito-n which woulZ. then co for -,7)roTotion costs will not c:r7C-2 the actual Costs and will ho suP,::aeente.-T by his priaratelt on contribution. / - i Co ons ,ae 2. 1c)70 Un 'erhill cctioo; the a-,),-)-o-priateness of a').tborf=in: this allocation rithont a fuller -00-7,esentation of t'.o -oar - . The allocation :as a-Yerove , rith the un -orstanfin-; that it ccc not necessarily represent a iprode2et ic ill be ahero - to in no futnre. Ciferri anticlates ately 100 e:-_hibitors an a consocuent inco -e to the Co Ions A -visory Tha-, - of ;500. Col,- -an Co _ onto that this a ount is infe-len;'ent of the D-1- 21 co —it -cnt of . 1000 to the . The resirability of attTactin: to the Co tons other apiate CAr-lays for rhich use-, fees roulc- be cha- re: ':as reiterate ' . The _althorn Tier Art Asoociation :as suG':•'este;-; as a possibility rhich Clary ar;ree' to e :plore. • Hecto-, -,e-.-)o-,tef that .11 to bro=e Illacues roa -in:;: "Please no cliibinC or afin-:" have 1coo orfere,' fro ' Cayu:n dhristo- ,)her of that co -,lany pill son-- sketches to be on boaalf of the Thar-- by Hector, 1:10erkorn anc' itrtran:nak To other placues, one the do ons anC one co oratia,-: the ol ill stone have 'oeo:-) authori7e,--' by the co Cost esti ate si :-.'laeueS Co ' ap-:oint e by Untlerroo: : ,-An- na,22e,- aota-v-e. Ln,ferroo: a,-,-;_e.f that the co -ittee bay be supsole 'eate by :eyer, Vichy Ilolanoff sn Tony Un -erroo-' re-oo-te-' that she has heard_ fro - 2thel Hichols that the cha-0te-, anf. or 'inance of the Co _ ons --efinos a i. e -ostrian 'all as nreclu -irc vehicula-, trafric . he al.L ;Dint H. • tilrell iron to chec-: that our regulations are nor in the or- Llance book an rill ask that they be Put in one T)lace then the orCincnce book is ul),fate( in January. In af.-7ition to these appoint 'ents, Un. erroo - ''esi:-nate:-- a co -. it- tee or herself, C:',Ltia an '. Gol -_an to •orenare the Co one A/visory hoar 17u,-!- et by Cote ber 1. Che also se.).2ointel a co ittee of her- self, ,,teve Barr an . ayor Conley to Cefina the re: uloAs to be postea in the kios7:. The Tharf_ ras a(viset1 that cf,ylvia ahinehoart has res15;ne-1 fro ' CDATI the Co ' lans fesii .L."visory Tea - , because she u17_1 be leavin:; Ithaca. The Dorx--- aflprove the election of Vicy Holanoff to servo as chai -, of that f-7-0ouo, anc'. the affition to the tea of Hichael Ev.u'l of the. Yrinterst Gallery. Ap-oroval as ova ' by -:eyer on • seconclec7_ by lim-a=laft Osborne anC 1-)assef . Un'-erroo,- rill confir - Ro 'anorffs ampointe -ent rith her anc send a note to :au : clarifyins the relation of CLAT to the oar(. Hector rerortec. that the Ground. Hounci -ay be intorestef in setting up five outsiCe tables cm. a stew table or eni:11. The : oar: reiterate:' its cplicy of consi -erLa': outs:ICC inine -oro-rnsa:is 0r7y uhrm the are sublitte . Cirectly by the ,-\e.rties nvolve -rather secon-- an askef Hector to so inforl the Grounc ' it he c: oi ! that an -oro--)osal for an outsiC.e trill or stea : table Have =ior of the healtha anc',_ fire Ceta-,tlents. Steve Harr ')resentecl his for re-io--elli-1-; the kios1.7s. The inclujes 1.)er -antnt sectbaas presenting the rules anc. T'e,-julations, per.-anant hea:_ines of Daily Activities (or llee7:17 2..ctivities) • ea-oin- Activities, an - Thins to Co e. The contents or t'lose sect- os oul be chaa:o' reGularly by Clar. y. The 'aterials to be use-- in the nou kiosks are still to be dete-, 'ine,--1 . Final decisions on the clesic;n be -sZe on beaalf of the 2oarc, by Karr, ::eyer and Un-'errooC . a pe P4!Inn; e 7,44 A ree, r/14 co (T.1:- :, -v4sory -oc,r inutes u-t L ' , 17' vctin c hers -resent : Ciferri , Cutic , :o1_ - en, ' nyer, Cs-13o_ne, Un others : .-31ar y, :ector l'er it tions were the first or e ' of 1=1-less . The roar ' a-- :rove - o. -reounct by The (,uiet octet: , 1; ie "a17:17on 'o club, to resent n e:-hA_bition ea atur -a7, c to her 2 fro 11 to 2 in the area betneen the banfm . ar - The. -orosnte - a nlno-,osal for ccle-:ration of 50 veers of service by -es, Travel en its -)re 'eces-or . to arrane to hove a hot air balloon tethc7o in the .1.-1.7-t area between Rothsehit- ls an the e Dairy on 15) -root tethers , offerin- rics to the li -ito of the tethem :Tree cotton can'"y, • noncorn an - le oan 'e noul- be -orovi' e, . rZ-le -oar 'tate ' that its resnonse noul/ be subject bo on=ovo) of the activity by the Dey.)ort 'mat of ',;(pr*1:s , the Fire e, srt 'ent on ' the Urban Renewal :1.,.ency which is responsible for the -irt area. It also state ' the nee' for --civate r'iscussion of the --:roocal before a Cecision coul: be .ace. in the course of that r-iscussion which too': :)lace later in the ectinr.:, Osborne approval of the celebration subject to full el)lanation of the :etails in the or it r -, 11ication, a-T)roval by the a,:sencles liste - above an:- subject also to -roun( not havinf: been bro7:on for Ithaca Center on the nro-,)ose, ate, iete 'ber 23. The Co .ons A7visory -oar'. will TOGO ent that ea ' Travel be ase:" to 7ay s user's fee 'cut resnonsibillty for ..levyin-; such a fee shall belon5- to the Urban Renenal Arf,ency. • wil be as2:er' to ber.in the event at 4 rather than 5:: on to en-- , as he ha ' sur;:estc ' ,at IL: . The earlier start ,ay cncourar:e those in atten-'ance to ta7:e a 'vanta7c of o-.)en ttores . Jlar 'y will obtain 'f'etoils of the event an suaT;est to .1r. fec that he atten': the Urban Renewal 1..7ency 'ectinr; :onr'ay afternoon. The lotion nas seconf,e-- by Ciferri nasse:" . Jil biller of 7,runsiTic7:-Ithaca Pol, 7D 21 lira Roal ashei per .ission to ,,,resent a Cislay on the Co 'ions r'urin-; the last 'creel: of Auc;ust, Tues -ay throu,-;11 3atur-'ay Inclusive. He woul( not sell any nrcy-ucts woul-7 eiphosize e -ucation about bowlinr; rather than Tco -otinr:; his narticular business. The Thar,- co —ante-, that his oro-posal rots a 2receZent in various ways , one bein,r; the ap-olication by an in'ivi-1ual rather than a 'rour, an:' it woul/' neer- to consider his proposal in private before -al:in: a ,'ecision. Dunn: the (7iscussion -.later in the 'eeti-17, the r;ui.