HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-09 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES November 9 , 1970 The regular meeting of the Town of Danby Town Board was held at the Danby Town Hall , November 9 , 1970 at 8 : 00 P . M . Board Members Present : Supervisor Donald C . Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Councilman Gerald Crance Town Justice Floyd Dorn Town Justice A . Francis Wright Also Present : - WHCU Reporter , Journal Reporter , Jim Fowler , Clifford Hill , Edward Hill Gordon Roberts , Paul Hoover , Clyde Carrier , Roy Casterline , Jim Epp . . Corrections on last month ' s minutes : RESOLUTION x`23 Transfer of Funds Town Board unanimously agreed to makethe following transfer : so the $ 46 . 00 bill can be paid to Ithaca Agency : Transfer ,546 . 00 to unallocated insurance from the contingent fund . Minutes approved as corrected . COMMUNICATIONS 1 . From Tompkins County Board of Representatives - agenda for Meetings 10 /26 /70 and 11 /9 /70 . 2 . From County Attorney Robert Williamson , Subject : Income limitation for people over 65 . 3 . From Attorney Thaler re : Town of Danby Resolutions concerning Planned Development District . 4 . Tompkins County Board of Representatives Resolution # 253 Establishing County Equalization Rates . 5 . Tompkins County Board of Representatives Resolution # 255 Apportionment of Mortgage Tax . PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR None from the Board . Jim Epp asked if town can do something about burned house on Danby Road south of the Town Hall and which had been condemned . Moses Peter , President of the Southern Tier Snowmobile Club , spoke in their behalf , urging the Board to pass favorably on their resolution . Clyde Carrier asked if the Town still wants old Fire House . - Roy Casterline stated , must insulate around pump at Water Tank , suggested to fur out and put in insulation in pump house . Casterline recommends the the Town Board do something about the old fire house so the Fire Commissioners may have something to base their future onc John Rance spoke about plans for a snowmobile race track on Curtis Road . RECESS Supervisor Makie declared a recess at 8 : 45 P . M . so that Edward Hill could present map of his Planned Development District . Meeting called back to order at 9 : 15P . M . COMMITTEE REPORTS Highway - Wilbur reported that the strike is over and expects the grader late in December . Highway employees would like something on hours by the first to the year . ' Comprehensible insurance does not have a deductible clause . West Danby Water District - Crance reported that it is up to the Water Commissioners to weatherproof pump . Insurance - Wright reported that there is $ 17 , 000 . 00 insurance on the Town Hall . • Refuse , Collection ' & Disposal - Crance reported area is patrolled well . Youth - Wright - no report . Makie asked Wright to find out from the Community Council a:�: summary of the youth program in the Town Hall building . Fire - Wilbur reported that he had met with the Fire Commissioners on 10/22 pertaining to using the new fire house for Justice Court 2 nights a week . Fire commissioners felt that they should have at least a 05 . 00 per night ' fee , to be paid quarterly . After the fAfst quarter , request there be a review with a member of7with the Town Board . Also fire commissioners requested 3 signs - -no parking signs - -which Wilbur has a sketch of . Town to pay for signs and o n i. ibh °& ciners will have them placed . They will move the existing Justice sign . Zoning & Planning - Dorn rgrpoerteewdnthat theoPlanning Board iwishes Cemeteries - Dorn ' - none . ppo n a c a of the Planning Board . • OLD BUSINESS n . Highway Superintendent ' s report - Chaffee absent . Zoning Officer ' s report - Gordon Roberts reported that he has approached some persons in West Danby about old cars on their property . Report of Planning Board - none . Report of Appeals Board - Chairman absent . Code of Ethics - Wright has the copy for reviewing . Retirement for Town Employees - Supervisor Makie is obtaining opinions from other sources other than the state plan . Hill ' s Planned Development District - Resolution # 18 and ## 18A , which is the 'amendment to # 18 as drawn up by Attorney Thaler are attached to these minutes . Town Clerk ' s Office - A recess was declared at 9 : 35 P . M . to discuss with the Fire Commissioners ant . alternative agreement to use the old Fire House as the proposition was turned down by the voters at the general election . Meeting called back to order at 10 : 20 P . M . Discussion - The Town Board discussed the possibility of a lease with the option to buy the old fire house subject to a second referendum . Possibility of partitioning a corner of present Town Hall . Calling a special meeting . TOWN OF DANBY Resolution No . 