HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-08 " . I I I i I i [ ill 166 • a TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES July 8 , 1968 • . he regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby was held at the Danby Town Hall , Monday , July 8 , 1968 at 8 : 00 P . M . Board Members Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright Councilman Donald Makie Councilman Ralph Wilbur Town Justice Floyd Dorn Town Justice A . Francis Wright ,I Others Present : Attorney Fred Beck , Mrs Nan Webber , John Myers Fred Thayer , Vera Schilling , Shirley Wright , and Moses Peter . Supervisor Cortright called the meeting to order . Minutes of the June 10th meeting were approved as submitted . COMMUNICATIONS 1 . From Attorney Thaler enclosing two resolutions passed at the July 1 , 1968 Special • Meeting , and advising Totem Board to appoint Board of Citizen Water Commissioners . NO PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR Mrs . Nan Webber requested a telephone at Jennings Pond for • the summer months . Listed as semi - public , the cost will . be $ 4 . 25 a month plus tax unless monthly take - in is $ 35 . 00 ' or more . This will not be a youth charge , but will come under heat , light and repair on a town voucher . REPORTS OF COMMITTEES - i Supervisor Cortright asked Councilman Ralph Wilbur to serve on the same committees which Moses Peter was on . J . Highway - Justice Wright reported things in good order and has ' heard of giving up pick- up truck, Supervisor Cortright reported that he had called the Highway Superintendent after the Special Meeting on July 1 to say the Board agreed with the advertising for bids for a new pick- up . Zoning - Councilman Makie advised waiting for a developer for recreation land in West Danby . On Zoning , has only hear rumors from Planning Board on ' what has been altered , Fire - Justice Wright reported that the Fire Department has not received their new truck yet , . Cemeteries - Justice Dorn reported on progress at Peter Road Cemetery . Youth - Councilman Makie reported that Mrs . Webber has requested an aid for the 60 some children , ages 6 - 8 years old attending the morning recreation at Danby School . " Wages would be $ 1 . 60 an hour for a teenager , and that we have an obligation to this program , and perhaps take money out of the Contingency Fund . " Supervisor feels T " this makes sense even if it means curtailing some of the other youth activity in the season such as dances , etc . " Board in agreement . Makie advised etting lA grit for beach at Jennings 11 I g Pond . Mrs . Webber will ask for this . Insurance - Justice Wright reported receiving no communications . Supervisor asked Wilbur to call Bill Scott of Ithaca Agency to become awate - of the Town ' s Insurance Program . Refuse Collection and Disposal - Moses Peter reported that Mosher was not dissatisfied with offer for his property but could not sell this land because he could not find suitable l agricultural land to replace it . Supervisor Cortright says that Bill Landstrom and his offer is still open on operating a refuse collection and disposal . Councilman Wilbur feels a big discussion is needed on this problem- - needs investigating as whether •`' this town could support a sanitary landfill alone without going intwith a neighboring town . Makie added a refuse collection which becomes a tax on everyone and not just alfew who try to keep the place clean . 16T TOWN BOARD MINUTES - July 8 , 1968 - continued OLD BUSINESS Highway Superintendent - absent Zoning Officer - absent Planning Board - Chairman absent Appeals Board - Chairman absent Assessors - Chairman Fred Thayer reported that the final roll is being run with roll for the 4 sc•hooi districts - then will know what tax base is for the town . West Danby Water District - Supervisor Cortright secured the following five persons to serve as Water Commissioners for the West Danby Water District : • John Cortright - R . D . # 1 , Spencer Emil Huttunen - West Danby Carlton Hunt - R . D . # 1 , Spencer Roy Casterline - R . D . # 1 , Spencer Kenneth Colburn - R . D . # 1 , Spencer Justice Wright moved to appoint the above -mentioned five . persons as Water Commissioners for the West Danby Water District . Seconded by Justice Dorn . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Supervisor Cortright reported the following on the Water District : B ids will be . opened July 24 , 1968 , 8 : 00F . M . , West Danby Grange Hall . Close with FHF on the 31st . S ign the contract within 10 days after the bid opening . Supervisor Cortright presented two bills which the attorney advises being approved by the Town Board as well as FHA , which were on Town Vouchers and approved by the Supervisor and the Board , and will be paid with money on deposit iir a special Water District Fund at the Trust Co : $ 30 , 000 . 00 Bond Anticipation Note to be repaid by lean and grant - in aid when it is due . $ 350 . 00 for appraisal of Swartwood property by Ithaca Realty . ( This approved . ) . $4 , 651 . 66 for engineers ' special services provided by Standard Engineering in connection with the West Danby Water System in accordance with agreeement date of September 28 , 1q65 for services through April 30 , 1968 as follows : Principal engineer , 9 days ' $ 150 . 00 per day $ 1 , 350 . 00 S enior Engineer , , 12 days @ $ 25 . 00 per day 1 , 500 . 00 Engineer , 5 days @x$ 100 . 00 per day 500 . 00 Sub - professionals , 12 days @ $ 75 . 00 900 . 00 O ut - of - pocket expenses 401 . 66 Approved $ 4 , 651 . 66 Councilman Makie moved to pay the above bills when funds are available . Seconded by Wilbur . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Engineers ' estimate having water in pipes by late October or early November . Recreation Land ( Locke property ) Attorney Beck will convey a $ 6 , 200 figure to Attorney Pfann by leer . West Danby Land - Reported by Councilman Makie under zoning . Gas - no further report . Zoning Ordinance ( Proposed Changes ) Makie referred to Attorney Thaler ' s suggestion to meet with the Planning Board to go over the changes , particularly which the Planning Board recom - mended and have not been received . NEW: ; BUSINESS Fropbsed Charter and Code for Tompkins Cointy - Supervisor placed this on file with the Town Clerk . Supervisor pointed out that if anyone wants to arrangee• a meeting , he will talk with people about the County Charter and Code which comes to vote at the November election , this fall . He intends to have a public meeting in Danby . 16 • Comprehensive Sewerage Studey - Supervisor Cortright reported that he has the preliminary report which will go to Albany . Once that State Health Department has approved it , the engineers ( Cradall & Miller ) will meet with each Town Board to explain ; the requirements for sewerage . disposal for the entire town and any segment of the Town . In this segment of the Town , a sewer system is indicated . The Planning Board should be in on this meeting . _ I Discussion of the General Fund - Supervisor Cortright gave each member handwritten copies of budgeted items in the General . Fund , the amount which had been spent and the balance remaining or in the red . Anticipated expenditure for the next six months is $ 19 , 502 . 19 , Anticipated income for the next six months $ 12 , 038 . 14 , a difference of $ 7 , 464 . o4 . Councilman Makie moved to borrow $ 10 , 000 . 00 on a Budget Note until April 1 , 1969 . Seconded by Justice Dorn , Roll Call Vote : Corrright - aye Makie - aye Wilbur - aye Dorn - aye Wright - aye 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried Street Light for Jennings Pond - Wilbur moved to have a street light installed at Jennings Pond for the swimming area . Seconded by Dorn . . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . General Fund Bills - Wright moved to pay General Fund Bills listed on Warrant ;## 7 174 through #90 totalling $ 538 . 27 . Seconded by Makie . 5 ayes , . O noes , carried . Highway Fund Bills - Makie . moved to pay Highway Fund Bills listed on Warrant # 7 ## 61 through # 71 totalling $ 3 , 367 . 09 . Seconded by Wright . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Supervisor ' s Report := - Wright moved to accept the Supervisor ' s . Report . Seconded by Makie . 4 ayes , 0 , noes , carried . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 P . M . Respectfully submitted , '. • Dorothy Robertsm 1 Clerk • I