-elines were consulter' , narticularly the teneral [-JuiCclincs 7 nn . B in ;ection VI en"' section c. of the Foes section. The :oar' reconized a conflict betucen its Moire to liccouraL:e private co -ercial a, - vettisin- on the Co -ons an-' its -1csire to ancoura -c) suitable use by those subject to a fee. The in ' ivif-ual views of those -)resentmt were share'' . :elcbcrs e ehasie0 the nee,' for e:-11-)Its nhich are not of cultural or e -ucational value to have a stroa-; ebucational slant. In the case of Ji Zi12.e , such a slant 1 :,ht can shoninT slides r 'evics , a nrn avoilab2e to 1)-ovi6e infor 'ation, etc. It woo re. -ar':e that no 6:7.ercise, better control if no coul(' f:enerate i:eas ourselves 1-.ther than reactin- C c_..; w.,, 0 P. Al, ust 1C 1970 to those which hs..-,7 cn con . Our 7)ossible res:=i7-dlity to other botl ..n. alleys was (Ascurse.:- Go1 ( .:an's .'otion tat we infor tne other two t.‘J.1'.t.0 bowlin alleys an:. invite thei7,7 articiation r.',.iefl for want of a second. ! :.eyer ,ove,7 that ' il:lcer be allowe(. to r.fie the Co • ons for a Cds7qay with a stron . eThcatiolial slant, with :lo sales 7)or-„itter7_, i for a - .ari• --u. of th 'ee (ays between the 111T= , f lai,..- an 9 : , u-'-'in ; the last week of Auast. Ciferri seco (o( . The -otion was . aen(e(. to res;(. that the per.-.It be ::=Ite(' fo7: one (ay, subject for renewal the subsecUent two ,.Tays if the li.s::)lay If foun to be a)-:)-"0-:)-oiate. The eriit ri:LL be e::ten(e( u7:)toss objections ore voice by any of the followin Ciferri, Golran, sn.( Un:-7.erwoo . The -.otion 7:)a5se . The 7.na1'(. c.:Tree that the reco-,'( shoulT show the :71- n o-,' this 7)canAt (oes not constitute e preccent by 1:hich the -.2earC. shall be boun( in -akinc future (ecisions 1'ecs.1'( -7 the r.. -r)lications for . use 0 co:::Tercial enter:Tises. The )o( of the Mare in 7..7antinr-; . this armlication is tentative an e:Teri -etsi. The Doa-r',7. (7-1 ,1 1'ec01I5e, however, that it uoul(. have so,:e reansibility to proviJe o,:mortunities si-ilar to those offore the :runswick Ithaca bowl for the other two local bowlins alleys shoi:Jc. they --:,? :,7e si-Illar requests . Re7-esentatives of the .Y1CA requestecl use of the Co -..ans for a Youth lay 2-estival on FrfiZa , feteber C . The -.:.;oar( state it coul not t;rant -2erission for electric instru-ents to be -playef- Golan -7.ove that the 1.17:-ICA be allowe::. to -..7.rovi . e live sic whthch con be alifieri throujl a -Ifi_ke between larZ 6 -:: , with the uner- stanC:inc; that the volu. ie -ust be re(uce,.7. at first requent an the event tar :inatcr . at secon:. request by any of the followinc in(Avi- C!.uals: Clar(,y,Ciferri ,GoiCan, Schickel an T.:;n:erwoo6 . Cifer-;-i secone,j, and the .-'.otion -9asSe . Un .ernooc. reporter on the proc;ress of the re(esininc of the kiosks. The new foriat shoul( be in place in early '' estaiber. She reporte( that City Attorney Cha-oiro state(. that per its -).ay be revoka(.. crs per..-.its aTen(.e:.. A 7e.:.() will be sort to the police inforLnc; tho:1 of the revokin7 proce,(ures . ' glarCy will also talk to Deputy Chief 2ac;liaro about the proceure. - Clar(y reporter". a 7preit was isszue: to 70 ,001f a calrity ar7ency for (7ro,?outs for a bake sale between 11 an , :::; on Au:-.;. 27'. She recueste an( • receive( perission fro.:. the to have the -.inutes (.7.uplicate( in City T.-..all an:T. - aile( to 7e •:00.-= . ...the sueste-'. "JDec. 13-24 as (atos for the Christ as 7-r'o:-:-s..-.7. oll--. e:: lainc. . t1'1,, 7--ob:les _ . of the current lir.:hts which will be :.iscusse further at the ne:ct :1,eetin . ,. he share(. a :DI 73A proposal to fly :canners ne:Lco :ins stu- r.Tents back. : rown .-love an:. Osborne secon(e a iotion that banners NOT be hums. The , otion passe:' . Our CETA -)ro-,_-:osal is in ii.:(oe. As there was no further business, the -ect ;' a(journe:7.- Resectf'Jlly subittt( -. 1.,n'.rea Clarfy Co•m'^ons Advisory Board September 15, 1973 voting ,members present: Brown, Dewart, Niederkorn, Osborne, Schickel, Taylor, Underwood non-voting members present: Clardy Approval was granted to a request on behalf of Carol Ready of "Women Against Violence Against Women" to set up an information table on the Commons in the central pavi lli on between 10 AI and 4 Pi: on Saturday, September 30 and 2n October 7. Clardy requested a typewriter, suggesting the Board. might authorize repair of an unused typewriter whe has located in the Youth Bureau. She has received a written estimate of 352.50 for repair. The Board. felt, however, that investing in the repair of an elderly typewriter with an oversized carraige was inadvisable. Clardy was asked to research costs of new and used typewriters and the possibility of obtaining the use of a typewriter already owed by the city and to report back to the Board. Clardy reported that the CETA proposal sublitted by the Youth Bureau for funding of an outreach worker nn the Commons has been rejected. A follow-up request will be sub Etted to CETA which incorporates suggestions and criticisms of the one rejected. In addition, the Commons office is working with the Youth Bureau on the possibility of having a City Planning student from Cornell research and draft a proposal for funding the position from other sources. Such a proposal would probably be sponsored cooperatively with the Human Services Coalition, Family and