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12-16-2020 Special Town Board Meeting 1.mp3
Yeah, I can do that, thanks.
Virginia, I asked to unmute you and ask to open your video, so hopefully that's why you had your hand
There we go.
You're still muted.
I just got here.
Can we take this?
Am I unmuted?
Yep, you're good.
Do you want me to lower your hand?
No, I really don't.
Right do that.
There you go.
You should be all set.
Alright, I'm gonna go.
My video any good or not I don't need.
To be videoed.
You're fine, that's good.
Alright, it's 6:30 I'm going to call this meeting to order. This is a special town board meeting for the town
of Enfield on Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30 via the Zoom portal.
Just as a reminder, this meeting is being recorded.
We will start with privilege of the floor.
If you would like to speak for privilege of the floor, please use the raise your hand button.
If you are calling in on a cell phone, you can do this by pressing the STAR 9 button.
I will unmute everybody at the end to be sure everyone who wishes has gotten a chance to speak for
privilege of the floor.
Please be sure to address.
Your comments the whole to the town board as.
A whole you will.
Have 3 minutes to speak so please wrap up your comments in that time.
Let's start with Art Godin.
I'm going to ask to unmute and ask you.
Where are you?
I have the wrong person, sorry.
Let's see if I can find you OK.
Yep, you should be up.
Asked to start video.
There we go.
OK, thank you Stephanie.
I have a question first, will the letters that have been sent to you to the board be read this evening or
I'm hoping that they will.
There will be a time during correspondence when tha t should be, should be able to happen.
So my name is Eric Gordon. I live at 96 Woodard Rd in Enfield.
My comments are in two parts. The first part is just about Stephanie's status. Currently I learned
recently that as our acting supervisor, Stephanie is carrying out all the duties of a town supervisor, but
lacks the title.
And lacks the power to cast a vote in board decisions and.
I wondered why that was because I remembered years ago when Roy Barrier resigned as town
I I think it was at that same meeting that the board appointed the remaining members of the board,
appointed him supervisor, and that seemed to be a very simple and normal step to take at the time and.
The board was able to continue by filling the appointment, continue its five person board functioning
and just continued forward until it was time for another election.
I understand that well from talking extensively with Bob Lynch, I learned recently that his primary
reason for insisting that the Board not elevate Stephanie to the position of town supervisor was that.
Based on conversations that he'd had with Enfield citizens, a majority of them would prefer to leave that
position open.
Now I know Bob works really hard as a Council representative and deserves credit for that.
But I have to ask how reliable an informal poll taken by a single person with a strong stake in the game.
In particular, you know, did everyone cold really even understand the question being posed and all the
issues involved?
I mean, with respect to procedural questions like this, I would expect that Council members would show
leadership that they would take action based on common sense and fairness and precedence.
It seems strange to me that Stephanie, as acting supervisor, holds the town of Enfield, chequebook.
She stands responsible for a large
Range of duties and yet she isn't entitled to vote.
On the board.
So, so I think the Enfield Town Board should appoint Stephanie Redman is full town supervisor and
restoring itself to be again a five person board, which I think is important and you know have her stand
as that until the next board election in 2021.
My Part 2.
Was in support of James Rix as a candidate for the town board.
Well, which I believe is he's going to be nominated for later in the meeting.
I have written a letter to the board.
That now I understand will be read, so I'll try not to duplicate that too much, and my time may be nearly
Actually, yes, it's that's the alarm, but if you so if you want to wrap that up, that would be great.
Yeah, James James Riggs is a great guy.
I've become acquainted with him working.
In the group field race, anti racists in Enfield where we talked about some pretty sensitive issues and he
was always willing to listen carefully, very good at expressing his own views in a generous and
understanding way that.
Threatened, but communicated sometimes real differences of opinion.
I think it would be a real compliment to the board and he brings an experience of Enfield that is unique.
As a person of color.
So I would encourage you to.
Support his candidacy.
And appoint him to the board.
OK, thank you.
Thank you art.
And Rider, you're up next I will ask to unmute and ask you to start your video.
Did you get that?
Oh yeah, there you go.
Thanks, thanks.
Hi, I wanted to remind you that if this had been a different time and not a covert time.
I believe this.
Meeting would have been cancelled due to weather conditions, but no, instead we're all safe in their
own homes and can do still.
Continue this.
Town business so so hey, you gotta look on the bright side.
Uhm, I wanted to urge the board to fill.
Uh, the.
Position that was vacated by.
I'm confused by whom, but there's a vacant board.
Position and I want to earn.
She wants to raise her hand.
No, it's.
Stephanie was saying.
Hey by me.
I was the one that stepped down.
Oh, OK.
Now we're all square on that.
Uh, sorry, because this leaves the town board in a very, very vulnerable position.
Uh, with so few people and I want to urge the town board to move toward filling this position as quickly
as possible.
And if.
Indeed, the the board or members of the board feel that we have to do another canvas.
Oh, oh OK.
I guess I could give.
You that but.
It has to be a time period.
Can't be more than a month.
Uh, you have to keep at this and I I guess I have to say if.
You think you're gonna get another volunteer?
Rookie but three weeks ought to be Max for you.
Recanvassing the UM.
A community for interest in this position.
Thank you.
Thank you Anne.
Next up, we have Beth McGee.
I am going to ask to unmute and ask you to start your video.
I don't need my video.
Thank you, thank you.
In the spring of.
I invited my community to come and share their experiences about race and to support each other as
any racists.
In Enfield.
At that time I was fortunate enough to meet James Ricks and Enfield resident and landowner, who has
expressed his interest in serving on the unfilled governing board as an appointed Council person to fill a
I've learned much from James and so appreciate his advice his ability to observe people events
circumstances and to share insight based on his experience as a passionate activist a parent and
grandparent an American citizen and resident of a town where he hasn't always felt safe or comfortable
when he expressed his interest in serving on the town board.
I was delighted that he would want to.
Add his voice to the leadership of our community.
There is no person serving on this board currently who is more qualified than Mr Ricks, which has been
evident in recent meetings.
For a history lesson on leadership and white privilege in the town of Enfield, here are some facts.
The town was settled in 1821.
By the mid 1800s, black men were finally permitted to vote in New York State if they own property with
a value of at least $250.00 white men not women were permitted to vote whether they owned land or
Black men in the United States did not gain the right to vote without stipulation until 1870, with the
15th amendment.
Women obtained this right technically with the passage of the 19th amendment in 1921, hundred years
after our town was settled.
The 19th Amendment was not immediately extended to African, Latina, Asian or even Native American
women until 1965, with the Voting Rights Act another 45 years later.
Just imagine the privilege white men like those white men on this very board enjoyed that afforded
them opportunities to lead and build a community.
Designed around their own prosperity here and now.
A board of.
All white faces a majority of white men serve here as gatekeepers to yet another councilperson vacancy.
Ask yourself these questions, what do I have in my life that was gained by someone else is suffering or
lack of privilege since the settlement of this town in this nation?
What do I lose by making space at the table for people who are different than I am?
Why is it important to me to keep people of color outside of the spaces where decisions are made about
our community?
How can I use my white privilege to take a first step at ending, instead of perpetuating white supremacy
in the town of Enfield, before its 200th anniversary?
Should we celebrate 200 years with our heads up high if we cannot make this happen or will. It just be
another celebration of white prosperity for yet another 200 years I encourage and employ the 3 council
persons on this governing board to take the best action they can for this community and appoint James
Ricks as council person for the benefit of everyone who lives here no matter.
Our skin.
In color because black lives matter in Enfield and lest anyone continue to incite and repeat conspiracy
theories that this is an effort to get Stephanie Redmond appointed to the governing board.
I asked that Stephanie considered declining that motion if it's made and continue as acting supervisor
until such time the board adopts a resolution to remove her.
The acting supervisor doesn't need an appointment to supervisor to be the incumbent.
Thank you, Beth.
Sorry I was muted for all that I said.
Thank you, Beth and Ellen.
I will you're all.
Set run we did.
I'm gonna keep this really short.
Later I do have a legal opinion that I have gained that in fact, a second check signer can be designated
but I will share that during the business portion of the meeting.
However, I would like to share that you will hear a whole lot of people tonight.
Completely ignore the issue that I am working twice the hours of our acting supervisor for the same
amount and that is the only place in New York State where that is the case.
My workload is non discretionary.
The acting supervisor is right now making phases as she has gaslit me the entire year over this issue and.
I would just ask every single person here to ask you what are the qualities of a good lead.
Does a good leader show empathy?
Does a good leader lift people up?
Does a good leader bring out the strengths in those that they lead?
I urge the town board to never appoint someone to a leadership position unless they possess the
qualities of an excellent compassionate.
Servant leader.
Thank you.
Thank you Alan.
OK, if anybody else would like to speak for privilege of the floor, please raise.
Your hand now.
OK, I am going OK.
Everybody should be on oh we have Joanna Green.
We're going to ask to unmute you.
And ask to start your video.
I sorry I don't know if I raised.
Oops, sorry I.
Asked the wrong person.
Hi everybody, I just want to read.
From my little statement about James.
Dear Enfield Town board members, I had heard that James Ricks is again being considered for
appointment to the town board.
I very enthusiastically support his candidacy.
I've known James for a couple of years.
He wrote our very first living in Enfield.
My story piece for the Enfield connects newsletter last summer.
And he was very forthright in his description of the challenges of living in Enfield as a person of color and
as a person of color, he offers critical insight and experience that is currently lacking in the board.
Since last summer, I've worked alongside James in the Antiracists in Enfield.
He has played a key role in this group and has gained everyone respect as a thoughtful, compassionate
and effective team leader, team player and leader.
He consistently demonstrates the kind of communication skills and critical thinking that board members
should have.
He has an even temper, a lot of humility, and the ability to listen well and to respect those he disagrees
Disagrees with, I think these qualities would serve us all very well.
Thank you for considering these opinions.
Thank you Joanna.
Thank you.
There we go, Catherine.
Can you let me?
Who is the oh Martha?
OK Yep, I'm I'm going to ask you to start your video that did I get you?
No, maybe I didn't get you.
I think you got me somehow.
Fable, can we disable these reactions because I find them to be editorializing and not in keeping.
Go ahead Martha.
Oh, you're still muted.
There you go.
Hi I met James at a anti racist in Enfield meet at several of them and.
Being a recovering racist myself, I have to say that I've learned a lot from James and I find him to be a
Very even keeled steady person who is easy to talk to and who listens well.
And I urged the the board to.
Come ask him to join the board and I sure hope that Stephanie can be can take on the the supervisor
role and have the the recognition that she should have.
And uhm, thank you for your time.
Thank you.
So, Karen, I'm I'm gonna ask to unmute and Martha, I'm gonna close your video.
Go ahead, Karen.
Can you hear me?
I just want.
Since what they already been said is pretty much everything so far, which is that I I would like, I hope
that you appoint James Rich to the town council and also a point.
Stephanie Redmond as the town supervisor officially.
Thank you.
Thank you, Karen.
Thank you, Carrie, thank you.
Catherine, I'm going to ask to unmute and ask to start video, sorry.
I skipped you a couple times.
There you go.
I'm going to ask to unmute again.
OK, I don't.
Need video, can you hear me OK?
Yeah, yeah, there you go.
OK, I didn't understand the comment that was just interjected by the town clerk about people
editorializing and so I just want to say I'm a little confused because I think that I can use my privilege of
the floor to to say what I want to say.
I've heard many people, at least in the past.
Decided to use their time to say the Pledge of Allegiance, though I have not heard that in a very long
So I too, I'm going to read what I wrote to the board and.
I would echo.
Art and the many other comments that have suggested and encouraged the board to appoint Stephanie
to the supervisor position.
So I'm saying congratulations to the town board for having this invaluable opportunity yet again to
appoint James Ricks to a seat on our town government.
I met Mr Ricks earlier this year and I've been witness to and to and advantage by.
I'm sorry, can you hear me?
OK, yes we can buy the role he.
Plays in the Community group Antiracists in Enfield.
His wisdom, experience and perspective is both informative and compassionate and compassionate.
As we together seek to understand and address syste mic racism in our Community and elsewhere.
He has a capacity for listening and weighing alternative perspectives and working to deepen
understandings within the community.
Mr Ricks has lived in Enfield for a number of years.
He knows a lot of people and he has a valuable perspective and voice to add to the town government it
I hope that the Members of this Board will take this opportunity to broaden out town government by
bringing the first person of color to our board. 200 years of town history should demonstrate that it's
about time we brought other voices to the table.
I'll be so happy to see Mr Ricks assume his seat.
Please do the right thing.
Please do the prudent thing.
Thank you.
Thank you, Catherine.
Thank you, Catherine.
Thank you.
So everyone should be open now to be able to unmute yourself.
Oh OK, we have Denny.
I believe I'm going to ask it on mute you and ask to start your video.
There you go, oh.
I'm gonna ask to unmute again.
There you go.
Working is it.
Yeah, OK, uh.
Hey guys.
As a President of the fire company, I don't normally get involved in politics.
We try to stay away from the political arena.
I've been around the town government and politics for 45 years through the fire department.
I I've seen a lot of stuff that's gone on good bad.
I've been employee of the town in the past.
I've been ridiculed by town boards, tried to be fired from my job several times.
So I'm I'm really familiar with how how politics work.
With everything that's going on, you know with the COVID stuff and the mandates, and you know the
the the racist issues that are going on.
You know, I see a lot of people and I I I don't think it's a good time to start doing more appointments or
pushing things on onto the the voters that they don 't have a say in I'm.
I'm sure Mr Ricks.
I don't know him personally.
