HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-14 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES JUNE 14 , 1971 The regular meeting of the Town of Danby Town Board was held at the Danby Town Hall , June 14 , 1971 , at 8 : 00 P . M . Board members present : Supervisor Donald Makie • Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Gerald Crance Justice A . Francis Wright Justice Floyd Dorn Also present : Zoning Officer Gordon Roberts , Planning Board Chairman Richard Olsen , Appeals Board Chairman Moses Peter , Mr . Robert G . Hamlin , Neil Wintermute , Mr . and Mrs . Evelien , Mr . and Mrs . Roy Casterline , and six residents of a West Danby Commune . It was agreed to dispense with the reading of the minutes until the next meeting . Supervisor Makie changed the Agenda to permit Mr . Robert Hamlin to speak as he had another meeting . PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR : Mr . Robert C . Hamlin of Motorola Communications and Electronics presented a proposal regarding the radio system for the highway department . The proposal covers four mobile units , a base station that would be placed in the Town Barns , a remote control access to Mr . Chaffee ' s house , an antenna , transmission line and the installation of the equipment . The equipment is completely solid state and has the capability of being operated on either negative or positive ground vehicles . The Town of Danby has six large trucks that are positive ground vehicles and one small truck that is a negative ground vehicle . The equipment proposed ie completely adaptable to either positive or negative ground . This equipment would completely cover the area you have to cover and would probably give coverage as far as Lafayette . It is a low band system which operates between 130 and 150 megacycles . It is the same type of system that the Tompkins County Highway Department uses . It is an FM frequency coordinated in Albany . The Town of Danby would be given the best frequency available one that is used the least . The radios are private line radios , which prevents having to listen to calls from another Highway Department in another county , unless you are monitoring . The remote control access to the Superintendent ' s home is an instru - ment similiar to a telephone , but would have nothing to do with his regular telephone . It would use the telephone lines , for which the telephone company makes a minimum charge of $4 . 00 an air mile a month . The Town would have to contract with the telephone company . There is no way to get the general public into a system such as this . The FCC will not allow you to dial into a system like this . It will take approximately two weeks to coordinate the license . The Maintenance Contract cost is p43 . 00 per month . The system is guaranteed for parts and service for one year . Payment is to be made thirty days after shipment from the factory . A workable agreement on payment can be reached , A lease program is available . The system can be purchased on a Conditional Contract : $24 . 00 per 1 , 000 per month , not including maintenance . Neil Wintermute urged prompt action for coordination of license and frequency . . III P Danby Town Board Minutes - June 14 , 1971 - Page 2 COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . Minutes of the Danby Planning Board meeting of May 12 , 1971 . 2 . Minutes of the Danby Planning Board meeting of June 9 , 1971 . 3 . Letter received by the Highway Superintendent from Donald McMasters , President of the Tompkins County Town Highway Superintendents Association , regarding a resolution adopted by their organization , and mailed to all members of the New York State Legislature , opposing the use of highway taxes for purposes other than highway programs . 4 . Memorandum from the State of New York Executive Department Office for Local Government re : Office for Local Government 1971 Regional Meetings . 5 . Memorandum from Zoning Officer Gordon Roberts , recommending procedures to be adopted by the Town Board . 6 . Copy of Resolution No . 103 from the County re : Establishing of County Environmental Management Council . 7 . Letter received by the Town of Danby Planning Board Representative re : Invitation for membership on the County Planning Board , and requesting the nomina - tion of a member to serve on the County Planning Board . Referred to Planning Board Chairman Richard Olsen , for their recommendation . 8 . Letter from Constance Cook re : receipt of telegram supporting restoration of funds for recreation . 9 . Letter from State Board of Equalization and Assessment re : Estimated 1971 Assessments and Transition Assess - ments for Taxable State - Owned Lands . 10 . Letter from David Corina , Chairman Ithaca - Tompkins County Narcotics Guidance Council , re : Support for the effort to hire a Tompkins County Drug Coordinator . 11 . Letter from Randall Shew , of the Office of Community Relations at Cornell University , regarding an inven- tory of community needs and possible Cornell resources to meet these needs being prepared by their office . Referred to Justice A . Francis Wright and to the Planning Board . 12 . Letter from Doris Levy , Ithaca- Tompkins County Civil Defense Office , re : Federal Information Bulletin No . 253 . 13 . Information regarding the Training School for the West Danby Water District Superintendent . The cost is around $ 75 . 00 for a Grade Three Course . 