Childrens• Services an:. the Juvenile Court. The Christmas music program, scheduled for Desember 13-2k,►•ras discussed. The DIBA has donated 3200 for the program, asking that the Commons Advisory Board contribute $100. The Board considered the question of whether it wants to set a precedent of funding particular events or supporting particular artists directly. Niederkorn then moved that the Board approve in principle the supplying of limited funds for special events. The motion was seconded. by Dewart and passed with Osborne dissenting. The computer summary of the Commons Advisory Boar' budget was reviewed to determine what money was actually available. Schickel then moved that $100 be transferrer from office supplies to promotion, with the understadding that Clardy will negotiate with DIam and the f:usicians Union to create the best possible program for the ir_vest- ment. Dewart seconded and the motion passed unanimously. A Haloween parade and costume judging is being planned by the Jaycees in cooperation with the Commons office. Support by the busi- ness community through the donation of gift certificates for prizes is badly needed. Clardy reported that the Tourism Council of the Chamber of Commerce felt the need for a brochure about the Commons . Such a brochure was requested during the summer at the tourist booth repeatedly and was unavailable. Apparently the Planning department is in the process of having a brochure about the development of the Co-:coons Printed. Neither DIBA nor the Commons Advisory Board had input on that publication but f Commons Advisory Board page 2. September 15 the Board felt that any action on creating a brochure should wait until the Planning publication has been seen and considered. A Fall Fashion show on the Commons has been tentatively scheduled for October 7. Clardy is cooperating with Meg Hilton and Kay Lee in planning the event which all clothing retailers on the Commons and in DeWitt Mall will be asked to participate in. Clardy asked whether the Board felt in Principle that it wished to have the Ithaca Festival held on the Commons. Planned for June 1-3, 1979, the Festival will not have use of the Performance space used last year if the Ithaca Center is under construction of completed. The Board expressed its desire to keep the Festival on the Commons insofar as possible. Possible Christmas decorations for the Commons were discussed. The idea of a large tree in the center of the Commons was judged un- weildy and expensive. Wreaths might duplicate the efforts of the commercial and retailers decorations. Niederkorn moved that we inform the DPW we mould like the small white lights to shine from the day after Thanksgiving until January 6. The motion was seconded and passed. Osborne moved that we formally commit ourselves to exploring the typewriter possibilities for the Commons office. Drown seconded and the motion passed. Underwood reported changes passed by Common Council in the Commons guidelines. The pavillions will no longer exclude possible commercial users. She reported that the changes in the towers designed by Steve Carr have been approved also. The Board was asked to comment on sketches of a proposed flag decor for the Commons. While the Board expressed interest in the idea, concern with the possibility of visual clutter was expressed. The Mayor will be advised of our interest in exploring the flag Possibility further. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully subai tted, AW41,4A... Andrea Clardy 3 �. Commons Advisory Board iieeting September 29, 1978 voting members present: Brown, Ciferri, Go:Pman, Nied_erkorn, Osborne, Schinckel, tJnderwooc'_ non-voting members : Clardy, Karr The minutes of the Previous meeting were corrected by the substitution of "presented to. . " for "passe( by. . " in the second to last Paragraph of p ge 2. The corrected sentence now reads: "Underwood reported changes presented to Common Council in the Cor.r.ons guidelines. " Underwood reported that she has not yet been able to contact Vichy Romanoff regarding the current role of CEDAT,the Commons Design. Advisory Tea.: of which Romanoff is now chair. Alex Turner has been consulted regarding the sketches for use of flags on the Co=ons. The idea developed fro - a suggestion of Joe Cosentini and the flags were to be displayed during special occasions or festivities on the Commons only. The Co ,ions Advisory Board will make no official response to the pro )osa l since none has been asked. Informally, enthusiasm was e::presse3 for the use of deco- rative flags on special occasions. Brown raised the question of installing a flag and flagpole beside Ithaca Center. An offer to donate a flag an mole has been made some time in the east. Ciferri will chew: whether plans for the Center include a place for a flagpole or whether it could be accommodate:. He will report to Brown. Clardy retorted she had approved. Per: it a-)tlications by the Y CA for an information table on Sente giber 1$ and by the- rental Health Association for an information dismlay on October 14. She advise:?. the Board of permits issued by the 1:ayor to the League of Women Voters for registration and information, to the group opposed to Off the Traci: Betting an one in Process to several grouts for a Veterans Day parade on November 12. The Board e=resse d dismay at the aggressiveness of the OT3 Partisans who were socking signatures to a petition by directly accosting passersby win information. Clardy agreed to ask the iiayor to re:.find such applicants for Permits to exercise restraint and not actively solicit involve::_ent. Ciferri retorted that the West end of the Co lmons and the peripheral streets .merchants are planning a festivity for October 14 to celebratert the completion of the streets -)roject. 