I'm sure he may be a fine candidate and he probably could convince.
A lot of people that if he went door to door but I don't know as a board, really from past history really
wants to take on appointing somebody.
I think it would be much easier and better if it went.
To the voters for.
A vote we're not that far away.
We're only a.
Year away or less.
Secondly, I do with our current town employees and officials.
I wish that the town board would would take more effort into the current employees and elected
We have both in the Highway Department.
And the town clerk.
I can verify and I will stand on a stack of Bibles that the town clerk.
Uh, does way more work than I ever anticipated they do, and I think that that a lot of people really don't
see the work that's put in by the town clerk.
Maybe it's been in the past the same way and I never seen it, but I can tell you right now it's more than
40 hours a week and.
I just wish the town board would kind of come together and and support our local officials as well as our
Please thank you.
Thank you Dennis.
Thank you.
Hello uhm I don't I my I don't know how to raise my hand to be able to speak this is Ellen Grady.
There you go.
I asked to start your video as well.
Go ahead.
My video, let's see my, uh, my camera is not working at the moment, so I apologize.
That's fine.
So my name is Ellen Grady and I've only attended a few of these meetings before, but I've lived on
Sheffield Rd for.
35 years and I'm. I'm really, really excited that the board is considering.
Having James Ricks on the board I have been working with James for the past 11 years around different
issues of around social justice and racial justice things and he has been only an asset to our groups and
his perspective.
Coming from.
Uh, his years of of community, organizing himself and then also.
His perspective as being a black man has only enriched are the groups that I have been part of with
James, and so I really, really want to strongly encourage you to come to have James be on the board and
also Stephanie move up to the.
Position of.
What is the title of that?
Again, I'm forgetting the title.
The the appointed yeah.
Supervisor, supervisor, right, right so anyway and I haven't worked with Stephanie as closely, but the the
few little things that I.
Have worked on.
With Stephanie, she's a great person to be working with.
So thank you so much and I love our community and I love where we live, but I also feel like.
That voice is really missing or James.
His voice is really missing, so alright, thank you.
Thank you Alan.
Thank you Alan.
Thank you.
OK, anyone who would like to, I believe can open your own or unmute yourself.
And you should be able.
To speak.
So I'm I'm just wondering if my letter will be read at some point or should I read?
It to her.
There will be correspondence in just a moment, so I'm hoping that that will be read.
I know a lot of residents wrote in and and would like there and had expressed that they would.
Like their letters read.
So I see no reason why that shouldn't happen.
Is there anyone else who would like to speak?
Hi Chris.
Hello everybody, I know a few of you here Bob.
I know Stephanie, I know Alan.
Thanks for all your help.
In the past, Eleanor Alice just kind of listening in on it.
The first time.
I I I definitely think we should all keep open minds.
You know, I I've been involved with Stephanie for multiple years and multiple facets, and I don't know
how well you guys know her.
But she is a very rounded person, very intelligent and she has never, never given any reason not to.
You know, trust her or accept her.
I would definitely go for the appointment of her for town supervisor because she is a very fair person.
I would like to start getting more involved with meetings and she has brought me into that and kind of
gotten me engaged.
I've been living here in the region, rating the area pretty much my entire life.
And and I think it's about time I do get in, and it's nice to see all these faces and all these different
I'm not sure about the other gentleman. I've never met him, but he definitely sounds like a very well-
rounded general.
That should probably be involved in the local politics.
I work construction so I'm kind of colorblind as far as seeing the colors of people, I just know people of
being good people or bad people.
But I would definitely definitely support Stephanie's appointment to supervisor. I think she would be a
strong, strong person to be in there and we get along well with everybody.
And I thank you all for allowing me to be involved in this meeting.
Thank you Chris.
Thank you Chris.
OK, anybody who would like to I believe, can unmute themselves and.
Speak if they would like to.
I'm not sure how to raise my hand either.
Am I now?
OK, Yep, go ahead.
I'll ask you to start.
Your video if you'd like.
Oh yes.
Hi sorry I'm a mess.
I would like to 2nd everything Chris said for the appointment of Stephanie I.
To be honest, I I don't personally know the other candidates so I have nothing to say but everything I've
ever come to stuff about, whether it be.
Related to the.
Food pantry or more recently, questions about working with the Highway Department and placing.
The little library she is always.
Although I've never personally met her, she has always been on the money at replying.
She's always messaged me back quickly and been open to new ideas.
She is and that's kind of how I associate her as being open and being honest.
And I think the board really needs that.
Thank you, thank you Cassandra.
You can stop your video, sorry we love seeing.
You but.
Alright, so anybody who would like to can go ahead and open there unmute themselves, I believe.
OK, sounds like we're all set with this.
OK Yep hello.
Sorry, I just want to reiterate and rider.
This is Amanda.
Oh, hang on.
I just want to reiterate.
Let's go with.
Let's go with him.
OK, go ahead.
I just want to reiterate what an writer said.
It's fantastic that we've invested in transparency and accessibility for town board meetings.
Even when we go back in person, we can all do this in a hybrid way.
The investment in the equipment in order to make zoom and in person possible is an important one.
Everybody should be able to attend these town board.
Meetings, whether there's a Blizzard outside or not, and I would just like to echo what former supervisor
and writer said.
Thank you.
Thank you then.
Thank you.
Alright Amanda, I believe you are unmuted.
I'm with.
OK, alright.
My friend over here.
Hi, I'm with my friend Reverend Olivia Armstrong, who's actually known James Ricks for quite a while
and she wanted to speak on his behalf.
Can you hear us OK?
Yeah, I can hear.
Yes yes. Hi my name is Reverend Olivia Armstrong. I used to live in Tompkins County from 1990 until
what 2018 and I'm very familiar and know Rick pretty well.
He is an icon.
He be with icon.
I know he be as a Davis on Cornell West and he's a he's a fighter for justice and.
Even the different.
Invest on the executive director of the Rainbow Healing Center of America and we gave a number of
In the community, and he's a community oriented person.
He he loves his grandson he brought.
He brings him out to to be part and active in the community and as time and as town supervisor.
I know Rick could do it as the town council.
Just for the people that he be with the environment, the people he should be with professors and he's
been doing this work for years and years and years and I speak very hard.
I see him out there on the corner, protesters when a lot of other people don't be out there who should
be out there protesting for.
Horses that he'd be protesting for, so he's I know that he's passionate about what he does.
And I think town council.
Relevant Armstrong executive director of the Rainbow.
Healing Center 2.
Who we've been established for 20 years.
This this are 20 feet and yeah, 20 years.
So I'm just saying you have a good choice.
We have a good pic.
And he knows like he.
Has a lot of resources.
And he'll fight.
He'll go to jail.
He'll do anything.
To fight for justice.
And I know that about him personally.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your conversation.
Thank you everything.
Thank you.
And I just wanted.
Oh sorry, I muted you here.
I thought you were all done.
So I am trying to.
No is a former.
I mean there you go.
Resident of Enfield.
As a former resident of Banfield and a former candidate for town supervisor, I think it's really important
that you focus on the greater task at hand, which is making sure that the people of Enfield are actually
getting their basic needs met right now.
So you guys need to get your act together, period.
End of story.
Get this done and like start focusing on feeding people and making sure they've got enough heat to keep
their homes warm because you're going to have serious problems on.
Your hands if you don't.
Thank you, Amanda.
I appreciate that.
Is there anyone else who would like to speak for?
Pictures of the floor.
I would and multiple people have been recognized.
Twice, so I believe I have.
Uhm, sorry.
We are going to move along.
I guess that that another person got, you know, privilege of the four twice I would.
Ask that you know Ellen do be given the same privilege as well.
OK, as long as it's not negatively impacting our conversation with residents I I don't really like the way
that some residents are treated in this conversation.
If that is the case I will mute.
I believe that talent.
You are unmuted.
I'd like to start my video please.
There you go.
So I would just like to respond to what Amanda Kirchgessner Intel said because I think it's really real.
We do need to take care of it.
We need to address the board, actually not individuals within our community.
I would like to address the board in the context of what Amanda Kirk Chasseur just said.
Thank you, Stephanie, which is.
That's fine.
We do need to start taking care of each other and I and my deputy are the people who are on the front
lines of taking care of the residents and collecting the revenue that keeps this town running.
And I would also set like to say regarding regarding correspondence and this is addressed to just the
board members it.
Would be extremely unusual to read every single piece of correspondence received by the board, and
there have been many other important issues before this town, in which correspondence has only been
indexed or has not been shared with the Office of the town clerk at all.
And so I believe reading every single piece of correspondence sent to the board on one particular issue
is tantamount to campaigning on town property.
So thank you.
Thank you.
Here we go.
OK, I believe everybody has been.
Uh, able to speak for pillars of the floor at this point.
Let's go on to correspondence.
I was not able to receive all the correspondence because I was removed from the town board.
Emails for a period of time, so I would like to know if Councilperson Lynch would like to read the
correspondence that was received by residents.
Well, it's.
Shall we?
Shall we share it or?
I'm happy to read some as well.
That would be great I've.
Definitely had a request from several board member or from several residents.
Sorry, hang on.
There we go. Hang on.
Just to make it clear, I have had a request from several residents to have these read.
So that would be great.
I believe I tried to unmute you Robert.
There we go.
Let me see in no particular order, so please apologize if you're left till last or whatever, and I would
certainly appreciate anybody else to read any of these and some of these are rather lengthy, so I will
I will start with a letter dated.
A e-mail dated December 13th from Nancy Spiro endorsement of Stephanie Redmond and James Ricks.
She starts with this this way I am writing to voice my support of Stephanie Redmond as town supervisor.
She is a hard worker.
She has been trained for the position and deserves to be in this position until the next election in 2021.
The primary petitioning will begin in early 2021, and anyone can run for the position at that time.
It is unfortunate that Beth McGee left her position before the term was over, but this happens in child
She did the responsible thing and stayed to help the town in the face of the beginning of the pandemic,
and in order to train someone to do the job.
This person is Stephanie.
This is similar to when Roy Barrier left his position before his term was up and Dan Ryder was put in the
position until the next election.
This is standard operating procedures for any organization.
The election is not far off.
There is much work to be done in the town and we ne ed a full complement of people doing the work.
And for Stephanie and for Stephanie have a full voice in making town decisions.
In a few months, the voters will be able to vote on who they wish to have continue on.
This process begins very soon.
I also feel that James Rix brings an important voice to the town as the first black man to apply for the
position on the board.
He should be welcomed and given support to learn ab out the job and try it out.
He can then make an educated decision as to whether he wishes.
To run for a seat in 2021.
It will also give the town's residents a chance to get to know him and vote based on more information if
he chooses to run.
As you know, racism comes in many forms.
It is time for Enfield to.
Make the leap.
And try to address some of the systemic racism in our community.
I have been attending board meetings for many years and though the terms of what will be 4
supervisors and through the terms I should say of what will be 4 supervisors, I do this because I want to
be an informed Community citizen and support the ha rd work of our town boards.
And continue to live in a town I love and care deeply about.
Thank you all for the hard work you do.
Sincerely, Nancy Spero that's from Nancy Spero.
Another one here I will again.
I'm reading them just at random.
This is from Joanna Green endorsement of James Rix.
Dear Enfield Town board members.
I just heard that James Rix is again being considered for appointment to the town board.
I very enthusiastically support his candidacy.
I've known James for a couple of years.
He wrote the very first living in Enfield.
My story piece for the Enfield Connect newsletter last summer and was very forthright in his description
of the challenges of living in Enfield.
As a person of color.
And as a person of color, he offers critical insight and expertise that is currently lacking in the board.
Since last summer I have worked alongside James in the anti racist in Enfield Group.
He has played a key role in the group and has gained everyone respect as a thoughtful, compassionate
and effective team player.
He consistently demonstrates the kind of communication skills and critical thinking that board members
should have.
He has an even temper, a lot of humility, and the ability to listen well and to respect those he disagrees
I think these qualities would serve us all very well. Thank you for considering these opinions. Joanna
Greene, of 96 Woodard Rollers.
Would you like me to be 1 Bob?
You can.
Take a take a break.
This one is from Krista.
I don't think I have a last name.
It says good evening.
Over the years, I've gotten to know Stephanie Redmond and wanted to voice my opinion as the as an
Enfield resident.
I fully support the appointment of Stephanie Redmond as town supervisor.
I would encourage my neighbors to do the same.
Stephanie is an amazing woman, so smart and caring, willing and eager to take on and address.
The town's issues, always willing to answer any questions, but most importantly willing and able to see
things from others point of view. She cares about her community, neighbors, and the environment.
I will end this, uh, I will end with this once again saying I fully support appointing Stephanie Redmond
that was from Krista.
I can see what another one is.
Also, a very short one.
This is from Wendy Williams.
My family supports the appointment Stephanie Redmond to town supervisor.
Actually, I think she's she's she's my neighbor.
There is issue.
We didn't read did we, did we?
Read Nancy's letter, we I?
Nancy Spero yes yes.
Can yeah.
You just write that one.
I I can I can read a short one I'm I'm really limited because of my phone, but if you'll let me there's one
from John Frieda born.
I am writing in support of James Rexford Town Council and also in support of Stephanie Redmond to be
appointed as town supervisor.
I will look at other short ones to read.
But I thought I'd try to take a give you guys a break.
Whatever you born also submitted one and I'll I'll, I'll dovetail it there and Karen spoke here.
I I privileged the floor earlier this evening.
Karen Freeborn Dear Enfield, Town board and supervisor, as a constituent, I am writing to encourage
you to immediately appoint James Ricks.
To the vacant seat on the Enfield Town board, he has expressed interest in the position and represents
people in Enfield, whose needs may not be well represented on the.
