HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-14 ;h. . i ^ • e - TOWN OF DANBY 1; TOWN BOARD MINUTES • February 14 , 1972 • The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held in the Danby Elementary School , February - 14 , 1972 , at 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : . Supervisor Donald Makie Councilman Gerald Crance • Councilman Ralph Wilbur • Justice Floyd Dorn . Justice A . Francis Wright Also present : Zoning Officer Gordon Roberts ,_ Ithaca Journal reporter Pete Walsh , Richard Olson , Edgar Oltz , Louis Riker , Joe Sadie , Joyce Hoffman , Edward Slights , and Mr . French and wife . • The minutes of the regular meeting of January 12 , 1972 , were mailed to Board members for reading and correction . The minutes were approved as corrected . • COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . A letter from Sovocool , Sovocool -and Plana, Attorneys at Law , to Donald: Makie concerning the extension of • the West Danby Water District . 2 . A letter . from Thomas H . Huhn , concerning 1972 voting machine prices and delivery . • 3 . A letter from the Tompkins County Republican .Committee , concerning the the Third Annual Legislators ' . Meeting , February 25 , at 7 : 30 P . I . , in the Summit Room at the Holiday Inn . 4 . Resolution # 33 , apportionment of dog monies . • 5 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of February 14 , 1972 . PRIVILEGE 'Jr FLOOR . Joe Sadie from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company , who _ was unable to be at the January 17th - meeting , gave his presentation . Tompkins County Representative , Erie J . Miller , stated that he had voted against the Dewitt Park Complex because it was his feeling after talking with people in Caroline and Danby that they were reluctant to spend more money at this time . • • I r 'F„ 2 { 4- Danby Town Board Minutes - February 14 , 1972 - Page 2 C` Privilege of the floor - Continued : Mr . Miller would appreciate being made aware of any problems in the town and would be glad to answer any questions we may have . Mr . Makie said , he would like to know the veracity of a memo the county is circulating forbiding county employees from talking with the press . His opinion is , that if this is true , it is a bad thing if any legislative body trys to prevent information from getting to the public through the press even if it is controversial . If there is a problem people should be made aware of it . Mr . Miller agreed with Mr . Makie . He said reporters should not be muzzled , but we should have responsible reporting . Councilman Ralph Wilbur brought up the problem of getting funds from the state for the new TC3 Campus . He wanted to know how much federal money we would lose if we are unable to get state aid , and also how much the county would have to raise to make up the deficit . Mr . Miller feels we should sit tight for the time being , but if we do have to make up the figure the state was going to give us it will amount to 30 or 40% . Mr . Makiedoesn ' t thing we should sit tight , but that we should bond the amount needed so that we will not lose our federal funds . Mr Miller says they are meeting with the S . P . C . A . to work on ammending the contract they have with the county . The county wants dog wardens on call 24 hours a day , seven days a week . Joyce Hoffman from the Human Rights Commission asked if the Town Hall could be used as a store where low income people could come and get free food and clothing and also some home furnishings . Possibly other services could be added as time goes by . The Town Board referred her to the Danby Community Council , as they are in charge of the Town Hall . After some discussion it was decided that this type service could be used in Danby . Lou Riker thanked the board for considering his insurance proposal even though they could not take any favorable action at this time . Lloyd French asked if anything had been heard on his proposed trailer park . He was referred to the planning board and also advised to attend the Water Commissioners meeting concerning the extension of the water district . Gordon Roberts asked about a new zoning map . Supervisor Donald Makie says that rather than drawing up one now and charging the people we will wait until some of the proposed projects such as the extension of the water district and the trailer park are completed and then have the map drawn up and divide the cost among the developers . The question 'p was asked, is the trailer behind Doyle Webber ' s house violating the zoning ordinance . Mr . Roberts says no , a building permit \ ,1 has been issued to build a new home on the property . Danby Town Board Minutes - February 14 , 1972 - Page 3 CO rc ITT E REPORTS : A . Highway department - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that one of the employees , Fred French , has been ill making them one man short . A large bill has been submitted for the Highway Department for the repair of the backhoe . B . West Danby Water District - Councilman Gerald Crance reported on the hydrant readings . There is 480 free flow at the hydrant per minute . They were using one line of 22 inches and one 12 inch line which gave an output of 726 gallons per minute out of the two lines . Supervisor Makie says that 500 gallons per minute for four hours is needed or a 150 , 000 gallon tank . This would be three times the size of the present one . Possibly this would mean a stand by well some time in the future . C . Insurance - Justice A . Francis Wright says that he has had a call from the Ithaca Agency and also has heard hed from the Agway Representative and they haven ' t gotten there plans ready to a point where they want to present them . He suggested that this be tabled for the time being . D . Refuse Collection - No report . E . Youth - No report . F . Zoning & Planning - . No report . G . Fire - No report . H . Cemetaries - No report . OLD BUSINESS : A . Highway Superintendant - No report . B . Report of Zoning Officer - Gordon Roberts submitted a written report . He also asked if he could be given a copy of the tax maps . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that Mr . Roberts have a copy of the tax map made for his use . The motion was seconded by Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . C . Planning Board Chairman - Richard Olson says he will have to resign as chairman of the Planning Board as he is moving out of the area . D . Appeals Board Chairman - No report . 1 'P IDanby Town Board Minutes - February 14 , 1972 - Page 4 Old Business :Continue d . E . Town Site Status - Supervisor Makie talked to Joe P etricola . Mr . Petricola says they have the forms and they are on the way to Supervisor Makie . He wasn ' t sure what changes were involved , if any . S upervisor Makie thinks this will be just a matter of due process . Once we get them we can continue our appraisal of the site . F . Donavon Highway Improvement Program - Supervisor Makie says that a special meeting was held devoted to developing a five year program for improving our h ighways . He submitted a report showing the work expected to be - done from 1972 through 1977 . There was much discussion of the state aid involved and how much money the town would need to put up each year . Supervisor Donald Makie says the next step will be to assign dollar values to each project as they are shown on the report . G . Investment of Idle Funds - Supervisor Makie stated that he has not received all the tax money as yet . NEW BUSINESS : The board of appeals members and also the planning board members were reviewed . It was discovered that Mildred Weitzel had never been reappointed by the board when her term expired in June . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion that Mildred Weitzel be reappointed to the planning board . Her term will expire June 30 , 1978 . Justice Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Also it was suggested that Paul Smith act as chairman of the planning board until a new chairman is appointed . Supervisor Donald Makie says that Mr . Ceracche still hasn ' t applied for a franchise . He called Mr . Ceracchi twice but the calls were never returned . A man was sent up to visit Mr . Makie last summer and the situation was explained to him . It was suggested we send Mr . Ceracche a letter rather than call again . The letter will be dictated to the Town Clerk by the Supervisor on behalf of the town board . Supervisor Donald Makie asked the board if they wanted him to initiate the purchasing of voting machines . It was agreed that he should do this . . , 1 L g Danby Town Board Minutes - February 14 , 1972 -- Page 5 New Business Continued : The Republican meeting to be held February 25 , 1972 , should be of interest to the board members . Supervisor Makie attended last year and felt it was very worthwhile . A copy of the responsibilites of the zoning enforcement officer were retyped with the penciled corrections and distributed to the board . Reproducing the zoning books in a less expensive form was discussed . Gordon Roberts is going to check on prices and report back at the next meeting . General Fund Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 2 , 775 . 13 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The Highway Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 1 , 887 . 33 was approved to be paid . Councilman Ralph Wilbur made the motion . Justice A . Francis Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . West Danby Water District Warrant # 2 in the amount of $ 116 . 78 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Gerald Crance and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The motion to accept the supervisors report was made by Justice A . Francis Wright and seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . At 10 : 20 a motion was made by Justice A . Francis Wright to adjourn the meeting . The motion was seconded by Justice Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Respectfully Submitted ary n-t C % z Town Clerk e ti