1:usic and free r efresh.ients will be Provided. Ciferri said the r ppY'oval of the Board was sough, although the Permit woul _. be issued through the mayor's office. The Board reacted favorably, although no for-al action was taken. Goldman asked whether the City could pass an ordinance requiring manors of downtown buildings to improve the appearance of their structures. He said those who will cooperate voluntarily have done so and those who have not may require sone sort of legal coercion. Clardy agr_m offered to askE the City Attorne - -r'nether. the City can legislate aesthetics by creating such an ors inance. Clardy asked the Board+s response to a request for a permit by DeForest Heffron who would like to press cider on the Commons with C.A.B. Septo lber 29, nage 2. members of the outing club of the Alternate High School and. sell glasses for 15 . The Board approved the ap'plication,asi:ing that the press be placed on theonen dirt area if possible and that Hr. Heffron be rer.,ind..ed of the reponsibilities for clean-up. The Board was inf or: ed of a probable evert on October ik. A tour of the Circle Greene y will conclude at the Co a::ons where a ribbon :lay be cut or •.usic provided. The arrival at the Co-!�-!ons is esti-na ted at 3P H. A brochure prepared by the thn PlanningDepartent was distri- buted.. The Publication is entitled: "The Co: r ons, Ithaca, New yore: Bringing People Bach to the City. " Le'i bens of the 2oard expressed enthusias n for the booklet. 2rona :coved the _oar:'. co pli lent the Planning Jepa rte ent on an unusually good. brochure. Ciferri seconded and the ,notion carrier? unani ously. Clardy will send a letter to i'atthys Van Cort to infor:_1 hi�n of the resoultion. as raise:' The ruesti on/of whether a supple-.entry brochure focussing on the current co: ercial activities on The Co -Coons is need.ec=. Con- trary to the Planning Deppart?ient publication, of which 1.000 copies were dace, such a brochure would be - ss ,-‘rof.uced to be vilely available as a hand-out. Osborne :Moved that the Chair appoint a coittee to work: with the Co—ions Coor_'.inator on the C.esin of a brochure to proaote the central business :istrict. Ciferri seconder'„ Sole discussion folloved on vhether the tern "Co i nons" encor passes the -2xri pberal streets. The ::-.otion passe,'_ as 'dace. Underwood annointe _ To._ Hieaerhorn ant'. ilancy --:cyers to wort: on the Project and explore price, desi i and tide recuirc rents. :ayor Conley visite '. the 'leeting and. announced that he will be in charge of a celebration on October 27 of the co Inletion of the peripheral streets project and the breaking of gninuhcy for Ithaca Center. Clarc'y reported on available typewriters. The Board resolved that it would see' to obtain a new Olivetti B-k through a state contract fro Ithaca Ty De,rriter at a cost of ? .:0. houl(_ that be unatcilable, the Board. will Purchase a usec.�Olivetti t f or 200. 4 lc Clardy reported. that she is soliciting gift contributions to use as prizes in the Haloween parade and contest organized by the Jaycees end planned for the evening of Oct. 27. She also reported the i-iusiciart's Union Board has agreed to is tch Toner contributed for professional -usici ens apnearin ; in the Christ::as :_usic progra'i. She sought and receive:. authnrization to invite Jerry "ruse to sponsor an Oi:toberfest on the Co:mons the weekend of g ept, 23, 1979. Ciferri reported that ilk exhibits were presented in the Septe,nber 15-16 Craft Fair. He therefore anticipates a contribution to the Board of ,:285. As there was no further business, the -ceting was ad j ounned. RespectfullyAsubAittea, Andrea Clarr'y ..1 Co7nons A,.-'.visory Boar . 7:_eetinr: October 13, 1970 voting ilebers present: :3ro1n, I,:eyer, Nie:jer7:orn, Hothschil:1, Schic11:01, Taylor, Underwoo other '7ellpers :resent: Clar':.y, Harr The -_eeting was calleq to orer an 7. the inutes of the ..previous neeting aprove:. Clary .reaS. letters sent to [-.a.T receive. fro-: Van Cot in which the Plfmning opartient was co •)11 -ante for its brochure ":rinc7:in;7 Peopte Baci: to the jr an:. a.p72ociation was e.7„presse,i for the co717qient. h_e reorte:,. )e-r- its issuc to ,L.,he Ithaca ake,-s for a. bke sale on October 14 an:. to the Oib :Thalth 1. soeic,- tion for an inforational ::!.is)7lay on the sa:_e J.,ay. M.0 also reorteJ C Layorts ner.iit issuei. Co r toJayls ribbon cutting cereLony to celeb-.'ate the reopellin of the 7)-07'177)hea1 streets . The rir:eon cuttin!.: ce- any will coincie with festivities plannt:. by the ' .crch7..nts just west of the Cons . Clary as7.7_e for the reccenation of the :..oa,rr:. on an ar,-Dlication for a per-lit by Larry 5_0;701 to O 'L1 Et lAJentr7 fro the alte-onatve or high school aato the Co: ons to --r:. e. vi. 0,)ta-':)es as an a:ucational project. The 2oar, T)rove . the application, to be usel on any two of the net, three :anays fro7. CL.iI to iries.arfAri,7 "oroject7 ca::!plete . or unr7ay Cla-ry reorte . that the Fall -i7shion : ho7:: . as anthutically rce _v . :7-_,:aj tht ht.2-=:11:7 = .- lar shous tuice a year are 10 boinc:: contati Zhe only 20=CO of :f.J.Emctlot5_on f,n the Oct. 7 event ms the oun .. cycte • he reortc th:7t the re7.1onse to her reo-aeE!t for 7.2-ief7 to 1:: rtsc In -1:1 7: Touan co2tuHie ju,.. in:.; Eroncere by the Ithf:._ca ,-Iyoc:=:7 ':7.= been *::00.. .. :. - -pro:::1Tiately 25 .. e-zohmt h=e a:7ree . to .lonte certL2 Thate2 ,o,' 'preh:7,n- jise9 in co-2:Itrst to 2 1(:. t ye '. ;idle alfl) Te. ..,-) tc th:).t cooDer.?,tlall T:ith the J_usicirro UnIon lP -;la1n1n:7 this year, !1 ::o1.1.:tay usic 2o[;rr11'71 L s ::ev'f.o-Din • e") 1. The :Alsician2s .i:rotective Trust :17':x1 1111 - ,tch local contrbutions in s-,)onsorinn: 1.