18A WHEREAS at a special meeting held August 26th , 1970 , the Town Board passed Resolution No . 17 of the Town of Danby specifically setting up a planned development district for the purposes of a mobile court as described therein , and WHEREAS during the course of discussion with the planners and owners an additional contingency was stipulated . NOW THEREFORE , pursuant to the understanding between the Planning Board , Zoning Officer and the Town Board with the developers and owners , it is hereby RESOLVED that the owners and operators of the mobile court will draw up a set of rules for operation of the mobile court which is planned and will adopt enforcement regulations of these rules and agree to enforce the same prior to their application for a Building Permit , which application will not be issued until such time as said agreement has been received . This resolution shall act as an amendment to the Resolution setting up the planned development district and a further contingency upon the granting of a planned development district for the area so described . The above resolution was made by Justice Floyd Dorn and seconded by Councilman Ralph Wilbur , and unanimously passed by said Town Board . Dated : November 9 , 1970 ip x Town Board Meeting - November 9 , 1970 . Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Notice by resolution for Fire District to pay debt plus interest . Supervisor advised by attorney that a resolution has to be adopted . Table for the December meeting . Amend Real Property Tax Law for people over 65 that the income limitation be raised to between $ 3 , 000 and $ 5 , 000 . Wright moved to hold a public hearing on raising the real property tax law for people over 65 from $ 3 , 000 . to $ 5 , 000 . income limitation . , Novembe ± 23 , 8 P . M . Seconded by Crance . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Local Law relating to Snowmobile Operation . Wilbur moved to hold a public hearing , on a local law adoption relating to the operation of snowmobiles , on November 23 at 9 P . M . Seconded by Dorn . 5 ayes , - 0 noes , carried . Awad ' s Burned House - Zoning Officer to check when this house !as condemned , who owner is and advise that person . Change Bookkeeping System for Highway - Supervisor Makie to prepare wording for next meeting . Justice Court in new Fire Hall - Wilbur moved that Justice Court be moved to the new Fire House as soon as possible for $ 5 . 00 per night on Tuesday and Thursday night , to be paid quarterly and that 3 signs be made . Seconded by Wilbur . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Brown Rd . Trailers - Zoning Officer to check if trailers were there before 8 /1 /69 , date of new zoning ordinance and see the copy of a health depart - ment permit for a septic system . Zoning Officer to get an interpretation . Planning Board Chairman . - Justice Bra moved to appoint Richard Olson , a Planning Board member , chairman of the Planning Board . Seconded by Crance . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . General Fund Bills - Wright moved to pay General Fund Bills # 97 tjrougb # 113 as listed on Warrant 11 totalling $ 916 . 93 , Seconded by Damn . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Highway Fund Bills - Wright moved to pay Highway Fund Bills # 98 through # 104 as listed on Warrant 11 totalling $ 1 , 253 . 85 . Seconded by Wilbur . 5 ayes , o ':. noes , carried . West Danby Water District Bills - Wright moved to pay Water District Bills # 19 through # 21 a listed on Warrant 11 totalling . 200 . 40 . Seconded by Dorn . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Supervisor ' s Reports - Wilbur moved to accept the Supervisor ' s Reports ( 3 ) . Seconded by Crance . tF ayes , O2noes , carried . Meeting adjourned at 12 : 30 A . M . Respectfully submitted , /7 tt:4f Dorothy noberts , Clerk