14 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of May 10 , 1971 . 15 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of May 24 , 1971 . 4 Danby Town Board Minutes - June 1 , 1971 - Page 3 Communications Cont ' d : 16 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives meeting of June 14 , 1971 . PRIVITPFGE OF FLOOR : Justice A . Francis Wright requested permission of the Board for the Justices to attend the Justices School being held at Cornell University in August to familiarize the Justices with the new Penal Code taking effect September 1 . Nothing from other Board Members at this time . Roy Casterline questioned the insurance coverage of the building for all the musical equipment contained therein . The Buffalongo offers free music to the Youth Program in exchange for the use of the building . The people living in the West Danby commune requested information regarding the requirements of R- 1 zoning on Beach Hill Road and the definition of the term " dwelling ' . They are interested in building snail buildings to be used for sleeping , but not meal preparation , and have been unable to obtain a building permit . Zoning Officer Roberts had suggested that they hold an infonual meeting with the Zoning Board of Appeals to determine their feelings on the subject . Appeals Board Chairman Peters reported that the Appeals Board had agreed to hear no appeal unless they receive a written application , with a copy of the building permit application , and a written report from the Zoning Officer , stating his reasons for denial of the building permit . The Board of Appeals would have no authority to grant a variance under the present circumstances since the building permit has not yet been refused . Much discussion followed . It was suggested that a Zoning Ordinance Amendment be adopted to cover communes in the future . Possibilities for the present situation include a Planned Development District and an R- 1 Zone Special Permit . Zoning Officer Roberts requested guidance from the board in reaching a decision . It was agreed that the Special Permit would be the least complicated solution . Special Permit pro - cedures require making a rough draft of plans and intentions in a ° letter and a sketch of the property , including plans of any intended buildings , mainly the base dimensions and type of construction , and submitting same to the Appeals Board . It is then referred to the Planning Board for their consideration , after which it is referred to the Appeals Board with their recom- mendation . There is no public hearing required . . There were no other comments from the floor . COMMITTEE REPORTS : A . Highway Dept . - Ralph Wilbur reported that the Sandbank Road is ready for inspection . They are working on Fisher Settlement Road now and gravelling Updike Road . The man who runs the grader is presently in the hospital for at least sixty days and perhaps longer . Mr . Chaffee ' s son is operating the grader now and Mr . Wilbur recommends a .$3 . 15 pay schedule for him during this time . He has been work- ing for the department for a year . The $4 , 000 Machinery Fund - - Item 3 501 will not be received . The County Highway Departi . nt highly recommends the Motorola Communi - cations system . B . West Danby Water District - Gerald Crance reported that he had verified the bill for the repair of the blow up in the pump and that it is correct , as it covered the services of three men for six hours each . t Danby Town Board Minutes - June 14 , 1971 - Page I}. Committee Reports Conttd : C . Insurance - A . Francis Wright stated that he felt the letter of April 27 , 1971 , sent to Mr . Makie regarding Workments Compensation summarized the situation very well . D . Refuse Collection and Disposal - No report . E . Youth - A . Francis Wright reported that we will not be receiving any money from the State for the Youth Program and the budget will have to be modified accordingly . F . Zoning and Planning - No report . G . Fire - No report . H . Cemeteries - Justice Dorn reported that Curtiss Cemetery has been mowed and is looking very well . The others are not accessable with machinery . The Town Law on Cemeteries was read . There has been a request for a burial in Adams Cemetery from Mrs . Elizabeth Melchen . OLD BUSINESS : A . Highway Supt . - No report . B . Zoning Officer - No report . C . Planning Board Chairman - Discussion regarding inactive members of boards . The best procedure is for the Chairman to request their resignation and a new appointment made . D . Appeals Board - Moses Peter reported that a meeting was held on June 1 , 1971 , and the Board agreed to request that all future appeals be submitted in writing by the applicant , with a copy of the building permit application , and a written report from the Zoning Officer stating his reasons for denial of the building permit . The Board also resolved that they should have a secretary present at future hearings , for it is impossible to maintain any sort of record without one . The Appeals Board therefore , has a two - fold question for the Town Board - - whom should they hire , how much should they pay , and who pays the bill , etc . ? They also resolved that notice of meetings could be by telephone rather than mail . They also agreed that the present Zoning Ordinance is a bit difficult to comprehend . There is a $500 appro - priation under Zoning for contractural expenses , which includes the expenses of the Zoning Officer and the Board of Appeals , which could be used to pay a secretary . A salary of $ 2 . 