-;rofectional .e.nces for the event. To enhance that cooperation, Clarf,,y request that the coney l:Lo- CC ,ef. by the Co -..:.ons Avisory -:oarJ CO -,ao a.v. L7..:- .0 1.7-eiately. The ZJIA has alrea:'_y release: the .• .200 it ::.onate r77:]t nat chec7: has been forwareC_ to :,:i..le : o(3- e of the Union. Clar:ly 71 -;estei:_ that . 40 of the :::100 to be contribute:, by the Co tons AviF=y :oar . by lonatef. to the Tthaca Ca =nity 1,:lhorus which is not a 7)refc=lonal group but which relies aa donatiaas to cover costs . The rea0n:-.= uoulJ El-2onsor pro- fessional o,-.o.. '-)s, -. 1.17. rily E. all instru..ents,7_ 7.r‘ous . . 7:leer7.:orn -7J:)vel that the J100 contribution be •-.f. e in a -vnce, with .. .-0 set aside for the Ca=nity Oho a".a ._ the reain(:.er .(x7,.at3j to the :_usiciants Union. Schic7:e1 secone.f. awl the i,lotion carrie unaniously. A chec7.: for ::.;205 ftntftara fro-:1 Peter Ciferi an behalf of ramtasy Fair for the use of the Canons for the craft fair has been turne over to the Co-:,.ptroller. ClariTy an,-_- Steven II= ' c :e before tic 7.30' r:T of Public Wor7:s to see its approval for the ref..esin of the tie an . teperature tower panel which now holM the regulations . That board ap-')rovej a resolution to rer'esicm the r:T.nel r'.:1 sua.:esteJ at e. total cost of ::206. :the' lachols reporta.1 to Clar -y that the cha-rte-r. -orjinarce co=:Ittee of Co-lon Council is now consiering the T)ropose(1 --, -' Coc. ons Advisory Door Oct. .1:3, 1972- 17)(747,e 2. ., chanes in the Co=ons ui,d.elinds anC. 17111 refer the rou 1-osu1ati ons to Co.--.'„ on Council for a:92rova1. The Circle CTeemTay 17111 be celebrated this -,7e-e.r.erl:. 17ith a • nileac7e relay 17aTh be;:inrir2; on the Co ions ,-:. t (,-) A:: toor'rol.T. This event f7ons not require a -Der it or action by the 17.oar . Clor Ty infer e " the 3oar d. that the DI:A :-1.as recently sent a letter to Vice Presient Herbs.ter of Cornell ,..'.eplorin:-:; t'ne sale of the o:1 J Fairroun.:.s on les. -..ou ..-Areet to Tops : ar7.7.e.t f or -evelop-.ant. tu -r't Lel s of the iI3L hopes to arrane a . ectiro'.: 7;i th : :•,,yo-,- Cm1:1 r,zr f.n.:. :_r. Van Co-t an the .-,otter L'All:_ ill:::_lo?.te.1 h:1 s uish to aclu.:...0 0 -00-')-esenta- tive of the Co -...',ons .2_,:.vi so:7 llo .. The issue :Tas Ti 731=0i by the Doar . The -:-.0a.r asse-,'te::. its :J2- L---„ht sr::. resper)sibilit7 to be hoarj if • e-ibers felt the :.Tev( 1..-proat uoul: be :..etrital to the Co .Tons . ::orr 0:7-)7aineJ that the 7-r'o-)ose2 jevelop-.ent '.7cots oIl 7.12_1:11 : :20:01,1011tC anj. the the :3tote I]nvironental r::o_ality Control ' :as the only -,..ea.1 rlin:,; -: .echarf r-.7-.-. for haTI tin:i; or c,'. ...,ajzi the .7'...1.ans . l'.e=- .e.lb=s fes.,,,t the full econo ic i .: :)li cations of the .levelop -ent Trere co. 1Dle:: s. : that the c " -o atm ess of -.2.0arl action -ms abluous . :a:Mr in:A"ate hat he 1:oul:. be ITillinL; to attnn.7_ a -TectinL7 such as t: t ' ro-7;ese:, as a ocncer1&.7. 111 LL C' szli a lo. atown ..clnister 7;:ut not 1-1. hi s of fi ci a'i caacity as choir on: spo7:es,-2n. of the Co 10110 L ..71s ory fo[s.r . The :ecisio7a to allocate Toney for purc se of a ty7euriter hs.s been su7`Oreeic .. by a :7.cci..nion of the bu ' c'.t co--• itte of ' ry. ..r7n Coiricil to re-r'use '-:17ich c'_, :roxchcvzo. The co .-_--'dttoe (.7)- -TDse -..:urche of : cc: tyo7.7rit or s at this ti- e s,n1 'f..,. T not ay)prova 1:..)b ..ji.'It. 7 S l'oefo.crzlt thst office H r es --o.ile-y ovallale ir the current 77.u:.:.;ct "he er..,..si nr,::,.. to office cc ui'::. oat. MO 30 -:7.1ttO r.fl7.7,0: t..:. t fl.': ;21i0 t:;7,-,C=Ito-,-.' 2c., •e be 2011r:"t T7 61 1 Oi ty ll• r)7,:le :ear: .. 71.C1: [: 0 -_ th a 7 =1 b. 1: -b,j Of 0,.:1(7,21:''C LI t.,.10 (";7.. C.2 .=i0 of its eurrcit .7..1... zat recluest but T7 D actio71 7:os ta.--..07-1 . The .:7.(x 7,:as . .1 stree . .t . . . .) s .0.1.7z)t of :1[72 sic involve:, in obtinin:.; a e,',:rite of so.7.0 Ms cri: t i en f o r use in the CO Ions office • 170 further action '.CO ts. on on the .....att,er. As there uas no further business, the :zleetin:::, 10.0 aJjourne . . . nespectfuUy sub :1,.tte: , 71, k An-rea Clar:y , . Commons Advisory Board Meeting Oct. 27, 1978 voting members present: Dewart, Brown, Taylor, Underwood other members: Clardy, Karr Jeannie Hubbell visited the meeting to request permission to sell handcrafted sheepskin hats an the open lot between Rothschild's and the Home Dairy. She has been selling with theFarmer's Market on that location but the market has ended for the season. The Board felt it could not set a precedent of allowing individual crafts- peple to sell their creations an the Commons. It was noted, however, that the vacant lot is not under the jurisdiction of the Commons Advisory Board. Consent for its use must be obtained fromm the Urban Renewal met Committee. Clardy reported other applications for Commons use on which the advice of the Board was needed. The Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls have requested permission to sell cookies and candy, res- pectively, on overlapping dates. The Campfire girls will be advised of the three day regulation, having asked permission for a two week period. Both groups will be advised of the overlap. Linda Dearstyne has requested permission to distribute an informational pamphlet about witches. In the tpinian of the city attorney, both CAB and Maypr's permits are appropriate. The Yaypr's has been issued and the CAB approved Ms. Dearstyne's request, subject to her bing reminded that she cannot solicit passers-by for funds mm or impose her informational pamphlet an then. A representative of Delta Gamma Pi sorority at Ithaca College submitted