HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-12 TOWN OF DANBY BID OPENING August 12 , 1968 The Town Board of the Town of Danby met at 7 : 45P . M . at the Town Hall to open bids for one new highway pickup truck . Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright Councilman Donald C . Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Town Justice Floyd Dorn Town Justice A . Francis Wright Highway Superintendent A . Richard Chaffee The following sealed bids were opened and read publicly by the Town Clerk : Spencer Sales , Spencer , New York - $2975 . 89 Cayuga Motors , Ithaca , New York - $ 2739 . 00 Meeting adjourned at 8 : 00 P . M . Respectfully submitted , S ) !I A Dorothy Roberts Clerk -- 1 7 n TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD' MINUTES August 12 , 1968 The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of L nby was held at . the .Denby Town Hall , Monday , August 12; 1968 , 8 : 00 P . M . . . Board Members Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright Councilman Donald C . Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur - Town Justice Floyd Dorn Town Justice A . Francis Wright Others ,Present : Zoniit4 Officer Hatfield , Chairman of, Assessors Fred Thayer. , Mrs . Dorothy Ze_h.:,,. Mrs. . . Dorothy_. Everhart , 4 Mrs . Nan Webber,- Mn and . Mrs.. Roy._. Pas:terl,ine. , Harold . .Cook ,. John Myers, Roger_ Howell ,. ., John. ,Benjamin ,. Gould . . Colman and Reverend Koontz . . Supervisor Cortright called the meeting to , order-... .;Minutes of the. ..August.; . 5:th . : meeting were approved as submitted . COMMUNICATIONS 10 . Planning- . Board Meeting minutes read of June 12 . .. -- 2 ._ Planning Board. Meeting .miniuterreath .of Ju3 y ' - 10 , . aril -" p3aced on agenda . . . . 3 _ A ~coptiofletter,.. sent to Mrs :° Treat ° _frem Sanitary Engineer Frank s , Ltguori . regarding Silvercore Mobile Homes in -Town -of < Danby . k. ? REFERRED TO COUNCILMAN ' MAKIE OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE : 4 . • Supervisor referred a clipping from the Ithaca Journal regarding ' " Crackdown on Dump Open Burning " . - r REFERRED:_. T.O COUNCILMAN MARIE TO HAVE REPRODUCED FOR DANBY AREA NEWS . 5 . From . Danby Fire District inquiring as ' .to procedure With transfer of. . : title for = the old aDanby `School - site . ( paced on agenda ) . 6 . - Memo . :on,` Sanitary Landfill Demonstration- for September. .12 , 1968 , 1 : 00 _ P.OM:.:,:_ Armory Bldg , , Oneida , New York . : Supervisor . Cortright , asked Makie and Wilbur aboatrt .ttending . Makie , in _ doubt About . getting off work. Wilbur - r . may. be able to , but wait still date gets . ..cloeer . 7. , ; From State .. Traffic Safety Council regarding delegation of traffic eontrol. ':powers , a bill enacted by the 1968 legisletive, . assembly .dealing„with Federal Aid funds for traffic operation : programs to • incteasecapacity and safety on existing, str tt and ::highways systems , _.. .and the State Traffic Safety Counaal ,` s *se,ries :oaf eight r : :worksho.ps. on traffic engineering , pavement xmaarkings_, . signs and . signals:and how to increase present road capacity.- with. a bucket of paint... Schedule of dates and locations , • . SUPERVISOR ASKED WRIGHT AND CHAFFEE IF THEY MIGHTY MAKE THE SESSION ONtSEPTEMBER 20th INBINGHAMTON . Wright not sure~ at this time . 8 . . From. .. the : State Board of - Equalization and Assessment regarding Change - in : Payment Date `for Baer Capita State Aid . 9 . From. . !Department of Audit and Control regarding revision of town budget forms . . SUPERVISOR RECEIVED FORMS TODAY . . 10 . . From . dionald . Laberge regarding Govermental Aid Programs . 11 . Fr.om. . .the Office .o:fk7Locai GOVerhment enclosing copy of the publication "Flood plain Management , a Plan for Action” prepared by the ;: Conservation Department . . . REFERRED TO CHAIRMAN OF THE -PLANNING BOARD . - • ' PRIVILEGE . . OF FLOOR , None .. from :the Town Board of the Public present . A. COMMITTEE-., REPORTS . . . _ a Highway , ,_,µ.Councilman Wilbur reported the drinking water .r at the . .. highway .barn is not. suitable for drinks ng ® .-making... necessary a . falter or treatment to . .install on. this . . One _estimate from G . . Btrrls . .Plumbing . and Heating will furnish and, install a univere sal chemical feed pump to the existing water_ . tank for the . .:-. ..=DUrpo.se . of feeding a chlorine solution into : the vz. ter su 1 price $ 161 . 