HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-CAB-1997 .A I V zit, n rm Tl ). -= i�rT ilic171) scgp.. .. `0 / CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 OFFICE OF TELEPHONE: (607)274-6546 ITHACA COMMONS COORDINATOR FAX: (607)272-7348 Commons Advisory Board Meeting Minutes February 7, 1997 Present: Chairman Gillis, Lieberman, Martins, Schuler, Thorpe,Wetmore Absent: Hogue, Smith, Vargas Staff: Deming,Mandell J. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes from the CAB meeting of December 6, 1996 was moved by Joseph Wetmore with the stipulation that the December minutes include the wording that "CAB members felt strongly that the Commons Advisory Board should continue in concurrence with the BID." Nancy Lieberman seconded the motion. Motion approved. II. Update on BID Staff reported that the office of the Commons Coordinator has been working with the chairperson of the BID Retail Marketing and Promotion Committee, Emma Lou Sheikh, and has been in attendance at two Committee meetings. Artwalk and the Summer Concert Series will be organized by the Commons Coordinator's office, with the understanding that BID absorb the costs of the events and activities it has requested to acquire. Apple Harvest and the Holiday Traditions will be organized by the BID's future Marketing Director. Martins reported that the search for an executive director is continuing and that the candidate pool has been narrowed. Discussion took place about the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the BID. Specifically, concerns were expressed that the MOU has not been finalized. The approved 1997 CAB budget was put together with the clear understanding that the future part-time Commons Coordinator position would perform the functions of government, assist community groups with Commons activities and lend advice and limited staff assistance to the BID in planning former DII/City events. The Commons Advisory Board budget does not contain moneys to fund these activities. JII. Prioritize Work Plan It was agreed that a Commons Use Brochure for the public should be completed. None of the items listed as suggested priorities were removed from the list, however, the History Underfoot Project was identified as less critical given time constraints in the Commons office. Discussion regarding the Capital Project to remove the fountain on the Commons took place. Support was An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program' expressed for removal of the fountain. Thorpe suggested that members of the Planning Dept. seemed supportive of the fountain removal. Staff was directed to proceed with the necessary steps for filing the Capital Project. IV. CAR Appointments Lieberman expressed interest in remaining on the CAB following the expiration of her term. She has been submitted as a candidate for reappointment. Three vacant spots on the CAB are needing to be filled and suggestions were requested. V. Downtown Directories Staff reported that the annual update of the directory information is near completion. VI. Recycling/Trash, Staff reported that recycling bins are to be finally installed on the Commons soon. Staff also reported that a concerted effort has been made to clarify the changes in recycling collections for businesses and residents on and around the Commons. Discussion took place that City Hall needs to be vigilant in communicating clearly with the public and without legalese language. VII. Economic Activity Report Discussion took place that retail activity was better downtown than was reported on the Tompkins County Economic Activity report. VIIL Adjournment Meeting was ; ,journed at loam t. ,e ,•ply sub /oshua Mande -Asst. ommons Coordinator ev 4 '' 02 .... . CITY OF ITHACA 106 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 OFFICE OF TELEPHONE: (607)274-6546 ITHACA COMMONS COORDINATOR FAX: (607)272-7348 COMMONS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES April 4, 1997 Present: Chairman Gillis, Hogue, Lieberman, Martins, Smith, Schuler, Thorpe,Wetmore Absent: Vargas Staff: Deming, Mandell Guests: Frank Brackin, IPD; Sgt. Beau Saul, IPD;Laurel Guy, Ithaca Festival; Mack Travis, BID; Beverly Apgar I. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes from March 7 and February 7 moved by Joseph Wetmore. Second by Jerry Martins. II. Introduction of new CAB member Jane Talbot was not present to be introduced to the Commons Advisory Board III. Discussion of BID diningg rposal Mack Travis, President of the Business Improvement District, presented the BID's concept for Outdoor Dining throughout the Commons. Included were the following: • The BID requests the use of selected sites on the Commons for outdoor dining when not in use for regular Commons Use Permits. • The BID and Center Ithaca would each provide funding for janitorial duties related to dining. • Restaurant participation would be solicited with the restaurants paying the cost of the furniture and taking responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of the sites. • Rules would be posted at each of the dining