an application for use of the Central Pavi liion as part of a promotion to raise funds for GIAC by "kidnapping" a WTKO disc jockey. Permission was granted for a display, with a reminder that donations cannot be solicited, although voluntary contributions may be accepted. A preliminary meeting has been held to organize a spring fashion show on the Commons May 5. This event may be combined with a display by the Ithaca Automobile Dealers' Association. Clardy received approval to go ahead with such plans. Littletree Orchards has been selling cider and apples on the vacant lot with a perni.toissued by Mr. Dingman. They have asked permission to bring a cider press on the lot for displaying apple pressing and the sake of cider. TheBoard feltrthat since the DPW had directly given the original permit, it should grant any further permits for use of the area which is not strictly subject to the Board's control. Clardy will advise Mr. Dingman and Randy Brown of Littletree Orchards of this action. Clardy reported that a single, unamplified msuician on the Uommons had been asked to refrain from playing his autoharp by a police offieer. To avoid any further problets for the individual, he was given a permit to play, although no permit is formally required in such a case. Clardy asked if the Board wished to make a resolution approving the presence of spontaneous musicians on the Commons. The Board felt, however, that it could not act without more members present since such a resolution should probably deal with the appropriateness of implicit solicitation thhough open cases Commons Advisory Board Oct.27 page 2. or hats. The ±ri question was postponed. Although it 'will not become urgent again until the spring, some action should be taken by the Board because the ambiguity of our present posture places police officers in an impossible position to enforceregulations. Clardy reported that she will meet today with Tom Niederkorn nad Ralph Jordan to develop ideas f or a Commons brochure. She also reported that the Summerithaca board has net and the dates for Ithaca Festival 1979 have been set for Junes 1-3. Suggestions by Commons Advisory Board members on any aspect of the Festival, inclu- ding the site for major productions if the vacant lot is unavailable, would be most welcome. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned promptly at 11. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Clardy P.S. Please excuse the extraordinary number of typo's. I have damaged my right thumb thg"ih makes typing such a challenge a that there is no reasin Whatsoever to think I could do any better if I re-typed. Commons Advisory Board Oct.27 page 2. or hats. The fa question was postponed. Although it will not become urgent again until the spring, some action should be taken by the Board because the ambiguity of our present posture places police officers in an impossible position to enforceregulations. Clardy reported that she will meet today with Tom Niederkorn nad Ralph Jordan to develop ideas f or a Commons brochure. She also reported that the °ummerithaca board has me;; and the dates for Ithaca Festival 1979 have been set for Junen 1-3. Suggestions by Commons Advisory Board members on any aspect of the Festival, inclu- ding the site for major productions if the vacant lot is unavailable, would be most welcome. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned promptly at 11. Respectfully submitted, /' Andrea Clardy P.S. Please excuse the extraordinary number of typo's. I have damaged my right thumb thcih makes typing such a challenge a that there is no reasin Whatsoever to think I could do any better if I re-typed.. • • Commons Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 17, 1978 voting members present: Brown, Goldman, Niederkorn, Rothschild, Schickel, Taylor, Underwood others : Clardy The meeting was held in the Unitarian Church due to the closing of City Hall for Veterans ' Day. Clardy announced that a permit was issued to Kellus Venorer of the Salvation Army, after polling the Board , for donation kettles to be set .up at various :Locations on the Commons between Nov. 23 and Dec. 24. ohe announced that two unusual applications would be presented directly to the Board.. The first was from Iotani Healing Temple of Jesus Christ, Inc. for use of space on the Coro ons to sell certificates for family portraits, snail oil lamps and artifical vanilla to benefit the church, Rev. Alfi Lloyd and :nary Ward then visited the meeting to show samples and explain their application. Boar:'_ members expressed some reservations about the particular items which .::are seen to be out of keeping with the baked goods, plants and wickets which non-profit groups have traditionally sold on the Co-nmons. In the discussion following the visit, a strong desire was expressed to acco'nou ate the Immani Church as uch as Possible in its wish to use the Commons. But a concern ves also voiced about setting a precedent for sale of items which seen inappropriate. Board members acknowledged that the definition of what is apmro= priate is a matter of peraonal aesthetic judge-lent. They also stated than they were charged , as members of this Bony-' , with exercising and noosing that judgement. Niederkorn made and. Brown seconded a motion to allow the Immani Healing Temple of Jesus Christ, Inc. to sell the items shown to the Board on the Commons on Saturday, November 16 and 25, with he understanding that this is a single Permit which will not again he granted for the sale of commercial merchandise :Discussion of the 'notion included. comment that, while such a permit would be issued only once to this church, the Board may have to grant sip nilar unique permits to other comparable groups . The