HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-12 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12 , 1972 The regular meeting of the Town of Danby Town Board was held in the Danby Elementary School , January 12 , 1972 , at . 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : Supervisor Donald Ma kie Councilman Gerald Crance Councilman Ralph Wilbur Justice Flod Dorn Justice A . Francis Wright Also present : Zoning Officer Gordon Roaberts , Ithaca Journal Reporter Pete Walsh , Louis Riker , Edgar Oltz and Roy Casterline . The minutes were approved as presented . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . Minutes of the Danby Planning Board meeting of December 22 , 1971 . 2 . A letter from the Tompkins County Department of Planning , concerning designation of of county roads for use by snowmobiles . 3 . A letter from Louis D . Riker Agency requesting that they be designated the new " Producer of Record " for the Town ' s Property Casuality Insurance and Bonds . 4 . A Resolution passed by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives regarding teturned school taxes . 5 . A letter from the Tompkins County Department of Budget and Administration reporting payments made to the supervisor . 6 . A letter form the Association of Towns of the State of New York notifling board members of the annual meeting of the Association of Towns . 7 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Represents - -tives meeting of December 27 , 1971 . PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR : Town Justice , A . Francis Wright reported that the total cases docketed for 1971 was 158 . Total fines on forfitures reported to the State Comproller amounted to $ 1 , 645 . 00 . Town Justice , Floyd E . Dorn reported that the total cases docketed for 1971 was 210 . Total fines amounted to $ 2 , 703 . 50 . Pete Walsh , reporter frem the Ithaca Journal says that he is replacing Fred Yahn who normally attends our board meetings and that he will be the person to contact concerning articles in the Journal . Gordon Roberts felt that with many new families in the town we should make it clear what the rules and regulations are regard - - ing snowmobiles , as we have no signs . Louis Riker asked that the question of insurance, per his letter , be placed on the agenda for discussion . 7 Danby Town Board Minutes - January 12 , 1972, - Page 2 COMMITTEE REPORTS : A . Highway Department - Councilman Ralph Wilbur says Highway Superintendant Chaffee wants the board to help him with the Donovan Plan . A special meeting of the board will be held Wednesday , February 9th for this puppose . This meeting will be held at 7 : 30 in the Danby Elemntary School . B . West Danby Water District - No report . C . Insurance - Justice A . Francis Wright has received some correspondence from Metropolitan Life Insurance Co . He feels we should have a meeting on insurance shortly . D . Refuse Collection & Disposal - No report . E . Youth - No report . F . Zoning - No report . G . Fire - Ralph Wilbur met with the fire commissioners to renegotiate the justice deals . The fees will be the sme as last year , $ 5 . 00 a night to paid quarterly . The fire commissioners don ' t want jury trials held in the fire house . The platform they have to move in markes up the floor and is big and in the way . A jury trial will create a lot of traffic and make more work for the bunker , who cleans up . The $ 5 . 00 paid for the use of the building will not be enough to pay him . The Justices say that the platform can be dispensed with and also the possibility of having our custodian clean up after jury trits was mentioned . H . Cemetaries - No report . OLD BUSINESS : A . Highway Superintendent - No report . B . Zoning Officer - Godon Roberts reported that the zoning department issued 37 permits last year . This was nine more than the previous year . The estimated cost given on these permits from the applicants was $ 437 , 025 . 00 . Cost was D9nbnotog ven on five permits , one a new home . Income from permits was $ 240 . 00 . Mr . Roberts requested approval , by the Town Board , of a Certificate of Occupancy , This would be similar to a building permit in that a copy would be kept in the zoning officers office , for reference and the certificate would be posted on the property for one month after receipt so it could be read by the public . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur that the Board approve the Certificate of Occupancy as requested . Floyd Dorn seconded the motion . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Supervisor Makie asked that a sample copy of this certificate be given to the clerk • for the record . C . Planning Board Chairman - No report . D . Appeals Board Chairman - No report . E . Town Site Status - Supervisor Makie reported he met with Bob Bartoff and Joe Petricola and has visited the site . Also he discussed it briefly with Mr . Chaffee . They are agreeable to taking a parcel lying east of their present salvage yard . At one time they thought 300 ' would be enough . Danby Town Board Minutes - January 12 , 197 -- Page 3 Old Business Continued : Now they may want 500 ® . The discription was taken to Attorney Thaler and the option is being drawn up with the 300e with the idea that it could be changed to 500 ' . Supervisor Makie asked the board if they still wanted the option. from Awad . After some discussion it was decided not to get an option from Awad at this time . F . Year end Modifications of 1971 Budget - West Danby Water District - The reason this modification is necessary is the 1972 Bond principal and interest must be paid prior to January 1 , 1972 . Supervisor Makie requested the Board to approve a resolution to modify the 1971 budget by increasing the principal on SW9710 . 6 by $ 477 . 26 ; increase the interest on SW9710 . 7 by $ 2 , 167 . 81 and on SW8310 . 1 increase the lawyers fees by $900 . 00 . This will make the appro - priation book balance . Resolution # 17 , December 13 , 1971 Res . # 1 approved the transfer of funds to be transferred back after taxes are collected in January . Ralph Wilbur made the motion to approve the above resolution . The motion was seconded by Floyd Dorn . Arroll call vote was taken . The motion was carried by five ayes and no noes . G . Encumberance of funds from 1971 Budget - Supervisor Makie suggested encumbering the book balance in interfund transfers of $ 11 , 921 . 66 and putting it into our capital fund interfund transfers for 1972 . This would leave the balance of $ 2 , 350 . 86 to be encumbered and modified in a contingent account . Encumbering Youth Program funds not spent by the end of the year was discussed . This would place these funds in a position where they could be used if needed . Supervisor Maki requested the Board to approve a resolution to modify the 1972 budget as follows : General Funds A9030 . 8 Social Security ' 646 . 86 A7310 . 