Board and I also have the one from art golden and I know golden art.
Golden wanted to have his letter read so I will read it now.
A dear town board members. I understand that James Ricks may be nominated at your Wednesday
12:16 meeting to fill the position that became open with acting supervisor Stephanie Redmond
resignation from the board. I hope you will.
See the opportunity to grant Mr Ricks that position.
Should he decide to accept the nomination?
I became acquainted with James Rix through the Antiracists in Enfield group.
Our group meeting discussions involved a range of sensitive topics.
James demonstrated a willingness to listen carefully.
To what others had to say and then to speak his own truth.
His energy, humor, and honesty made it easy to listen to his words, even when recounting an incident
that was painful to him.
To hear I should say James commitment to issues of social justice is long and deep.
His experience of life in the town of Enfield is something we need to learn about.
He, if he is willing to take on learning the duties of a town board member, we should treasure his
willingness to share a perspective that no present board member can duplicate.
Respectfully, science of bowling.
I can read another one.
Thank you.
This is 1 from John Hamilton, who specifically asked his to be red because he wasn't able to attend
Uhm, hi.
I have known James Ricks for more than 10 years.
We have worked together in a wide variety of political and social projects.
We are also friends.
James is a valuable part of every group we have been in.
He is an eloquent, he is eloquent and insightful.
He listens well, he is respectful, his perspective adds wisdom.
As a black man and a mostly white groups, his experience in wider understanding makes us all better
human beings, and I haven't.
I haven't even mentioned his sense of humor in his amazing.
I I strongly recommend James for the Enfield Town board. Thanks to you all for your efforts. John
Hamilton 385 E Enfield Center Rd.
I could read another one if you want.
Uh, this came in today from Barbara Barber Savnik, who as you may know, is also the chair of the Enfield
Democratic Party.
But she's writing for herself not for her party.
To the Enfield town board.
I am writing to urge the board to appoint James Ricks to the town council person position.
Now open due to the resignation of Council person Stephanie Redmond.
Mr Ricks was one of the only of only two people to volunteer to fill the earlier Council person opening.
Both candidates had strength making the decision between them difficult.
The board chose Mr Miles for that position, I believe.
Mr Miles earlier experience as a board member and his knowledge of issues before the board has made
him a particularly valuable.
To a very short handed board, but now the board has the opportunity to add Mr Ricks to as a member of
a part of the infield community that is not currently represented.
He will offer invaluable new perspectives on infield life.
Ricks is thoughtful and calm.
An eloquent communicator and a good listener.
He also has an excellent sense of humor, which would be a definite contribution to board meetings.
He is dedicated to improving Enfield.
By acting now and appointing Mr Ricks, the board would enable him to participate in the February
Association of the Towns Training School, which would get him up to speed on the.
The ends and outs of town government.
After filling his board vacancy, the board should next move expeditiously to appoint Stephanie Redmond
as town supervisor with no deputy to the deputy supervisor, acting supervisor.
Redmond has no backup for completing vital tasks that cannot be done remotely.
We are all.
One exposure away from mandatory quarantine should acting supervisor Redmond be quarantined
much of town business would be stop.
It is foolish for the town to continue this way.
Stephanie Redmond is doing an excellent job and should be appointed town supervisor.
It is hard to believe that leaving positions open benefits the other.
It is hard to believe that leading positions open benefits the either the town or the other board
members. Please appoint James Ricks as town council person and Stephanie Redman as town
supervisor, respectfully Barbara Sudebnik 190 Halsey Ville Rd.
There was a another that I know Catherine spoke before, but I think she wanted her letter written said
as well so I will do so congratulate.
But she actually texted and said that she did not need her red because she was able to speak dream
pillar to the floor.
She wasn't.
Sure, if she's gonna.
Be able.
To do so, thank you.
OK, that's fine.
We will use Catherines.
We will.
We will defer.
To Catherines preference.
I have several more to you.
Michael, I can.
I can read another one if you want.
I I can read another one, have we haven't read Susan Robinson's one yet.
No, you go ahead.
I will read that Greetings Town Council people Virginia Bryant, Robert Lynch, and Michael Miles and
acting supervisor staffing Redmond.
I'm writing to ask you to please appoint Enfield resident James Ricks to the open town Town Council
person seat on the Enfield Town board at your next meeting.
I have had the pleasure of working with Mr Ricks.
For the past five months in the group anti racist and in Enfield Aari Mr Ricks.
Has been an important part of the work we have done to make Enfield a more welcoming place to
people of color.
When we organize the March.
Sorry I had to increase my my font.
I can't read that we organize a March down Enfield, Maine in September 5th this year.
Mr Ricks was an integral part of that action and he brought with him several members of his family who
lived in other locations in Tompkins County. Mr Ricks would bring a perspective to the town board that
in my 45.
Years in Enfield have never been represented.
As would be the case for anyone appointed to fill a vacancy, Mr.
Rex would be required to run for election during the next election cycle.
Please appoint James Wicks to the Enfield town board.
To to to name Field Town board. The special Board meeting on December 16th, 2020. Thank you for
your consideration. Sincerely, Susan Robinson 772 Bostwick.
Road and fee.
Thank you, I have one from Gilly Waddington.
In support of James Rix.
Dear Enfield Town board members.
I was very happy to hear that James Rix is being considered for a seat on our town board.
I met him last summer when the anti racists in Enfield Group started meeting.
He proved to be a skillful listener, a deep thinker, and a clear speaker.
He is generous and he is kind.
He is open.
To really communicating with everyone whether he agrees with them.
Or not, and he is willing to change his mind if he is convinced that it is a road that he should follow.
He is a good team player who knows his strengths and is willing to share those with his community.
In spite of the fact that he has lived here for almost 17 years, he is still often treated with suspicion
because he is a black man living in a small rural community.
Because of that, he could bring insights to the board that could help Enfield become better, stronger
and more sensitive to the challenges that face people of color who have chosen this community for the
same reasons that I did when I moved here in 2013. I love my neighborhood and cherished the beauty of
Skill and the acceptance I have received from my neighbors. Thank you for considering James for this
position. Gilley Waddington 36 Griffin Rd, Newfield, NY Town of Enfield.
Have we read one from, uh, I'm losing track?
Have we run read one from Michael Denning, Denning yet.
We have not read that it's a long one.
Do you want to take it?
I I will take it.
Dear Enfield Town board, I am writing in response to the discussion regarding town supervisors
succession that occurred at the regular board meeting last Wednesday, December 9th 20.
Funny I happened to run across some comments about that meeting on Facebook that concerned me.
So I listened to the recording of the meeting.
I was left with the impression that Mr Lynch came out of the meeting with much more power than he
had entered it from.
What was that?
Under recording he had been on the short end of several 4 to one decisions.
By the end of the meeting, he was left with veto power over any decisions the board makes.
It was interesting how this power shift came about.
It looked to me like the decision about supervisor succession hinged on the competition of two
competing interests, that of the need for a fully constituted board.
That's in quotes.
On the one hand, and the personal and political interests of Mr.
Lynch on the other.
It was clear that the unanimous opinion.
Of the board, including that of Mr Lynch was that Miss Redmond is competent, hardworking and fully
preparing to immediately step into the role of supervisor.
According to the recording she has trained with the previous supervisor for six months for the express
purpose of assuming this position.
In the discussion it seemed at first that the elevation of Miss Redmond was a slam dunk.
Miss Miss Bryant and Mr.
Carpenter explicitly say that they are ready to vote for her.
They seem to have more concerned with how to fill the empty board seat than whether miss.
Miss Rezman would be elevated.
But when it was Mr. Lynch turned to talk, he expressed reservations about which he says agonized in
quotes. He says that the decision should be delayed in order for the board to quote resolve differences
UN quote. However, in his speech he admits to a lot of things that reveal the.
Other, less lofty considerations, he says he is considering running for supervisor in November of 2021.
He is very cognizant of the fact that Miss Redmond got quote got more votes than he did in the last
He's also concerned about running against an incumbent, and he has already started campaigning. He
says he spoke with 389.
People specifically about the succession of the town supervisor.
He says unconvincingly that the quote vast majority UN quote of residents want to hold simple.
Want to hold?
The office open or to hold a special election.
In my experience, people simply do not have such strong, widespread and consistent opinions about
things like that.
I suspect that the expression of those opinions.
Followed some serious politicking by Mr.
Lynch, who has an interest in the opinion I should say in the interest of Full disclosure that I know Miss
Redmond, we have worked together in the context of Community organizing around the environment.
I have always found her to be extremely intelligent, competent and well spoken, ethical, prepared, self
In the interest of the community and a natural leader, I believe that the town of Enfield is fortunate to
have a person of her caliber on the board to delay and obstruct her elevation is an insult to the
community to quote Mr Lynch quote.
No one should say.
That being on the board member being a board member is easy UN quote. Miss Redman has paid her
dues and to see her treated like this by a jealous competitor is sad indeed. Michael dineen. I'm hoping
I'm catching that right. 513 Valley Rd brooktondale, NY.
I will only respond since I was particularly referenced in that that it does contain some inaccuracies both
of fact and of inference.
That's not the purpose of what we're doing tonight.
I'll leave it there and we will go on to read the comments of our people who have submitted their
opinions to our boy.
I have one more and it's fairly brief.
I hope I have.
I have the complete list.
This is from Christopher.
Zolten lamp and.
Dated the 15th of December.
It just says I support the appointment of Stephanie Redmond.
To town supervisor.
That's all that I have.
If others have others that I have overlooked, I apologize.
I am looking for some others.
I think you might have.
Got them all, just double checking.
I see.
OK, we got that one.
I think that's all that I.
I think that's all I think we've read them all so.
Anyone who was attending our meeting has been overlooked with something that he or she submitted.
I suggest they raise their hands so that we will then look for that particular communication.
Yeah, and and to add, I know you know, during normal correspondence that is usually a summary of
those correspondence, specially at regular meetings, because there's a lot of correspondence that that
that the supervisor and the town board gets.
But you know, I'm I'm OK reading them in full at this meeting.
Great, thank you.
The next we have to.
Do thing we.
Have to do is move the consent agenda.
I believe the only thing on there is the out audit claims.
So if Alan would like to read the audit claims, I'm asking to unmute and ask him to start your video.
The town board authorizes the supervisor to pay general fund vouchers 280 to 285 dated 12162020 in
the amount of $2360.73.
Great, I'll move the consent agenda.
Any discussion?
One question for the record, can you, uh, Stephane, move anything right now because you have
resigned from the board?
Oh, that's a good point.
Go ahead Robert.
Would you like to?
Move the consent agenda.
I want to consent agenda yes.
I'll second that again.
OK, only go ahead and please call the vote and remember.
That I do not have a vote currently.
Once a person, Bryant.
So let me go ahead and ask to unmute you again.
She's clearly.
There you go.
Councilperson lynch
Councilperson miles.
Thank you.
Alright, the next thing on our list is the open councilperson position.
I will be.
A point of order parliamentary order?
Uh, I see on the agenda additions or changes to the agenda that hasn't been raised.
You're quite.
Right, you're quite right.
I completely skipped over that.
Are there any additions or?
Changes to the agenda.
I have two number one we have a request for an executive session by the town clerk who has requested
an executive session to discuss a personnel matter regarding a particular person.
I also have an item I wish to add to the agenda regarding a resources for the town clerk's office.
OK, and is this.
Executive session.
Seconded by anyone.
I'll second it.
And then we will have discussion about it.
If there's no further discussion, we will have a vote as to whether or not there will be an executive
Councilperson Bryant
No, nay.
Councilperson lynch
Councilperson miles.
Hey, that does not carry.
And what was the other one?
I'm sorry.
The other one was regarding resources for the town clerks office.
It's a resolution regarding additional funding for the town clerks office for the month of January.
OK, I will put that on the agenda under the e-mail and website migration.
UM, is there any objection to that being on the agenda?
No, all right then.
That is going to go ahead and be on the agenda.
OK the next thing then would be the Open Council person position just so residents know because I
resigned my seat on the board.
I will not be participating in this discussion outside of presiding over the meeting.
Thank you.
Uhm, if I may say something.
First of all, I would.
Uhm, certainly support.
Discussing the things that were brought up for an executive session, but not at this meeting.
Uhm, I am pushing.
I am putting forward a motion to appoint James Ricks to the vacant to the vacant position that's
currently open on the board.
Uh, it's immediately.
We are really, you know, difficult position having such a difficult aslim board and I want to see that more
forward that I apologize for not being able to read the letters.
I'm still limited to my iPhone.
I have read all the letters.
And tried to step in when I could read them, but I've had extreme trouble with my.
I don't know my Internet.
I've been been cut out of the meetings several times.
However, my motion is to appoint James Ricks to the vacant position on the board.
I believe it's a business position vacated by Stephanie Redmond.
I'll second.
Is there any discussion?
I will abstain on that tonight.
It's no slight to James Rix, but I believe the procedure should be followed that we followed when we
appointed Michael Miles to the board, which is to view.
So you're suggesting we posted?
The reasonable opportunity reasonable opportunity for people to submit.
Applications for it over a period of several weeks and then to make a decision on this Council person
vacancy filling this vacancy at our January organizational meeting on the 13th of January.
I would say that you know this is a huge risk and danger because you know we have no supervisor, a
nonvoting acting supervisor and a razor thin board, and we've had multiple resignations.
Or, you know, this fall.
And you know we're in the middle of a mass pandemic that we haven't seen in a lifetime.
I think that not moving forward on this quickly and beginning to reconstitute our board immediately.
While we have a, you know, a Community member that you know.