00 per hour was suggested . E . Voting Machines - - Ralph Wilbur suggested we try to make it another year with the old ones . F . Insurance Program - - It will be necessary to transfer money from the contingency fund , if and when a voucher is received from Ithaca Agency . Francis Wright recommends Ithaca Agency , and suggests we consider changes at another time . Compen- sation rates are established by the State of New York . G . TV Poles - Miller Rd . & 96B - - No further discussion . They are not really a detriment to traffic . H . Radio Communications for Highway Truck - - The frequency should be coordinated through Albany . Supervisor Makie signed the necessary applications which Neil Wintermute provided . D anby Town Board Minutes - June 14 , 1971 - Page 5 Old Business Cont ' d : I . Tree Removal - - It was decided to authorize Dick Chaffee to take these trees away IF on Town property , although the New York State Electric & Gas should do this . The motion was made by Francis Wright and seconded by Gerald Crance . According to Gerald Crance there is a type of emergency situation in West Danby . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . J . Ordinance to Cover Refuse Trucks - - No action necessary at this time . K . Zoning Ordinance - - No report . L . Voting Machine Inspector - - An Inspector for West Danby will be appointed in July . M . Appoint Appeals Board member - - There were no recommendations . The Board Members will continue to look for someone . N . West Danby Water District - - The electric bill is okay to pay . O . Recreation Ski Area - - Planned Development District - - No report at this time . NEW BUSINESS : A . Supervisor Makie asked the Board to modify budget Item #4 as necessary . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded__by Floyd Dorn , and duly put to a roll call vote . The vote was five ayes and no noes . B . Interest on the West Danby Water District Bonds is 4 , 102 . 26 . First year ' s interest will run from June to January . The first payment is due January 1 , 1972 . We paid $352 . 26 more than was budgeted . A transfer of funds is necessary . A resolution was presented to transfer $352 . 26 from SW9710 . 6 to SW9710 . 7 . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur to approve the resolution , and seconded by A . Francis Wright . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . C . Nomination for County Planning Board - - We will wait for the recommendation of the Planning Board . D . Water District Superintendent - - The Water District Super - intendent is not qualified for the job without completing a training course . A Grade III operator is required . The cost of the training is $ 75 . 00 . Two districts may have one Superintendent . A $ 75 , 000 Bond Issue has been . regis - tered for the West Danby Water District . E . Due to state cutbacks we must modify the Youth Program budget from $4 , 690 . 00 to $3 , 090 . 00 . The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . F . Town Highway Barn - - The Planning Board recommends that we find ten acres somewhere on the main road . Moses Peter , Appeals Board Chairman volunteered to secure a recommenda - tion for land for a town facility . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur that he be commissioned to (do so , and seconded by A . Francis Wright . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . G . Zoning Officer Recommendation - - The Zoning Officer seeks approval by the Board for the procedures he has recommended . Danby Town Board Minutes - June 14 , 1971 - Page 6 New Business Conttd : The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . H . Justice School - - The motion was made by Gerald Crance and seconded by Ralph Wilbur to approve attendance at the Justice School at Cornell University by the Justices . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . I . Town Clerk School - - The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Floyd Dorn to approve attendance of the Town Clerk at the Town Clerkts School . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . J . Adams Cemetery Burial - - There has been a request by Mrs . Melchen to move a relative to Adams Cemetery . The motion was made by Floyd Dorn and seconded by A . Francis Wright to approve the request . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Ralph Wilbur to transfer $89 . 35 for cleanup to Community Beautifica- tion A8510 . 1 from Contingent Fund 1990 . 4 . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . General Fund Warrant # 6 in the amount of 3231 . 22 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Highway Fund Warrant # 6 in the amount of . 43 , 118 . 22 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by A . Francis Wright . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Water District Fund Warrant # 6 in the amount of 52 , 109 . 29 was approved tole paid . The motion was made by Gerald Crance and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The motion to accept the Supervisors reports was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Gerald Crance . The motion was carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . A motion was made by A . Francis Wright to adjourn and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted , 7t2dAfiI- , . X Mildred L . Miller Town Clerk