locations. • Wait persons would be available. Feedback from the Commons Advisory Board Members included the following: • Liability insurance would be provided by the BID. • The CAB would issue a blanket permit to the BID that can be revoked at any time • The BID might be best to pursue the dining proposal on a small scale in only the Tree Grove and see how the public responds. • Restricted use of the tables and chairs might be a problem given that the Commons is public space and no fee would be assigned to the BID for the use of the Commons. • Signs reading "please limit your stay..." might be the most appropriate way to guarantee equal access to all potential diners. IV. Ithaca Festival The Ithaca Festival will run May 30, 31 and June 1 from noon until 8pm each day. Friday and Saturday the Festival will be located downtown and on the Commons. A map of the Ithaca Festival layout will be provided to the CAB. Laurel Guy, Director of the Ithaca Festival, opened the floor up to questions. The following topics were covered: FOOD: Wendy Schwartz will assist with the coordination of food vendors TRASH: More volunteers will be used to help remove trash from the Commons. All vendors are required to use an approved tarp for ground cover. Vendors will be on and off the Commons between 7:30AM and 9AM Carts will be inspected by the Fire Dept. Vendors are expected to carry out their trash Any additional charge for City cleanup is sent to the Ithaca Festival and forwarded to the individual vendor. Grease will not be poured down the grates or in the planters. All business entrances and public walk-ways will be left unobstructed V. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 9:30AM Respectfully submitted, Joshua Mandell Otk Asst. Coordinator ;‘, „ ;Gi( 7n4s I lam) !y. , 1 ', �' ..• x`00: PoRAT,,,, CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 OFFICE OF TELEPHONE: (607)274-6546 ITHACA COMMONS COORDINATOR FAX: (607)272-7348 COMMONS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES May 2, 1997 Present: Chairman Gillis, Burbank, Hogue, Smith, Schuler, Talbot, Wetmore Absent: Lieberman, Martins, Thorpe, Vargas Staff: Deming, Mandell Guest: Alan Buchberg, Joe Daly, John Schroeder, Mack Travis J.Approval of Minutes Motion to approve: Hogue. Second: Wetmore IL BID Proposal for Dining on the Commons Mack Travis reported that the BID held a special meeting to address the Budget and Administration Committee resolution which stipulated that dining space on the Commons be available on a first-come first-served basis only. By majority vote, the BID decided not to amend its existing proposal, but rather to ask that CAB approve the proposal "as it stands." A summary of the plan was given: • BID will spend$3,500 for tables and chairs on the Center Pavilion and will provide for 20 hours of service in conjunction with 20 hours of service provided by Center Ithaca • Tables and chairs in the Tree Grove will be provided by Center Ithaca restaurants • The BID Executive Director will be the sole contact person for the Dining plan • Sanctioned hours are needed as the incentive for restaurants to make the purchase of tables and chairs • Extended dining will be of no additional cost to the City • Sanctioned hours does not mean strict enforcement • Something positive needs to be done immediately on the Commons Smith moved that the proposal be accepted by the CAB on a trial basis for the summer, Burbank seconded the motion. Motion passed by majority vote. Wetmore opposed the proposal on the principal that the Commons needs to remain a "multi-use" space and that the proposal is not well thought out with regard to the East and West Pavilions. III. Commons Fountain John Schroeder presented the BID's proposal for the remodeling of the Commons Fountain with generous landscaping. The plan would be of no cost to the City and requires only that the nursery providing and maintaining the landscaping be permitted to post a sign claiming credit for the project. Motion to approve: Hogue. Second: Smith. Motion passed. VI. Extended Police Coverage of the Commons Staff reported that plans are underway to and bring extended police coverage to the Commons. This includes permitting officers on duty to take over-time on the Commons and the use of the officer assigned to the High School to provide additional coverage on the Commons during the summer months. V. Old/New Business The Commons Advisory Board thanked Jean Deming for her years of service to the Downtown and presented her with a thank you gift. Meeting adjourned 9:30AM Respectfully submitted", d„ Joshua Mandell Commons Coordinator • City of Ithaca PC/Codebook for Windows § A352-7. Outdoor dining. A. Guidelines. (1) The dining area shall be immediately adjacent and attached to the business holding the permit. (2) The dining area shall be in some way physically defined. (3) The area shall extend out from the building at distance to conform to existing fire and traffic flow lanes and designed so as not to impede pedestrian flow. (4) The dining area shall not extend beyond either side of the permit holder's storefront. (5) The merchant shall be completely responsible for all aspects of the area, including insurance, maintenance and control. (6) Individual restaurants shall select their own furniture awnings, umbrellas, etc.,with-the- prio d CAS pri I �(,LC,. I (7) The outdoor dining leasing season shall be F-1. (8) - fee shalLbe_charged-Qf-not-lesstl li$3per square (9) The permit issued shall be revocable by action of the CAB. (10)The area shall be used for outdoor dining and merchandise sold shall be for human consumption only. Service of alcoholic beverages will require separate approval. (11) " - .: "• .