Was willing to serve and and has been given glowing reviews by by the past.
You know, we've just read the letters and.
And and we have not received anything.
I have not received anything.
You know against either Stephanie or or James, but I do think it's a huge risk not to move forward on
this quickly.
The board has the ability to vote on this tonight, and I think it should.
I'm in agreement with that I've read all the letters and I've talked to Mr Rick numerous times.
I feel he is in a position to join the board immediately.
However, I understand where Mr Lynch may be coming from from procedurally.
However, I see we need to.
Get this board up to speed and move forward as quickly as possible.
So I think the we post if if the decision is to pull.
Post the position we get responses as quickly as legally as possible and call a special meeting if we have
to, even before our regular meeting in January to get this done, we are really interested.
Risky positioning with this board.
We can't deal with the questions that come up regarding executive sessions.
Appropriately, or raises and salaries appropriately, et cetera.
And so we have a fully operative ward and we do not have that now as far as I'm concerned.
I would like to offer an amendment to the resolution that's on the floor.
Go ahead.
May I read it?
Whereas the town of Enfield currently has a vacancy on the town board created by the resignation of
Stephanie Redman from her elected four year position, said resignation made by her effective
December 9th, 2020, and whereas the town board has currently for the 2nd.
Time in recent months been reduced to three voting members.
The bare legal minimum number necessary to Transact town business and whereas expanding the
number of voting members beyond the legal minimum.
Serves in the best interests of the town now. Therefore be it resolved, that the Enfield Town Board,
hereby effective immediately and to the fullest extent permitted by New York State law, appoints
Stephanie Redmond of 184 Applegate Rd. North to fill the vacant.
See of town council person.
Said vacancy created by her own resignation one week earlier and I so move.
I am declining from that position.
I am not interested in being a Council person.
I have resigned specifically from that seat so I could open up this position to other people.
I wanted Stephanie to give you a second opportunity because Virginia said last week at our meeting.
Please sleep on it and we didn't have the opportunity for you to sleep on it before you submitted your
So in do courtesy to you.
I wanted to give you the opportunity.
To reconsider, we couldn't appoint you beyond the end of 2021 because as New York State.
But the voters said last November that they wanted you to be their Council person, and I wanted to give
that opportunity and I can do that with clear conscience to the voters, because that's where their
mandate was a year ago.
So they offered that opportunity.
I resend my record I I accept resend my.
Second, I would only put forth another motion and that would be to appoint Stephanie Redmond to
town supervisor, acting town supervisor.
Whatever the term is.
Appointed, yeah, I'm already acting so it's appointed.
OK, well town town supervisor, pardon me for my ignorance.
Cedar, Shannon.
Doing a terrific job and that's the only thing I would consider.
As a matter of procedure, 'cause we're conflating different positions here, I would stay like can we talk
about Rick James?
Let's stick with.
Yeah, let's stick with Rick first in a council person position I I feel that many people have spoken in favor
of him and and I do not accept a position as a Council person.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
To continue the discussion, I I still think it's a huge risk to put the town in.
Uh, and we are one person away from from this town being non functional.
I think that's that that is irresponsible and I would urge a vote tonight for James.
And I would hope that that Bob, being the scenting voice here, that if the what would happen if the
Became non functional.
We would not be able to pass any budget amendments or any resolutions further including the
upcoming organizational meeting in January, just to make it clear, I've been exposed to many COVID
I just found out today without positive COVID cases, so they are in the area.
It's rampant right now.
So this is a big issue.
Right now.
Uhm so.
Yeah, I've I've.
I keep track of the COVID cases and they're far worse now than they ever were.
Even in the beginning six months.
In terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
So just as a procedural method, just to let you know if it goes down to two Members, even you cannot
pass anything else until and you cannot even designate a new person onto this board.
At that point, it will be.
I I don't know.
You'll be hamstrung for the rest of.
The year of 20.
I don't know.
This one.
Yeah, OK, I don't know the legal procedure for this.
I assume that this would go to the controller or to Albany in some way and then they would.
Have to deal with this.
I have contacted them just to make it clear.
I've contacted them about what happens when you have two people and technically that is when they
get involved.
However, it would require actually like a uh appointment or a, you know, a special election designated
by Governor Cuomo, but they have had many towns that have gone down to.
Two people on the board and they have not chosen to appoint or had a special election, so that has not
occurred and they've left a town, hamstrung for an entire year.
So just to procedural information out there.
And just as factual as we have some, we have someone who is interested in serving on the board who
has had.
Many letters of support is, you know, he's all he said to me personally when we talked to the phone.
He's willing to learn.
I know from talking to other people he certainly is.
Open to that and he's also got.
The wherewithal.
To sit on the board and listen and learn and express themselves extremely well.
And I I really feel it's.
An insult not to appoint him.
And we have heard from James personally on, you know in these meetings as well too.
But we don't see him at tonight's.
Meeting I'm concerned about that.
He is actually at this.
He is actually at tonight's meeting.
Word got him sleeping with child.
James I believe he is this one right here.
I'm right here.
OK, good.
Yep, I will ask to start your video if you would like.
Do you want audio or video?
I don't, I can't figure this out here, but.
We could hear.
So that's fine.
'cause I'm using somebody's computer.
I can hear you.
Yeah, we can hear you.
OK, uh, what did did you wanna hear something from me?
I've been really avidly listening.
Robert, did you, would you like?
I almost.
To have his input.
James, would you have a problem waiting until early January to take your seat on the town board if you
are the only candidate who seeks this position and if you were the voice of the town board?
Uhm no no.
Actually I don't.
I don't have a a problem there.
Uhm there.
I have been listening though and and I really find some things that are being said pretty disingenuous.
There seems to be something going on beneath the surface that I really don't understand.
And I say that with the addendum that I listened to the last meeting and somebody started texting me
with really negative comments about Stephanie, that I kind of didn't agree with.
And after I spoke to the guy, it seems like.
You know he was a little, not really as accurate as he intended, but he was coming down on her and I'm
saying who is this guy?
How did he get?
My my information to text me.
Uhm and yeah, really heavily are going against Stephanie and and he seemed like a nice guy but he just
uh, didn't have all his facts straight.
As far as I was concerned.
And I know you're not supposed to talk about people personally, but I heard some guy saying that if.
Bob, you're a very convincing guy.
You're very smooth and you are very convincing and well informed, you know.
And I like you, you know I want to say that clearly.
I like you.
I see a lot of potential.
Uhm, but I see this undercurrent of I I heard people called clones.
Of other people, and I heard the things about people being vindictive and you guys are really a pretty
talented group.
A small group that seems like you could accomplish a lot more if you work cohesively with each other,
and, uh.
Yeah, I'm not.
I'm not really feeling that and it's it's really disappointing because I really like Stephanie.
I met Beth.
I like her.
I like Mike even though I haven't known him that long, but he seems really balanced.
Virginia is great and I like you too.
Or seems like you have a little different kind of perspective on how the supervisor should be installed
and it has come across my mind.
Is it because?
You wanna be installed as a supervisor?
Is it that you have something against Stephanie?
Just cross my mind.
I'm not saying this is a fact, but I I'm saying what is what is going on here?
You guys are smart, talented, pretty thorough from what I've seen, and I don't understand the vitriol I
Hope I'm not speaking out online, uh, but yeah I just come.
It seems like there's something beneath the surface that you guys need to sit and talk about.
'cause really talented group and you remember you said you wanted to hit the ground running?
That's why you wanted to bring a mic into it and I'm not seeing this as hitting the ground running.
It's like hitting running right.
Into a roadblock.
That you know some inter or group communication might be able to alleviate.
Yeah, and if I may, if I may add, I'm sorry James.
Don't let me interrupt you.
You want to say something, Virginia.
Yeah, I've talked to James and I I feel just what he said is exactly what I felt for a long time.
There's this undercurrent and I would like to see it. And Toronto I would like to see us come to as close
as we could do a full board with Stephanie's supervisor and the other three of us there.
And James in place.
But we can move forward on some of the questions and issues that have been raised by the town clerk,
which are valid to be looked at and on, but not as this board that is in such a situation of only having
three members without a child supervisor.
I really feel very strongly we need to.
Bill's position and move forward and fill the position of town supervisor. We only we need to work
through the next election election. Anybody that wants to raise their hand and run for the.
2021 seats can do so, but we need to move forward as a functional board and right now as James has
said, we are not functional.
We are dealing with all these issues that are undercurrents and I'm not saying they are not important,
but they can't be dealt with properly without a full board with people discussing.
In a professional way.
And so I'm just I'm very disappointed.
That's the situation right now.
I will certainly serve to my end of my term.
However, it's been very painful.
And I haven't participated in.
Any, I mean some of the emails that I received and so on.
I've never replied to them after his first bombed.
I will not reply to them.
I don't reply to e-mail messages to come to me personally because of this situation of this undercurrent,
and I'm feeling we could end it by appointing James.
To the seat that's vacant and move on and appoint Stephanie as the town supervisor and move on as
the functional board and be able to deal with.
The situations have come up such as the salary issues, other issues that come up have executive sessions
that mean something.
They won't mean anything with three people.
That's ridiculous.
I've been there and I would say I've been there and done that.
'cause I never have in my professional life.
However, I'm saying that's an extremely unprofessional way to deal with it.
You need to gather information and so on, so that's all I'm saying.
I just feel we need to appoint James to the town board as quickly as possible.
If it means we have to open.
Do an announcement open, you know public announcement and so on.
So be it.
We'll see who turns up and we'll look at it again.
But I feel our town board would just be so much richer.
In terms of not only having a black American on the board, but someone with his experience and his
ability to negotiate and listen, he has an extremely good ability to do that.
I want to thank James.
Speaking up and and and and you know talking tonight as well too.
So thanks James for that and I hope that we can serve on.
Thank you James.
Hopefully we can serve on the board together.
I had additional question because James raised an issue that he had a question in his mind about this
undercurrent that he sensed and I wanted to give him some explanation for that.
At least the undercurrent.
That I see.
And James, that undercurrent that I think you're talking about is what I see as political manipulation of
this whole process.
And what I feared was.
And maybe that's not true.
And maybe you can dispel that tonight.
But that your appointment was being seen as the second act in a three act play.
That goal is to appoint one particular person to town supervisor. The first step was Stephanie
Redmond's resignation last week. The second would b e your appointment as a Council person and then.
This the third step, final step would be your support of Stephanie Redmond as town supervisor, thereby
circumventing my potential abstention.
Uh, and that's what I see as the undercurrent.
And so you see why you are a key link in the chain in my opinion and I think you're a good man.
I would be much more confident if you told me tonight that you choose to abstain in.
Any vote to elevate a person to supervisor?
I don't know what your position is on that.
Maybe you can tell me.
OK, uhm I would have to one.
Wonder why you would want me to abstain and I would have to ask you what was your reason for
abstention in the first place.
I heard Virginia and I heard Mike are very enthusiastically or advocate for Stephanie to be other town
After I said I have never.
Met you?
I kind of like you.
I like the way you were sticking up for these town workers and even the way you present.
Your issues very professional, very smooth.
Even when you are voted for Mike, I thought the uh rationale that you gave was was beautiful.
You know you needed him.
He's he's an excellent guy.
You know two qualified people.
But in order to hit the ground running.
You know you you advocated for him, which was completely understandable. I felt very comfortable
with your decision with Virginia and and with Stephanie's OK that she voted for me 'cause.
Mike does have expertise and in some ways I have more expertise and I don't want to sound arrogant,
but more than anybody on the board that you haven't had the same experiences I've had.
I mean, I can take a 15 year old black kid that got to talk about how to handle with his handle himself
when he has to engage.
With the police and he has a a better perspective on certain things than ever.
Anybody on their bodies.
They've been through different things.
Yeah, and I I if if you want me what what it what it sounds like again OK and I'm not trying to be
duplicitous or, you know, I just want to say that it.
It sounds like you want me to abstain.
If you had like 5 people, six people sitting on the board, but it it seems as though you're inserting
yourself to in a manner that you can prevent Stephanie from being on.
The board and and I did hear you call her a name at the last meeting, which you know people get
emotional and let me say this.
People make mistakes, man people.
That's what we are.
We make mistakes.
You can't hold that against somebody ad infinitum.
You know, people make mistakes.
You know you have to, uh?
Go on it or don't make, uh, adversaries out of allies you know there's you guys.
I mean it, and I'm not.
I'm not saying this you guys, when I was impressed you are a really great group and when you added
Mike I heard him go on about the computers.
That was pretty amazing.
Uhm, and if I would abstain.
I I can I also think.
Excuse me
I I think it's inappropriate for to to expect, you know, James to to abstain that and make that his
appointment contingent on that.
I I, I just I just don't feel comfortable.
Yeah, I think I.
I really feel that the the, shall we say the pattern or the path that.
James has expressed.
It's just totally inappropriate.
We get a new board member who's committed to serving on the board.
We move forward from there.
We don't plan ahead who's going to be appointed.
What we we look at?
Who has the experience?
We're the board.
We are charged with appointing people to a vacancy.
Stephanie has had.
Months of experience, months of training and has been doing an incredibly good job.
Nobody is perfect.
People do speak out, people get emotional and get upset.
And I've been some board meetings where things have been far worse, but it's still followed a process
and the process is we fill this vacancy.
We move on to the next step and we appoint a town supervisor so we are at least a board that can work
functionally and we.
At least, oh, I mean I've got.
I hate to say it, but.
I have a lot of because of my pet by dealing with dealing with people that were ill or had to, you know,
let things go and move forward with Action Pro action and this is what I see is being stuck.
Stuck right now we're stuck.
