HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-11 TOWN OF DANDY TOWN BOARD MINUTES January 11 , 1971 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was held at the Danby Town Hall , January 11 , 1911 , at 8 : 00 P . ti . Present : Supervisor Danold C . Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Gerald Crance Town Justice A . Francis Wright Town Justice Floyd Dorn The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Makie at 8 : 00 P . M . The minutes of the December 14 , 1970 meeting were submitted to the Board members . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 . From the Department of Transportation of the State of New York to Mrs . Roberts : Re : The results of their study on Gunderman Road . 2 . From the Department of Audit and Control of Municipal Code of Ethics relative to the filing by the Town of Danby . PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Moses Peter would like to adopt a resolution to extend to Mrs . Dorothy Roberts the thanks of the Town for seven years of dedicated service as Town Clerk . Chairman of Fire Commissioners - Clyde Carrier thanked Mrs . Roberts for the years of service which she had given to the Danby Fire Commissioners in her position as Town Clerk . • Commissioner Carrier asked the Town Board for assistance in trying to keep the driveway and the parking area open at the Fire Hall by asking ' for enforcement of the " NO PARKING IN FRONT OF FIRE DOORS " to be observed and he also asked for the assistance . of the Town Highway Department in this matter . The Sheriff ' s Department and the State Police are also to be notified . It is hoped to post signs on the highway soon designating " FIRE ZONE " . Commissioner Carrier would also like to be informed as to the anticipated use of the Old Fire Hall if at all possible by the third Tuesday of February . Could this item be put on the agenda ? Dorothy Roberts thanked the Town Board for the fine assistance and cooperation which she had received from them during her seven years as Town Clerk . Gordon Roberts asked if there was to be a hearing on the Snowmobile Club at Eckert ' s , Reply by Superintendent Makie was that they were waiting for a legal description of the property to be given to the Town Attorney . Until that description is given a hearing cannot be held . A notice will be put in the paper at the proper time . Frank Chaffee and Dean Westmiller are interested in the Insurance for Highway employees . COMMITTEE REPORTS : Highway - The Highway Department hasazproblem with people parking on the highway . Is the providing of proper off -road parking a problem of the property owner , or the tennant ? Should an Ordinance be passed to help solve this problem of parking on the Town highway . Should an emergency Ordinance beioassed to take care of Snow Removal Emergencies and like be passed ? It is felt that legal advice is needed on this problem , Superintendent Makie to call Attorney Thaler . COMMITT REPORTS : Cont ' d ) Water District - Carl Hunt ' s term as Water Commissioner has expired . The Water Commissioners would like to have George Armstrong as Water Commissioner , with the approval of the Town Board . Roy Casterline is to be Chairman this year . Insurance - Nothing to Report . Refuse Collection - All problems are solved . Nothing to Report . Youth - Fran Wright read the reports . He reported that last year they had 74 swimming days , up to and including Labor Day Weekend . Attendance was 10 to 15 persons on cool days , with 6o to 100 attending in good weather . Hours 7 days per week , 1 P . M . to 8 P . M . , with swimming lessons for beginners and intermediates provided for in morning hours over a 6 week period . They had six classes per day , with 4 to 12 students per class . Danby Council handles the program and Town Board providing for volunteer supervisors and handling of II payroll , etc . A public phone is provided to the park for emergency calls , and Town Constable is available to personnel . . There was no report from Gary Vincent . Francis Wright would also like to have a telephone for the Justice Court , but has been unable to obtain one . Would someone give him some help on this by :. _ calling the Telephone Business Office . Francis Wright did not have a report of the use of the Community Hall , but does have it available and would like to have it scheduled for the February session . Zoning - The Chairman was absent due to injury . No one to replace him yet . Therefore , no report . Fire - No Report . Cemetaries - Quiet . Ralph Wilbur reported that the Youth Camp , Camp McCormick will assist the Towns with their cemetary work . To contact James Pyle as to the kind of assistance provided and what it involves . Will report on this in February meeting . Planning Board - Chairman absent - No Report . Appeals Board - Chairman absent - No Report . :.OLD BUSINESS : Ethics Code which is required by the Board of Ethics , and requires that persons making up Board of Ethics for