25 without tax , guaranteed to do . the .._ job . pp y ' . . : (PLACED ON AGENDA ) Wilbur reports Chaffee says the new loader works out well and has helped on Erwin Pro4ects . Last year ' s project , far end of Michigan Hollow Road , has about two days before ready for an inspection . The upper end , possibly has ai .e weeks ' work . 172 � . . _ • - . .Expects• to flash- last" • year.° s - pro jects °plus- • two k of this • yeaf- .° beforrbad- ,.weathe-r.o° . - - Chaffee , has. rob em-' °rent.ingc. stone crusher • •• -- the :.Cotraty,..,.because.,-Yot -1tent :poor.:-A,condition . - Question •of • renting. :one -from Syracuse.. . SUpply . ., 'Wilbur . to .investigate pa sitlity --,o. _ ere. .inr art. ston i-aterusher: Zoning Councilman,°.i akie :rl^eportet3 °that.,, the °..P3:a ingrBoard•- is . _ ,_�. _ reons d intrtt4Testi it ng....the =, problearAof• °,sexer° • and.• :watex ° , • . and. ' haet-nasked• 11 f s• _ help®•T . . -.Makie°, ,. wi ll ® = and.'Texpg es s ed. that . ,sewerage. is -°needed• more - -that ° water '°and° ° xill -write something -: P a up ' to be presented to the public in the nby ,News :- . . . _ . • Fire _® Justice. Wright had nothing to report . n :_ • -� . - - ; v d Cemeteries m Justice Dorn has located most of - =the te.emeteries z • . , ' with the map . Dobson has completed . .3obr at, - Peter Road cemetery and Dorn says he - hae_ done a • creditable • job . . , ;'s . •, .. . ,_ Youth m Makie had nothing to report . • . Insurance = Councilman Wilbur tanked with Ithaca . Insurance Agency to inform Mr . Scott that he will be the one to talk over insurance with him . Wilbur advised ;-ithe, Town must • have - a certificate of insurance on file *her : .:Contract-, ing work to be • done , also that he will, _kpp . close watch when the Town purchases machinery . ?efuae. Collection & Disposal o Councilman Makie .reported . . he has . , . 50 e 80 acres lined up which a realtcr.,: is , wc ki g for y ' an option . Will not make public the: _ loc;ation . until we have the . option . Supervisor Cortright introduced Mr.. Denman ,, who . .. some .. years back • . . did . a . road-numbering, survey for the Town ,, to talk... to , the. ..Board on .updating;_•the - house numberingaa1963 being, y: ear_ , that this was done . Mr . . ., Denman. _ said . this _ would_ be done .._by : , a ; survey . -me. urvey . .meter •:IwhiOh he ..,has.-__in....the ... car , first would like to know where the- new : houses are . The Town needs a new list made of overyone - in-. the - Town = and the' house ..number since present list obsolete .. . -Mr . - 15:7 rmianiats cost , per house. ,would. . be• about 40¢ a house and can be done this fall . Mr. . . Hatfield . Zoning :Officet , has given house numbers -to all vneW:. ..houses , adding that banks . wino make loans until ! .theyl. }ave the - ...house . number . . . . CLD ..: BUSINESS • ' . - .Highway. ® . Superintendent Chaffee reported that the State. . Inspector did not approve the following roads as. Erwin .. projects which were present by Chaffee at the June meetings _ . Jim Brown Extens .on, Banks Road , . Curtis Road from Hill ', : 4 ` Road to Fishersettlement , Hill Road. . east .lrom South Danby • Road , and Fishersettlement Road to:- .County Road . 125 . • ._. . Zoning , , - Hatfield repotted one case turned over. . to . . the Appeals a. Board . . . could not isstie a permit as house- daes : .nat meet ::, b . • • any_ _ buildln g. code : re.quirement and much to.u.. .. small :to - meet • the zoning ordinance . Person is appealing on size but Appeals Board does not have any wet- building code . { Planning Board e Chairman absent . , . ,. Appeals Board as Chairman absent * b - . rJ . Board of Assessors a Chairman Fred Thayer reported the . completed tax roll on file in the Clerk ' s office and our fur school tax rolls are in the hands of the respectfice school _ boards . . The annual report is in the hands :- of the State Assessment and Equalization . • • • 4. ■ • . , 173 • A - August . 12 . .- Town Board meeting--continued ,. _ , . Assessed_ .Value . of..:- Private Real Property. . . .is.;. . ..., . $5 .634=. 190 . 00 Special Franchises . , 126 , 565 . 00 Publ-ic .Serfiees including railroad : 1 ,. 015, 415 . 00 State Lands • 11 ? . 180400 • Assessed- Value to be used for Tax Purposes 46 , 793, 350 . 00 • . ( 1968 ) • iNet Increaseover 1967 of $ 329 , 923 . 00 . Total . Exemptions , 3 types -• $ 166•, 000 . 