And I can't tell you how much it upsets me without becoming.
Yes, yeah.
Improv, inappropriate.
When I was appointed to this board, I was not asked to abstain from from any votes and I think I
wouldn't want to humble.
You know any any future Council person in that manner either and I don't.
Think it's even.
No, no reply either and I was on the board.
I don't think we can even do that or.
Compel someone to do that.
I mean ethically, that would make it.
Now I draw the analogy between this and what some people were saying that Amy Coney Barrett should
have done, which is to recuse herself, promised to recuse herself during confirmation from any
subsequent cases that the Supreme Court might consider regarding Donald Trump.
Who had nominated her for the Supreme Court?
I draw that analogy, and that was why I was suggesting that Mr.
Ricks to show that he's coming on the board as.
His own person.
That's totally inappropriate.
I don't believe so.
Well disagree with you.
I respectfully disagree with.
You I'm not really.
Well, I'd expect I respectfully disagree with you.
This is a totally different matter.
We're talking about a town board that is dangerously on the edge of not having enough members.
We have someone who's qualified and is willing to serve as is enthusiastic about serving and has nothing
related to me.
As far as my limited intellectual thinking as to the Supreme Court nomination, I don't even want to go
there and that.
Is far too.
I won't say anymore.
I I you know I, I'm not a legal scholar, but I'm not connecting the dots on that analogy.
I would also add that you know as everyone on the board is who might and other people on on this
meeting we have served on the board are familiar with that.
January is an extremely busy month. It's an organizing meeting in January. It's very long. We have audit
meetings and to go into January 2021.
Hobbled by you know a three person board I I I feel uncomfortable with.
Yeah I I would.
No, we're hobbled.
We're hobbled if we have to go forward that way.
'cause January.
It's a very important busy month, and it would be a time to move forward.
Clear the decks.
Let things go.
That may have have made us upset and also take up issues that has concerned the town clerk.
I've considered other matters that need to be dealt with by an appropriately appointed elected town
board, which I still am, and Mr Lynch is.
I would.
And then we had them.
We have, you know.
Another however many months and other people can run for these positions and do this.
However, I don't feel that I would be ever willing to consider putting in a brand a town supervisor
coming off from the left side or a town.
Member who has expressed an interest since the first time we went to post and it was a very hard
decision for me.
Believe me, he wasn't.
I won't go into my background, but it was a very hard decision for me and I have talked to Mr Rist on the
phone several times, actually many times.
And I feel he would be, you know, a tremendous addition to our board.
I just and I don't get it.
I yeah we.
I would like to address and I I spoken to Ellen about this.
I would like to address the issues that that you kn ow.
Tom Clark Ellen Woods has raised.
There are legitimate issues that I think the board needs to seriously consider, but you know, if we're
dragging this process out, we can't even add a fourth member.
I agree.
Come towards a full, fully functioning board.
I I would like to address those and and I I I still will raise it in January to put that on the agenda to raise
the issue of the town clerk.
Well, I agree with you.
I agree with you Mike, but I'm just I'm just very.
So that we can't move forward on the motion.
I guess we've already dealt with it.
Their motion to motion to appoint James Franks.
Can I ask Bob?
Is there any point of compromising there?
The compromise that I would see is to give this until the January 13th meeting.
When we could, uh, then, by that time we would know if anybody else was interested in running for this
position of competing.
For our approval.
Uh, if at that point nobody else has stepped forward, then we certainly I would entertain this resolution.
I just think that the people need to be.
I want to ask if there's I want to ask if there's a legal limitation if we were to post this tomorrow.
Could we have a special meeting to look at it or to decide it again?
I don't care.
I mean I hate to say it.
The holidays are here and everybody is busy, but we have had meeting after meeting to deal about
things and I don't see that.
This is there's.
Anything more important about dealing with this so we were to deal with it before the next January
official board meeting.
Not to conflate the issues again, but it but every time we raise a special meeting, that's extra work on
the tongue 'cause she has.
A legitimate question they have.
And many more meetings this year than we've had.
That's been a.
Yes, I understand that is true.
And I I'd rather I settle this tonight without having a special meeting.
We can do that without having a special meeting and adding burning to Alan.
You you know it's it's a win win for everyone.
If we can do this, I don't know how to compel Bob to.
I can't compel about to do that but I I I hope that he can.
I think we should wait and fill this position at the January 13th meeting and that gives us time to solicit.
Interest from other people who may have an interest in this of Council person position, just like we did
in October and early November, and I have drafted a resolution that would do just that and would set-
up the time frame and the procedures and it would allow us to.
Target the filling of this position at our January meeting.
So you're talking about waiting until a month.
Almost a month yes till the 13th.
We have a motion on the table.
Right now I'm not sure as a matter procedure we want to resolve that first.
Yeah, we have to resolve that one before we move any further.
James did you want to add anything else before we move anyone?
Yeah I did.
I did have a quick.
Jim Bob asked me one and I think it's only fair.
I wanted to ask this after hearing the last of the last meeting.
If I'm not mistaken, Bob, you're, you're really an advocate for having the town supervisor as an elected
I'm asking you are is that?
The town supervisor being elected is an elected position.
Uh, you know, I, I think it should be kept open until I believe, based on what people have told me.
I got you in coffee.
Constituents have told me the majority of them that I've talked to have said they want the position kept
open and filled in.
Next year's election.
OK, now being that you wait can if I if I may if I understand it.
I have
To go.
If I understand it, that is basically your position to keep the spot open and Bob, I said you are a very
convincing, very articulate guy.
If you spoke to me for a while about it and I really didn't have that much interest without hearing the
opposite side of of of that particular issue, I don't think.
Survey and and and the second thing I want to say is that at the last meeting I got a tape of it and I
listened to it 'cause I couldn't get it on it.
I didn't have a computer, but I thought I heard you advocate to appoint Mike on the board or you asked
him, was he interested in in being?
Uh, the town supervisor, and it seems like he's got miniscule, uh, experience compared to Stephanie
Is it really?
I was compounded at that point.
I heard it kind of going and people got emotional.
Sometimes people say things in emotion that they really don't want to or stand by for a long time.
But I.
Was confounded also.
I couldn't believe it.
And and I don't accept that nomination.
I raised it as a hypothetical.
I did not nominate you Michael, I just raised it as a hypothetical, that's all.
Yes you did.
Stephanie is much more qualified at.
This point than I am.
Well, I mean from just the pedestrian standing by listening.
It sounded like you said Bob, are you interested in being appointed?
To the town supervisor and I'm saying wait a minute.
This goes against everything that's been said before this and I was confused.
That's why all the letters excuse me.
I should probably ask genius about it.
All the letters we have received on all of them.
But the things that have come to the town board regarding Stephanie being appointed not all of them,
said Stephanie.
But it doesn't make it makes absolutely no.
Working senst not to appoint her as town supervisor through the end of this elective year is just
absolutely business wise nuts as far as I'm concerned.
She's been doing an excellent job.
Nobody agrees with anybody, but she's willing to sit down and listen and and go into Sessions where we
Things that are important, such as salaries, but we need to get beyond this and get us get as full a board
as we can to operate properly.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Uhm, there's been, you know, uh, talk about a poll, but in our e-mail to the town board, no one either to
to the town board in general to me specifically, has advocated that we not fill the supervisor position.
So if people are compelled that way, then let them speak to the town board.
I have not heard a.
Single voice saying so.
Several people have communicated to me privately.
They did not.
About half of them had them, had them write to town board at ncl.org, so we can all hear it and read.
Communicate any found body not communicating in terms or e-mail.
Actually, I think there was one from.
The fire department that we.
Yes, there was one.
There was just.
I think that.
Hard partement I'm sorry I didn't like that.
I take that back.
There have been, you know, a couple people.
I think Ellen as well as has suggested that I don't want to put.
Words in her mouth, but.
I feel really uncomfortable about supporting something that so many people have told me should not be
done, and I'm not talking about James Ricks appointment.
OK, I I have not heard any negative opinions about James Rick Purcell, so we're not talking about James
Rix, but we're talking about.
The vehicle were by.
A political group within this community.
That wields disproportionate power, sometimes from behind.
The curtain.
Has tried to engineer something whereby a.
Person who is so eager and has such a feeling of entitlement.
To be supervisor is being elevated to supervisor via the back door.
And I have been told by so many people, often quietly stand your ground Bob.
And so that is what I'm being told.
They need to stand their ground.
I'm very honest about.
I'm being very honest about it.
They need to stand their ground.
They can communicate with me.
Also, I need to hear that because I don't believe that.
That may be something that is lingering from the past, but I think we need to move forward and let the
past go and get this board functional. That is my bottom line. If it's not functional by the end of 2021.
I'm just going to feel well, I won't even to go there, but I think we're right now we're embroiled in this
who did what when and the undercurrents and so on.
We can't even deal with the questions and concerns that the town clerk has.
We cannot deal with things appropriately because we're caught in this fighter web.
Of who did what?
Who said what?
Who got selected?
Well, but why?
But and if they want to write me a nasty letters, I can go right ahead.
I will read them and I will respond.
I think it's really inappropriate to keep dragging this out.
I don't oppose going in into January if that's what the rest of you feel like.
I don't want to hold anything up, but I think to drag up.
You know who did what, who might have done what, who might have opened up?
You know, I just suggested what to whom.
I really don't care.
I want to see the town functional, sound board functional and able to deal with the problems we're
dealing with, such as salary, such as other things that have come up that we haven't been able to deal
with because we're dealing with this issue that has gone on for.
It's it's almost the end of the beginning of COVID certainly says, you know, Beth resigned and then
stayed on the board to help us through.
And I certainly.
I mean, I can't ever thank her enough for doing that, because we were really dealing with stuff that as a
board we couldn't have dealt with had she not trained Stephanie.
Take over the position.
As an acting supervisor and I'm sorry.
That's where I stand, right me, I don't care.
Right, yeah I I recognize.
I recognize the undercurrents and the toxicity of the relationships in this town, but I'm I'm just trying to
be practical that, you know, the longer we delay, this puts this town at risk of not being functional.
We've got a great candidate that we want to spoken, well, love.
Yeah, I I'm not sure how much more we want to discuss.
It before we call the vote.
And I want.
Is there any more discussion?
Uhm, I if I could.
I would just like to say one thing to try to reach assure Bob that.
I I've even told people after listening to the meetings man like if I was in war you you'd be the guide one
in the foxhole with me right next to me.
That's who I would want, but we're not at war here.
Uhm, you know and it and it almost feels like that verbally it it almost feels.
Like that and you guys are wasting a lot of talent. As far as I can see it. I'm looking at everybody right
now and it seems like this is a small town 3000 some odd people.
If if if Bob really feels like it's so egregious to appoint Stephanie, I heard somebody come on earlier a
couple of meetings ago, said Manis.
For a year we got.
Like ten 11-12 months and then people. The people in Enfield can make their choices and I don't know
why that isn't sufficient in this case.
Also, I saw Mike and I saw Virginia really enthusiastically vote for Stephanie and you said you were kind
of on the fence.
But maybe her behavior or something like that had turned you off.
Uh, like I said, my main problem Bob was and you say you were being sarcastic, but that when you, uh,
nominated Mike or you asked Mike, would he be interested?
Adjust every everything crumbled and I just didn't know what the whole discussion was about anymore
'cause it seemed like you were advocating what you were so strenuously against.
It it just appeared like that to me.
Your sarcasm was so subtle that I couldn't pick it up.
Right, if I could add something.
Uhm, Mr.
Lynch has brought a lot of knowledge and.
Uhm, devotion to the board, and I don't mean this.
I mean, I really mean it.
I mean, I have learned a lot from reading what he has put forth, and I admire that I would just like
people let go and move forward so we could have a functional ward and stop sticking in the past so we
can deal with.
As I remember when I first served on the board with executive sessions to discuss things.
Maybe they weren't about salary, but certainly it's something the board is appointed or is elected to do
because we have to have a budget that the town can people can support and that means that as a as
board members we have to get together and talk about it and not be mired in this.
The mark of the past and or what's going on right now.
So I want Bob to understand that I.
Read his emails.
I look at his websites.
There's a lot of things that I learned from them.
Uhm, and that's important to me.
'cause I try to keep learning.
UM, no matter how old I get.
However, I'm really stuck.
I guess I'm stuck at the point where I need to see this board move forward, become as full of board as it
can with people appointed.
To get to the lights in the end, at the end of 2021 without being held in limbo by this kind of as James
has said, Undercards that's I guess what I'll say, I'm really disappointed.
I'm hoping that we can get beyond our toxic relationships in this in this town and and we really have.
We really have to move on from that and I I know and I'll say this again, Bob, that you know we'll
probably agree on a lot of issues and I want to work with you on some of those issues, 'cause I think
you'll find out.
Yeah, I agree.
I agree with that also.
They're angry within some issues, and I want to move to them and and I know that 2020 has been the
year of a four to four to one votes and where a lot of motions that were made by you were not
seconded by anyone on the board.
Three of those votes are currently not on the board anymore and and we can move on.
I will second motions.
I want to have that discussion.
I'd like to say something at this point, and I think it's something that will be welcomed to some of you.
Earlier this year I had a real rough time.
I felt very unwelcome on a board even though I was duly elected as a Member.
And I felt I was not given proper respect.
As I said last meeting, I have a very thick skin and I don't let it bother me.
But it does bother me from the standpoint of the constituents I represent who deserve to have a voice
on the board and a lot of things that were said, and a lot of actions.
That were taken that I didn't approve of, and I don't think that my views were properly respect.
I also believe that turnabout is not fair play.