motion carried., with Underwood. dissenting. Discussion followed of the other unusual apmlicant who did not, in fact, attend. Joe Cassaniti has inquired about the pos- sibility of establishing a New York style hot dog cart at a single location on the Commons. Cassaniti has been advised by Clardy in their initial conversation that such a cart would be a major prece- dent, probably entailing a change in currett regul ati en.s . He was also told that approva:L by the County Department of Health would be prerequisite to Board consent, that he would have to make a specific proposal in writing to the Board and that, prior to making such a proposal, he would be well advised to attend a meeting of the Board to find out if the idea was worth Pursuing. The Board • expressed strenusous reservations about the idea but the consensus of the meeting seemed to be that the proposal should be heard in its initial form before the: 3oard. responds. Cassaniti will be invited to the next Board meeting, which will be Dec. 1. Clardy announced that she granted a pernit,after consultation with the aayor on the question of jurisdiction over the group, to Ecology Action for distribution of information and presentation of a short original clay on i onday, Nov. 20. I•iember.s of the Board bemoaned the prospect of "street theater" possibly interfering with commercial and pedestrian activities, citing a previous experience with highly confrontational drama. Clardy volunteered to advise Commons Advisory Board. p. 2 Nov. 17 the individuals responsible for the presentation of the Board 's concern and to attend the event herself with the purpose of cur- tailing any inappropriate activity. Clardy distributed to members of the Board conies of the Commons Advisory Board budget indicating amounts available in all categories. She requested and was granted permission to spend up to ?100 of the ;314.10 remaining in "printing for a printed Program of the Holiday Lusic Program. A civitas volunteer from Cornell will be asked to design the program. Brown made a motion, seconded by Goldman, to use available money from the office supplies account to rent a typezrriter for use by the Commons Coordinator for the remainder of the calendar year. The motion passed unanimously. Clardy announced that she will attend a conference in Syracuse next week on money and the arts which :lay be relevant to Commons concerns . She reported that the Holiday ::uric Progra^ is developing nicely, that she is tentatively planning a Titter event for the last weekend in J1anuary which wroul.d. involve both the display and. sale of winter sports equipment and also a snow' or ice sculpture display. She is also preparing a questionnaire to explore the interest in an industrial display to helm. the last weekend in August. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted. :/� la's,•7,;��___ Andrea Cla.rc'y 1 • Commons Advisory Board Minutes December 1, 1978 voting members present: Brown, Ciferri, Meyer, Niederkorn, Osborn, Rothschild, Taylor, Underwood others: Clardy In the interim since the last meeting, Clardy polled the Board b g, y p by phone to obtain approval by a quorum of two permits which were then issued. The Ithaca Manage- mint Club has been granted permission to sell live wreaths to benefit the YMCA Building Fund on the central pavillion on December 2, 9 and 16. Clardy cleared the request with Alan Buchsberg of Plantation since the sale may compete with his business. Also approved was a permit application for the sale of tickets to the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra Concert scheduled for December 12. • Clardy requested guidance from the Board on two unusual applications. One is from Kay Lee, owner of Top of the Ladder, a Commons business, for permission to have the Lee's son walk around the Commons periodically weating a sandwich board advertising the store's "Little Drummer" theme for the season. After some discussion, Brown made and Niederkorn seconded a motion that the application be granted. The j motion passed unanimously. Joyces Schomberg has asked permission to present readings of poetry on the Commons. The poetry she would like to share is traditional and she has some background in poetry readings and workshops with senior citizens and school children. She has.asked to play a tape of her own readings while miming the poems. Niederkorn made a motion, seconded by Meyer, that permission be granted on a weekday. The motion passed. Meyer reported to the Board that the budget constraints •on the city this year are so extreme that the Commons Advisory Bud 'et may be in y y g y jeapordy. She suggested that we explore the ways in which Common Council can be informed of the work that the Board and the Coordinator do so that our budget will receive appropriate priority. - (PLEASE SEE NOTE AT END OF MINUTES) Taylor and Niederkorn and Clardy agreed to explore strategies and take some action piior to the Council meeting this Wednesday at which preliminary cuts in the budget are expected. Joseph Casanitti appeared before the Board to regqest permission to establish a hot dog cart on the Commons. Mr. Casanitti presented photographs and printed materials describing the cart in detail and also a letter from the Tompkins County Health Department specif*ing the terms for approval of such a cart. Mr. Casanitti emphasized his desire to set up a reputable, permanent business which would operate at one specified site on the Commons at established hours, weather permitting. The Board explained that X such a permit cannot be granted under current regulations but expressed interest in the possibility of proposing an alternative to the current regulations to Common Council. Niederkorn stated that he will