HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-07 !c . ' I TOWN OF DANBY PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET November 7 , 1968 The Town Board of the Town of Danby held the public hearing on the proposed budget for the Town of Danby , Year 1969 at the Danby Town Hall , November 7 , 1968 at 8 : 00 P . M . Notice of the Public Hear - ing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal and posted . Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright Councilman Donald C . Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Town Justice Floyd Dorn Town Justice A . Francis Wright 411 O thers Present : Moses Peter , Donald Carroll , James Epp , Fred Thayer , Gould Colman , Mrs . Nan Webber , Mrs . Dorothy Everhart , John Myers , Harry Hatfield , Paul Smith , Mr . and Mrs . Donald Barber , Mr . and Mrs . Clifford DeMayo . Supervisor Cortright called the public hearing to order and reviewed the proposed amounts to be raised by taxes in the prelimin- ary budget for 1969 - - each one present having a copy . Supervisor Cortright opened the floor to any individual present who desired to made a statement as regards the prelinminary budget , but pointed out this will not be a question and answer session and that there will no dialogue between the Town Board and the people present . Also , for the benefit of the Town Board to consider their statements , each person to present them on the tape . The following statements were made : Mr . Gould Colman asked for a change in the ground rules - - that it would be reasonable to expect dialogue and that the meaning of all the budget categories are not all clear and one cannot ask an inteIligent1tquestion without being able to have discussion . Supervisor Cortright feels that the preliminary budget is explicit as to what comprises the General Fund and the Highway Fund , - - P ersonal Services are indicated , Other Elpenses , etc . Mr . Colman asked about last item in the budget under Highway Improve - ment - -Unexpended Balance being zero for 1968 budget and $ 8 , 656 . 92 as received as of 9 /30 /68 . Supev7isor Cortright answered that this is tax money which has been received and not expended on the project . Mr . Gould Colman asked about Budge .: Note Proceeds - - $ 5 , 100 . 00 as received as of 9 /30 /68 . Supervisor answered this is the proceeds of the Budget Note voted by the Board in July 1968 to pay the bills in the General Fund . Mr . Moses Peter commented that he does not envy anyone in the preps. - • ration of this budget and seems to him an excellent job has been done to hold the taxes but is concerned of the following : 1 . The General Fund is operating closely and would the Board consider amending and if necessary take money from the Highway Fund to put in the General Fund , leaving more operating leeway . • 2 . There is a marked increase in the revenue of the Town Justice and no increase for salary . There should be some consideration as these two people on the Town Board are probably more over - worked than perhaps the supervisor or as much overworked . Mr . John Myers questioned the budget of $ 1 , 000 . 00 for Attorney fees - - h ow is it to be used - -whether he is to be present at every meeting - - . whether he needs to be or . whether he is paid by the hour . Thinks the amount is high as provided . • K PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET - 11 /7 /68 - continued Mr . Gould Colman also questioned the amount for attorney fees on the basis4of comparative budgets . Town larger than ours in Tompkins County are budgeting substntially less and is it necessary to have an attorney at the board meetings while matters are discussed which are probalby of interest to the Town Board and persons present , but have few if any legal implications . Also , a very small point indeed , since we are only part way through the year , and most salaries have not ' been paid in their tatality , notes the town historian has been paid in full . Mr . John Myers asked if money left over in budgetary items ofithe Highway Fund are carried over the next year . Supervisor answered it is carried into the next year in that item and any foreseen unexpended balance has been indicated on the budget for 1969 . Public Hearing adjourned at 8 : 40 P . M . Res_pegtfully sub itted r .K et.tesc.c4, Dorothy Roberts , Clerk t Following the public hearing , the Danby Town Board met to discuss the comments made and agreed to adopt the preliminary budget at the regular meeting on November 11 , 1968 . Councilman Wilbur commented that we could transfer out of the Highway Fund into the General Fund for contingency . Discussion . The Town Board agreed to go without a contingency fund and to borrowrmoney if necessary . Town Justices agreed no increase in salary is needed . town Board agreed that with the business coming before the Town Board , we do need the services of an attorney and a fee should be budgeted . Leave as is . In the January 1968 minutes , Resolution fr2 authorized the Town Historian to receive a salary of $ 100 . 00 to be in lump sum annually . Other Business : Clerk read a letter from Rverend DeForrest Koontz regarding the fine youth program in Danby and asking the Board to consider a figure of $ 2 , 700 . 00 in the Youth Budget in addition to the $ 1 , 600 . 00 State Aid reimbursement . Councilman Makie suggested going to $4 , 000 . 00 in the Youth Budget . Town Board in agreement . Meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 P . M . Respectfully submitted ` / fie, Dorothy Roberts , Clerk