••, (12)Furniture and fixtures as well as any means used to define the dining area will be allowed only during the leased time. (13)Each applicant will be required to submit to the CAB a complete and detailed description of furniture design and area layout. (14 - - - B. Any of the above guidelines are subject to negotiations and modifications by the Commons Advisory Board. . - ou .oo • f _ • se. -4 bevira-trial-basts: Pritirto'ffie fis . . § A352-8. Limited waivers and exceptions. The Commons Advisory Board is authorized to grant limited waivers and exceptions to the provisions of the Operations Manual, as appropriate and for temporary periods not to exceed one week in duration, such waivers and exceptions to be subject to any appropriate review by the 1 City of Ithaca /Fr PC✓Codebook for Windows proposals, those wishing to use the Commons should be guided by the considerations set forth below. In reviewing requests for permits, and carrying out the day-to-day operation of the Commons, actions required by city officials should also be strongly influenced by these guidelines. The guidelines should be modified and enlarged as necessary. A. General. (1) Fire lanes are to be kept open. No exhibit will be permitted to locate in a fire lane. (2) Time, location and duration of use will be assigned by the appropriate person or group reviewing use requests. As a general rule, permits will be valid for use of the assigned space between the hours of 8:00 am. and 10:00 p.m. (3) No user will be permitted to reserve a location on the Commons for more than three events in any calendar year. A single event is defined as being limited to seven consecutive days' duration. Additional permits may be granted dependent on the availability of time and space. An application for an additional permit may be made no more than 10 days in advance of desired date for a permit of up to three consecutive days'duration. (4) Raffle tickets shall not be sold in the Tax Benefit District but may be publicized in the district and sold in adjacent stores if arrangements can be made with the proprietor. (5) Rain dates will not be scheduled at the time the original permit is issued but, in case of rain,every effort will be made to reschedule the event at the earliest appropriate time. Reapplication for a permit will not be required. (6) There shall be no outdoor display of merchandise of any type unless a permit has been approved by the Commons Advisory Board, in which case no sales activity shall take place. (7) Permits to sell on the Commons will be limited to that merchandise which is of cultural substance and/or general community interest, such as handcrafted items, fruit,plants and baked goods. (8) Sale of merchandise by individuals who are not part of a larger organized group will not be permitted. (9) Use of pavilions for limited sales and displays will be limited to merchants in the Commons Tax Benefit District and nonprofit organizations. (10)Hawking, harassing passersby, littering, accosting people and otherwise disrupting the _natural flow of pedestrian traffic shall be prohibited. (11)No religious symbols shall be used as part of a continuous, unattended freestanding display on the Commons. (12)Promotional or advertising banners are not to be placed across the Commons. (13)Three days in August can be reserved for the Commons-wide Sidewalk Sale Days," at which time Commons merchants would be allowed to display and sell merchandise on 2 City of Ithaca PC/Codebook for Windows (5) Class E: permits for vending, soliciting and fundraising. Class E permits will relate to activities and uses which involve the direct sale of merchandise, products or goods, fundraising and any sort of city-authorized solicitation for funds. Permits will be issued after review, approval, with or without conditions,and scheduling by the Advisory Board. A use fee may be charged. See the fee schedule in 325-6F. Activities and uses included in this class are: (a) Vending, sales or city-authorized solicitation for profit on a daily basis or for a specific time period. (b) Vending, sales or other fundraising activity or city-authorized solicitation by a nonprofit organization. (c) Outdoor dining and catering. (d) Vending carts. B. A report on requests for permits approved and activities scheduled will be made at the regular meeting of the Advisory Board. § A352-5. Responsibilities of permit holder. The responsibilities of the permit holder shall be: A. To supervise