Town of Danby are not officers or employees of the Town of Danby . This is to avoid conflict of interest , business reasons , or mixed interests . Motion to adopt in the Town of Danby a local law establishing Codes of Conduct by officers and employees of the Town of Danby made by Francis Wright . Motion seconded by Floyd Dorn , The effective date of the Code of Ethics being February 1 , 1971 . Motion voted upon and carried . Ayes : Makie , Wright , Dorn , Wilbur and Crance . Five ayes and no noes . Code of Ethics - Will be drawn up separately by the Town Clerk for distribution to all Town employees and officers . Moses Petere discussed Refuse Collection . This is advisable with a low cost for the service . _Next item to codify the 1970 budget - DS5142 . 1 by increasing this item by $ 785 . 18 , this is snow removal . Motion by Francis Wright to make this modification . Seconded by Ralph Wilbur . Motion carried by five ayes ; no noes . Ayes : Makie , Crance , Dorn , Wilbur and Wright . NEW BUSINESS : Designation of an official Bank for Town . Tompkins County Trust Company designated the official bank . Motion made by Francis Wright and seconded bynFloyd Dorn . Motion carried by five ayes ; no noes . Ayes : Makie , Crance , Dorn , Wilbur and Wright . ,Designation of an official newspaper . The Ithaca Journal was : designated as the official newspaper . Motion made by Gerald Crance and seconded by Ralph Wilbur . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Official Mileage - The Town will pay 100 per mile . Motion made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Gerald Crance . Motion carried by five ayes and no noes . = : Deputy Supervisor was appointed . Carolyn Makie , motion made by Donald Makie and seconded by Floyd Dorn . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Deputy Town Clerk . It was moved to appoint three ( 3 ) Deputy Town Clerk's ; Sanford B . Miller , Mary Casterline and Gloria Miller . Motion made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Francis Wright . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Deputies to work as follows ; Sam Miller to help with the Taxes , Mary Casterline to help with the Water District and to do the water billing as well as the collection . Gloria Miller will assist the Town Clerk with the Town Clerk ' s business when Sam Miller is not available . Mary Casterline will be paid in the amount of $ 200 . 00 per year , which is budgeted from the West Danby Water District . Gloria Miller will receive no reimbursement . Constable - Francis Wright moved that Harold Bernhardt be appointed as Constable, the motion was seconded by Floyd Dorn . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . II Historian - Theresa Cortright be appointed Town Historian . Motion made by Gerald Crance , and seconded by Ralph Wilbur . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Zoning Officer - Gordon Roberts was appointed Zoning Officer , motion made by Fl yd Dorn and seconded by Francis Wright . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Custodian - Ed Slights was appointed Custodian with five ayes and no noes . Planning Board Chairman - Town does not have one . Floyd Dorn to obtain a recommendation if possible . Also to review Planning Board Appeals . Planning Boat em�.� Mildred Weitzel - T'erm expires June ' 30 , 1971 Walter Chapman - Term expires June 30 , 1972 Paul Smith - Term expires June 30 , 1973 George Arsenault - Term expires June 30 , 1974 Stanley Kirk - Term expires June 30 , 1975 Richard Olsen a Chairman - Term expires June 30 , 1976 Ernest Cole - Term expires June 30 , 1977 Board of Zonin A eats : Moses Peters - Term expires June 30 , 1971 Milton Todd - Term expires June 30 , 1972 Gary Vincent - Term expires June 30 , : . 1973 Clifford De Mayo - Term expires June 30 , 1974 Doyle Webber - Chairman - Term expires June 30 , 1975 3 NEW BUSINESS ( ContId Water Commissioner : - George Armstrong appointed for a period of five years on a motion made by Gerald Crance and seconded by Francis Wright . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Water Commission : Roy Casterline - Chairman - Term expires on December 31 , 1971 Ken Colburn - Term expires on December 31 , 1972 Eugene Gray - Term expires on December 31 , 1973 Louis Sinn - Term expires on December 31 , 1974 George Armstrong - Term expires on December 31 , 1975 Highway Department Salaries : Forty ( 40 ) hour week as per budget with no reduction in pay . Pay should be compensatory with that of private industry if possible and in line with the other towns . These men handle over a quarter of a million dollars of equipment and Town should pay in line with salaries to keep men who can handle this equipment . We should encourage our highway' staff to stay with the Town . The cost of health insurance for personnel is approximately 10 % per hour . With a 40 hour week , and a raise in pay , man should receive an actual $5 . 