And just because I may have been slated in January in March in July, doesn't give me the license to do so
in December.
I've heard a lot of comments from my colleagues on the board.
I've heard comments, sincere comments from members of the public.
And I have taken them into due consideration.
In a perfect world, I would rather keep this position open, at least until mid January the Council person
position so that others who might be out there listening, watching tonight who said boy.
I'd like to have a seat on that town board that they might be able to then apply.
And be considered in January.
They may not come forward, they may come forward, but if they do come forward, they have a second
They can get petitions and go door to door in February and March and April.
I think if their independence, maybe they do it in May and get on the ballot and run in the November
And I don't want to prolong the agony.
I don't want to keep this board in a state of suspended animation for any long.
Longer I probably will abstain in the vote for supervisor because people have been emphatic in telling
me they want to keep the supervisors position open.
I'm sure we're not voting on that tonight.
We can't vote on that tonight.
If we tried to vote on that tonight, I would definitely abstain.
And because.
We don't have a a Council person sworn in.
I wouldn't be able to that that wouldn't pass.
But I have never heard anybody in the Community object to James Ricks as being on the board.
The only concern I've heard people say is that he's a little bit inexperienced and I think that's true, and I
guess we're all going to have to teach him a little bit about governmental operations.
And I hope that I can be as much of a teacher as anybody else.
On the board.
I won't belabor it.
Yes I can.
I will vote for James Ricks to be elevated to town board tonight.
Let's move on.
Thank you very much Bob.
Thank you Bob.
Thank you Ellen.
Please call the vote.
Like I might, I might sleep tonight.
Thank you very much Bob.
Councilperson range?
Come person Bryant.
Councilperson miles.
Thank you Bob.
You're welcome.
Thank you Bob.
Thank you James.
You are now our new board member.
You will be going to Ellen at the town hall and you will have to take your oath of office.
So please schedule the time with her.
That will be convenient for the both of you and congratulations.
I I'm available Friday.
What's that?
I'm available Friday and if I don't, if you don't mind, I'd like to be recognized for the board by the board
for a moment.
Is that OK with others?
It's OK with me.
Fine with me.
Oh, I'm not on the board yet.
I know you are.
I am.
You'll be on the board once you're sworn in, but you can certainly comment just like a board member
Uhm, I would like to say that I've heard comments tonight that this is about my salary and this is about
moving on from the past.
But my salary could be reduced to zero.
That is not my issue.
My issue is the abysmal way I am treated by the acting supervisor abysmal, elitist, entitled just horrible
way of treatment, gaslighting.
Ignoring my real concerns, ignoring worse work.
Place concerns and I would love to move on from the past, but my two son turned 7 years old and I was
up the entire night before that because I received an abusive foil request from our former supervisor
and I would like to say that ever.
Since the day that I declined to campaign against Councilperson Lynch on the campaign trail, and I
refused to campaign against a duly elected primary winner, which I also was, I believe in primaries, I
believe in elections I there has been a systematic.
Campaign to destroy me every single day that I have been in office.
And it has been very much like Cinderella and her step sisters, and that was Councilperson Mahaffey.
That was Councilperson Bryant and that was 100 and 1000% Councilperson Redmond.
Every moment she has ignored my concerns.
She hasn't seen her kids in six months.
I have four children, Stephanie and I haven't seen them in a year.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that I'm in the town hall all the time?
You're laughing at me because you've laughed at me every.
OK, can we move on please and can you go?
Single day I've been on this.
Ahead and call the.
She's not fit for leadership.
Vote OK, we're done.
She's not.
Fit for her.
This is not appropriate behavior if you cannot call the vote Virginia, will you go ahead and.
Please call the vote.
All right, and and I call them.
And what?
Again, read that.
Read the motion.
To me that I'm calling vote on.
Oh, what are we voting on?
We are voting on the appointment of James Ricks to Councilperson position, who would like to move
that motion or that appointment.
Then we just stop a little bit.
I thought we did voted that.
We voted that, but no, I think he voted the amendment.
Actually go through the.
Whole process.
We we did not actually go through the vote.
Which ordered the process.
OK, let's.
Yeah, I had asked Ellen to call the vote and that was not called.
OK, for a councilperson miles, I mean Councilperson Lynch.
Helpful person miles.
Councilperson Bryant I.
Hey, motion carries and James is officially on the board.
I just wanted to.
Make that perfectly clear.
As a matter.
Process what did we vote on the first time?
We did not actually call have Ellen call the vote with that has to actually be done and she was not able to
call the vote.
I thought it was called but I I won't argue.
We voted twice.
We voted the same way so who cares?
Yeah, I mean I, I agree with you Bob.
I'm sorry.
OK, I'm sorry, maybe maybe I missed that.
Between the tirade the next thing on the list is the e-mail website migration miles or sorry Mike Miles.
Do you want to talk about that?
Tommy miles
I I get my.
First and last name get mixed up pretty regularly, so.
Come back in March, the town council Enfield Town Council town board.
Passed a resolution to migrate the e-mail and website to new hosting services, namely.
And I interrupt a minute, not over our minutes.
Since that time or before have been duly appointed, approved by the town, they are only on you know.
Listening through the voice.
And I I really feel that before we appoint anybody or.
Employ anybody to oversee our our website and so on .
It has to be carefully brought before the town board.
We are responsible for that website and we're not.
Just going to offhandedly have one person appointed without further discussion by the full town board.
And that's where I'm coming from right now.
Isn't the town boards possibility to approve the minutes?
Pardon me.
Has the town board approved the minutes in past meetings?
I was too.
No, we have not approved the.
I listened to the Minutes and I I haven't found it and I don't know where those minutes stand legally.
But as far as I'm concerned, minutes have brought to a meeting and they're approved at a meeting and
we have.
We had a meeting where minutes are approved.
No, just to get you up to speed on this, Michael, the Minutes were not able to be approved.
So far they have just recently been finished to the point that they could be considered approved so we
everybody will have to look through all those minutes for the entire year and during the organizational
meeting we will choose whether or not to approve those minutes and and if there needs to be.
Any amendments to those minutes or changes in those minutes, so please Boardman.
That's that's my, that's my complete understanding.
Looks like.
Also they are.
Yeah, I mean I like.
At this point they are not approved.
Board minutes, minutes.
I I I don't want to belabor that, I think that needs to be brought up on how and what the correct
procedure is and who's responsible for what.
You know I did.
Actually I did go.
I read the minutes I I went back and listened to the audio and the town board to get back to the
e-mail stuff I thought.
Was an easy part.
That the town board had approved the migration to new hosting services, namely.
Yeah, digital to path for e-mail and to and GoDaddy for.
For for website.
You caught it, you caught it.
Thank you.
I mean, I read an e-mail from you.
I look I listened completely to the I think it was March 5th and March March 11th minutes, which I
thought were the ones you cited and I had.
Maybe I had gone deaf, but I didn't hear any approval for those two, but did I miss the wrong?
They got the wrong date.
Uhm, the.
They were approved.
They they were.
Approved I listened to the audio.
There was a vote called and it was approved.
Uh, you know and then.
Well, I I I still feel that the town board needs to look carefully at who we or whom or what entity we
make as.
In in charge of.
The town website.
Well, that that that's a. That's a secondary discussion as well or related question, but in terms of the
migration itself, it was the migration was approved by the town board at the March 5th, 2020 meeting.
Uh, my, that's in the minutes were the unofficial minutes.
Hand level.
Whatever we want to call it, it's also you can listen to the audio where that was approved and also
former supervisor Maggie did have.
You know some good explanation and it makes sense.
Uhm, and you know I.
I think we I think it makes sense to.
You know to follow that up I'm I'm just not prepared to do it right now because, you know, we're amidst
the holiday season.
We have, you know, tax season is coming up up and I I do not suggest that we do it at this time and that
we delay it till after.
After January, so I do suggest we go ahead and do that.
Just the timing.
I just have an issue with the timing that we we delay that to to after January.
Well, I'm in agreement that we agree we discussed this after January, and I understand that we need to
do the transfer or the transition over so we don't get into a mess.
But I think it really needs to be discussed because our position is town.
Elected town officials are appointed town board members.
We're responsible for the website and I'm just concerned that we may make the right.
Well, can we talk about that? We have to I I will. I will move that the town event field delay the
migration of the town website and e-mail to new hosting services until after January 2021. All hosting
account fees should continue to be paid until after the migration migrations have been completed.
I would amend that to be, uh, that we continue the current situation through the end of March through
March 31st.
Would that be?
Is friendly.
For what reason?
I think that because January is tax season, it's going to be very difficult for the town clerk to have time to
take care of the migration work, and I think it would be in a much saner period of time to do it like in
February and March so that we have a.
A little bit.
Of a lead time.
To really do it right the first time.
Well, I sure I.
Go ahead, mind you know more about this than I do, but I would certainly want to make it as as easy for
the town clerk and the deputy town clerk during tax season.
I mean it.
It's it's a difficult time, so whatever your thoughts are, I would be open to hearing them.
Yeah, my my intent was to get us beyond the taxis and beyond the organizing meetings and the audit
meetings and then then you know.
So the last thing I want is you know, I think I.
Think it should go smoothly.
There are some remaining questions about, you know what would happen, how to archive current e-
mail and our current Blue host settings, and I I will investigate that.
I I I I will amend the amendment to say after February 28th is that is that fair.
That would be fine fine.
That's fine.
That's fine.
Hey uhm is are you all set with that is there is that moved and seconded?
I think my second.
After men did that there to have a vote on the amendment 1st and then vote on the main motion.
My second Roberts amendment or or Mike's amendment? I'm sorry.
OK, been confusing Ellen.
Could you please call the vote?
Councilperson Bryant
Councilperson lynch
Councilperson miles.
Great motion carried.
Uhm, I think we still have the second part that Virginia brought up 'cause I wanted to get that migration
part out.
I got it.
And it was my understanding well to continue with the website host 'cause that that's up.
That was a question and I did research it and go ba ck to the this.
There's several moments in time where this.
You gotta wake up Daddy to go deal with.
The generator right now, sorry.
Oh yeah.
I'm all right.
She, like dogs barking at me.
Ah, breeding he.
Lives green, we all should envy her.
Yes, well, hopefully my win.
Special misery.
The to get back to the issue of who is responsible for both the e-mail and the web and and the hosting
administration I I will read verbatim, verbatim, and I think the audio will correspond to the audio the
#2020-35 management of town website emails and.
Posting whereas the town of Enfield this is at the March 11th meeting, whereas the town of Enfield
utilizes the town website for most communication and information presentation to the public.
And whereas the town of Enfield utilizes designated town e-mail addresses for communication with the
public and within the offices.
Of the town, and whereas the town of Enfield purchases and manages a hosting service for website and
e-mail management and and hosting and resolve, these tasks will be managed and delegated under the
office of Town clerk.
So that was March.
11th what also comes into play is the in at the August meeting there was a.
Uhm, website content policy and I I won't read that.
That's a fairly length one and I'm reading the draft one.
But I also listen to the audio with those amendments by Bob and subsequently approved by the board
and you can go back to the.
The August meeting.
To listen to the pertinent questions, but but the town board did pass a municipal website content policy.
Part of that policy.
Uh, you know, has two positions or two, you know position Webmaster and website administrator
where the web where the Enfield Town Board shall appoint a Webmaster who will oversee the
ownership and aspects of the website as determined by the town.
Board super administrative duties, including and arranging for repairs through the host service.
Payment for host services.
Technical aspects of the website, and the standard step by the town board are being here.
To also come within this policy, the the website administrator, the Enfield Town Board shall appoint a
website administrator who is responsible for the appearance, behavior and publishing content that
adheres to the standards set by the town board.
Information prepared for posting on the town website may be routed.
Through the website administrator.
The Enfield Town Board establishes policy governing the town of Enfield website.
The website administrator is responsible for carrying out the town web policies day-to-day and is subject
to the authority of the town board.
These policies may include defining the look and feel of the website or deciding what public entities may
post information on the site.
The name and e-mail addresses of the Webmaster and website administrator shall be visible on the
town website and the policy.
I won't go and read the whole policy, but there's a it's it's a good policy to to have and to outline.
You know, the the kind of rules around.
Funding you know website administration and information management so.
And you can listen to the audio where that that need was put forth the question and I I and it is a
question I don't think the town board has actually.
Uh, it's a resolution.
Has made those appointments.
Not not, not to my knowledge, and that's something that that's something that that, uh, a full or is
nearly full town.
Board needs to discuss.
I mean, who does that?
And then you know that that is very important.
And I'm not.
I'm not negating anybody present at this meeting.
I'm just saying that that's not something you take lightly.
No, it isn't, and so my my point of view of issue here or or processing procedure is that.
Uhm, yes, the policy was implemented, but those possessions were never appointed to my aware.
You know that I'm aware of.
So that falls back to the resolution number 202035 in March 11th, where those duties were explicitly,
and that includes all that includes e-mail, website and hosting were explicitly given to the town clerk's
So that's something that this town board, once we, once we get ourselves together, and as a board with
a supervisor, we can deal with right away appropriately.
Yeah, we can have that discussion.
I don't think we need to change that tonight.
No, I would totally reject the idea of the idea of even discussing it tonight or changing it or doing
I think we need to move forward on the whole getting the town board.
Not just up to speed, but in a position to deal with these matters.
I think I.
If I may interject, I I remember the vote we took in March.
I didn't couldn't find the resolution regarding changing the host server and that sort of thing.
I don't know.
No, I couldn't.
Maybe it's stated verbally at the meeting.
I couldn't either.
I didn't find it in my printed monthly resolutions, but in any event.