00 • ' West Danby Water District - Supervisor Cortright reported. : Bids were opened on July 24 and Compagni of Cortland - was the • lowest . bidder . for the material and construction Of $ 195 , 665 . 00 . . 411 Bids were : higher than expected making it necessary to - make arrange - - ments . for . more money . - In doing this , first step, is. to . determine . if more money was available , and assuredthe - Board . that. . it is and expects any 'moment a letter from FHA stating _, their. . intent, to back . . : . . the : amount - we need additionally e _ at an interest rat .. of.*- 5% . . The original -. loan was-_ 4%•. It has been pointed out to . She, , .attorney that - there is a __ possibility that we will be able . . t.o.,.,obtain this money at -. a lesser rate by selling the : bonds,. on .. ahe., , open . market . FHA - is. _ heartily in agreement with this ., : Two steps......required- again -..:which,-were'. . taken. originally. . One , that the.,._Town.: repetataon the 2 • Department_. _of . Audit and Control ,. . which:,.:has , .-.been „:donesandp.Attorney is = waiting, an answer. Approval by the Department : .of :..Audi:.t and •Control• - is. only for the purpose of determir"iing .that,. . 4tJdoes not put' an Undue burden on the people that are _._i.n.. the.:.Di.strict . . Second , -- after Department approval. , . there t11 . . be . a. pu dic. hearing in .Danby and proceed from there with the . sale o:fn .bonds either . on• -the open market or through FHA , same at before ., , .There is a , . .permissive . referendum stipulation , 30 days , . which. someone may petition . .for--to hold a public referendum--only those - . involved • in • the • District . Any additional funds • that are obtained;.*ill be repaid . by only those in . the- District . . .: . , : : . • Thel.dauthe bids were ,opened there was an offer from. . aIkcOmpany in Elmira for a 50 , 000 gallon water tank on- legs , tota•L iO0 feet . . high , . . cost --nothing if the Town Will take it down _ andL . install it . . .The • . engineer has checked this and is - presently . waitingtjor the . Pittsburgh-DesMoines Tank . people to advise , as to thet, cost. totake . it do.wn1. and. in their opinion would have to go back to , the factory as r it is 48. years old , .riveted rather than welded.. . Considrable . amount i of pitting on the inside so mould heed. . . to: tse second tibaed . • . The . contractor feels he- can do the work in about. . three, months with . returning - in the , spring for reseeding .,and �replaeing of lawns . . Harold . Cook asked if- -someone -ebuld °ecanvas:s .. . the ,immediate . . .. area -Anstead of waiting . the 30 days . Cost ight.,. : 8tated. ..this would he .a fine. ,. but hopes at the . : . public . 'hearing ,,. . there .. wi.l.lsbe :, indication . .of : • how.. .-the people feel . : - :. . .. . . .: . •Makie . -was critical of the Supervisor in the. sense.. =that, the intent . of Resoliitaon Al9 was riot carried out in his opinion ...... . . .Supervisor . . Cortright said this resolution only will bet used. . as- he-. _.er result of • actually determining th& rates that will be charged. when the District is put- into operation , nothing else ! The only rates theta were used were the rates that were originally sent on the first petition and - already approved by the Department of Audit and Control.. So , ehre is no reason to assume that there will be any adverse re - action to the water -rates sent in--they are the same : . - . . Recreation Land ( Locke ) - no further report . Gas a no further report . • Zoning - ( Proosed - Changes ) Map from the Planning Board of the • proposed • Changes was given� to Makie . NEW BUSINESS . • . Voting Machine Custodian- for West Danby ssuDervisor Cortright reported that David C . Seater ,. A reg.istered : republican .sill accept the job as custodian_. .in -.:District II . Also .Shat the appointment of- a registered Democratic custodian for - District I is to be made . . : Mr. Colman asked if the procedure of appointing _ a-....Democratic• • R h • _ 174 t . . . . . . - custodian is to consult the Chairman of the>.. Demacratie , .Party: . • first . . Hod until next meeting_ ,on . both., .appontments . . . ._. . . . . Light at Jennings Pond ® Justice. Dorn . moved.Anot . to . .have ;- < light installed at the Denby Pond ..;because the . - cost would be prohibitive-. : : . Seconded by alright . 