HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-10 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES MAY 10 , 1971 The regular meeting of the Town, of Danby Town Board was held in the West Darby Fire Station . The meeting was preceeded by a Public Hearing attended by approximately thirty - five persons . Jo Supervisor Donald Makie read Resolution # 6 , pertaining to the rezoning of certain specific areas in West Danby along Route 34 , as recommended by the Planning Board , to permit _ a Planned Development Area . This area is to be developed by Mt . Danby , Inc . , as a ski area . Mr . Richard Olsen , Chairman of the Town of Danby Planning Board , was present to express the Planning Board ' s recommendation that the resolution be passed , as the Planning Board feels the project would be beneficial to the West Danby area and the Town of Danby . Mr . Frank Liguori , Chairman of the Tompkins County Planning Board , was present and stated that he sees nothing incompatible with the proposed project and the present land use of the area , and that he would support the project . Les Otten , President of Mt . Danby , Inc . , gave a progress report on the project . The financial support needed for the project is contingent upon receiving a favorable report from a consulting agency . The report has not been received yet . However , any present problems appear to be geographical , rather than financial . There were no questions from the public . The public hearing closed at 8 : 30 P . M . All present were invited to remain for the regular meeting . The regular meeting was called to order at 9 P . M . , with the following Board members present : Supervisor Donald Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Gerald Crance Justice A . Frances Wright Justice Floyd Dorn Also present were the thirty - five persons who attended the public hearing . Minutes of the regular meeting of April 12 , 1971 , and of the special meeting of April 27 , 1971 , were distributed to Board members for reading and correction . Minutes were approved . PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR : Supervisor Makie introduced Mr . Frank Liguori ,. Chairman of the Tompkins County Planning Board , to explain the circumstances surrounding the turnoff on Hillview Road and Route 96 . Mr . Liguori said that at the last meeting of the County Planning and Public Works Committee there was a long discussion on this intersection . There is no doubt that the intersection is a hazard and there needs to be some improvement . However , the cost of improvement will be quite high , and will require the acquisition of some land . Also to be considered are the State priority for projected plans for improvement of Route 96 . However , the committee has requested information regarding the cost of improvement , and if the cost is within reason something will be done . The County government is concerned about the 3 Danby Town Board Minutes - May 10 , 1971 - Page 2 P rivilege of Floor Cont ' d : intersection . Supervisor Makie explained that the reason for bringing this matter up at this time was that when the County took over the road for the Sanitary Landfill , it was the under- standing of the Town Board that the County would correct any poor intersections in a manner that would be satisfactory , so that trucks that left Hillview Road and wanted to turn south could do so . This was not done and difficulties were encountered in the wintertime . This is the present position and the reason for bringing the matter up again . It is hoped that there will be results and the poor intersection corrected . E rie J . Miller , Jr . , County Representative , asked if there were any questions concerning the Sanitary Landfill . A question was asked about the litter along the road through West Danby to the Landfill . Mr . Miller stated that the State has the responsibility f or keeping this road clean and they are at least two weeks or more behind schedule with their cleanup this year . There is to be a volunteer cleanup by the Boy Scouts soon . All municipal vehicles are tanker type vehicles and there is no problem with them . The problem is individuals hauling their own trash and small contractors . The County regulations state that all refuse hauled must be contained , to prevent littering , but this is difficult to enforce . Discussion followed . Mr . Miller introduced Frank Davenport and Leonard Miscall , who spoke regarding opposition to the Upland Water District . Mr . Davenport works with Edward Abbott . Mr . Davenport and Mr . Miscall were present to discuss with us the facts and to carry out plans for water sheds . The Ithaca Urban Area has a water supply problem , which was recognized in 1963 , and thus was created the Cayuga Lake Basin Regional Resources Planning Board . The Ithaca Urban Area requirements will soon exhaust the supply - - almost to a critical point . A survey was made in 1967 by Metcalf & E ddy , and there recommendations were made in 1968 , from this survey , to the Cayuga Basin Area . The funds were appropriated for the study last fall . The committee screened many consul - tants and picked Parsons , Brinkerhoff , Weed & Hewitt and Leeds & Jewett . It was the joint venture of two consultants . The contract was signed the latter part of February 1971 , but the study is not yet started . Mr . Davenport introduced Mr . Miscall , a Professional Engineer representing Ed Abbott . Mr . Miscall said they want to get a jump on some problems . They expect a popula- tion growth . An interim supply of water is being sought to last for five to ten years until results can be obtained from other actions . We should save some water now while we have it . A feasability study is being made to check the feasability of the water supply here . They are surveying all possibilities . A dependable water supply is needed . It is expected that in the year 2020 there will be a demand for twelve million gallons per d ay . Water is needed for industrial uses , agricultural uses , and recreational uses , as well as for human