00 pay raise . The rates to be at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent . Hourly rates of $ 2 . 95 , $ 3 . 15 and $ 3 . 50 . Vacation schedules were also discussed . Proposed : 1 week after 1 year ; 2 weeks after 3 years and 3 weeks after 10 years . Motion made to have 40 hours as set forth with vacation schedule and rates by Gerald Crance , motion seconded by Ralph Wilbur . Motion carried by five ayes and no noes . Salaries for Town Officials : Supervisor - $ 2 , 500 Rer year to be paid monthly . Deputy Supervisor - 01 , 000 per year to be paid monthly . Town Justices - ( Two ) $ 1 , 500 each , per year to be paid quarterly . Councilmen - ( Two ) $ 600 each , per year to be paid quarterly . Town Clerk and Tax Collector - $ 2 , 700 per year , paid monthly . Deputy Town Clerk - to be paid as vouchered . Custodian - $ 1 , 000 per year to be paid monthly . Zoning Officer - $1 , 000 per year , to be paid quarterly . Historian - $ 100 per year , to be paid annually . Highway Superintendent - $ 8 , 400 per year , to be paid bi -weekly . Constable - $ 50 per year , to be paid annually . Water Superintendent - $ 1 , 200 per year , to be paid bi -weekly . ( West Danby Water District ) Limit on Deputy Town Clerk in the amount of $ 200 . 00 as vouchered . This amount does not come out of the Town Clerk ' s salary . Deputy Town Clerk - MaryeCasterline - $ 200 , to be paid semi -annually with the money to come from West Danby Water District . Motion made by Gerald Crance and seconded by Francis Wright . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . The Bonding of Town Official who handle money was discussed and the listing of persons so bonded read by Francis Wright , as well as the amounts of the bonds and costs for same . Grievance Day was asked about . This date is set by the County Assessors . Investment of Idle Funds : General funds ' end of year . balance was $9 , 543 . 32 , which will have to be encumbered . The balance of the Highway funds $ 45 , 068 . 85 . Water District balance of $ 1 , 251 . 72 , but only by virtue of the fact that the interest has not been paid on $ 75 , 000 anticipation note . Highway Certifica e of Deposit due in amount of ,$ 30 , 000 . 00 , August 31st , yield $ 780 . 00 , in interest . The other $ 30 , 000 . 00 , beginning May 1 would yield $ 498 . 00 at 5% . Anticipate that at the end of July , there should be $100 , 000 . 00 in the account , which would yield about $6 , 600 . 00 . NEW BUSINESS ( Conttd ) Investment of Idle Funds ; conttd ) S tep payment to vary to smaller certificates of deposit at the time seems to be a good or logical break . General Fund expenses to the end of June , estimated at $ 20 , 000 . 00 , plus an income around $ 35 , 000 . Certificate of Deposit due around July 1st of approximately $ 10 , 000 . 00 . Zoning Officer Fees - are to be deposited quarterly since they are not large sums and to be cleaned out about the middle of December . S PCA - vs , - Sherriff and Do : Problem : It is agreed that this 'should be left as it is , and with the Sheriff .. handling . ItegastolytheComty Council To encumber a balance of $300 . 00 , which is in the Surplus , which would g ive them a new appropriation of $4 , 690 . 00 . Community Council would like to buy a boat with these funds to use fo1 Pond maintenance and other needs at the Pond . Ralph Wilbur moved that these funds in the amount of $ 300 . 00 , be so encumbered , with Floyd Dorn seconding the motion . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Transfer of Surplus General Fund to Capital Reserve Fund and Contin: enc Fund : Amount of $ 9 , 243 . 32 . Francis Wright moved that the transfer of funds be on a 50 - 50 basis . Capital Funds and Contingency as Capital Reserve cannot . be spent without a project . Floyd Dorn seconded the motion . Motion carried with five ayes and no noes . Gunderman Road : bNo speed limitncan be established . School signs are all that can be done . That school signs are up can be posted in the paper . The school signs can be erected within 300 feet of the School . Can enforce an unreasonable speed before the School . Clerk to forward a copy of the letter from State Department of Transportation to Community Council or the P . T . A . ' Highway Cash Fund - Snow Account : We must have a transfer of funds here because we are out of cash . Resolution to transfer funds from Machinery Fund to Snow Fund - Ayes : Crance , Dorn , Makie , Wilbur and Wright . No Noes . A Motion was made by Ralph Wilbur and seconded by Gerald Crance to pay all bills . Motion unamiously passed . " A Resolution was adopted to thank Dorothy Roberts for seven years of service - Roll call vote was five ayes and no noes . Ayes : Crance , Dorn , Makie , Wilbur and Wright . No Noes . The Supervisors reports were accepted with five ayes and no noes . All books were audited and motion made to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded . Meeting adjourned at 11 : 00 P . M . Respectfully submitted , AlctuL 41-j1kj Town Clerk Meeting - 1/11 /71