convene the carts and mobile vendors committee ofd the Board so that a policy may be generated. Mr. Casanitti was thanked fork his presentation and told the Board will initiate the process of considering his request and report to him on its progress. Mr. Casanitti may be reached by telephone at:273-1999. Clardy reported that the Holiday Music program is developing nicely and that she hopes to distribute printed programs, designed as a public service by Beverly Rosen through the Cornell Civitas Program, this coming weekend. She will distribute programs to Commons merchants and to churches whose choirs are involved in the program. They will also be displayed on the Ithaca Transit buses. One extra professional groups was scheduled IR due to a misunderstanding with the Musicians' Union. She offered to recruit private dollars to pay the $57 entailed if the Board felt it could not allocate further monies to the program but requested that such an allocation be considered. The Board decided that $75 now in a trust fund to the Commons and reportedly in some jeapordy of being absorbed into the general City budget by used for the Holiday Music Program, along with $75 from the working budget. Niederkorn offered to ask Bob Cutia to formally request both the • transfer and the allocation which will then be confirmed directly,with Mr. Dailey. The meeting adjourned, followed by an informal caucus of strategies for demonstrating to C ouncil both the critical nature of the Board's role and the Commons Advisory Board page 2. Dec. 1, 1978 need for a profesdtonal Coordinator to implement the policies of the Board and initiate new projects. Respectfully submitted, 9414140■—.— Andrea Clardy • Commons Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Dec. 15, 1978 voting members present: Brown, Osborn, Rothschild, Taylor,Underwood others: Clardy, Mayor Ed Conley, Bob Cutia Discussion of concerns about the Green Street Parking Ramp led to the passage of three resolutions by the Board which appear, as part of these minutes, on a separate,enclosed sheet. Mayor Conley agreed to draw the resolutions to the attention of the Board of Public Works. Clardy was asked to share them in advance with Mr. Dingman. Mayor Conley asked the Board's reaction to complaints and concerns voiced by merchants about the current level of lighting on the Commons. It is feared that relative darkness may be a deterrant to shoppers. The Board made no state- ment of opinion on the matter, although the possibility of adding lights which would highlight architechtural features of interest was mentioned. The Mayor also advised the Board that the sign ordinance will be introduced after City reserve funds are absorbed on the first of January. He offered to invite a member of the Planning Department to comment on the ordinance. Clardy and Rothschild presented the report of the Cart Committee. A copy of the letter drafted to Commons area feod retailers is attached. Clardy reported that plans are developing for a fair weather concert series in the spring and aummer. The Community School of Music and Art will sponsor the first ten weekly concerts, with their building serving as a rain site. Clardy expressed concern about the Winter Wonders Weekend tentatively scheduled for the last weekedd in January. Only three retailers of winter sports equipment have made a definite commitment to appear in response to Clardy's questionnaire. That questionnaire stipulated that five merchants would have to be involved to give the event appropriate prominence. Among them merchants opposed to the event is one on the Commons itself and the Board was asked its response to the idea of conducting event protested as unfair competition y a Commons merchant. Clardy reported that the DIBA, when asked the same question, felt the merchant involved could be ignored since the shop, Ithaca Outdoor Store, is not a member of the DIBA and the event might serve as an incentive to join. Taylor suggested that a single event did not constitute ongoing competition and he was comfortable with the project. That view was supported by other members of the Board. Claddy asked the Board for permission to decide independently on the basis of repponses in the coming days whether to hold the Jima event, however small, or wehher to delay introduction of the idea until next year when more extensive support would be gained by planning further in advance. The Board agreed to allow her the decision. John Meiggs from the Planning Department explained the graphics project to the Board. It considts of three parts: improving regularory street signs, a system of tourist and landmark orientation and city administration graphics. The first, of primary concern to this Board, is designed to reduce clutter and now waits for funding. It was not clear whether specific information of howl to park, where, when and how to get in and out of the ramps was included in the project and Meiggs was asked to remind Planning and the DPW that those specifie signs are or primary importance to this Board. The Board asked whether independent of the signage project, the specific parting signs could be created immediately. Inquiries were also made about the"no turn on red" signs around the Commons. Bob Cutia stressed the importance of having the DIBA contribute its portion of the Coordinator's salary prior to the end of the calendar year. Clardy will remind Rich Goldman and will verify that a bill has been sent to the DIBA. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prior to adjournment, Taylor agreed to attend the first meeting of the new year to chair the selection of a new chair prior to his departure from the Board. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Clardy Clardy