5 ayes , 0 . . noes., .. carried . Clerk to advise Mr . : Winteri of,..the N . Y . S,. E . &Ge - . . . . . , .• Public . . .Hearing on County Charter a Supervisor Cortright- . announced • that there will be a public-:: hearing .on the County Charter on August -. : 26th at the Court House ,. 7 : 30 P . M • . . . Two . .Water. . District Bills for Engineering Fees a Supervisor Cortright said at this point there are not funds available to :- pay them ,. however if the loan -should close between now and the next Town Board , Meeting , Supervisor will pay these with . . FHA approval . The • amounts are $ 3 , 854 0. 11 and 2 ,, 632 . 57 • ; Councilman Makie . moved to pay two bills in the *o.untsof $ 30854 . 11 and $ 2 , 632 . 57, 1f FHA funds become available . . Seconded by . Wright.,. 5 ayes , . 0 noes , carried,.• • . . ; Supervisor Cortright made° eeference; •--to.c°Tmaz- topic$; whtth •• clearly_°~sets- forth- •the "use . or : renta3.yofr: , h hwayf machinery . as geestions in the .. .pas.t .- what the.: towm,equipment-• •may.-. gibe need : for . It definitely can hot be rented - to indiVidualsaowever May be rented to other districts such as Fire , School ,. , Special , etc . . . Also .$ name topics cites the law that does . . authorize , the Town Board . and. .the Supervisor to procljaim a state of . emergency . . _ .__ __ . Digest of Lwas 0960 Effecting Local Government - is , on file in . the. Supervisor ' s office . . • - . Award of the Bid for New HighwayPickup ® Councilmant Wilbur . advised that the Highway Superintendent review the two bids which were submitted . Chaffee recommends accepting Cayuga Motors " bid for a 1969 P100 4mwheel drive pickup truck . _Councilman Wilbur moved to accept the, bid of $ 2 , 739 . 00 for a 1969 .F100 40wheel drive pickup truck from Cayuga Motors as per specifie cations . Seconded by Dorn . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . RESOLUTION #20 AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO PAY. .FOR NEW HIGHWAY PICKUP TRUCK FROM ITEM . 3 : of the ,,, HIGHWAY FUND . Moved by : Wright . Seconded by . Wilbur . 5 . ay: es, ,_ : ,0 . _no.es.,.. . carried . .Budget •. Note for $ 5 , 100 . 00 e Supervisor Cortright. . informed the Board that the Town could not borrow the sum . or $10 ,. 000 . 00 - . astilted upon in the July meeting . $ 5400 . 00 in . a Budget . Note was borrowed based on last year ' s total , budget .. a limit set by in Town Law . Discussion of July 10 Planning Board Minutes m =ry Dump Condition e Clerk to notify Chairman of theHPlanning . Board Joe Short that as a . result , of . . this meeting , the Town Board is taking. . steps to r secure an option on land for a sanitary lando fill . Also , at this time , advise him there is an inidividual interested in -- operating a sanitary landfill . The Board to . determine which is the . most feasible . Also , trying to secure cost estimates telling . what it 4 would cost the Town to operate a -landfill . Councilman Makie to attend the . Blanning Board meetings . , ! L Letter from Reverend DeForest Koontz e Super®isor.. Cortright stated in view of the fact this letter takes on some aspects of zoning and as long as we have a Planning . Board considered opinion , the letter should ,go., ti e .tZoning Committee and asked Makie to soltiait i :the • 17' 5 • August. 12 - Town Board Meeting—continued aid of the . Planning ,Board .for...:action .: and. report at the next Board -meeting . . Transfer of Deed to Fire Commissioners - Makie ....moved .to V atithorize Supervisor Cortright _ to transfer.. . title to the old Danby school property . to . the . Fire -Fite, Commissioners in the customary manner . Seconded by Wright . Stayes ., 0 nos ,. carried . • . . , , . : ' Water. Treatment at Town Barns - Table until after the first of the year . III . General Fund Bi11s ,: Wil;bur• • moved to . pay General Fund Bills #91 through #109 as listed on Warrant totalling $ 2 , 076 :07 . Seconded by Makie . 5 . . ayes , 0 noes , • carried . • Highway . - Fund . Bills - Wright moved to pay Highway :, FunthBili .g #72g through # 879 as listed .on . Warrant. 18 . totalling $1,11242 ; Seconded by Dorn . , 5, . ayes , 0 noes , carried : Supervisor ' s Report - Dorn moved to accept the Supervisor ' s Reports . Seconded by Wright . 5 ayes,,_, . 041oes , carried . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 P . M . . Respectfulrflubmitted • r fr � . . r: Dorothy Roberts Clerk • • • t. • • • • • •