consumption . It is a complicated and time consuming problem . Mr . Miscall then asked for questions from the floor . Mr . Olsen asked why they - were not considering Cayuga Lake . Mr . Miscall said that because the Lake is the lowest spot in the County it would require that every drop of water would have to be pumped . The Upland Source will be distilled and flow by gravity . Basic quality of water is much higher than the quality of the water in the Lake . Tomp - kins County should identify itself with a problem of this size . Water always brings the problems of a sewer system . It should be pumped from small systems into one large plant and each area pay so much per gallon . Mr . Davenport compared this to the large oil and gas companies . . All communities are learning to work together - - except here in Ithaca . Mr . Miller explained some facts . All other town and villages have changed their Danby Town Board Minutes - May 10 , 1971 - Page 3 P rivilege of Floor Cont ' d : opinions from their first judgments . Dryden has changed , as has Caroline . A map was shown of the first proposal of the planned Water Development of the Lake , with forty- seven Water Districts . The City of Ithaca dam at Six Mile Creek has taken care of this for fifty years with no epidemics , etc . Flood control is an important item . Supervisor Makie asked for a professional opinion on the degrading of Cayuga Lake . Mr . Davenport said , "We are not going to let Cayuga Lake go to Hell . " Cayuga Lake will be preserved . It is almost of drinkable quality now , without any additives . Howard Snyder asked what the size of the proposed new lake would be . It will be twelve acres and the volume will be thirteen times as big as the present dam . There is 4330 , 000 to $4.0 , 000 spent every year f or silt control of the present dam . Supervisor Makie asked if the reservoir is large enough to meet our demands . It will depend on what Cornell University does and if it bring more people here , etc . Rick Dobson asked if there is an overall estimated cost of this project . Several estimates and methods have been considered , however , dollar signs are irrelevant to the problem really . Quality is most important , as is flood control . Th_erevare :_ S_tate ; grants available . Water in New York will be managed only by unity of municipalities concerned . Supervisor Makie said we are already committed to the Regional aspect . Howard Snyder asked what is stopping this particular plan from starting . Mr . Davenport said that the Town of Lansing wants Cayuga Lake water . The Town of Ithaca with forty- seven d istricts is tired of the City of Ithaca making all the decisions while they pay the bills . The solution is UNITY . The County should pick up the ball . Mr . Davenport said , " Tompkins County g overnment needs a good kick in the tail . " There were no further questions and the discussion ended . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . Minutes of the Danby Planning Board meeting of April 14, 1971 . 2 . A letter from Walter J . Schwan , Town of Ithaca Supervisor , regarding the narcotics problem in Tompkins County . 3 . A letter from Mr . Doyle B . Webber regarding his resignation as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals . 4 . A letter from Mr . Frank R . Liguori , Commissioner of the Tompkins County Department of Planning , inviting Supervisor Makie to attend the May 3 , 1971 meeting of the Tompkins County Planning and Public Works Committee , to discuss matters of mutual concern . 5 . A letter from the State Board of Equalization and Assessment , regarding State Aid to be received by the Town of Danby during the fiscal year beginning April 1 , 1971 . 6 . A letter from the New York State Executive Depart - ment Division for Youth , regarding the elimination of State Funds for all recreation projects , effec - tive April 1 , 1971 . 7 . A letter from Neil B . Wintermute of Radio Communi - cations Company regarding radio equipment for the Highway Department . Danby Town Board Minutes - May 10 , 1971 - Page 4 Communications Cont ' d : 8 . Agenda of the Tompkins County Board of Representa - tives meeting of April 26 , 1971 . P RIVILEGE OF FL00R : Mr . Eino Johanson questioned why they are zoned residential , and not agricultural , since electricity is not available . It is his feeling that it should not be zoned R- 1 when electricity is not available . Supervisor Makie read from the Zoning Book . Mr . J ohanson wants a correction , since his neighbor is zoned R- 1 and has recently built a barn on his property . Justice Floyd D orn will take the matter up with the Planning Board for a recommendation . Considerable discussion followed regarding they building being done on property near Mr . Johanson , and the type of dwellings being built . Mr . Johanson wants his road fixed this summer and not next fall . Councilman Ralph Wilbur will discuss it with the Highway Superintendent . Mr . Marshall wants dead Maples cut down that are across the road from Mrs . Allick ' s property . It would not be possible for the Highway Department to take them down . Put on agenda . Mrs . Allick suggested that the Town Board Meeting be held in the West Danby Fire Hall more frequently . Howard Snyder asked what procedure is required to get a road f ixed two hundred yards from the main road . Supervisor Makie will get an answer by the next meeting . Rick Dobson questioned why Ceracche was allowed to place poles in front of his house at the intersection of Miller Road and Route 96 . He stated it creates a traffic hazard . Supervisor Makie said that since the poles are on a State right - of -way the Town of Danby has no jurisdiction over them . Mr . Dobson requested a meeting with the Planning Board regarding his Trailer Park . Richard Olsen said the next meeting is Wednesday night , and invited Mr . Dobson to attend the meeting . Mr . Marshall asked why the Town had not removed the rather high tree stumps left after previous tree removal . It was stated that the Town does not have the responsibility of removing these stumps . Once the limbs that constitute a hazard are removed , the Town is not regulated as to how high the stumps can be left . Any further removal is the responsibility of the property owner . A question was raised regarding an erroneous assessment . The gentleman was referred to the County Assessment Department . It was pointed out that the Town Highway Superintendent is an elected official and the Town Board cannot tell him what to do . The Town Board provides the funds for the Highway Superintendent to do the work that he deems necessary in the manner that he sees fit . This is the Town Law and when it was suggested that the law be changed to appoint the Highway Superintendent and the Town Clerk the voters were against the change . The Highway Superintendent is responsible only to the voters . Mr . Miller stated that at the County Representatives meeting today they requested a change in the method of distribution of the County Sales Tax , which should give the Town of Danby a larger portion of the County Sales Tax in the future . There were no other coiments from the floor . Danby Town Board Minutes - May 10 , 1971 - Page 5 COMMITTEE REPORTS : A . Highway Dept . - Councilman Ralph Wilbur reported that the Highway Superintendent is investigating various communica - tions systems for the Highway Department . B . West Danby Water District - Councilman Gerald Crance reported that there has been a blow-up in the pump . It will be repaired and should be back in operation soon . C . Insurance - Justice A . Francis Wright reported that he is making a study of the Town ' s insurance , but the study is not yet completed . To be put on the June agenda . D . Refuse Collection and Disposal - Councilman Ralph Wilbur suggested that perhaps the Town of Danby should have an ordinance to control litter from the trucks hauling refuse to the Sanitary Landfill . While there is a law concerning litter it is not being enforced , and perhaps an ordinance prohibiting open trucks from hauling refuse in the Town of Danby would correct the situation . Howard Snyder said that the main problem on Route 34 is one of speed . To be put on June agenda . E . Youth - No report . F . Zoning and Planning - No report . G . Fire - No report . H . Cemeteries - Justice Floyd Dorn is trying to contact Camp McCormack regarding cleanup . OLD BUSINESS : A . Highway Supt . - No report . B . Zoning Officer - The Town Clerk reported that she has no records available . They are evidentally in the vault in the Town Barn . C . Planning Board Chairman - Richard Olsen reported that at the Planning Board meeting on Wednesday evening they are planning to go to the Town Barn so that everyone is aware of what they are trying to discuss . D . Appeals Board Chairman - No report . E . Voting Machines - No report . Question of Alternate Voting Machine Custodian in West Danby . To be put on July agenda . F . Youth - There will be a reduction of 51 , 600 in State aid this year . It will be up to the Community Council to decide what reductions will be made in the program . G . Insurance Program - Justice A . Francis Wright will report on this in June . NEW BUSINESS : A . Supervisor Makie stated that it is necessary to appoint an Appeals Board Chairman since they have received a letter of resignation from Doyle Webber . A motion was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Gerald Crance to accept the ✓ esignation of Doyle Webber . The motion was carried by a ✓ ote of five ayes and no noes . Gerald Crance suggested that the man whose term expires next be appointed Chairman of the Appeals Board . A motion was made by Ralph Wilbur D anby Town Board Minutes - May 10 , 1971 - Page 6 New Business Conttd : and seconded by A . Francis Wright to appoint Moses Peter as Chairman of Appeals Board . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . A new member will be appointed at the next meeting . B . Recreation Ski Area Planned Development District - Super- visor Makie recommended that the Board table any further action for the present . C . County Funding of the Narcotics Program - A discussion took place of the Narcotics Program . Tompkins County has no facility to do anything fora narcotics user . A motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by A . Francis Wright that the Town Board go on record as being in favor of the County Funding of the Narcotics Program . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . D . Radio Communications - Highway Supt . Chaffee is pursuing this further . Jerry Dawson has an answering service that might be useful . to the Highway , Dept . The discussion will be continued in June . E . Tree Removal - Supervisor Makie will contact the New York State Electric and Gas regarding the trees on the Adams property and Marshall property in West Danby . It will also be discussed with the Highway Superintendent , as well as the high stumps being left . F . T . V . Poles - Supervisor Makie reported that he has had a complaint from Marge Epp concerning Ceracche . A discussion was held regarding the T . V . poles on Miller Road and Route 96 and it was decided to table further discussion until the next meeting . G eneral Fund Warrant #5 in the amount of $407 . 11 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by A . Francis Wright . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . H ighway Fund Warrant # 5 in the amount of $1 , 315 . 87 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . Water District Fund Warrant #5 in the amount of $152 . 46 was approved to be paid . The motion was made by Gerald Crance and seconded by A . Francis Wright . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . A motion to accept the Supervisors reports was made by A . Francis Wright and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of four ayes and no noes . A motion was made by A . Francis Wright to adjourn and seconded by Floyd Dorn . The motion was carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes . The meeting was adjourned at 12 : 00 P . M . Respectfully submitted , Mildred L . Miller Town Clerk