displays, products,equipment and any other material at all times if theft, vandalism or littering is likely to be a problem. B. To entirely remove or properly dispose of all material and equipment used in any activity at the end of the use time. C. To remove or properly dispose of all litter created by the permit holder's activity, use or event D. To hold the City of Ithaca free and clear of any responsibility for any materials,products or equipment used in any activity or event on the Commons and for any damages, accidents or incidents which may occur in conjunction therewith. E. To show proof, when required by the Commons Advisory Board,that liability insurance, of an amount to be determined by the Superintendent of Public Works, has been obtained. F. To comply with all of the applicable conditions and guidelines as set forth by the Commons Advisory Board and the City of Ithaca in issuing a permit. G. To provide a performance bond covering anticipated cleaning and repair costs when so required by the Superintendent of Public Works or Commons Advisory Board. §A352-6. Guidelines for use; fees. The following guidelines provide a checklist of items which are either mandatory or considered to be of importance in the operation and administration of the Commons. In formulating 1 1997 COMMONS ADVISORY BOARD PHONE LIST NAME BUSINESS PHONE (W) PHONE (H) Andrew Gillis, Chair Cascadilla Photo. 272-7386 272-8402 Isla Burbank Tompkins County Trust 273-3210 ext.2263 Allison Hogue Leather Express 273-5806 277-2951 Nancy Lieberman TC3 844-8211 257-6724 Jerry Martins Now You're Cooking 272-5818 273-3573 Madeline Schuler The Plantation 273-7231 272-0204 Albert Smith Short Stop 272-6001 Jane Talbot Uncommon Threads 256-7215 277-7030 Roey Thorpe Common Council 257-0200 272-4328 Cecelia Vargas Easy Street 277-3886 Joseph Wetmore Autumn Leaves Books 273-8239 273-4896 CITY OF ITHACA - Department of Public Works & Commons Coordinator 108 East Green Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Phone: (607) 274-6527 Fax: 272-7348 APPLICATION FOR OUTDOOR DINING Applications can be made to the Commons Coordinator or the Superintendent of Public Works (based on location) in order to obtain permission for an outdoor dining agreement. Final jurisdiction will be based on location. Establishments requesting the sale of alcoholic beverages on city property must obtain separate approval from Common Council through the City Attorney. Please allow six to eight weeks to obtain approval. Permits will be issued based upon the following guidelines (based upon Ithaca Municipal Code A 352-7): (1) The dining area shall be immediately adjacent and attached to the business holding the permit. (2) If alcohol is served, the dining area shall be in some way physically defined. (3) The area shall extend out from the building at distance which accommodates existing fire and traffic flow lanes, but generally not more than four or five feet. (4) The dining area shall not extend beyond of the permit holder's storefront. (5) The merchant shall be completely responsible for all aspects of the area including insurance, cleanliness and control. (6) The outdoor dining leasing season shall be from April 15 until October 15. (7) Permits must be submitted and approved yearly. (8) All permits are revokable upon thirty days notice and are subject to provisions provided within the agreement. (9) Furniture and fixtures as well as any means used to define the dining area will be allowed only during the approved time. (10) Fee is based on size of area being leased, at a rate of$7 per squate foot. (11) Other specific requirements or restrictions are contained in the agreement. Requirements for obtaining approval for outdoor dining: (Please attach to this form.) 1) Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Ithaca as co-insured in the amount of $1,000,000. 2) Sketch of area, with dimensions, being requested for use. 3) List of equipment/fumishing to be utilized during business operations. Applications will not be accepted without the required materials attached. CONTACT NAME PHONE NAME OF BUSINESS ADDRESS REQUESTED DAILY TIMES: START FINISH Received by Date: Date approved,by BPW/CAB: License fee: cc: City Attorney Commons Coordinator March,1996 PERMITTING FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMONS COORDINATOR RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING THE COMMONS ARE CONTAINED IN THE CITY CODE CHAPTERS 157& A352 COMMONS USE PERMITS These permits are issued for most activities that take place on the Commons. This includes merchants within the Tax Benefit District wishing to sell for profit on the Commons, non-profit groups wishing to fund-raise and groups wishing to distribute literature of an education nature, festivals/fairs. MAYOR'S USE PERMITS These permits are similar to the Commons Use Permit, except that they require the Mayor's signature for: parades and marches, demonstrations, protests, petitions, political meetings or rallies, religious meetings or rallies, block parties and street dances. OUTDOOR DINING PERMIT Permits for Outdoor