4 Youth Program 1 , 095 . 12 " " A9550 . 5 Interfund Transfers Res . # 2 ( Capital Fund ) 11 , 921 . 66 " A.1990 . 4 Contingent Account 2 , 350 . 86 Also he requested that the 1971 funds be encumbered . Justice Wright made the motion to approve the above resolution to . encumber 1971 funds and modify the 1972 budget by increasing each of the above amounts as outlined . The motion was seconded by Justice Dorn and duly put to roll call vote . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . H . Report on 1971 Investment of Idle Funds Idle funds last year were invested in 12 Certificates of Deposit . This netted us , for the Highway Fund , $942 . 78 in interest , the General Fund , $ 327 . 50 in interest ; and the West Danby Water District , $ 196 . 50 in interest . The total earned on this investment was $ 1 , 466 . 78 . Supervisor Makie proposed that we invest our idle funds in the same manner this year . Ralph Wilbur made the motion we invest our idle funds in Certificates of Deposit . The motion was seconded by Francis Wright and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . NEW BUSINESS : Justice Wright made the motion that we continue doing business with the Tompkins County Trust Company as we have in the past . The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilbur and carried by avote of five ayes and no noes . Danby Town Board Minutes - January 12 , 1972 - Page 4 New Business Continued : Justice Wright made the motion that The Ithaca Journal be designated the official newspaper of the town . Justice Dorn seconded the motion . The motion was carried by five ayes and no noes . Councilman Wilbur made the motion that 12 % per mile be paid for official mileage . Justice Dorn seconded the motion . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . J ustice Wright made the motion that we appoint Carolyn Makie as Deputy Supervisor . Justice Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . J ustice Wright made the motion that we appoint Mary Casterline as Deputy Town Clerk for the West Danby water District with the express idea of handling the water bills . The motion was also made to appoint Edgar Oltz as Deputy Town Clerk . Justice Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Councilman Wilbur made the motion that we appoint Harold Bernhardt to be Town Constable . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Justice Wilbur made the motion to keep Tersa Cortright o n as Town Historian . The motion was seconded by Justice Wright and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Councilman Crance made the motion that Gordon Roberts be appointed Zoning Officer . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Justice Wilbur made the motion to appoint Edward Slights as Town Custodian . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . S upervisor Makie requested the clerk to revise the list of Planning Board members and up date it . Councilman Crance made the motion that Richard White be appointed Water Commissioner for a term of four years . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Ralph Wilbur made the motion to appoint Roy Casterline as Superintendent of the West Danby Water District . He has agreed to take on the job at no salary . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote o f five ayes and no noes . Wilbur Councilman/ made the motion that we reappoint Harry Crance as meter reader for the West Danby Water District at a salary of $ 1 , 300 . 00 per year . Justice Wright seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and nonoes . S alaries of the Highway Department employees were d iscussed at great length . Currently these people are ✓ eceiving $2 . 95 per hour ; 13 . 15 per hour ; or $ 3 . 50 per hour for a forty hour week . They receive =maw 1 weeks paid vacation after 1 year ; 2 weeks paid vacation after 3 years ; and 3 weeks paid vacation after 10 years . They also have a fully paid medical insurance . Councilman Wilbur made the motion that the H ighway Department employees be given a 10 % raise across the board and be given 1 personal day off with the Danby Town Board Minutes - January 12 , 1972 - Page 5 New Business Continued : requirement that the superintendent be notified 2 working days in advance . This will cover the fiscal year January to January . Councilman Crance seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Salaries of Town Officials : • Supervisor $ 2 , 500 . 00 Paid Monthly Deputy Supervisor 1 , 000 . 00 " Monthly Councilman 600 . 00 " Quarterly Justices 1 , 500 . 00 " Monthly Town Clerk 2 , 900 . 00 " Monthly Custodian 1 , 000 . 00 " Monthly H ighway Superintendent 8 , 600 . 00 " Bi -Weekly H istorian 100 . 00 " Annually Zoning Officer 1 , 000 . 00 " Quarterly Meter Reader 1 , 200 . 00 " Hi -Weekly Constable 50 . 00 " Annually Deptty Town Clerk ( West Danby Water District ) 2OO . 00 " Semi -Annually Councilman Wilbur made the motion that the salaries of the Town O fficials be approved . Justice Dorn seconded the motion which was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The Town Officials handling funds are bonded and these bonds are filed with the County Clerk . These people are the Supervisor and his Deputy : The Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk for the West Danby Water District and the Justices . The amounts of these bonds are set by law . Supervisor Makie wants to keep the committees the same as they are now . After a lenghthy discussion of the insurance program the matter was tabled for further study . A meeting was set up to go over the insurance program with the agents . This meeting w ill be held Wednesday January 19th at 7 : 30 at the Danby Elementary School . The motion was made that we modify the budget and change resolution # 13 by excepting the state figures which will cut back on the oiling of Troy Road and Nelson Road . This motion was made by Councilman Wilbur and seconded by Justice Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . G eneral Fund Warrant in the amount of $486 . 80 was approved tO be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Wilbur and seconded by Floyd Dorn and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . H ighway Warrant # 1 in the amount of $ 742 . 58 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by justice Wright and seconded by J ustice Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . West Danby Water District Warrant # 1 in the amount of $698 . 52 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Councilman Crance and seconded by Councilman Wilbur and carried by a vote o f five ayes and no noes . The motion to accept the Supervisors report was made by Justice Wright and seconded by Justice Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . At 11 : 20 a motion was made by Justice Dorn and seconded by Justice Wright to ajourn the meeting . The lotion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Respectfully Submitted ,