Uh, I do believe though I do have the the monthly resolutions.
I think it's from March that designated.
That the the the management of the town website will be under the Office of the town clerk and I don't
think the policy that we adopted, perhaps in August or September changed that, and we could always
appoint a new website administrator.
But I would presume.
We need we need to we.
Until we did until we.
Need to examine, that's all.
Do that.
The old resolution of March would be controlling.
I said we need to re examine that not because the town clerk wouldn't be the appropriate one.
We just need to discuss it as a town board that is not dealing with this.
People have mentioned things that are running under the surface.
We need to look at it free and clear as what is appropriate.
You know, perhaps I'm I'm a great believer or not.
Reinventing the wheel.
What other towns do in terms of avoiding a Webmaster?
I mean, it needs to be looking at and it doesn't take you know forever to do that.
Once you have a town board in place.
When would be a good time to do that?
I presume not tonight.
No, I don't think so.
I mean, I don't mean to laugh, but I don't think tonight is the appropriate time, but.
Since we can never meet with more than two board members, which is to me a nightmare, having dealt
in other areas in my professional life, however.
You know we we created a IT committee and this coul d be a task.
the IT committee deliberates on and provides recommendations back to the town board.
We haven't convenient an IT committee yet.
I was thinking that maybe we should do that.
In January at some point.
That would be wonderful, Mike.
Why don't we do that?
Do we need a motion on that?
That would be.
Well, it's not clear there hasn't been a schedule of when that IT committee should meet and and even
the make up is is not quite settled yet.
I think that it was.
The acting supervisor Redmond as well as town clerk Ellen Woods would would to spade on that and
that was mentioned.
I think when we created the committee myself.
Well, that would certainly.
It would certainly make sense.
Yeah, I suggested you know other members of the community, so I think.
That's that, is fair to convene and to discuss that and make recommendations back to the board.
I I don't know what resolution I would put forward on that.
Can I ask a procedural question from the IT groups?
I received an e-mail from web from WordPress at approximately midnight on Sunday night telling me
that I no longer basically had access to.
Of being a Webmaster when.
And Beth was supervisor, and every previous supervisor was considered the Webmaster.
And when she left, she passed or tried to at least past the Webmaster onto me.
So I was surprised to receive that e-mail at midnight, and it appears that the town clerk is now the
So I'm wondering how that process occurred without going through my.
Personal, e-mail or town board, e-mail account or the supervisors e-mail account.
So just as a procedural question, I'd like to I'd like to.
And whether or not.
E-mail was accessed to make this happen, and I'm wondering about the legality of that or there's
another way that that happened so it's just a putting out there.
I'm not saying that that's the way it happened, I'm just saying that it looks really suspicious having that
happened at midnight on a Sunday night, and knowing that that was originally under my purview and it
has been long under those supervisors.
Purview, so if somebody could answer that question for.
Me, that'd be great.
Ellen has complete access to the e-mail website and hosting per the resolution and.
And those duties fall to her, so I'm not sure if you want to ask I I also.
Sit down.
I'll also add that that you know when I was investigating this.
I actually reviewed the hosting account with Ellen and how to be, you know, selection suggestion C,
make some corrections, for example the DNS.
Entry is getting technical and in DNS this is domain name service entries.
There's there are typically three contact information, one of them, or at least a couple.
Of them were were.
Or the contacts to our former supervisor Beth McGee.
So I suggested that essentially.
Beth McGee is no longer associated with the town that that's not appropriate to that, however, as the
contact for the domain name.
So that I understand, but I want to make it clear that that resolution makes the town clerk, the manager
and the manager is different from the Webmaster.
Why would?
Per the policy, the town board has purview as the Webmaster, and those are separated for very specific
reasons, and so it sounds clear to me.
That the only way that that was accessed was through my e-mail.
Mail on the town board or through the supervisor e-mail, which is actually my e-mail currently as well.
But but keep in.
Mind that you know the policy being adopted, those possessions were never created or pointed, no.
No one, no one, no one actually fills those positions, so it falls back to the UM, it falls back to the 20.
That's it.
It falls back to the Marshall Evans resolution that that Ellen is is responsible for those.
For those things.
He's he's.
And there's no, there's nothing.
The manager that's OK.
That's fine, I'm just wondering and we can talk about that in a future meeting.
I'm not, you know, saying who's going to be the Webmaster, but I just want to make it.
I want it on record that my personal town board e-mail or the supervisor e-mail was the only way to
access this.
Is that true?
No, no, it's typically.
I don't I.
I don't know that.
When you when?
You change like the DNS entries and you and you change the.
You know who is responsible for their their on the hosting account.
You can change, you know the e-mail address and who is responding, managed who is.
You know who is the contact information and other information it doesn't need access to your e-mail.
So how did you access that?
Well, I can't I can't.
I'm sorry I can't imagine the town, the acting town supervisor you do.
She doesn't have a vote not to have access to that, but beyond me maybe I'm simple minded.
I don't know that I don't, I'm just curious if that was how that was accomplished to even access changing
Well, it.
It's it's.
Without going through the person which should have been me, that was the Webmaster.
Right, But I'm just.
I mean, it seems like it wouldn't.
You would have had to like get my information or go through my account.
You don't.
You need help.
I don't know that I'm just, I'm just saying I I want it to be clarified how that was done.
You can go into the back end and change the roles that people have without access.
It doesn't access your your e-mail, you're just changing the roles of adding or removing people it doesn't
need access to your e-mail.
So how do you go into the?
Back end of it.
There OK first of all the in terms of we'll go down this path in in terms of yeah.
I'm just curious how how this happened, 'cause it seemed really unaffected to me to have it all of a
sudden done without my knowledge and then get that e-mail.
So that that that would that would certainly that would certainly make me nervous.
It looks very suspicious.
How that happened on midnight on Sunday night?
In in terms of website administration, like if you're going to go change something on the website our
website is is a WordPress website and and so there are.
There are user accounts for WordPress so that and you can change the authority level of who is like an
administrator or an editor and all sorts of things in WordPress.
That's just WordPress to be able to manage the website only, so you can manage users there, but but
But the the the thing that's important here is also the back end hosting service, which is Bluehost.
So Bluehost has a back end administration tool where you can man.
Edge and this is how Ellen added me as a as a.
You know, when I when I joined the board she went into the back end hosting account and add since
that was her responsibility.
If I could interrupt in a minute, I think the I mean I'm feeling the Webmaster needs to be a board
We are responsible for the web.
We we can discuss that, but until we until the.
No, I don't, I don't.
I think we can discuss it, but that's my feeling.
Yeah yeah, I you know that's that's certainly the IT is the board's purview.
Two to make that designation.
It just hasn't done that yet and we we can discuss that.
But I understand.
We need we need.
To get back to having a board that could function before we can consider these questions and make the
appropriate action.
Yeah, yeah that that that is fine.
Alright, I I'd like to hear more though Michael.
I'm explaining that.
Yeah, I'm displaying that that when you go into the back end of the Bluehost account, you can manage
the DNS entries and I should say DNS meaning the domain.
Service when you say.
For example, we have an account with Bluehost that allows us to manage the domain town event
fuel.org so you can manage the the technical details, including contact information and other details
about those DNS entries. Part of managing the DNS entries meaning.
That you can also manage you know what are called records.
For example, there are mail records that.
Yeah, like if we were to convert our mail service to digital towpath we could change the mail service to
point to digital towpath instead of, you know Bluehost.
So we you can do those things.
For example there are there are endpoints where you can you know, manage.
The these kinds of records, like there's a name record I won't get into details, but.
So that's that's one aspect of managing the domain itself and details around that.
Part of the Bluehost service is also e-mail administration, so there's an e-mail tool within Bluehost that
you can manage.
Adding and removing people or disabling e-mail accounts.
Oh, so that's how my you know.
My e-mail address was added recently when I joined the board, so.
The other part is that it has a, you know a website service.
So part of Bluehost is also provide as a host to the website.
The WordPress site itself but.
It's one of the reasons Michael that I felt you would be a terrific addition to the boards.
You understand these things, but I know from my past experience working for a fairly large nonprofit
that web hosting is not something you do.
Randomly assigned, you talk about it the way the board talks about it, so I don't think it's something
whatever those resolutions that were passed that I couldn't find, and I did search, but I rather I don't
have a adequate search situation right now, so I'm thinking it's something we move on from right now
And move on towards getting the board to as full strength as we can and then dealing with these
questions as as you know, expeditiously as we can.
I, I think that you know and and and Ellen.
Uhm, you know work I.
I think it's.
I would has it I I I caution to call her out on her doing her duties as stated.
Well, I'm not.
I'm not calling her out.
No, I have no problem with re working on the website.
I'm only saying it's being.
What I do have a problem with is is one person sort of unilaterally deciding without other board input,
to designate the clerk as the.
Uh Webmaster, without confirming with other board members and removing it from the service risers.
Purview, I'm worried.
Would the board decide?
About that aspect of it.
I understand I'm worried I'm worried about that when I first heard about that, it's very worried because
we are responsible for that.
That is part of our purview.
And and it's your purview to change that, and I understand and that's your position now, but it was the
position of the board in March 11th to give those duties duties solely to the office of Town.
Did we ever give the responsibility for Webmaster though, just web administrator?
Now the management daily management is different.
I think we ever assigned Webmaster and talked about in a policy in August or whatever, but I don't think
we ever did and it says the town board shall appoint the Webmaster.
Never been in history.
Well, if the town board never did it.
Then the authority is with the town board so the town board.
Right now is the Webmaster.
That's correct.
Well, we could bake.
But they haven't said.
You could move to have Michael be the Webmaster, but I think that would be appropriate.
He has the most experience.
I I'm not.
Yep, I'm I can't move that because I'm I'm out of this.
But I would suggest that if someone wanted to do that, that would be the appropriate way to work
through this.
I think needs more discussion.
Oh my thought.
I've gotten myself in trouble once with this.
I'm going to do it again.
Or would you like to be the Webmaster?
Uh, I think we can discuss that, you know, I think this needs more discussion and we can talk about it in
an IT meeting.
Uhm, so well I would.
That's that's what the.
I would recommend that we.
Preview of the IT committee.
That's the purview of the town board, just to make that clear, the committee cannot decide that it has
to be in the.
Right, I would I would.
Town board I would recommend.
I'm sorry I would recommend that.
We appoint Michael as the Webmaster.
Not pending anything, but then he has a discussion with mighty committee.
He comes faster than sound board and makes other re commendations which we then move on.
But we need someone who's Webmaster.
Who is on the charm board?
I'm not parented, except that tonight.
I think we should.
I think with you.
There's nobody better to do that, and it really does have to be someone on the town board.
I I yes, I understand, and I think it needs more discussion because.
I think you need a resolution here and I would move that we refer this matter to the IT committee to
come back with recommendations.
Regarding Webmaster and Web server hosting services web administration services that we that the IT
committee consider it and come back to the town boa rd with its recommendation.
That's an excellent recommendation or resolution.
Excuse me Bob, I second it.
Any more discussion?
OK, Alan, please call the vote.
Councilperson Bryant
Councilperson lynch
I councilperson miles.
I would like to ask when the board will say thank you for me posting all of my legally required notices
and keeping up with town e-mail.
That sounds great.
Just today I was troubleshooting.
OK, this is what we do for our job and what we get paid to do.
So moving right along.
Is there anything more we have to move to the resolution that was on next on the agenda?
I I will say Ellen.
Thank you yeah.
Thank you, Ellen.
Thank you.
Next is the resolution that Bob wanted to.
Put forth, I believe.
Right, right now I read it.
Yes, you may.
It's titled a resolution to provide additional emergency resources.
To the office.
Of town clerk and the amounts of money have yet to be determined.
But I'll read the text to this resolution and then we can discuss the financial amounts if there is a second
then then we can move and discuss it and amend it.
Whatever, here is what I.
I've written.
Whereas on December 13th, 2020, and Enfield residents submitted this town board.
What was called.
Quote an official foil request per town of Enfield local law #2 of 2016. Procedures for public access to
records of the town of Enfield, under the Freedom of Information Law.
That's End Quote, hereinafter known as the Foil request, and whereas said 4 hour request seeks
voluminous information from the town clerk, including reports, documents, e-mail exchanges, and other
written assets and information.
Materials which the town clerk has informed this board will consume many hours of her officers time to
prepare under the tight constraints established by Article six of the New York Public Officers Law, and.
Whereas these materials must be reproduced under legally set deadlines.
At a time of year, when the town clerk must both send 2021 tax notices to town residents and
subsequently receive tax payments from said residents.
And residents, I should say. And whereas the town clerk has informed this board that fulfilling both this
foil requirement and her tax collectors obligations will require time and resources greater than the
town's 2021 budget provides. And whereas the town clerk recommends a temporary expansion.
Of the deputy town clerk's working hours during the four weeks of January 2021, an expansion she
deems necessary solely and exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling this one. Town residents foil request
now therefore, be it.
Result that the Enfield Town board hereby authorizes the town clerk to expand the deputy clerk's
working hours by blank hours per week during the month of January 21, 2021, at a cost estimated by the
town clerk at Blank.
And be it further resolved, that the town board hereby expresses its intent to at its organizational
meeting on January 13th, 2021. Authorize a budget transfer from line.
A 1990.4 contingent account to line a 1410.12 personnel services.
Deputy clerk in the amount of that would be the additional cost stated in the prior paragraph, and I so
A second oh second sorry, sorry Mike.
Is there any discussion?
Our town clerk has come up with several scenarios based on the additional hours that might be required
for the deputy clerk to fulfill that responsibility, and I would like her to have her mic open so she can
discuss which option she had would favor.