Dining are available through the Commons Coordinator, but must also gain the approval of the Commons Advisory Board and the Board of Public Works. A Commons Use Permit is issued for Dining. A fee of $7/sq.ft. is currently assessed to restaurants wishing to use dining space on the Commons. The Dept. of Public Works handles all requests for dining off the Commons. REQUESTS TO FILM ON CITY PROPERTY Requests to film on the Commons are handled by the Commons Coordinator. Permittees are required to provide proof of liability insurance and a copy of the script. A Commons Use Permit is issued for filming on the Commons. Requests to film on City Property elsewhere are handled by the Dept. of Public Works. MOBILE VENDING CART PERMITS Mobile vending carts are regulated by the Commons Coordinator. Proof of insurance, health dept. approval and a sales tax ID number is required of each permittee. Locations are assigned and vending fees are paid to the Chamberlain. DOG PERMITS Dogs are not allowed on the Commons, unless they are seeing eye dogs or are specifically permitted by the Commons Coordinator for residents on the Commons who do not have access to their residence through a rear entrance. These permits are rare and have been created by the Commons Coordinator. Permit Guidelines /i. Mayor's Permit or CAB Permit? Read both permits for clarification. Any activity with the intention of changing the public's opinion on a topic, or infuence the public's decision, needs to be approved by the Mayor. Some examples are religious solicitation, petition signing, rallys, and demonstrations. You can issue CAB permits yourself, the Mayor's permit application must first be approved by the Mayor. First, after approving a location, and before the applicant signs the application, send the applicant with application to the City Clerk to have the form notarized. Instruct the applicant to go to the 4th floor afterwards to see the Mayor. If the Mayor is in, the applicant will return and can be given a permit. If not, the form will return once the Mayor signs it, and you must call the applicant to return for the permit. 2. Where and When? Always check the calendar for open spaces on the Commons. Consideration must be given to the type of activity and the size of the audience. For tabling on the Commons, any location will do, but central locations are of course preferable to the applicant. For larger activities, the pavilions and larger open spaces are more appropriate. You must also consider conflicting activities in choosing locations, i.e. a loud concert could easily drown out a reading if the locations are too close to each other. Space is allocated on a first come/first served basis. Make sure the applicant understand where the location is, using a map if necessary. 3. Electricity? If the applicant needs electricity, he or she will have to pay for it before the permit can be issued. The cost is $5 per day for non-profit or $10 per day for profit. The applicant must pay the Chamberlain and must present a receipt before the permit is approved. The fee covers the use of two outlets. Notification will be necessary - see below. 4. Notification? Always send a copy of the permit application, after approval, to the Ithaca Police Records Dept. Depending on the size of the activity, the Fire Dept. might also need to be notified. For electricity, fill out the appropriate form, copy it three times, and send it to Jim Miller at Streets and Facilities, Jim Crandall, City Electrician, and Bob Edsall, Maintenance. If the activity will use amplified sound, the applicant must go to the Mayor's Office for a noise permit. If the activity is very large, the applicant may need to notify the Police Dept. personally. Also, if parading is involved, the applicant will need a parade permit from the Police Dept. 5. Driving on the Commons? Driving on the Commons should be strongly discouraged. The applicant can park temporarily at any of the entrances and cart equipment on. If a permit is necessary, circle the appropriate place on the permit and make sure the applicant understands the rules for driving on the Commons, particularly the allowed times for doing so. Note: we only give permission to drive on the Commons for the purpose of delivering or displaying vehicles for an event. Otherwise, permits for driving on the Commons are directed to the Department of Public Works (Donna). No raffles. Ever. It is against the law. A raffle may be advertised, and locations where tickets may be sold can also be advertised. No For-Profit Sales. Except for merchants within the Tax-Benefit District, and only for certain types of merchandise and after the appropriate fee has been paid. See Operations Manual for more info. The only other exception is Mobile Vending. Not- For-Profit sales are permitted. Permit Limits: An organization is allowed three advance permits per calendar year. An advance permit is one booked at least ten days in advance, for an event lasting up to 7 days. After this point, an organization can only be given a permit as space allows, within ten days of the event.