One was worthy.
8 hour per week expansion one was for a 10 hour per week expansion of the deputy clerk's
responsibilities and the third was for a.
12 hour per week.
Expansion and that computes the various amounts of of money.
Have you determined Ellen, which you think would be necessary?
Uh, is that OK with other people?
I I just unmuted her, but that that's OK.
OK, go ahead.
On the summer, deputy town clerk is paid a living wage.
I'm very proud.
Of that and it is 1537 an hour. That is Tompkins County living wage standard, and so she would either be
I proposed 3 scenarios, 8 hours, 10 hours and 12 hours after speaking with the deputy clerk.
I believe 10 hours is the most appropriate number and I had provided Robert.
With the math on that, so could you read the math on?
That Robert yes. 10 hours at 1537 * 4 weeks in January comes out to four weeks. In terms of working
weeks. So it it's a convenient multi.
Location 10 hours at 1537 per four weeks is $614.80, requiring for 40 extra hours in total.
OK, so it would be so that so the dollar figure here for the transfer would be $614.00.
And $0.80.
I have a question you know, and this is one of procedure.
I guess I'll be asking this a lot, you know.
You know, I fully support the addition of their services to relieve and to assist.
Ellen, our town clerk, and.
And that's I just have one of more of a technical question because.
There are some town laws regarding adding.
Salary increasing salary to town officials beyond a preliminary budget.
So once you've.
The deputy town clerk is not covered under those laws.
Set the.
That's what that's that's what I'm asking.
Come down with the town clerk of the but that includes the town clerk, right?
But not the deputy.
This is a deputy line woman.
Appointed employee.
Of the office of town clerk and ultimately of the town of Enfield.
Yeah yeah yeah I I support the the moving and additional hours.
This would only be for the month of January and it would take care of the additional responsibilities of
fulfilling that foil request, and it, I believe it is possible to.
Increase, decrease whatever.
A deputy county clerks pay, but you cannot do it with the town clerk spray.
That's why we didn't mess with the town.
Clerk's compensation.
And to correct correct that assertion you can increase the pay for the town clerk on many other lines,
including dog control officer including tax officer.
You just cannot.
You cannot increase the straight salary.
They're actually.
We keep many other lines.
Yeah, and and and to to piggyback on that, there actually is a process for increasing the the town clerk
and other official salaries, but there is a there is a legal process you have to follow.
You have to create a law to do that.
It's good for one year and you can you know, correct?
Me if I'm wrong and.
But yeah, you can do it through local law.
Yeah, and it's subject to it is subject to permissive.
But we're talking about a small amount of money, and it's a practical plan.
Yeah can we.
Can't we move?
Can we move forward with this?
Right are we calling the question Yep.
So that's been moved.
That's been seconded.
It's been discussed.
So the you know, I, I just want to say that the town clerk is considered the foil officer, and this has been
done before.
They spent, you know, I think of $20,000 to foil to do the foil for the wind farm, so.
I remember that.
So yeah.
I don't wanna remember.
And then go ahead and please call the vote.
Councilperson buy it.
Councilperson lynch
Councilperson miles.
OK, that has carried, that's it for our meeting tonight and I I would like to ask anyone if there are any
Betty Poole has trinate her hand race.
I'm going to go ahead.
And unmute you.
Betty and ask to start your video.
There you go.
OK can you?
Yeah, OK.
Sorry about the look, but.
You're lovely.
A couple of things on your previous.
The the foil request the town clerk does not have to create.
A document that is not already.
In other words, if the foil request says.
You know I wanna know.
So, uhm.
You know how many people have paid their taxes?
She does not have to create the document, it's only the documents that are.
Available to the town clerk.
I I will, you know, respond to that and that there.
There you go.
Are you know several questions with regard to the foil request and that the town board, along with the
town clerk, have, you know, are are in consultation with counsel on that.
And how to propose that?
I I was, I was a town called depth.
I was an acting town clerk so.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you.
We don't and for.
Yeah, there were also future dates.
I have
In in there that were problematic too that.
It can't boil the future.
Right, and for first of all, I'd like to welcome Councilman Mayer Miles and Councilman Ricks.
Uh, through the board.
It would be nice when we have new board members that they meet with other elected officials just so
we know who's on the board.
And what questions they may have or may not have.
And uhm.
You know, I, I just think it would be nice I I had.
I've never met Councilman Miles, I've never met Councilman Ricks.
And you know, if you're up for a position, it would be nice to meet with the other elected officials.
And discuss
You know, because they can get some information.
About what their duties are and what they do and what they don't do.
So I'm.
OK, and I've opened this up to the town board before.
If you ever wanna know what is involved with the town court.
Uhm, Councilman Miles and Councilman Ricks. I don't know if you know, but uh, myself. I've been the
town justice for 27 years.
Thank you.
The court clerk has been the court clerk for 16 years.
I retired from the town of Ithaca as a court clerk.
After 26 years.
I was also interim town clerk for the town of Enfield for a year.
Uhm, and so I would welcome you to give me a call.
Send me an e-mail and I would love to meet with you.
I have never met with you, I don't know you.
And you know.
If you have questions or or whatever.
I'd be happy to answer.
And as I.
I brought Betty.
I welcome that you have a wealth of experience which you shared with me over a period of time, and
it's unfortunate during this.
Forward period that you know I haven't. And also my husband's illness. But you have a wealth of
Professional experience fair.
And I'm sure.
And I'm happy to meet with you, so I'll I'll reach out to you.
I know, I've I've, I've reached out to buddy and Ellen and so I'm happy to meet with anybody.
Talk with anybody, so I'll I'll be happy to do that over zoom.
Maybe I'll resume rather.
Than in front of the bench.
No, no we'll.
We'll be we can.
We can meet.
You know, in the courtroom because there's more tha n six feet.
That's fine.
And then there is in my office.
So you know my clerk and myself can't be in the same room.
So, but you know, I would be happy to.
You know, speak with you and let you know.
Uhm, we are kind of in an awkward situation because we're under state regulations.
Uh, as far as office of court administration and executive orders by the governor.
So uhm again, I welcome both the new members and even the current.
Members of the board to come speak with me.
I'll show you what we do if.
I can.
And my second issue is that, uhm?
I would when it came to the salaries this year, uhm?
Per executive order and an administrative order by the Chief judge of New York State, UM, we had to
close court.
Uh, from March.
The 16th, I believe, uh through August.
Through no fault of ours.
We couldn't even go in and.
Open mail we couldn't go in our office.
We could not do anything.
Per the executive order, if I had violated that, I would have gone before the board of Judicial conduct.
I was not about to do that.
That's painful.
Yes, and it's very painful.
Uhm, and when the salary issue came up?
Uh, when we were doing the budget?
Of course I didn't put in a budget.
I noticed we didn't get any raise because we didn't work that period of time due to COVID.
That is not our fault.
When we were finally able.
To open up, we had double work because we had to se nd out letters from March.
To August.
Rescheduling every single case that we had.
Come in.
So we.
I can only imagine.
We can we were working double time.
I I was I I considered it an insult.
That that was mentioned because we did not work.
We have classes that we have to take.
We have a.
Podcasts that we have to watch.
We we have 18 hours of classes that we have to.
And we had to do him here at home.
With our own paper our own.
Inc everything that was costly to us.
And we did not get a penny raise.
And I just wanted to let the board know.
I considered it an insult.
After 27 years of working for more than 27 years working for Enfield.
Because I was a court clerk for two years for.
Uh, Judge Townley and then I was also the.
Interim town clerk for the Town of Enfield.
In my home.
I had everything in my home.
So I I just wanted.
To put that out there.
The dedication that I have put in I've been a civil servant.
For this county all of my life.
As has my daughter.
The court clerk
Thank you, Betty.
I appreciate your input into this.
I'll be with you.
So I do oh sorry.
And I I I consider it an insult and a slap in the face.
Well, Betty.
You know, I I can't tell you how much I've appreciated your service.
I've been a resident of the town for over 50 years and I certainly have appreciated your dedicated
service and every.
Role you have played and it also abomination to me that the state chose to penalize town justices the
way you describe.
'cause I know that that your workload and you know it.
We used to have two town justices with your workload immediately increased when we no longer have
a second one.
Exactly, and I'm the one that suggested that.
I didn't ask for the double salary.
I got it.
No, I know you didn't.
Yes, and.
I understand.
And the only control that the town board has over the courts.
Are salaries?
Thank you Betty.
And it hurt it hurt us.
Yeah, we'll have to address that definitely in the coming budget season for sure.
Yes we do.
Michael, is there something that you wanted to say too?
I'd like to say to to Betty, I will be reaching out to you and we can have a discussion.
The social.
I'd be happy to meet with you.
So and you know, you know, I think we have a lot of business like this that we need to.
To address and and the self in the north.
Which we need to do with a functional town board, so I'm glad to see we're moving forward with Mr
Ricks we she got another part.
Yes, but not invite them.
I invite.
All of you.
Thank you.
So are there any other announcements?
I had a couple I had a couple of brief ones.
Do have one?
OK, go ahead.
One is a housekeeping matter that L and I will send you a copy of that resolution that we just passed.
Yes, so you have it for your records with the dollar figures put in, I can do that after the meeting so that
we have that and I'll I'll copy the board on that so that everybody knows what the text of what we
I would look forward to the swearing in for James Ricks and I will try to coordinate with Ellen.
Or what time he's going to be taking the oath?
I'd like to be there, I'd.
Like to complete it.
I'd like I'd like to be there too, even.
If I stand outside.
I don't think it's called a town board meeting, but we can.
But we we can't do that.
All be here.
We can't, we can only have one board meeting board member there besides James, because otherwise
it would consider.
I'll stand outside with my mask.
OK, I'm not going to 'cause I've been exposed to a lot of COVID lately, so I'm staying away.
Hey babe.
From people as much as possible.
Then I'd like to close with one thing that last meeting I really gave a quote from the late Justice William
Douglas, and he said human experience teaches.
Plus the polite and academic conversation is no substitute for the earnest and robust argument
necessary to reach unanimity, and we proved that here tonight.
Thank you, the members of the Community and thank my town board colleagues for convincing me to
move ahead and add James Ricks to our.
Town board mental leave it.
I I would like.
Thank you.
I would like to add a great welcome to to James Wicks to the town board.
I don't know if he's on his call on this.
He's not anymore, that's OK.
But but, uh, a great welcome and I'd like to also thank Councilperson Lynch for for for compromising and
and and and and working together, so hopefully this is the beginning of a new 2021 that will be different
from 2020. We hope and we can be.
Look forward to it.
Thank you.
I'm I'm an echo of that and thank you Bob.
'cause I really appreciate.
The fact that we're actually doing what we're supposed to do, we're listening and deliberating and
coming together after talking.
And I really appreciate that so.
Thank you so much, Bob, thank you.
I I would like to say I think that it's important to honor everybody unique contribution that they bring to
the table and they all are able to bring different perspectives and skills.
I feel every person has something to offer and working collectively through active listening and sharing
creates a better end product.
And so I pledge to work diligently with the town and the town board to foster an atmosphere, teamwork
and focus on the fact that we have bigger fish to fry.
And I would like to encourage this board to work together in the best interest of the town and one
closing announcement.
I would like to say is that I received a call from the New York State DOTD.
Say maybe you should have put this in correspondence.
But it appears that my conversation with them.
Actually helped move.
The Traffic Safety issues along Route 79 forward, and they concurred that the my assessment of of the
safety issues, our assessment of the safety issues there for pedestrians are a big concern and along that
they are moving this to the planning and design.
Department and they are looking into sidewalks for that area, but it will take at least a year, maybe two,
before they begin to actually work on those because they have to wait until they redo the paving in that
And when they go through with their state construction deoti group.
They will be looking into putting sidewalks all along that area from the the mobile Home Park there up
through to the Dollar General and maybe beyond.
Like I said, it has to go through planning and design, so hopefully we will see some movement in that
But I was really excited to get a call from them earlier today.
To discuss that.
That's right, that's.
That's really exciting, but Stephanie, it's it is.
You know?
Says the president.
State government, yeah.
See you move slowly, but at least you heard back and it looks like there may be moving forward.
That's wonderful.
Yeah that yeah they were really wonderful.
The port.
Yeah, that's that's really great. You know I was a dedicated #20 tecap bus rider and and that's the the
the trailer park you know is a regular stop and there's regular people that go back and forth to you know
the the the dandy.
The gas station and and other shopping down there and and there's no sidewalk.
And and.
There's a little bit of.
Of there's a little bit of edge, but not not a lot, and it doesn't.
I, I pray that nobody is out there tonight or God.
Yeah, and we've actually lost people, you know.
Oh yes, we have.
Which is unfortunate.
They're very.
I mean I have seen.
People come down 79. I mean I saw with an old lady but but, you know, just going way way beyond the
speed limit.
It's just beyond belief, and then I've seen people walking from the trailer park walking towards a bus
stop. Whatever you know, walking on the side of the road and it's just frightening, so I'm glad to see that
the state dot is taking notice of it and doing more than just safety notice of it that they're putting it into
their future.
Planning, and hopefully it won't drag out too far.
Hey are there any other announcements?
Haven't looked out the window to see.
Can I have a moment?
How much snow was so?
Yeah, isn't this?
Great that we could be home for it.
I can.
Has anybody looked?
Drive so you be careful, OK?
Yeah, it's really if everybody is driving it's it's really deadly out there.
Yes, I make a motion to adjourn.
I second.
Thank you alright.
Have a good night everyone.
Thank you, thank you.
Merry Christmas happy New Year.
Yeah you too.
Happy New Year happy holidays.